Newspaper Page Text
W, S, D, WIKLE & 00., Proprietors.
During the first seven months of the
present year 78,RM immigrants wero entered
at New York, a failing off of 105,659 compared
with the correaponding period of 1873.
The main reservoir which supplies
Trenton, X. J. with water, gave way last week
and sent about tliirty million gallons of water
over tho city and down ronnington avenue
with a mighty rush, Oiling tho collars of moot
of tho Iiouhos for a tfuarter of a mile.
A Washington dispatch gives as the
reason why the secrotary of the treasury lim
ited tho call for five-twenty bonds to twenty-
tlve millions, that uot only tho call of the And
hurt., but subsequent calls aro likely to bring
in well oxeculcd counterfeit 5-20 bonds known
toharo boon extensively sold in Europe, and
it is proposed to Htibjoot all received to the
oloeoflt scrutiny.
Ht. Louis wants another big bridge
Michael Reese, of Hau Francisco, sues
the California I’aciflo road for seventeen
million dollars.
Gon. Howard lias left Washington
for Oregon to take command of tho depart
ment recently under Oen. Davis.
Tho auditor of Illinois pronounces
tho Atlantic anil I'aciflo insurance company
bankrupt. A*aola#800,000, liabilities #447,999.
Ohio convicts mnat resume tho zchrn
stripes discarded a fow years ago. It was
found difficult to capture those who escaped
in plain clothes.
A dispatch from Fort Garey says tho
Lord Gordon Gordon shut and killed 1U mao If
Naturday night to eacapo arrest on a warrant
from Toronto, on tho charge of ombesoUng
Jewelry at Glasgow, Sootland.
Tho executive committee of tho stnto
grange has issued an address to tho grangers
of Wisconsin. It wains them that an attempt
will bo ruado in tho next legislature to socuro
the repeal of tho railroad law, and nrges them
to rosist tho effort.
CoJ. Stanton, just arrived at Laromio
from the agencies, report* that numbers of
Indians aro coming from the north, who say
that Btabber, a prominont Indian in tho dis
turbances of last spring at tho agonciea, and
sevoral others, are killed by Cuatar’s men who
are returning. There seems to ho much fool
ary proclamations, is proceeding lioforo a spe
cial noseion of tho Russiati senate.
Bayonne advices state that the oarllsta
havo captured (5,000 breach-loading rillee,
which were lauded on tho coast. It is nleo
said that 5,000 otiior rules, destined for tho
carlists, have fallen Into tho hands of the
French polioo on the frontlor.
It in understood Hint a majority of the
delegates to tho international congress favor
tho exclusion or all poiuts relating to naval
warfare, aud a strict adhorouce to matters
strictly connected with tho amelioration of
human suffering in Unto of war.
Tho report that England, Gormuny
and Italy havo agrood to watch the Bpanirli
coast is denied. Germany lias not proposed
intervention to Austria, but to Join the other
powers in tho acknowledgment of the Spanish
It is reported from Berlin that tho
Roman Catholic bishops havo forwarded to
tho government a protest declaring that they
cannot submit to a ono-sided government,
aud claiming that the legislative power con
cerning tho religion of tho pooplo belongs
solely to tho popo.
1'rinoo Bismarck recently fought a
duel with pistols at Diissaldprf, with M. Loark-
awan, an officer of tho infantry. The oncoiiu-
tor took placo at (5 in tho morning, ten paorH
separating the oonbatanls. Three shots were
to have beou fired by each, but tho first shot
of tho Gorman took offect in his adversary's
abdomen and soon afterwards proved fatal.
During tho discussion of tho publio
worship regulation bill in the house of com
mons, Disraeli roforriug to tho strife hotween
church and stato on the continent, expressed
the conviction that turnover tranquil might be
tho general stato of EiTropo, tlioro wero agen
cies at work proparing a period of groat dis
A loiter from Irolnnd says John
Mitchell bail a brilliant reception in the city of
Cork. The whole town was afi&mo with ex
citement. Hu was waited on by crowds of his
ohl uHsooiates of IHIB and young disciples i f
is. At night the streets
and* of music and bondfirei
torchlight procession
liicli 5.000 pooplo took p
A tetter from Hava
i alive
id the
idonen in
45,000 rations, were
doubtless for want
fear of their fallin
that last
•onion, a village in Cl it ay -
mall place, witli nearly
itimod bv the Spaniards,
the hands
in, and a
Tho Imliui
i Indians, wo
villages of Ualdrau
iirod by tho Uilbaui
•annas, near Santa
id Ui
tided in
The Intent mail advices from Europe
Tho villago of Montgomery, Ky., v
almost entirely destroyed by flic la-t wi
Loss, #27,000 ; very little lusuranoo.
Tho Arkansan constitutional oonv
lion adopted tho franchise articlo, which c
fors tho right of voting upon ovory male i
| in regard to tlio crop pr
tho French wheat crop <n a good a
still the hopes that it might ho class
' tho rich crops will not ho rcalizod.
1 barley will yield a good quality, but i
be 1 quantity.
a heat hoc.
l of t
nly in s
Gov. Kellogg, of Loui&iniiU,
signed death warrants, ordeiing execution on I
tho 21st of August in tho parish of Assump j
Uon, five men who in April lost murdered ami !
