The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 01, 1878, Image 1

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The **!ffc*l fey Jno. W. Radley. VOLUME IV. Official Organ of Polk and Haralson Counties. Subscription $2 Per Annum. CEDARTOWN, GA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1878. NUMBER :k P It 0 P /•' S ft! ON At. M. TIDWELL. A T T U Rtf 15 t A T La w j CEDARTOWN, OA, UfBctf In tlio Court llotixo, with Judge Browor.) f IV Will practice In tho Superior Courts of I’olk, Paulding, Haralson npd Dotlglur*, mid In any other bounty In tliu Mtatu, jhy yptcUl drill t hi of; al#olU' the Federal Court u* Atlilniu dmlin tlio Snpicmb Ooltrt of Ua, * Juno St) Sin j^ltrdock mcbride. A T T 0 It N E Y A l 1 LAW, mrcHAtfAtf, «A. gT.ANCE & KINO A T TOKNKYS A T L A W, ORH ARTOWN, OA. *«r\Vlll 11 me it co In ull the Courts of tho Bonn* Circuit, In l.ho Supreme Court of the State, and In the U. H. District Court for the Northern District Of OeeruU. Nov, 11,1871. tT~\V. MILNER. .1. W. UAHItlS, Ji# J^JILNER 4c HARRIS. A T T 0 U N E Y S A T LAW, CaRTKILSVILLU, HA. Oppici: oil Main Street, next door to Oil* enth & Hun. Mr. Mlltiof will attend the Superior Court, of Polk county regularly. Murch S. 1877 If ^ILLIAM^." SPARKS, t ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, CKDA ItTOWN, GA. \itr Will pinntlcu In all the court# or the Homo Circuit and a l.laltilng counties. novll, 1871 W. 'iff. S THAME, IS'. 1 J . & 15.1. Oil'. J. P. noote-mnrt, Qtu. Collections solicited, und money p.iid .ovrr punctually. POLK UWlINTY. Notice 5o Debtors and Creditors. A LL purdotiH liuliihlod to tlio «#fnloof A. N. ./.X pucl.ul, l.Ho o| Polk comity tleccuml, will plea«ecoiuo forward mu' makclmni dinte payment; utut ull pt'i#oiia holding claim* uguiu^t raid erlatu will pn .-cut them pioperly aUentd to tlio imUur- Hiotiutl \\. C. UN It. If r. ** -tr.Uorol A. N. Bucket, UoCnuftul. G- KOitm \-POl.l yj’Y.—A. 11. IJrookH ailmliiirtralion on the Vi’ W. T. Hand. Inly of mid county dc i, i t tore, all pcrroli# coiicerticd will be und int'ouriol Ordinary to he held tn mid „ i..v(lr#t Monday in August next,to #ln>w ,!iy ihlty have, iviiy faild let let# should not •it. cilvcufiimlcr lay hand, thl# June Min JUKI. liUKWKR, Ordinary. GHSS tllA-PUl.K COUNTY.—S. K. I ppl'ed lor icttora oludiiiiiiUlration o u lil in raid county i ^r-*\ KUiitil.V, COUNTY Vi* er udiuinUtmtor i leave to ha# npplied will upjic Mary Hurl belonging Therefore, ull perrons concuriictl THE EXPRESS. Codartown August l8t. LOC A 1, N K W S. Charlie Hooper is in town. Wilier Melons* are not sti plentiful h^ii lew weeks ngo. Notice our communication irohi F. T. J. It litts some good idetts. An Irishman on reading Webster’s epitaph, “1 still live,” re marked, “Etiith, if I was ileml, 1 wonUl’iit tell u lie about it. Mr. S. 1\ Shcpaed has re* (iigiiHtl bis agency for the Singer Sow ing Machine Company. According to (Japt. Dodds, a certain editor in the Seventh Con gressional, district, has sold himself so that there is not room left for another Revenue stamp. We hope that our subscirbers will excuse a half sheet issue when ihey learn that in printing some job work this week wo broke our press, and were necessarily, delayed in having it repaired. ‘‘Accidents wtil happen.” Public squares are a great blessing to tho community. We can say tho same of Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup, it is the best remedy for the cure of all diseasos Babyhood has to encounter. Price only 25 cents. The Concert to be given by the Amateurs for the bciicllt of the Baptist Church, has been postponed to-night till Th trsday night next; The proceeds will he directed »m a good cause, and we hope they will have a large audience. It