Newspaper Page Text
Important to Tax Payer*.
Fooling, an wo all do, that a load of
taxation ia oruatiing oa to the earth, it
ia important to consider the cacao of
tboao bunion*, and how wo Himll bo
released from thorn.
One of the wont abases to which
wo afe subject, is tbo frequent moot
ing of tbo legislature, and consequent
of the satno. Another evil is tbo
multiplication of laws sliowsn d upon
ua from year to year.
If we corroct tbo first ovil, tbo soc-
ond will not troublo us. Tbo proper
tnodo, in our opiuion, is to buvo a
mooting of tbo lcgialuturo not ofteii-
or than every two yoarr. If such a
chxngo oan not bu tntwlo with
out altering the Couslitution, and if
tbe Constitution can not bo altered
Without oalling a convention, let's
have tbe Oouvontiou. We make
theeo suggestions with tbo liopo of
eliciting discussion on the subject, us
we think it of gronl import-unco to
all tax pajnrs. Tbo rluctiou for mem-
iKjrs of tbo JagUUturp is near ut band,
and wo would liko to see Ibis subject
made an iasuo in tbo campaign.
Miutaiiv.—Mot nt four o'clock on
Tuesday, August 4lli, quite a number
of thoso who have volunteered to
raieo a military company at this place,
at which tiino tho following business
was transacted. H. T. Uultlo was
called to tbo chair, and J H. Dodds
appointed secretary. Tbo object of
tbo mooting was made known, which
was to form oursolvos into n military
company, obtain uniforms, apply to
tbo governor for iirins and truneaot
such otbor business as would tend to
the promotion of tbo iuterust of tbe
On motion, J. A. Took, A. J. Tom
linson, C. Q. Janos, T. F. liurbunk.
0.J0. Bunn and W. Ed. Wood were
appolutcd us a commit ten to select n
name for tbo cotnpnuv, also tho color
most suitable for a uniform. They
reported that the company bo known
as tbo "Polk County Guards,’' and
tbo uniform bo "Confederate Gray"
which report was adopted. J. O.
Waddell, 0. 0. Janos and W. N. Grif-
fotb, wore appolutod ns an oxooutivo
committee to correspond with tbo
proper autbori tios for urius Ac., aud
to transact all businum that would
othorwiso oomo Loforu tbo oompany.
Moved, that a committee be up-
poindod, vix., C. G. Jfttio*, J. A. Peek
aud II. T. Battle to select tactics for
tbo company, carried; also Ural it bo
a oompany of iufnutr.v, carried.
S. M. II. Byrd, W. Ed. Wood and
T. F. Burbauk, wore appointed by the
chairman to seo or corrospoud with
factories, merchants and tailora as to
tho quality and pricos of goods suit
able for a uniform for tho company.
Tho secrotary was ordcrod to sub
mit tho procoodiugs of this mooting
to Governor Smith, aud roquost him
to ordor au oloction for commissioned
officers, also to furnish us with light
brooch loading ritlos.
Upon motion, tho mooting was ad
journed, subject to tho call of tho ex
ecutive oommittoo.
H. T. BATTLE, Chairman.
Joa. H. Donus, Secretary.
Political News.
[Uy telegraph to tho ConMltutioa.]
NkwOiu.ka.nh, August 0.—Tho Re
publican Couvoution assembled this
morning. Among tho resolutions
reported by tho committee on ronro-
sontatives, was tho following: '* ,,rtf
duty aud houi
us to nominal
nouo but hum
capacity, and
mindful of th
and those wh
od to the pari
to force them
pacity, or uu _ .
over. Tho resolution endorsed tho
Btato administration for pursuing the
right course while contending with an
organised sy
;o constrain
rt for office
.ouesty ami
lio are uu-
f tbe State,
re ropronob-
jo pormittotl
iu any ca-
oubo wlmt-
1UI- 11'| M'l’St' lit!
and donouuc
to bring aboi
pledge tho i)
lion aud real
New Onus
The war of races In Arkansas.
Mi.mihh, August 11.—A Apodal to
the Appeal, from Helena, Ark., recei
ved ut 8:510 a. m., savs;
In the oveuing.a large body of no-
gi'ut-H advanced from the South and
attacked the town, and driving skir
mishers to tbo court house, w hore a
main body of whites were stationed.
