Newspaper Page Text
W. S, D, WIKLE & CO., Proprietors.
MEWS OF THE WEEK. j t«vl out by Great Britain, for explorations in
| tho Arctic rogioni,
The Hpauisli coasting stearner Thomas
Brooks, from Hantingo do Cnha for Eiuulanto,
struck on llio morning of tho 81, on tho Mo-
rillo near (Inantamo, and mink immediately.
About thirty lives were lost.
It is kuotvn, in diplomaticciroles, that
Omaha wants Nebraska to move her
capital from Lincoln.
Chicago having promised to take pre-
Hartford compnui'
again taking r.nke.
The calaboom
hurried, Unt wed
1 old ■
The long impending strike in the pot-
'reries of Tronton, N. J., began ou tho 3.1 Just,
rhe eetallUliniantH of Yates. Benedict A
Allen, and J. Monaa closed. Tho employer»
gnaranteoing work for tho winter at a reduc
tion of 10 per rout, in wages, tho employes
refused with the abovo result.
Ono hundred women employed in a
factory of tho Now Brunswick mbher com
pany have struck against a reduction of xva-
r hand. Tho
itrodurcd machines for this work, and i
need tl»e rates on piece work. As tho worn
mild only earn two-thirds of their form
At tho final conference lie tween t!
Ilia.paid to Great Britain only |
t ie indemnity on account of tho Virgin tu*
aff.ur, leaving the remainder and other ques
tions to be here after adjusted.
Tho inspector getienil of the army, iu
his annual report, says a legulation is much
needed, Indicting punishment on *.>ldicrH who
marry without proper permission. Military
poets are overrun with tho wives of tlm en
listed men . and it H well known that It re
quires about as much transportation to move
four laundi esses as it does to move a whole
cltDpiny of men.
A Berlin dispatch trays that Russia
contemplates tho roasRombllug next March, in
fit. Petersburg, of tho International conference
lately hold iu Brussels. Exertions will proba
bly ho nude to secure the convent of Great
Britain and some minor states. The work of
tho Conference will hs confined to tho enact
ment of the more purely philanthropic clauses
>' of tho programme proposed by ltunnia. If
- theno endeavors fail, the three northern pow-
ii | ere may | robably lettle the matter alone,
os Huge of President MnoMahou
red to the n*somhlv last week, lie
order has been maintained through-
untry. Relations with foreiga gov*-
trade has never bee
ing tho last four
Hid harvest. Tho e
i so considerable os
m mths. Everything
i for-
factory results will ho at least c
The president insists strongly o
I of definite legislation with rep*
cannon, which can bo had at a vory small CJHt,
in view of tho reduced number of guns re
quired. Tho present types of foreign armol
cruising ships carry 4}^' to fl inches of armor,
and at present wo have no guns, except tho
15-inch, iu the monitors, which would seriously
Injure tho lightest of these armored vessels.
Substitute a 7 or H indi rifle for tho ll-inoh
smooth boro, which even onr smallest ships
carry, and few of them would come off with
out gronl damage.
Tho report of the commissioners to
prepare instructions to postmasters Concern
ing the prepayment of newspaper and periodi
cal postage after January 1. susta in tho
re ‘ommendations of Third Assistant Postman*
ti>r-Gonoral Barber. Instead of placing stamps
on tho separate periodicals or papers, or on
tho package containing them, according to
weight, the forms as already printed show tho
current account with tho publishers, and after
tho printed mutter is weighed, the requisite
amount of stamps is pastod on the form of
receipt given to tho publisher or his agent at
tho time of mailing, the credit and receipt
having corresponding numbers.
The house appropriation committee
have disposed of tho army hill. Tills bill ap
propriates the same amount an last year, and
makes a omuiili table reduction from the esti
mates. Tho secretary of war sent iu estimates
for a for n of thirty thousand men, notwith
standing tho fact that congress last winter
directed the reduction of llio force to twenty-
tiro thousand. He evidently considered the
reduction as temporary, while tho committee
consider it as permanent, and have ll\< «| tho
appropriation for next year on that basis. The
present mimlsir of tho force is twenty-seven
thousau 1, but a largo number of onlislod men
soon to he discharged will bring tho number
down to twenty-live thousand, as direolod last
Tho supreme court of tho United
fitatos hns Just rendered a decision in which
for tho first time the question of tho power of
tho confederate government to make a valid
Southwestern Georgia ii
uttou fields of Arkansas ai
Tho steamboat H.ihinc
lo come to nu | '• Incessantly agitate 1 by a progagamlaof tho
us>y affects tbs J t j guarantee, by measure*, the a lion (if llio
[ the state. public powers during tho period of stability
| which you promised Franco."
