Newspaper Page Text
a small Goneva xratoli on tlio upper side
and the owner'll mono /ram ana crest:, or
other derloe, on tho lower side. It is
Aocordinm to Miss Lillie Klgcrlou, j Shout Skims for the HrnKitr. H>IIW| ..
the chief end of msu la “to serve Clod, ' Street rireason are made to oloar tho ; Q f tortoise shell, and the iricruata*
keep out of tho penitentiary, mako good ground, ao that the untidy anil extrava- ti 0W | Aro 0 f silver.
in\ft it monte, ana have a flno obituary/ gaol habit of gathering up the dnat of | Many a lists in repnto are employing
the pavements and mud of tho cross* t|, 0 j r talent in painting valuahfo fans,
ingii, with flno velvets, silks and French ^wltfah hold a very conspiououa position
oaahmcres can now bo avoided without j on tho wa j Ht .girdlo, and f«.r which very
oflenso to the prevailing mode. Hkirtn j O j ft borato holders are being inanufii'j-
aro about three and a half yards in ttirod j n oxidized metal and gold,
breadth; formed of a front gore, one or
two aido gores, and a fall width behind,
with all tho fitlluens drawn back by
Atrings or stout olastio b nds, sot on un*
derneath. Tho trimming no longer
diflTeis in front and book, but iaoliko all
around. .Tho pardossun in oithnr tho
inevitable polonaiso, modified somewhat
from the original idea, which found
form in tho Marguerite; or tho basque
and tablior, finished with a sash, looped
so an to coucoal tbogathorsof the apron.
A WaIjKIMO Djirhs roii Datik ani»
Dull Days,—It oonsisls of a single
skirt of olivo groon vigogne, completely
plaited in front in longthwise plaits,
and onoiralod by a gathered flounce of a
lighter shade of green. Hevon gath
ered flounces of this light shade of
green ornament tho back of tho akirt.
These flounces are all of equal width,
and they are laid so that botweou onob
of them thoro is a distance equal to the
breadth of the flounce. Tho oors go of
dnrk green viffogno Is made with n
largo plaited pilot in front, and finishes
at tho hack in a long postilion basque.
A gathered flounce of the light slmde
edges this basque, and, turning up at
tho sideb, encircles tho gilot and forms
a stauding oollnr around the neck. The
sleeves are made quite tight to tho arm,
und are novorod with gathered flounces,
laid in tho same stylo ns on tiro skirt.
This toilotto is rendered quite original
by the now disposition of tho flounoca.
It is lluishod by a si in aro capo of black
faille, reaching to tho waist, and of the
same length in front and at tho back.
Tho cape is completely covered with
rows of black jet fringe. The bonnet
acoornnaning this charming oostmno is
a Timbale but of dark greou felt, tiira-
raod with a torsade and elaborate bow
of faille of the light shade of green am!
with a largo bird with outspread wings,
Amorionn Hey later, l*arU,
Tin? New 8kiiit Httlk in a Hall
Room, - Low necks and short slouvec
I seemed to be entirely ont of stylo oven
nt the Imps and balls. Wo saw only
two ladies with unoovorod arms, and
tlioy woro tho observed of all observers.
The grand feature, however, which look
tho nlaeo of tho dooolletoo stylo was tho
straining of the skirts over tho hip into
a bunch on tho book of tho dross. This j tho water with a swift zis-zng motion,
fashion was onrriod to a ridiculous
inieitmont*, and liavn a flno obituary,
Hath Field aaya aim Is ronsolons that
“the man doesn't Hvo who can boast
that bo has held her hand more than
two or throo seconds at a time.” No
one to love.
Baltimore has got a olinrcU rpiro (If*
lwin foot higher than any in Boston, and
sbo chuckles and grin* and pokes Bos
ton in tho ribs about it. It isn't fash*
ionable to belong to n church with a
spire less than two hnndrod feet high.
Dr. Mary Way.krr, who parts hor
olotlics in tho middle, is authority for
tho atatomont of Johu Htuart Mill that
petticoats aro but another name for
paasiveneas ; that corsets signify coer
cion. and that tho trail is embodied
Tnr. following epitaph appears on a
tombstone in Thompaon, Connecticut:
•* Iloro lies the body of Jonathan Rich
ardson, who never soorifloed his reason
at the altar of sunerstition's god, and
who nover hnliovou that Jonah swallow-
oda whale.'*
Tiirrr lligblandors sat by tbolr toddy
on a rainy day, and an nn Englishman
wan present they indulged themsulvva
in the idioms of his country. Onn said.