Tho cotton caterpillar han mudo itn
appearance on tho Kirkpatrick plantation in
tho vicinity of Augusta, (la., aud tho rust is '
found among tho cotton on another plantation
near that city.
A fight ocourrcil at u email villago iu
Clark county, Ky., on election day, in which
two whito man were killed and two nogroes
mortally wounded, and fifteen negroes wore
moro or loss noveroly wounded.
Tho public library of Kentucky Iiuh
Just purchased for #25,000 tho splendid col
lodion of iniuorals ami funsils of the late
IW. Troont, of Tonnessoo, probably tho
most extensive and valuable of tho kind in
tho country.
Tho caterpillar is reported to havo ap
peared in Harbour ami Ilcury counties, Ala
bama, and it is thought they will destroy the
cotton by lho 30lli of August. There aro simi
lar reports from Dale county
J. Newton Temple, United States dis
trict attorney for the western district of Ar
kansas, and John A. Minute, attorney for tho
northern dtetrt t of Alabama, have tendered I Mb
thoir resignations, which havo boon aoceptod. coi
Tho superintendent of tho New Or- Tho redemption division of the trens-
le&us mint is making arrangements to rocom- | ury department has now seventy clerks era*
mt'tico oi*crntiMns, but owing to tho smallness j ployed In the business of enuuting and assort-
ssional appropriation they will I ing the notes sent by tho .banka for redomp-
s. From Vienna tho official
continued July boat has dune
•mparatjvcly small part of the
empire, Imt was pretty damaging to barley,
oats, and feed. Rye and wheat looks well.
Com also looks well.
Tho excursionists accompanying Mr.
O. W. Field to Ieoland, who go nut to attond
tho millennial celebration, report the progress
of tho Journey in the following words under
date of July 20. Wo arrived at Thorsham,
Faroe islands, yesterday afternoon, ail iu good
health and spirits. The king of Denmark
reached Tnoraliam a fow days before, ami will
Hail for Iceland to-morrow afternoon
shall loavo to-morrow morning, as all wish to
bo in Icnlaud when tho king airives. W«
nil delighted with what wo have seen,
morning the church at Thorsham was full of
people anxious to hear tho sermon, and p
haps to sou the king of Denmark. Thorslu
presents a gay aud beautiful sight, every V
sol in tho harbor and ovory house flying a
Danish flag. Uur steamers havo tho Amo
flag at tho fore, Danish at the miz/.un
English at the stern.
The secretary of tho troosury hau no
tified Inapeotor-Genoral Smith, of tho bureau
of steamboat inspection sorvioo, that Ills res
ignation would bo accepted. The cause of
thiH stop was on account or expendituron for
imonta of bollors, oto., at Handy Ilook,
. and Pittsburg, l’a., the secretary hold
ing that no good has boon accomplished by
experiments, and besides, four other
members of the board to examine into tho
caitsoH of boiler explosions disagreed with
Gen. Smith ns to the manner of making those
experiments. Tho appropriation for experi
ments was over one hundred thousand dol-
. of which sixtv thousand have been ox-
pended. _
Tho operator at Aurora, lud., reports
that tho steamer Pat Rogers but nod on
tho 5th iust., one milo below Aurora.
About twenty lives wero lout. Several
bales i f oottou which formed a part of
tho cargo, eiiught tiro, it in supposed
from sparks from tlio chimneys, aud tho
boat burned to tlio water's edge, boat
and cargo, tho latlor consisting of cattle,
aud hogs, a total loss. The pas
senger registi r and all hooks wero lost.
The boat wah valued at $(10,000, and
insured iu Umoinuati, for $32,000 and
Louisvillo for $5,000. Tho value of the
cargo is not ascertained.
Mr. Holmes, the engineer gives tho
following account of tho burning : “ It
was just about 0 o’clock whou just op
posite Loughery Creek, that llows into
tho Ohio river, two miles below Aurora,
that 1 noticed a bright light in Homo
bales of eotton in the after part of the
boat. I hastened to the spot and found
m burning rapidly aud boyoinl
nuy possibility of immediately extin
guishing it. f hastened to tho hnrri-
deok and gave tho alarm to tho
pilot that the boat was burning aud told
him to run ashore. Tho pilot at once
turned I ho boat’s bond to tlio shore and
immediately alio became unmanageable.
The pilot states that he oould turn the
wheel but tho steamer would not un-
r to her helm. Ho thinks
'rom this fact it is thought tho fire
i tho work of an inoemltury. Auotl.-
lioory is, that ono of tho deck pas-
Hungers, while smokiug, dropped sparks
from his pipe into oottou. When tho
boat boeatne unmanageable sho drifted
on to a sand bar, aud thuro grounded.
The flames, instead of spreading along
tho lower dr ok at. oneo, shot up to tho
cabin and pilot house, an then swept
across the hurricane dock. Tho pas
sengers were all aroused aud tho boats
lowered, and many were carried to tho
shore, but others, in their fright, jump
ed into the water, and those wl»o wnru
not drownotl rnaohod a safe lauding placo
after drifting a long time with the our
rent. Tlioro wero nearly a hundrod
people on hoard, but what proportion
of t iiiH number wero actually lost is not
known, ah many reported missing have
been seen by some on tho shore after
tho disaster.