is only in the most fertile sec tions that Fever and Ague become a scourge, tlappily for the race, Du. llAUTlill’s Emm AND Aoi’.K SIMiClF* ic is an infallible remedy for all forms and degrees of malarial disor der. For sale by all Druggist. augl-2t f{ II ull till' IhiiiI bvluii^mi; i concern ‘ bu liyld ay iu Am uny they have • liu nmnt« 1878. JUKI. nilKWKK, Ordinary ualtl IhiiiI timid, till July Hli Polk County sheriffs Mortgaye tale W IU. bo Sold before ihe court hbtt#e door in tliiitown.iirCcdnrtowu, Polk counly, Ou., be tween tiic I,-al lixur? ui mi.ii, mi llif Ill'll \ iiemluy in August licxl.llip followin' Hi Imii-IiuIh of curu In tlm luiblifl# of cotton r.i! ?fl, lilt «rty of T. It. Akin, by virtu court uiurtwue « fa i» »vti Of lean, . . oho Polk Superior j or Irm*, BO tlio prop m K ‘ Bills K. W. CI.BMF.NTS, POLK SHERIFF’S SALES |1 bo cold boforo tlio court houao * IHKU. Makcus, tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Dodds, on Tuesday looming the B.ltli inst. Tho strick en family are tendered our sympathies. “It iiiihMii 1 Mioot In dllldliood, To {jive bark the aplrll to ll# miikrri Kre tlm soul bn# urawii famllb'r It# bi That ltnin. The countenances of our farmers arc now beaming with hope and joy. Never have we witnessed a rain that (ell at a time more seasonable, nor in a manner that would he of more heii ( - ellt to growing crops. Had it been postponed a week there arc portions of the county whose condition would have been distressing. Toot) WHISKY. Pure and unadulterated. Brig- hum Youg is fast winning thu repu tation of keeping always on ham! the finest Wines and Whisky the market affords. Those whose motto is “Drink and he merry,” would do well to call. Brigham Young’s is the place. aug l-8t Bnrheeiie—Every Roily Coming. The interest manifested by all our citizens in the Barbecue next Friday, August 2nd, is considerable, and some of our people are displaying generosity that would do honor to any cause. One man olleied a Hock of sheep; another sends in a beef and several hundred pounds of pork, and “as much Hour as is nec essary.” These, and such ns these, gives earnest that the alFair will he a grand success, not only so far as the table is concerned, buttheaize of the crowd also, which will, iu our opin ion number its thousands. The culinaay department is under ihe charge of A. Huntington, who is a skillful cook, and a line manager at anything, to which he turns his at- ROCKMART LOCALS liOCKMAUT, («A., duly SW) lH78i And still it is hot and dry. The crops;ire burning up in many places; we learn that there is s'reaks below this, on Hills creek, that corn is totaBy ruined by the dryj weather, and Hill creek in many, places has stopped running. Oh the dust and heat. | lion. W. II. Felton is to si'pik jo. the citikHiis of Rocknlnrt Ho-night. Wonder why lie. will not dj,scii3s th issues with Gol. Lester. It seems that the great Bohemian ofight to he able to stand Ins hand with the little confederate rebel. We hope lie will let US' know to night. wlnit lie did in that* big lids- pital, our people aie anxious to know. The Baptis protracted - :^ broke up last m^iiday nigliU-no ac cessions that we have learned o'. The Methodist united with them on Suturdu. and Sunday, hut with all their united strength tlie sinners were invincible. Tin- yottng people seem to take more interest in love than religion. There S'ems to h • great dissatis faction in the jury list. A good many whose names are left off think they should have been pht."on; and we think there is several whose names are left oil' that \Vould have made as good jurymen as a great many th it is put on, though at the same time, we think that the i^nn» inissioners did What they in their judgement