A charge was made bv tho whites,
itnd the mgrooH repulsed with loos,
several killed snd wounded. Thu
fighting was going oil when our in
formants left, and they fired upon
them ns they crossed over to Whip
A second dispatch from Helana says
that Maj. Horn Chulmom, of neraiulo,
has just arrived here for the purpose
of chartering a boat to take men to
tbo assistance of the whites in Austin,
reached llernudo nt day light, staling
that tho town was surrounded by
about 1,000 negroes, and unking for
help. About two hundred men from
Hernando and vneiuity will be there
at two o'clock, and in company will)
volunteers from this city, will start
at 4 o'clock for Austin. Dr. Smith
wbo-is tho unfortunate d.use of tho
trouble there, ruuchod hero last night.
Some throe weeks since ho was at
tacked in the streets of Austin, and
drawing bis pistol fired at tbo negro,
but missed luni and killed a little no
gro girl standing by, which exasper
ated them to such an extent they col
lected a mob aud took Dr. Wraith to
the woods to hang him, which they
would have dono but for tho entreat
ies of Mayor Woodson aud the doc
tor's wife.
A third dispatch to the Appeal,
from Helena, says telegrams are being
received from the vaciuity of Austin,
asking for men, arms anu it muni lion,
vmd stating that unless llio whites
who are surrounded ill the oourt-liouse
are spoedily relieved tlioy will bo
forced to surrender. Tho steamer A.
J. White 1ms been chartered to leave
ut. 0 o’clock, aud will cany a large
number of men Well armed.
Another dispatch to the same paper
says the negroes surrounding Auaiiii
were charged on from the Mouth tuis
morning, by a body of mounted whites,
who killed four or five mill captured
twenty iiogl'oos. The b'Uckv number
about*70(), and tbo whites about 200.
Both parties aro expecting reinforce
ments. At present the whites have
tho best of the fight. Tho negro
bands on tbo plantations opposite, on
the Arkansas side, are arming and
marching on Austin in largo numbers.
Youn newspaper—Now is tho tiuin
when all should remember their news
paper subscription. A wise man will
seo that his monoy is sent on in soa-
boii. A good newHpupes is e verything
to a young family. Farmor's families
aro iicccBBurially much sccludod from
Hoocioty, and tho children havo not
tho advantage to be obtained by in
tercourse with other minTls. A news
paper iu a good measure supplies this
want It brightens their own tniud,
aud given them hundreds of suggos-
thmu IlMp navi-r would hnro UMX W
cheers many loucly hours and keeps
thorn out of more mischief than you
over droamod of. It is a rost to tho
toiling mothor to sit down and look
over the homo newspaper, ovory work,
which your thonghtfullnoBs has pro
vided; and it will save many a doctors
bill in tho course of a year. There is
nothing that helps promoto health of
body liko a cbouiful mind. Look
after your newspaper, and don’t loose
tbo face of an old friend for tho want
of a little attention at the proper
Columbus has received her first
halo of new cotton.
A good deal of cotton is ready to
bo pickud about Macon.
Miss Alico, of Hancock coun
tv, was burned to death lust wook,
Kurohiuo oil,
A Leo county matron hns just ad
dud three mules to tho census in ono
The Athens correspondent of the
Atluuta Herald writes that Mr. Hill's
spouch tlioro was ono of his best.
A Griffin man has patented a wire
arrangement for paeveuting uuncoo.v
hiiry echo iu public halls outitlcd
"sound killer.’’
