Newspaper Page Text
IVV P. THOMPSON, Huiroit.' “Bloat otnliatioian in tlioUnlUxl HtutoM
’! has published Homo htnrtling fi|{uro»
CKDAUTOWN, (1A., DKC. f>, J874. i >n tho Now York Express, showing
that prices aro actually lower now
^North Georgia Conforenco, than they were in 1859, when paper
1 money was at par with gold. This
First nml Frcontl Raya
C a inuisviM.E, Oa., l>eC. 2.
exhibit, it appears to us, in a crushing
response to tho Htrongost pojnt yet
rnndo by tho ndvooatcs of resuiuption
of special payments ns a inoanos of toi
i minating our financial troubles. It
It is proposed to ship livo fish from
Tbo following decisions of our Hu- this country to England by moans of
promo court delivered 17th Nov., ’74 , portable aquariums on tho steamers,
will Ijo found entertaining to our gen- . . . . ...
rial reader and especially important I , 1 .*? by » well known
to our fitrinnm and rUralinota: I ollo """ t ll i at ."‘ ll not P“‘nty i»
‘A vran.hoiiai.inn and factor who, 1 com l’ n '““° d K,r -
without notic i of uny lieu, makes ad-' A weak solution of tar and wator is
vnnecH on cotton which was produced roeomrnondod for use by bnld-beaded
on routed laud and stored with him men, to bring b ick thoir capillar y g'o
by the tenant, has such ri qualified ry.
pr<i|wrl« in, nn.I lain on, ll.o »llr.n a* An l lld i, luo[K1 | is lv01nlln ,, th( ,
I'l.lil lu lull, to rclruburwmout for ous hion of her working chair tho other
li advMnces and pay for proper, .i.. v „ {ljr :» i,„,i l ”* , " ,
i i i... i. . .L niter it had been used nineteen
Tbo nnnuul session of tho North j„ one of the established f.icUiu com-
iieoigia Conference, M. R Church morco tlmt prices are low when mou-
Houth, convened here to-day, Ufsltop j „y i„ scarce, and that they aro high
>Y. M. Wight man presiding, and Jno. ; when money is plow ti fill. In other
W. Heidt acting us Secy. After reli- words, prices are governod almost ox
gious services, conducted by the Dish- ,.|„dvely by tho purchasing power,
op, Interesting comumuiedions were H cannot be said that tho present
load, from Iho Publishing House and lowness of prices is duo to excessive
tho Missionary societies. production, bccauuo the crops, while
Hie roll-call of EMuh was next la- good, arc not superabundant. Neither
keu up in the older of buainoBB, and ; has thero boon an excess in manufao-
the luitiihUt'iul characters of tho mcm- j lures. Values liavo declined simply
biTS woro ex amined. No ctmigus because the volume of money in the
prefarod aguitiBt any rnomhor of the eoutsfry is not equal to the necessities
Ixidy. Rev s \\. II. Putter and M j of trade. Wo aro now trying to pm-
\V. lli. liH won. nporLd wiok; ll.o Ini- , cliiifcooim dullin'.. worth of good* will,
ler ill I 1 lorido. In tbo early part I’f eighty Qonta, mill w trill) iH'OoHrtlty .in
Mio coi.fum.08 yen- Ucv. Odorgo Km- polH (ho vii.dor to inbu tho rigldy
lull-. Pn-ttcboi ii. Charge ul Summer. cent*, ho doe* *o lit u Ion*. mill llnougli
villi; Circuit, u l. ...I I,in (muuloIiu:j hilri tho vvhulo country wuffur...
uilli the It E. Cbuidi, Sonlh, nml Tho fact, i» that wo oood n.oio cor-
joiid iho Uiil.iiuoro Coufiiiucu of ,-.inoy «n,l In* theory about r,»iiin,>-
Northcri. church—tin. lion of n|.rciopayments. It Keanu to uu
Mvthmiinl Thu Conference U, a t in iiu ouoy ami unfn wuy of
ordered immo withdrawn from the p r „vidii.(j for tl.u wauUuf tho,.,
loll, without attaching nny hlmno U. 1 without ondungijing tho fl.mnciul atn-
l.iHcurm., ho having, without doubt, tun uf Ilia country and without adding
been entirely coi-cirucioua in tho move- one dollar tu thadahtoftha fodoral
inunl. Mr. Kramer waa a mau of cm- government. ll can hu done hy thu
i.ienl piety, mid of ability in tint pul-i government calling in all tho houilo
pit, but it is tho viotiin of a narvoua d.-poaited with thu tronaury a* aaourity
disorder that threaten., hu brain, and , f„ t ||„, rodemplloii of National hunk
may eventually termiuata iu immnily. bilU.uud paying tlicm iu troamny uoloa
Notwilliutnuding hia unoorcmouloua at a gold valuation. To Uluatrato our
niantu r of diatolving hia oonnecliou i idon, lot tin tako fn- an example the
will, ll.o Conference, . only kind Atlanta Natiomil hank, of thl.icity. It
words lire apok. a of him l.y ilia for- ban dopoaltod in fUOO 0(10
la. r brethren. Hy resolution of tho | iu United .States bond*, on which it
Conference the Temperance Rule pnsa- has received 270,000 in bank nolcs.-
id ul tbo last Uonernl C’onfoftmoa, and , Kilim ding gold at fl to, tlmso bonds
now passing ut all Annual Conforeiicea, j „ro wurtli *1130,000 iu aurraun.. Now,
was mudu tbo order of tbo viay for to-- if tlto goverumnut would a.dl iIu.h..