Theatenmor La Plain, from Gravesend
) overrun bv ^" r 8in Grendo del find, chartered by Siemens
to wor u i n tho I M, " J l '* n r 1,10 telegraph cable, foundered
had know
of the C
igly pure'.'
ml Ci
kilniiiiriitnr uow—
' Ruder the mDtletooh
^ Not in the far-iway 11
kii.l tlu* Iravrs are a« ilarhly
AnU ttie berries a' orlaply \
* t, tn so I
alia or II
Or ivmUni droopi from the chandelier
lh if never a mlnolitrf or harm could fall
From it-* modest Intrusion, there or her
• low many a Up "made nervously bold,
Vlion youthful revet went on, nntlred,
But under llio lutatletiM
A-c llio dullest
Amt (hen,
Have tlii>
o assist at ttie bridal h
letbiuka, If ttie shamrock green
dear to an Irlsf
o ttie mistletoe-berry's silver
witholieehn ttku the t
And greenly Its stiff-set
so dear to an Irish heart,—•
‘Ivor sheen
lias been owing no mine
s all hearts enshrined
"Old Oak Chest."
Wliat matter If eentiules long
mystery de-p
i Htoneln line's unghty heapt
e great perennial good,
Its Joints spilnghig Midleis
e agts withstood.
mother land I—
>sy to have you here,
lone'jr wntting s'amt
ir varying Clirlatmaa cheer.
uiM'lant your pride of giowth,
KilRlIth troth,
o silent street 1
iff Uelian
"from Hbrovti- ("
out, W111 cl I lift
w» from Jail by
Plaintiff brought h
recover. TIiIh con
Tho |
oil I rommnbor it,
mipronio ,'mirt »nirm« till. iMSini l, i homo from tlio mnWn-tliiit gronl hulk
r.mrt or chilli. , n two sroim.l. , 1. lta'nnM „[ „ | rnl ,l, j | t , V11H HI,,, „
tho pnrohuHo of thooottou and the payment war, according to Bpooinontions—atonu
of thooonvidmatlon nuci eimrily totidodtoglve p]nU>il with zino, crossod with
aid to tho rebellion, and that all such oc
are wild ns contrary to public policy
was concurred in by the whole court,
oauso the HO-oallod government of thof
Htatoa had no oxiHten
! joint
out l
ed, repot ts I
’clock on tin
heavy sea carried aw a;
.fill p. m she founds
plain and dnctoi
lilt of • »•»»/ ot uieoon.iuoravioii uaoueoaruy viMiuuii vogivu |
i 1. Fourteen survivors „id to tlio rebellion, and that all such contracth I bunds of Ollk, nud fretted lit
* Gareloch, if Glasgow. UI „ nM contrary to public policy. TIiIh and comer xviill spikes of hr
is attfilmtiHl to the Hliift- was concurred in by (ho whole court, it. Be- | was our boy's trunk, tlio 11 rut. ho
ipparalnr. <»r 250 miles 0auH0 tho so-oalhul government of the Don fed- | owned, for, hitherto, in his abort
i) bad been paid | urn j 0 Htatos had no oxistenco except as a con- liter journcyiligfl, n light VhUho hud
.piracy lo overthrow lawful anthoritv. In i served to hold bin “ trupfl,” or I hoy hud
upport of this second po-itiou of the court, | lmoliod ill tho “ oito rtll.l indivihi
ho ol.Uf Justice and six associate justices j •»!« H»ralop,n. 1 Jin liny wuh now, (or
seven steward* «•« I collcur . Two Mr. Justice Clifford and Mr. I *l‘° flrat tlrae . loavi ^ ho . ro0 f or . ft ”
fourteen seamen and iTiirII( , 0 Davis -dinoont on tho ground that Uh
< staff, numbering sit- | R „, lHlln( . ( . nu .,,t was not necessary to tl>o dooin-
ir. Blokotte, tlio chief | j ()ll (1 f .j,| M ra . 0
ed, Tlio chief steward, | Tho poBtofilco department has re
ived tho filial proofs of the newspaper
imps, to he usi (1 under the provision of tlio
ov law respecting the p istagoon iiewHpii))ers
by the stern. At | poriudicals Tlio design prepared by fid
, stem Aral. 'J'lio j Assistant L’ostmaslor-goneral Bail.our, ami
the bridge, having j (, XPon iod by tho Continental Bank Note
t tho fires were all
oming of the 20th.
