The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, February 05, 1879, Image 2

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THE EXPRESS. Cedartown, February 5tb. JNO. W. RADLEY. Editor. The Express has a larcer circu lation than any other newspaper published in the 38th Senatorial District VALKI.HJTOKY. Hifvliitf l»e*en cuflM to the state of Kentucky by duties thut require my attention, I have cm clinb d that it were Heat, to relinquish my rental contract with the owner of this pa per. t have not been run out nor bought oiit * against my consent. I am quitting this paper with a twen- ty-tive quire circula'ion and the of ficial printing of two counties and with n large advertising patronage I deem it necessary to say this much that my friends and my posterity may know that while in Cedartown I have fared well. We have but little fo say in this article. For the many friends that have been made during our stay of eighteen months, we shall entertain none but the most pleasant recollec tions. Thu recollection of our stay her* will ever be h green spot in our memory. We hate tried to do our duty and pay what we owed. How nearly we caine up to this let our readers und those whom we owed an swer. The merchants of Cedartown de serve more than a passing notice at our hands. They have, the most of them, done their duty to their locul paper; some of thorn, more than their duty. For all their accommodations we are profoundly thankful. To those for whom we have labored week after week we will say that we regretfully part from them. We ver ily believe that our little band of .readers have been ns indulgent as ;uuy can he found. To the members of the Georgia Press we hid farewell. Our associa tions with them have been harmoni ous and pleasant. We had hoped to • meet them again at Cartersville in .Muy but we shall be denied the priv ilege. They are a hard worked set • of fellows and poorly paid. Why this is 00 is beyond our ken. We shall be proud to see any of them in attendance upon the Kentucky Press Association, to which we hope to be long in a few weeks. If any of them •desire, we shall take pleasure in ex changing with them. As will be seon from an announce ment elsewhere, Dr. Wm. Bradford has become the purchaser of this pa per. We wish for the new proprie tor that he may be patronized even more largely than we have been. The readers of the paper mostly all kuow him, consequently he needs no in troduction at our hands. We cannot lay down the pen with- ont first saying good bye to the hoys who have been at work for us. Ed 'Gibson and Will Powers have been faithful typos and Charley Lumpkin the best apprentice in the land. Wo wish them all the most unbounded success Jno. W. Hadley. The nation’s Capital 1 Washington, Feb. 1 1879. Considerable flutter is occasioned by the direction the cipher dispatch iavestigation has taken, and that which has com6 out is only just enough to show what magnificent rascality would have been de /eloped liad not the liepublican dispatches . been stolen and destroyed. Morton, Chaudler and the other astute and unscrupulous manipulators were cer- , iaioly lucky in having for President <?f telegraph company a man who sympathized with them politically, ,and who was not too good"to assist them in destroying the evidences of wfiat they, had done. And so, as it . is, we have only the proof that the Republican ciphers wero more nu merals thun those charged to the Democrats; that they wsr« so bad as . •to justify a theft which was esmmit- , - tellby oimv