Newspaper Page Text
War of Race*.
It *eem* tlwt from diapatchos from
all parta that we will Indeed hnvo a
War of norni—only a qneation of tlnin,
and from indioationa, that limn ha*
about arrivod. Wo copy the follow
ing dlapatoh. dated Louisville, Ky.,
Aug. 23d.—A apodal clispaicb to tlio
Dally Oomtnoroinl from Lancaster
Qalloway county, Ky., dated 9 p. m.
iaya: We are having a torriblo war
between the whitea and block*. Pignt*
fug baa been going on at intervals
Friday morning
Klnck, ▼». White*
Editor Jlrcord:—It was my fortune
to hoar, on Saturday, for tlio first time
in life, a couple of nogro orators ad-
drona their fellows, enligliloning them
an to their position, duties, powers
and prospects; and I readily confess
if their statements bo true and their
theory correct, they occupy an envia
ble position.
They claim that they hnvo made
this country what it is—-grout, power
ful, Intelligent and woulthy—and still
their noble work Inin just began.
With the fetters of slavery forever
unloosed, they proposo to assume the
of government, and march with
Htich grand and rapid strides from
■loos Wednesday. . . _
the negroes shot Fred Yeaker. This greatness to glory, that tlio civiliaed
■o exasberated tho whites that they world will stand aghast in utter
took possession of tlio town this morn- der and astonishment,
log and firing has boon going on over They denounce, in tiio most bitter,
■loos. Tho negroes are fortified in gnrcaslic and uncompromising lorma,
the residence of Hon. Wn. Sellers, ft n || w i,;tc* H , but especially wliito rodi
Is thought two of them were killed cu | Hi w | JO| they solerauly declare, havo
this evening, and several wouudod. ; ri every instance, proven treacherous
The whites set firo to an out bouse tfioir most profound promises and
Sellers' for tho purposo of bum- doolnrations. (in their own language)
log the blacks out. Tho whites have
the negroes surrounded. The United
States troops marched in to quell tho
riot and wero fired ou by both parties.
The fire was returned and sovoral
were wounded on both sides.
Sellers' dwelling has boon burned
Three oompanicB of militia left boro
for the Mono of trouble.
Troubles are also reported betwoon
the whites and blacks in Choctaw
county, Allabamo. Dispatuhoa of the
20th from Montgomery says that in
formation was received Unit the whites
were informed that tho blacks inten
ded to attack thorn unawares, and
gathered in forco to ropol in duo tlmo.
ee tho point until told by a
Hon. Milton A. Candler in tho nominee
of tho democratic party of tho /hh dentricl,
for coiigrengional honors. He is able, true
and popular.
From a telegram to the Herald it seems
that tho Osage Indians hare declared war
on Kansas. Agent Htuhhs calls on the
government for 2000 arms and accoutre
Col. McMSIlcn is tho democratic nominee
from tho Dili district for tlio congressional
race. As Mr, Hill has changed so often
oliretoforo, tho convention feared hu might
change again
A hoy by tho name of Taylor, aged
olovon yenrs, was horribly murdered by
Atiotlior hoy, named Brnkv, in Pickens coun-
days since.
Crop prospects arc botlor in (Jordon
ounty Ilian they have boon since tlio war.
ing machine agent had a light
in in Calhoun the other day,
uid havo killod him if his machine
havo went off"
A white man shot a negro near Quitman
tlio othor day.
Tho Havnnnah ortw ore going to Saratoga
Harris is puttihg himself in training.
lias bought him a long tin bath-tub,
il lie paddles around in tank on top of
building. To make tho thing
roal, whenever ho innkes a round ho
cries out “time?" and then lie sweats around
another run.
Mind and Hotly.
Not long sinco an eminent dovine
argued with ininnto oxaotnom tho por-
iistenod attentively, and tried to ngre
with him as to tho "waste of time.' 1
They (tho radicals) are a nasty, do
graded band of thieves, ft disgrace to
their raoo, and unworthy tho confi
donco of shoop-killing dogs."
Mr. Editor, hundreds of good while
men havo been for years tolling the
story to the negro, but the poor, do
lulled, thick-skulled creature could I tioii of time "wasted in sleep.” Wo
t.i • t.i ,i,» i.;... wuu mm us wj uiu wiww ui huh-.