ro oftho boats and
i with tho c
> patent Ule-rstt^aiiil. w«.nf Jqjauy^of New York,
vas living. The " regn-
aud are thought to havo
, with lato news
>Hnu exrthunRo crop 1 or,n °’’ 1 ‘ ,n “ r ”'
Vancouver has arrived
s tho folio'
. Mississippi, and ArKansas,
•’ go by frost is three and one-
i door
»in i
n lioen sotthd, China con.
reqoired by Japan. The
latter government lias already determined to
return a part, if not the whole, indemnity
money. They required it only as an uiiinis
iakahln acknowlcilgntucnl of the propriety of
ttmir aolieri. That having been vindicated,
they are disinclined to keep tho money. There
is general complaint agninnt the United States’
much attention iu 11
re under oonsidoratlo
Inroe from that place,
coking reloaso
nl or-
mg Kong. Meas-
i to prevent future
icontly before the
f ypara, to purnno his olossioal odiioa-
Wo imid t.lm trunk was mado to order,
lor our Noil wan impicHHod with tho idoii
that no oraftaman hud yot laid a kool
largo enough for bin demands ; “ foi
you nee, father," ho would any, “I'vr
all my summer arid winter dollies to
carry, licsiden thono monstrous lexicons,
and my skates,'ami boot*jaak, and lots
of other little gim-ernoks
amount-of lexicons and boy-properties
could fill that " Ihreo-story edifice," a*
Thackeray calls it, a modern trunk,
And so it wan brought homo, a regu
lar mailed leviathan, and moored iu tlx
family sitting room, preparatory b
taking on freight. Ned inspected it
with immense approval, walking round
it from stem to stern, and I humping
overybelt nud hinge. Inside, it
as luxurious and almost aH roomy us a
lady’s boudoir- a succession of sur
prises and ambuscades of convenience—
with a fairy sitting on the lid of every
compartment, and rising out of every
pocket. Npd’s enthusiasm was dashed
By a lioa
• typl.e
I Oct
(tally injured,
Thirty - tbroo
junks were wrecked un i two hundred lives
lost In view of tho recent expectations of
war. public expenses are reduced in various
ways. Tho Mikado and members of tho im
perial family havo renounced part of their in
comes. Numerous employes have requested a
reduction of their salatIoh, and oven tlio
scholars in tho national academies have poll-
lioiied that tho amount allowed for their odu- !
cation bo temporarily reduced.
The number of emigrants w ho lauded (
at Castle Garden from Jan. 1 to Deo. 1 of the i
present year, was 145,302, showing a heavy j
ro liorfoally satisfactory
o-dxy to the Continental
to commenoo printing. A short
circulars were sont to all tho pout*
Itoly to require tli’s elasH of stamps,
ut their requisitions, limiting tlitlr
to one month's supply. Tlio online
beginning to come iu. The depart-
if the opinion, Judging from tlio
f orders so far received, that tlio
stamps required for the mouth of
January will not fall far short or a half mil
lion dollars. Tills, it Is thought, will, however,
oxoooil tho average monthly ilomand. It Is
estimated that Uio aggregate value of stamps
received for the year will not exceed M,000 f . j with a litilo disdain of the
f I 000. One month's actual weight of the news- ; furnishings, as being soft aud girl-like,
- paper and periodical mall at tho Now Turk | nnd l think ho would have chosen tho
- j poetoflleo sh >ws a daily average of nearly fin j grim dillglnoss of u bunk Hhfo, as better
tons Taking this in commotion with tho up- comporting with tho gravity of a
proxinuillon of business a». other oflloos, rh j studenl.'s life.
