The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 08, 1878, Image 3

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THE EXPRESS. CocUrtown August 8 th. R-rttos of Subscription and AdvertLing It.VTB OK SUBSCRIPTION. o.i n year $2 oo HIX MON’iIIS i.oo THREE MONTHS 50 Puyublo Invariably In nfflihe*. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE. 11 w. i i a: a fl? | u£ tty: Onu square Thr.-e •• X column.. I s 1 00 | tt 50 i 00 5 00 « on | 7 on 7 O'J 10 00 10 oo 1 17 no 5 00 13 00 B8 4(> 00 7 50 IS (X) 23 00 40 00 (15 00 FJ 00 *13 00 33 00 100 00 T\ruiity*two square® («>a inen each), constitute a column Mnrrluife an l Death notice* publlahed free. Rant. For SuU*, Last and Pound, per Hue 10 Ooitiwr*.-*, per Hao 10 Lord Notice®, pet lino 10 Special amoKementi mado with llboral advortl- Ml advertisement* cor.sldurod ditu after flrat In* TniOtftont advortlaament* must be pdo In ad* No sdvertlsunvul* of mi Immoral nuturo admit tod. » Strangers to ua must send recommendations, elao we will pry ua atteatiau to their propositions. For farthvr particulars, cell oil or address tbo publisher, L OPAL NEWS * Dul you go to the barbecue? Several drummers in town last week. Some of the boys are getting hot over politics. 4§«- We must all do all right, now, hml bo careful; big Court Is close by,” Said a darkey, last week. We received a pleasant call from Mr. Frank l\ Cray, one of the editors of the Carters* ille K press, on Friday hist. The boys of the Express heartily thank Mr. do® Tomlinson for the nice melon he sent them on yesterday. Their sen I intents are, “may he live long and prosper.” Bro, Waddey now isauea his bp icy newspaper semi-weekly. We congratulate him on its neat appear ance and think it will bo well receiv ed by our people. Tiib recent rains have not hud a very cooling client upon the “dog days.” They come to us man tled in the warmest smiles of July. The right thing in the right place is without doubt Dr. Bull's Syrup, the best remedy for Bubaies While teething. Price, only “5 cents a bottle. Many of our citizens unite in proclaiming Dr. Bull’s Blood Mix* tnre the most wonderful intigoranl that ever sustained the sinking sys tem. Wo hear some complaint of fust in cotton, and the weather now is well calculated to make it shed; the prospect cannot be eall.d good; hut it is too surly to form a definite opinion. ^ The “early and the latter tains” have visited us since our last issue, and our farming friends are rejoicing greatly. Crops of all kinds have nearly recovered from the effects of the recent drouth, and give prom ise of unusual abundance. Here is the way some people talk: “It is too hot now in summer to attend church, in the winter it will be too cold, and in the spring and fall wo are too busy.” Then when are yon going? Atlanta Medical College. This institution has an advertise ment in another column. We leel assured that no medical college out ranks it in professienal standing. Hardly a week passes but What some of our exchanges remark that “locals are scarce.” For heaven’s sake, say nothing about it, the fact shows plainly enough for itself with out oalling special attention to it. Fill up with stuffing and keep mum. Here is the way one of our best farmers tulk; “While I never favored secession in 1860, I con res pect a man who did, if he backed his convictions iu the field. But I cannot support a secessionist who Stayed at home behind a ilimsy pie text and let ino fights his battles.” We hear that several are itn- houucing themselves for the various county offices, but somebody denies it every time. The best way to do is to Announce yourself in the Express. It is very annoying to hear two or more persons sitting near you in church talking while the minister is delivering his sermon. Have re spect for the house of God, if not for yourself, and disponso with talking while there. This cap fits several that w« know of. Lester nt Rockmart. Judge