The latest intelligence Hays tho nor-
80us perished are near thirty iu number.
Italian Brlgand’i
Head Is
i Hici-
Capt. David White, olosoly connected
ritli steamboat interests on tlio Ohio and
ianippl i Ivors, died at Kookuk, Iowa, ri-
tor tlio proi
p> Iro
id coal
days, banks will rogtilarly
that mint I ceivo returns from their remittances to <tho
nfederates troasarv for rodomptlon.
i Capt. Beall, just from Fort Worth,
il sale of tlio east Ten- i brings information that tho Indians have cap-
company to A. L. Max- 1 tured two mail stages, one going and ono
well, John J. McKtnnon, Ed. M. Grant, and
Messrs. Duncan, Sherman, ,V Co., of Now
York city, for #180,000, was perfected a fow (
days since. This transfer covers all tho cap
ital stock of the company, and also tlietr min
eral lands, oto.
The strain low-boat Hamucl a Roberts
blow up last week in tho Guyandatto,*W. Va.,
shoals, Ohio river. Dudiy Holland, watch
man, was killed. Samuel Fitch was dangerously
scadod. Rave Williamson, pilot, was seriously
hurt. Capt. Do Wolf, clork, Healy DeWolf,
mate, Char lcirAnderson first engineer, Jacob
Hunker, steward, J. W. Thompson, second
cook, and George Oonine wero all injured,
not dangerously.
The order for tho British Mediterra-
ean squadron to proceed to the coast of Spain
has been countermanded.
The investigation into the assassina
tion of Marshal Piim of Spain implicates
fifty persons.
The Pacific mail steamer, Gautemala,
recently abandoned off tho Bahamas, prov
total loss. Value of steatuor $80,003; value
of cargo unknown. »
Tho Spanish government is about to
dispatch 12,000 additional troops to Cuba. It
is asserted that carlists have shot tlio cannon
of Dioceooof Vitaria.
There has been a terrible gale off the
coast of Aberdeen, Scotland: Hundreds of
fishing boats are over duo, and it is feared
many of them are lost.
There is a rumor ofloat that Germany
is negotiating with Spain for the cession of
tho t >wn of Santana, in tho province Santan
der, proposing to make it a second Gibraltar-
The trial of ten young mtD and
women for issuing and circulating revolution-
t Hill a
In tho northern provinces and i
ly brigandage is as nourishing as in
the olden times ; tho police tiro either
partisans of malofnotorrs or aro impo
tent against thoir organized forces, and
tho poor find it their interest to protect
tho brigands who novor molest them
and frighten away tho proprietors and
farmers from inspecting too closely
tin ir crops and stables. Rarely is n
murderer or hrignud captured. Forty
five escaped from Onsenga last month,
and tho ringlortdom aro ntill at largo.
Hitta, tho ohiof of police at Parma!
Fiana, mayor of Orvieto ; tho inspector
of the rrutclnalo in Bardinia ( have boon
Assassinated, and tho assassins arc un
discovered. Tho government sends tho
military, who find themselves isolated
iu tho midst of a hostile or timid popu
lation without aid or information from
tho civil functionaries. A large reward
has just boon offered for tho most noted
Hicilinu brigands by tho new Prefect of
Palermo—Jos Viconzo Oapraro, Pin-
oenzo I^pcca, Angelo Rinaldi, Gloachi-
no di Pasquale, Antonio Lhone, $5,000
per head for Antonio Lombardi, $2,000
for Lorenzo Lampiasi, surnatnod tho
King; for Balvatoro Vollorina and
Giuseppe Lomonte, $100 per uead. But
such measures are useless. No ono
dares to betray tho law-defying chief
tains, still less to venture into thoir
domains, well lyiowing that a spy’s life
would not bo worth an hour’s purchase.
AVGUST LI 1.1109.
“ Holding a lily in bin haml
For DcuthHi annunciation,"
Umo tho white day llllcw lift thoir face*
snoly splendid to tlio August aun,
l crlinaon-atrt'akoa potunlsS overrun
lavtah color all the gartloti-apacoa;
When purpling grapes upon the trellis cluster.
And bloomy pluiua drop ripely from thoir hold,
Aud iNiaohos turn to globoa of honoyed gold,
Aud pear* grow atcok with inollow gloss and luator;
Ilia with violet almdo tho numutatu holt
tho atlll niglita thoir dowy sweet* aun
■n Mars nvwle, and on her throne tore
Then omuoa again. In ahmthwy oompletenesa.
A face that faded oneo When lllloa eamo;
A face tlio whltcat Illioa oould not ahaiue
or lack of any lovely graoo or awwtncaa.
ilue year* ago, iu allont desolation,
I watched tho Hiding of that perfect faee
ho Auguat aun had a.d In all lla glory,
And when tho pomp of clouds had tra
And gold and tlauie* had molted Into g
ml oh I I saw, aa ono seea In a Vinton,
Whore, apoU-tMUiud. ono may neither
Ing my qul
auie sense of dnsoiat
, through the ailtmm’r .
it Iu August when my lovo lay dyliq
or daikuenn slalili.*,
rought nio Huddoniy
Do you intend, Alice, to tako that
sauhel and lunoh-baskot and 1 ird-oage
and plant and wator-proof oloak—so
many things—aloug with you infco your
car seat ?”
