The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, July 25, 1874, Image 2

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CKDARTOWN, <1A., JUI.V 2ft, 871
Ckdartown On. July 22(1,1874.
lu iiocordDdico with the recoino'idn-
tiou of the Democratic incut in# of
yostorday, tho Democrats of the
county nro earnestly requested to nn>
Mtnhlo nt tho Court House, in Coder*
town ai 12 o'clock in., on tho 18th of
August for tho purposes roooinondod
in that primary Mooting, an well ns
any other business that inny logiti-
inaloly corno before it.
Chairman Horn Ex (Join Polk County.
Wo nro roliably informed that Dr.
Pol ton will certainly bo an indopend*
ent enndidato for Congress from thin
District, at tho approaching oleotion.
An Exckmjtnt Kkmkhy koii Terrat.
—Tako China treo berries and cook
thorn enough to oasily romovo tho
soods, and to this add tho aamo quan*
tity oil taken from a fat hon ; thou
alow to a buIvo nud apply.
A firo ocourrod in Chicago lent
week, destroying proporty to tho
amount of over four million dollars.
Tho Radical Congressional Commit-
teo in thoir address to tho pooplo of
United States, make their issuos for
tho campaign : 1. Tho Civil Rights'
Rill; 2. Tho Currency question, on
this rnattor taking no ground; 3.
Chonp Transportation, to bo loft to
iuturo discussion.
Tho investigation of tho Tilton*
Roochor affair is going on. Tilton's
wife wont beforo tho committee and
made statements nt varinneo with
tlioso of hor husband. Tilton is de
fiant, and will fight Roochor to tho
bitter end, nud will bring othor uud
now chnrges against him.
Gov. Davis, of Minnessota, issues a
circular to. tho grangors, asking aid
for tho south-wostoru portion of tho
Htalo. Ho citos six whole counties
which have boon swept by grasshop
pers of all cropB as completely ns if
by lire. Women and ebildrou are
Buffering foe food. Tho implements
uud stock of tho Bottlers are under
mortgago, givon to lido over tho
privntious of last your,
L. N. Thamuktx, candidato for con
gress, publishes iu tho Georgia Com
monwealth tho contruot betwcon
himself nud tho Rruuswick and Albany
Rail Road Company, whereby ho obli-
gutod hitusolf to labor to provonl any
legislation detrimental to tho intorost
of said Road, or tending to lake away
its chartered rights or interfere with
tho indorsement of its bonds hy tho
State, for which sorvioo, if successful,
ho was to roeoivo $5000 from tho com
pany iu tho first contract, and $2,500
in tho socoud. Mr. Trammell thinks
liis duties ns a legislator did not pro-
vent or nmka it improper to roccivo a
foe for Rorvicos in tho legislative hall,
in addition to a per diem. Tho pooplo
must judge of this matter for thoin-
Mr. Jas. If. Johnson, a hunker of
Griffin, has gone into bankruptcy.
With their other troubles, tho
Western farmers nro troubled by a
now and fatal horso disease.
Atlanta is dotorrainod to havo wa
ter works and has let out oontraots
for tho work.
Tho Freedman’s Saving’s Rank lost
tho r.ogroos of Savannah $35,000,
those iu Atlanta $28,000, Memphis
ulao largely.
Goueral Buuregard has accepted
tho position of chief onginoor of tho
Argentine republic, with tho rank of
mnjor-goncrul, at a salary of $52,000.
llo will havo elmrgo of all tho engin
eering enterprises of that government;
will suporiutoud tho coast defences;
plan the construction of railways, etc.
Tho Gonoral will sail for his now post
of duty in u few days.
From tho Grand Jury lVoioulmoula
2d week of Floyd Superior Court,
published in Romo Commercial 19th,
wo loam that tho por dioin pay of
Graud and Traverse Jurors of that
ooUnty cost, for the you* 1873, tho
enormous sum of $8,102 05. In con-
Bcquouoe of this heavy espouse, they
make tho following rather novel re
commendation :
“Wo therefore recommend to our
Senators and Representatives in tho
uext legislature to procure, if possible,
tho passage of a general hill, applica
ble to all tho courts of tho State, (but
if it cannot be passed in this form,
then to apply to the courts of this
oouuty), embodying the following pro-
First, to reduce tho number of
Grand Jurors to not h ss than five nor
more than seven, in lieu of the pres
ent numbers now required by law.