Lester spoke in the acade my at Itockinart on last Saturday. Wo are informed by a gentleman who was present that there were about four hundred men out to hear him—there were three hundred and thirty-seven by actual count inside the acadomy and about fifty or sev- nty-fivo crowded around the win dows and doo s. A majority of the crowd our informant thinks were possibly Felton men, though wo have aiuce heard this doubted—yet the most careful and respectful attention was given tho speaker. He caught the eye of his whole audience at the outset, charmed their attention to the close of his speech and several times our informant states, there were moist eyes all over the house. Our informant is confident that Lester gullied voles by his speech. The manner iu which his whole speech was received deuumalrated this, the close attention, the applause, laugh ter and tno deep feeling displayed even by these who are bitterly op posed to him. We have yet to hear of any place in which George Lester bus not been well received and when the people see him and hear him they cannot help receiving him kindly and respectfully. This he commands from all. For Judge Lester we thank our ltockmart friends for their great kindness to him. The Weather. Our citizens are continually com plaining ol the exceeding warm weather, and sonic say it is the warm est they ever saw. Their complaints would turn to thankfulness if they did but atop for a moment and think of the intense heat of the Noithand Northwest; in the crowded cities tho people have been suffering for the past month form sunslrok. Wher the nights are so hot that sleep is out the question. Where people have to suspend business and resort to every means to try and keep cool; wearing cabbage leaves in their hats, aud every other cool substance that can be resorted to. Here, ulthougl wo have a few warm hours through the day, our nights are invariably cool, and we are always blessed with a good night’s rest. Truly, we ought to think of these things when coni'- plaining of the heat, and he thank ful that it ia no worse. If we imag ine it, is so very warm we will be apt 1 to find it bo, for our imaginations of ten induce us to behVve many things. Darling, Listen to My Story. Certainly she will, if it is tho “Old, Old Story,” and you tell it sweetly, but don’t be too hasty in your woo ing. Send her first a copy of Harry Percy’s beautiful new song named above, and thus gracefully hint your intentions. There never was a pret tier song written and singers are wild over it. Over J.000 copies sold in one week. For Piano or Organ and easy to play or sing. Ask your near est Music Dealer for it or enclose 40 Ceuts to tho Publishers, Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ca. By those who ought to be accurate judges of such things the crowd here on last Friday at the Barbecue is estimated at twenty-five hundred. Tho day was unusually quiet for so large a gathering and we think think that thu fact was owing less to the sheriff* and deputies than to the good humor that pervaded the crowd throughout tho whole day. Considerable preparations are being made for the concert for to night. The Dramatis Persona are mude up from the most accomplished young people iu our midst, and they are now busy every day with their rehearsals. What, with the excellent music we anticipate, Churades aud Tableaux, &c., of the highest order, we kuow their entertainment will be varied aud charming, and from indications already on tho surface we kuow their audience will be large. For Tint Exrnuns. THE WOUNDED SOLDIER. On n bloody Hold of battle A poor wounded soldier lay; Whore the muskets o'er him rattled— lie Imd lort mi nriu that day. lie Imd pone out with his two arms, Uo came back with only one; Tho other offered up Ibr country Aud thu timid stay-at-home, Iu tho nr.ny where the bravo onoa, They risked ull for homo ttud frldmle— To protect their aped fathers And tliuir mothers to defend. When the soldiers ceased Uiolr drilling To their homes they all did ro ; The family circle one more flllin., With the dear ones they loved ?