Newspaper Page Text
mu luranB.
.♦2.00 I
A Live Country Newipapcr. Published Every
Saturday Horning by
w. s. D. WIKLE & co. 1 K " ight
—■ ■ - — — I Stewart
TE 11)18 OF BUBSOBJPTION. ! Sllf'ff, H. P. Lumpkin.
Lumpkin's mu’tv
?ecr, Arrington
G.. Wrighi 203, Tr
returns of tho election of county offi-1 ^ 1wq brothor8 iu .,, nv in lhllt town
cers, held on last W eanosuay :
Ono oopy, one yaar
One copy, six months 1.00
Ton copies, iu clubs, ono year, each 1,60
Single copies Sola , lv
All aubecriptlona Invariably in advance. No j
nun* entered upon the list uutil tho eubectip-
t Ionia paid.
187-1, Bor. J. 0. Browno rosigneJ bis I _ ^ . w
. r, -two of them lawyers nnd tho other a offlco lxti pa8tor mi j naked that his AT T OR N E Y Ai law,
For Clerk Superior Court.—VV. C. mini8tci . ( ftU j 110 t ono ofthem hns a j r08igimtioll bo ncceptod now, to take CEDAHTOlfrV,
’ 1 j Federal oftlcc. Tho Spriuglit ld lie- ..ftoet at tho end of tho year.
_ , 0 j publiean thinks a mau who will nrg- Tho church having no good roasou
*h ec ^ his family after this f .shion hover j 0 f„ H0 ruoIi n request, consented,
0W 1 wifi f y»' P l ' c 8id«nt of tho Ui.itod ftml np p 0 intoa tho undersigned a com
mitteo to draw up suitable resolutions
. i 1.00 ♦ 2.50 ♦ 5.00 $ 8.00 $
6.00 12.00 20.00 30.00
8 001 16.00 25 I'd 40.00
. 18 001 25.001 45.0ti| 06.00) 120.00
Professional and lUininei-s Cards of ono
inch or leae, $12 per annum, payable quarterly ) 31
in advance; six months, $8. All advoith
mente due after first Insertion,
* j BtuU‘8 iu Ihoso times.
j Morris Gouts, for some tirno con-
419 ! nootod with tho German press of New
339 I York, committed suicide in that city
Gi ! 0,1 Sunday by hanging himself. About
•*;r h a year ago he was obliged to abandon
10-* Sherrell, I ?,, % ,,. tlll i lwlu on account of the f ilmo ot
lit, Biuco which his liimnc.ial
1 linal-
j his eye ‘
,.W t , 1J.M : Brooks 154, Edmondson 112, Buck 7:1, : affaire bttve bran stiaili;mi<.l
5 991 ??-99i ??.oo| so.oo| 40.00 y^ ouo gY j ly led to his suicide.
cii.—Itegutar Services*,
in each month, Uev. (’,
itor. Sabbath-school c
Methodist Curncit.—Services at 11
o’clock, a. m. and 7 1-4 o'clock, i\ u. every
Sabbath; Rev. Win. II. LnPrade, Pastor
Sabbath-school at 9 o’clock, a. m.
ParsDTTr.aiATi C.'iicncn.—Services 1st little later than usual going to pioss,
and 3d Sabbath every month, Rev. K. F. alul Ollf local columns baro of items
Taylor, Pastor, Babbath-s
ool n
Calkdokia Loixik, No. 121, V.k A.
Regular communication, the 3d F
night in each month.
J. S. Stubbs, W.
N. M. WnicOT, Secretary.
Tukabureu.—Pittuiau 828, Rceso J w j,| bo renumbered that the
511, Harris 15. Pittman’s majority Q r , uu | Duke Nicolas, unephew of the
Czar, robbed his mother, u few months
Sunvtvou.—Binl 1252, Dupree 8. “««. “f bur juwds to gi\u lla-m to uu
., . .. I American ndveuturcss. lUo Honor
Byrd # majority ). 1. • of tho impoml family 1ms both uivu.l
ConoNKH.—Thom pa jn 1288, lumlin by ,| lu nlsu j e elin-ing tho young
27, Harper 8, Hills (i, Browu G. , n,j ( .f insane. An impe l iul ukusu has
Thoiupsou's majority over Tauiliu boon issnuil 1 but its rout moaning is
* | well uuderhtood iu Kuropt*.
— Tho Memphis tlebt niuoUuts to tho
This being election week, and hav- cnormoUH HUIU u f $0,652,892. Tho
ing a grout many tickets to print and coupons duo to-morrow exouud half a
electionorring to do, our paper is a million dollivs, and tliero is only $12
000 iu tho city treasury for ull pur
— — . ’ lie was a butcher’s boy, and his
A littlo girl of Hr. J. 8. fatubbs. j lnat Wi11 . i1b t „ |„. r us llio train apml
aged about five years, died on Thurt- j away from the Danbury depot, were :
dav afternoon. Shu had been sick j “ Don t iorgot to scud mo a few ten-
only about two days. Wo sy mpntkiso ‘>cr linos, darling.'
nidi Ibo buronvod parents. I 'A’lu-y do nay tbat tho oiiUro crop of
! muotard tins your would t imtko the
—All portions indebted tous Kl , |lUukv |, b;l ',.. j raw „ „ g rurd
House squiivo. oot 17
1 TTOh'NKY AT I. .
CocJartown, Ca.