It is said that tx Gov. Jenkins
instrumental in reconciling Toombs
aud Brown. Wo kuow of no living
man better suited to tho mission of
A largo number of Odd Follows
testing do leg utosvael udod by the com
mittce on credentials U-en i.dmitted
to a beat, and voted for Pitt eh back,
which many of them would not have
dono, ho would still have been largely
out voted. Much surprise is oxpros-
od at tho attitude assumed by Senator
West and a portion of the eu>tom-
homo officials, hitherto Btrongly op
posed to Piueltb ick. Sheldon? defeat
for reuoiniimtiou for Congress, is at
tributed to bis connection with tho
of Senator
aniuatiou is
(.lectio i
Carpenter. I
Governor Iugur*v»ll, of C.*u*:octicut,
gavo a grand reception at bis homo iu
Now Haven, to u largo nuuibur of nig-
uiturifs, but uo liqimrs were providxl,
except ehumpngue of a superior qual
ity. Tne representative from Oxford
being asked tho next momiug how
ho liked lilt- all »ir. replied, “Wall pret
ty fair, pretty fair; a good many ttiar,
a good many; but th a Santa Crux
)mil was a little the obuupust uiut
poorest article I ever got hold of.
Not a purtido of auap to it —a regular
and abroad,
ud attempt
of raee, aud 1Bl v
a fair eloc- ooinpaniml by many oitizoi«,
ditures. ]* uv «» Griffiu about the 10th for S i-
Y^alw tho KiiMtiuu of tho
A policomau h id a desperate en
counter with a burglar in Savannah
last Tuesday. The policeman aud
thief tired five rounds apiece aud both
wore badly wounded.
Tho Atlanta Constitutiou learns
that Lewis Schofield lias paid up tbo
last dollar on tho bond of Foster
Blodgett for twenty thousand dollars,
given while tho latter was Superin
tendent of tho Statu railroad.
Two white men hired throe negroes
at Savauab, last Tuesday, to row them
up the river on business. After go-
i igsome dutrace, the no r o s tiled
to murder the two men and rob them,
but a ft ox a desperate struggle failed.
At last ucoutiunt the negroes had not
been arrest od.
GovKttNoii Brown and General
rooxms.— To d»»y, in ttio soliouaiiou
of friuuds of both g.-utiemeu, General
Toombs aud Gov. josepu E Brown,
who havo been (H'rsoimlly nliuuatod
for several v are met, shook bauds,
md agreed without either duiunnfting
ir requiring uu expluuutiou or retraxit
:o forgot tho past.—Augusta Ohrou-
lelo. .
Vanity of Our Girl*.
Tho vauity of youug girls is liable
to bo fostered in moro ways than one
can enumerate: it would somotimes
fluem us if from tboir earliest child
hood everything was done to eiikiudle
this obnoxious passion in their hearts.
Even the presents and rewards they
receive aro selected so us to lead to
this result, for trinkets nod articles of
dr«sj aro usuly presented to them,
which serve only to their
love for finery uud admiration, while
most of tho accomplishments to which
they attain tend to tho saino point:
so that il would indued bo little short
of a miracle if niauy were not vain
and conceited. Frequently mothers
will direct their daughter’s notice to
the distinction to be derived from
their beauty and fino apjKiarniice, and
wiM teach them to desire, above all
things else, to obtain uu ontrnuco in
to that society which ranks the high
est iu fashion und elegance. To this
end they nro sent to expensive schools
where they can obtain tbo companion
ship of a class of young ladies who
tnovo in higher circles than their own,
aud ore led to seek intimacos with
those whoso acquaintance, it is sup
posed, will reflect somo glory upon
The natural result of such an edu
cation is tho loss of self respect; and
it often makes enemies out of those
that might havo boon dusirablo as
friends. Wheu this passion of vanity
has thus been ingrained into a girl’s
heart, she is indeed to bn pittiod, for
vain women, although thoy may have
many admirers, and may even gain
husbands, can never have real, staunch
friends whom no vicissitudes of life
nliouute. because their hearts are
too much absorbed with themselves to
nablo them to comprehend what
friendship is.
A vain woman regards individuals
of her own sex, only in the light of
Is. Women have boon often ac
cused of au inoapacity f«*r frioudahiji
Where such incapacity docs exliixt, it
must bo ascribed to that perpetual
rivalry maintained on account of their
fdto position in society, and tho per-
nioious superficial education they havo
•ecelvod. Ho long as personal beauty,
showy accomplishments, mid llio at
tractions of dress aro dtt uu d the
chief mi unfit* h for women, many of
them will know little of that love for
ouch other which will enable thorn to
sympathise and rejoice with one an
other under circumstances of uffliction
or joy.,
1 do not boliovo women aro by na
ture more prono to these prutly feel
ings of vanity or jealousy than men.