*.». Mini? friends possessed no lov.d ones, To . old hoi Whs destroying brave nud roou ; And our fair land it was bllyhtlntf— Washing it with Southern blood? Fulton ? lie nt homo was staying Saying to the boys| “well done;’ 1 He was there to do theproyhuj, * nd of lighting ho did none. Where was Lkntrii In tho battle ? In the front rank bravo whs Iicj lie it was that hoard tlierattlo Of the Yankee Musketry. I.kstkh, lii tho army warring, In the thickest of tlio tight; Forbidsllfonot even caring.— lie was battling for tlio right. And while Fbi.toN, free from danger, Free from raids and free from harm Was nt home with lots anil plenty, I.rbter he gave up Ills arin. Now they taunt him ’bout Ills record; Military and civil, too; Fki.ton Is the uinn that dickered l.KSTKn was both bravo an 1 true. W. H. Fki.ton. cease your grumbling, \ mi'll bo beaten very bad ; Boon your record will lie tumbling, Then you’ll only wish you had. The largest deer we have seen for several years was killed yes terday near the Wimberly place by Springer Wood. His horns indica ted that he was livo years old and he was iu good condition. It seems a pity that so beautiful and noble look ing an animal —“the antlered mon arch of the waste” should be killed for the paltry sake of a few pounds of meat; and we houvad a sigh when we noticed his graceful proportions and thought that uis fleet career was cut short, and he could no more “ Liko crested loader proud and high Toss his beamed frontlet to thu sky.” It was about this time of year when the little boy expressed the wish that he was built like a hen coop, out of laths, so that the breeze could blow right through him. When you want a GOLD glass of BEER or Lemonade, call on Bob j Hutcherson. Tho Dramatic Reading by Miss Bowen at tho Court House the other night was elegant, displaying extraordinary natural and skillful training powers us an elocutionist. Her audience was quite small. Had the name of enlertaiment the magic sound of Theatre, Ball or such like, the taste which our people have late ly disclosed in relation to such things warrant ns in saying that her audi ence would have hern extensive. But no, the nature of the programme was entirely too tame! Shame on us all! J3T“ Marcell us E* Thornton has announced himself an independent, candidate for Congress in the fifth District. We told you so! We knew that the patriotic partridge eater could not staud the entreaties of “Many Citizens” and would there fore offer himself a sacrifice on the altar <»f his country. They say that the Indian name for editor is, “Worak-to-ohe- nesohe- kaw-haw.” That’s what we always thought it was. It means “tired and hungry,” probably. Haralson County, Mr Dili tor: On the jJihI sabbath of last April a few persons feeling interest! d iu the young peeplc, met at Smith’s school house, Haralson county, and organized a .Sabbath School; electing ltev. Jno. B. Foster Supt. The school has been increas ing in interest all the time, 107 have enrolled on its record. We know of no moie flourishing school, or one that has done more good in the whole county. The teachers have been faithful. Uucle Johnny McOlung has been at his post every sabbath but oue, alid tho same Is true of ull tho teachers. The singing by this school, when we consider that four months ago they had not even seen the Bongs they sing, cannst bo ex celled. Last Saturday the 27th of July it was our good fortune to be one ol the largo number that met at Smith’i school house to hold their first cele bration, which was a complete suc cess. The friends had built an bar bor capable of seating 7 or 800 people. At an eurly hour the people from ev ery direction began to arrive, bring ing baskets, boxes and every thing, they could bring provisions in, every body