" This is the liost whisky 1 nover tasted
anymore." Tho second said, “Ho did
I neither." Tho third oonoludod,
“ Nelthor did I too/*
They have found In Holcomb valloy,
California, » miucralogioal marvel, a
moun.ain of gold boariug quartz. It is
twelve miles from Bear lake, above
which it riacs 800 feet. Tho crown of
the mountain ia said to bo n moss of
J toldbearing rook, 85 foot high, 100
eot wide and ntiout two miles in longth.
The assays have yielded $10 a ton.
Tiiiikk Hiuhona.—
“ A cup for hnnol" she t*ld,
In apring-Uino, oro tlio bloom old;
Tho iiritiiHou wlnn wm poor and cold
liy her month's rlclior rod.
“A cuip for love!" how low,
How soft tho wordsi and sit tho wliilo
Her blush was rippling with a Hinllo,
bike sumnior after snow.
'* A oun for memory I"
Hold cup that ono must drain alone \
Whilo auliiinii winds aro up and moan
Across Urn harrou nos.
Hope, memory, lovo,
fair mom,
And solitary da
JgnoiiR Bonaparte, tho spoond son
of tho dooeitnod uophew of tho great
Napoleon, has been recently admitted
to tho bar at Baltimore, and his ilrst
plon was pronounced au admirable ef
fort, full of nromise of future distinc
tion, Ho ia aosoribud as a line looking
How the Diminutive Fiend Lives and
PropiKslei Ills Species.
The naino mosquito is indiscriminate
ly applied, in this and some other
countries, to varions species of Cult x or
gnat. Tho term should be restricted to
tho Otilfix mosquito ; but the ordinary
obrorver will not, of oonrse, pause to
make flno distinctions, and every spe
cies of gnat, troublesome or otherwise,
that, oomos nndor the popular nyo, is
oarelcssly called a moiqntto. Tho to-
raalo gnat or mosquito deposits her
oggs on tho surface of stagnant watt r.
\Vo copy a description of this last act
of her life from Wood’s “Insects at
Homo j”
Placing her front legs on a piece of
floating stick, straw, or anything that
will support hor liny weight, she allows
tho middle pair of uer.legH to rest on
tho surface of tho water, and crosses the
hind pair so as to look like tho capital
letter X. BL'O then deposits a rather
long and upilldlo-shaped egg, and places
it upright, with tho base downward in
the nnglo of tho X. Another egg is
quickly placed by tho side of tho flrst,
and followed by others, all of which urt
glued together by a cement which is not
affected by water. Guided by tho
oroiHcd legs, tho eggs aro forced into a
bout-like shape, and aro then left to
float on tho surfaoo of tho water.
These little egg boats are qui o plcn
tiful in tho summer-time, and any num
ber o in bo token for tbo purpose of ex
porimonting. Their shape very much
resembles that of tho life-boat now in
use, and,like the life-boat, tho egg-boat
cannot bo sunk, and if capsized rights
itself immediately. Even if the con
touts of tho vessel bo poured from n
height into tlio pond the litllo lands
float ut once to the surfuco liko so many
corks, and each us it rises assumes its
proper position.
When tho larva is ready to leave tho
egg it pushes off tho lower end, which
opens liko a little round trap-door, and
lots tho larva—popularly called “ wrig
gler"—out into tho water. This wig-
glor in the oddest little fish imaginable.
It has a long body, a large hood, ami a
forked tail, and jumpAaud jerks through
tremo, and the great effort of the ultra-
, . ... i- fashionists was to look ns loan and lanky
jroungmaoofpwoMpooti.wIthan mlj „ ponnlblo. How Mmo ot thorn m»n-
aged to walk in suoli a tight-fitting bar-
I was difficult to imagine, how thoy
mirably formou head, and a face full of
intellectual expression,
per visitation in Marshall county, says
“ Noxt day tho oornllolds looked like
plantutinQH of bayonets. Thoy ate tho
tops of vogotnblc.ii, then tlio roots, leav
ing a hole in tho ground, lu tho ab-
nonce of other fruit, wo have been
counting greatly on tbo ponchos; tho
tree* are stripped, only tlio stones left
hanging on by tho atoms/#
Eternity is a solemn word and a sol
emn world. Tho soul of man shrinks
book with diHinuy and dread from enter
ing that mysterious abode of spirits.