Secondly, to ruduoG the number of
each puuel of Traverse Jurors from
twelve to five or six. Thirdly, to dis
pense with jury trials iu all civil cases
except where either tho tho plaintiff
or defendant upon tho sounding of
tho case and announcing roady for
trial, shall eloet to trv the case beforo
a jury—tho plaint ill* to announce first
—and tho party demanding a jury
shall pay to the Foreman for tho use
of the jury a feu of five dollars iu ad-
vai c of the caso being submitted to
Mu. Editor: The timo 1ms oomo
when tho Doinocr icy of Polk should
make urangeinonts for members to
the Legislature, nud to Bond delegates
to tho OoDgromional Convention. The
county dumocutic Executive Commit-
too havo called no mooting as yet.
They should do bo at onco. Lot us
havo a good, old fashioned Democrat
ic nomination by the pooplo; no ring,
no clique, no trado or trick; and above
all !)• independent candidates. I
learn that seme have already said
tboy had boon solicited to declare
thoiuBolves independent candidates,
and another said ho was a candidato,
but had finally declined tho race—wub
too poor to run, notwithstanding tho
many pressing solicitations of the dear
people. Tho old Democratic \ motto
was, “lot tho office hunt tho man.’’
Gentlemen, clonr tho track; lot tho
people coino forward and sponk. If
you aro worthy, true and tried in tho
past thoy will not forgot you now. It
is essentially necessary in this election,
to havo good and truo men in Con
gress and in tho Legislature; men who
fool that this is a Democratic Govern
ment, a Government of tho pooplo,
und not of individuals, cliques, or
rings; men who understand that tho
liberties of tho pooplo must bo preser
ved, and that itjean only bo dono by
a truo Democratic Government. Wo
want uion who understand the groat
principles which constitute tho foun
dation of truo Democracy, and ‘which
underlie tho groat fabric of froo Gov
My advice to tho convention, wlion
it moots is, first, to enquire if any ring
lmd boon formod, any trick up or any
trade made; and if truo, investigate
it, uud adjourn your mooting to an-
othor day, und invito tho good pooplo
to oomo up and give u freo’exprossiou
as to thoir ohoico. This plan, I think,
would insuro success; olhorwiso you
may have tho sumo disagrooilblo set
of office beggars to contoud with you
had last your. At tho same timo,
should any Domoerat havo inoro con
fidence in his own personal popularity
thnn he bus in tho Democratic parly,
and doolure himself an independent
candidate, yon may know that ho iu
not ono of us—ho is outside of tho
fold, and should ho so treated. Hu
thinks himself abovo affiliating with
tho Democratic }mrty, and you may
know that he is iu secret collision
with tho radicals, and up him. Dring
all your forces against him; touch him
that the pooplo aro sovorigu and must
reign. A Democrat.
Tho above communication was
written for last week's paper, but was
orowdod out.
I'roccculiiiKH of l*oliHciiI
Ckdautown Ga. July 21st. 1874.
A call being mado to tuko some ac
tion iu regard to sending delegatus
from this County to thu Convention at
Calhoun, on Soptombor tho 2d, for tho
purpose of nominating a Democratic
lauuidato to represent this District in
Congress, tv portion of tho citizons of
tho County met at tho Court House,
and on motion Win. Hogg was oallod
to tho clmlr and 8. M. H. Byrd, was
roquested to act as SOCrotary.
On motion of Major Blanco, Cant.
Dodd stated that tho object of the
mooting was for tho purpose of tho
organization of tho Democratic party
of tho County. Major Blanco con
curred, and favored perfoot organiza
tion, that all might Imrmonizo, forgot-
iug tho past uud looking to tho future
Tho following resolutions woro road
hy Juo. O. Wuddoll, and ivftor discus
sion woro udoptod.
Wiminus—Thoro was sorao inform
ality in tho call for tho meeting, (it
being tho opinion that thoro is an ox-
eutivu committoo in tho County) and
ns in tho oall no place of meeting was
suggested; and whoroua tho District
Executive Committee, for this, tho 7th
Congressional District, at its mooting
at Curtorsvillo on tho 15th iust. advi
sed that delegates to tho nominating
convention to bo hold at Calhoun, on
tho 2d of Sep tomb or next, bo chosen
by mass meetings of the Democracy,
of tho various counties iu tho District.