!>(! K ro, 1X11,1 llion loo Into to do biui any H , b M , ieoewmr y t„ tlio body und
good. The Rads havo forsukon them, I (ia food to tho system. As a na
ns they can use them no longer for f,ion ( Americans rest too little, sloe;:
gain. Tho negro has bccoiuo deeper
• cuts himself loose from
would-bo white friends, and drifts out
too iittlo, and oat too much Sloop
his I God’s rocuporativo ngeut wherohy
lost strength iH regained, exhausted
forces refreshed und strengthened,
Tho crowd of blacks appeared but H0IJH0> power or influouco, money or
made no attack. A crowd of them Drains, and it don't take ovon the sou
went to a suspeoted nogro, look him 0 f u prophet to foretell the result of
out aud whipped him. Tho whipped | a u 8no |, outorprisus. Tiikv, Tiia.MSEi.VBa
havo drawn the lines, deep and broad,
hoisted tho hellish (lag of no quarter
to any one who does not at first bid
ding full down and worship any god
their crasiod imaginations may con
jure up. They appeal to id I the bn so
upon (he sea of tlmo, and especially I un( j the Otitlro machinery of the body
of politics, without chart or compas,
A Cure for Consumption
A correspondent writes as follows
about tho sanitary power of a well-
known plant: ‘‘I havo discoverd a
remedy for pulmonary consumption.
It has cured a number of cases af
ter they Imd commenced bleeding at
tho lungs and tho hectic flush was al
ready on tho cheek. After trying
this remedy to my own satisfaction, I
have thought philanthropy required
that I should lot it ho known to tho
world. It is tho common million,
steeped strong and sweetened with
coffee sugar, and drank freely. Tho
herb should bo githord before tho end
of July, if convenient. Young or old
plants are good dried in tho shade, and
kept in clean paper bags. Tho med
icine must be continued from three to
six months, according to tho nature of
tho disease. It is good for the blooil
vessels nIso. It strengthens tho sys
tem, and builds tip instead of taking
away strength. It makes good blood,
•and takes inflainution from tho lungv.
It is tho wish of tho writer that every
periodical in tho United States, Can
ada und Eurojio should publish thin
receipt for tlio benefit of the hitman
family. Lay this up, and koop in tho
house ready for use.— Chrixlmu Ado.
Destruction of Cotton.
The Sumter Republican says it bus
information from the most reliable
authority that Messrs. Joseph Cran
ford, Benjamin Higbnot, Daniel
.Tamos and J. Moody, living in tlio
lower edge of Marion county, had
their cotton crons completely de-
strood, on Wednesday last, by a
storm of hot wind that patted over
their plantations. Vegetation of all
kinds wore also onmplotely destroyed.
Our informant, Mr. McGill, did not
now how far tho storm t xtended,
but stated that it was I ho most de
structive one that over passed over
that seel ion. Cotton bid fair to make
a good yield, but was entirely
pinched by the heated atmosphere in
balf au hour.
negro ou being reloased tied to the
whites for protection, saying that ho |
bod been whipped for revealing
block ooDHpiricy.
Au oflloor wont to arrest tho lynch-
i and carried a poise, but tho ne
groes fled at their approach. Several p, l8S | 0 | W of-tho race to
shot a wore fired nt the n; treating riot
ers but without damage. Quiet is
restored and no furthor trouble is ap
From tho manner in which tho tic-
goos in this section are conducting
themselves, holding meetings almost
nightly, creates some apprehension
that trouble will grow out of it. There
are a few leaders making intlainatory
speeches, appealing to tho passions of
tbo ignorant blacks, that bodes
Mr. Editor:—Iu your last issuo I
notice au article over the signature of
"Anti-Ring," which saVora of disap
pointed hopes.
put iu proper working order.
Home persons require more sloop
than others. Laboring men for in
stance, should not only givo thorn-
Helves ample time for sloop, Imt
prepare for sound and refreshing sloop
by suitable food ut an early hour.
‘ One hour of sleep before midnight is
vorth two after midnight," says an
old proverb, and if this bo true, tlio
theory of "delightful morning naps" is
refuted. *
Litorary pooplo should givo them-
selves rime to rest the mind; and the
rost should bo regular, as Nat
jealous mother, who punishes the
slightest infringement on her laws.
Many writers havo attempted a long
array of rules to bo stria!!y followed
by students or literary people, but
praotico and abservation prove them
useless. One man can write only i
the morning, another finds uiiduigli
tun best time, and tooth are c-uurlnoe
and pocket I by repeated failures that some coast i
tutlonubrocnlarily governs tin m rail
than any rule as to rest aud w
— * “ ' quite
) and strike
for tboir fires and their altars.
