Newspaper Page Text
Willi this liUmlfi r b'ginH lli<i lifi o
tbn (b'li.uiY >wn Rnonn. Wo litmicli
our little bnnt Upon (ho ho a of j i
(’In iokfo Georgia Inin Jong alrttel-
oil tliA rittonlion riiul cli tll' i gnd the
admiration of iif^ricnltulinth; hut not
until roomily (Harlow county except
ed) v:hh intuition df fouled to imr
iniiicrnt wealth. While IliiH I'chinik
f»l'l I oh gem r lly to this h> of loii of the
oilnly «
family paper, tli it m.iy h
received l»y nM elnwqH.
In conducting fliin pnpi
endeavor to do ho in hucIi u manner
iih to givo offense to no ono ; mid
wliilo wo believe tho principles of tl»o
Democratic party uro tho corroel
principles for our govoriduaul, wo
do not propdHo to run our piipnr in a
partisan Hpirif. Wo may honestly dif
fer with others in our polilioid opin-
ioiiH, it Hindi Im in kindness, and with
out hitter and condemnatory word*.
Wo go forward to the work withn five
good will to all men.
To advance tin*, in to rent and pros
perity of Polk county ; to aid in Uh
rich reHjureoH ; to otlaourago a public
spirit'{ to bring to view thin Hoetion
of the fcUnto ; to uhow it up iiii it in;
and to make an IiouchI living for the
proprietors), is the objeoL of this pa per.
W. S. D. WlKIilS A CO.
A newspaper in Lo be established at
Cavo Hpring at an early day. To bo
run, we believe, in the interest of the
AHylum for the deaf and dumb, more
particularly to touch the mules tho
art of printing.
Tho O.irlersvillu Standard A H\
press says two young geniuses of that
piano me nbout to briug out a volooo-
podo which in to bo run by steam, and
that it will run as well up hill as on
level ground or down hill. Du ti ll.
The Marietta and North Georgia
Jtuiln a l hriK throe miles and a hrdf
graded. At thin rate a mile a week
the work will he hoou accomplished.
All eili/onw of Cherokee have given
the right of way oxe< pi ono
The Atlanta Jb raid does not favor
a con volition of tho Democracy to in
augurate the fall campaign. It Hays
tho only way to prevent the full dele
gation of Democrats to Congress is by
dosing tho people too heavily**with
politics before election day comes,
lid them plough along in jvh
the ltd of November, mid they will
turn out* then with a will and rush
things through.
The Savannah News says M
uoh Grant, of that city, has invented
a method of fastening irm
cotton bales without the buckles, by
uitMiiiN of uotelicH in I lie tin after tin.
old fashion of the barrel hoop, thu
Having the expense of Ilm buckle am
economising time; both important
11in invention litis been tested ill
found of gloat value.
Tins members of Hook and Hold
Company of Oirtorsvillc publish
resolution turning over their Truck
Equipments and Uniforms to tlm City
Council. They state as their reasons
Unit Ilm nili/.eus, as a majority, have
not come to their support, as men
who own the property and have the
greatest interest at stake, should have
done, very few properly holders being
members of the company.
Well, the oilmans of Curb roillu are
only acting us the properly holders
of other cities where they lmvo lire
organizations -leave tho mocluiuim
and other w rking men tho honors of
keeping up thu organizations and put
ting out tiros.
Sumo music toucher once wrote
that the art of playing a violin re
quires tho nicest percept ion and the
most sensibility of any art the known
world. Upon which an editor comment k
in tho following manner. “The art of
publishing a now*-piper and muring
it pay, and at tho * a no time making
mdihin with a confident hope that, by ! ( qp,i , jt, npphui with sp jci .l force t<
iuduKliy and applicat ion, we may do
smo and receive a liberal share of
public patronage. Our oonsbmt ettbrl
will be to make it w'iirffiy of the high
calling to which it belongs. Wn are
^fiwartr tjiat it is no easy task to inakn
a paper inter* sling and iuslruc ivn.
Jl is our ipUmtiou to print a good
f Polk
From tlm first, sit.
unity tin: lands have
of superior quality, am
by nature of sod and
prodnclfob of varied
.incut of ilia
r.- K r.l'il
adapted, both
I nude, to the
chips. Corn,
A ii liifnn^tiiitf ('oiiinimiicnGou
I'ioiii l)r. Luiirk Pierce.
