The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, September 26, 1874, Image 4
8AYINUM AND DOIN'JM. Lov* In all It* ftimpra implies saeri- floss. Much mnst bn conceded, much endured, if we would love. Inhtrat) of regretting that wo aro ■oraetimcd deceived, wo should rather lament that wo aro undeceived. Narrow minded and ignorant per* ■ona talk about people and not thingn ; hence gossip, the lmne of onr ago. Tnirnn aro rory tow men in thia world who oan ilnd a sealed buttlo floating in the ocean and rend the message, with out having first smelled the bottle. Tnn foreign resident population of Pan* is made np an follows: 4,000 Americana, 7,000 Englishmen 47,000 Orrmana, 02,000 Belgians, and 12,000 Bwisj), Tiuer believe in fashion in Torokn, and when Mr. Williams wouldn’t put on a mourning band for tho death of his wife they dragged him through a creek and nhaved his head. 1 Gun. Guloula, tho new Carllst briga dier, cxchungcd tho whip of a coach man for the sword of a soldier, while Lieut. Oen. Bubal In cam© from tho gnl- leyo. On tho 4th of July, 1850, ho was acntonced for life for robnory, WmtH a paper says Hint them has never been u family light in tho town ol Olio, Iowa, it little knows of tho way women hsvn of choking their husbands with tho loft hand to drown tho ooiso of their serenma ns tho rolling pin fulls. Dakota is tho whito man’s pronnnoi- ntion ol Lnh-ko-tn, tho name by which tho Blotix call themsolvcs. Tho menu ing of Lnh ko-ta is "tho out-throat," nud in tho sign Innpiiugo they indicate theniMolvcs by drawing tho hand across tho throat. Hkiio aro soino proverbs which Al phonse ICnrr says aro Kusninn: If you aro a mushroom lot thorn put you in tho basket. Debts are not noisy, but they keep one nwnkc. Ono is not loved because ho is handsome, but handsome because ho is loved. Mnko friends with a hear, but keep hold of your hatchet. Lovn is not riponed in ono day, nor many, nor ovon in a human lifotime. It is tho oneness of soul with soul in ap preciation and perfect trust. To bo blessed, it must rest in thut faith in tho divino which underlies overy oilier omotiou. To bo true, it must bo eter nal. Tub nnolontn had hut ono word for manners ami morals, It might ho woli if the samo were tho onao for us—yot with this essential difference, that, while they degraded morals to tho level of manners, a higher culture would tend us to raise manners to tho lovcl of morals. Hay-cakich, composed of hoy and straw, very finely out, well mixed with crushed oats nr rye and moistened with a solution of rape seed or linseed oil cake, and then forrnod into tablota under pressure, have been for some time employed in France an a convenient and portablo food for horses. Toi rovelttliona of tho chambermaids at tho wntoriiig-plnccs, about this time, Rro exceedingly interesting. They say that tho soap, matohes and towels that lmvo boon taken away by mistake, tho past sruHon, in nstouiahing, and thut tho powder and paint rags found behind the bureaus, and tho plooes of pink saucers discovered in the wash-staud cup boards, urn too numerous to mention. Elisha (Iiiay, of Chicago, lias invent ed u telegraphic instrument and coil by which tho niusiaul sonic may bo tolo- grnphed like a verbal message. A writ er who has seen the apparat us in opera tion says (hat ho hoard tho music of various well-known airs played on n small melodoou or piano Icoy-board, transmit tod through an unbroken cir cuit of 2,400 miles, and reproduced on a violin attached to tho receiving oud of tho wire. Onh of the latest innovations of fash ion at Saratoga is tho wearing of ribbon upon most all toilets. The mnv shade of garnet or Turkish red is much used for tlioui, an also a deep mauve blue, verging on a purple. It is strictly en rcf/lo to wear a bow of ribbon upon the* top of onah sleeve, one at tho base of tho ruff at tho back of thu nook, whilo a ribbon of the sumo color, about two inches wide, is passed around tho waist in plnoo of a rash and hangs iu long loops nud ends at tho loft sido. With blaok and whito costumes tho effect is pretty. Onr of the saddest things about tho Biuall