And yet all aro on tbolr way to otornity,
and must soon enter it, and outer it
nlouo. But how littlothink tho gay and
pleasure loving, who tread so near its
dark shores, how soon thoy must launch
away on that untriod ocean.
An Amichujan millionaire hns givon
an order to Drosdon for a dinner ser-
vloo. It consists of olovou hundred
picocs, into wiiioh fifty diffuront shades
and oolora ore introduced. The plates
aud dishes for each course aro of aiflbr-
ont pattern, and in tho oontro of each
plato is nn enameled landscape, aud on
each dish a oopy of soma oolebratod
piooo of stntunry, Tho cost is 85,000
Bunyan, tho author of “Pilgrim’s
Progress,'* on being oast into prison,
made n flute of ono of tbo railH ot the
stool belonging to his cell, The keeper
often hoard sweet music, but could not
trace it, as Bunynu on bis approach al
ways replaced tlio rail in tho stool, Tho
officers searched in vaiu for tho myste
rious sounds, but, Bunyan kept bis se
cret, and tho hnfllod men woro forced to
believo thorn supernatural.
Repoutb from novonteou cotton facto
ries near Augusta hnva keen received,
which show that tlio whole consumption
of tho seventeen mills during the past
year to Aug, 81, was 18,881 bales of
ootton. During tho Inst quarter of tho
year thoy consumed 5,825 bales. Six of
these mills ran to thoir full onpnoity,
aud olovou did uot. Had all ruu to
their full capacity, they would have
oommmed 8,058 bales more than the
above total indicates.
Tnouairr ougouders thought. Place
one idea upon paper—-auothor will fol
low it., and still auothor, until you have
written a page. You oanuot fathom
iftged to dauoo was luoomproboniif-
ble. Thin foolish fashion displayed its
most absurd features in tho dnnoing-
hall. Wo watched the movoinontn of a
young victim dnriug a waltz, whose
dress was a piuk silk with a white mus
lin over-dress. Hor skirts woro so
tightly drawn back, and hor limbs so
plainly outlined, that if it had not heou
for hor train aud the buuohed-np mass
resting on her Imnk, wo should have
doubted if sho had anything on. Wo
must uot expect fashion without folly,
and, thiH year, the absurdity oonsists in
oovering tbo ucok und anna and making
a aomponnating'othlbition of hips and
limbs. There is no objection to tlio
fashion onrriod to a moderate extent;
for it 1h surely morn olnssio than tho
hoops that huvo borne sway for years
nnd that make a monstrosity of tbo hu
man form divino.—Saratoga Letter.
In Head Guar thoro is slight differ
ence from tlio sliupoH o the spring, but
a little inoreaso in size. Tho most pop
ular shapes for bonnets aro “ the cot-
tago," with brim depressed, crown
square nnd well defined, aud “ tho Nor
mandy,” with tho large, soft, pnffod
crown and close brim. Thoro aro al
most omlless varieties in bonuots with
singlo and double brim nnd coronets, A
popular hat will bo tho “ Madame An-
got," with a square, moderately tall
crown, and tho brim turned or ourled
up, both nt tho back ami front; another
shanoisHH rustic os that worn in tho
well-known picture of Whittier’s
“ Barofootod Boy.” Almost overy lmt
or bonuot show, differs in somo non-
oasoutinl particular. Bonnets end Imts
of French felt will bo worn for the oarly
weeks of the season, aud for “second-
best" nil the winter. In due oonrso of
time velvet-headgear will bo introduced.
For folt, tho trimming consists of vel
vet, or an intermingling of velvet and
faille, or tnrquoiso silk, plumes do coo,
tho Biuglo long, waving Moroutio ostriok
plume, or the tips a la prince, hold in
place generally by a stuffed bird,
Whom it needs to breathe, it
tho surface and bangs head downward,
for its respiratory organs terminate in a
pipo attached to tho Inst sogmont of tlio
body, and, thrusting this above the
water, the air is inhalod through it.
