Newspaper Page Text
t’RDAKTOWN, «;A., Jl I.Y II. l
Thn Domocracy of Poll; county arc
hereby notified Umt Mi urn will !>o a
moating of tlin party on Tuondny, tbo
21»t day of July, iimt., for tbo pttrpoM
of appointing deleg iteu to I ho Con
vention to n oral ii a to a candidate for
CongroHM of this District.
Many Dkmooratm.
Cbdaiitown, Ga., July 4, 1874.
Eniroii Hiuxntn :—Will you ph aso
do us the hindncHH to invert in your
paper, the following renolutioiiH of tlio
FannorsOlub alopted this day :
Reaolvcd, that tbo Club will unite
with tbo Orange in a public demon-
etration In tbo intoroat of direct trade,
on Saturday, the lut of Audunt, prox
imo, hnd that wo invito Goucral A. H.
Colquitt and Col. It. A. Aluton to ad-
droHn our citizens on that Jay.
ItoHolved, That the abovo resolution
bo published in the Rbooud.
John O. Wamjkll, Sec.
Paitu flour barrels are being made
in Iowa. They are said to be air
tight and water-proof, to weigh
much less than ordinary wooden bar
rels, and able to stand much more
rough usage. One of the manofuo-
lurers predicts that in Avo years every
b irrol of Woslorn flour will bo sent
east in barrels made from tbo straw
the wheat grew on,
Rkv. W. A. Parks, snporintondont
of the Antorieni Biblu Society for
Georgia, says ho found during tlio
pant your 11),722 families without a
JJiblo, 3,.'155 of whom wore supplied.
The Comet.
Is now the nightly attraction. It
can bo soon with the uukod eyo but
presents a dim appearance. A good
operltf glass will bring it out more dis
tinctly and a tail about n foot in
angtli is soon. The Columbus En
quires gives u rule to find the comet
at any timo of night. Traoo with tlio
eyo a triangular lino from tho Polo
star to tho Dourest star in tlio Dipper
or Groat Hear, with its base or point
below those stars, and near this base
tho comet will bo found. About
nino o’clock it will bo found west of
and lower than tlio Polo star, It cir
cles around tho Polo, botwon that star
and tho Great Dipper, and conse
quently in tho morning it may bo
Been in tlio northeast.
This comet is called Coggla’s, af
ter ith European discoverer. Jt is sta
ted that it is approaching our system
rapidly, and will probably grow in size
and brightness unlit about tho fir-.t
of August It will bo interesting to
watch its progress. Wo advise all our
readers to look for ii.
Tribute or Itoqicel.
Thu committeo appointed to draft
resolutions on tho occasion of the
death of our Hrothor, I). A. Hicks,
beg leave to piosuiit tho following :
‘WlJiiiu ah, It has pleased “ Tho
Grand Architect" of the universe in
his wise piovideneo, to remove our
worthy ami highly esteemed brother
from tho cures and toils of earth to a
brighter ami happier existanoo above;
let us strive to imitate his many Chris-
lain virtues, to moot him in that "Co
lestial Lodge, M over whoso oouucili
piesides the "Grand Master of the
universe,'* and whilst we honor and
revere his memory, lot us not forgot
tho injunction, ’*Bu yo also ready,"
and in token of our esteem and friend
ship for him while living, and our res
pect for hiu memory, wo mourn tho
i>Kn his family, this Lodge, the Church
and society at large, have sustained;
therefore bo it.
Kf-hoi.yki), That while wo mourn
wo trust that ho has worked his way
into that "upper Temple, tho home of
God, not lundo with hands, eternal in
tho Heavens.’' <
Rksolvku, 2d, That whilst wo bow
in bumblo submission to tho dispen
sation of Providence, and sincerely
lament the loss of our worthy brother,
wo feelingly sympathise with his
afflicted and bereaved family, and that
>vo tender to them our sympathy and
RiiOi.Yin, 3il, That in testimony of
our grief, we, tho members of Caledo
nia Lodge, No. 121, will wear the
usual badge of mourning fur tho space
of thirty day.-, ami that a pngs of our
records, draped in mourning, bo occu
pied by this testimonial of respect to
tho virtues of our departed brother,
and be dedicated to his memory.
Hi-solved. -lth, That tho Secretary
transmit a copy of these resolutions
to tho family of tho deceased, and
also to tho Ced.utowu Hucoun for
A. Hi'Nil N». TON,
W. It. Du K,
L. H. Walthall,
i 'oiumittce.