boy ol tho present day is tho mi certainty which hoohih to attend him us ho bounds along through life, You can’t always tell what, ho is going to say. At ii Bundiiy-sohool service hold n t long sgo, an uminblo clergyman, en deavoring to illustrate tho necessity of tho ohrlstian profession in order rightly to enjoy tho bouofnotions of providence, spoke as follows: "For instance, 1 want to introduce water into my house; I lmvo it pumped. Tho pipes and fan cots are in good order, but I get no wa ter. Now, why do I got no water?" Tho rouse n, ho wished the young peo ple to see, was that ho hud made no communication with tho main in tho ntreet. But the boys were too intunt on plumbing and water rates. " Now, why do I got no water?’’ " / kuow," shrieked n little one; "you don’t pay 1" Plan fur Poultry House. Our poultry house is largo enough to nocommodate fifty fowls. It is thirty feet long by twelve wide, eight feet high on the north side and six on the south, which is all glass, the aftshos in cluding one foot in the six, the better to admit the rays of the sun. The south roof is longer than the north. The ridge-pole, is ten feet from tho floor. Tho walk is on tho north side, is three foot wide, iu d elevated two loot, thus giving that muoh floor room. It is di vided into five departments, onoli six feet by twelve, with doors from tho walk lending into eucli. In enoh there aro three nest-boxes, next to tho walk, from which tho eggs are gathered by droppiug a door, thus obviating the ne cessity of g<?iug iu to poop into the nest. * There are doors ono foot high oud eight inches wide on thu north aud south aide of each department, thus giving acoo«s to warm, sunny runs, tweuty-tour feet long on tho couth side in winter, and cool, shady ones on the north in summer. Tho doors are tightly closed at night, giving rats and other enemies slim chances for mischief. The floors are now kept oovered with road- sand (obtained in summer ) two or three inches in depth. Tho roosts are two feet and a half from the floor, are pieces of joist throe inches wide, bounded at tho top, with a groove one* quarter of au inch deep cut iu the cen ter, which is filled with kerosene once a fortnight. Under each is u board, two feet wide, nud two feet from tho floor, to catch tho droppings, which aro removed often, and the board iprinklrd with white lime, air-slacked. The houeo is pleasant, convenient and warn), sweet and roomy. Tho fowls are free from lioo aud perfectly healthy. HNPFF-DirPlND. Th« Flllliy I'r-eMr. Nn< CnnfInctI lo lh« Motifhrrn Muff*. . Krotn lb# X*w York Tim**. The varlona modes of using tohAooo aro by snufllng, chewing, smoking and dipping. It haa boon generally consid ered that tho latter praotioebelongs alto gether to tho southern and southwes tern states, hnt it is not so ; it extends to a certain degree throughout the en- tiro length and broadth of the land. Hnnff dipping is so oallcd perhaps from tho reason that it is usod in small quantities obtained from the bottle or box, os the caso may bo, by dipping it out with a stick or small spoon. Tho practice prevails to a alight oxtent in tho state of Now York, and to a much greater extent in tho cities than in tho country. It originated among thadnml rnondc, and from them gradually made its way to other classes of society. Two kinds of snuff are used by tho dippors, Iwtli of which, howover, are known as Bootoli. Tho difference between them is that one has a certain amount of table salt mixed with it, and tho other has none. They are known ns salt Boot oh ami fresh Hootch. Fresh Bcotchis pre pared moro in this city than iu any other part of tho stato, Tho following is the manner of dipping in Now York : The dipper is provided with a small spoof), About half the size of n common teaspoon, with which she dips a suffi cient quantity of snuff from her bottle. Then seizing tho lower lip with the thumb und forefinger of her left hand she draws It wol 1 forward and fills tho OAvity with tho bonne, contained iu the spoon. Tlioro she lets it remain until it in gradually diffused through her mouth, expectorating the