moilow at 12 a cluck, Tbo Rule bunds in and pay thu bunk 8011,000 in
prohibits the "Making, buying, selling, legal t-mUirs, it would add $00,000 b,
or using, os a b e rage, Intoxicating li- tbo circulating modjuui uf tbo conn-
<1 Lions Tbo old Rule, now in force, J try, wliilo cxtiuguisbliig uu animal in-
prohibits, or drinking j t,.rest if $10,000. As a oonso.pim.oc,
tpiriluom liquors imless in cauo of no-1 iho govoruincul and theommtiy would
ccbsily.'* A iiii.jnrUy of Ihrcc-fmirlhs bo both greatly bouofUod by it in tin.
of all tbo members of all tbo Annual j cud.
Conferences will be necessary iu order Estimating Ll.o bonds bolongi-.g to
to make the lit w Itulo n luw. Ihu National l>, $:tHt),(liiu,u()ti,
Tuvusiuv, Due. 3d. "n which $312,0011,000 of uoloa have
Bishop l’icrca nrivod Ibis morning, iHsuml, tlu ir on tbo
(ippcrnnily in lino boaldn It will bo l' 1 ' 1 " Prcposed would add $70,000,000
remembered tbal bo was veiy ill du- ,0 tl “' omronoyof ll.o country, and ra
ring the summer. Itov. W. 11. rotter liuv0 »» f'" 1 " P»yiii« nearly $20,000,
w-lio waa reported sick on yealerday, **00 of inl'.ruat annually. Uuctbiaiu-
arrived this morning, lie appear., to ,rlv,l d nH 11 ^ond for rosumpliou uf apo-
lu. v.i'« fc.l,Iu. ri.esi.hiiit of Kanni-r 1 ci“ paviuuuls. aud iu leu-year,i wo
College rind annual Report lo the l ’ UI rosumo without sbiickiug tin- cre.l
Coufcrvnco. Tliroo of tho now College ' l of tho oountry, and without
buildings nro uow i«»dy fur uocnpau- >"K "trh goney in tbo money maiket
oliaigoH, hofor tho landlord oan
fort;-a hia claim for rent against tho
cvjttoti. And tho rights of such fuc-
nlso snporior to tho linn of
yt-ars, and in it found G12 noouleH,
Formula of divorco used by a ne
gro justice in Dosha county, Ark. :—
merchant who Hold commercial fortil- " As I jinod yon, no I bust you Hundcr.
i to tho debtor.
Judgment reversed.
Ho, go, you niggers. You go.”
According to the now militury sur-
I " A judgment against u party voy of tho Russian empire, tho nionar-
who go* s into buukruptcy may bo on- i ehy extends over four hundred thou«-
forco.i against property on which it. anti geographical squ iru miles.
I 1 "; 1 w,, ‘“ h "r U, ° A umu iu Reno county, Teva t I vat
.1. f-a.lan bofuro tho flhng of hi* ap- wiut(tr Bl „ roi , t „ n lh(m ^ ni , on
pl eat ., to bo ," judged a bankrupt. |ljB wil ' lt „ r whl „ lt a „d ,. e t it yielded
1 «fia: tw, r 4 - ono to lb “ ,,oro
is claimed hy tho purchaser, and pend ! Colorado started a college a fuw
iug tho claim tho crodilor proves his | "'^oks age, and up to date its inmates
debt in the bankrupt Courts, but be- «on«ist of ouo woman, throo In bans,
fore thero is any dividend on tho bank . 11 buflallo calf and a m ofessor of bot-
rupta UH«otH, obtains loavo of Iho Otmrt ( any.
t. 1 withdraw bis proof and claim, for ! if ,| 10 |>il^rim Fathers had la«
tho purpose of posocutmg Ins levy in , lt Galvoslon and paid throe dollars
tho State Court, such proof and with- - apiece for bro kfast, at a hotel, none
druwalof Ins debt th> not constitute a „f f 0 n 0WH W nul 1 huvo ever heard
bar to tlio assertion of his rights un- 0 f || l( .nj,
dm* tho levy, unless it appear that the ' ... .
jinlg. bad a priority of loin on | , lll " lo *'y rcpaiila itaclf m tlna our
ll... bankrupt'* nsa, la. And Lina if Rbw day win .. tbo ruler of Egypt
true, although tho defendant in the 8 it necessary to send corn to ro-
judgm. nt has rcceivcl his disohtirgo I J! 10 famiiio-distrciwed region of
u. tin. bankrupt Court. : A ""> Minor.