Ccdurtewn, (Ju„ July 7. 1871.
It is said tho young lady who was
engaged to Col. Ellsworth, and vowed
eternal celibacy for his sake, was not
present at tho dedication of his immu-
inent, because it was uot convenient
for her to leave her husband and chil
Th. Atlanta Dally Jinn'd ot the
5th im,'. publishes a lottor from Hold.
Toombs, af < r’ing that ho brought
Hlit against tho Western and Atlantic
It ail Bond and George Hush burst, in
theuntao of Alexander H. M phons,
j l'.v M o express authority and consent
of Alexander H Stephen*. It will be
remembered this suit wuh for one
fourth of one share in the lease of
said road, nod was dismissed by order
of Mr. Htopheos for tho reason ns sla
ted, that ho did not nulhoij/.n Toombs
to bring il. Tljeso gentlemen might
to remember, that for tho present at
lonst, tho South must bo a unit. A
hoiiso dovidod against itself cant
It occurs to us out of place to afflict
tho public with private quarrels, and
ospecinly is it calculated to draw away
tho attention of tho people from tho
momentous political ism s of tho day,
create disconsiontf and engenders bit
terness. Tho Ilill-Stephens contro
versy, is having a baneful intlu jiicj
because both have their friends who
will outer into tho bitterness of all
their writings, and assuming tlioirjrofi-
pcclivo Hiijos follow their leaders
through good and evil report. Thou
upon tho heels of tlir, it woul 1 bo a
pity to have a subdivision by a diflfot-
encu potwouu life-long friouds, Tombs
and Stephens.
The Fall campaign is close upon us
and it is to bo hoped that these three
champions of tho South will suspend
operation !, declare an armistice and
coucoutruLu their forces against tho
common enemy. Wo huvo confidence
in tho ability ami patriotism of all of
thorn, and arc luixious to soo all their
private disputes buried, and huvo
them take that position in national
sAairs justly duo to their merit.
Nothing is so commendatory of u
people as true and gentlemanly po
liteness. Show mo a community gen
erally hospitable, and i will show ono
that possesses a high standard of mor
als, religion and intelligence, and in
which all theso aro in a progressive
state. Such a place is Cave Spring,
if wo aro to judge from tho manifold
kiiidnohHea sliowu to the ultondauoo
on the district mooting of tho Rumo
District, hold there during (ho past
week. No btrangors woroovor receiv
ed with inoro open-hourt'jdnoss, nor
hud their comfort and onjoymout
looked after with more earnestness.
All that could mid to thuir ease and
pleasure, and maku them fuel at homo
was placed at thuir dispu.-al. Tlio
cry was, come, and bring your friends
around ell tho timo, uud partake of
tho good things prepared for you. It
would bo ubcIusr to endeavor to be
stow proper praiso on tho poop In of
Gave Spring for thoir goodness toward
us, but it will remain fresh in memory
until opportunity presents itself to
show our appreciation of it, ami in
tlio mean lime wo thunk you with all
our hearts. Cld'ahtown.
I’ut Voui-hcII' in His Place.
An exchange aptly compares tho
publisher of a newspaper, who has to.
go all around tho country to collect
his pay, to u farmer who sells grain
on credit, ond not more than a push-
01 to any ono person. If any farmer
will try tho experiment for one year
of distributing tho proceeds of bio la
bor over two or throe counties, bo-
eides isolated localities in various
Slates, ho will never afterward imk
a publisher to furnish him a paper
for a year or two on a credit.
Tho Montgomery Juuruol learns
that tho Now England company i f
capitalists who purchased tho Ala
bama and Chattanooga Railroad, have
bought tho Mobile and Grand Trunk
Railroad and lmvo placed largo gangs
of workmen on the lino to continue it
to its interned ion with tho Alabama
and Chattanooga Railroad, a distance
of sixty miles.
Wo notice from clippings from sin-
end northern papers, that the Buooher
Tilton scandal has not assumed any
definite stand as yet, Tiltor,s letter is
not specific as to charges, but is such
as will cause a thurough investigation
of Mr. Duechor’s conduct, llis friends
insist that ho is innocent and we hope
ho is.