while, in a manner that would do oredit to a veteran. Momotirms tho delicacy is daintily enveloped in a flno nieco of I issue paper and deposited in tho same pine--. In tho eastern states tho salt Bool oh is preferred, but it is not used in the some way ns in New York. There tho dinpors use a small stick of some very fibrous wood, tho end of which is ohnwed until it sssiiroes a man like ap pearance owing to the separation of (lie fibres. This in dipped into tho snuff and then rubbed on tho gums and tooth. A large quantity of tho snuff is used by the factory girls in nil tho eastern states, ami it may readily bo imngined how easily a habit of that kind may ox- tend among a people, Iu the southwest, that in to nnv in Tennessee, Arknnna*, Mississippi, Lou isiana ami Texas, Hootoh snuff is used exclusively with n slink, as in tho east ern states. Tho habit is indulged in by nil classes, in secret by the higher and openly by tho lower. In North and Booth Carolina "high tonst" snuff in tho kiud in demand. It in peculiarly strong and puugcut, as it is nindo by very muoh the same process as the Irish Bluckgu rd, being dried on heated saiciius beforo being ground. In Geor gia and Alabama Maocnboy snuff in the favorite. It is a strong, blaok snuff, salted, and snouted with otto of rose* In nil the lost-mentioned states the stick, or " brush,’’ ns they onll it, iii employed. In Pennsylvania, Delaware, Now Jersey, Maryland, and the western states, there is but litlio snuff dipping, but there, us in ulI other atnten, tho habit in steadily increasing. The Bcotoli snuffs above alluded to nro nil of a light ooffee brown, and nro perfectly dry and ground as fine ns flour. The Mmoaboy. which is almost blnck, is eonrso and quito moist. Bo far us expectoration is concerned, the siioon dippers nro not excelled by their sisters who prefer tho stick, either of them being ablo to eompeto witli the oclohrntod Mr. Hannibal Ciiollop, the gontlemiin whom Mr. Okuzzolwit mot at Eilcu during his travels in America, who " roqnirod two foot in a oiro-lur direc tion, and who had " gouo ten foot in n oiro-lnr dl-rootion" on a wager. Dipping is apparently veiy bonefloinl (o the teeth, und it may he Unit the linbit is often ncqnirod from using snuff OB a dentifrice. The writer of this nr- tielo has traveled extensively through tho south and tho southwest, and his experieuoo has been that whorovor tho praotico provniled tho troth of tho wo- mon were bountifully whito nud singu larly free from decay. Tobaooo pos sesses high untiHoptio nml detergent proportion, and must oxoroiao b nolloial iniluonoe in purifying the mouth. Jn order to show to wlmt nn extent the lmhit has obtained, it will only be necessary to say that iu tho year 18711, (uo New York firm alone, Messrs. 1‘. Lorilhird A Co., sold in round numbers 101,000 pounds of snufl’, nil of which was of the kiud usod for dipping, be sides move that 150,000 pounds of tho regular mixtures for tho old fashioned snuffers. Add to this enormous quan tity the large amounts manufactured in the other cities, and some idea may bo formed of the extent to which dippiug is carried iu the United Btntes. Condition of tho Crops Tho Boptombor returns of tho depart ment of agriculture indicate nil average condition of tho wheat crop of ninety- three against ninety-five iu September, 18711. Tho acreage of this crop iR seven percent, greater than last year, which would bring tho uggregato yield to nearly an average on last year’s acreage. All the Now England nml middle states nro above the average except *Delaware, which is full the average. All tho At lantic uud Gulf states nro below the average, exoept Alabama, which is 101, Tho inland southern states arj all be low the average, Arkansas presenting the maximum of the whole country, which is 120. North of the Ohio river, u.ost of tho counties were not visited by the chinch bugs. Of tho present superior crops, Ohio, Michigan and In dian .i aro above tho average, nud Illi nois 2 percent, below by the drought and ohinolu s. West of the Mississippi the drought, inteuao heat, hot winds, chinches and grasshoppers