II The fact that tho register in j A travolor likens Santa Fe, Now
bankruptcy, after tho withorawal of Mexico as mien from tho approaches
such proof and claim, allowed to tho on thu north,to an immouso brickyard
attorneys of Lho creditor a ft:o or com- all rcatly for the burning, ouo nohtrry
peiiHation for bringing cerium of tho rod brick house looming up abovo
assets oj the bunkrupt into the Hank- the acres of ouo-atory adobe building-,
ruiit court,docs not slTcct the lights of . , , u . ., .
tin, creditor in ll.o claim oaac. A . I'wrploxod Hohuidor, who bad
■1. Upon I bo trial of tho claim oaao | , , n, “ lo 1 'i /»r a youth and
tin, creditor baa Iho right to put in ov fol,n ! 1 u,, ^!» to diap..™. of tl,„
idcuoo and .utomplifloatioll from the "drpb.a fullnoaa winch appear.,, when
ibiukriipl Court, il,owing bia applic- 1 t P" , « ,l 11,0 \" an “ ‘'V
(ion to withdraw l.ia claim and proof «l |,r rd voc.foroualy,-Do cat .» g. ot.
thereof, and tin, ordcra granting ll.o No fault uf do coat. Do poy ,» loo t,„.
same. A p ilioomau iu Ohic.ig >, pas ing a
Jucgmout reversed. house tho other night, beard a wumun
i screaming, ' O, Henry, Henry, come
A it liupoi'tunl Decision In in-' hcri. quick ! Husan I mother’!’’ Oal-
illuiiii. luntly breaking iu the dour and rush-
Tho .Supreme Court of tlio Htulo of i * ,l ff up aluirs, the ofiloor found thu.
Indian i has just rendered u dcoision , l ' ,u hud just cut u tooth,
of grout importance to the qiUHlions I At Ht. John, Now Brunswick, 'hoy
arising from the ivlativo positions uf i tell of a cortniii pastor who, aftm tim
tho two metis in this country. Htiino j ferryboat botwo.ui tho city proper and
time ago a negro named Oaroy Carter Cuiletoti begun lo make Sunday trips,
•implied to the Superior Court of Ms- would not patroni/o it on that day,
riuuooiinly to compel tho school t.Jli oven to keep nllluiul eiigugomcntH.
eel's of Ijawrenoo township to admit, When Mich had to bo fulfilled ho al-
his children and grandchildren to the ways rowed noroso.
disLrict iichool iu which white children .... , . . . ,,
arc tauglil, the officer* Imving ref,lad , 1 ‘<> of liuidowii, ,-a ui Ei.g
Htioii ii.lmmaiun. Tbo Hu,...ran- Court, 1,1 «>'"""-••IT;
*p, elided g.-m.ral term, gaaiito.i " c»ago it waa about 200.000.
tlm application, holding that the lie- 11 J
groes "were unfit It <1 to be admitted
No. 71 Hronil Street, Home, <ieorsclu.
re offering this season J. Winship Cotton Gins at $1 00 por Saw: Pratt’s Cot.
gins n* $1 00 per Saw; Phccnix at 8 t 00 por saw; Hrowu’s at $ t .'>0 per Saw-
Drinlcy s 8te<l Plows, Clipper Steel Plow, A very .steel Plow; Wary's Cast Plow,
Furmcr's Friend Cast Plew, Urinley’s Casl Plow. Wright's anti-friction Morse Power.
Grangers’ llrooks, Ealipss and Mhearer's Cotton Presses, and any Implement inanu-
factnretl in the t'niu-l States, at Manufacturer's prices. Hardware, Guns, an I Pistols,
at wholesalo and retail. We arc always pleased to show our goods ami price them.
sept 20 AYE It & McDONALD.
Joseph E. Veal, Rome, Georgia.
Violins, Guitars, Music-boxes. Banjos, Tarut>orinpa, Monos, Triangto*. Ca-tinets. Ac-
corileoiiH. Plutinas. (.’oncerlinas, Flutes, Fifes, Picolos, C'lairoaeis, Flngolcts, Harp-,
Tuning Forks, l'ilch Pipes, Hortnonicaas.
Itosin, French, Goriiina and Italian Hiring*. Violin and Guitar Cases, of wood and
paper; extra Hows, How-Hair, Tall-picc-a. Keys, Bridges, Finger-Boards, (’laironet
Heeds, Piano and Dulcimer Wire. Banjo Met is, Tainborino Ginglors, \e , A.c.