•I list, before thu adjournment of the
. General Conference of tho Methodist
' Church, the fu'l jwlng pommunkfatiott
1 from tho venerable Wick Pierc^ was
presented and read, ft/ul «»n in >tioii of
the fcecrotary, wag^retivud standing;
i n I t he Secratary w s instructed to
spread it upon tho journal :
Lomsvif.t.r., May 2fl.
Wheat, Clover and a.I the Grass
grown most profUnl ly, and cotton cul
ture in P«»lk County Is morn success
ful than in the fumomi cotton belt, be
en umi hem there iH leas liability to the
various disasters which affect tlm crop
there. Tlm ltust, Hull-worm, Cater
pillar Ac, are cutnpuraFvo strangerH
in our latitude.
Hut various as are thu advantages
of this county and section in an ugri-
tyunri point of view, another field
of industry is here presented more in
viting to tho capitali t. H r mineral
resources for a long lime unnoticed,
at least unregarded ns a source of
.iltb, are now attracting capital for
their development, and in tho near
future, will constitute the chief ele
ment of taxable wo dill. Olio iron
fiiruaco„tlm /Kina, lum boon in opor-
for.HoimS timo in tho wcslorn
portion of tho county, on tlm line of
tint Beltim, Homo, and Dalton Rdl-
Iload, and Inis proved a profitable in
vestment. to its proprietors. Anothor
thu Chcrokeo, is being eroded within
tho corporate limits of Cedartown,
which,,when completed, will surpass
any work of the kind ever erected in
tlm Htulo, or in tho south. This com
pany is a very strong ono, and having
an liM \liau.table supply of oro of a
superior quality, an abundance of
timber, mid all other things necessary,
have determined to spare neither pains
labor nor money, in tlm improvement
if this valuable property. In comma
lion with the furnaco, they are build
ing a Foundry.
Parlies 11 sig the lino of the Rail-
md ship I ho crude oro lo tho North-
West, realising u net. profit of right or
i dollars pt r ton.
Iron ore is found in almost every
portion of tho county, and Capitalists
are prospecting with a view of invest-
In addition to the iron interests wo
offer Slate of superior quality ami in
unlimited supply. Quarries have been
opened only in thu eastern portion of
Urn county in the vicinity *.f liock-
mart, but slate is found in other por
tions of tlm county. As a natural
result of these devt l ipnu nls, new life
and energy am imparted to every
branch of industry and bushier h, the
value of property is enhanced, and
indications most chair, point to ti bril
liant future for this section of tho
Tho evidence of improvement is vis
iblo in Cedartown, Doing utterly
destroyed by Sherman in his “march
In the son,'’.in tho full of ISO I, the
work of re-building began utter the
cessation of hostilities. She Inis slow
ly risen from the ashes of her former
self, giving unmistakable evidence of
the solid foundation on which her
prosperity is based. Tho fact thill slm
is surronndi d by 11 oounly rich, health
ful and in every way drsiruble, demon
hlratcH conclusively tho hcullhi'ulnoHB
of her growth, and indicates (ho con
tinuaneo of her prosperity.
A cordial welcome will bo extended
to any and all who come among ns,
not us political adventurers, but as
oiU/eiiH, identifying themselves with
us in tho effort*to promote tho mnlv-
l'iul prosperity of our seel ion.
Hi i-ovifci. BaKHini*.-
providence of God I Ii
hied t.<» attend this* ho fifteenth Gen
eral ( • i * • nco, u» i h rn 11 - 1u
nn inls rship in lira/grand council of
Methodi. •
hilt Ii
1,) rahilutory wtniJca
heart, and my v/' l
Prof. Davis informed us that tho
most dil1i.mll tusk in the instruction
of unite* is langinv/% <*S they depend
cnlipily iq o.i tm: huuho of.sight.
'rin-ro me only riljput fbrty-lkv.r chil
dren under iinliueliuii fir the Institu
tion ~ a very small nuinln;h couqian-il
io wind there hliotild be.