Therefore, it is
Resolved, By this informal mooting,
that wo request tho Chairman of tho
Executive Committoo of tho county
to call such mass meeting to assemble
at tho Court House, in Codartowu, on
Tuesday tho 18th of August, at 12
o'clock m., tho sumo boing tho second
week of our Superior Court. Should
thoro bo no Exeoutivo Committee, or
should thoy fail to make tho call in
the county; then wo earnestly request
that all tho Democrats iu the county
assemble at tho time and place, and
for the object indicated, and also for
tho purpose of nouiinntiug a suitable
person to represent this county in tho
next Legislature.
On motion of Major J. A. Blanco.
Rasolved, That this uioetiug dupli
cates tho anoUnpomont of independ
ent candidates m the Democratic
party in advance of regular party ac
tion, and that wo d«> not oousider our-
' selves under any obligation to support
such candidates.
On motion tho Secretary was iu-
| struoted to furnish tho Ckdautown
i Rfidmu) aud Rookmurt Reporter,
j with the proceedings of this meeting
' aud request thorn to publish.
Comiuunicuf ion from “Kecor-
«ler. ,>
Tho subject of taxation ha* boon
ono of the most difficult aud per
plexing over submitted to government
for practical solution, and it is one
that more thought has bceu expended
on to 1 hh purpose. Tho ohjio* has,
boon to lesson and cqualizo tho burden,
but has most invariably resulted in u
gradual increase from year to year
Much of this legislation bos boon un
wise and unjust, but tho crowning act
was passed hy our legislature during
tho yonr 1872. I refer to tho exemp
tion bill, which < xompls monied mo
nopolies from paying taxes, which, of
course, adds a general increase on tho
poor class to koop up the government
The law exempting woolen and cotton
mills, was afterwards extended to iron
companies. No doubt our legislators
were honest in their views, aud at the
timo tho bill wus passed it looked
rather plausible. The facts have pro
ven, in my jadgmenot, quito to the
contrary. Tho only object of this ex
emption was to encourage and induce
caiatalists to invest mid bring money
into tho State. Tho investments have
been made, us for the money, so little
of that article loaves thoir own pockets
tho heneflts aro not precoptible, ox-
copt in tho purchaso of lauds, which
are most iu variably bought ut much
less tlmn roal value. No soouor than
ono of these companies is organized
and chartered, they set up thoir stores
of every kiud and trade to catch every
dollar thoir employees labor for.
This subject lias boon troubling the
council of our town no little, and of
late boon tho 'hill absorbing thought"
of the body. It has boon a desired
object of every member of tho council
to make your taxes for this year as
light us possiblo, and at one time they
rejoiced in tho thought that it would
not bo necessary to levy an advaiornm
tax. Unfortuatoly for tho citizens our
object was foiled which created a small
expanse. Since that effort tho coun
cil appointed a tax assosor to compile
tho taxable proporty of tho town. In
his report to our surprise, thoro was
over or.e hundred thousand dollars
worth of property within tho incorpo-
ruto limits of (JoUartown that claimed
exemption. Tho council required tho
assosor to inuku a demand on tho
company for an invoice of tho proprty
they owned iu Codartowu limits, winch
lie did, and tho coinpnuy refused to
give in ono dollars worth of property.
I refer to tho Cherokee Iron Com
pany. Tho council was at consider
able loss to know what stops to take
in this matter, nud somowlmt cautious
about law suits, as wo lmd on hand
about as many us wo could wull at
tend to. After much discussion and
study, tho council passed a resolution
ordering thoir recorder to examino
tho law and facts on tho subjoot, which
lie did, and laid them before that
body. It was then ordered that a
committoo wait on the tax ussosuor of
tho county and learn tho truo slate of
those facts, and request him to lay be
fore the Couipotrolor General a true
and impartial statement of the condi
tion of this coinpuny on the 1st day
of April, 1874. Ho, tho assess ir, prom
ised to do so and inform the oomini -
too tho oxtont to which the Coiuptro-
lor Gonoral exempted this company;
to this enquiry the assessor received a
reply that the company should ho as
sessed on all thoir property except the
amount oxpondod iu the funmoo. This
somewhat astonished our body of
couuuilmon, thoy thou instructed the
assessor to tax all the proporty of the
company within tho lines, except that
necessary and actually expended in
erecting tho funmoe. Before this was
dono tho county asscHor received soo-
ond orders from tho Comptrolur Gen
eral to assess no tax on tho Cherokee
Iron Company -Their entire capital
in Folk, and I presume the State, was
exempted by law. This straw broke
tho councils hack, aud put an end for
soiiio weeks to any further action.