thought best. • Mr. A. N. Merrill’s youngest hoy. | came home a lew days ago, and .la vas so heavy Unit, her sffnng scales ng i o' walking over u phut i*tion hear here, managed under the ove - seer system. They had 400 acres in Cotton,and 200 in corn, all of it m i Communicated. Dougherty, Co. duly 17, 1878. Mr. Editor:—According to your reiju'-st I give you a short sketch of my trip through the country to tills ! mired with' compost—by the way county a f«*w Veks ng J inking I there R Scarcely u»y guano used in also tiuit it might he o| some inter- this country. The same amount ol esb-to yonr numerous roadors*. Leav guano hist year, made 200 hales and Cedar Valley oi; the first of duly we this year it is much belter, and good commenced our journey traveling judges sav will make over 250 hales. directly smith. In passing through Buchanan »hy companion was a good deal Vexed and disappointed in not being able to 11 ml sodh water or icr creatn in * Lite place; also in .Carrolton where they only sold lager beer by the gallon, and any one hud to buy Mckeds for sixteen glasses to get a taste of one. He has several tickets left over and intends making a prof it on them by Mling them to two of Ids legal friends in town, Judge S. amid. K. We pissed, by ill- wu . and took dinner near Franklin, win r • We found the vegetables tine. The I presume where the old lady insisted on »Srfuire Blanco hav ing another ingun. We admire rn jiu-ivcnf the beauty n.hd tnstcfulneas of tho Cemetery of LuGnmge, 'Took u glimpse of the rxtettsic manufacto ries of Columbus. Was delighted with the line residences and beauti ful situation of the village of Lump kin. Thought Daw,son a good deal like Cedurtown in size and appear ance without its mud and dust. It. is- noted lor its line schools and pretty youag ladies. We managed to puss through, after stopping over a day, and arrived here on the aixth day af ter leaving home. Tho crops were very good on the whole route and the tention. “Our Geooge” will adurefis J would not weigh him. Newt is ju- our citizens, and every effort possi- j hilantover the happy event bio is being made to get Dr. Felton to liuzird one more encounter, face j Plus corn would average 80 bushels p r a te and looks as line as any I j evi.r saw in Cellar Valley. But this is bettor than the average beemtse hottar Worked/ Tlio phikes here are vry large, L-e J urdui hasj(»,000j U01V8 lioie and and about 10.000 in cultivation. Col. LoCket has ah mt the same amount and makes 8‘VeraI \ thou and hales per year, lie \Vmrks over a hundred convic s on part ol , tin: ulst lnuiiiy scwiugM Mam it, about ten negroes to one white hum amongst them, and the vim j with which tliev move around under ; a negro driver and negro guar T s, fe calls to memory the Hindu* oiirrmidi of ante helium days. I noticed with them that the apparel did not always proclaim the man', as they were all dreseed in untie attire. The women certainly move around with more ease than if clad in a pull hack cbV tunic ilia*, ‘-h'/d* r/iti non of the fashionable lady. Err just returned from a trip through the counties of Baker, Early and Decatur. The crojv? are very good and 1 notice that in the wire grass country south of tljis sheep raising is on the increase and probably will he in the near fu ture. From the Flint river below here GREAT RcDUCTION IN .PfilGLB Wo nr/ihe ilr#i n» offer <v 1 First-Class Sewing iMutflihilrsv Kttll.I.M I I .i jiiim | V . , Twenty-Pive Dollars IN (.'.I s //, on an oriiiinicimil Iroii Hiumlini'l ,'l'h-Milli-. ulih. WhIduL toi«nlnl DniMi-r.’j*n»l lu-L-i’AWit.V AMm'h- iiioliT#, mill licit vi-r li ui miy iintlnnul p*»iiljt m «1.