141 nail'll I Instillments Itcpuireil in Hest Style. dec it
tlm public hoIiodIh pfovith il f
white children.” From thin dt oiHion
thu uchool oOIcoih appealed to the
Supremo Court of the State, and that
Attendance during the your
Collrginld dtp ailment 105 i in Prt-
purulury dt parhmnl, 47. Tb port ro-
fered to(kmimillcoou Education, lio-
pt i t from \Ycbi,eyttn Female College
road and reftrid lo thu untno Commit,
If lo thiri plan bo added free bank
ing to a certain extent, miy up lo 500,
000,000, the on tiro volume of our cur
rency would be about $900,000,000,
or Iuhh than $21 per head of our pop
ulation, mid ootiBideruhly lem than tho
Jx i' cnjMita of currency in France, Eng
land nud Gorman^,
tide wo ahull oildou
tliiH plan would relic
troubleH, nnd put i
road to apocio payment. To day il ib
folly to talk about resumption at one
or about hard money, when, a» M
\Veltn hIiowh, one dollar iu paper moi
oy can purchiiKO more a I Hi.* pn him
time than one dollar in gold c til l i
Atlanta AVir.i,
iihuh reported Un
her at only 110,815, and 1871 il wur.
reduced -to 22.994. Tho incomen of
tlm lauded proprietors have increased
A hymn and tune book in Arabic,
just inai.od its dt tnsion, pivp-tred for the use of miahinn church*
. OVt'ising the action of the lower ; cm hy 1 >r. Low in, if the Syren FrotcMt-
O'jilit and sustaining the school < Hi aut College, is the first ciuo in which
cess. hymns in iho Arabic nml tnm-H tiata
Judge BuMkirlt's argnmont against been printed togalhor. It ia also tbo
the mixing of negroOH and whites in ■ first oaac in which music Hum been
public acbools is an able cflbrt, and | written to read backward, or from
we regret tlmt wn caunotfopt'oduoo ! right to lef*.
!'• 1,1 , un '" u , t . I><> layH .lmvn tho .loo- l>, j„ 0 ,-llismark ia now ivpot tcd to
Ini... lliat tlna m a man a g..v- [,„ i„ lioalth. Tbo ivomul in
fbvtvat by Kullu I til h left a near, but
perfectly lioulml. Close to it,
however, on tho wrist of his light
1 mark remains, whieh
J. S. NOYES & CO.,
Hats, caps. Boots and Shoes,
Cunlomora will find our Stock complete,
cniiipriniiig many artichia it in Impossible
ht-rc to rnumcruto, nml nl mode rate prlcr-t.
Fnrlicutar attention paid to Imying and
■elllng Cotton. nov 'un
I'll re and
Silver Gloss Starch.
For the Liiimilri.
• I/O I A KUO Is 1> iV/.Y 'ESS I TV.
Ii* great exct-llenoe ban merltc l tbo t :n-
uiiMi'lniiuii of Etirupe for Amorican
Pulverized Corn Starch,
rtlKPABED nv
ExpriiNiity fur foofl, wliori it i* properly
mn<lt< into pu-Ming*, i* a .lo**t>rt ot' great
itxuoiloncu. Fur mil ■ l _v iiU firm nla
Tho Cheapest Furniture House
in the State I
Real Estate Agents,,
Are now offering tbo following <lc-irable
300 Acroo Farming Lands.
We offer for rale 3f»0 n re* of Ian<l, 150
clenre-l ontl under goo>t fv ice, locateil five
miles east of Taylorsville, six unlas north
of Itockmart, nud one mile from Cochran’s
mill. A bargain will be given. This is
good upland.
320 Aero Fnrm--A Bargain.
Kurin of 320 acres, 100 cleared and In
cultivation, with good fences. New dwel
ling, new smoke house and well of good
water. The remainder of the land is well
timbered. The grade of-the North and
id pauses through thin land,
It JiL’t pAj you
to HjAt tbs best
bsacLImi pror*
oar cilia;* i get
the igtncy ltd
•dllt. Ad ben
“ DOMESTIC ” S. M. Co, % Chimlm St., VI.
.-» O I* o 1 ll 1
o t S
Is the Best of All.
nd In Floyd county.
the cbcnpeit place
H. D. Criffln Resilience.
icely plastered and finished, situated on
edar ntreot, within two Imitdrod yards of
ig spring, and lu** than 1 1 mile of Court
louse. The house ha* three tiro places
"*• two acres in lot.
a great burgaiu.
This place will bo
Dr. Reoso Residence,
On Cedar street and neir the spr
’hi* i» (he most desirably locked, an.I •
: hcil-rooms, dining room, kitchen
1 try. nil well finMird Five acre
This is a rare opportunity for a gi
i> e
1 Perfection of Stitch on ail kinds of goods, without change of tension.
2 Great Knngo of Work—finest Muslin to coarse Heaver or Sole Leather.
3 Ease of Operation.
4 HimpUclty—Saving on»* hundred le»s parts than some other*.
6 HELF-ADJUBTI.NO TENSIONS—not found in any other
>. I'rtcs Silk, Linen Thread, or Glazed Cotton, with facility.
7 Noiseless, or more nearly so than any others using a shuttle.
8 Durability — few Bearings - Easy Motion—Hardened Parts.
It Very large Bobbin— two or three tiroes as largo as some olhors.
10 Convenient Spooler and Durable—ready for use a* soon as bobbin is inserted.
11 ('anvenience for Lengthening Stitch—un lop, behind the arm.