have reduced all of tin* states below the average, ex cept Missouri, Tho Pa cilia States nro above tho average. The Danger of Wet Pool. Feoplo who prefer wetting tho win ter’s store of coal to lay the dust on putting it iu their collars, do not, wo beliove, generally know that they are laying up for themselves n store of soro throats and other evils consequent upon tho practice. But so it is said to be. Evou the flro-damp, which escapes from eoal mines, arises from the slow decom position of coal at temperatures but little above that of tho atmosphero, but nuder augmented pressure. By wetting a mass of freshly broken cool and hav ing it put in a warm oellar, tho mass is heated to such :\ degree that carbureted I nud sulphurated hydrogen arc given oft I for long periods of time and pervade j the whole house. Tho liability of wot ! coal to mischievous results uudt r sueli j eironmstauoes man bo appreciated from I the circumstance that them nro several j instances on record of spontaneous com { bastion of wet coal when stowod into I tho bunkers or holds of vessels. And '■ from this cause, doubtless, many mits- 1 iug coal vessels have perished.—London Medical Record, An Orthographical Puzzle. Bpellors of all grades ami oges will And tho attempt to write tho follow ing story from dictation, an interesting puzzlo. A lady who was sure i.ho coaid win the Webster’s Unabridged offered as a prize, in enso she succeeded, missed only 22 of tho 99 hard words. A pro fessor of languages, who prided him self on his knowledge of orthography, missod 28. It is possible that onr typo may not put them all np correctly. Let us sea some if our readers can detect tho errors. Webster is the standard : The most skillful gauger I over know was a maligned cobbler, arm'd with a poniard, who drovo a peddler’s wagon, using a mullein stalk as an instrument of oooroioi), to tyrannize over his pony shod with calks. Ho whs a German Badducee, and lisd a nhtblsioky catarrh, fUptherin, nud tho bilious intermittent erysipelas. A certain Bibyl, with tho sobriquet of " Gypsy," went into costa* oiea of oaobfnnatlou at seeing him meas ure n bushel of peas, and separate sac- chorine tomatoes from a h up of pooled potatoes without dyeing or singeing tho Ignlliblo queue which he woro, or be coming paralyzed witli a hemorrhage. Lifting her eves to tho coiling of tho cupola of tho capitol, to conceal her iinpnralloled embarrassment, making n rough courtesy, and not hnrrasaing him with mystifying, rnrofying mid stupe fying innuendoes, she gave him a couch, a bouquet of lilies, mignonette, and fuchsias, a treatise ou mnemonics, a copy of tho Apoobrypha in hierogly phics, dnguei rooty nos of Mendelssohn, and Kosoinsoo, a Kaleidoscope*, a dram phial of ipccHouiinhn, a teaspoon fill of nnptha for dolcblo purposes, a ferule, clarionet, some licorice, n surcingle, a carnelinii of symmetrical proportions, a chronometer with movable lm I mien wheel, a box of dominoes and a cate chism. The Rungr r, who wss also n trafficking rectifier, nnd a parishioner of mine, preferred a woolen surtont (his ohotoo was referable* to a vuoilnting oc casionally occurring idiosyncrasy), wo- fully uttered this npothogm : " Life is checkered ; hut schism, spostscy, here sy and villainy shall bo punished. ’ The Bybil nnologizingly answered: " There is ratably nn ullegeahle differ- once between a oonferrable ellipsis aud a trisyllnbio (Beoreals,” Hemuly for Huy F<*vrr. Many nro nnfforing from tho peculiar ly annoying affection known ns "hay fever," nnd it may interest them to know that Dr. Horace Dobell, senior phy sician to the royal hospital for diseases of the chest, London, has suggested a contrivance and prescription, bv tho combined use of which immense com fort may lie given to such unfortunates. Tho prescription inns follows: Chloral hydrate aud camphor (of unchlift grains, carbonic acid 20 grains, pure morphiu 12 grains, oloio noid (onougli to dissolve the morphia) 20 grains, castor oil (thu clearest and finest) 7 drachms. Bub well togothor to mnko a lotion. Tho oontrivnnco is for tho efficient application of the