Tholarva foods upon mieroncopio insects
and particles of vegetation and earthy
matter, and this is of groat sorvioo in
purifying standing water, which wouul
otherwise breed malarial diseases. Ho
the mosquito is not without its use in
tho world. Linnams long ago showed
that if two barrels of stagnant water bo
placed aido by aido, and one be covered
with gatizo und the other loft exposed,
tho second will soon bo full of wrigglers
and omit no uusavory odors, while tho
flrst, scoured from tho approaoh of mos-
quitoos, will shortly beeomo “ rank aud
smell to heaven/’
Tlio wriggler cuApgcs its skin three
times in tho course of a fortnight or
tliroo weeks. U thou ontors tho intpa
state, and ia transformed in both shape
and condition. Its body is shortened,
rounded, and bent nearly double. In
this stato it eats nothing, aud remains
ohiefly in repose. It 1h ablo to swim,
however, by alternately bending ana
straightening its body. Tho respiratory
openings of tho air-tunos aro now in the
thorax ; consequently it reals with tho
head upward at the eurfaooof the water,
i'no skin is, at this stage, bo thin Hint
tlio various members of the insect can
bo soon through it, ns they lie loosely
folded together. When tho moment
oomos for tho perfect imago to emerge,
tho pupa straightens out on the surface
of tlio water, tho esse splits aloug tho
back, nnd tho insect swittly aud speed
ily draws itself out. It stands for au
instant on tho now empty shell, in order
to shako out its crumpled wings aud
allow the voius to 1111 and swell; then it
mounts aloft, to tho shrill tuno it al
ways sings in its flight, nnd is ready to
suck the blood of tho flrst victim ii cn-
Tho male gnat, which may bo distin
guished by its feathered autenmu, is in
offensive. Tho fomalo alone is armed
with a lancet, aud, before she blabs,
siugs about our ears until wo nto fran
tic. Her murderous instrument is com
posed of Bix lino, sharp bristles, inclosed
■ a cylindrical tube, clothed “• i “
cluster of loops of silk or velvet, a jet : u to feathcr-iiko sonlo , and terminating
or stool ornament, or several blush or ; iu ft kiud o( knob. Tho sting of hor
toa-rosoH, with or without buds and wound j„ caused by a poisouous fluid
foliage Paris decreeing tlio latter. ! whioh is iujeobed through tho probosois.
".WWW Gnats multiply with great rapidity, and
and toward the left side, with tho feath- i aevor , v \ generations are produced in a
ers to fall over the crown ; or, H of the | 8iuglo 0 ^ mmcr . They ari attracted by
your miud.’ There is a woll of thought f^ont° hair • 'Ivitli' loons but^u^lonsr '. lu ^ - Tot °. nn l)U ? 7 * ^
•i miiU i.». .*« Kntfnm Tiw. I ,yor thebrim at th^ baok^ 1 ou ^ ,m y inoonveuionco in tho dark.
thoro which has no bottom. Tho more ' , UU { H t
you draw from it, the more .oloar aud There
iell isii8cribud to ther
you araw irom H, tne more clear ami Thpro j 8 uow tt decided furore for k v thu onlomoioilife-' but it seems
fruitful will it be. If you neglect to bright soarlet and crimson flowers and , y 11 entomoiogiii., nut it seems,
think for yourself and use other people’s i n i )onno f , m .i i m » trimminc b*om ordinary observation, to bo c x- nH^nnAn m.l. I 111. ' . . . . '. Ul ' t*‘UHmUg. OOOdlUClV bllUlt. A niOSOUltO Till ll II Ill.
thonghta—giving them> utterance only— When finished tho chapeau presents wu
voti will never know what you aro oapn-1 uppearaneo of nontness and oompaot-
bio of. At first your ideas may oome nog8 , whioh ifc hftH lac ko<l for the lost
out in lumps, homely and shapeless ; i R0V eral seasons.
but no matter, tirao aud porsevoranoo j
will arrange an polish them. .Leurn to I Minor Novultiks or tub Parisian
think, aud you will learn to write. 1 he Toilut.— Somo pretty mantles, with
more you thiuk, tho bolter you will ox- , 0 i r0U i ar bands of poult nnd arti-dio jet
press your ideas. j fringe, have appearod iu special ware-
It is a ourlous foot that Paris, with | houses. The loug, square, loose sleeve
Old HmmroB Dibcarded.—Thank
heaven,’’ tlio old school practioo is pass
ing away. Ipecac, aloes, calomel, blia
taring, tho lancet, and (worse than all)
medicated ram, have given place to u
now remedy, whioh bida fair to bcoomo
tho universal medicine of mankind.