12 Swing Preaser Foot—allowing work to he easily removed.
13 Extra Size ami Hoorn under Arm—permitting goods to pass through easily.
1 I Extra Kooui under Presser Foot and Necdlo—admitting very thick cloth.
15 Needle Can he easily Set.
10 C.\N NOT BE PUT OCT OF 'TIME'—has no Caros or Gear Wheels.
17 Easily oilrd without removing Machine—only seven oiling places.
IN Easily Cleaned —so few piece*, and those nil large, cleaning not often required
I'.i Cylilideriral hardened Bast Steel Shuttle, very durable.
20 Cannot Oil the Thread, because the ahuttie entirely uncloses the bobbin.
21 Can not soon wear out—ha* little friction.
22 Can not miss atitche* - peculiar motion of needle bar and shuttle.
21 Not liable to break Needle*.
21 .Snuttle cannot get out of order—has no screws or pieces soldered to it.
25 Does not change length ol stitch when in use, as many others do.
2d Cannot change Tension.
27 Bos no Tension on )> .bhin, therefore stitch alike at all times.
28 Mas straight needle —-Bows very heavy goods with ease.
2‘J Htnrting Wheel on Top, avoiding trouble of reaching underneath.
•TO Can bo taken apart ami pul toig.-iher in ten minutes, ready for u*e.
■t I Automatic take-up, making perfect stitch with uneven thread, in thin or thick work.
•2 Easily threaded, and alike nl all time*, without regard to size of thread.
Does not break ihrcnd*. a* many do.
! i Easy Minion —Short Crank—easy treadle—can he operated by an irvalid.
35 No shuttlocarrier slides to consume power, and require frequent oiling.
Feed rod m him.-fled without idiUltle lev er, saving power, avoiding complicated m’ohtn'ry
• '7 Easy method of raising or lowering the Feed.
38 Simple device for fastening, selling and rumoring ncudio.
of BhutDe-carricr.
•10 Feed ulways starts from needle, whether regulated for long •
II Table that cannot warp or split 7 layers wood—grains run both tv a
State Constitution w
>f African tU
the ininiis of the ftamorH.” The court | mill |
I...1.1.. il,... ii... u. . ..r i.. i i .!. » “
Those who Purcha
S 1 5 O O
holds that the Statu of Indiana h
j still
^h to mako writing
Iu another
»r to show how
o our fiimnuitil
iho safest
. Rev. Win. A. Florence was granted
n suiK'rammutcd relation, in view of
foebhrhei.lth. Dr. E. W. Spool' will
bo appointed to n chair iu tho Univm-
nit)*—Rev. W. F. Cook to a chair iu
Woolly an Female College, thoy hav
ing boon chosen to fill these positions
by Tnibti os of said Institutions.
Tlio vote on Temporenco liulo was
Ayes, 09, Nays, 08.
In u(.tendance, I notice Rev. J. \Y. 1751)
Hinton, South Georgia Conference, i
*‘.J IRv. T. R 1‘terco of Dot,- Durrnt Without Cuwh. - The Km is
for (Gjlonulo) Couf, ivn,v. ooiioNpomloi.t .3 tho Komlon SI,,,,.
Mr. Htokumu Mitslor uf tho J„,a Ar.n-o „„ full.,-™ to » mov artiolo
Lotlgc of Ootul Tomplitiu lu the wtolil, I u j fu01 , in tll(1 r „ uo |, 0 it( ,,. ,
Uc ,lu '“ nt cuurlliuUh0 I- L.rioilv iilliulu to ll.o ,,!,«• hotter,
— called Marg.inne M mrios. If we—
A Nlsy Biuncu of Ekuoaiio.n.—Mr. i ^ l0 "otKI m general that is—rightly
Oeo. W. IioounrO, Agent of tho Sing- 1 r ''" uui tllu 1 l ,1 ' 0,,,- ““ l,v *;•'<«•> l*»“
or Munuf.icturing Corapanj in Alluutn ..’Lpt'mT \,y thofinmcil „f Uv-
has, by charadcristio pluck nud ouor-; giouo, nuthorified by tlio govornmont
gy, succooded iu introducing the | ior army use, ami tax<-d at. ouo rate
teaching of tho uso of tho Hingor Sow- i j^. 10 K°ftnine article— thu end of
ing* Maohino ill the pnblio schools iu ! ‘‘ 1 ' )'* ut i» tud. I liis butter
i . . i i , cowjkMMHl of cream winch never dwelt
Atlanta, as an iudast u.d bruttch of ft, cow . As 1 iinderstaud it is neither
education. This feature is a ucw one, lat\l nor oil, nor graaso of any sort,
bat possess d of points of advantage, whether alimal, v.'gelablo, or min.'r.d.