(•ootl TeniplarH.
i Valley I.odcjk, No, 303.
i on either note
; 1874 arc rtq
, and settle.
count for tho ;
quested to como forward
■\Ve mean it.
Meets every Friday
A. IIooti, Secretary.
ght (except 8d , Ja U «J4t
H You AViuif
Factory Thread at $1.25,
Uranter. A "’ool Hut at 75 ccpt
Coiquitt 0»aSob, No, 20 - Regnlir mccl-i Good Bleaching 10 cents,
lugs Saturday bofore the third Sabbath In Whole Stock Brogans 1.50,
each month. Tobacco sound
C lub. Good Bark Hi
iturdky ()»• ,th’V
Tho congrcgutiou ol tuo fourth
Baptiil church, Ail inta, arc sensible.
They gave him a purse, with tho sen
sible remark that lie would probably
.spend it morn jiulioi >usly tlmn they
cutild do for him.
to express tho feelings and vie
I lie church toward our pastor, who
withdraws from us to labor in another
The committee after duo donsidern-
lion, present t o the called conference
on tho third Sabbath tho following:
Resolved, 1st, That onr beloved pas
tor, Rev. «T. 0. Browne, in a pastorate
of seven years, has not only mt com- KING JAM'S,
mitted any actor manifested anydu> i A TOliN MYS AT T
poRitbu derogatory to tho character Ccdurtowu, tta.
of a high-toned ohris.inn gentleman, 0 FFICB iu Coin! IIouho.
but by faithful labors and earnest i f 1 .....
forts in tho Mastor’s rui vico among us
has magnified his oflioo, and illustra
ted tho clmrnetor of a true, lmmblo,
prayerful and successful minister.
2nd, That our confidence in the
integrity of our brother, in all tho re
lations of life, especially in the devo
tion to tho service ol our Lord, and
the work of saving souls, is unboun
ded. That, for preaching ability,
soundness in the faith, and clear ap
prehension and presentation of tho
great plan of salvation as revealed in
tho Gospels, wo know few, if any, su
perior.--:. With a clear logical mind,
meek and gentle spirit, and heart de
voted to the ministry of the Word, ho
hns steadily grown in our contidoneo
and love ; and wo pint with him with
rot, submitting t
.1. U. I! A R it E It ,
Notnr.v 1’iibl ie
Cnliiilovvia Gu.
pAimiTLNR altoatton glvon to Inking
Juno 20
W. W T I It N 1' »t ,
Orinrtown, tin.
O FF1CH South of (Jourl Houho, botwoou
lluniinglou and Wright’s Htoros.
Attorney nt Luav,
^ y-'FICU -Hunt Htdo Court IIouho square*,
nuunaiia a wm\»r mi
Daniel 1ms applied for Rxompttnn j
nr |i»r.oii»li,v lull 1 >vlll |,»«H mm, llio c da town . . Coorprla, «iBDAntOWX,.OBORar.l.
Hftino at iu o clock, on I lie l) t it day! 1
of January, 1H7\ thin Iho IJOIh of Doceni ,.... tv , ! Aro now offering tho^folly.vln^ J. i
b.v 187*. .mm. linnvmit, Oni'y. l ' E ' , ' u,a ,N
P lioiniiA, i‘oi.K (jijunj'y; wm h. n ,, . _ , n ., 1 PROPERTY FOR SALE.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
at 11 o'clock, a. in , on llio filli day id'I
Januarv, 1875. Tilts lleociubor 22, 18
JUKI. intHWHU, Ord’y
Polk County Fttinie
Holds 1(h rrpu’nf mrcMngs
before the 4th Sunday in « noh motch
». M II. HYRI>, l’ceaidi!
Jons 0. Waddell, Secretary.
Onr AkciiG.
K. I*. Fcalherston, l ime Branch.
11. S. 1'iUlilto, Taylovflvillc.
W. P. Weal, Enoin Hill.
I Ed Percell, conductor on the Geor
gia road, has been presented with a
solid silver pitcher, by President John
i One C5 coots nor lb ! King-, fmmly in Brut, fnl i. in. inbui-
(' ,H u* 50 ci nt-» fiuce of his gallantry duriug tho burn-
11 '' " ' ’ ' ing of tho bleeping car oil that road
, hw down, rm . nt ly.
.•Ul perso
forward :
work foi
i Uni—. i
J. S. SL'UlV.l CD. ] Sn.vur SnooTiso
' does a printer live c
hom i v May ( onoliin.— j —.tho rauio as ot her folks, ot com* e.
tvi.iBiiia t.ii- iiii'ilk'iil bui- Why ilu you ii»k, ,1 .liniiy ? ' ‘■II.-
ni'htiv roi|liostt 1 to con... j 7"'’ u J ,,,u h:,ul
* thing for your paper, and llio punter
n ttle, an I can no longer HCJU i« it to you.” " Wib-, spank
hing and board myself. ; tLint bov.” " 1 shan’t do it.’’ “Why
uent is nnde, inv servi- ! not ? ’’ "Boo
what seems ti
bo the Lord’s will,
3ul. Tlmt we heartily commend our
brother to the eontldenco and kind
oilleos of all tho Faithful wherever
his lot may bo cast.