Bullock then in Moreon’s v employ, uud third assistant Postmas ter General Brady also a protege of the Indiana Senator. The doors of the committee, room were looked, : and only such choice spirits as Wm. E. Chandler und ex-Congressman Evans admitted. There the dis patches were assorted, and all that could damage the Republicans burn ed, while certain Democratic messa ges were secretly kept by Brady, und finally sent anonymously to the New York Tribune. It is asserted that the bnined correspondence would have showu that five hundred thous and dollars were raised in New York and sent to Florida and Louisiana to keep the courage of the returning Boards up .to their villainous work. But the must damaging thing the investigation has brought out is the telegraphio corresDbiidencn between | y.M'h ClnmUler, Secretary of the In - j terisr, and J. N. Tyner, then Post 4, : fiiaster General, relative to the sill a | of two offices under Clfttmller fur #13,000. It is proven' by Iheao wit-1 nesses that the telegrams perfecting such it transaction were passed, and that the dispatches were returned to Mr. Tyner at his urgent solicitation, when the talk of investigation first began. This brings down two cabi net officers badly wounded. Ami ye t Senator Christinney has resigned his Senatorship to take an insignifi cant Foreign Mission, in order to Biake roam for Zach Chandler in the Senate. The same clement in the Republican party that sent Oglesby lo the rear to make room for Jack of Clubs, Logan, desires to banish a de cent man from Michigan that his place may he filled by one whose name is a synonym for corruption, whose life is f*o redolent of all that is vile in American politics. But that element in the parly seems to have got on top again all round. The Senatorial elections that have so recently occurred, put some well known stock iu that body after March 4th, but with a single excep tion, they do not add an ounce of brains or reflect any credit. The ex ception is in Invar of Wisconsin* where the exchange of Carpenter for Howe is certainly an improvement. The latter has been in the Senate eighteen years and leaves it on the 4th of March 03 years of age without a dollar in the world. His defeat is claimed as an administration tri umph, his severe speech of last win ter having arrayed him on the side of the stalwarts. Carpenter is n good deal of a favorite in Washington, lie has no superior in either House as a lawyer and an orator, i3 witty, logic al and brilliant. Yet with all that ho is indolent and a man of too many personal indulgences. The election of Logan over Ogles by in Illinois is not such a great change, though it is for the worse. They are much the same typo, and much the same in lung power, which in both cases is better fitted tor frightening Buffaloes on the prairies than for dispassionate argument on the floor of the senate. The greatest difference between them is flint one is believed to be honest, while the other represents coarse igooranoa, cupidity, and the whisky ring ele ment. One man in the Sen ate will sadly regret the change, and that is Senator Booth of California, who is the running mate of Oglesby. They drink their whisky straight together, walk together, attend theatre togeth er, and for all I know sleep together. Strange fancies and friendships spring up among Senators as in oth er walks ol life. Careless lookers on, or readers of the records of Congress, generally suppose from the debates that a deadly animosity exists be tween Senators of dillerent