It is tho fault of their education rather
than of their nature. Beauty, like
birth and talents should bo considered
as uu incidental circumstance--a pos
session which does not give t<i its
owner any special inorit—i gift which
should not bo misused, lest it bring
upon its possessor tbo displeasure of
Col. It to n Bin rod ly a clesirablo pos
session, for it gives a grace and churin
to all ono says und does; but it should
bo considered as something to be
thankful for, and not as investing its
mvliMf wSI. nil/ t'di>celi»l w Ou
vain or conceited.
If it were only out of compassion,
those who have tbo education of
young girls should labor without coin
ing to guard Ilium from tho baneful
effects of vanity, which, pampered in
tboir infancy, makes them puffed up
with preposterous ideas of their own
importance ill the cirolos in which
they inovo, and also makes them in
capable of sympathizing with their
fellow-creatures, although thoja are
fully persuaded that thoy possess a
full claim to receive sympathy from
evory body they know’. They become
exacting, souRiitivc, misreable, und
cannot find ooutoutment or happiness
in auything. Mortified vauity briugs
misery iff its trains, and will ever
prove a fruitful souroo of unhappiness
and error. So lot us guard against
those liltlo foxes which devour tho
fair frqit upon our vines, and teach
our gills not to bo puffed up with van
ity, but to livo in harmony aiul peace
with all their friends, without oou-
Bidering how much higher, brighter,
und,fairer aro tboir prospects than
thono of their companions.
It is stated that a .Saratoga minis
ter pruAchod to his congregation tbo
other day on tho Christum regatta,
who "turns tho stak -bout of life with
his c*yw on the heavenly Referee.
Thu Jewish Messenger administers
a severe rebuke to at least a hundred
Jews who attended a lioreo race at
Jerome Park on Saturday, and "who
tried to forget that it was tho Sabbath
day, und that they were Jews, respon
sible to God uud inau for their
A citizen of a a country town noted
for his dishonesty, was lately taken
very ill, aud Incoming alarmed, sent
f> r a clergyman, who came to see him
VNtVtff! AV'rulfiVciliu.s« u,.ll umphuiK.
The sick man was much affected, aud
said, "Well, parson, I think you,re
right, and Iv’u made up my miud
that if I gut well I shall iu thu f intro
live principally honest."
Mark Twain and ouo Baruum have
leased tho cornet, aud proposo tiling
it up with 1, 000,000 s.uto rooms in
the tail (with hot water, gas, lookiug-
gluss, parehute, umbrellas, etc, in
each) to make a grand excursion
among tho stars. It will travel ut the
rate of 20,000,000 miles per day, ac
cording to the weather. Every ar-
raug> ment is lo bo mtule for the
coiutort of passengers. Soup houses
for tlm poor also on hand. Stops
will bo made at all into estiug poiute
on me way. Tin tiu wih be $2 lor
every 60,000.000 mdes of truvoi, and
the CtnutfL starts on thu 20lh, and
will return on tho 14tu of D oom-
bur, 1091 which is “at lu is 1 , forty years
quicker tunu any older comet ca.i do
it in."
Tho couductoiH i.u ttffi Western &
A Uuntio r.iilreacP coinplaiu that*the
citizens along the liuu drink up their
i co water while they stop ut stations.
We publish the following from tho
Carterevillo Sontinol, and think it as
applicable to Cednrtown as Curtcis-
Is it not surprising that some en
terprising Company docs not put up
a cotton mill somewhere in this hoc-
tion of country? Flouring mills and
otlu-r manufactories are going up in
various parts of llio country, but nouo
seem disposed to manufacture cotton
raised at onr very doors, but allow It
to be sbip(ied to Now Eugland and
other countries which reap all the
It seems to us that a mill to con
vert cotton into thread might be
erected with about as little cost as
a •'merchant mill,’’ and could be run
with as liltlo exponse, would bo at
tended with less risk, aud pay much
larger profits than a mill to manufac
ture flour. Millers usually grind
wheat for the eighth, which is twelve
and one-half per cent, whilo cotton
manufactories rualizo, it is said, from
twonty-fivo to fifty por cent for nmo
ufacturiug tho raw material. Why
thou, should so many bo engaged iu
manufacturing Hour when the wheat
crop is so uncertain, and its conver
sion into llour attended with so many
rinks, whilo the manufacture of cot
ton into thread is u busmens which is
much safer uud much more profitable
Tbo question which wo wish our
people to consider is, why not have as
many cotton mills us wheat mills?