Yes, sir, T must.” .
Why must you, Alice? It is uot
cold to-day, and there is no daugor of
its raining. You will not need your
cloak, and you probably will not unstrap
it. Oau’t you put it into your trunk, or
manage somehow to take fewer bundles
into your scat with you ?”
“ No, Undo John, I oanuot. My
trunk is crammed so full now that I fear
the look will burst.”
“Well, Alico, if you must tako so
many packages with you, I want to sug
gest‘to you to bo careful bow you dis
pose of thorn. Don’t attempt to ocoupy
two floats when yon have paid for only
ono, if some ono olflo wants tho other.”
“That will depend groatly< Uuolo
John, upon who it is that wants a seal with
me,” replied MisgAHoe, with a bought
toss of her hoad, 'Ml certainly sltul
nnt uutmv thing's *-*.«*ir tuai^ixQXL
load my lap uncomfortably to aoooin-
modulo some ordinary looking man at
fussy old woman. One-half of the men
nowadays would just as lief oblige a
young lady to do it as not. They are
not gallant at all ; they ought to bo
ashamed of themselves. I havo heard
woman — guod women they wore, too
say that tlio seat bosido thom.wos *e:
gaged, when they hud got thoir things
placed and didn’t wish to remove them,
glauoed ahead ; but 1 oould boo no placo
whore ho oould gut a seat except with
tho youug lady of whom I havo boon
telling you. I hoped thnt some youug
matt would givo up bin Heat to the poor
old goutlouinn aud find one for himsoll
iu another oar; for I was sure tho young
lady would not make room for him, if
she oould avoid it. She had about as
many packages as you intern! to tako
with you, Anoo, aud sho had arranged
them all aloug on the |ioat bosido lior
with such nioety thnt it goto them a
peculiarly touch-mo-nofc appoarauco. I
thought of asking her if sho had
noticed that duorepit old mail who was
looking for a sent, thinking sho might
possibly romovo her packages if I
should. But I had tho onrioslty to hoc
what sho would do of hor own accord,
so I refrained from speaking, and ill-
tondo I to give him my plnoo if ho did
not socuro ono boforo* ho came to me.
No doubt some of tho people whom ho
passed would havo given him theirs if
they had not observed that tlioro was a
vacant scat bosido tho young lady. As
tho old gontlomau drow nearer to us sho
turned hor head and looked out of tlio
window. I must coufoBS, Alico. that I
was rntlior glad, on tho whole, that no
ono had moved for him. I wanted to
how far sho would lot her selfish
ness carry her.
Two men—ono middlo-ngod, tho
other younger—flat in tho scat dirootly
opposite the young lady. From u few
words that I caught of thoir conversa
tion I learned that the yoangor man
wno n impeutcr, mid L thought it quite
probable that they both wore. Tho
middle-aged man sat next tho aisle,and I
uotiood thnt ho was observing the young
indy quite as olosoly as I was. His faoo
not a very demonstrative ono ; but
onoo or tivioo I detected an amused
twinkle in his eyes and a slight curl on
his lips when he glnnoud at her. Wlion
the old man eamo opposite tho young
lady ho stopped and looked first at hor
bundles aud then at hor. But sho didn’t
soe him. Oh I no. Hho was looking
out of tlio wiudow and humming a tune.
Flo didn’t speak, but lio drew a long
breath that was half a High, and lie
looked dojootod and weary, and was
about to puss along when tho middlo-
ngo man opposite arose aud said re
spectfully : ‘Take my seat, sir.’ And
ho kindly liolpod him iuto it, at tlio
sumo time gltmoiug at the young lady
and saying: ‘lean find another for
myself, or I can stand.' Hho did not
turn her heard nor show any
signs ol hearing him. Ho ho walk
ed tho whole longtii of tlio oar,
looking for a vacant seat; but, of course,
with no Btioeoss.and it is uot at all prob-
ablo that ho oxpuotcd to find ono when
he started. As lio catno haok toward us
tho twinklo iu his oyofl and tho curl
his lips wero a little moro markod than
they were boforo, but there was less
amusement iu tho oxprosr.iou aud move
Hungers except thoso who had obsorvod
him watching tho young lady noticed it.
Htttiflfled, however, from his looks,
breeding Camels in Nevada.
Ou a ranch oh the Carson rivor, eight
Vuilou helgw tho mouth of Bix-miio can-
d of twenty-six
vhicli wi*r» n—..
and raised in Novada. But two of the
old herd of nine or ten brought lioro
some years ago arc now livbtg.
would seem that, the original lot fell
to the hands of Mexicans, who treated
them very badly, overloading aud abus
ing them. The men who now have
teem are Fronoliraen, who hail formerly
some experience with camels in Europe.