Mr. Quilli.ui and Pi.: ident Ou.uell
Were irnki'ig pieparationa Lo have a
fountain consliucted in (Ii large front
yard, among the many beautiful,
spreading shade trees. This fountain
is to be supplied with water through
iron pipes, leading from a largo tank
which is located on u hill in tho rear
f the Institution. Tnis link i>t kept
tilled with water by a pump, which
point, d by a largo waterwheel,
kept iq motion by Hie action ! not present, if it uj. i m
*f tho strong current of the crook. j^ n ^ ^ 'Jr'/. ’ .'.'V
Tho wlo»lo building urn) grouinG uro j (i( j
pplied with water fr«uii this source. '
On 'rnesday, 2d iustaiil, we again you
slopped oV..*r night in this delightful j n H
vill ig<*, will) our friend -f. P. Johns'
%vho knows how to heap a hotel and
maiiiige a livery stable- Wo arrived
in town about !) o'clock, p. in., and ;
Mr. .1. had Iiih fine black horse brought
out and .hitched to one of Gower, j
Jones A Co’s best in ko of buggies,
mid—wo took a ride round town. |
Our first halt was at Carroll A Hui-
par’s establishment, located oil the
bank of tho creak, above town. Tiny i
run corn and wheat mills, saw mill,
planing mills and chair factory—all |
run by water,
Our next stopping place was at Mr.
H. N. Noble’s mills, about a half mile
farther up tho crock, and found thu
fly tin
f anything
>ry [ would
all heart.
* far
gonorrti cotiMono urn cone*
re v ry ditty - nt. You see other
ml conf coming this side
grave, wl/ht 1 sen my gaa .i c mi
ll holwmy: this and IH7H. I h
Mi" . . ,
<-i alien bv i/h; will oM
resign all t * tin
after its . I «
affect some cht
pahlorate, and
discipline. J’l
UtcmorialH iu t i
liK They Inn
comt l.f II |WVil
my friortda believed it
tin no projections *-f
adopt thorn. S » I go homo dnap-
p unit'd—go with convictions d 'cj
ho ited as ever. The nee ssity of tin i
uily a question of tim
mo nero Imping to
ges iu our itinerant
the enforcement of
to I intended as my
louMiinl h your of my
idl perished on the
is travel. Of course
r to kill "IT
C'l. aaiiiiK out a .fail.
S|i<roiut to Uouiton, Tcxw, Telegraph.]
Hkvunk, May 27.—I (Conversed wiJb
a gontleiiian from Helton, at Waco,
this morning, who gave me the foiling
part ieuliirH of one <*f the most horrible
nflfaiiH that has ever been perMtrated
irt this SL ite, There Ibis b e i fiitense
etcit*meat iu H .ll comity during the
past two or three weeks owing to tho
presence of a largo number <f horse
thieve. Several had bin arrested and
placed iu IhgJieUon jail* On Sund -.y,
in attempting lo arieil two biotin rs
named Grow, one of them resisted
and was riddled with bullets. On
Monday night the citizens f tho
Helton met for the pnipjsc of taking
sbpito rid the comity of liiein and
to guard the jail from a threatened
attack by tile friends of the Imine
thieves imarcerated therein. There
weri eounin the jail charged with horse
Ktculingat that time. The mecling
Imd scarcely ndjottrnail before an
armed body of in inked men estimated
to bo brtvveon one hundred and one
hundred and fifty, entered the town
and proceeded to the jail. They de
mand <1 admittance, stating to the
j tilor that resistance would be useless
and if such was made he would l>c
killed. The jailor did not resist, and
broke through the jail dooi
(.•loss barre I iron cage in w
nine prisoneiH were coiiflued
l eoehed. i'iring then began
entire number of prisonora v
like do
of Jt.,
l.lgCH II
u have overpaid
h and -a t Unit I
o feel that I <1
r, intelli-
mill we
Cuvo Spring is situated in a rich
valley, surrounded by high hills ; a
most beautiful stream of clear, spark-
ting water runs through tho village.
On the South-west side of town, and
at thft base of a high hill, gushes forth
a largo spring of pure, sparkling lime-
it pluuso uvorjbudy, Ikili'ig liiyh- "“*or, nlV.mling oimngli witti-v
• •* to run considerable machinery.
pr than a kite
Tho Supremo Court of Mississippi
has legali/.i.d misccgination.
Festivals and pin nics are booomipg
quite frequent in Atlanta.
Nashrillc has eollcetud $‘.U5 for tho
bcuciil of the Louisiana sutVurors.