What aro the difficulties in tbo way
of the formoi? iu the first place,
cotton of tho host quality can always
bo had to keep a mill constantly run
ning, while it is well known that
wheat is often scarce, and of a very
iuforior quality. Iu tbe secoud place
there is not always a ready marki t
for Hour while the demand lor throul
is always good, aud is constantly in
creasing. lu the third place, cotton
mills would give remunerative em
ployment to a largo and helpline oUna
uf women an«i children iu the country
who find it dificult to mako au honest
support. Aud then, by manufactur
ing our own thread uud cloth from
our own cotton, wo would save to tho
country tho vast amount of profits
which others arc icaliziug on our pro
ductions, while we uru‘kept poor by
our blind policy, or rather by our
want of uny policy at ull.
It is strange that our people can’t
be made to sec what is their interest.
Tho tax act of Ibis your authorizes
the Governor, with tfie assistance of
tbe Comptroll r-Gonorul, to assess
aud levy such a percentage ou tbe tax
able property of the State as will pro
duce the sum of one milliou dollars,
exclusive of specific taxes, provided it
does not exceed four-tenths of one
percent. It has, therefore, beou or
dered, after approximating, as nearly
as possible, the amount iu value of all
property in the Stato subject to tax
ation, as exhibited in tin* tax digest,
that such percentage ad t\ilirum be
assess'd aud, collected on the hi me.
Also, tiial one-half of one tenth of one
peroont.(five cents on every $100) bo
aHMcssed und collected as above, to
*tio *x nicipat Hh.l ..f fti.<
first iiiHtallinent of what are known as
tho "Nutting Bonds.”
A fow years ago a hungry crowd
sat down at the well-spread supper
table of a Sound steamer, upon which
ono ofllio dishes contained a single
trout of medium size. A serious look
ing individual drew this dish toward
him, saying appologoticuly, “This is
a fast day with me." His next neigh
bor, an Irish gentloinau, immediately
inserted his fork into the fish, nnd
transferee! it to his own plato, remark
ing, "Sir, do yon suppose nobody has
u sowl to bo saved but yoursilf?"
rpilE Finn or T. V. Burbank .V Co. wu
.JL ibis day iliiMolYOtl, by mutual uontu<nt,
llio uiulorpignnl continuing tho businon*
under the nnmo of
• The outaUndJug Accounts of the Ute firm
will bo setllml at our storo.
A. U. JORB0.
Ceil Art own, On., Aug. 8, 1874.
M W CJrsy having uiailo Application for
letters of administration on tho estate «*f
Euolitua Marini, lale of said county, deo’d,
These are. therefor®, to oilo and admonish
all persons concerned, lo he nnd appear nt
my olUcc on tho first Monday in September
next, to show cause. If any they have, why
aaid letter* should not be granted lo appli
cant iu said Oftae. (liven under my hand
and official signature, (hi* the tith day of
August, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord'y
Slicrilt’ Sales for Sc|itenbcr.
TXT I LI. bo sold before the Court Houi
VI door, in (’edarlovn, Polk county, (5
on tho first Tuesday in September nex
within the legal hour* >f sale, the follownig
property, to.wit:
Lot of land No. 804, in tho 2d district
4th xoctinn of Polk county, a* the property
of A. Morton, by virtue of one Justice Court
fi fa in favor of A. Huitington, vs aaid A,
Morton. Levy nmdo and returned to i
by Conatublo.
Also, at somo flme »-*• oi ta
3Uu.tf44ln.iM ,,iMl H "'‘ ,,h 8 ® ct|on of
('tttinfy. tp! the property of It Qratify,
satisfy two Juatioe Com fi faa issued from
the 1075th dist rict, Q. M , in favor of Simon
Murks, vs said Gravloy, Levy made uud
returned to mo by a Constable.