Tho Atlanta Herald of the 5th, says
about seventy five postal cards lmvo
recently boon sent through tho past
office, to loading citizens of Atlanta,
charging them anonymously with all
sorts of licentious conduct. Respect
able ladies and gentlemen aro openly
and disgracefully insulted on tho
cards. They are hunting up the
Tho aggregate of tho various nppiv -
priatiou bills shows a diminution be
low the previous .war's appropriations
uf$27,7ii3.787. This docs not include
private bills, of which a largo number
were passed. 1 ho number of private
bills is certainly greater, but it is be
lieved that tho amounts appropriated
in them are less than usual. The pen
sion bill calls for about $5000,000 less
than last year; and in short, all tho
regular appropriation bills have boon
cut down, except those for the army
and navy, both of which lmvo boon
increased about twenty-five per cent,
l'ho army ulx- iT-h during the coming
fiscal year $31,750,000, and tho navy
u LHc is so Gloomy.”
Well, whoso fault is it? Not God’s
fault, iiurcly, for Ho has literally
Btrewn brightness all about you. Not
your neighbor'd fault, for boo him as
bo goes, nil aglow with ardor, and
buoyant with hope—-lie's not gloomy.
W hose fault, I ubk again? Let ub
Como, let uh look at this stone. No
tice it carefully—it is hard, smooth,
polished. Its color is green—a beau
tiful, bright green. Look at it in tho
sunlight —it is still greon. Let's tuko
it into tins dark room, uud view it by
tho light of a caudle—soo, it is still
greon. No other stone is liko it in this
regard. They change thuir colors with
change of light, but this is over tho
Hiimo. But that is not all. I now
place it at some distance from you
Look at it closely -fix your attention.
What do you sec? “Why, tlio at*
m /.sphere around looks greon, too.”
True. That is ono of tho ehurnctor-
i.tius of this atone. Now, lot us get
our lesson. This emerald in a human
spirit. Each soul Ims its charaeterie-
tic hue. Your soul is dark. In the
bright sunlight of love, streaming full
upon it, it is dark still. When the
sun is gone down, it is still dark.—
You get artificial appliances, and try
to light il up, but in vain—it is ever
dark, and it darkens tho ulmoi-phcro
about it. When vor it goes bh .dovvs
fall, light flics away, darkness reigns.
No wonder life is gloomy. To the
bright soul all is bright. It is you a
own fault that life is gloomy. Go, take
your soul to God, ask tho " Light of
tho world” to lut His rays fall upon it
and chuso away the gloom. Then
oonio buck again, and ns you go
through life, bestow hero an encour
aging word, there a kind deed, yon
der u bright Hiiiile. All these are life-
giving. and they reflect upon your
own heart all that they give toothers.
Think less of life’s Inborn, and more
of its loves. Keep your eyo on the
glories of Heaven, and you will never
have to complain ugiin of "gloomy"
days and nights. Every man nn.k. a
his own atmosphere—-and lives in it.
Ho who loves neither God nor his fel
low man will always dw. II in gloom—
aye, the cursing darkness of Egypt
will bo about Li n. But to tho tin t
ing, loving sou’, who mirks his path
through the world with acts of kind-
mss to his fellows, Life is ono eternal
Goshen. L.
Tlio Grace ot Gladness.
Ouo spring of gladness is whole-
some, noble work. No man is glad
wliou living lo himself. Man is umdo
for tho lifu of communion; tho perfect’
fonn of bimm.i life was tho life which
found its blttHm>ducH.t in giving itself to
mankind. There is physical gladness
in tin glow of a healthy body. Thai
glow is the fruit of ouorgetio action.
Thus sluggards, laggards, know noth
ing of the physical joy of life. Work
for God, work fur man, woik that is
twice blessed, which blcssclh him that
givith and him that takes, is the cor
respondent condition »>» a vigorous
glowing health in tho spiritual sphere.
Tho old monks were glad because
thuir lives wore fruitful. I Hpcak of
their best days; they became the lazi
est and dreariest nnm in Christen
dom. But wlicii tho institution was
young they had work on hand which
they believed tho world would rejoice
in. They bolii wd thuiusulvos the
saviours of society; that by their toils,
their tours, their piaycrs, they wero
helping it, beyond the power of kings
and captains to help it; that their up
lifted hands kept heaven’s gate open;
that tin ir constant tervieo was a heav
en’s ladder by which angels of God
descended upon (lie world. Lot looso
the wings of your loving ministry; stir
your soul to so.uo work which shall
scatter blessings. If you would taste
joy, flesh and pure from its fountain,
do good, bo ready to communicate.