parties. But this is a mistake. The Senate is a happy family. Thera are but two in the body who arc at outs— Conkling and Blaine. All the other old gentlemen are as friendly and fa miliar as men can ho anywhere. Thurman and Edmunds, for instance, are the best of friends. When the proceedings g*-'t rather tedious, Sena tor Thurman will take out his lingo red baudann, open it wide, then seiz ing in the center, with his right hand he applies il lo his Senatorial nose, and gives a trumpet blast that resounds to the utmost corners of the chamber. Then lie walks slow ly out at the door on his left. At this Senator Edmunds awakens, and slowly saunters out at the door on his right The two meet in the com mittee room lock the door, fetch out an old jug and wink solemnly at each other as ihey refresh. They re turn to their seats by different doors, and in a few minutes may be ham mering at each other with great ve hemence. if Edmunds gets to his seat before Thurman arrives, anu any vote is being taken, he will turn his head when hisuumo is called and say, “I believe I am paired with the honorable Senator from Ohio,” The difference between the two men—tllo two ablest in public life—is that one is n shrewd subtle trickster in politi cal maneuvers, while the other is blunt, honest and powerful. That old vetran General Shields, now occupies a seat in the Senate, though his term only lasts till March 4th. lie is a hero of two wars, and has been Senator from three States, Minnesota, Illinois and Missouri. In o recent interview lie related some interesting incidents of his assiciu- tion with Stephen A. Douglass. They were both elected to the legislature at the same time, and chummed and roomed together. Later they were at the same time Auditor and Secre tary of State respectively, and after wards both on the Supremo Bench. Then both were sent to Washington, all through which they continued chums, fields evidently feels lint- ui;al in IheS , *nate. But that body bus not doin' a great deal of real work this week. The House has spent sometime in (fommitLce of tin* Whole on the Post Ollicc appropria tion bill. Many amendments to ihe bill ns reported by the appropriation committee have been made. A wide difference of opinion exists among the Democrats in regard to the pos tal appropriations, some of them holding that it is the duty of the Govern menl to furnish ample facil ities for mail communication and that, lo do this appropriations must he increas.'d as the country grows; others hold that unless restroiti jns are placed upon the expenditures by curtailing appropriations, the de partment will run into waste and ex travagance, ns it has done for years past. Phono. The Baltimore News now takes up the query: “Why is it that women’s ears do not get cold?’ Anyone who is fool enough to believe that they don’t would chew away on an old boot-heel and call it spruce gum. At a wedding recently, when the officiating prieet put to the lady t he question, “Wilt thou have this man to he thy wedded husband?” she drapped the prettiest courtesy; and with a modesty which lent her beau ty an additional grace, replied, “if yon please.’’ Foreign merchants ship eggs to London in cheap coffins, there being more profit in selling the cheap cof fins than in disposing ol ether wood en packages. PROFESSIONAL H. HABPQLD, DR. a H. HARRIS, ! Shorter Block, ■ | ire. a tvs aa, etA.. PhysicinR anil Duration, j dry GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIM- Occiurt f. wji, - - - O-n NEW A DYKUTI.SKM ENTS f* I Folk County Sheriffs Sales. Will he sold before the court house door in Cidarlown, Polk county, Georgia, on the first Tuesd March next, between the legal hours of sale, the following proper ty to wit: Lot of land Nos. 851, 85fi, 855, 854, 932, 994, 997, 90S, 929, 928,815, 840, 847 and 858, in the 21 at. district and 3rd section of Polk county, On., as the property of .farms E Dover, by virtue of Tax fi fa in favor of the State and county vs. J F Dover. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also at the some time and place, Lots of land Nos. 1090, 790, 791, 792, 793 and 794, in the 21st, district and 3rd section of Polk county, Ga. as the property of James K Morgan by virtue of one 'Pax !i fa in favor of the State and county vs. James R Morgan. Levy made and rot timed lo me by a (Jonstable. E. W. GI.EMI-:NTS, fob 5 Ids Sheriff. J^URDOOK McBRIDE, \ TTORNE Y A T LA W, BUCHANAN, GA. r*T WIU practice ta nil tho Court# of tho Romo Circuit uild adjoining comities. may 23-78-tf w. MiLtfan. 7. xr. rulmj, fn jy^ILNER. Sr. HARRIS, A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W , OAUTF.SRVrr.LK, «\. taf amoB Oil Mnt» Street, next door to Gil- nth .Vi Son. Mr. Milner will attend tho Suporlor Court of Polk county regularly. March 3. 1877-tf W. M. STRANGE, N. P. A, hix. OIK J. J*. ICooltmart, Go. Ups.’ 1 * Oolloot ions iplicitetl, mid money paid over punctually. RIUS HALL. TONSITOR1AI, PAUI.OUS. obdahtoww, o-a.. C7C r ’Shaving, Hhainpbulngnnd Hair CntUngdono neatly, cheaply and cxijedltlomdy. (live me a call. Jan Si tf I Hit'S HALL, WASHINGTON. I). C. II AS A FIRST-GLASS HOT HI i AT $2,50 per day* Tremok House No Liqlwrs Hold. tf LUM MPIOM’S oi.n jiii.iAiii.i: LIVERY, FEED mu SALE STABLE Cedartown, Ga. MILLER A. V\||{IGIIT, Proprietor Keep* constantly Thompson’s Imminent;. A well known remedy in this com munity made at home, and hat* dozen# of home witnesses who can attest to Its Curative Qualities. Have you a Cut, Bruise, Sprain or Burn ? Apply Thompson’s Linament and be healed at once. Have von Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache or Back ache? Buy a bottle of Thompson’s Linament and be relieved instantaneously. Have you any kind of lung diseases, or are you Unentailed with pneumonia, or have y*>ii (Jliills and Fever ? Thompson’s Linament, will relievo you. Price, $1 Per Bottle. Prepared by DU. R. It. THOMPSON, jaii 29 tf Codarlown, Ga. BEST IN THE WORLD. And Better than any Saleratus. Ono teaspoon Pi 1 of this Soda used with sour milk equals Four tea- spoonfuls of the best Baking Powder, saving Twenty Times its cost. See pack age for valuable in for ma: ion. If the teaspoon In I is too large and does not produce good re sults at first, use • less Afterwards juu, .w. gill. THOU R li S T hire, Good Horace ‘ itinm* Carriage)*, and splendid accommodation# UR A N T 30 IL. A-DIHfe’ CAFE, JAM US’ HA A7T HBOCK, A.mjJk.lpteA., GA. t>Ko OPEN DAY AX'D NIGHT. BSfAccommod ilinns fo and Meals at all Uotrs. Families, 33 () \v :rsr With Hkh Prices! CHICAGO SCALE CO., OS (C* 70 West MmroeSt., Chicago III., Have Reduced tl«J Prices of all Kinds of & c; A k m 4-Ton Hay, Stock or Cotton Scale, #00. Former Price, #100. All other sizes at n "rial reduction. ffT* livery Bcnlo Fui.i.y WAiutAifnsn. All order# promptly filled. Circular#, Pilco Ll#t# nob Testimonials hciit updi nppllertlon. Buy tho Cheapest and Best dec. 18, lS77-ly Prof. Samuel P. Snow, CEP AUTO IV X, a A. Teacher of Piano and Organ, and Instructor in V -calization or Voice B ildipg. Will resume I es ons J u