Mr. Ht-Ghur Abrms will start a new
paper in Atlanta in ft few day a
There are in tho United States twenty
ltopubiicnn and sovouteeu Democrat
The out crop in Southern G
1ms been cut short half by b ut '
tr, rust and insects.
They burnt a cat in Gainesville,
a few days since, iu honor of the cre
mation movement
Gen. Robert Tooml
oporled to
ly-tivo «>r thirty feet above this spring
is tho mouth of tho Cave.
We had occasion, ou 27th May, to
stay over night in this delightful place,
with our old and honored friend, Rev.
H. U. Quiyiao, the very ettleient Stow-
are of tho Asylum for that unfortu
nato class, tho deaf aud dumb. Wo
woro very kindly wuleotued and lros-
pitally entertained by Mr. Q. and his
most QNocltent and accomplished lady.
Tho Trustees are very fortunate in
ij'.ria sm'tiring tliu services of Mr. as a
lath- j more onorgolic and Glicicut gontlo-
nmn could not be found.
Wiiile tlicit) wo had tho pleasure
of an introduction to Prof. Connor,
President of tliu Institution, and found
him a very pleasant gentleman. M o
j^bjrmud tliu at\]uaiutanco of Prof,
and witnessed tho exercise s of
the blackboard,and it was
with what rapidity
vould work out
alics, iu which
proprietor busily oiq
ropairH. Mr. Noble
brother to the Noble
is a film meolmnlo and clc
gent gonllenmn. l ,, rom tl
proceeded u half miln further, aud u*>
cended ii steep, rugged loll, on Urn
summit of which stands a large two
story building, which wan cu rded and
used as an academy, before the war,
and was at ono time a v ry popular
and well pulloni/.od school. N ar
this building, in a muni lovely spot,
stands a residence erected and once
occupied by tho lamented llirlow.
From this eminence wu have u mag
nificent viutv of the surrounding coun
try. On our return wo Goppt 1 at
Mnj. Horton and Dr. Pearson's exion-
sive tannery, to which they are now
making oonsidorublu additions. W •
now returned to town, and spent thu
night with mine host, Mr. Johnson,
aud on tho next morning we were
“ driven" out of Cave Spring inlet''-
durtown, where we proceeded to work
on the Ritnoun-— nml here it i .
The Columbus, Georgia, cotton
factories lmvo taken thin year P»,?fiD
bags of ootton against fi,77«l last year,
mi increase of 1)5H,
The wheat and fruit crops wilt
lm ubmuulaiit in Last Teuinsaeu,
this year. Particularly apph s, which
will bo unusually prolific and of first
Moncy.—Make an luipiirta! eslimate
of your revenue ; and whatever it i ,
live upon Ichs. Do this and you will
never bo poor.
Put on your right glove tils',
stupid. Thou you Ii»v.i ymr left
hand ungloved to button your light
withal. Ii you put on ymr 1< l\ glove
first you have to button your right
glove under double disadvantage'.
A colored Mississippi 1< gislator
lately pn p >sod a bill to make each
member of the legislature, present ami
fplmv, a bona tide attorney and
counselor at law. IIis reasoning wan
direct, “for," said lie, “if wo know
enough to make de laws, why don't
wo practice urn! ’ Sure enough why
not 1
A Silver min", has b -mi diaeovro.l
near Pallor, in Whitfield comity.--
Persons curious about the matter cm
see speedtuct)a <>f the ore nt our office.
Ho says till- l*altwn Full I grine.
Hy a ncent royal deoiee in sw.>-
dcu every Swedish Univcivity is op ui
to women students who may pass i v
aminations and obtain diplomas lik<
tho men in every branch except two
theology mid the law are the studies
from which alone t hoy are tube exclu
Young girls who want to remem
ber any thing write it down aiul paste
it on tho looking glass
Olio pretlv good evidence that the
pauie was tho creature of a dis udered
mingiution may be found in tho fact
that siuco attention has been called off
by tho Yirginus trouble, busiueis has
brighthndd up considerably.