Indicated by tho posimaetcre' ordora for ' What a bustlo and oonfualon, wliat
Htainjln. and tho above ostlmato is roaohod. giving and receiving of orders, while
'llio increased bnsiuoss will yield to llio do-
partinent a rovonnO of about half a million
annually. Tlio Hlatomont that the mails will
ho usod for groat dUtaticos, and tlio express
to points near by, to tlio Iohm of tlio govern
ment and (ho department, is not eonsidored
well grounded. No loss of revenue is antici
pated from this soiiroe.
the i’uin,ic m in’.
n*port’arion oonventu
i rgia, pio- j
The eeorelnr.v f.l til
afternoon, tomlorod tho posl
| architect of iho treasury t
j Jr , of I’liiladolphia.
I Tho postmaator-general ha
| order forbidding letter carriers
New Year's aildiLRios calculated I
public to make them gifts.
Proceedings have been
agtinat Bev. Dr. Taliaadgo, of
I B. C. Mitcholl, on tho charge
I Mitchell was for a number of v.
nent member of Talmadgc’s elm
treaanry, tliis
hi of saporvisiug
John McArthur, |
. who j
Total i
of Illi- I
ii Ireasnry t'J,
debt during tlio
way by
June 30, 1874. .. 4,148,007
tians. Tho damages are lai 1 at $5,000.
The flow i f currency from Ne.v York
to tlio west averages about 62 000,000 a d»y.
Cincinnati and Chicago are paying out $W)0,-
00') a day for hogs, all of which passes imnio-
dialnly into the regular channels of trado
Business of all kinds must soon begin to feel
tho effects of this healthy stimulus. Mean
while the fact that money is easy and interest
low in New York, notwithstanding the large
efflux of currency from that city, is a signifi
cant feature of the financial situation.
It appears from the market
of the Courier-Journal that 100,558 hi
been marketed at Lonisvillo during tli
closed, and 175.748 packed, against 105,
in November of la*t year. Tlio rnarkc
valno of the hogs packed daring tlio month j W ^ Q lived not
was about $3,500,1
the principal pick
that a larger buHii __ _
rifle than iu any other city, except Chicago, I but instead of asking him to sib down
members "of*The | though l*«t season Louisville was ranked by j to the table with him, lie kept
llio b viftthnn wns taking in cargo I
Wliat nice folding of oambrio liccktioH,
nml assorting of nil Iron ones, from the
“Prince Albert” to tho “Butterfly!"
Wliat inquest for odd cults nnd derelict
pocket handkerchiefs, Med m kite fails,
and slowed away in old coals ! Wind,
inspection of collars and shirt-bosoms,
ami remorseless tossing into tho laun
dry basket of any that showed spot or
wrinkle 1 Wliat brushing and sponging
■giilHi- lUonllily Hlnicmml lieerenas | n f old garments Slid “trying on" of
in .oiovrmiiet, §i«;m‘47. j in-w | What disquisitions on the tailor
Tho public debt statement has just hj|{ 0 wuy ,,f folding a coat I Wliat
d, ol which tlio following is washing of ink-stands and rummaging
| fur pens, knives, pencils and other
re coin. “ rolling stock" on which no boy from
*1,107.271,700 I Tubal Gain downward ever limw where
552.525,200 j ] n y ],i„ |mnd ! What, squan-'cring of
fish-hooks, mill water wheela on
| the neighbors 1 Wliat measuring nnd
adjusting of books, slates and maps to
fit! What ransacking for readers and
speakers-—tho hold of our shin being
found so prodigious that it swallows up
not only tlio lexicons, but all worts of
i)'.8S5,fi!)8 I miscellaneous books, to which the hoy
23.015,400 I ljnlpH himsHf with the double purpose of
, | filling up and making a brave show on
409,fl2fl,8fi.i Dook-HheivoB.
2.252.650.2001 confusion enough to
Imve shipped the stores of an arsenal,
tho lower compartment of Ned’s trunk
83,013,702 is pronounced solid as ahriok. Buttons
10,000,811 qnd seams have all been inspected by
anxious mamma as carefully as a brake-
matt tests his cur wheels, nnd tlio snowy
piles of linen havo been laid in with »
silent prayer that tlio boy’s heart may
be kept as pure and fresh amid its now
temptation 1 '.