• ( Unliuii ;* tnwi, FREE OF CH ARClE. M'Im-## innchilHi# nrc wiirriiiiU’iHo fin On- Mlo'l-i line uf Finiily Hi-ivin^ rruin Ht« flliitfl ininhrlL-i.lliailoiivU' roicont doth. SliiiI I**r ii, «-inilnr miu |iIi- ol living Kviiry niarJUnii w.-rrunii il I'lr llicw* ji«r». A^oiiIp Wnntwl Kviryivliqni, CKVTKN'N At. MAUiljN’R G».. t.iimH-H. 7lMi, Kill.t-ri Si.. I lillinH<l|l|iln. N? CRiAMlTGN'H u ei c ihl Soiif JS THE Jit'S Ti to face. Our citizens, in m iss meet ing assembled, through the Chair man of the Democracy of this coun ty, d. A. Peek, have extended him ;•>. cordial and urgent invitation. Tnis, together with a pressing request from Lea or, can not well bo refused, and we suppose the Doctor will he Mrs. Annie Byrd, iho aged mother of the lion. ft. M. 11. Byrd, ' | KTe has been lately ex*remedy sick, hut, j Citizens, don't f. thanks to tho skill of Dr. J la she is now rapidly convalescing. hour* ol pale the folio win# property to-wlt: Lot of IhiiiI No. I "* n,,H lion uf Bulk county loyal iiiV#t ulnirici nnrt 3rd i* tho dofunihint, M J n#lic" Court 11 Iu# from the doli'Oiliiiit, W. L. . _ iiul lc" Coiir In luvorof J. '"vino at fho^miio time find pluce, lot of hmil No. 1313. in ilie -DM dUtriei, and 3rd Bi-ctlon of Bulk county, On., a# tlm property .1 M and L A I by virtu# of one .lindlce Court ll la Iroin Ihe 1D«4in niwirii.i, if 61., In favor of Jobuph JHowuvuJM l Barham. The Htindbills in relation to the Barbecue on next Friday were printed froo of ohunjo, l»y the Ex- l’it KBS, whose efforts have ever been and ever will he in the interest of true and unsullied democracy. Both our hotels are in a thriving condition. The amount ot travel through this place would as tonish one who had not given it spe cial attention. Good hotels are a considerable advantage to any town, and ours are hard to heat. i properly ol the ll fa from J078 i’lHt'r’lcl in favor uf llec#e MCQl’egor v* Paid John H ^AhsoVt tho name time and pluce, one grey IIoipo, medium ttize, abont 10 year» old. o# the property ol CoSa Ikrone'in^ivTorJumeBM H,n.«h,“uover- nor vi Jloratio CtUaolm, prlncioul, und John O Waddell,.loliu-t). Rl-cbo and Ii ll Yvesl, BuciiriliOB, and the other in lavor of V li Oppvrl, v# llorntio ■ChiPolm. M. W. CLLMLN13. - julylthtds. eb one thing, ///« hut in* art) o*/iei:iulli/ invited, and we are in hopes they will he so kind as to tiike advantage of the iu vita- lion, and give us the benefit of their presence and influence. Haralson County., Ua., July 3(1,1N7N. Rut Bain is b.iilly needed POLK DEPUTY SHERIFF’S SALES w ILL be sold below tho Court llouse door in Cedurtown l’olk coun ty, Gn., on the first. Tuesduy iu August next, between the legal hours ol side, to following property, to-wlt: One house and lot in the town of Rocknuirt, Polk county, G.i., No. not known, loti containing about one half acre,wild a-two story dwelling house fronting on Elm Street, as the property of the defendant, J I) Smith by virtue of one Polk Superior Court fi fa in favor of M Dwinell vs J D Smith. ,. . , . Also at The same tune and place, one house and tot; id the town of Van Wert/ Polk county Ga., as the property of F. G Madden, now occu pied by Hugh J Jones, fronting on Rome road, and lying South ot the house and lot of Simeon Stidham, and north of f tWold JiotM lot, as tliq property of F G Madden*, by virtue of one JusUee Court ti fa in favor of A T Williani8om vs |'h Madden. Hugh J Jones, tenatft In'passession, has been served with a written notice of this levjr, I-»evy made and re lumed to lWe byu 0008^^1.6* W. G. TAYLOR, july 4th tds. Deputy Sheriff. Ladies whoviilue their complexion should preserve their health, and should guard against a torpid liver. Dn. IIAiiTKit’s Liver cleanse from all impurities, and the Iron tonic gives freshness and vigor. For sale by all Druggist. »ugl-2t