“I dent want ttufiin to do wid n
man who drinks whiskey,’’ is tho way
a colored damsel put it to her enam
ored swain the otuor day. Verily, jol
ly old Huccltus is besieged heavily.
in loving k
lid ever desire
rvo them not
long tine , but
billed a great deal —
!oi(L,imccesH ; of late
ell let
tlm best tnctliodist Hense
it, an etteetive preacher for 00 yea
which Dr. Punsuon, of England, si
MelllO'oist pVeacb
you to give thank
nuveh'H bostoweil <
my Hiifc arrival Is
I am too feobln b
iig.iiu. A loving
to God for all bn
id pray foi
Ij. Pii,i
We commend tjui following par. -
graph, from tho Augusta Chronicle
and Soutine! to tho consideration of
planters g'-iii r.Jly. There can* be no
doubt th it tlio evil pointed out is of loo
frequent occurreuM. Tlm good Htmsu
of tho pvragr p'i wilt readily com
mend ats tf b» all :
“ The cotton as- has made his ap-
pcamne" in the sanctum of a South-
wst Georgia newsjmp'a', with tli"
“first cot ton l.bont of the w aHon."
Of COIII HU Mm ! tajlc i » two feet high,
lets any nmnbor WUorins npm it, and
is a fair sample of the crop of a whole
plantation. TUfts-.i, wonderful hi *«»nis
and er« p» do the planter intiniUly
mom mischief than the boll worm or
eulerpdlor, drought or deluge. He
cause Smith lms a sle lt red cow lot
which has not been affected by the
nuns aud fronts, bo rusliea oil with an
wly bloom' b> the printin'.; otlice,
and soon the wo.-Id i* informed that
Dot ton
! tired into the bod in
Fart'hcr'aud homh,
m, and tho
iixty° shots
.f those nu-
left broath-
I brulbers,
udl den of
in that
only twelve by twenty fret. My in
formant saw tho d**ad bodies next
morning, and says it was a horrible
sight. Among the killed was tho mail
«' h man, who murdered his wife seme
woeks since in ('oryell county; Grum-
les, who was clmrgrd with having
mmdmid a man at Fort Graham;
McDonald mid son, and McUmie, a
hon-in-law of McDonald, formerly of
of Hrooksville, Williamson county.
Iloi rihle Inridenl ol 4hi* Slriki*.
New Youk. Juno 2. —Soon after tho .
family of Michael Dwyer, Hrooklyn, j
consisting of iiiin.seIf, wife and three |
children, (ged seven four and two j
years, arose this moinicg, tho wife j
stepped behind the husband and
Unick him i
and nu
tho reside
n the head with a coop-
He wrested it from her
station-house lo have his
icd. Officers were sent to
ui»!\n, and on arriving at
* f >timl tlm clnldreu ly
ing on the - floor dead, their heads
beaten to a jelly with a tl it iron. Tho
woman on being asked why she killed
her children, answered that she was
going to heaven and wanted them to
go before. The father's wounds are
thought to be fatal. Dwyer is a e »op-
cr, and has been on the Htrikc for a
week p ist, thinks that led to bis wife’s
Micboal Dwyer has been on a strike
with the cooper's union for the past
nix or seven weeks. Tim deprivations
thin necessitated iu thu f mily was the
causo of nmnerous c xitoulious be
tween liusbaud and wife, mid it is be
lieved that iu thu end it resulted in
tho overturning of her mind. Tm
woman was in a lunatic asylum about
Tho scene in tho room after the trag
edy buggers description. Tho mur
dered children were lying side by si te,
l>l"o.| mid brains s'owly exlmding
from their skulls. The bedclothes
were soak'd and heavy with sicken
ing stains. Mrs. Dwyer expressed ua
remorse, does not cry, and says they
to questions
nt th
s she
Cedartown, - Ceorgla,
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Everything Fresh and Pure i
I* 10 It Ell M 10 11
)*li» Hair and Nail Urushes
Combs, etc.
> Gk
ibesa new pi u
i been introduced
de of England, to
a b»
id cm
ido durl
I, p«
rlie end of
the timo of cn<
check is given stiowmj.
tho puieliuso. These >
the by tho buyer and
the redemption arriv
tho checks show tin
icrican Grocer ib -
f business winch
into the retail
induce Wish bay-
li iH Mil d thu piiyiii'tiiU fof
ists in allowing
payable at
. lm
rcliase a metal
iio umouut of
i presented l>v
linjt he time ol
, twie.0 n ye »r, on which
the holder
1 I'
•(dill d to 2}, per
The firm or
cut l
luxuriant i
I form
ish pbuil-'i
I- press th
d ih e
Tho b
iouuty ri
Hid injnta
aide t.
all h:.-
j and statu that it has prov. d
had hitherto b.