JNO. L. 1311ANGU, • Com
M. 11. BUNN, )
Road in Conference, Doc. 20th and
, adopted uunniin msly by the church
Father, what,; Copies ordered also for the Clp’isiian
’• litvo on ? Links, and fur llio retiring pastor.
Mcdtrat r pr . lorn
Church Clerk.
juno 20
Cnftcrsvlllo, Gu.
^^FFICE in Bank Building. juno 20
and Roal Estate Agents.
’. 11! TKtt S17 /. // !■'
CHI)MtrOIV,Y, O.l.
; 0 m,;E
Physician and Surgeon,
(2<mIii r tow it, tin.
! QFFIC12 at realdonoe,
tiidy bo di -continued.
1 No
Nu.m.ia for oil kinds of Sewing |
machines; Singer, 85 cts per i|o*o n—all oth ,
ers 80 cent.-'. Will scud needles by mail on
receipt of price. W. 11.
Pianos and Oiicans.—Wo nr-) "gni*.
for two reliable houses, f »r the sale o.
l’iauos and Organs, or any othi v mu-,
icjil instrument, and will tell ns cheap
ns can bo bought from manuf.u
cull and get catalogue uud prici
vpank him ; l tell you, and then pm I
urn to bod." ’’ithan'tdo any ui ch
j thing. What in the world do you j
»un- j want him spunked for.' ‘‘ He is too
fine 1 smart.” "Well that comes uf your
, marrying me.” “What do you mean Y”
" 1 mean just this, tlmt tho boy is
nG, | smarter than his father, uud you cuu't
•■at, deny it. He knows <•
that a man, primer o
can’t live on no'.hing;
tie think you would bo imli
self not to know as nine
Violtncs, from $1 20 to $’>!), n
nt J. L\ Veals, No. 27 Smith’s B1
('■hcap Banjos. $1
\ cal’s
Tar.Mii ms ! PnHMiusH! To iv
new subscribers who pay $2 in uc
vunco for tho Rkoom), one year, w
will give n new yt nrs presout of u Ilu
engraving, 19X21. The retail pric
of theso engravings, at any book sloi
would not be less than ono dollar. \\
have a few sample pictprcH at our of
fico. “ A Landscape Study," “ Far
from Homo,” “ Aurora," “ Mothers
Joy," Death of Antony," etc , etc.
villi f
gh t
io printer, 1 I assure y<
d I bhouhl nover ministt
L-a „f your-; higl.IT in I,
I tlmn 3«on»
Liutu.loi.iU .iui , Is, ivtll i lin. .1, l,ring j uliurclt wlior
io court house, 1 fair profits from large numbers <>f pen- W(l{ , (i jj J1(
il. IT. Byrd pie. Expcuncs fall heavily on a Buml’
mil-, nml Julm " l " l ‘ t ' 1 ll 7
, in pl'iLutlon nut largo <
advuitirting expensoB ape
small fortunort, or ppne,
Curiosity is inherent
I A ' l lure, it never tiros urn
At- , satisfied. Wi-e ndvoil
j vantage of it. “Why,"
lc not; you soo, reading novel tisouients
for tile fun of tho thing, I only wanted
!<> know what tlmt old rat up to."
I'll ill's nil, and tlmt in why a groat
many people read advertisements at, ami buy tho goods, pcrhupH,
Farewell LeHer of Rev. .1. (
It i-o wins la tin- ('(‘itarlaw
Bnpli<t CIiui-4'k.
Cam: Spiiin.i, Ga., Dec. 23, 1874.
I><ur Jlrclhrcn .- — I had hoped to see
your faces again and preach you a
sermon, but an nfllictivo Providence
has denied me this privilege, and 1
must content myself with writing you
ft few lines.
>tl, dear brethren, that 1
red to a people wlu> stood
iv esteem and liftedi m
Ives; have novel- had a
) it y relation ns pa b r
speds s > pleasant, a el
it pi
SliciiH Hnlcs For .Iniinai-y.
W ill ho sold ho Torn tho (Jourl '
House door, in Cedarlown, Polk conn,
ly, Georgia, on first Tuorsdny in January, I
next, within llio legal hours of sale, tho fol- j
lowing properly:
l.ols of land numbers 338, Ofl) nnd lot, iu I
llio 21h! dlstrlul and 3rd rpoIIom of Polk 1
county, Gn., also, nuiahn- 22(1 267 231 235
SOU 331 H43 87 -177 2Ut* 20-1 330 283 187 88
83 nnd 202 in tho 21 dint riot and 3rd sec
tion of raid ununly, also nuiubor 28(1 lit)
607 2UO 187 (13 \rn 1112 1012 287 1027 060
I02U 500 3 and 507 in llio 18th district and
3rd section of said county, also live norcs
■nor ol 1005 In i
ion uf said coin
oil number 733 in tho Isl district and Ith
sootion of said eoiuily, also lots number 308
and 75, in the 2nd district ami Ith section
of said comity, also, two lots in tho
town of UooUiunrl, lot number (1 in block
(A) fronting 20 feet on mat-hlo street, and
running buck 125 foot, and lot number 7 in
block (A) fronting 20 feet on marble street,
running buck 125 feet, as tho property of
James M Ware, deceased,
By virtue of ono fil'd from court of Ordinary
Folk county in favor of Martha Ann Ware,
vs bounder .1 Dupree, Administrator on
the Kstoto of James ol Ware, deceased,
This 10th day of December, 1874.
li. W. rl,l',MKNTrt, Sheriff *
n KOUtllA.l’Ol.K COUNTY—"Whereas —
\JTKlii.«belh II. VanDcvondor and M \ ||
Ake, having made application for Letters of
Administration on the Estate of l’olor Van
Dovauder late of said county deoeaso I.