Away in tho upper loft, under the
monster’s ribs, the winter’s flannels are
bestowed with ignominy, also thick
64,628.512 j Loots, brushes, boot-jack, and slippers,
I mr rv7 and tho blanket shawl whioh mother
JfiSJn will unfc *- " s “*
| Legal tender not oh
HonllU-atoH mulepwlt...
l-ractional currency
Coin uertifioaU.-H.
Total witliont intorcst..
140 780,000
T.- |
rninout gaarantec-H ask'd
i to protect the national
with strict injunction to
spread it on the bed ’o frosty nights.
610,011 I'(’In re goes tlio overcoat, too, though
! Ned insists it is quite superfluous in (it
8i,),fi >2 j L 0 j n( j now Angus 1 ), but punches it be
cause it will help tho other things to
“ride snug.”
told of n couple of farmers i Next come tho “drawer* find things,’
groat distance apart, | as Ned styles the fancy compartments,
fed for being vor>
Lis neighbor called sheen. ,
liaa been ilonoin Louis-1 upon him while he was eating diun-r, ' pod her plumage; there, a cake of
nview 1 Bilauco of interest paid by tho
shave United Mates
r;;* 1 : Giving a mill.
A story i
.srho lived t ,
Tho latest returns frorr. ; oue 0 f whom w&h noted for being very riere repose the neckties, in variegated
penurious, Ono day his neighbor called j sheen, ns if a bird of paradise had^flrof
>f all sizes, 1 hit 1 udod. waxed and knot
ted. There in a pray cushion for tho
toilet, with “ Ned Wither*” so blazoned
pinstlm tho proposes to nail it out
side for a doorplate, nud a small circu
lar oue for his pocket, bristling enough
to impale that dreadful Greek verb
which is tho up(n noir of boys. Also
is ii littlo baud mirror, for must,
not onr Neddy see tho bnok of his head,
when combing nnd perfuming to go to
tho president’* levees, aud to onll on tho
professors’ daughters ?
Well, the trunk is gone. Wo saw it
locked uuil strapped, and lifted into tho
great, wagon. We saw, in a mist, a boy
sitting on it, waving his hat, hurrahing
and shouting bood-byo. How still the
house is 1 Dow dismal the day I Booms
if we have been having a funeral.
Gome homo again,’did you say? Oh !
yos, 1 suppose ho will ; but ho’ll wear
badges, nnd liuvo whiskers, and bo pre
cise and proper. Ah I tho littlo boy of
long ago will never oomo back any
moro I”
A lotter from Ned. “ I’ve got n jolly
boy for a chnpi. Ho can play on the
fiddle, nnd baa got a stunning lot of
necktioB. lln’s going to give mo ono
beenuHo l lot him use my bnoljnek. My
trunk onme all right, only one hinge is
simmg, and the iron band round tho
ltd got smashed in at one corner, 1
tore my pants on it, nnd had to pay
twonty-fivo cents to got them mended.
You ought,, to have seen the porters
sweat and swear when they brought
it up stairs. I couldn't put it in
my room, because it in too big, and
it* stands just, outside) in tho hall.
The boys come along and kick it, and
any, “ t lint's a bully chest of voura—holds
a ileal ot plunder, don’t it, ? I say old
fellow, how'll you swap V ’ But I shan't
swap, for I’ve soon every trunk in our
hull, and I like mine best. But, I guoHH
T won't bring it home for tho short va
cations, they jam things so on tho cars.
M you muv send up my Vftliso be’oro
the term cldpos. That will bo in ten
weeks nnd three days." And so Neil's
vuliso plied back nnd forth between
borne and school, lilto a brisk little
Ing tomling a man-of-wnr, and levin-
Ilian’s stately bulk was movod only at
Hie long vacations.
But, alas, one sad Christinas Eve, tho
trunk oamo home with its siok master,
to return no more. The next, morning
ho stooped feebly before bin old com
rade, and with weak, pale lmndfl undid
llio fastenings, nnd took out some of
hiH ospobiaWTonsures ; then said, “Hot
it by till I feel better, and then I’ll
unpnek tho rest." Hut the next day ho
was xvorso- .and the next. Ho wo made
him a ploqNnnt couch in the sunny par
lor, and pushed the great, trunk into tho
hall. There it stayed ranuy weeks, and
wo forgot Us existence, while we sum
mon! d doctors, and mixed medicines,
and gavo ourselves to nursing tho pro-
oiotiH boy book to health.