But tho groat injustice done tho citi
zens of Polk and Codartowu, still in
duced them to make some further
inquires into tho subject, which re
sulted in another resolution request
ing and instructing thoir recorder to
write this article for your paper;
showing how unjustly this exemption
was obtained and tho unlawful con
struction given to the law. To do this
I will havo to occupy inoro of your
space than 1 wish, but as it is in t.lio
intorost of Polk County, it is no in
trusion on timo or space.
From tho wording of tho act, I lay
down us my first proposition: This
company is subject and should, 1 like
to have said, shall, pay tax on their
entire capital invested for tho year
ending April 1st 187-4. My second
proposition is, this company nud all
other companies like this, bhould he
assesod on all thoir property and
made pay tax on tho same except tho
actual oxpouso in erecting and oper
ating tho furnaco. Now lot us read
what tho law says. In Georgia report
page 298, vol. of 1872, Eutitled an
act to onoourago the manufacture of
cotton aud woolen labrics &c. “Tho
general assembly do enact. That
for tho purpose of inducing the in
vestment and employment of capital
in tho muuufuoturo of cotton and wool
en fabrics and yarns, also extend to
iron in the State aforesaid, any indi
vidual or individuals, or any body cor
porate, that shall hereafter invest
money to bo employed in tho election
and operation of any mill or mills,
within the state afortmid for tho man
ufacture of fabrics out of cotton or
wool or both, whether such invest
ment. bo applied in the establishment
of a now factory, or in tho extension
or enlargement of a now existing fac
tory, shall be exempt from taxation
for st it , county and municipal pur
poses on the capital so iu vested, or
any property purchased or erected
therewith intended for, and necessary
to, such manufactory, for tho term of
ten years from and after the laying of
the foundation of the mill so to be
erected: and it shall bo tho duty ot
any individual or individuals, or body
corporate, claiming the benefits of
suoli exemption, to report to the
Comptroler General of the State the
amount of capital so invested, and tho
time when the foundations of rniils
readied tho sur/otv of the yround,
where situated Ae. The italics are
my own.
This act is so plain that I can hard
ly Bee any use in making auy com
ments. Does it not say in so ruauy
words that the foundation of tho mill
or furnace shall roach the snrfaco of
the ground before application can Ikj
made, and tho timo expressed ? Now,
what is tho object of the law requiring
this date, if it is not to determine tho
date of exemption? If this Company
hud thoir furnace foundation built to
a level with thq surface of tho ground
beforo tho first duy of April, 1874,
thoy had a right to make application,
and tho Comptroller General had
nothing to do hut grant it. If, on tho
other hand, their foundation did not
reach tho point designated until the
2d day of April, the Company could
uot expect to bo relieved of taxes on
property they owned daring 1873, any
more than on property owned hy tho
Company during 1872. And if thoy
did not use*diligence and enorgy to
push tho work forward and avail
thomsolves of this benefit, it was tho
Now, to dofine what is tho tax year.
When wo givo in to the assessor wo
Company's fault
are required to tako an oath giving an
honest statement of all tho proper'y
owned tho year preceding 1st of April
last. Then ull tho property this Com
pany owned during tho twelve in >utha
commencing 1st April, 1873, aud end
ing 1st Annl 1871, is known us their
taxable proporty of 1873, us the tux
year commences and ends on tho 1st
of April each' year. Now, if this bo
true, and the Company* us I said, did
not come to time with their founda
tion, why not subject ? Why dul they
not apply for exemption for 1872 ?
Wo ull know tho law docs not recog
nize a partial compliance whore put
ties have contracted with tho State,
and this is nothing more or loss than
a contract. It is expected of tho
State to adhere strictly to the reading
of tho law, and the State should and
does require of tho parties contracting
to comply with their obligations.