They find no difficulty in roaring them,
and cun now show twenty-five fine
healthy animals, all of Washoe growth,
woro^mly three j an*niiB«rH, all >
the drivers, were killed and «cal|
Tho secretary of tho treasury liosMi-
rocted tlio assistant troamiror at Now York
•Id the proseut month as follows: C
million livo hundred thousand dollars on tho I ' 1 V° .'i 0 . * L'f
first and third Thursdays, and one million <lol- I camels, nil but two of
lam on tho hocond and fonrth Thursdays each,
making in all five million dollars.
Tho public debt statement shows a
reduction daring Juno of $1,282,806, coin in
treasury #71,113,210; currency $16,918,282;
coin certificates $33,469,000, sped# deposit*
of legal tender for rorlomption of cert ideates
of deposit* #55,955.000. Total expenditures
of government for fi«cal year, ending Juno
30, 1874, were $287,133,873.
The secretary of the treasury, the
poetma*ter-goiieral and-die aecrotary of tho
Interior have approved of the plana for tho now
poMtoffice and cn*tom-house at Cincinnati,
and havo directed Hiipcrvteing architect Mul
let to proceed with tho work. Tho cont of tho
building la limited to #3,500.000.
The payments ms<lo from tho treasu
ry department during July were a* follow* :«
Civil and miscellaneous, $7,005,672; war, $3,«
173,930; navy, #2,728,270 ; Interior, pensions
and Indians, #2,948.490. Total, #16,516,375.
The above is exclusive of payments on ac
count of principal aud interest of the public
Capt. .las. B. Eads, chief engineer of
the Illinois and St. Loui* bridge, has gone to
Europe to thoroughly examine the jetties at
the month of tho Danube, Rhino and other
rivers having deltas ; also tho differei
ou the continent, ho that he may lit
lions I and accurate information r<
their practical working'-, to lay before congrotts
next winter in favor of bis plan for jotting the
mouth of the Mississippi.
9 addi-
The camel may now bo said to bo thor
oughly acclimated in the state. The
owners of the herd find it no more dif
ficult to Ureed and rear thorn than would
ho experienced with tho same number
of pouts or donkeys. Tho ranch upon
which they are kept is sandy and sterile
tho extreme; yet tho animals feast
and grow fat on such prickly shrubs and
bitter weeds as no othor animal would
touch. When left to themselves their
great dolight, after filling themselves
with the coarse herbage of tho desert,
is to lio and roll in tlio hot sand. They
aro nsed in packing salt to the mills on
the river, from the marshes lying in the
desert some sixty miles to tho eastward,.
They have animals that easily pack
eleven hundred pounds.
A yocino woman at Trenton, who was
sleeping with her feet hanging out of
tho chamber window, was struck by
lightning and almost torn to pieces.
Ihe other Trenton women hive taktn
their feet in.
w. because they didn't like tho looks of
tlio person who wanted tho seat, whou
I knew that they hud no friend that, was
coming in to tako tho placo. I didn’t
lilamo them at all, uuolo John. J
shouldn’t hesitate to hay tho flame toy
self under the same oirOtttoStauooH. It
wouldn’t bo tolling an untruth. If all
of tlieso packages wero on it, it would
bo taken, wouldn’t it?”
“ Pshaw ! pshaw I Alice, fs that you
advocating such stuff as that?” exclaim
ed hor undo, in surprise and indigna
tion. “I, too, havo scon womon and
girls, and occasionally a mail, who acted
upon that prinoiplo ; bill. I had serious
doubts of their goodnoBH. I never
dreamed boforo, Altoo, that you woro so
selfish and unprincipled as to think of
doing suoli a tiling. If a man ought to
fool ashamed to tako a seat forwhloh lio
lias honestly paid, how ought u young
lady to fool who would not scrapie to
praotioo gross doooption for tho sake of
retaining, for hor own oonvonionoe, a
scut to which sho has no claim what
ever? If I wore willing to do such a
thing, my respoot for myself would bn
about as little as it would be if I wishod
to steal from a passenger as muoh money
as ho had paid for his car fare. It will
bo fully half an hour, Alioo, before Mike
gets hero with tho carriage. While
ure waiting, I will toll you a little ii
dout that tran«pired in tho oar when
your Aunt Ruth aud I went to Rich
mond last fall. Wo had a seat at the
rear end of tho oar. Tho first seat
front of us was Jooupied by a young
lady—just about jour age, Alice, judg
ing from her locks, Hho was richly
dressed and I think would bo called a
handsome girl ; but there was some
thing both in hor look and manner that
wuw m-i to m*. even before I
had heard her flpSffv, — »-_*»„ —
movo. If any one had asked mo what
r disliked la hor/ it would linvo boon
difficult for mo to toll; vot tlioro woo an
intangible something about lior wluob
gnvo mo tbo impression that sho had no
nloa thnt tho grldon rulo-• Whatsoever
vo would that ethers should do to you
do you even «o to them’—was intended
for suoli as sho. Hho probably thought,
Alioo, thnt that divino injunction woo
given for common people— ordinary
looking mon and fussy old
, . women.