I never, in all my life, heard such a
tirado of abuso against any thing,
body, thief or party as against tlio
Democratic party. Thieves, liars,
hell-hounds, deceivers, totally depra
ved, an unrelenting onomy of tho nc
gro, a hater of ordor and u<
ernmout, taxing their bn
to invont plans by which to oppress
him. Stealing bis wages, keeping i «j| l0 W ritor of the morning
him in ignoranco, aud reducing him roady for sound slumber at
to a tnoro abject slavery than formal- | hour in tho evening, whit
ly only under a different system.
Now Mr. Editor, I speak tho truth
tho mid
night woiker is refreshed by a morn
ing nap, and looks forward to the time
when others uro t l oping soundly
in ull Boboruoss xvlien I Buy, Uiin in bul par | 0( i (l[ |„i Jori [( vvu ,| UHm ,
ft fixiiiL pioturo uf llioir ileoluriiUonH j i, 0 imiu'ly ivmi strong, wo tniiHl
mill iloftigftH, im o’vldooil by Iho hourly
wiuk«, nulls, hiiBsitH, go-oiia u( ibo i
As you profoBS to bo Domoomtio In pootablo and intelligent nndionoo—in
principlo, but not pnrtmnu, nuil bh
you publlabed tbo nrtiolo of “Anti-
lling," I oik you to publish Hub.
Doom ftny mho inixn olmrgo P. M. B,
Young, J. D. Wtukloll, 1>. 8. Print lip,
L. N, Tramiuoll, Ool. Hubs or Oolouol
n horn I
I nm pnlnoil to my bonrt to
Ibis lioniotiBtniliou from the poor no-
gro, knowing full woll it wilt only work
uvil ntul ovil ooiitlnuftlly to him. Ho
using nil Ilia igtiornnl powers to
Dabnoy—nnmos thnt will bo prosonteil j l ,j v0 t | lu |„ 8 (, rU y 0 [ hope fori
Bstors tho Onlhouu oonvcutiou—with f rom t | 10 0 f liis only trno
hud faith toward tho Domoomtio par- f|liotu p t i 10 suniliaril wliito inauj with
ty ? Onn "Aiili-ltiug” any thnt eithor
of thoso goullomou havo made prom
whom ho ivna born nail ronroil, mnl
who nuilerstnuda" liis vory poculiar po
isos, or asoriflooil porsonul honor to ou |j, u .j|y bottor than noyouo olso will
ssouro tho nomination? Dorn uot
"Auti-Biug" know Unit Wnikloll oar-
riod bis comity (Colib) raoro tbiin
twenty to ouo ngaiost Loator ? That
Tramuioll carrioil Ilia oonnty (Whit
field) almost unanimously. That
Young oarrioil Ilia county, Bartow, by
ono thousand majority 1 That Pri
tup carried bia eouuty, Floyd, by
majority of Ihroo to ono? IIow does
And now, with tlioao linos
or ono. ..— , ,
drawn aud positions tiikon, Iohal, I rc- our . Jlot
1 i I nnli in il 1*1
peat what, remains for tho white
raoo to do but to ncoopb tho situation
earliest, keep ttieir temper, treat
tho poor fool kindly, move aloug in
tho oven tenor of their way, buttorin
tho condition of both ruoos, develop
ing the magnificent resources of
country, courting tbo sciences, build-
ousselvos ample time for sleep,
pay in full every hour wo borrow from
No kiud of mental labor should bo
attempted immediately after a moal
It impairs tbo digestive process and
draws away the nervous onurg
from tho Htoiimch to tho brain, caus
ing an increased quantity of blood to
bo lodgod in that organ. Iu this way
hundreds of professional men hi
become tho victims of dospepsia. No
mattor how woll the mind is discip
lined, it cannot act in this life witln;
tho body, and whou the bodily oil
gies are weakened tlio intt-lleotlii
faculties suffor.
Mast ioalion or chowiog tlio food
the first step in the nourishment
our bodies. If it pass into tho stom
ach in a coarao, gross state, it is uu
prepared for tlio gastric juice. Chew
ing mixes it with the saliva, aud
order to havo it done properly, ouo
should eat slowly and a little at
Business men are apt to think 111
time too previous to upend at the tubl ,
and yet the nourishment of the body
is tlu-ir most judicious investment.