seeming to vie with each other in making the occasion a general ju bilee. It required two wagons to haul the provisions to tho table. Six hundred and seventy-six per sons were counted as they got out of their wagons and off their hor not counting the Sunday school. Muscadino school was present and delighted everybody with their sing ing. The singing by the entertain ing school was splendid. The very best order prevailed through the entire occasion. Taken altogether it was a most complete success. May .Superintendent,, officers, scholars and all live to give us anoth er celebration next year. Honoring. WASHINGTON LETTER. W.YSftlNtvlbN, Aug. 5, 1878. Among tho recent remarks of Gen. Grant iu Europe duly sei vi-d up here, is one that is ve?y complimentary fo Ben Butler as a General, a statesman and a citizen. Gen. Butler bus promptly responded by saying that Grant was not only our greatest sol dier, hut in a civil capacity showed tho highest ordmff ability. A little whilengo ButleHtad in print, though he diil not publish it, a pamphlet in which lie attempted to show and bo- lieved that he did ehow that Grant was a blunderer and butcher us a sol dier, and wholy unfit, by reason of ignorance and intcriipi rate habits, lor ivil employment. Will Someone find a copy of that pamphlet, and will some Boswell reproduce the ta bic and bottle, talk of Grant about Butler? Both of them Wish to be President. Grant thinks lie alone can he elected'by the Republican par ty, aud Butler believes that thu coun try in the agony and delirium of giv ing birth to a new party, may mis take him for*a statesman aud an honest mail. Of course they air both doomed to disappointment, but the publication just now of the horn. ■at opinions they entertain of each other would have a good effect upon people who do not understand them both. Maine republican convention has about the same relation to Blaine that the tail has to the dog. If the Senator had made a violent green back speech iu tho con vent ion held at Portland the othorday, nine-tenths of the delegatus would have applaud ed him as heartily as ever. He hap pened* however, to alight on the hard money side of the fence and the ap plause came all the same. Two- thirds of the voters of the stale did* liko and distrust tho man, but the other third manage the republican conventions. Unless sooner called together by bulU) 10 lmiUl tho Chairman, the Potter Committee will not. meet again until August 13. Then witnesses from the South will be examined, and tno preparation ol the report commenced. Tho House, it will be remembered, voted that the title ol Mr. Hayes to the Presidency was sacred,,' and, iu effect, that that title would not affect it if it was shown that he wasnol really entitled to a vote of a single state, so that whether the Oommitte has proved, or may -LwaafLw u-iloss it. 1W*_} mm nished ground for impeachment,-rill not disturb the Administration. But after the publication of tho Commit tee’s report, I do not believe an lion est and well in'orined man will assert that Haves was on titled to the vote of Louisiana or Florida. What little labor troubles we had in Washington last week were set tled summarily by the police. Ab surd promises was given them by the associated press 'eports. The chief spokesman of the supposed disorder ly class paid his fine of five dollars and is again speaking in the streets. The labeling men of Washington, white and black, are as orderly as any in the world. A year ago, when Pittsburg and Chicago were red with (ireand blood, lb* laborers hern were as hungry as any but entirely pence-* ful Austin. Carry your Wheat, Corn, Corn Meal and Shelled Oats to uug8-2t- G. A. Lane. Great bargains offered to parties visiting court next week, by G. A. Lane. It is only in the most fertile sec tions tli at Fever and A gun become a scourge. Happily for the race, Du. Hautrh’b Fever and Ant r specif kj is an infallible remedy for all