Opened, A Boot arrd Shoe
Shop, on the corner of Prur and College
street*, near St Charles hotel. Our terms
arc Catk, and no work shall be delivered
until paid for. Work done with dispatch
and nt small cost.
Patronage solicited. Verv respectfully.
„ , „ J - W. UOGE,
Lednrtown, lio., Juno 26lh, 1874.
Selma, Rome a Dalton R. R,
" Dalton
Making close connectio
5.48 p ;
0,45 p
it Dalton wu
A K K tor a
K 1C
Eastern and VVeatern - ...... . MV ....
giuia Spring*.
Leave Dalton 6*45 p m
Arrive at Prior s 10.12 p in
Arrive at Selma 8.3-» a m
Leaving Dalton ior Solma upon arrival of
L 1 V dc Ua R R aud W \ A R R tram*.
M. STANTON, Gen. Sunt.
\N . S. MA\ NARD, Asst. Supt.
RAY KNIGHT, G. P. & T* Agt.
New Advertisements.
Marshal’M HaleH.
W ILL be sold before the Court House
door, in Cedartown, Polk county, Qa.
on the first Tuenduy in Heptcmber next,
within the legal hour* of sale, the following
property, levied on for Iowa lax:
Town lot No. 1, in Cedartown, as prop
erty of Mark Witnpee, to satisfy a tax fl fa
for town tax for the year 1878. Mayor and
council, vs said Wimpee.
Town lots Nos. 10 and 20, in the town of
Cedartown, as the property of Thomas
Jett, to satisfy three tax fi faa for town tax
for tho years 1070 1872 and 1873. Mayor
and town Council vs Thomas Jett.
Town lot No. 11, in the Town of Cecar-
town an the property Chambers, to satisfy
a tax fi fa for town tax for the year 1873.
Mayor and town Council va Chambers.
Town lot No 11. in the town of Cedar
town as the property of Mcllride, to satisfy
two tax fi fa*< for town tax for the years
1872 and 1873. Mayor and town Council
vs MoUride.* Mas**, Marshal.
Marcellus M. Mauck,
Contractor & Painter,
I R now permanently located, and is pre
pared to do House Painting, Graining,
Glaring and Paper Hanging with prompt
ness, neatness and dispatch, and in the
most durable manner. Will furnish mate
rial of the best quality at low figures when,
ever desired. Perfect satisfaction guaran
teed or no money required. Work solicited
in town and country. Reference : A. G.
West, J. C. Allen, J. O. Waddell.
HE Hubscriber desires to solicit the at
tention of the citiiens of Cedartown and
snrrounding vicinity, that I am preparod to
Remodel Old Furniture
and make it look like new. All kinds of
made for Pew*, Loungns, Hofas and Chairs.
Feet Carpet* cut and made to fit bed.
o a. o i* -sr a
made various styles. Window* trimmed
latest Myles with Damask and Lacc. All
styles of tho Finest
I * I.J K, N I T U It E
ordered ; Lounges made to order ; a fine
lot of Reps on hand for all kind* of Cush-
and ina Ic strong, Ladle*, your especial
attention is called to my stock of
md most
ed. At*.
of every style ; call
I see. Libraries,
UHiae opposite Post office
V -ry Respectfully,
P O s T r O N E D
1. will sell, at their Works, at Public Auc
tion, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the i7lh day
of August, 1871,
with 100 feet front of land, running back to
the centre of Cedar Greek, *uitablo for i
Grist Mill. Also, ono 42 inch i urbin
Water Whocl, and about 8<KX)feet of frnmoi
and unfrnuied lumber. Term* to be made
known on the day of sale. Ity order of
Cedartown, Ua, July 11, 1874
II. O. WillfOH,
over Htftt't Drug Store,
Cedartown, Conrgia.
A LI, kind* of Picture* taken in the best
style of the art, and nt tbo very lowest
prices. Copying old picture* a specialty
EUtablilhed Hou»ein Town.)
1'ryur Street, South tide Court Haute Sguon
Cedartown, Gn.
General Merchandise.
Agent for
and other standard Fertilizers.
13«trer«nsr ana Ties,
Virginia Salt and Plaster Company.