These are, therefore, to clto all poi
sons concerned, to lie and appear at the
next court of Ordinary to bo held iu said
county on the first Monday in January next
to show cause if any they have, why said
Letters should not he gruunlud. Given un
der my hand and ofilcial signature, This
Nov. 26th, 1874.
JOEL nttUWHll Ord’y
Knight, administrator on the es
tate of Alfred Morrison, decease 1, has
made appliontion, in duo form of law, for
dismission from his said administration,
alledging iu his petition that, after his ap
plication as ruoh administrator, Georgia
Morrison, the widow of said ducousod, made
application and obtained homestead and
exemption of personally, and iu ivhiuh was
included the whole of the properly bolou, -
ing to the eslato of said deceased, and tin.t
ho lias fully administered said estate, hu fet
us tho law requires.
Therefore, all persons concerned will
take notice to be un i appear at my ollioo
within tlie time prescribed by law, to show
cause, if any they have, why said W. U
Knight Hhould not he fully discharged from
his said administration. Given under my
Imud nnd ullioiu! signature, this Oot. 1), 18,4
JoLL BiiLWKK Ord’y
The firm of \\ ado Co., iu Ilia Saw Mill
business, was dissolved, by mutual consent
(lie Bill day of November iusinut, by llio
L _A_ 3VE IP S
the debts of the old firm.
Is/Lo AXE,
< Yriiirlown, (
YFKEBS his professional i
360 Acres Farming La-ir'
We ufl'or forsnlo3G3 neros of )nu>!
elan rod and undor good i'e.ion, locno-
miles east of Tayforsvillo, six miln- •
of Itoclcmm-t, nnd one miln from Cool,
mill. A bargain will bo given. *J
• — 1 good upland.
Everything Fresh and Pure I 320 Acre Farm-A Barg <
Farm of 820 noros, 100 cleared
1 auliivntioti, with good fonees. Now d
• I i • • j 9ng, n«w smoko house and well of ;
' c - ,NK 01 1 water. The remainder of the land is
limbered. Tho grado of the North •,
1 * E I? IT SI M 13 ltY* South Uailroad passes through thia la i
| Located in Floyd county, leu miles f .
Oodartown, and about tho same disi. .
from Homo, on Silver Crock road. T.- i,
very reasonable, In fact tho cheapest p:.,
iu North Georgia, location oonslderc I.
Dr. Rooso Residence, wiiirn, boai'.i,
Always on hand.
Tooth, Hail- an,l .Nail Brushes,
Oombs, eta.
For C hris) mas.
A fitin lot of Gaiiilius mid Fancy
Goods, just roodvL'd.
Baying for (lash, we are prepared to sell
as low as llio lowest.
Give in non.I and see for yourselves
juno 20 -ly
A Boon to tho Whole llnco of Women
Female Regulator!
1 !. 1 nmol’ nuVie*' imoViMy
j hod-rooms, dining room, kitchen i
try, all wall finished. Five acres in
Tills D a raro opportunity for agree ,.
; KftbL
Store House and Lot,
Known as tho Rooso Drug Store.
thirty feot front, running hack ono liu.i I
■ and tlilrl.v-two feet, on which is a two
I framed store homo. Good businces l„
, lion. Tlie host bargain yet offered,
j A stock of Drugs and Fixtures. .‘L .
Fresh and pure.
Fashionable Tailor,
Codartown, Ca.
SNSliS, robpvo
<Vre Ntvo il,iw. Hint eorroot all IrituuInnUia
If i "mV all Irrlla-Ion of 1C lit nry* c ml lUnrt-
i>iIkvu (■>mUvein i j>8, • -jirl-y ilij< IJIoou.^tve
■ ii|inr«tin; i, rmy line iu thuciiot’k.nnd vliuvr-
I lie ubovo ills Hies ns Qu!n-
tlioiiinf yes or all Die above ills-
tlii'li ■■iimiilaliitn io any
inoitif. lag i,i (liflr prlilti
limiuatud Ly llio lumt pliynlolniin amt
LaUkanok, U.t . MarHi -.'3, ts’e.
ini' i jin tiiUiHim
Die c er«y
IlH* OKI KLD A h ',| n V l tlllil I
,Wht (wonty y»a"s"iln) meOielno
best. Fits guaruatoed, and all work
ranted. Try mo and bo convinced. I
oinl attention paid to renovating nn
pairing; also cutting for ladles to tuak
W, li. Wikle & Ca.
inlnwii as Dr. J in a,tile it’s t'emale tin.