nary Oth, 1879. Terms 8> p r pu-nth, payable monthly. d-c 19, lm mitigs and Fancy (h ods, nought on a low nnd depressed mark •mild buy them'. My stork conrist# of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, BV1TN8. AND VELVETS. HUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS to match every slimlo of Drop# Good#, 11 K 1 > K r, r.i FI N T s. 100 piece# of Jean# from !3 cent# up; 00 piece# All Wool Cnstdincrc# and Kuranv Horn ;;r> rein# Yne in Plaid and Plain 1,1m IP d and Plaid plinti-en ,, t make; 75 pieces Will from r> com# up; 40 plot r V Idle and a»l(l In i I the Celebrated Peat iK.e TMdOCOS W^ m Flannel from »l - ... .. . , . up: 75 pair V Into ei# cneitpcr illHll ever Bold In from 5 cent# up; 80 piece# of Canton Flannel from Scent# up; (Id Dozen of the Celebrated I Unit lied complete for $1.00. The large C A. 11 P Id T S JSTia-Oir .A. X3-tv )£> 3HL a? X ® 3E! 2VE 33 3NT rr W ; — J015. .A-. MAGNUS, 9 ***-**-*,»* RECTIFIERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGAL’S, 52 Whitehall Si., ATLANTA, Solo Agent for John Kaufk,man’s Celebrated Cincinnati I.agor Beer. H hall make every ofTort t will and patronage by i. •eryduty pertnlulni' lo my li \ rf~ Auent for I mliilBlratlon on tho eatuie of llenry Itleliurd#, lute " j of raid comity ilcceiwud. Thereforeall person# com cvriied will appear nl a Court of Ordinary to lie Wl-IITJjHLEY’S OIJ) 11EI.IAI1U: LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLF. Rome, Ga, WIIITELEY, I’liorniKTOB. \V. L. held In #nld c next to #1 (.'ranted. 18th 18711. Jan III, II .Joint. 11UHWKR. Ordinary . COUNTY.—0. ('. lliinn ha# t Solomon Osborn, a minor ) Osborn midwife, Laura Oi colored, late of paid cnnnly, deceased, hound fo him Thoroforo all person# concerned will lie and appear nl n Court of Ordlnarylo he held In said county on the Third Monday In February next lo show cause If any they have, why said minor should not bo bound to said 0. O. lliinn In term# of tlio law. (liven under my hand this Jnnuai v '.Hit, lsv.i. Jan 1(1 II JOKL J1RKWKK Ordinary. TY.-M. 11. llllhn hu# Torn, a minor chili' lie. lauira Osborn i minor child Jenrgu Osborn. Sr., and wife, lauira Osborn, . jroil, late of said county deceased, bound lo him. ls Therefore nil jiorson# concerned will ho and appear satisfaction guniuutced a hnntf for M he Third Monday In l 1 o nil who If any they have, why said minor should :t 10 dm *’ j M. n. Yl •on under my liaml, A Want Supplied! A Well ISttabllihod Clotljip^ Sou^e In CcilartowM is now a fixed fact. R. GAMMON, (Lumpkin'# Old Stand.) Has a Large Stock of Jan 10, * xt, to bIiow (••hi-io ' d not be the law. j (i KI, ifVt li'A'H r’,‘ < )rd Ilinry. * .January ftlh, I Ready-Made Clothing, OENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, lints, Caps and Nolicms, Which ho will sell low for the CASH, a# he hat* bought them direct from the MaiiHfactoriM in the Fast for Cash, and ha# avoid ed the middle Mor■clmn In e cominoncpt fo Price#, cull nt Cloilaing SEouas© Em CEDARTOWN. C"?/“‘Tlto patronngoof the public 1# respectfully solicited. I!. GAMMON, oct 31,3m Lumpkin’# Old Stand. II Oil! *!'