For Sale—A line country residence, with choice surroundings, etc. This frequently means that the occupant wishus to regain health; be cause a residence in a malarial dis trict will induce blood poisoning, and hence disease. This can he most peditiouely counteracted by the prompt administration ot Dr. Bull’s Blood Mixture! The Globe Dramatic Compa ny play in our town again Thursday and Friday Right. We again pro nounce it tlio best thing of the kind ever seeu in our town, and we hearti ly recommend it to those who be lieve that the^‘eiid of life is happi ness.” Nothing happens that would do the least violence to the feelings of tlie.lmost modest and retined; and as this is their last entertainments, we may to_ be the host ol the season. . . Mr. Helton is preparing to make brick for everybody that’s got the cash. A protracted meeting is going on i Buchanan. Corn crop? are burned up in the western portion of the county. Sunday school celebration at Smiths school house last Saturday; is said to have been a success.. Thirty-live public schools in Har alson at present writing, and the number will probably be increased Messrs Barnwell «& Crawford hav« started a brick yard at Tallapoosa. We have heard several who were Doctor Felton’s strong supporters in the two last elections say that they must now drop him for the gallant Lester, and from hearing so many of doctor Felton’s former adherents de clare iu this way, we think it but lair to say now, that Judge Lester’i majority in Haralson will he consid erahle. If you want something good To drink, and he. watted.on quick mid politely, go to S. P. SHEPARD’S Bar, East of Conrt House Square. GO Saw Gin for Sale. A No. 1‘Sixty Saw Gin for sale. Cheap, very cheap, for cash; or at ordinary* figures on a reusoimble time. A bargain iS*offered. For informa tion,apply at this ollice. tf Mr. ft. K. Hogue’s school numbers some seventy scholars at Rockmarl. Mr. W. C. Stovall lias a school at Van Wert of over thirty scholars. Mr. d. M. Arrington informs us that he has a good school at Calico Cor ner. Rev. M r. 1 lentil also lias a good school near Mr. Calhoun’s. Mr. E. d. Dupree is still conlined to his bed. Several wells have given out du ring the dry weather. A good many of our people are hauling ull the wa ter they use. 1 keep on hand a pnro article of Machine Oil that does not gum. Al so needles for nil machines. After this date I will sell none hut thu la test style or improved Singer Sewing Machines. All who wish to buy a Machine will please call at the Tin Shop and examine the Improved Singer before purchasing. All par ties who have Singer Machines which they have not used over five years, can have them repaired by sending them in, freeoI charge,except whole sale price of new parts that are need ed. L. G. Ray, Agt. aug I Cedurtown, Gu. Pure Lester Whisky at ft P Shep ard’s.- The best Burin town; fine old Cabinet, Lincoln and Wheeler Whisky. aug 1 3t Go to Shepard’8 lor pure and un adulterated Whisky. aug 1 An Undeniable Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life In this beautiful world, it, is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you—your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowl edge and common sense reasoning will soon show you that Green’s Au gust Flower will cure yon of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick head ache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, nervous prostration, low spirits, &c. J Is sales now reach ev ery town on the Western Continent and.not a Druggist blit will tall you' of its wonderful cures. You can buy a Sample bottle fort 10 cents- Three doses will relieve you. For sale ;by Bradford & Allen. june 20 eow ly Can Your Fruit. Isaac T. Mf.e