Intor. a’id cokhIiIi r II tlie bew oninMnailon over
unKun to ciliiT for the UlamiseH fur whleli ^re-
fo'iptiim bntli us imhuoMiVo 'er ol’minielneiiai In
(liiiiien-.'u n run le-'. and can boil fully any Hi 11 mm-
iililfr li u i oou t.) milli rliid ifii.itli N and n wi lint
Imiif dim every Indy in onr own land, who may hu
nuA'-rinit In any way peoul'ar to tlu-lr sex, may »»«
aide in procure u bntli Hint tin'll- ■nllbriniiH may
not unit be relleted.but tba' (hOy may ho restored
in lienllh and streuulli. WLh mt • Inacst rinjurds,
I am, ropt'Oli'ully, Wit. MCHUILL, hi. D.
Nicau Ma'iiiictta (la.. March so. IH70.
Messrs. Mu lloor Him: Dear .Vtr*-Homo
moiitlm uL-n l bniiuhl a bottle of llrndlluld's Ktmiulo
Do. inatm from vmi. nnd hat n nnivl It In niy rami y
vvuIt Uni nlinnst imtlHiaia-on.iind bnvn rimninmun-
d> d It to two or three oilier ntinllles.and limy havo
round It JiiHt what li Isroconimenned. ThoruuiHlpa
who bnvn use i your ltfRiiinior are In porfopt
lien:ih, and nrn uulu to allend in thalr Imu-obohl
dutlun, and tvu nordlally reunmmoiid It to tho pub-
human i
i fully '
1 ! tun
Tho following
By all means,call
when you go to Borne. He tukes pleasure j
in showing goods whether you boy or n
gggrHo particularly request tho ladies
call. No. 27, Smith's block, 4 6.
re appointed :
Delegates ; Capt. J. A. Peek, Gupt.
I. T. Battle, Col. Sanborn Jones,
’apt. J. A. Blanco and Berry Buck-
xplaibcd (ho objett of the
meeting to he the .- ppointmeut of del
egates to the mooting of the Gn. Ex-
Coiiftdurate Soldiers to bo hold
hititft on the 20th of .Jan.
On motion of M«j. J. A. 1
Rosolvod, that this meeting h
approve of the ohj'-etsof tho proposod
coi,volition, and that we select six
nnl mitnbe-r of al-
nt us iu said eon- 11 ftot-wards.
, A meter is three f ut three inches
and tluoj-eights. G jiigi ipiontly live
centime ter .8 are nearly two inchis.
Tho ni«-:.lo bulf-dinio in two ccntitno-
tors iu diumot
! grammes. J/glit kilometers are ncar-
Altcruates : Lieut. Jno. O. Wad- j v fi vo n.iles. Bixty-six kilomotors are
doll, Capt. Thomas W. Dodds, Lieut, i jjjout forty-ono miles. Twenty-live
Johu Carter, Maj. H. M. liyrd, Ouh. t mUliinc-torM mako almost an inch. All
McGregor uud Lucus Stone. Lhid is to become familliar after tbo
That the secretary bo in- | Cenlofinial.
slrnctod to furnish a copy of tho pro-1 ‘
, „ , , oeedings of this meeting, to tbo Co-
WodDMdsj, pMHHd off witboot any (1 .„. tolv , 1 p „ 1M;r8> nn ,j „ Hat of the
. , uanios cf tho delegates to tho Mayor biking lu.
elocUoneenog was done, and mtorcBt uf AlbmU _ A1 corlifioatoa to tho I "" muma
taken, by the different candidates and , j On putting he
(nnn.l. VV’ll nilltlillll tllA VMialt. I ^ b
On „,0tiu,„ .mv | bouuot bod dUapponfed. It luul hd
fTU ET-- W y ' lull off in tho.,it,not without tlm mv„-
Mr. Edilor;—Ploaso annonneo that J?ob - 1UI,J ’ . ' L . r discovering the mishap, nml it be-
Mr. Clements has not been scon since tTTmmirvV / • • .. ing early in the morning there was
tho election, and I suppose that bo , JOHN IILHJIENB, 10 ' j nobody about to tell hor of her loss,
cut down his stooping bee tree, and j
it fell on him and mortally wounded j ncIt n ftV erlcy’H Mitutrolfl, piloted Thus the Delewuro H raid calls
him. He thought bo would got the , by H , irrJ clapllan) , ara ooming in this ,
honey on tho ojth day of danuar), | tlir( , ctiou . i ,i
dl : P>u«.
it. j indor.
I > A."V IS,
Codartown, Ca.
epairing watcbca nnd jewclr
uil the times, a( Vcala, Home-
I fi t 1 tlmt I tun l.eimuu fjiinds
In d fribnds, those who truly
Jesus iitul for Jlis Hake have loved
And us 1 review tho pant and
il the many evidences of kindnoBs
,vn mo, and think of Ihoso pro-
cious Hoasons of rejoicing in tho Lord
wo lmvo had together, thoro goes up
from my heart an earnest llmnk
to Go for Iho past, and a
pray or for blessings upon you
fill urn. I /*.»./■ Urn W Ihitl
have been the pastor of the Cedar- Itcpniring lino watolum a specialty. All j
town tihuruh wlioru I hnv.'i found so ! J** 1 J.jvelry and Wmotw nnd CIo-.-kn
. , . .. , kept lor Hui**. jiiueaU-ly
many congenial sums ana Mellow
helpers to the truth;' brethren and
I ' | j'v sistors, old and young, who havo oin-
,<»y wn will, ihmrChrist- Cherokoo | ron Comp’v Store,
like love, nnd whoso names tiro now 1 t 1 °
laid away iu memory’s Gasket, and j
shall over ho retained Ihero its tho I IF YOU WANT
most precious of the jewels.