Codartown, -• Georgia,
Dtugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
ij .a. im: 3? s.
Everything Fresh and Pure I
lily white, soaps,
TOILET articles generally,
Always on band.
Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes,
Combs, c-tc.
A Soon to the Whoie Race of Women
Female Regulator!
XT i , W i'',!' £m.'m l, ^"" r * R '
Real Estate Agents
o now offering llio following deelraMe
Ml witliln llm oorpornlo limtti of Cod
N. D. Griffin Residence.
Oood now iiouuo, oonlalnlng five roomi
uely plfttlercd and flnlsliod, shunted o
dnr ali-nol, within two humlrml yards (
t sni in'r. ami loss Hum M -nlle of Cou
,„ g0i Tlio house lifts llirco firo plnct
'SurKRI’iNK, 1 ’
Corn Meal $1 35 (Mir bushel.
ft l 60
A 00
3 30
3 00
Buying for Cash, w
n low ns thi; lowest,
(iivo us a call
se for yourselves
June 20-ly
About i
told nt n
i lol
great barguit
Dr. Roose Residence,
PI finished. Fit
slylo, sis
and pan
es in lot.
TltE Subscriber de«lre» to solicit the at
tcnliou of tlio oitisens of Ccdarlown ui
rroundlng vicinity, that I am prepared
Remodel Old Furniture
„t inuke II liMik like now. All kin.Ie
into fur I'ow», Lounge., Sofni mnl Clint
rot Carpet, cut nn,l mn,t* to 111 bcl.
a. KT o s» a
mdo various styles, Window» trlmn
yles of the Finest
runivi -rit u i:
rtlrroil; l,(,lingo, in.vlo to onler ; n l
,1 of Hop. on linn,I lor nil kin,l« of f'l
opportunity for n bu
Storo House and Lot,
, foi
nlny back n
on which is
Good bn
Tho best bargain yet offei
slock of Drugs
h and pure.
id Fixtu
ien<l«vl by Ut* t*«t P>
j. it. n A K 11 k it,
IVptni-y Public
attorney at law,
Ccdmtowu, Cia.
1 PARTICULAR attention given to taking
Depositions and collection or clnmis.
attorneys at law
Cedar town, fia.
kFFICB in Court Home.
0 K
juno 20
tt«ii lo/rltn r f»r the f
nmtndHl. I hav« b*^o laml’
ipUon livlb w a P r » cl,,l ont
mOcMoK o'XnTaScl *
attorneys at law
Ceilnrtown, Cia.
PPICE In Court House.
; o
. bought
i'and w*» conllAlly rocominw
yuin, H f
.... root. wW »th,,,!*.n,l,,ih»r
— ponailtf.Knbor. •»“<
lOUn, history of d
part leal*
UBeaU* of It* woi
irred I or ft« wrapper *»«'uu** *«« n~.~—
“‘"a BHAutfiiU) A CO^ AUaaU. Oa.
Hold by all <Jrag*UU.
,T. S4. Stubbs n't Co.,
CfSVARTO WN, <7.1.,
EEP constantly on hand a full line f
IIool w anti Shoes ;
also a line of
and factory goods.
Cub buyoriTwill find II to their Interest
> e.nmino our gooil. nn,l prices botore
Solo agents for the sale of tlio cele
brated “ Watts Flows’’ and fixtures, in Polk
county. June 20—If
Lively, Sale and Feed Stable,
.Main Street, Cednrtown, tin
I JItlUP-8 down to salt the times. Good
Block, Vehicles, nnd Careful Drivers
Ctiurokec Iron Comp’y Store,
W. K. T U U N E II,
attorney at law,
Letlarfown, I',u.
FFICK orer Dr. Hceco'. I/rug Storju
Attorney fit Lntv,
O FFICE — Host »ido Court House BftiMro.
J u "° a"
Carter** illc, (ia.
QFFICE in Dunk UuiMing. juno 20
A T T O It N E Y S A T L A W
and Real Estato Agents.
Drs. Liddell & Richardson,
Cednrtown, Gu.
M AY ho found in their offico at all hours
when not profosuionnlly ongaged.
junu 20
Physician and Surgeon,
FFICE at resi'lcncp,
, Gn.
ryor t trect.
junc 20.
made strong. Ladles, your especial
Fashionable Tailor,
Codartown, Ca.