It is this which makes the soul instinct
with vigor, aglow with health and rai-
dent with joy. Man is a crippled, a
half developed being, until his unself
ish ministry is drawn forth. When
he 1ms tasted tho joy of doing good,
ho is liko tlio lamu ufter Rotor s touch,
ho goes out into tho great temple of
life, walking and leaping, and priming
God. Tiy it. If lifu is sad, make it
glad by service, service that strains
your power, ilmt a higher powor only
an make you strong enough fcto lou
der. But hero wo touch tho deep per
ennial fountain of gladness—tho joy
of tho Holy Ghost. Tho joy of a uiau
who believes that God is with him, is
exuberant, irrepressible. Tho delight
of doing tho will of God, to those who
lmvo tasted it, masters all other joy.
"My meat and my drink is to do tho
will of llim that sent me, uud to flu
ish his work,’’
Cherokee Iron Comp'y Store.
if vou WANT
Or any article generally kept in
At Prices to suit the Closest lluyors, you
will make ii greatly to your advantage by
calling at tho above* named store.
juno *27-ly
New Advertisements.
wa N i i ; i >.
B y the mobile life insurance
blvp, Active Agents, to solicit Insurance,
lltisinesw light and profitable. Apply to
R. o. Randall, Gadsden, Ain. it
T. M. ANDERSON, late of Rome, Ga. with
Corner Loyd and Wall sts. near Union Pas
senger Depot,
j\/I EAL8 and Lodging per Day $2 00; sin-
bv I. gle meal, 60 cents, First-class table
and good rooms, Haloen in basement
furnished with pure Liquors, Fine Wines.
Deer uno Hogara, july II
Legal Advertisements.
I hereby givo notice that from and after
this date, my official advertising is changed
from the Koekmart Reporter to the Cedar-
town Record. K. W. CLEMENT**,
She* iff Polk comity.
- Mold in A. Adams, Administratrix ou
the estate of Temperance Hilvy, dec’ll, has
made application, in duo form of law, for
disiiii.-sion from said administration, repre
senting in her petition that tdio has fully
administered said estate.
this is, therefore to cite and admon
ish alt persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to appear at my office as required
by law, to show cause if any they have, why
said administratrix should not receive let
ters of dismission, on the first Monday in
October next. Given under my hand, (hi*
dth day of July, 1871.
July 11 JOEL UREWKK, Ord’y.
riKOKOIA, POLK c6~ Whereas W. c.
VJ Knight, Administrator on the estate of
Janies Carter, late of said county deceased,
has made application fur 1 - ive to sell tho
land belonging to said deceased. These are
therefore, to city uud admonish all persons
concerned, to bo and appear nt my office
within the time pi escribed by law, to show
cause, if any they have, why leave to soil
Miid laud should not bo granted. Given
under my hand ami official signature, this
nth July, 1871 JOEL HKKWEK, Odr’y
VJ M W Gray having madoapplication for
letters of administration on the estate of
Euclltus Marled, late of said county, doo’d,
Those are, therefore, to cilo and admonish
nil persons conceruod, to ho and appear at
my office on tho first Monday in August
next, to show cause, if any they have, why
d letters should not be granted lo npplf.
ti in said case. Given under my huiid
I official signature, thin the Oth* day of
July, 187 I. JOEL HUEWKit, <>, l y
rj KOUOIA, POLK cm saw. -Hume
vJ A. Childers has made application, in
due form of law, for administration on tlio
t'Nlnto of Jane W. Childers, Into of said
county, deceased ; therefore, nil persons
Concerned will take notice to he and appear
at my office within tho time prescribed by
law, to show ouuhc, if any thoy have, why
ldtors of administration should not bo
grunted applicant. Given under my hand
uud official signature, Ibis July 0, 187-1
July 11 JOEL I1KEWEK, Ord’y
/" * I’.OIIGI A, POLK'COUNTY Whereas,
* * W C Knight, administrator on the
•ale'if W M V v A .1 Youngblood, late of said
county, deceased, lias mado application for
leave to s?J| nl| tlio t eal estate belonging to
said deccaaotjJ
Then., arc, HioVeforc, lo oilc amt adnion
Mi nil and singular, the kindred ami crod-
iloiH, to Im ao I appear at my office on tho
firsi Monday in Augiint next, to show cause,
if any they nave, why leave to sell said cs-
Into should not ho grnnted. Given under
my hand and official signature, this July fi,
187-1. JOEL 11 RE VVER, Grd y
Ailitihiisf rntoi’s Sale.