beriods of f. om
now willingly p i
i who
ig credits for
two months
id tliuir trad
1 at tho sain
tin firm lia
» a lopt tlio
’ !»*■»
•d quite Ii
1 bit Mi
A Griiiwu paper contains a reply
from a clergyman who was traveling,
amt who stopped at a hotel much
frequented by Wags and jokers. The
host, not being used to having clergy
men nt his table, looked at him with
great surprise*, tho clerks used all
their artillery of wit upon him without
eliciting a remark in self-defence. Tho
thy clergyman ate his dinner, np-
rently without observing the gibes
.1 sneers of his neighbors. Ono of
:iu at last in dispair of bis forbear-
said to him. Well, 1 wonder at
your patience ! Have you not heard
all that has been said to you V
“Oh, yes, but I am used to it. Do
von know who I am? 1
u \i» Account."
r. A. Ik Rt dfield, the noted .
l* spbudent of the Cincinnati Conn.'
cud, lilts been writing Homo very
tertainiug and instructive papers from
Arkansas. The following “ talk with
a farmer” ooncei niug tho agricultural
prospects of the Statu and the ruinous
cotton mania will go horn to the eon-
Keieuco and experience of many plant
ers on this side the Mississippi:
Ho then went into a disquisition
upon tho excellent quality of the binn
ing lands about Wiiitlsburg. “Why,
sir,’’ lie cquUuuad. *.*»n•«* year l raised
sixty bushels of eorn t. > flie aer". rifnt
did not | i >w it but ono time, and
never hot d it at all."
“How ia it, then," i asked, “that you
buy all your supplies abroad V”
“ Hcouuho," lie answered, with be-
ccming frankness, “we are no account.
We can beat Missouri on wheat, yet
wj buy our llonr iu St. Louis. Wo
own boat Ohio raising hogs, yet, wo
buy our moat in Cincinnati, i Ull you
frankly and squarely, vve are no ac
count. Wo don’t know how to do
anything but a little p itch of
corn and cotton each year. Wo eat
up all the corn six months before the
next crop conns in and sell the cotton
to pry as far as it will go on the pre
vious yi ai s debts. We don’t deserve
to prosper, for wo are lazy, shiftless
and no account. Give Indiana men
our elmu.vs for ten years mul they
would be whopping rich. Wo are as
paoros church mice; we are in debt;
vvo buy everything and lull nothing,
and deserve to po paor forever for
being so little account!’’
There are two million bee-hives in
the United States. Every hive yields
on nil average a little over twenty-two
pounds of houey. Tho average price
at which honey is sold is twenty-five
cents a pound ; so that, liter paying
their own board, the bees present, us
with a revenue of $8,80^,000. To
reckon it another way, tley nmko a
clear gift of over a pounj c.F pure
honey to every man, womai and child
in the United Stales. Ovyr twenfcy-
threo and ouo-tliird millions pounds
of wax are made and givoto to us by
these industrious work’ols. The
profits arising from tho saleW surplus
Well 1 wiil inform yen. 1 am chap- honey averages from fifty to two
•f aim at iu asylum: such remarks , hundred per cent, on tho eipital in-
lio effect ti[wn me!” ) vested. >
Among the current pioc s of go trip
on the H.ibject of civil rights is one to
the ■ lYect that a well known colored
man of Wa iliingtou in easy ci-.cmu-
s'.aiiceH, has announced hiw intention,
in a iticip'ition of the passage of the
bill, to take bis family this Hummer oti
an xtunsiw tour to all the f tshonahlo
Northern watering places, and put up
at thu leading hotel at oicli place
Wo dip tho following from a West-
The churches of all denomination s
have been sadly grieved iu the l ist
your or two by thu fall into grievous
sins of one or more of their popular
ministers, ho far as wo i< member no
church of any size li s been exempt
m this puviicuhr, or has aught, to
boast, over their brethren of other
churches. M my shallow ronsouors
hive jumped to the conclusion that
religion will be aim' d extinguished in
our land, and all confidence in tho
clergy be destroyed by these sad oc
currences. According to the last
census of the United States there were
forty eight thousand six hundred and
ruffilv mii)i..t , »K nf all uuyls- Prutcst;
ant, Jew is and R Mulsh in our coun
try. Now, if they had fallen iu the
same proportion as the twelve apos
tles under our Lord’s immediate su
pervision, there would lmvo boon no
less than eight thousand and thirteen
of them n^io had fallen in the past
three vPa^, and y t one hundred, if
not a less number, would include all
who have fallen within that time.