ITII increased facTlitics «for doing
business nnd obtaining goods, uiy long ex
perience in business, makes ntc confidont
that my Stock, Term* and Prices, will com
pare favorably with those of any other
house in Town. I defy good, healthy bus
iness competition. An inspection of my
Goods and Prices is earnestly desired.
Grateful for past favors, and the generous
patronage of Polk and adjoining counties so
liberally bestowed for the past nine years,
1 shall strive to merit a continuance of the
N. B—Liberal advance* made on grow
ing crop-. During the coming cotton sea-
l sou 1 shall, a-- in the past, strive to but’d
up an>t increase a home cotton aud produce
market, having already perfected arrange-
j uicute for increasing my facilities lor buy
ing aud storing cotiou.
W. C. Barber,
Ilockniart, Ga#
W ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved
Lands in any portion of the county.
Having been a citizen of Polk county for
many years, and being thoroughly posted
in tbe Location, Value, etc , of Lands in ev
ery section, feel oonfident that it will be to
the interest of parties having lands to sell,
to place them in my hands ; and those wish
ing to purchase Land* can always be ac
commodated. 1 will be in Cedartown on
the lit Tuesday in each month, for the pur.
pose of transacting business in my lin^.
•T. S. Stubbs & Co.,
J7"EEP constantly on hand a full line of
Hooth und Shoes;
also a line of
BK*X_ Hole agents for tbe sale of the cele
brated “ Watt* Plows'* and fixtures, in Polk
county. June 20—If
Professional Cards.
Notary Public
Crdartown, Ga/
P ARTICULAR attention given to taking
Depositions and collection of clamis.
attorneys at law
Cedartown, Ga.
O FFICE in Court House.
jutte 20
1'edartoaa n, Ga.
O FFICE In Court House.
june 20
W. F. T U R N E R ,
Odartown, On.
O mCE ortr Dr. Recc.'i Dm* Slor«.»
junc 20
Livery, Sale and Feed Stable,
Main Street, Cedartoavn, Ga-
P HICF.S down to suit the time*. Good
Stock, Vehicles, aud Careful Driver*
always on hand.
Special attention given to the care cf
stock left in our charge.
lumpkin St McConnell*
Cherokee Iron Comp’y Store.
Or any article generally kept iu ’
At Price* to suit the Closest Buyer*,
rill make it greatly to your advantage by
ailing at (b. above named store.
june 27-ly
Hoots, Slioo^,
Wool (Sc- Fur Hats,
Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal,
Which we will soil as cheap a* any ono in
town for the CASH. Call and examine
before purchasing. juue 20
Attorney nt Law,
Cartern'ille, Ou.
QFPICF. In Bank Building. june 20
and Real Estate Agents.
FFICE over Dr. Roeae'a Drug Store.
Drs, Liddell & Richardson,
C'edurtowia, Gn.
AY be found in their office at all hour*
when uol professionally engaged.
june 20
Physician and Surgeon,
Cedartown, Gn.
O FFICE at residence, on Pryor itrecl.
june 20.
Cedartown, Gn.
jFFKHS hi* professional servico* to tho
citizen* of Cedartown and vicinity.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Codartown, Ca.
WORK done promptly and satisfactorily
» v All work warranted Twelve Mouth*
Repairing fine watche* a specialty. AU
kinds or Jewelry and Watches and Clocks
kopt for *ale. j„ nc 20-ly
Practical Mechanic & Builder,
dicines, Paints,.Oils, 1 °. ih °
L .A. IDvE IP S.
Everything Fresh and Pure!
Always on hand.
Tooth, Hair uud Nail Brushes,
Combs, eta
Buying for Cash, we are prepared lo sell
as low a* the lowest.
Give ua acatl and ace for yourselveel
june 20-ly
E*-ect HuildingH
of all size* and grades, on s
after the most approved plot
attention given to making i
C O IF IB' X 3ST S ,
Those desiring work of imp kind in his
line would do welt lo null on him nt IheSt.
Chniles Hotel. Shop fronling Court House
S< * l,are - june 20-ly
'T'HE undersigned hn» I..cored in Cednr-
.ir .“*■ f " r 'k' purpose of carrying on
the business in nil iis branches. Ifyou wont
juue 20 tALFRKD EVANS.