rUlOllGlA, POLK POI NTY. -Will bo
" J sold, on Saturday, tho 18th insl., boloro
tho Court House door, in Cednrtown, under
nn order granted by tho Court of Ordinary
of said county, to-wit: Three head of horses,
one eow and calf, one new two-borso wag
on. two buggies and harness, and other ar
ticles too tedious to mention, belonging to
tbo estate of W. M \- \ J Youngblood, lato
of said county, deceased. Sold for tho ben
efit of tho heirs and creditors of said dee d.
Terms made known on day of sale.
July 7, 1871. W. C. KNIGHT, Adm’r.
Notin’ to Debtors .N Creditors.
'A indebted to the estate of W. M. .V A. J.
Youngblood, late of said of county, dee d,
arc hereby notified jo make Immediate pay
ment; and those having claims against said
CHtate, will present them, properly made
out, within tho time prescribed by law, to
tho utidondguod. This July It), 1874.
July 11-Ow \V. U KMGIIT, Adm’r
Not ire to Debtors and Creditors
\ LL persons indebted to tho Estate of
James Carter, late of Polk county, de
ceased, are hereby notified to make imme
diate payment; and all persons having
claims ngainst said estate will present them
to tlio undersigned, properly attested, with
in the time prescribed by law.
Juno 20, 1871. \V' C. KNIGHT,
Ow Adm’r
Sheriff Sale for Scpienibcr.
TT7ILL be sold, before tho Court House
» » door, in Codartowu, Polk County, Qa.
on tho first Tuesday in September next,
within tho legal hours of sale, tho tollowing
proporty :
Ono portable Steam Saw Mill, with en
gine, boiler ami fixtures complete, by vir
tue of two mortgage rt fas, issued from Polk
Superior Court, m favor of David Garrison,
vs John II Russell, as property of John 11
Russell. july 11-St
'I hereby given that from and after this
dale a portion of my Official Advertising
will lie done in this, the Cednrtown Record.
June 24, 1874. JOEL UREWER, Ord’y,
VJ Morrison has applied for Exemption of
personalty, and l will pass upon the same at
11 o clock, A. M., on the Ulth day of July,
187-1, at my office. This the’ 2dth day of
Juno, IS.4. JOEL UREWER, Ordinary.
Opened, A Boot and Shoe
Shop, on the corner of Prior and College
streets, near St Charles hotel. Our terms
are Caih, and uo work shall be delivered
until paid for. Work douc with dispatch
and at small cost.
Patronage solicited. Very respectfully,
J. W. Hour & Co.
June 20th, 187-1.
and Rcai Estate Agents.
(Oldtti Ettublit/ud IIuute in Town.)
Pryor Hired, South tide Court Ifoute Square
Ccilartown, Ga.
General Merchandise,
. Agent for
and other ntandard Fertilizers.
Hup-Klni? and Tiow,
Virginia Hall and Plaster Company.
ITH increased facilities for doing
business and obtaining goods, my long ex
perience in business, makes mo confident
that my Htock, Terms and Prices, will corn-
puro favorably with those of any other
house in Town. I defy good, healthy bus-
iness competition. An inspection of my
Goods and Prices la earnestly desired.
Grateful for past favors, and tho generous
patronage of Volk and adjoining counties so
liberally bestowed for tho past nine years,
I shall strive to merit a continuance of the
N. IL— Liberal ndvunocs made on grow
ing crops. During the coming cotton sea
son I shall, ns in the past, strivo to bui’.d
up and increase a homo cation and produco
market, having already perfected arrange-
men to for increasing my facilities for buy
ing and storing cotton.
Juae20 l-.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints r Oils,
L JL 3VE IF s .
Everything Fresh and Pure I
I'Z It K IJ M E it -y,
Always on hand.
Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes,
Combs, etc.
Huy ing for Cash, we aro prepared to sell
s low as tho lowest.
ter Give us a call and see for yourselves.
juno 20-ly
pESPECTFULI.V call tho attention
I V ihc publio to the fact that we have
Stock and aro rutiMtantly receiving,
Boots, Shoos,
Wool vSc. Flip Hats,
Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal
Which wo will sell as cheap as any one iu
town for the CASH. Gall aud examine
before purchasing. J juno k 20
AY. C. Barber,
Itockmurt, (in.
W ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved
•Lands in any portion of the county.
Having been a citizen of Volk county for
many years, ami being thoroughly posted
in the Location, Value, etc , of Lands in ev
ery nection, feel confident that it will bo to
the interest of parties having lands to sell,
to place them in my hands; and those wish
ing to purchase Lands can always be ac
commodated. I will be in Codartown on
tho 1st Tuesday in each month, for the pur.
pose of transacting business in my line.
June 20
J. S. Stubbs & Co.,
J£BEP constantly on hand a full line of
Hoots and Hlioes ;
also a line of
(.’ash buyers will find it to their interest
lo examine our goods and prices before
n*i.X_ Solo agents for tho salt* of the cele
brated “ Watts IHows" and fixtures, in Folk
county. June 20—tf
Livery, Sale and Feed Stable,
Alain Street, Ceilurtoxvu, Ga
f JRIGI’M down to suit tho times Good
L Htock, Vehicles, and Careful Drivers
always oil hand.
Special attention given to the care cf
stock left in our charge.
lumpkin & McConnell*
Real Estate Agency.
.1 HE undersigned respectfully announce
to the public that they have f irmed a co
partnership under tho firm name ond style of
l\,r the purpose of transacting a general
business in Real Estate in i*olk and adjoin
ing counties.
Wo will Huy, Sell and Rent Farms,
Wild Lands, Residences, Storas and all
kinds of Realty.
Property placed in our hand-* will be lib
erally advertised, and uo charge will be
made if we fail to dispose of it u* Mpuluted,
but if the party placing property in our
hands disposes of the anmo before the expi
ration of tho BtipuUtod time, wo shall
charge the same as if we had disposed of
tho property.
Every one having realty to soli or rent,
and all deairing to buy or rent realty is rc-
i|ii«»i.mi to oull 111.on or write to us and learn
our terms IVY F THOMPSON,
W. 8. I). WIKLE.
fTMIE undersigned has located in Cedar-
I town for the purpose of carrying on
the business in all its branches. Ifyou want
a shampoo or hair cut, give tno a call and I
kill guarantee satisfaction.
W. H. Wikle & Co.,
Professional Cards,
j. n. h a it ii i; it,
Notary Public
Cednrtown, Ga.
P ARTICULAR attention given to taking
Depositions and collection of clamis.
Cednrtown, Ga.
O FFICE in Court House.
junc 20
Ccdariown, Ga.
O FFICE in Court House.
June 20
Cednrtown, Ga.
O FFICE over Dr. Reece’s Drug Store.
junc 20
Attorney nt Law,
O FFICE—East side Court House square.
juno 20
Carteraville, Ga.
C^FFICE in Hank Building. juno 20
0 m<
Drs. Liddell & Richardson,
Ccdartown, Ga.
]Y/| A \ be found in their nffieo at nil hours
i»T when not prufesuiounlly engaged.
juno 20
Physician and Surgeon,
Ceilartown, Ga.
O FFICE ut residence, on Pryor Greet.
June 20-
Ccdartown, Ga.
O FFERS his professional services to tho
citizens of Codartown and vicinity.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Codartown, Ca.
Repairing fine
kinds of Jewelry r
kept for sale.
|» specialty. All
id Watches and Clocks
juno 20-1 y
Practical Mechanic & Builder,
furnish Material and
Etc., Etc.
1 AKE Subscription for any Book or Pe
riodical published in the United States, at
Publishers lowest prices.
For all kinds of Sewing Machines, also fur
nish Attachments, Oils, etc. Will send
Needles by mail, to any address, on receipt
of price. Singer, 75 cents per dozen ; all
others 90 cents. Parties would do well to
consult us before buying goods from ped
dlers, or sending North to the various
swindlers and humbugs. Any goods not in
stock will be furnished at short notice.
june 20-tf
IR’oct liuildino-s
of all sin" and grades, on short notice
nfior the most approved plans. Partic
attention given to making and trimini
Those desiring work of any kind in his
line would Jo well to call on him at the St.
Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court House
Square. june 20-ly
(opposite uctf's sew building)
Cherry Nt. between 3d and -ltl
J- II. BREMER, . . . Rrcpritu
AceounnoJfttions First-class. Tern