will sell you Fruit Cutis that surpasses by far any other can for can- nine up peaches. Not Ifahlo to break; can bo used more tnun once. Try them, and you will have no other. Half gallan cans fi,H0 perdoz. Quart can# $1,25 per dozen. Sealing Wax furnished at above ‘ July 11 tf. 1.1) tlio Florida' line it'm! Kust to REMOVAL. For tlio want of room to accommo date my large and increasing trade, I will mdye to tho house formerly oc cupied Ivy the Bank of Home, (one door below Mr Peters’) about the first of July, where I hope tq meet I ull my old customers and many new ones. Mtts. T. B. Williams. | ^r- mobkidb &c 0l .eii „o t*as seiow co.tus june 20 tf Rome, Gu. bait# to induce Merchants to buy bard stock. people in high spirits at llie pros pi-cts cif making a surplus of corn and the line yield of cotton, Tile Wheat crop as with ns matle a very poor turnout on uotount of rust; Guano ;s extensively used through middle Georgia, ami with ill help the' old pine fields and red hills of mid dle Georgia will make line cotton, It. may pay for the present, lint i's extensive use will II mil ly ruin the country in my opinion. I think no greater curse lias ever entered Lite omtntry than its extensive use. We Could perceive as we came down the gradual change in the cli mate by the advanced growth of the cops. 'The cotton fields Tilled with green howls and white blooms, and pouches und watermelons plentiful. Near the end of our journey the patches ol sttsar cane, the tall cypress and the evergreen magnolia together with ihe long moss hanging from the trees gave evidence of a more tropical cltinaU'. The crops in this section and all through South West Georgia are very line; belter the tanners sav than for thu last ten years. TheHn, rains for Lite last low days have decided the corn crop and tliero will be more made than will he needed for the consumption of the Country; some thing very unusual hero. In respect to the richness of soil, I think this county ranks Hrst iu the state, it has a section of sixteen miles square of land ol nearly uniform value, which ranged iu price before tile war at from 36 to 30 dollars per ace, and thu fine lands which bfcfore and itn mediately after the war could not he bought for thirty dollars per acre, would not bring at present more than throe dollars por acre. I think Hor ace Greeley’s ml vice to people tog. West would apply belter if changed to go South, with a great many iu tlie northern part of the stale. The low price of Inn Is here were caused by the exclusive culture of cotton and a series of bad crop years from 1873 to 1870. But the people are gradually changing their mode of farming and are beginning* to raise plenty of wheat, corn, sugarcane &c. and a lew more sueli years like last year and this will restore South West Georgia to tlio former prestige of her j farming renown. Although this country was once considered very unhealthy, since the land has ceased to be cleared up, it t->,be com paratively healthy and white,, people remain with impunity through tlie summer mouths, and actually brag on its being the healthiest part of tlie state. The labor system here is much better than with us, and the price of good hands range from six to eight dollars per month. They work well and generally under over seers. I had the pleasure a few days Brunswick, is one long stretch of (li my woods and will he knowiriit fu ture as thu great lumber region of Georgia. The political status of I lie country is grand, they fight it out on thd'eoT nr line here iibtl tlm negroes ‘have no independent leaders to fall back up on and make themselves as witlrua tin- balance of power. Judging from the Albany and Dawson papers, the contest must lie growing warm in liiv