*. H I J 1MI «i«I. CH ANGE OF SCHEDULE. On nnd after SUNDAY. .JUNE l», 1878, tho rains will run on the Rome Railroad a# follows* EVENING TRAIN. Leave Rome daily nt .8.10 A M Return to Rome at.... 12.80 P M SATURDAY ACCOMMODATION. Leave Romo (Saturday only) at 5 COP M Uctiirn to Rome nt 8.00 P M C. M. PENNINGTON, Gon’l Sup’t. np«7tf JNO. H. STILLWELL. Ticket Ag’t CSeoROIA-POLK COUNTY—W. T. Tomlin- son, Administrator on tho cPtnto of K. S. Tomlin son deceased, has applied to me for letter# ol Dis mission from the said administration, alleging In hi# petition that hu has fully administered and dis bursed tho estate of said deceased, according to law, therefore, nil persons concerned will he nnd appear nt a Court of Ordinary lo lie held ii. enlil county on tho First Monday In Febru ary next, toPhowcnnsc If any they have, why let torn of Dismission should not bo granted In said case. Given tin/eriny hand thl# Nov. 3rd, 1878. nov 7. 3m JOEL lJItEWBR, Ordinary. GteORGIA-HARALSON COUNTY.—To nil whom It may concern, R. 11. Hutcheson having In proper form applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on tho Estate of William Gar ner, late of said county, thl# I# to cito all and sin gular the creditor# and next or kind of William Garner jo lie nnd appear nt my ofltocon the Flint Monday in February next, nnu slu-w cause, Ifnny they can, why permanent Administration should not bo grunted to R It Hutcheson on William Gar- net# cHlato, Witness my hand and oOlclal slgmi tnro, thl# December S3, 1878. Jan. 8. ’7!l S. M. DAVENPORT. Ordinary. Kotlce Ui Debtors arul Crodltors. All person# having demandsr.galu >t tho estate of J. W. T. Hand, dec'll, arc hereby not tiled to pre sent Ill-in to me propelly Hindu out within the time picpcrihed by law; and all persons Imlclmil to said estate are required to make immediate payment. A. R. DKOOKS, Ailnt’r. decpJPt* E()R(H A, P|) I.K CO UN T Y OKA M PT ON’S 'eUixii ^oap JS nth: BEST. This Soap 1# manufactured from pure mate-, rial*; and n* It contHlu# a lnrg'J percent- ago of Vcgutino Oil, 1# warranted fully equal to tho best Imported 1 Cast lie sonp,and at tkusnmo time contain# nil the (wishing a cleans ing properties of I bo cel’c- (ter- dry I thereloi It i* rccomuicn w’H for tntu in Ihu Laundry, Kitchen and Itiith Room, nnd ftir general household purposes; al so for ITlnlcra, Painters, Engineer# and Machinist*, n# it will romovu.spota of )4ik. Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, elc.. from thn hands, Mniiufactiircd only by Crampton Brothers, 2, 4, f»; 8 nnd 10 Rutger# Place, nnd 83 uud :« Jefferson Htroet, Now Y'ork City. For snlo by O.’ ii. XaAEfE, Ckmaktown, Ga. a. BRIANT, isro. 6, Promt Street, POME, ■ GA I Keeps ever kept in Rome mid sell# them it# cheap a# any one else sells tlxdr impure liquor*. Give lllm a call and satisfy yoni selves; you will Dad him to be NO liUMill'G. If von wnpt something fiood, ’yo Itrlanljhe will not represent his Liquor* to applied to have W. Court of mid county. on tho estate of siid decease rued pill be and uppenr Jlimtlui'ton •rk Hup: i lor dmlnlstrator Thcreforo, all per- ..pear at a Court ..f county Oidlnnry to ho lic\<f| wily rlttvitW: asri'j* other lit. ami pmper perron should not lie appoint- Administrator pn the estate of said W F Han- nder my hand tlifs mil day ol i 3 id I ihu law. JoEL 1 will pas# upon tho c tho28th day ol Lania January tiili, IB'.!). .JOEL UillA I IL Ordinary A. IL Cleveland malty, and Tills a 1 EURO I Mill- " - npjdli il lor , „ - apart and valuation of li'.mesteml, and I whl •ellei of.! W T Hand,deceased, bus upon the (toy of J .January liny of January 18T.I. i 3^MINES’ Latent Power Machinery. , dilTtruiit machines with » which Ruilder#. Cablniu 1 Makers. Wagon Maher# .l.bers In miscellU' Quality and price with Htcuin liover manufaetur- ing. \\ i!l send Mnchines On Trial if Desiiud. Say where you n nd this and send for catalogue ' " JollN UARNEH, Rockford, July 4th2Ui A. POLK COUNTY l ibr F # upon the #am iOUNTY.