Vinegar Bitters is that remedy. It is
destined to take prcoedenco of ah other
curatives now boforo tbo world. The
pharma oprnin and oonspectus of the
regular faculty contain nothing that
will compare with it. Every day hun
dreds of the sick aro emancipating
themselves from systems of treatment
whioh ontail great expense and do no
good, nnd are flying to this ohoap and
absolutely certain means of relief. Dys
pepsia, rheumatism, liver complaint,
periodic fevers, sick headsoho, Kidney
diseases, constipation, nervous afleo-
tions. nnd in short all maladies, acute
or chronic, whioh do not involve the
irreparable injury of somo vital organ,
aro cured by this pure inalcoliolio vege
table restorative.
Om-ofully Kx.amlnoSI
For the Benefit of Hie University of Padceah.
Capital Prize, . . &50.000
Louisville, Ky., t ......
On the U(t Saturday of each Mouth until
January 1. 1875.
Simmons, Dickinson A Co., Managers.
all its lovo of musia aud amusements,
and its crowds of foreigners, oan uot.
support uu opera—at least tho state is
always called upon to furnish subsidies
in aid of the Italian and French operas,
tho Opera Comiquo, and tho Lyriaue,
when it plays. But evou with subsi
dies. whioh have been out dowu sinoo
the fall of tho empire tho busiuess is not
always a paying one. Thus, in 1880 tho
rooeipts of tho Halims Touched 1,200,-
ooodiugly blunt. A mosquito will hum,
and hum, nnd hum around ono—well,
for hours, measuring time by tho foel-
iugs— and, either from stupidity or
eltoor malignity, light here, and light
the e, everywhere but on tho HobU right
uudov its nose, aud thou go probing
about with its spear in a perfectly im
becile way that, is, beyond everything
exasperating. No, the insect, in* a dolt
or a demon, else it would, guided by nn
unerring instinct, dart straight to* the
right spot aud suck its till, Mild be off
about its business. Would it but do
so, its visit would bo disarmed of itn
chief terrors. It ia thoir prolonged
blundering— 1 which may bo intentional
and a pieoe of pure diabolism—by whioh
thoy keep thoir stinging lauoe hovoriug
over us, like the sword of Damocles,
every instant likely to drop and pierce
us, that makes them ouch odious und
intolerable torments. One can bear tho
severest hurt that comes unexpected,
. . . .. with a certain degree of courage; but
„ Hum' beavers, whether gray ; the long drawu-ont horrors of nutioipa-
theor atone .are trimmed with tin ok silk tiou u £ uorvo us, until wo nritbo in
d tho rims con bo held buck ] despair. Thoro is scarcely in tho range
of human experience a more forcible
of tho impotence of man
i u necessity for all overcoats aud out-
of-door garments, uow that tho under-
sloovo is so much slashed And puffed.
Blaok hen-feather borders aro tho rnont
admired. Galoou of gold thread, or of
blue steel, or ohonillo and jot, is 6oived
all over tight-tlttiug cosaques.
A nut-brown beaver, trimmed with
brown volvet, ostrich feathers iu natural
tiuts aud looped on ono aido with au ox-
v.» ,uc imu'un »idi&ed buckle, is tho most admired hat
000 frauos, but tho expenditure exceed- of tho aeaaou. It is made iu a bomo-
ed them by over £17,000. Tho siugwrs what ooi.ioal Bhape, but uot so distross-
ooat 700,000 franca, tho daucors 887,000 I iugly pointed as those worn by tho
franca, tho orchestra 137,000 francs, j Tyrolese. These beavers, whether gray
und tho other persons employed •*- “ • 1
houso 108,000 francs.