iu« rit nnd ii.llncucc. It’s just as noo- 1 * s ,U1U ^° (> ^ ‘tinugH in ii nitiuimti
in our ,,radio,,1 ,g« for o,.r ll- ,'r.**** l-.v which
, . , , , . . ° , gtcen grass ts transformed to milk.—
daughters to know how lo mako M Monries Meg- has pursued the
montfl, as to read or write properly; 1 tank of simplification until he cm dis-
in fret our only garentee of indepoud- with the oow’h unsoicutific pro-
uuco to our children in thorough hon- o«*sos. Was it not Lml Drongham
cst iudustry. Wo hope Boon to boo who looked forward to the time wln u
it taught iu all tho Bcbools of Georgia, ohomist woul.l be our only butchers,
Mr. Leonard has our approvul. Lot "hen, with the help of a few p.iwdurs,
our ICHchcrs corrcspv'nd with him. 1 11 furnace, a spectoscrupo, an ek-meu-
lt| tary education, one would turn a truss
„„ „ , of hay iuto a bi t fst.-ak in tho back
The Roh,.„„„„H t>f V\„.h,i, K (o„ uro lMulor , Tll „, u w , ml M M , ., r „.
now nijjugoj in lho couiposiuon o i,»s,.a to huvo iloii.., or »„„u,tl,i:, K lit,,
oougrcssioUid bpcooltos, in anticipation it* for butter,anil his brother’s savants
tho demand that will billow the op’ j declare tin* result |" rbetion.
cuitig of tho short session. Tho only !!? n i ,\ U /?,»" *** •'** ^ ,ul •'> :U ^d,
“ . it i inploys I'M mull in sv.-ven inouiilao-
now foature iu thw U’ado is tho turns- Tll0 uuta -to which that
u«d quantity of denunciations of eor- utunu is not given by the inventor, tint
rupli:n and dishonesty that must be K v thu oe/roi olUctals—issold at about
put iu to make the goods go off at ! m ' f I 1 ” 00
1 . .. ... . iu which the cow
payit-g figurttf. Its a siguificant
A philosophical tailor in Harrisburg
advertises that when people
the basis of color and
vulviug quubtions of domehtic policy
which arc within tho legislative dis
cretion and control."
that this seporati >t\ dous not contliet
with thu Cinihtitution of the United
St it. h, provisions having boon made
for the education of the negroes of In
dia in.
Of course the radio: ! press of the
country will raise a terrific howl over
this decision. Already tho liuliaiuip
oliH Journal denounces it as '• mou- .....
strolls.” And yot the Hu[U'euio Couit, hght. nnd can he soon distinctly It\v
of Lidiaua has merely laid down the i 1 »w ,rt * l »adu from a powder,
law and tho fact. Nothing can bo utid is thrown through a magnifying
more curtain than that public «■ nti- ; b f J ,iaS » soinothing on tho magic-lantern
moot iu the United States is ovorwhol* l ) ‘* u1,
mingly hostile to tho soeial eomtuiug The Salt Like City Tribune siys :
ling of tho negro and white, li is ‘ Whonovor a polygamous wife wants
nut prejudice to insist that thu races to looato a homeatnul she e ills her-
shall be kept H»j)arato and apart Irotu «olf a widow. ’ Uncle Sam has boon
each other. U is merely sound policy, swindled out of thousands of acres of
and if it is bo in Indiana, how much land in Utah by tl i; widow dodge,
more must it ho in the South whore Wo have roque' d the register of the
j " with sallow, irregular, and homely
1 faces,” aro clad in g irpients of Ins
making they are looked upon with
love at.d veneration, thoir e« unit nun
cos being ngurdod as the index if
pure nud compassionate sj it its."
Experiments have recently been
made at Liverpool with a new mast
head light, intended for ocean steam*
It throws a fine, brilliant white
nov 7—ly
Storo Houso and Lot,
inoivn a* tho Ilff*« Drug Store. I. a
tv f«ct front, running hack one lniu<lr«><l
t’H, nn which i* a two *lory
bargain jot offered.
A •tuck of Drugs an i Fixtures. Stock'
I Fresh nml pure.
, Fashionable Tailor,
Codnrtown, Ca.
' \ LL nrdiw* in my lino promptly filled,
j 3 \ uml in a siylo iin< to ho cx.-clled l»y the
heat. Kits guarnatiMui, and all work war
' ranted. Try ine and he eonvi «ocd. Kspe-
j rial attention paid to renovating and re-
| pairing; also cutting tor ladies to make up.
land ollice to fut.
tbiHo widows for pttblic.ilia
Lho two races arc more nearly equal in
numbers, and whore it is of far more
importance that there ahall not b.i
any soci.d intercourse between thorn.
Indlitut jin* “truck tbo Hrat effoo- | ir "o(~l,o wii.l.'iugton'lRMmbiico
" vo «S*iu»t wh-U ;» „««- ,.„„ t | v , ,|„„ kl „, t„„| b,T„V»»
d civil rights, l'ubho eontmiont
Miss Adt l.drl Nuilson told a tap.
Mr. Strakosch foi
* hundrod t
beginning, to roalir.) that
white man’s government.
” straw ’’ of whatSuuset Cox calls tho
fuuat’cism cf the times.