forms and degrees of malarial disor der. For sale by all Druggist* augl-at REMOVAL. For tho want of room to accommo date my large and increasing trade, 1 will move to tho house formerly oc- ctipied by the Bank of Borne, (one door below Mr Peters’) about the first of July, where l hope to meet all my old customers aud many new ones. Mita. T. B. Williams. June 20 tf Rome, Ga* NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS I Gammon & Co’s GOOD WHISKY. and unadulterated. Brig ham Youg is fast winning the repu tation of keeping always on hand the finest Wines and Whisky the market affords. Those whose motto is “Drink- and be merry,” would do well to call. Brigham Young’s is the place. aug l-3t LAUD OIL ^1 per gallon, at Burhank & Jones. If you want to “roll” a game of Blilliaids go to Bob Hutcherson’s. ICE CREAM SODA WATER, nt Burbank & June’s. Compound Cough Mixture, a pleasant and convenient pocket rein edy for coughs, culds, hoarseness, bronchial ir.Station at Burbank & Jones. Mr-DuiUK \ Co. nunnfac t .ire Show C®*om, and roll as Clu-up as any manufacturer In tlio country Tlioy will dti|.Hcalu uuy Dill In tlioii lino bought Can Your Fruit* Isaac T. Mee will sell you Fruit Cans that sm-posscs by far any other cun for nine «l» poaches. Not liublo to broall| can be more tuan once. Try them, and you will ha' other. Httlfgallnn cans 11,80 purdox. (£uart ft.I* pur dozen. Healing Wax furnished at a prices. July 11 Site My child, ilv. onus- ItriudcnU nee, but failed to c Certificate, ATHENS, UA. February 23, IH7H. WANTED. ; AdF.NTSrorthosaloof llmSINORR SEWING ! M UUIIMJ. T<»; ood, re I ible. en rgatlc m-n. Who can good bond mul liorso and harut-sr, steady employment will b® given at remunerative pay. Address, giving refrrelics, TUK SINGER MF'Y CO., aug 8 7t Rome, Gu. Atlanta Medical College, ATLANTA, GA. Tin: r venJy-FIret Annual Courso of Lecture® will coiuuu Oct. With. 1878, ami dose March 4th 1871*. Facukty-.I G Westmoreland. W K Wei-*. \ more land, W A I.ove, V II Talllafsrro, .Ino Tliad* Johnson, A W Calhoun, .1 II Logiln, J T llauks; Demonstrator, 0 W Nutting. Send Ibr Antintitironirnt. giving foil Information. JNO. T11AU. JOHNSON, M. !>., Dean. Photograph Gallery. 2R I have opened a Photogruh Gallery OodnrtOwu, Ga. ft here yon can get ' PICTURES of all kinds taken. Ppcttal at tout Ion devoted ko Copying Old Pictures I *111 >l.o i.pair WATCUH8, CLOCKS, mill REWIND MACIIINKS, anil warrant satisfaction, t«- lr you lm»n tin money. I will take produce at highest mark'll price, I). II. LEDBETTER. A Lecture TO YOUNG HEN. A Lecture cm the Nature Treatment, ami Radical (Jure ol seminal wenknusH, of Hpi-rinAorrhu-. Induced bj Nervous Dcbilliy. nu.l (miiedlmeiits’to >n jilaiVlnJ( generally- Consumption, Enliepsy.and Fits; Men tul usd rhlsloAl Inenpucliy, Ac. - by Robert .1. ful verw.ll. M. I>., author of the "Green Hook,’’ Ac. The qufld renowu author, iu this admirable Lee LtidiuB who value their complexion should preserve their health, and should p.lull'd aj-nilist a lorpid liver, bn. IIahteh’h Livbii I’ii.J.t (demise from all impurities, and the InoN tonic gives freshiisss mid vigor. For sale by all Druggist. angl-St I0U BEER and LEMONuDE, always on hum! at Hutcherson’s. Hutcherson's I’EEE and LEM ONADE is the # '-t in town. If yon Want tj» spend a few hours pleasantly, go 1 to Hutcherson's Billiard Hall. All kinds of Fancy lettef papei for sale at Buhiiank & Jones. GEM /-’RUIT JARfcS, cheaper Hiun ever sold in Ceddrtown, by june V. 4t Bhadfohu & Alien. BEER always on ICE at Hutch erson’s Billiard Hull. GINS SHARPENED, During .Tilly and August I will sharpen Gins at the reduced price of Ten Cents per saw. Fill boxes with Babbitt—and brushes equally low for ull who will nvnil themselves of this opportunity, and bring their gins to I. T. Mee’s Tin Shop, Cedar- oan with Four iSets ltmta an< town, Ga. The usual price for sharp- enin n gin saw is 25cts, but during these two mouths I will heat leisure and will work cheap for cash. I will only work for this price two months. All work done by hand uutl satisfac tion gmmintecd. All who have any doubts us to my ability to do that kind of work correctly I would re spectfully . refer them to W. M. Phil lips & Co. and Julius A. Peek, july 4 Gt Linton G. Ray, Merchant*, If yon want to pay ca.