above remedy, nud consists of a miniature bottle contained in a little box-wood caso so that it oan bn carried easily in tho pocket. To tho lid of tho box is attached the oork of the bottle, aud to the cork, in the same fashion ns tho spoon of a Cayenne ornot, is fixed a little club shaped rod of ivory, long inmigh to reach to tho bottom ol tho bottle, and also to the upper ex tremity of the nostril. Tho bottlo is kept half full of the lotion above pre scribed. in the little rod immersed in it. Directly the patient feels tho tickle or other signal of coming sneeze, he un corks his bottle, withdraws the ivory club, wet with tho oleaginous lotion, and pushes it up the nostril till it readies the seat of the suee/.n nig mil; them it should bo gently preseod so ns to apply the lotion to tho part. After this the club is withdrawn and returned to its little bottlo of fluid, where it be comes lit once charged for a fresh ap plication. As often as tin* snu'-zo threat ens, tho operation aliould lm repeated. Veiy often one application will keep off a threfttoned (It of sueozihg altogether, oven thought its first effect mnv be to exeito a sneeze. No Mom: Ilunoios.—The deadly vege table alkaloids snob as mercury, strych nine, nnd prussio acid cannot ouio dis ease or preduoo any but the most disas trous results, Perhaps no event hns occurred of Into yours which is so well calculated to disabuse the public mind of n belief in the fffioaoy of mineral poisons and bleeding ns tho discovery of Doator Walker, of California, of cer tain medicinal herbs, whoso healing principles he hns extracted and com bined in tho form of Vinegar Bitters. The cures wrought by it seem marvel ous. Its action is mild and agreeable, but at the same time rapid nml effeotual, nnd bcirg unimpeded by tho presence of alcohol or fermented liquor of any deseripliou, is attended with results hitherto unachieved by any remedial agent. Tho cures of bilioiiR complaints, malarious fever,dyspepsia, rheu Jiutism, scrofula, and all diseases arising from impnritiea of the blood, attest the para mount exoullenoa of this medicine, and justify us in recommending it. min diiii II A Columbia Co.. N. Y.. Julv 0, 1873. f R. Y. Pimiei:. M. IX, llnffnlo, N. Y.: lkar Sir—Year favor to Jiiht reeoivod. I iu lotidod to have written to vou sovoral week* ;$ lo J bottlo of Pi tho brat i-naults, although 1 will admit 1 hoalth, which to! 1 hav' discouraged after ita use (fora shor ). I took it midor very disadvantage -having tho supfl s than t ought, nnd. ed tho with I! of ymp f whioh l wroto you. ;i havo suaeiud terribly and what added to my (Hatreds wan tho oouBolousnoaa of not procuring roltof from ordinary sources, at times it Beamed about im possible to stand no great was tho distress. All of thoBo Bovora neuralgia pains have dis appeared, they woro so bad at times I could hardly walk without soiuo external pressure. Thov sorm to lmvo left mo like magic, mid lou- lv, and lmvo lmd no return; all other arrnp- toms have been removed. Tho severs weak ness and faintness lmvo disappeared, and I can go up stairs with comparative caso now. 1 ng. but 1 think enftloiont time 1ms elapsed Something Nice.—Genth men have boon troubled for want of a paper collar more closely resembling linen. This is furnished them la tho Elmwood*Oollar. It has a cloth surface that must certainly ho linou from tho quality, and"folded oduos that prevent it* looking hko paper. It is so perfect an imita tion or linen that it cannot bo de!o.U«d even on close scrutiny. It is for Bale at all gouts’ furnishing stores, and we would reootnmend The kindest heart is that which shrinks rather At its own inhumauity than at another*. John Paul, in describing a Saratoga ball, says : A lady attracted considera ble attention by having her dress cut down in tho back with ft liberality which astonished me, and delighted tho back biters on tho bock piazza. ’Twos not the Pompadour stylo, exact ly ; rather more on tho barndoor order of orohitectnre, I shonld say; and nothing could bo in better taste, if a lady’s buck woro a boulevard—bat if not, not." A Fortune for §10. A fow dollars invented tho in Oraud f500,000 Endowment Distribution, to ho drawn at Mo bile, Ala., on Wednesday, October 14, J874, may result in a aimedv fortune. For furthrr information, or ticket'd, address J. Y. Slater A Co , Manager‘s box 5.431, New York. Tho known reputation of the managers is a gnar- ;oo that everything connected witli this dis- G A T E S & \V\\> AT THE OLD STAND, TABLE KNIVE8 AND FORKS OF ALL KIND8 ' AN’D EXCLUSIVE MAKERS OF OF GRAND EXPOSITION CLOCKS, MR anil JEWELRY FLATED-WARE, $6^$20 ri: $25 JJjjj} 1 IMy^-ommlw.1lot* or §30 * *•- I»«Y It. Ajip^'webberJkCoVMartun.u.' KUAINT, KIIEER AND KURI0U8 I ( , A ^$1,000 ( l*or Vl/ oolx FAMILY MACHINE. IN ritl/.KN. I. n.rj, A DA V IllAKAmnil n.Iii, uur WKUi A I'D 1C It AMI llllll.l. In UJTlify art Chtapiul lo liuj. ***Thfy arr licit In uir. (fj rimy bake fvenly nml qtilrkly D llitlr oprration l» perfett. rhfJ nlwnyi hniii n sooil ilrntt. < 1 hi y arc made ot the best material They mail prrfrellv. O TIiry rri|iilrr bill llllle furl. The) are very low prieril. QJ rhrj are easily mamierd. M Thr. ore iiillrtl to all lornllllrv liiery Slave jnaninlr.-d lo give inli.litr n Sold by Exoolsior Manul'g Co ST. LOUIS, MO., AND IlY RICK nnos. k IX).. N- W OriMD*. La.j K. nryUHAUr k <:•)., Msmi.i.u, r*iin. ; Pll I LI.I l*H llU rrOUFF k CO.. N**brills, Uud AGENT You Can Make $150 LOOK HERE! K i , i.rr n SSfi! , k.j. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. ei.i:g an n.Y nour Hr. .1. Walker's (aliforniu Vln- •KttP Hitters are a purely Vegetable neparatinn, made chielly from tho na ive herbs found on the lower ranges of ho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califoi - ii i, tho medicinal properties of which 10 extracted therefrom without the two •f Alcohol. Tho question Is almost laily asked, “ What i< tho causo of tho •.iiparnlleh d success of Vinkoau Bit : nits l" Our answer Is, that they romovo he cause of disease, nml tho patient re- ••oers his health. They are tho great deed purifier arid a life-giving principle, i perfect Honovntor and Invlgorator if l ho system. Never boforo lu tlio iHti-ry i»f tho world hns a tuodidno boon •mnpeunded possjaaiiig tho remarkable | Mil! ■ I il'-A uf VIX Mi A It PlTTKBS ill )l« ftliUK U.O 11 k of every disease until in heir to. Th«y .iv j, gi-ntlo Purgative as well n* ft Toni, elievlng i’onge>ii'»n nr Inflaiuinutiun ihe l-ivt-r mul Yi-i-eral Organs, in liili'*'i* Tin* proiMTlics of Dm Walzkk'i S’lM.-i \ II 15 ITT Kits are Aperient, Diophorr" • »nurcihl" ami Gen. Ajrt*.. Han Krnnc'Mrn, California. . ! . ..r of WMhinfbn and Charlton st *. \ -..I.I l.» nil l)i ..gulAl, unit l». »tl. r*. the REM'MGTON rnE NEW IMPROVED REMINGTON Sewing Machine. AWARDED Tho “ Medal for Progress," ^Lame Marnfactraloii Machine. Bost Organs for Easiost Payments, j Nii t IV not only lor • of i»«r« In the beckwith «! Portal Family Selim Machine «7v.' ! Price, sso. Sinker, Davis & Co., PORTABLE ENGINES, Tabular and Fluo Boilers, OIROULAR Saw Mills, | Ziovor Ilencl 131oc1xh, : ST-A.VE IVlAcliinex’y, j PLANING MII,J, Mnoliltiery, Beiny^ P 1 aton ^ COVERNERS, Etr. Before Buying Elscwhcro. \'o Srwins Mnehint Itrrrivnl n lllfhrr Slnlal. A KKW GOOD ft M * SONH i OANOBB Ul utm Tli. dolh-pl; illty. w hile the ponOlns dalA v . througbout. Brali guide, hciumer, sathcrer, foi BECKWITH mMHiitp $20 A; PiirlaWe Family Sewing Machine. nO« TUMir.ll. THE MOST POPULAR SITUATIONS GUARANTEED v/l.-h.^non 1 T^rn *or'. ..hv.: i 1 T.I.-’V*^ NOVELTY PRINTING PRESSES. !si>00 Tone* SoliL . PIUM MORPHINEiHA^T^P^liiy ku , 0 «nV..a,urilR^.VGT > ' NO CXIARCiK ^ 863 Broadway, N. Y. WHYL NOT 1 br trratment nnti’ cured. Call on or addiva* DR. ^3. C. BECK, 112 John Street, ClXCLN.XJkTI, OHIO. DR. WHITTIER. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Leila, El. rraVl*.. .V.t *7 i“‘ 1 ^ rtr 1 MA -;(ACE Gli'DE, ■ i F pm»* L -The cholcwal In tbs wsrld.-laptrun 1 Ppcea-UrcSBl eompaay In Amrrica-eia. 1 pie arilcl*; pltu** ev*ry body; Trad* e»a- LfJ^? 1 “*k’ w * n l«d everywhere H USljjtwuy a Ufr■ KE RITtY* NOV P LLTY CX3.?Mb SL.'rhllif Pa.' 1 iBOY J. & f. COATS’ BLACK THREAD for your MACBIE.