"'I.v >«
The very first principle iu wtiting
for the press, is to pen SfintUhiug us -
fill. An ambitious p.-rson cun g t Ins
name qui ket iutv> print by lulling the
workl how U» prepare a whitewash
— th m by writing |HH'tiy. Yetasnstou-
wbirirv ot everv liou.olio btormeri »« " m.'mau.v who ooulrl
OU bib journey. * Ulinll . v M » ro»|woU,Ulo urUolo do»-
An enterprising member uf tho next
L-gUlature rode thirty-eight miles
i: • uttior day, in u certain county,
f ii tunate enougti to find
cribing the digging or si tting of a
The liulo city of Tocooa i* rapid!v B*li-|>"bt, will l,„^-l., mvny ul |K*tiv,
jowitio. (July eighteen months ugo ui,3 imagine the,,, . Ires ports, born to
it \v,ts nlumst a wildornesB, but norv ,t 31 Ill'll uust-oo, uml nil tlmt. If they
Luo, ehurehee, hotels, li.ory >lublr-s r r U-. canuot c,mi, into pul,lie notice up Un-
J im Herald sava • " Anil we Jo sin- steepest and must umdlmablo ladder,
c ,Aly l,„p u that tbo (lay is not far iboy won't climb at all. And thus do
iistowtwlmn Toccoa will be noted for many ambitious people stay on tbo
her institutions of learning nnd tbo ground, wheu Iboy m.gbt, if tbry
pis, a uf ber people." *“>«■ < ' 1,mk
ovoiywlioio will suatnin brr, I.i ranso lil0 | mm | lv j dollars ir nigbt, ,ml-
tlm qml, I,,m of lugrophokM whieh bus j„ , w borovor bo dim*. Sim also said I
ourso.l tins rumitry too long is d,s„i - ahu Wila stllllvill . the char,rotors of
pouring, and ovon in Masaaabuaolta, Cleopatra ami Lady lUnclmlli, having
already spent six years on tho latter.
Tho daughter of a l’ro tost ant gon-
Tho culormi piviplo of Wdmingttui, tleiuau reaiihng on Ikmcviu street ltoj-
N. C., recently udviptod tlio following L»u, took a ticket for the drawing of a
resolutions : ’ $701) grand piano, at a fair, for the
Whereas, it has been ascertained benefit of Ht. Joseph’s Catholic church,
beyond doubt that grots frauds an 1 Her ticket drew tho piaur, and the
thefts have been perpetrated upon voting lady who took the t ek *t mero-
the National Frceduian'a Bank, to the ly In Help the affair along has ilona-
dt'tiimont of tho lute liberated frood- ted her prize to bo disposed of again
men ; therefore, for the benefit of thu obuivh ju-»L
U»$olved, That it is t 1 o so ise ot named,
this meeting that the general trustees According to a Pittsburg liewspn-
of tho Nuti anal Freed anvil's Bank ! per, the grey squinvls iu the All,
have proved reerount to the trust re- heny Valley are engaged in a guueral
potted in them by the United States migration.’ They diuw their looruits
Congress and tho colortsl people of from all piunts, ami may be boon
the notion. swimming tho live*’ in large ntimlers,
Resolved, That by their unfriendly, and pursuing an eastern coarse. Old
inhuman treatment to ms in dispod- farmers say that such a inigrntiuu has
mg us ol oar hard-uarued savings not taken place since IS 10, and rt-
they have reduced us us a peoph* t i a gard it us tlio forerunner of an ex*
greater ilogr. datioii and want than treemly severe winter,
wo will bo able to iwMver f»\mi in tho , , .
u .,vt Ipuvtnix Aii el ctro-m.igiietic copy tug ma-
Plain as tliaii!' „-»„la«o„g era. tbev ^m>;'ms l„;. ,, dsvi md bv ll.Xr, ol
do not begin to mote out jnsti.v to , .™ ns " 1,ls 1 l '- v u ' lc S M Pb
the leaders wbo brartlosslv “«* tlui '. 1 '■ " 1, ! lout tllL ‘ »>‘'“taeco
conspired t , steal tho oar.,iuR» of "f «■> ('lmrator, wntmg, iH.rtra.ts, plaoa
those wbo can neither road nor write !'“' “»«»• An.improsa.ou of tbo ob-
Stock uml aro eniistuiitly rtvoiving,
1 loot s. Shoos,
Wool vN Km- 1 la; -
Sugat, Coffee, Syrup, Meal,
FLOUR, ami 13 A. OOTNT.
Which we will soil a* cheap as any otto iu
town for the CASH. (’all met examine
cfore purchasing. June *jJ
Thompson's Liniment.