But I fool that tho Lnd hns called j DE/Y- O-OOXDS
Coiinting-Holiso Desks,
Tho latest styles of Furniture
cheaper than any house iu tho Houth.
My furuituro is made by ono of the
most popular Maiiufaotui-ing houses
iu the North-west. 1 defy compolioii
quality and price. CL 11 and
Kor rull nartlculnrH, lilntory or (IIbomor, and car-
tiiii nti, ul lin woinlnrtul uiiron, tlm r«««i)r in r*.
I it roil io llio wi-nppur niouiul (bo boitlo.
MHiiurni'tnri a unit null* by
liltAI>I< IICI.1) A CO,, AtlHUla, Oa
Bold by tilt ill uuKiulH.
Practical Mechanic & Builder,
Etc., Etc.
TA 1C K SulmoilnUon for .ny Boolt m V1
i-iodioal publishoa in tho Unitod Staon,
Fabllshei-H lowest priaoa.] 2
1ST B a D l
For all kimlH of. Sowing Machines, aU • f ir-
ollioi'H 80 cuntH. Parties would do i
consult us beforo buying goods from |.
(fters, or Nomliug North to tho va .
Bwindlors and humbugs. Any goods u -
run auto wx, a A.,
Watchmaker and Jeweler,. V ! m ,.. u ivi« a you' mimu huaimms. i ! ,,. r
don't idlow liny huuaii in Uuurgia Li, WJX fbTb. ./ fully pr.p.v.,1
undersell mo j furnish Muiorlul and
'Dio election for county officers,
off without a
serious disturbance. A great deal of
their friends. Wo publish tho result
A lady i
1 tended ot
H I I O 33 S* ,
! Or any nrliolo generally kept in
t me to aii'-thcr lieldi and now I must [
Philadelphia recently at- nay famed/. I sincerely <1 cairo and
ul tho churches, and on oaruestly pray that it may be well j
Beat, became conscious of with you all, both in time and eternity; j
coldness about the head, and J know that thus it will be wi ll *
.1 up to discover tho righteous, for God himself lias]
.. ,. , the cause, she discovered that her nuthuri/.-d mo iu his word to announce
lucUon, tho mocliQR the.iud-1, , „ ,„iu tnUh : “Soy ,•« lu the righteoiu, I , r „ „ umnnr
if Ml l,i: Will with him." Afflictioiib ] A PInST ^LAS.) 5 TO It h
are likely to come; and indeed they l
must cumo, but al) these nfiliations
are a part of the means which the j calling at the above named Htoro.
(I rent Father employs in working good |
in eiw, ——
At PrlcoH to unit llio (lloHOHt IluycrH, you ]
will mako it greatly to yoar advantage by 1 j ;
nuv 7—ly
cam okovERt
No. fl, - - - liroiul Street, j
BOMB, C3-A..
Ready-Made Clothing,
C l A Lb and pi-loo my goods, and \ will j
I convincu you that 1 noil tbo boat of Goods !
1 cheap for (Ja»lt. Nov 14-2m 1
Cotton! Cotton!! Cotton!!!
I will at nil times pay tho
Rome Full Market Price
13 root T3uildingfw
of lift hIxoh anil grndoB, on shoi't notlco and
lifter llio moat approved plans. Particular
utlontiou given to imikiug and trimming j
TIioho dofllrlng work of any kind in Ills
lino would do woft to call on him at tho St.
Uliiirloi Hotel. Shop fronting Court House
Square. juno 2D-1y
Romo Railroad Company.
boavoH Homo at, 8.16am. \ Mnnnf flllI j,
j | except £
juno 27-ly
Cotton. Porsons wishing to deliver
cotton in payment of their aooouulfl,
for His children. Only maintain tho
character of Iho righteous, my broth- i
n n, in the scriptural seiiso of that term |
Livery,’Sale and Feed Stable
ft head been put uj
but did’ut got anything but boo bread, j ^ r jp 0 yratcrmellon, grown in tho Hot aid this week. This is more suiis- and it shall be well with you now, and j
on the Gib, about JO o’clock, and Mr. 0 n u j r ^ wa3 a novel Now Ye ir’s pres- factory ull around than if it had been forever. But tlmt it may bo well with
Lumpkin got the hemev. V.. cut to tho editor of tho Home Journal i P ut 0,1 ^ ,0 editor.’ I you as a church, go to tho Great
Colonel dishy, may say this is an ug- immortal “J, N.” hns again Shepherd in earnest prayer and bo-
Heo advertisement of A. Hunting-1 r j cll |tm*ttl romance, aud likely bo righ j mudo bis uppeamuce—h cturing on • aecch Him to send you a man flftor
ton, offering $5 reward /or lost over-j Tb(J ! , n .|j m i uury ,. X :,iuiimlioii of lii« ffroM trullis nml ,1l-ii,M„;ii1iiik I,- |Jj s 0 , w) heart, lu load you into llio | JL' Hlwk Vutiialos, nnd Curclal Driver,
coat and keys. James F. Frazier, charged with tho j (:u k u ’ ou 1 a-"Uii>< 1 01H * “greon pastures” of his grace, and by at ways on haml.