Your Aunt Ruth said that she bo
lioved that about fill Hummervillo wert
going somewhere thnt morning, tlio can
rapidly filled. It is always
that ho intended to givo that selfish,
disobliging young huly a lesson, and 1
soon found that I was not mistaken. Ho
eamo dirootly to her, and, gently touch
ing her shoulder (sho was still looking
out of tho window), ho said :
"Shall I plnoo somo of thosobtiudlcs
up in tlio rook for you, young lady ? 1
ohm find no othor sent iu this ear that is
not occupied by some parson.
" ‘Tfrui will ploaso to leave my things
where they aro,’ sho snappishly repliod.
'I presumo that tlioro aro plenty of va
cant Boats hi tho roar oar. A f/
would go aud look for olio, and not dis
turb a lady in this way.’
" By this time all tho passengers near
wero looking on and listening intently
to soo what would oomo next. At lior
crusty reply lio put on nn rxoeodingly
ubasiiod look and stammered :
Oh 11 bog your pardou, youug lady.
I had no idoa that I was about to oil-
oroacli upon your rights. I did not sup-
pone that yon had paid for both of thoso
seats. But you havo, of course ; for
nothing oan no clearer than that a lad//
would novor speak to a man as you
spoke to mo if sho woro not entitled to
both. If you u ill ploaso show mo your
tickets for tlio two or will givo mo your
word that you havo paid for thorn botli
I will go auywbero—will stand crowded
into any ooruer—nooner than disturb
you again.”
"Hho neither showed tiokots nor
deigned to reply. Ho ho carefully re
movod lior tilings aud took tho seat,
tolling her that whonovor sho or the
oondttOtor informed him that ho had not
tho same right to it that sho had to tho
ono which sho was occupying ho would
vacate it tlio noxt instant. All of tho
passengors who had obsorvod what was
going on united approvingly, and ono or
two laughed aloud; and tho old man
notidod his head emphatically and whis
pered to tho youug carpontor: 'That
waajunt what h/ic deserved.’
"Tho young lady tucked back lior
dress disdainfully and looked scornfully
at tho man .beside lior. and I
very vindictive; but, if sho
was prevented by a gentleman s mailing
u^i to tlio window where she sat und ex-
o nenr no t getting back to
any -good-bye,’ Clara. Hero aro tbo
books thnt you wanted. Tho bookstore
was olosod and I had to wait nearly ton
rainntes before it opened. I m sorry it
has so happened thnt I cannot accom
pany you. I hope thnt you will havo a
pleasant ride and got to tho sominary
without any trouble.’
“ « A pleasant ride /’ hIio repeated,
sarcastically ; then putting her head
partly out of the^ ^”' 1
" 'No, Air, I will not,’ sho haughtily
replied. 'I am uot iu the habit of hold
ing conversation witli strangers.’
" 'Oh, ahl ploaso excuse me,' ho said,
unable to repress n smile. Perhaps we
shall mnko euoh other’s aoqnaiutanoe
somo tiino. Then wo will oouvorso.’
Ho did not sneak to her ngain until
wo reached Rlohlautl. When tho con
ductor called out tho name of tho sta
tion she hastily arose, aud, gathering np
her puokagos, whioh woro ratiior more
than she oould onureniontly manago,
said, imperatively: , .
" 'Lot mo pass out.’
" 'Oortainly, young lady,’ ho pleas
antly replied. ‘1 stop here myself. You
scorn to lio burdened with packages.
Allow mo to tako somo of them out of
onr for you.’
Hho did not reply in woids ; but sho
threw baok lior head and lot. kod iutonso-
ly disgusted thnt ho should offer to
touch lior tilings. Ho' evidently tried
to suppress a smile as lie turned around
and crossed over to tlio young carpen
ter. On aooonnt of your Aunt Ruth's
lnmencflR wo sat quietly in our Boats,
waiting for tlio otltor pasRougors to go
out. beforo I holped hor out. Bo I hud
nothing to do but obaorvo what was go
ing on around mo. Tho young lady’s
packages troubled hor, and sho woh ob
liged to pauso a moment to rearrange
them. Boforo sho passed out of hor
Heat a youug lady about her own ago
rushed in to moot hor. After tlioaoouH-
tornod salutations botweon youug ladies,
tlio newcomer dropped down upon tho
sent ami exolnimod:
Oh 1 Clara 1 my broatli is nearly
I did not got your lettor until
dftooii minutes ago, aud I hurried ovory
stop of tlio way here, for fear that I
should ho too late to moot you. I am
delighted that you dooidod to ontor tlio
sominary lioro. Where in tlio world
did you fall in with our Principal, and
where is ho now ? lias ho gone to got a
oarriago for you ?’
" ' I am sure f dou’t know what you
mean, Graoo,’ sho replied. ' I haven’t
tlio Principal.’
Haven’t Been him I’ said Miss
Graoo, witli an amazed look. ' Of course
you havo noon him. Whou I first oaught
a glimpse ot you from tlio door you
and ho woro standing togothor in this
seat and ho was spouting to you.’
" ‘ Oil! no, Graoo. Your oyes oould
not havo served you right,’ said tho
selfish young lady who had carried her
self so disagreeably and haughtily, with
a good deal of agitation and a very rod
faco. ‘It oanuot bo posuible thnt tlio
whom you saw talking to mo was
Mr. Gaylord. You miroly must bo try
ing to play a joko ou me. I beg of ypu
to tell mo that it was not ho,’
l oauuot, my dear; for it curtniuly
A Wkbtkhn paper introduces sergeant
BntoB ns “ tho flag-toting fiend,” J;.