Dissolution .Notice.
fPIIK Firm of F* athor*it»ti .X 1’hiMip*
l \vt«* tli*M.,lvf I ti».» l*i «>f Fehriiary, for
all oth r puretl*i'* except to wimt up the
business of Iho old cunoeru. Tlt .t-e wbo
owe us must pay up right now, or we w ill
be compelled ' who cnti neittnr romt nor write : J 1 , *
The depths uf villiam and mourn,css l-H to bo copnd ,s taken |»rep«r-
,vm sounded iu this wholesale rah- on « sort cf stiver pspm wb.cb
is then rolled on a revolving cyleudor,
nud the message, whether m writing
jr iu the form of a drawing, is ut once
It would seetu that tho Talbottou forwarded to iti destination, a porfe.-t
merchants are uot much pressed with f«e simile of tho writing or drawing
business as they have become horse bioug prodneed at the other end of the
jockeys. Ho says the Savannah News "ire
relief to those who suffer with the uumer-
ous pnins uml aches common (o the human
race. Do you want something thnl will
For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises,
ami you need fear no harm. This Medi
cine is put up right here in v.u.r i. i isi,ln-
Dr It. K. THOMI’SUN. Vjar m- giih.^r,
have tried it, and it has never failed to do
what it promises. Every family should
keep it on hand, ami then by save many a
dollar. Often a long nml expensive trip
for a physician might be dispensed with,
simply by applying Thompson’s Liniment:
then keep it en hand—it will cm*! von but
little. No physician can pr tc: b-o sttccc.-s-
fully without a good Liniment—they kuow
its importance—then keep it on hand. You
can apply it yourself and save money.
‘.'alien DU. K. K. TMOMI'StlN, over
Dr. lleose's Drug Store, get a bottle, aud
never be without it. It will do what it says,
nnd you'll never regret buying it. Oct 24
For «ale In Rockmart bv E K M -•■
Continues to deal in
Boots and Shoos,
Hardware, Hats, Groceries
Ac., See., See.,
at the old stand, where h« will sell as Low
as the lowest, for
Cnsh ox* llartcr.
He *1*0 buys and sells Cotton. Oct 24
AY. M. PHILLIPS, old .1.0,1, ,
Where he will be glad lo see hia old
friend* and supply them with Gent*. He
keeps a line of
General Merchandise
At Wholesale or Ret nil. Prices defy Com-
The Allen House,
Codartown, Coorgia.
CMaIU.ES II. HARMS, Pbci-rietoh.
42 Drop leaf that nearly doubles .iizes of table, made *ntne a* table -
Id C.,.tr that cannot warp, crack nor shrink hecante grain* run both ways.
It Sewing Drawer that nintioi drop or break down, as others arc apt to do.
I.*. Castors for easily moving the Machine about the room.
Id Gatherer that makes any fullness even between two other piaote.
47 Embroider that uses Chenille or Coarse Silk, Ac - , making ami sewing on at once.
I- Working parts thoroughly hardctu: I.
Id Peculiar combination of Needle, Shuttle and Take tip motion.
50 Parts inter liangablo. If any part breaks, a unr piece is easily substituted.
KT- xrilitNCKn Operators best appreciate the above advantage*.
“ I if ” Sowing Nljuthino CompanA’',
Broadway, Corner 14th Stroot Union Square, Now York.
"Domestiu” Hewing Machim; CompaiiY,
No. 4, DoCivos Opora Houso, Mariottn Stroot, Atlanta, Ca.
For Sale* iu < edartow n by LUMPKIN Hcl'O.WELL.
Small Instruments, String ami Sheet Malta, Guitar*. Agents for the Celebrated
Peters, Webb & Co., and Hardman Pianos.
under the name cf The Allen Mouse,
proposes to entertain his guests iu a plain
count ay-like way, without any attempt at
style or fashion. For this he ask* such
compensation as any reasonable person will
cheerfully give, ami no one complain at.
County Custcu $1 per day; ;-inglc meols;
fO cents; Board ami Lodging, per month,
$20; Board tit. 1 Lodging, per week, 87 00.
Lights and fuel extra. Board without lodg
ing, per tmnth, $1'«; per week, $5 00.
Single meals 50 cents. Oct. 6, 1874.
T Parker has applied for exemption
of personalty and setting apart aud valua
tion of Homestead, and I will pass upon
the same at ll o'clock a. m. on the 10th day
c.f December, 1874 at my office, this the
: l*t dar of October, 1874.
These we claim are the VERY BEST, and | Testim > tial*, (j italog i m an I sps:ia
Terms apply to
M inters rVolnon, 7J I I Market street,
Old instruments taken in exchange for new one*. Special prices to Cash Customer*
^Pt 5.
“The uutnber sold is the true criterian of merit.’’
The total of Sewing Machine kales of 1873. made up from the sworn returns of Sew-
ing .Machine patents, show our sales amounted to
232,444 IlVLj^OIKIIsriES
Being a large increase over the previous year. In 1872 wo sold 45,000 more Ma
chines than any other Company, whereas, in 1873, the salsa were
113,254 Machines in Excess of our Highess Competitors
“ Ui of the pri “ cl -
Our Sales have Largely Increased!!
It will hardly be denied, rhertfurf, ib.t the Sopcrioriiy of lho Sieger ilchiuM is fallr
lyd.iDODslr.ied—at.lloTenu lo rhe Household is un l
Terms Easy. Payments Light. Call on or address
Xliss "\ irginia Lumpkin,
Local Agent, Cedartown, Ga.
Cor. Broad nud Alabama Sts., Atlanta, Ga.