A I,1< orders in my lino promptly filled,
and in a stylo not to ho oxoelled by the
best. Fits guaranteed, and ull work war
ranted. Try mo and ho convinced. Espe
cial allontlon paid to renovating and re
pairing; also cutting for ladies to make up.
ailed to my stock of
The boat, neatest and most accommodating
Bliado manufactured, Also,
CUildi-en’M UujrsiIoM
of every stylo; call un-l see. Libraries,
Hook Cases, Secretaries nnd Bureaus had
at short notice. Office opposite Postofficc.
V -ry Respool fully,
jiily 25 Om DAVID AXE.
Opened, A Boot and Shoe
hop, on the corner of Prior and College
reels, near St Charles hotel. Our terms
re Cash, nnd no work shall bo delivered
until paid for. Work dono with dispatch
Marslmrs Sivlow.
W ILL bo sold bcfoi
, Polk c
, Ga
Anti-Ring' ncoont for tho popularity of I j up comtuoroo, encouraging morals | 'I'k 0 digostivo organs may boar sys-
• •• • —*-• - i ° 1 1 tematio abuse tor somo tnno without
apparent injury, but tlio penalty is
Boonor or tutor. Sbattorod cou-
thoHo gontlomou in their own count
if thoy aro such dangerous men ?
Docs uot "Anti-Ring" know, this
raoo betwoon dt moorata ? Or is ho not
auxiotis, by his conduct, to onuso
"split” in tho democratic ranks, and
thereby elect a radical ?
Was uot "Anti King" in tho conven
tion on Tuesday, tho 18th instantV
If so, is ho not bound to go for tho
nominoo of tho Calhoun oouveutiou ?
How doos"Anti-Ring’* know who will
aud religion, until this shall booomo,
under (hx1 } tho most powerful and |
glorious nation tho sun shall bohold slit ui ions, all munnor of disoasos, and
in his majostio oourso. I havo said
more than I intended, but cannot
*1oho without asking, you beseeching
my follow countrymen, to unite as
throw all frivilous jealousies to
early wreck, ti ll plainly tho sb
hurried moils and broken laws. Eat
owly, sparingly and regularly, if you
oukl receive tho full benefit of your
Exercise is indispousablo to health.
door, in Cedar!
:ho find Tuesday
within tho legal hours of sale, the following
property, levied on for lows tux:
Town lot No. I, in Ccdarlown, ns prop
erly of Mark Wiutpea, to rnllsfy a lax ft fa
Tor town tax for the year 1870. Mayor and
• Wimpee.
.. 19 and 20, in too town o
tho property of Thomas
hrec lax ft fus for town (as
70 1872 and 1873. Mayoi
i las fi fa for town lax for the year
dayor and town Council vs Chambers.
Town lot No 11. in tho town of Cedar-
own as tho property of Mclhido, to satisfy
tha wild winds of Uoavon, foi'Rot littlu | Tlio hunsi'-kcciinr who goes her d lili
id imagines she 1ms sutlioiout
local interests, forgive pa^
and recollect that wo are iutolligoiit
men, and determined to make
bo nominated nt Calhoun ? Is not coun ty what she ought to bo, tin
"Auti-Riug” a disappointed man, and
would bo uot havo gone into a "ring’'
if bo had boon iuviled to do so ?
Is “Anti-Ring’’ opposed to all con
ventions, whether fair or not, aud is
banner eouuty of tbo Empire State,
Wo havo as our leader ono of Gooi-
gaia’s noblest, purest sons, who
honesty is beyond question, whoso
he pledged against all regular uom- toRrity is beyond doubt,
inoesofthe dem; .ratio party? Wlmt
plan does he suggest a substitute
for conventions? Will "Anti-llii
support Wm. M• Hutchings, the i
ular nominee of the party, for tho l
islature ? Or i» "Auti King ’ uuxions t
have a man of radical proclivities fr
another part i f tha county, elected to
tho legislature ? ]s "Auti Rii g” not
satisfied Unit ho made a misuke win n
ho stales that there were only ouo
huubrod and twenty <eio vote.; oaM
on Tuesday of last w* k i-*i delegates
when there were tw» hmidnd ■' id
eighty~« oen ? Is ho not satisfied that
it was the largest and fairest conven
tion . f t k ‘ • ■ ■ 11 -n Folk U ■?
Does m l "A rii-R /.g ’ know thnt 11
‘AntiTtuig,*’ you u.o «*uu . d.
aud he
worst enemy; a man who if
will acquit himself with credit,
an honor to his const it aunts.