Tun way to got credit is to bo punc-1 with buttons, wt
tual; tho way to preserve it is nek to | t The newest gauze for straw hats i« j illnstrut'
lteo . j? V cd r ° un< *! than that which a single mosquito will
.and tails behind iu long u flford him when ho lies in slumber.
ubo it much. Settle often ; have short! tho diamauteo
accounts. Trust no man's appear an oe ; j tl
npiwwances uro deoeitlnl, porhups as- (loaiag omi,, ouo oi wmou ia rtniwu Tll0 inMC , t Ul „, m . )v bo crashed
BMood ‘or tho purpose ol obtamlng round the throat. , ! to a shnpetesa mass with'the lightest
credit. Iloware of gaudy exteriors ;! iho flower garlands for diuuer and tonoll w (, oso orR „ UB , u0 B0 miunto na to
reguea usually drosa woll. Tho noh arc , fealtvo parliea aro made of hor cusia in bo mainly iuvi.iblo, 1ms iu its power to
plain ; trust lurn if any ouc who oar- , four dlfferoiit ahadea ; a poouliar piuk : so b ar „ 8S '„ lut worry it8 gigautio enemy, a
rica but little on hi. book. Novor trnat with a yiolot or mauve hue cu it la m wh olo night through, as to crane hint
him who flies lute a paaa.on ou being great request. Tt.o altoaa is another , uoar i y . W hat a bittir mockery to call
dunuiHl, but make him pay quickly it favorite blossom for the hair. j , h e aim of Adam the lord of creation,
there be any virtue in the law. When- 1 The autograph handkerchief with col- wlu , n lie can he baffl-d and beaten in a
ever you meet a man who is fond of i orod horns is tho sportiug accessory of col ,t t >st with a mosquito '
argument, vou will meet ouo profoundly the day. Balkriggau kosi ry iu heather j 1 L
iguor&nt of tbo operations of tho human tiuts aud shooting blouses iu home- — It may bo enuobliug to labor, as the
heart. Miud your own affairs. Lot all | spuus, are uow adopted by the French philosopher says, but it’s no tine to tell
the errors you boo in others’tuunage- aa gonorally as in Eugtnud. 1 a mau so after lie's just finished carry-
meiit suggest oorrectooes iu your y\ru. | A porto-mouuftio has appeared having [ iug in two tons of coal with a basket.
) hottlnn and lian foil li«tt« r tho pant I
iwo Wflftk* tliRii at any liiuo iu tho pant two I
yo&rn. No inoro periodical palim ; norm of j
(list aching hick or dragging has ration iu her
•tomacli sho hu been aocunloracd to for «ev- ;
oral years. I Jiavn aomurli ooufldoncolniltliat |
F would bo perfectly willing to warrant to cer
tain ciiHtomoi rt of oura who would bo glad to j
got bold of roller at any oxpoimo. I have
triad tnanv patent tnediclnoH, but novor ba<l
any occoalon to extol ono boforo.
Vorv truly yours, Oto. 11. Wnrrixn.
Mrs. K. It. Dai.y, Metropolis, III., wrlton :
Dr. It. V Piebck—My rintor In iiHiug tbo I
Favorite I’roMuription wltlt|groat bnuofW.' > ,
Maiiy Ann Fiuhiiik, I^limnu. I’a.. wriu»a : i
“ Dr. H V. Pierce—What I have taken of
your tnadlcine Iirm lx.-on of more ImnolH to mo 1
than all others and hundreds of doctora' bllla.''
The Kentucky Slate Lottery.
Tlio Hoptombcr drawing of thla lottery war
Ticket*. :
r drawing c
uanally lucky one foi
ii who wore made happy w
J. Hhellv Harrow, Naabvillo, Tenn., ono-balf
of tho $'20,000 prize.
Frank Iternard, '2 Exchange Court, Now
York city, ono-fourth of $20,001) prlzo.
JFoaopb Kenyon. Hook laud Fruit Worka,
. j. A. Haildler, I/Onlavflle, Ky., tho ono- j
hair of a 12,500 prlzo
I). II Hutu, Milwaukee, Wia., tlio ono-half |
of a *2,600 prlzo.
To tlioan who iloairo a liandeotno forinne for
a email amount wo recommend tho uunstiaJl)
atti active drawing, which takoa place at the
Maaonlc Temple, Loulavlllo, Ky., on tho .7lat
hint., nn advertianmnnt of which nppoara In
aiifitlier column, over the nignature of Mr. ,
(too Webster, General Agent, I,ouinvi)lo, Ky.