-U fi CHOL'AKHY, Glaaditaro, Lamps, Chimneys, Sho (’axes, Buckets, Brooms, Tut.#, Dish Fans, Dlppc Milk Fans, etc., send to McBntm: * Co., Atlant you Will tank® mojtfy. Every article mi tin merits Is tbs i -le ; Biimr.’s gri-ul Southern CrockCiy Depot. No Teas anti platc-t a; bait*. If you nanl to p. ish nml get bottom prices, semi to McBaidk A C S. P. Shepard will keep constant ly on hand Good imd I’uro Whisky, nml sell at low prices. Gall at City Bar ami test them. attg L 3t Morgan, Grouch & Go Will sell In in her at their Mill, one half mile from the lord of Fish Greek on the Van Wert road, us cheap if not cheaper, than any other saw Mill men in tltis vicinity. Any hill filled as chsap, mid on to: short notice as any one. Dont fail to come and see us when jott wauc lumber. Morgan, Grouch & Go., lloclvimiit, Bulk county, Ga. July 4 lin Good Digeston. “Givo ua this day our daily bread” ami gefod medicine to digest it, is both reverent, and human. The litim^ stomach and liver ate fruitful souri of life’s comforts; or, disordered a ■diseased, they tingle misery alo every nerve artery. The mail or v man with good digestion see bea'j as they walk, and overcome obj cles they meet iu the routine of where the dyspeptic sees only gl! and stumbles and growls at e imaginary objects. The world needs two or three new kirn medicine before death can be pel ly abolished; but tfiat many have been prolonged, and raunv I’oiers from Liver disease, Dyspep, aud Head/ohe, have been cured Merhell’s Hepatine, is no lon^ a doubt. It cures Headache in twe ty minutes, aud there is no questio hut what it is tho most wonderfi? discovery yet made in medicai science. Those afflicted with B iousr.ess and Liver Gomplai should use Merrell’s Hepatine. 3^“It can be had of Burbank Jones. , j cure ai 'incoccrlaiii and ctrJctuaV.'by ^'which um) ; »uil«-ier. no matter ftliut bin comllilon mnv be, nun 1 rU l!l~nV , , d, . ,:,,L ' u Dr< I'* Lately and radlcnlly. St., New Yoik; PostOBloo Box, 45&L Maral on County Deputy Sheriff's SalRS- MB. hr suit! Ikhh'tMhu n:nT House door in Buchanan Har alson county, Gu., on tho first. Tues day in September next, between ihu egal hours of bale/ i lie following property to-wit: Lot of land No. 830, in the first district and ith section of originally Gherukee, now Haralson county, Ga. containing 40 acres, as the property of G W Gentry, by virtue of one Justice Court fi fa instied from the )078111 district, G. AI. iu favor of J V Bush vs. G \V Gentry. Property pointed out by defendant. Levy made ftud returned to me by a con stable. Also the following lota of wild lund, for the cash, to-wits Nos. 406 and 405 in the 1st. district and 4th section of Haralson County, Ga., for taxes duo the .State and "uouuly for the years 1874-75-70; levied on by virtue of wild land tux fi fas issued by tho Comptroller General of Go. vs. said lots of land. William Duke, of Polk county, Gu., transferrer. A. J. Hunt, Deputy Sheriff* atig 8 tds 2 l? P 3 The Organ Mar.-A 100 lb. Solid j If any man insults your cun] sense by offering a Qrst-olass 1) ’ Organ Ibr *06, “Shoot him on spot.’, All necessity for buying] inferior Organs is forever clunu with. 4100, Gash or &UU on terms, now buys a nmguilimitMj & Hamlin Parlor on OHunq Slops,in Elegant New Stylo CJusd llluniimicd I'aMls.—Hands* Stylo of Case ever produced,—J cial Offer to introduce this Style—Sent on trial.—Gimrr for a life time.—Rented until pail —Other new styles just out.—r trated catalogues free.—Ail Lunden & Bates, Savannah! Manufacturer's WholiJ Agents for the South. june 37 4t