, , , , , I murder of J. 13. Dunwoodv, took place The music of tlie human voice sur- tho “slid waters” of his love. Audi Hpecial attention given
Bov. W. H. Lvpvade ■ “V oa ,tun county lu.t week. ' THu 's all nthor «,l ,.««,)». buw.
will rcooivo
I, iboral I’pIoob
' Ovor lliomnikul pvloo, during 111. monlli
| of November. l’artic-H having Bold r-- ‘
j mn and to bo delivered tl)i» fall, are
notified to bring in tho sumo at once,
| | punt duo.
Main Street, C’ciliirlown, Ott. ~K7"Tn~\A7~ QOOjDS
Good A!,D
i you (,i:t a |,(inter, lovo him, sym atook left in „ur ctiurge.
church to morrow tut uaoul.
have hoen on a visit to Oxford for tho , “' J perfect they may he, in its power to . .. , .
last, two week.,, havo rotnrno J. Sor- court of inquiry wa, ciono-l after t n rouse the emotions and passions of U1 “* him, cheer, co apoiate I
• ;,i . j.pi.i : n the Methodist examination of eighteen witnescs. The , Who cIoch not know tho wild with and maintain him in every pos-
T * cca wU1 b0 helJ m tb ° MCt ’ evidence was considered ample to re- pitch of enthuniasru to which a crowd : pible way. Let ull see that they do
j quire his detention. often e mited by the singing of a their full duty towards tbeii^ pastor ;
‘ , ,, i national at.them?
Mr. CjrncliUH li. Adams was drown- a , |)0 dmnu c[ j s imieiinahiu ;
| ed in tbo c urd at Granitvillo factory, it | jr j n „ s , in e xqui»ito sense of “uliss-
j near Augusta, last Friday. His bo-Jy j u j Badness," which no person can des-
was recovered iu about two hours. ! cribe. Wo feel while under its influ
ence that we aie iniguias even to our-
Kuty Putnam was one of tho most H elvee. What strange and hitherto
On last Saturday an eltcuon was
held for five town Commissioners, aud
resulted in tho election of A Hunting-
ton, N. M. Wright, P. C. Harris, A.
Dougherty, and T. G. W. McMeekiu.
On Thursday wo had another town
election, for Mayor, Recorder aud live 1 active canvasser, at the Catholic Fair unknown power# awaken within us mi in lb
T ., ,,, \i . i v> nvr.ninr/ in f"*,,liirnbus. after tho soul souis on the Wings of melody and
Councilmen. Ivy I. Tuompson was A 1 ‘ ? n ’ ’ i far ud into tho sunlit uud eternal 1 impo
elected Mayor, Dr. L 8. Ledbetter , the close of tho opera house
O B O R G IA .
scribed in tho word. Bo faith
ful to oueujiother, brethren, in private j
admonition, and when necessary, in ,
public discipline: and especially be)
f .ilhful to your dislinc;ivo principlra. T. M. ANBB11SON, Into of Hum.,, f,(,. will,
Wo hold doctrines, my brethren, that | (j *1^ j\_
are held by no other denomination
the world; and if wo fail to teach
maintain them, much of God’s ,
far up into the sunlit uud eternal important truth—truth that is fundu- A T L A N T A
heavens Arc not all things possible mentej to churph organizition, and; ft /rKAM and Lodging por Day $2 03; bDi-
Itscorder A. Huntington, N. M. A cash donation of seven hundred |, (> „ W(J ftfi k, as we leap in that mo- decisive of the qualifications and priv- iVI gle muni, 60 cuntH, Fii-Bt.eliiBs table
Wright, P. C. Harris, L. B. Stone and dollars has been contributed by tho incut of ecstasy over nil tbo barrier# lifF» of it# membership, must <» ^ 1 Fl»e‘w"«“*.
n •! L, . . , 4 1,n rut waf r,f the of sense and circumstance V True, to the world. Let no ono be ushamed i.iquorH, I* .J , •, Coancdmcn. Joe Columbus people for tho rel.e of he : oi° ^ , ui ivj rc !. or afmM w |,y the counsel of i l"(-
Harper says we will have an election family of their late marshal], -uuip i). , lDt | t j JC wjngB cf the spirit trail God, in opposition to the command-^ D 0 y 4MI \Vhii(
on next Thursday for Aldermen, bo , Tho Katy Putnam troupe gave them , bl lb( . ,] Unt nll d mire tlmt lie along the ' mntits of men. “I commend you to EBO/ITABLB
wenro£rre3s. i*a benefit on Wednesday uftc-rnoou, world’s iiighways ; but who shall say ; Cio.l, and to llio word of hi grace, T,' M P T OVMPNTT
1 which netted $2G0.25 .that we ore not bett r and purer for winch is to build you up, mid to i_t LVIA A-iV-f X iVAi-ilN X
To prevent a ben from setting _ 1 : that sweet moment oft xullntiuu wliou give you uu iuhtr.tauco among ull i r ""'i-if»
throw a haein of water ou her while The residence of Captain J. S, Hoge, tll0 B .„| communed w,ft its fellow- them.that tire sanctified. ! durance Company, 'ta't.Uen, Ain.