Gatherings in tiii? Houth.— 1 Thor
haa boon muob written lately that U very dr
biona about pulltlcal gatin' ' - -
ION PlVlXKH. 10, '"’ J Al »• h.y. ia QOOD 0 HEA«)*8 why Uwy wtll
cheap and clean.
uu HMV.1 U| TI,e >' “ r ‘ Cb,i, I W, ‘ 10 b “ , ■
.‘ Vi-Yu * 1 “JTitty urt btil lo oit.
-1 i.onumber.from.iiio They bake tvtttly uni quickly.
"mIE. "r5>V£?U' m, fheir operation It perfect.
"i..*Uriyp7h!».i i’,“" mJThey alwjiy* hate i good ilrafl.
Jum 1 dr*wtj w r■*"n. Thty are made ol the but material
l iV.V"'-n. , '.‘*ii l «in'Jr ,, «aS ^^Thr) rond perffitly.
''"•el (.,. / \ytify require but liUle fuel.
, _ -ln« ('l!rn.'imSr“m."a jr( Vtry lOW pfitCti.
They are easily maaajtfl.
ii*”';.\"tTS"««TaA?r“y""i , ir. K »£!IJ"t. rr> lllf ore wilul *° *11 loealillea.
III".' r.r« "'e'l”"'..‘.“'i'l,' w:'.‘r ED Every Stove fuarnnlred Vo glee lallilae'n
l"rJ:li l ;H.n;n.(^rt , M'n"l , :.?i»"'i(:»i; r lw Sold by Excelsior Manufg 0o-
JAm'/Xt' 1 'ttTiioUarnrlre'tb^Mi lickeHToum ST. LOUIS, MO., AND HY
l^reaVtLMT UI.M3, wllliorli lx* enUllea to l tr. RICK BROS. * OO., New Orlean*. Ia.:
»'irJ.vHoiiS jHiiiSSHTSl'i? j iLLSSPSiffSTurr 0 !''oo',"ILSvuiS 11 t**.
tIiV"ht. 1 aMUM > ir>Tu?iin'i‘2n' , wDl“w > . , .n lo"." “ "" 1 j Celrlimlfl H(ilurv-liuok Iwk-Slllrlt
I’riere Payable in Full Wilhout lledurtlou. FAMILY USE,
l)r. J. Walker's ( aliforuiu Mu
pgrtl* llitierN aro a purely Vegetable
preparation, mado chiefly from the na
tive herbs found on the lower ranges ol
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, tho medicinal propertied of which
are extracted tliorolrom without tho use
of Alcohol. Tho question Is almost
daily a deed. “What is the cause of the
illelcil succcsR of VisivGAU Bit
' Our nnawor is, that they remove
the cause of disease, and lhe patient re
covers his health. They aro thcgieut
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a iH ifect Renovator and Invlgorator
of the system. Never before in the
history of' tho world has a medicine heou
com pounded jMisxosMng tho romarkablo
Hsss of gathoriugn
... .. — • t 0
ng .
Iiamiig tlio remaining tick-
ntH for tlio noxt and Unt Olft Ooncxirt of tho
I'utilio Library of Kentucky, to oorao off No-
voinbor 30. Tho south him boon impovorUhod.
nnd u roasnustiln nlmro of lira' *2.600,000 then
to be distributod will ho very aocoptablo.
Diikka’h Diotionaky Bi-ottkr is a
convoalent blottor portfolio, with tbo addition
and novelty of a very fn!l list nt word* likoly
to bn lined t»y wrilorn, who, to got tbo correct
hpolling of tlinrn, may often gladly avail them
nnlvon ut tliiaa bandy and ingenious annintant.
A dictionary ot HynonyinB, comuirm cbrinliaii
n me*, a brief lint of geographical namen,
aud a perpetual calendar aro a ided.
To iiAvn good health the liver must
ho kept in order. .‘-Vm/onr* Uvrr Inv^orator
Ijkh bee'ome u *t»plw fuinily niediclno. Furely
vouotahlo — Cathartic and Ton(c—for all do-
inngemontn of liver, ntomaoh and bowel*.