^Yheuover ono falls now, his fall iu all
its aggravations, and often far beyond
its real enormity, is proclaim'd by ev
ery newspaper and telegraph line in
tho whole e untrv. It was not so
twenty live or thirty years ago. “ Rut,”
said a young coxcomb the other day
iu our hearing with a curl upon his lip,
“ tho preachers are gutting to bo tho
worst men in the land.” “Not si
fast,” said we, “ young friend. Tuk
forty-eight thousand doctors, or law
vers, and apply the same strict test of
moral conduct to them that you do to
the ministers, every time one gets
drunk, or is otherwise guilty of im
moral conduct, put his numo in tho
newspapers, aud telegraph him all
over the world, and you would not
liuvo room enough in. the newspapers,
were they b n times as large as they
ten of tho tales of scan
dal that would fill them.”
AYe say, after a long and intimate
acquaintance with hundreds, yes, we
might say, with thousands cf ministers
of all sects iu our land, we have found
tho great mass of them neither im
pure nor intemperate.
Tho National Grange
toil, recently made :
forwaring ono hundri
and ten thousand
tho sufferin,
Louisiana a
I lmvo defied the law, but my little
ones, thank Go 1, are in heaven. I
have often felt like killing my- if, and
I knew if 1 went first and left them
behind, thoy would never reach heav
en. My husband would'nt go to work.
1 warned him to go, and yet he per
sist' ii, and my brain in not quite right,
sometimes, and that is tho way it hap
pened I took the lives of my children.
It was for her soul's sake. Fn»t I killed
the baby, my little Tim. Ho was one
year nine mouths ol I. Tho reason I
took the baby first
was lying nearst me.
noise. 1 think ho ci
but it did’nt last long
M>'Coml. She woke up
[ said, “ It’s in", Maggie," and then
put her out of her trouble. Maggi
was a good girl. Slm told me man
times huo wanted to go to hcavoi
Thou I took Jimmy. Jtu woke u
and m^auud, so L turned him over t
let tliu blood run out of bis head faslu
It is hardly possible that tho hu,
band will survive his injuries.
“I noticed,’’ said Franklin, “a mi
ohatiie among a number of others, i
work on a Iiouhu being elected but a
little way from my office, who always
appeared to bo in n uierry humor
wlio had u kind word and ebeerfu
smil" for every one ho met. Lot tin
day be ever so cold, gloomy or sun
less, a happy smile danced like a Him
beam on his cheerful countenance.—
M».< ting him ono morning, 1 nsku<
him to tell mo the secret of his con
stmt flow of spirits."
“N . secret, doctor,’’ lie replied; “J
have got one of thu bust wives, am
when I go to work she has always i
kind w n d of encouragement for me
aud when I go home she meets nu
with a smile and a k.s«, and then tot
is sure to be ready; and she lias dots
so many little things through the day
to please me, that I cannot find it
ray In art to spook an unkind word
any body."
What iufbionc *, tlion, has warn
over the heart of man, to soften it Kiul
make it the foundation of cheerful and
pure emotions. Speak gontlv, then;
greetings after the toils of the day uro
over coM nothing, aud go far toward
making home happy and peaceful.
luyilig for Cnnli, \vi
low m I lie lowcnf.
Hy* b'lvo UH ft cull U
dc for yourtn'lvp
juoo 20 ly
crwAttnttt’x, iv.t.
Wool Nd Fur 1 I it.H,
Sugar, Coffee, Syrup,
A.. I .. 1 >A V IS,
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Cjdartown, Ca. |j
kiii'ls ol J"
f« •»
•dry tout Watched
for (lie CASH.
j purchasing.
Praclical Mechanic & Builder,
fully preparcJ to
Snul/l fide C<
•oct 1 $ ui Iclin<;
all siics nml grades, on short notice aiul
••r the most approved plans. Particular
oution given to making and trimming
Genial Merchandise
and other standard Fertilize
"Hanging- ami r Piox,
\ irginia Salt and Plaster Company.
ITII increased facilities for doing
business and obtaining goods, my long ex
perience in business, makes mo confident
that my Stock, Terms and Prices, will com