Seventh, ami 1 am glad that Judga Lester shows himself worthy of holding tho democratic banner. | Z ick Hargrove says they are belle. | organized titan tlie Convention people | and form a better ring, with tlie lie- I grace to fill out one fourth of the circle. Felton i perceive ridicules j Lester for talking of the wounds re ceived iu the service of his country, lie scofTs at wounds, tvlm never felt a blow. 1‘. is a pity that Dr. Felton did not show some of his patriotism at the same time, hut there was no pay in it, very little honor and a good geal of danger, nod ho stuck to his pulpit like grim death ton dead nigger. Yet I do not blatno the doctor, many of us would he very apt to throw aside our rejigion ami drop our spiritual for our temporal welfare for 85,000 a year and tho gratification of our umbitiou. No hod- accuses Felton of voting with tlie radicals, at the same time he suys nothing against them, and his sup porters point with as much pride, to ■ his speech against the wrecker Crit tenden, as Mnssaennsetts does to Webster's reply to llayne, as if it was a party measure and he was showing his hatred of the Radicals. There are many amongst the sup porters of Dr. Felton who are as pure as any one gets td be, yet I prefer to differ with them in their politics of supporting such a man, and prefer to take mine straight, without any ol the tincture or llavor of til- Radical in it, and shall still stick to tho branch of -Lester, and tlie organized Democracy. F. T. J. LARD OIL 81 per gallon, at Buuiiank & Jones. If yon want to “roll” a game of milliards go (o Boh Hutcherson’s. i 10E CREAM SODA WATER, at Bukhank & June’s. Thl# Houp 1b inaimfHf.tiiri’d flow iwo rluWand n* ll contain# a lar;r» pcrwiij- him of Vtrfalnc Oil.‘fa wrttaiiiH’il fully itiuuI IO lhu l>t *t imparted (.'n*i,llu #oii|»,ayd al I lie ShuIIi; . tllnu C'Hifillnt* till till) wuilitnu A •leiliwn' in# pi;ti|)criicv Vn»n It Uicruloru rccumiip'iitliTi for iiHti hi Uf'' l.ttnmlry, Kilt litii ami llnll) IUioin, pud for jionornl limisMiultl purport^; al so n>r Printers, i’altilw'*. KiialndeV/and Mnchlolst-, as H will rvtnovu #|"'If "f Ink, Urease, Tar, oil, Paint, cle,. from tlie hand#. Mannfacttitcd only by Crampton Brothers, fmjBiile by JUD. GRABS, UlillAIttOWN, Ga. B. P, Buckwalter, FASHIONABLE .3 HQ EM AKER, HOME, GiL. Any of the dll/.en# or Cedurtown and vicinity be- intc dc.#lron« rtf fomothlnc* nice in tlio way of tho BOOT AND ft HOE, line by rnllirt^ on me can Ret It. No cnaroe work nude. aprll 25-4 m I. T. MBS, DEALER IN Stoves and Tinware, CEDARTOWN, GA. 1 atn now prepared to sell TIN WARE at Rome Prices, I will also .do all kirnta of Tin and Sheet Iron Work. HOOFING and GUTTERING done as cheap as any one. I solicit the trade of Merchants. W™ If you don’t Relieve I sell TIN Cheap, come and see for your self and be, convinced. X. M£SB. muy ttt, 8m. When you want a COLD glass of BEER or Lemonade, call on Bob Hutch erbon. Compound Cough Mixture, a pleasant and convenient pocket rem• edy for coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchial initation at ; Burrank & Jones. McBmoe a Co. inanufactunc Show Cn*es, and mill a# Cheap a# any maimf»ci«r,cr iu. the country. They will duplicate nny bUJ.dH.t.heli llne bought iu All market. NEW SHOP! A ttention i# invitui to tho raci that i have opened in Ccdnrtowli n Plm-cla## '* WOOD and BLACKSMITH SHOP Any work In either branch cun and will bo donnin a Workmanlike style, and at fair living price*. for THE CA.BK, HORSE. SHOEING . a specialty. Al} I uakl# a trial, and 1 will guaraa tee compioto #»tl.ifuctlon. WJLM9-JS. HAND. If yon want 11:11 Head*. Letter Head#, Circular* Card*, Handbill ■ PoUera, or any thin* la tip* o ^ob PrintiHg. bring your orders to Um