"It is observed that at tho fashionable
sea-side resorts no ladies nndor one
■htiudred and forty ponnds avoirdnpois
aro iu bntliing this season.
"It oosts less to tako a weekly pa-
por,” argues the Capo Ann Advertiser,
"than a diligent hon oau earn in a
year, at tlio market prioo of eggs.”
BatjD mountain has got through shak
ing, aud singularly enough tlio new
oouvorts around tlioro havo oommenosd
playing oardn and Betting up again.
It may bo tho right of an American
citizen to rido around in a wagon and
howl like a wild boaiit, but quiet people
wish that cluotionB wero furthor apart.
A MABBAomisriTTS man lias boon in a
successful business forty nine yoars,
ami uovor advertised. The business
consisted ohiofly in lying about his
With stupidity ami sound digestion
man may front muoh. But wliat in
thoso dull, imaginative days aro the
terrors of oousoionoo to tho disoaso of
tho liver ?—Carlyle.
"Out in Wisconsin a horse kinked a
book agout, whereupon tho oitizons
made a donation party for tiio horso,
and lie now has oats enough to last him
a full horse lifetime.
A young LADY asked a olerk in the
Wisconsin Nows company’s storo if ho
had "Postils.” "No,” replied tho
clerk, "but I’m afraid a boil is com
ing on tlio back of my nook.”
A Michigan girl was kilted by light
ning while picking feathers for hor
nuptial pillow. This seomo to bo a fair
warning to thoso young ladies who aro
too proud to steep on corn husks.
Tun Philadelphia Ledoer doesn't
write obituary poetry for children out
side of Philadelphia. This is tlio style
in whioh it mentions tlio dontli of a
small boy of Lowell: " Lowell—Batur-
day. Two littlo boys aud a pistol. Now,
only ono littlo boy and a pistol.”
’ On. tho skootor, tho honutiful skee-
tor, filling tho air with melodious me
tro. Ui.dor our hat, and Holding our
nose, taking a bito through a hole in
our olothoB - r in through tho window,
opening tlio door, filliug our chamber
aiul singing the sweeter, over is found
tho untiring muskeotor.
The English exports to this oountiy
sliow a groat falling off iu all tlio load
ing manufactured staples for the pwst
six months. Copper aud iron wares,
aud nearly all descriptions of textiles,
ho,’ replied Mini’ Greco. Why, I except Hilk, nliow a markod ilcoroMe,
• “ 'aud the total reduction for tho six
months is 27 per cent.
An ingenious fellow in Lewiston, Me.,
has boon soiling a Uau, supposed to con
tain ton gallons of liquor. By an in-
gon ions arraugoment iu tho kogs a pint
of rum was seated up inside theso kegs
and so placotl that, taking out a small
oork, tho purohasor oonld test the liq
uor, but white there was a pint of liq
uor there wore nlno gallons ami soveral
pints of water separated from it.
In tlio time of tho second Emporor of
tlio Ming dynasty, some teamed Oliina-
inou began to make a digest of a num
ber of Chinese books. Tho digest was
completed fourtoon bundled yoars ago.
and lias never been printed, becauso it
would make twonty-two thousand eight
hundred und sevouty-seven volumes, a
work muoh larger than tho Chicago
what- is tho matter, Clara? Didn’t you
like him? If you did not, I am sure you
will when you become acquainted with
him. Ho is onn cd't-lui moHtrafiued aud
ngrnoumo mon in tbo world, and his'
wife is just as agreeable ns ho is. I
thought that you wore one of tlio most
fortunate of girls when your father told
rao that they hud consented to taka you
to hoard. I wish that I wero iu your
" 'You’d wish you wero nuy whore but
iiy plaoo if you know what— ’
Miss Graoo iutoiruptod lior in lior
fcontonoo liy exclaiming :
Why. hero is Mr. Gaylord now.’
Mr.* Gaylord.’sho siuil as ho was
passing, without looking toward them,
' this young lady, whom yon woro
spooking to a fow minutes ago, is my
friend, Miss Clara Evans, whom wo woro
oxpeotiug to-day.’
"Ho turned, und, stepping into tho
seat in front of them, gnvo his baud to
tho young lady with whom ho hud rode
tliirty miles that morning, (tud smilingly
said :
now do you do, Miss Evans? It
givoB mo pleasure to mako your ac
quaintance. Whou I first, saw you, with
your hooks and packages, I felt protty
suro that you woro the young lady whom
wo expected down lit Hummorvillo this
morning, and as soon as I hoard your
father's voice I was confirmed in ray
opinion. Now that you know mo, Miss
Evans, aud know that I ;ara not a car
penter, you will permit mo to tako your
things for you and seo you into a oarri
ago, will you uot ? ’
"As ho stooped aud took hor pack
ages from lior, ha asked in n low tone :
"‘Have you over thought, Miss
Evans, that it would be well for tlio
rovisors of tho New Testament to omit
to state that Christ was a carpenter ?