But, the pale face grew paler, nnd the
beautiful eyes larger nnd more lus
trous. The hands that, had boon so
alert with hat and ball grew white nnd
thin, niidiono morning he said, with
and surprise, “I oauuot open my pen
knife.” A few weeks longer and louder
arms lifted him from side to side; and
so; indtf ^)y^ inch, Ufe retreated aud
death came to tlio front. We all knew,
though wo could not say it for tears,
that our Ned was soon going on a
journey where they take iioitlior purse
nor scrip, nor cumber themsolvoi with
earthly gear. Oh, how it, comforted us
to know Hint, while leugth of days was
set ln-fore him, ho had committed him
self to One mighty to save—to feel as
sured that, while wo, with tondorest min
istries, could go xvilh him only to the
river’s brink, yot. not alono, no unat
tended should bo his
“(llHomWUmg on that awful strand! ’’
Leviathan now Simula in tho chamber
of tho desolate parents. It, is no longer
a trunk for gross nnd common uhch, nor
is it, iu dtingor from “ jonrheyings oft."
It, is an Ark of Memorial—a witm ss be
tween tho living and tho dead. Nobody
Iuih turned ti c key in its rusting wards
since it fell from tho siok hoy’s hands.
Whenever wo find a scrap of paper on
xvldoh tho dear hand has traced itself,
in however trivial fashion, wo lay it, soft ly
away in somO of tho boxen or drawers.
His'letters are tliero—bright, joyous,
full of tho frolic and eagerness of the
life that npw is—tlioro uro tho composi
tions. showing indeed, the “’prentice
hand” of tho youth, unfilled, as yot, by
loro uuil observation ; but thoughtful,
e intent, renohing out in their dim ques
tionings toward tlie 'immortal sen.’
Bore is the littlo purse, lean and xvorn
.-.pnnr little purse -which was ulwayn
emptying itself, always filling with
school bills, society hills, class bills,
fully home for pupa to audit,
will) the playful injunction, “Lot, thoae
bills, O pater, be to thee for
Would we could audit such accounts
again I
In this littlo box is a tuft of silken
rdiestnut hair, shorn from the beautiful
log—Ned’s playmate and bedfellow
who went into the great Bayond- a s
forerunner—many years ago. ITow well
remember the tear-stained face of
♦ ho child, ns ho came iu from the small
mound under the apple-tree, and aekml
i to write to Tennyson about his dog,
because,” said lie (we had been road
In Memoriam lately), “perhaps ho
oulil write about Don.”
Onr dear boy’s Biblo is not among
those tender treasures ; for, with living
breath, ho gave it to Lin cousin, adding
in a whisper. “Perhaps you won’t think
that muon of a Ipresont; but X think a
gi eat deal of that Bible.”
We are growing less sordid and
worldly now ; for who shall oomo nftor
us to cherish the things our hands havo
handled ? Wo shall ho able to oonsolo
ourselves if thieves carry off tho fumily
plate, for who, a generation hence, will
muse fondly over tho old fashioned
relics ? They may take down the piu
tures from the walls, for nobody, by
and by, will look Up to tho fading can
vas and say, wit,h filial pride, “That,
my father."
A H.m Era liaison paper quoted this
metrical conundrum of Joaquin Miller's
and proceeds to answer it-;
King of Tigre. oonmulo Iran!
Where in nil llilmi isles uni thou ?
Hailing on Fonseca blno P
Noitrlni' Ainapsla nowp
King of Ttgro, xvlioro art thou ?
Brilling for Antilles' qunon ?
Huhro hilt, or ollvo hough ?
Grown or Oust, or laurel groon 'e
Roving love or mnrringo vow ?
King nud oomuiilo, xvlioro art thou <
Hailing o ^
Holuior-Hlngor, where art thou ?
Coasting on tho Oregon ?
Baddio how. nr blrohou hrow P
Bound the Isles of Amazon ?
Pampas, plain, or mountain hrow P
I’rlnod of rover*, xvlioro art thou ?