Then tho only question to decide ih,
did tho foundation of the tjompany's
furnaco reach tho surface of the
ground on ur beforo tho 1st of Apri',
1874 ? 1 was not at or about tho Com
pany workf on that day, nor have 1
examined Uumi since that time ; but
I have tho evidence of reliable, hon
est and truthful men of Folk county,
that after tho 1st of April they saw
the furnace foundation, and it was
near two feet below the surface, and
no foundation laid up to that date.
As Into as Juno tho surface was not
reached ; iu fact during tho month of
May and firat of Juno they woro only
gmvliug tho bole thoy had excavated.
Those aro facts, if I am rigidly inform
ed, that can be proven by at least
I wonly of tho cltUensof Cedartown. Then
how .lid i ho Company apply for cxemp-
iion ? Upon whal ground* did (hoy base
their application? 1 ecu no oilier way of
gulling an explanation on this point but a
copy of the application. Now, »■ to my
teoond proposition: The Company should
pay Ini on all their property alter Uio faun,
dalion reaches,the aurfnou except that »•.«-
Ployed in building and riming th* furnaco.
•pi... .......i- -»._n ..
Thu law read*. shall li
money to bo employed in fhu erection urn
•f any mill or mills, or any prop
ed therewith, in
urty puruli
tended Tor, and nurtsaary to suoti inaimfuc,
lory. Now «hl» company uwm plainly
milk Morehouse* and stores, ahinglo ma
chine, plantations and other proporty which
(hoy claim in nooctwary to muku iron. I
muet confo#a I cannot boo tho connecting
link between a yard of calico and u pound
of hi or cub carbonate, or any other kind
of iron. I would liko lor some man to ahow
mo any similarity hotween tho apout where
tho Binultod oro cornea from, ami a ahinglo
umohinu, or anything that shows farming
and making pig iron twin brothura. What
•loos tho word machinery in tho law mean?
All that laud (hat the furnaco is creeled on,
for without It you cannot cruet tho furnace;
the ftirnaco and all tho machinery required
to make thohl&Ht. with thvac nro necessary,
nud you cannot umka iron without thorn.
Uoes tho law go on and any thegn companies
ahull go on and buy property all over tho
?““» <">- *.»l l"'.v "»"»«. "imply.
I.uonil.. tl..-y .omo fuw privillgi). ex
tern! a.l l.. If ..... II... ....... ...
what client could the slate bo awindlod uf
their protection over ull tho farmer* for
miles around them, could claim exemption
on every Btoro, grocery, ton pin ally and
billiard table within tho county and Mute.
Dues every iron furnaco within tho United
all h.i
td Mol
lion, why I ken r.
New Advertisements.
P ROF. C. H. RANGER, the celebrated
House, 8ign and Ornamental
All who have work to do would do wull
to call on the old artist, aa he can and of
fers to give good refuronce to his workman-
ship, if required. I.caro orders at Dr.
Harris' Hotel, Cedartown, <»a. July 2ft.
J. IIB Subscriber desires to solicit the at
tention of the citizens of Cedartown and
snrrounding vicinity, that I am prepared to
Remodel Old Furniture
and make i? look liko new. All kinds of
0 U S H I O N 8
made fur Pewa, Lounges, Hofas and Cliaias.
Feet Carpet* cut aud made to fit bed.
O -A. I>T O a
made various styles, Window* trimmed
latest Myles with Damasd and Lace. All
styles of the Finest
ordered ; Lounges made to order ; a fine
lot of Reps on hand for nil kinds of Cush-
C H A I R 8 R E 8 E A T E D
and made strong. Ladies, your especial
attention is called to my stock of
The best, neatest and moat accommodating
Shade manufactured, Also,
Chiltlfcn’M Buggies
of every atylo; call and see. Libraries,
Hook Cases, Secretaries and livreau* had
at short notice. Office opposite Post office.
Very Respectfully,
July 25 3m DAVII) AXE.
AI J( 'I K >>.