—Fannie ! WT Iland.i ol porsotiulty ' • - 111 i it... . .. I lie Hist •. * 'Tlila Sill day AVER, Ordinary, -Dennl# I hand the Rest and Parent L1QUQRH 11 ’ **■ Aheap usaiij Give lllm -, -iJlqni ho menu* wlmL hu says. Whi n pu.. pb* drink they r linujd always go to a'ninti who know llom hu good mile pludrljik tin, .... wlmt he I# doing and gel what they WHUt and no risk. Delia# moved next door to tho lt( 110,1 EL. When yon go to Rome call on hi e nnd you will bo well treated, waited on quleklv and get something pond. fob31 ly Burlington IEwkeye FOB 8AI.K 11V NK«8 TIIADR, 5(’. WEEKLY $2 PER A: NOW* $1,000 IN PKEMIUMO.. Also. Premium# for small elubsniiilslpglq names. duiiu u cent# rdf - copy uni! icuur.-’' •*-»*;• 7 II VWKEYU ITULISHINO COMPANY. ' ^ |lr 9ngAjli', lowa. • AQENTS WANTS©;' For Tho* ;:/i * Young Fcopl ’s iliny:raterd .Bible History. over lio.onn Copies ordered In advattcc.of pub- limit Ion. The best and onslost book to sell. S’hl# work contain# an interesting acionnt of tlm Y.rcat event# mentioned in tho01(1 nnd New Testa- 'niMt, the live# ol (lie Patriarch#, Judges. J{lngH- IhoSvth radical < terrliiea ••initial L*>##*». liupo lie) Spernia- IilVdlunlary ##ea. Impo- Menial and J’liysl- cal Incaimeily, Imp.dim nt# to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, Fpllepsy and 1* It#, imlueuil by seir- Indulgeneuor aexuul ex.rnvagancc. Ac. ^y-pilco, Inn sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author. In tin# admirable Essuy, clearly demonstrates. * it year# success- on# n#e of Inicrnnl tacdlcl.iu or I the knife; pointing *' cmtiM' and ms apostles, .1 ilia ro, ar l,aljlo ivnmon mill children mon- tlomil InlhB Kik-^1 voltimo. IllnulmM «lt Ulo- e»T,t Stoc] Hn«ravhT N . ,,- or lcrms „„ d , torri t„ r ,,, ni>i,ij to tho liKNitY !>,[,[, niiiusiyiiapu.. No, wlcb. Conn., or lo fie., Collin., Moi'on. Oo. JACK TAIIA^EM^ Salo Feed and Livery .(able. Bread SI reel, . Hot*. Oo. BissT OAIIR tdkrn it{ Htock. 1‘rlrL rearona hie. Special accommodation fdr teatnsi My Polk uud lluralsou county friend# are Invited to call and: sco mo. ; fdb.JIltf • application of sht>.!i l be In the hand#id 1 m ... the land. Bent liur eeni, in n plain enrclope, to any address, post- 11 ..* Pu hi jshc r# , B tI IK °(fu I! Vmt W Ri’.L DK.'AL CO., 41 Ann St,, New York: Pout (Jtlloo Address l M EDICAL ( IJox, 4580. Heal Estate Agency. The undersigned bclelvlng that a Real Eslute A- gen -y is needed in this community, have establish eel one for tin purpose buying selling and renting, for other#, Roil Estate such a# farm#, town proper ty, mine# and mining interests. We will take pro perty to sell or rent and make no charge forndver- tizingor trouble unless a sale or rental i# accom plished. Any ono having property for salo or rent will make money by consulting ua. Miller A. Wright & Co. dccIS-tf Ccdurtowu, Polk county, Ga. Wheeler & Wilson’s n l<:\v NO. 8. Exposition U niversklle, Paris, October 21,1878. Wheeler & Wilson arc uwhitI* d, for their new Sowing Maoliiiies, one of the Specinl Grand Prizes of I In* Kxe position (the only Grand Prize award’d for St wing Machines) over eiglity pqnipQ.itorfl, The New. No. 8 Wheeler & Wilson does every vjiriefy of work, iiiiili.,- the elastic lock such, sews faster, rims lighter, in.d is durable bejond comparison with any shut11*- nia* chill'', »n l is sold at the lowest price consist cut viitli i lie production of a good and serviceable machine. Pub lic appreciation of these facts is show in Mir rapidly increasing sales which indicate that tin* P«ew Whetl- er & Wilson is destined to supplant all rivals. List of reduced prices sent by mail upon npplicsp. on. Machines sold on easy terms. Old machines taken in exchange. Wheeler & Wilson Mf’g Co. Allantn, Ga., General Agency for Georgia, South! ^eougia. polk county.