„o t > it of Greensboro, was burned on Christ angel and rejoiced in l s hoivenly Yours in the lova^of^Christ. j g V ing your roloi-enocB, wnh a vi “ iu ,n n
inos Eve. Loss opo thousand. powers
on the nest. She will neve:
again. Try it.
J. O. Bjiowne. ! piing mi agency fur that popular Company
! I. HtockH ot’ Ouo'Ih uvor brought
i town, which I mil offering nt extremely Io
prlcca. I am dotormim-il tlmt heroaftor
I gooclH h li li 11 1)0 Hold iiH low ill (Jedartown m
uny town in tlie State. Cull uud nee mo aud
Examine My Stock and Prices,
j Don’t Union to Croakers, but call and ex-
1 amine for youi-HclveH. IliglioHl market puce
paid fur
(Jo rn tmd Wheat.
A. Huntington.
CuDAitTOWS, Nov. 12, 1874.
.J, \V. BUBKE A- GO..
Booksellers and Stationers,
Wrapping Papors, Twines, Notions,
Fancy Goods, &c.
j Cot*. Alabama A Whitehall sts.,
oct ft 2 m
Arrive at Romo 1,16 p.
Lojivob Romo at 5 30 p. m. ) i>
Arrivo ot Romo at 10.10 p m ) ‘ *
Bach train will make closo oonnor '
at Kingnioii with WoBtern and All.
Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga
Atlanta. VV. 8. COTHRAN, Pr.
JOHN 0. PRINT UP, Ticket Agont.
Selma, Rome & Dalton R.
Trains on t Uls Road will run as foil' v
Leave Solum 7.2’ ■
Arrivo at Prior's 6.-1
41 Dalton 9,4 •’>
Making oloflo connection at Dalton .-..
12 T V A Ga U R., and W4ARR f,»
BuHtorn and WoHtoru cities and the .
eiuia SpringH.
Leave Dalton 6-1 *
Arrivo at Prior’s 10.1- .
Arrive at Hclma 8.0
Leaving Dalton lor Solma upon arriv
K T V At Ga 11 R aud W k A H tttr.
M. STANTON, Gen. S v
Wi B. MAYNARD, Ahs(. Supt.
RAY KNIGHT, 0. P. & T* Agt.
Wostorn & Atlantic Ralirq .
and Connections.
Loavo Atlanta 8 3 A
Arrivo at .Chattanooga 4 2 .
Loavo Chattanooga 5 4', .
Arrivo at Atlanta 1 15
C 2'
12 i f
Loavo Atlanta ^8 4» u
Arrive at Dalton 9 1 >
Leavo Dalton 12 4 >
Arrive at Atlanta U • i
Oliorolceo RaIIpgR)
From and after NovombsrLt, 1871
following schedule will biriin ou tlu ». .
nkoo Railroa<l;
1 Loayo Rookmart 7 -J’»
i want I Arrivo at Taylorsville 8 3 •
j Leave TuylorBvillo 8 6U
“A CLOSE SHAVE” I Leave Htilesboro.
AV. C. Barber,
Uorkinai-t, Ga.
" or *V i AV7R.1
»»h i» W i,,i
finds in .
Having boon a oitfson of Polk county for
many yours, and being thoroughly posted
in tint Donation, Value, oto , of Land* iu ev
ery unction, feel oonfidont that it will bo to
the interest of parties having lands to soil,
io piano them iu my bands; and ihoso wish
‘ purolin:
. .. alway
. , , : coinm/Unted. I will bo iu Codartown
ieipt of one of tho laifiosl (Ji() J(j| q- ueH q a y j,, 0 aoli month, for tho p
ever brought to t/eilar- u., n tin., i.iiuinnuu in mv Him.
poso nf tnuisiiciing business i
Opened, A Boot and Shoe
] .Shop, ou tho oornor of Prior and College
streets, noar St Char’os hotel. Our terms
are GWi, and no work shall bo delivered
, until paid fur. Work done with dispatch
i and al Hiruill cost.
Patronage solicited. Very respectfully,
durslgnod lias located in Cedar-
town for llio nurposo of carrying
business iu nil its branches. Ify<
a shampoo or hair out, give mo a call and I
will guarantee satisfaction. 20 ALFRED 11 VANS.
Tlio I o plant of thu late John S.
H pkim, of Ji iltimory, for tho f-miul-
iug a university, amouutu to three
in Don,
Arrive at Carlorsvillo
Bet uriiiiig.
Leave Cartersvillo
Arrive at Siilesboro
Leavo Stile iboro
Arrive at Taylorsville
Leave Tayjordville
Arrive at Rockaart
10 U
CarterivilleOot. 29, 18