Let us show to otin r sect io
are devided, that we, tho pat
Folk, can risu above self and sh
that that spirit of forgiveness, which
is Godlike, still burns upon the alter
of our boa its. N. J. Tuiuliu,
F JS. I am proud to say good older
prevailed all day, not an oath was u‘-
tered nor a drop of whiskey Irnnk,
which is very comnicudablo.
oroiso to induce digestion, and other
effort quite unnecessary. This is n«»t
so. God never intoudod ihut. man or
woman should spend all their timo
performing in door labor. No modern
ven.ilators or airy cook-room cau
equal a few moments walk in tho
fresh, pure air. It. is a required stim
ulant, and the tinge of dampness or
chilluoss without cun never prove as
the boated, impure air of
All our poor human in-
•o weak and misreablo
d with the moans of life and
u?o!lh furnished us by tho Almighty,
ud tin re is no tonic of man’s devis-
rg equal to God’s pure air.
Marcellus M, Mauck,
Contractor & Painter
I S now permanently located,
pared to do House Fointin
Gl.uitig and Pap
I* P r
by bis injurious a
1 dwelling,
Hanging \
i dispateti,
bio manner. Will furnish
i best quality at low figures
ed. Perfect satisfaction guaran-
> money required. Work solicited
Patronage solicited
rv respectfully,
j‘. W. 1100 E,
June 20th, 187-1.
(Oldest Established House in Jburn.)
, South side Court House Squa
General Merchandise,
Bagging and Ties
Virginia Suit and Plaster Company.
id coi
J’. O. W nddel
AX'. C. Harbor,
A Tko
stoil C
atber isiili
■Oman b.-vl hor hnsbaiulr.r
ebarj of noa-support.
il that ho had given her
<1 lot worth $G,000, to-
nail pi
hat his life wa
fit to the amount of $5,000 1
l that ho gave her $15 of his
I weekly income of $05. She wanted
and J. C. $‘25, tho brute refused, and sho had
■ - it being l !imk d l y
ty, lor tho mascuiiuo prejudice, tlio judge vlit-
I missed the case.
my ban
will hi
ring lands I
a; and thosi
an always
1 facilities for d
business and obtaining goods, my long ex- |
pericncc in business, makes me confident |
tlmt my Stock, Terms and Price- will com- )
pare favorably with those of any other I
house in Town. I defy good, healthy bu-- I
incss competition. An inspection of my I
Goods and Prices is earnestly desired.
Grateful for past favors, and the generous i
patronage of Polk nnd adjoining couutios -:o :
liberally bestowed for the past nine years, ■
1 shall strive to merit a continuance of the ,
N. B-— Liberal advances made on grow- !
ing crops. During the coming cotton sea
son 1 shall, as iu »!io past, strive to bui’.d
up and increase a home cottou and produce
market, having already perfected arrange-
ruente for increasing my facilities for buy
ing aud storing cotton.
R espectfully call the attcntii
tho public to tlio fact that we hi
Stock and aro canaUntly receiving,
Wool l'c. Fur Hats
Sugar i Coffee, Syrup, Meal,
Which we will sell as cheap as any ono in
town for the CASH. Call and examine
before purchasing. juno 20
13. O. Willtes,
over Reese's Drug Store,
Codartown, Georgia.
A LL kind*
style of
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Codartown, Ca.
W ORK done promptly nnd satisfactorily
All work warranted Twelve Months.
Repairing fine watches a specialty. All
kiuds of Jewelry and Wntchcs and Clocks
kepi for sale. juno 20-ty
Practical Mechanic & Builder,
of Pictures
f'4oW I'i
Selma, Romo & Dalton R. R.
Trains on thi - I!r.*d will run no follows:
fully asnounco t
public that ho is fully prepa:
furnish Material and
Erect J3uiltlin£;s
es nnd grades, on short notice am
1 most npproved plaus. Particubn
i given to making and trimming
of any kind in hi
T he und,
town ft
t Mein
10.12 p
ed lias located in Cedr
purpose of carrying ■
! its branches. Ifyouwa
Leaving Dalton ior Solum upon arrival of
E T V & Ga K R and W i A R It trains.
M. STANTON, Gen. Supt.
VV. S. MAYNARD, Asst. Supi.
RAY KNIGHT, O. P. *A T- Agt.
a shampoo or hair cut, givo mo a call and I
will guarantee satisfaction.