X will sell, at their Works, at Public Auc
tion. at 10 o'clock, A. .M., on the 10th duy
of August, 1871,
with 100 feet front of land, running hack to
iho centre of Cedar Creek, suitable for a
(trial Mill. Also, one 42 inch i urbine
Water Wheel, and about 8000feet of framed
and unfrarned lumber. Terms to be made
known on tho day of sale, by order of
Cedartown, Oa, July 11, 1H7 I
II. O. Wilkes,
orrr Hfrte'i Druy Store,
Codortown, Georgia.
A LL kiiiUa of Pictures taken in tho best
style of the art. and at tho very lowest
price* Copying old pictures ■» •pomalty.
B y the mobile life insurance
Live, Active Agents, to solicit Insurance.
Bmlnpss light and profitable. Apply to
RANDALL, (iadsden. Ala,
it one company can
mill, store or planta-
hose properties consid
ered neoesttry. I would ask the quostion
were it not rcdioulouo, would these compa
nies hire ck'i k*, build houses, invest their
money in lmids, run tho risk of making
crops and of fire burning up their building*,>- l.» ,IU their Imn.l. cuiptojro.1, wi-ro
accomodated with all the* wants of life,
would they undertake all this risk unless
thoro was big money in it; l havo yet to find
that company that posseses so much of tho
milk of buman kindness, as to tako all these
risks for no profit. Why then exempt the
store and other proporty. If my views are
incorect.uud the law says in words orinteu-
tipu, that tbeso companies shall pay no tux
on any property they purchase, and if the
Comptrolur (Jenernl will so construe tho
law iu the face of tho discussion of the sub
ject, and ampretne court of the State, which
was recently decided by Judge l Tudor wood
and tho niibrvtuo Judges, that this company
had no rigid to build a mill, and that a mill
was no part of an iron works, and will givo
security that snob decision will hold good,
1 propose lo orgnulso a company to be
chartered by our next legislature, with n
joint stock tnpitnl, to bo known as the non
tax paying Company. The property of this
company slull consist of all the goods, chat
tels and lands of tho balauco of the citizens
of Polk, Barlow, Cobb nud Dougherty
counties, with a priviligo of extending the
capital to ns many more counties us may bo
disposed (o join us. Tho only fears l have
as to my aoupauy is, that there will be too
many applications forwarded at once, which
will require so mauy book keepers, we will
perhaps make some mistakes as to the
amount of stock each county has invested.
And for fear some mistake is made and our
charter delayed some little time. I now, in
the name and behalf of this company, as
their expected, and no ddubt will be pres
ident, present an application for exemption
o all personal, real or other estate-, whether
in sctual or anticipated existence, from all
taxes whatever, including iuterual revenues
for tho space ot ten years, subject to no in
surance agent, with a guarantee of an in
demnity from all losses that may originate
from auy cause whatever. 1 have no doubts
of Home applying for admssion in a few
days. I have talked to souto of our know
ing ones and they like the plan, aud every
candidate in this county that l have talked
to on the subject, has promised that if l
will oloot them, they will go for my bill.
Of course I promised to have them all elec
ted I must close though the subject is uct
half exhausted.
Very Respectfully, Your
(fl/i/cf F.itailiiheii linnet in Town.)
Pryor Strtrt, Smith ei,U Court Ilouee Squan
Cedartown, (in.
General Merchandise.
Agent for
und other standard Fertilizers.
OaSifing anti Ties,
Virginia Suit and PUM
ITH increased facilities for doing
business and obtaining goods, my long ex
perience in business, makes me confident
that my Stock, Terms and Prices, will com
pare favorably with those of any other
house iu Town. 1 defy good, healthy bus
iness competition. An inspection of my
Goods and Prices is earnestly desired.
Grateful for past favors, and the generous
patronage of Polk and adjoining counties so
liberally bestowed for tho past nine years,
l shall strive to merit a continuance of the
N. B.—Liberal advances made on grow
ing crops. During the coming cotton sea
son 1 shall, as in the past, strive to build
up and increase a home cotton and produco
market, having already perfected arrange
monte for increasing my facilities for buy
ing and storing cotton.
Selma, Rome & Dalton R. R.
Trains on this Road will run as follows :
Leave Selma 7.25 a m
Arrive at Prior'* 6.48 p m
“ Daltou 9,45 p m
Making close connection at Dalton with
E T V & Ga R R., aud W & A R R for all
Eastern and Western cities and the Vir
ginia Springs.