-l. m. Recvo# Giiruliuu, Floriil.i, ami Alai uma. .'on w. U CLEVES, Agent. SSiS"”' Jan. 311,3m 1 Jn • 8tb, St Ordinary Bm&NHAM’S I WAanAHTCO BESTAmHEAPEST “Acts upon tho reader like a tonic. The editorial department Is especially strong.”—IJoslon .Trans cript. "Continues to JmliUt# place li: the very front of American lnaguziiu s’rew ol which equal It in abili ty anil i.otiu of which have greater origluullty anil fresline##.—Stuiilay School Time#. Sunday Afternoon A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR THE HOUSEHOLD, Presenting only original mntler, equals In litera ry merit tho leading secular monthlies, uiul sustain# to the religious pro## a relation smllur to their# t tho secular T ‘'' * ’ able, and tills a place occuj>led by no other publica tion. It# articles on Practical Philanthropy. Fiction, both Serial nnd Short Stories, mid Rook Review# lire special features. ITS CONTRIBUTORS INCLUDE Prof. G P Flshor, Prof. F A Walker. Prof. .Tames tf Clarke. Rev. Dr A Peabody, Rev. Dr J T Tucker, Rev. I W Bacon, Rev. Dr E A Washburn, Edward F Clarke. Rev. Dr A Peabody, Rev. Dr J T Tnckc Rev. I \V Bacon, Rev. Dr E A Washburn, Eilwie K Rule, Rebecca 11 Davis, Horace K Scmlder, Rose Torry G’oolce, ' " rah O Jewett, f’l.OOaT' specimen copy. A NEW SERIAL entitled “Calvin the Sinner,’ begin# In tho January number. It is by iho nuthor of Son'# Heathen. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, Springllelil, Ma«s. Torry Cooke, Ellen W Olnuy, Ailollno Trafton, Su- h O .Jewett, $3,00 a your, postage paid. 8cnd iFor Sale Everywhere. q.hel Dr. Louis S. Ledbetter, Benifel Seon. G K DA IITO\V N, G KO K ft ^A.. (7LRADUATE of the Baltimore Collmio of Dental- xjr s «r«ory, keeps qn witb tlio lu|etit Improve mvntB In tho.proljjsHdh, and i/uqrnntJc# satlsfuc- tlon In all cases. Thuso wishing to hovo oH luotb niuile ngiv, or lost one# replaced, cqu have II done in the best style and at reasonnBH' ratsi By ralllnu on hhn nt hi# otllce, niujt (loiir ^|H^ot frDoJd# Si VICTORIOUS! TRIUVl»Hif}Tt Httho ■ atiliQ'"” Cuntennlaf Exposition, Erposltliiii Unlvorsello, P1II LA., 18711. The J'Htlefl” unrivalled Grand, Upright niuj Snn- arciianos, thereclnieiUaiof moro ihnn sixty iL#t murlcan anil many foreign conipctlffttt, tholr GRAND CROWNING TRIUMifHJ TJ1 B Midmlle D Argent tliul u' lJiji[()rr.e u’lioniKiir, , Topollmr will, n Spuclal Ccrtlntato of Mint to •Tnc.ib Grow. bniH'i-lnicmlcntof tho ailed ,F,C!orv n ;r;[»" rxtriinrillnnry *k|ll In „ a A ortliolr cnti.lnicllon, ih« wlull?itinnlng-t'Mrnml meiiso superiority ortho 8tle(Tinstrdmteil*; MWfcwrfaR miilpowerlul lone hn# never befft *jcollod bynnv ‘ihillsW"!?,"" 1 . K-Mlflly A t" trel.ln tioen he SlUD 1 ono show it# superiority over nil oth S;Jifisss; WrawriirflnSifi fciKaMi'i'a, ly in* elock, Holongent for tho Southern 'St(itos ? or?hn *Polou htl. I el ion & Co. and other make# of OKUA’NS. U ° r 0r|! '" ]8 *“ Dto “ npplica- (MIAS. M. S’lTEFP, II N. I.lbrrty SIrQuti nnIlimoro, Aid, diitldtr ., *. A* Lehmann, 1 Solicitor of American ami Foreign Pntaou, D. ft “reiln.™ i-oiim.r cd with i'a ton is, whiliof bcrV.™ 11 ent Olllce or tlio Court, jm mptly utttndud to No c iiiruu Hindu utiles »tmtuiit I. oucn red. tSci’id to OCMU tl