Will clear tho complexion, cure nlok boadaclio,
otc. 8bun Imitations. Try San/onTa JAvtr
In vigor ator,
—A posHonger train on tho Union IV
oifio railroad was snow-bound iu tho
Red Root Mountains as early os tho 4th
of September.
Tim Elmwood dollar is a novelty. It
Iras all Iho edgos folded, a lino doth Mit faoo,
and la tho host flttlng oollar over mado.—A r .
V. Sun
Henry Word Bioober writes that tho
Steiuway piano ia a mualral angol. -Vow.
Go to lliTorsiilb Waior Cure, Hamilton, Ill
"■ """" T " r SEWING MACHINE
Pule Library of Kentucky.
NOVEMBER 30, 1874.
Drawing Cortain at that Date.
IVhrrlrr k Uilsou llumifarliirlue Cn.,
625 Broadway, N. Y.
j Halve*
For Ticket* or iiifenuatlon, addrsw
THU. K. lilt A.NILS. TT I-
Music School Readers
In 3 lwviliB. liy U O. Kmcraon * W. H. Tltden.
In Rook 1, which 1- for Primary School.,
llookll, the
Souk III, e*
[UO'.IA ltalui. lathee,
a ret. -I Will sivotiur
• &ll>iook,( hcrnlat "
idiwii iiiiT (ii\mn
OF NORFOLK. j * ■ ‘
n.u- rosrrivELY fixed. .
LAST CHANCE. ^ ( 1 °u >*«'[■( or,,
I a,000 TICKETS . . fi.000 CASH (JlPfS..
TO UK G 1 V K £* A. W A. V !
Oliver Ditaon t Co., Chits. H Ditaon & Co.,
$15^ $20 |
$72 \
A.'ttwi or *Ths M" n't'rree.' U
»l once to FOWEN it CO., Sib street. New York.
) CASH FRIZES aggregatlBR $250,000 ;
e Tickets.. .$10.00 I Q.iartex Ticketa $ 2.50
Ticket* 5.00 1 Eleven Ticket* 100.00
Anil a FORTUNE for all,
• attood aud graduate at
that old* at. leriteat and most thoroughly aianagt'd
enterprise."* ^ JOHN O l*KUrVu'hM• nl*' !
For ticket and circular, .'vino full Information
ad.lreei IIEMIY V. MOORS. Becreury. .Nor
folk. Va
Gracl Spare anl
M A 25^«\TS5&r»*SS2S tS,
MeiUcUx* Che
thare is n i specific sup«rfor ta the waters of tbt
Bjitxer ^prla^.
TaUUANT’S KxvKXysscxsi Slltzce Al-EBICNI
r* m*4^*?*luf IgesUon^bUloutne J an < l’ WU D V ulra
I »c
a atnret. Philadelphia. P
W. B. McCARliEY.
Carrollton. Carroll county, Mlrs, j
Of Parliamentary Practice.
j TN0.MV{^ BI.WK* c\*., lA^ouf iiuw.
pl» article; plttaaa avarybody; Trade OOP
Unuailr lacraaalDc; Agent, wanted every where
boat laducemenu^ don’t waate time; Bend for olr'la
to Hobart Walls, U-Veeay eL. N. T.. t». O. or* UK,
ll 111
t To:
Tin* properties of Dn. Walkeii’p
l.NKUARItlTl HBfi nre X p. ri. nt. Diuiihon tiX
arminativc, Nutriluiu-. Laxative, Uiurotio
[•dative, (’uuuter-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera
vo. und Anti-»iUor.s.
ii. ii. McDonald a cu..
tH e remingtowwo RKs
Sewing 1 Machine.
Tho Modal for Progress,''
AT V1KM1VA, 1873.
Tick Hiuhkht Oanaa or“‘M*i)*t"Aw*iMDiT
Jlo Sewing Mnrhine Rrrctvfd n lliglirr Prize.
Business College'ani Telegraph Institute,
[Dictionary Blotter\
No. S17 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, ila
&•££&/ eXSw.
^DVKUTISERB, sand Hi^ct^uwiKo. P. Bow-
pAie<r^f 10U oootamlntt ll-ta^l Vx/
W"lira na!ma of\h?a tT
valuab.o Information for ihoae who ye awrlM
street, 8L Loma,^.