You know somo peoplo might foel so
muoh greater rovorouoo for him if they
did not know thnt humiliating fuot.’
"She stood liko ono transfixed and
neither answorod his questions nor ob
jeoted to his taking all of her bundlos.
Then sho meekly followed him out of
tho oars. Her faoo was so crimson and
sho looked so utterly crestfallen that
your tender-hoarted aunt said that she
oould uot help pitying hor, richly as
she merited tlio lesson. But I could
not pity lior, Alioo, sho had shown snob
....idowsho whispeied t
loud for those in tlio adjoin-
tho cars. a . lent old carpenter lias crowded himself
into tho seat with me, and--’
" Hho was cat short in her remarks
by tho moving off of tho train. Soon
after the cars started tho ‘ insolent old
carpenter’ turned toward her and said,
as oomplacontly as he would have dono
if he had not hoard lior epithets :
Your fatner s voiqp sounded fsmil
more curious phases of it white ridin
in them than I ever saw in any other
place. I observed tho young lady in
front of mo that morning with moro in
terest than I did any othor person, be
cause I wanted to ascertain whether 1
wiiscorroot < r not in tho opinion which
I had so hastily formed of her.
“One of the last passengers who
came iu was ft white-haired, tottering old
man. Ho looked to the right and left
of him for a vacant seat, as he passed
down tho aisle, leaning on his staff,
io unu suown snon pol
headed old man had remained in tho
oar long enough to witness lior discom
fiture. I think that lio would havo said
again : ‘ That is just what sho deserved.
And I told your aunt so, and sho said
that she hoped that tho poor girl would
so profit by that day’s oxporiouoo that
she would novor deserve to bo so Hu
miliated ugain.” , , „
««Anil I hope, Unolo John, said
Alice in a softened and subdued tone as
Mike catno up to the door with the
oarriago " that 1 neve r again shall merit
tho rebuke convoyed in your story. —
N. V. Independent.
Gait. Caulfield, who kills tigorfl
for the Madras government, extracted
from two living oobras eight grams of
their poison, whioh he placed on a beef
bait, which was oaten by a tiger; but
tho tiger did not suffer from tho meat,
Capt. Caulfield knows now what he
might have known before, that some
poisons which aro deadly if injected in
to a wound becomes harmless in the
stomach, where they aro apparently do-
composed and digested.
Deaths tako place, the world over,
at tlio rate of one every two seconds.
a souse of | rofonnd relief in
Do you ohow gum? Tho prices of
tliroo piece * at ono coufc a picoo, am
ounts to $1 G« a year, or in sixty-seven
years to $104 52. That sum will pur-
oliaso a complete set of Appleton’s Cy
clopedia, a marriage Hocuho, a block
bombazine dross for your aunt, a Gor
man silver ooffla-plate, and a oheroot !
Out tliis out, young man, and paste it
on tho baok of your girl’s photograph.
Ah though it hadn’t enough on its
bauds already, tho Gorman government
lias undertaken to regulate dueling in
tho army. Boards of honor are to bo
formed,* aud without the sanction of
such a board nnd tlio presence of its
president no duel is hereafter to be
fought. Oflioors complying with these
conditions aro to bo exempt from crim
inal prosecution for oasunltios occurring
on tho field of lienor, oxoept in peculiar
ly flagrant oases of unprovoked insult.
The old emperor is quoted in tho Lon
don Times as saying: " I will no moro
tolerate in tho army an officer who wan
tonly attnoks the honor of a comrade
than au oflloor who does not know how
to guard liis own honor.”
Eugene Lawrence writes in Harper’s
Wookly: "Tlio war party in France em
ploys in private language that seems
tho extrovaganoo of bombast. Newspa
pers may bo cautiously silentfffnd min
isters yielding and submissive, bnt the
pleasejjivo me hifl name ?
are coming into it.
olitioiaus of tho oafes^ and tho clubs
iuuv - gSSR5g‘«n nnnytlinl
notliinjr in Europe onn -romet. AU »■
youth and manhood aro to bo converted
into soldiorn. In oomo uugnnrdod mo
ment they will atriko Germany. The
war will bo ono of unopnring seventy,
nnd ii limy fail, Paris will bo razed to
the ground and the name of France bo
blotted ont from among nationB.
Bonn one baa said that a man who
oan play a good game of ohess has ail
the mental requisites ncoe.sary for a
groat gonvral. A proiossor of the manly
art of fencing mid boring says the man
who oan spar woll baa attained the
highest point of physical development.
In this exercise every nerve and muscle
is brought into simultaneous uotion at
tho oommand of the brain. Dancing
and fencing aro graceful ; sparring is
more graceful than cither, because it
demands both body and mind. More
over no man oan spar well nnleaabohns
hiB temper In perfect control. A com
mon objection is made to sparring ou
tbo ground that it makes men pugna.
dons, more ready to aeok than to evodo
a natural, in order that they may dis
play thoir superiority. On ihe
ry it iB almost invariably fonnd that
tlio oonsdousners of power makea man
more forbearing to an opponent, (aimer
in disposition, with a larger min ors of
that porfoot self-possession, whiobiB
one ol tho best tests of true manhood.