Leave Dalton 5-45 p m
Arrive at Prior’s 10.12 pm
Arrive at Selma 8.80 a iu
Leaving Dalton ior Solum upon arrival of
E T V A Ga U R aud W & A R R trains.
JNO. 11. PFCK, Gen. Supt.
W. S. MAYNARD, Asst. Supt.
W. C. Barber,
Kockmart, Ga.
W ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved
Lands in any portion of tho County.
Having been a citizen of Polk county for
many years, and being thoroughly posted
in the Location, Value, etc , of Land* in ev
ery section, feel confident that it will bo to
the interest of parties having lands lo sell,
to place them in my hands; and those wish
ing to purchase Lands can always be ac
commodated. 1 will bo in Cedartown on
the 1st Tuesday in each month, for the pur.
pose of transacting business in my lin>*.
j une '-’0
-T. H. StubbH & Co.,
CE/MRTO ir.V, H.i.,
J^EEP coDMnntly on Imntl a full line of
IIooIm and Mliovs;
also a line of
Cash buyers will find it to their interesi
to examine our goods and prices before
Bnfc. Hole agents for tho sale of tho cele
brated “ Wutla Plows" aud fixtures, in Polk
county. junc 20—tf
Livery, Sale and Peed Stable,
Main Street, Cedartown, Ga-
"PRICES down to suit the time*. Good
X Stock, Vehicles, and Careful Drivers
always on hand.
Special attention given to the care cf
stock left in our charge.
lumpkin a McConnell*
Cherokee Iron Comp’y Store.
Or any article generally kept in
At Price.* to suit the Closest Buyers, you
will make it greatly to your advuntago by
calling nt the abovo named More.
J»"« 27-ly
CEO A R 7X) H’iV, GA.
F ) E8PECTPI-LLY call the attention of
L the public to the fact that we have in
Stock and arc canstuntly receiving,
Boots, Shoos,
AVool 6c Fur 1 Intel,
Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal,
Which wo will sell as cheap as any ono in
towu for tho CASH. Cult and examine
before purchasing. june 2D
Cedartown, - - Georgia,
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Everything Fresh and Pure!
Always on hand.
Toolb, Hair and Nail Brushes,
Combs, etc.
Buying for Cash, we are prepared to sell
as low as the lowest.
Itajf* Give us a call and see for yourselves!
june 20-ly
Professional Cards.
Notary X^nblic
Cedartown, (iu.
P ARTICULAR attention given lo taking
Depositions nud collection of cisinis.
Cedartown, Ga.
O FFICE in Court House.
june 20
Ccdarto>vn, Gu.
^^FFICE in Court House.
Cedartown, Gu.
^^FFICE over Dr. Reece's Drug Store.
Attorney a.t Law,
^^FFICE —East side Court House square.
Cnrtem-llle, (iu.
QFFICE in Dank UniMlng. june 20
A T T O R N F. Y S A T h A W
and Roal Estate Agents.
O FFICE over Dr. Reese's Drug 8toro.
june 20
Drs, Liddell & Richardson,
Cedartown, Ga.
]\ TA V bo found in their office at all hours
1.YA when not professionally engaged.
Physician and Surgeon,
Cedartown, Ga.
n mCE residence, on Pryor Mrect.
W june 20.
Cedartown, Ga.
O FFERS his professional services i 0 tho
citizens vf Cedartown and vicinity.
.A.. L. DAMS,
sSrcft*-/ > s!
ToL ,
3 '-VP-T I 5
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Codartown, Ga.
WTORK done promptly nud satisfactorily
W All work warranted Twelve Months.
Repairing fine watches a specialty. All
kinds of Jewelry and Watches and Clocks
kept for Bale. june 20-ly
Practical Mechanic & Builder
WOULD respectfully announce to tho
» Y public that lie is fully prepared lo
furnish Material and
IZru ct XXniltlii
of all sizes and grades, on short notice and
after the most approved plan*. Particular
attention given to making and trimming
Those desiring work of any kind in his
line would do well to call on him at the St.
Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court House
8< l 0 * rc - 20-ly
r F ,,E undersigned has located in Cedar-
J- town for the purpose of carrying on
the business in all its branches. Ifyoq want
n shampoo nr hair cut, give me n call anj 1
will guarantee satisfaction.