Thou art strong, and 1 would rest \
lti'uoh a hand with liftod hrow-
King of Tigro, xvlioro art thou ?
nia majesty, thus charmingly oallod
upon to disblodo his whorcahouts, is
alive and xvoll, having his throne ot
present in a Han Eranotsoo hotol, Al
though registered as plain James Thom
as and uuaooompaniod by even a servant,
his history, glanood at in the oxquia to
poom quoted, is fo various and unique
■ih to be worth tho narration. Ho was
b. rn iu Noxv York of lmniblo parents,
and having punned a laborious youth
commenced the study of laxv in an Ohio
village. Drifting to Oiuoinunti ho saw
n popular notroBB in tlio role of Juliet
and with tho ardor of a Romeo ora-
bri ood tho stage. Ho wore out his boots
in profitless tredding of its boards, and
when tho onrtniu descended on his IshI
histrionic failure, he was in the streets
of Now Orleans, penniless and alono.
It ‘covering from the yellow fever ho
left the hospital to join the Lopez ex
pedition to On bn. He bore a bravo front
in tho disastrous campaign, aud escaped
tho island in a canoe. Alter flontinf
about for t-omo days, experiencing tlio
pangs of thirst and hunger, lux and his
oflmpnnions xvorn pick* d up by a kindly
schooner and oarriod into Now York.
Tlioro bo became a Bohemian, nud by
unexpected good luck, seotirod an edito
rial chair in llio rooms of a Brooklyn
paper. As soon as ho heard the jingle
of a few eagles iu bis pookot, ho sot off
for New Orleans, where lio scoured a
journalistic position, remaining until a
quarrel loil to a duel in which ho xvas
painfully, lim antagonist mortally,
wounded, lie tied to Texas, and nftor
some wandering brought up in Califor
nia. After joining a filibustering ex
pedition which failed, ho returned to
Texas, There he fought n duel with a
desperado nnmed Juok Tilley, known ns
“the Diamond Merchant,” from hav
ing stolen a large number of the prec
ious stones In Brazil aud escaping with
to this country. Ho planted a
hall iu Tuloy’s shoulder, uuothor iu his
ribs, und received ono in liis leg whioh
lamed him for life. After the failure or
Walker’ll Nicaragua expedition in whioh
tic joined, Thomas proceeded to Peru
and arrayed himself with tho revolu
tionists against, the established govern
ment. After sustaining, with ills fol-
low-froobootors, a five months’ siege in
Aroquipa, lie xvandored through South
, ing and talking, just as though the visi-
Th i protest i gainBt the proposed rec ; * tor had not n month in his head,
procity treaty with Cinafia Is about to bo is- j “Well, what's tho nexvs, neighbor
ailed by the national wool growers a nocia'ion. | Brown ?’ “ Nothing much.” “ No
Tlie document, which ia signed by Hon. Henry j news up your way, oh ?" he a«hed, still
S. Koiid&ll,) rfe,i,leut, dirocu, .ttantion to u,. heipinp InmBcIf to his good dinner
con„„«l given !,y Gen. W..Ulnglon lo .void | »!»>» •*>» no,«W,',r looked on with .mi-
politic.) .Iliancee in extending it. corr.rnerei.l \ "J*, n pP e lt • . * ., ? eB >
eland by the typhoon of Nov. i relations of the country, and states that the
A King6ton, Jamaica, letter puts the
Cashmere bouquet bestowed by Cousin
Alice, who, fresh from Dotheboys Hall,
is sure nothing but yellow soap is evei
provided in hoarding schools. Also,
there is stationery of all sorts, from
sturdy foolscap lo not© paper of such
tender hue anil embossments as color
♦ ho suspicion that Cupid instead of
Minerva, presides in acadamio groves.
But they will not want'this old bat
tered trunk. They will not oaro to riflo
it, of its dingy books and yellow papers.
When the ache and emptiness of bo-
reavoment pro j s too severely upon tin
xvo go to it. softly, and take out ono by
one the well-worn volumes—-for he
a scholarly lad, and his books worocom
rades—and put. our fingers on the pagei
his dear hands have pressed so often,
and unfold tho psckngi
Amerioa, and finally drifted back to
Now York. After some failures in mer
cantile ventures, lie essayed tho lifo of
a planter, choosing a ranch iu tho Isle
of Tigro, in Fonsooa Bay, off tho ooast
of Honduras. Tlio island is about, twen
ty-live miles in oiroumforonoe, is luxu
riant in vegetation, and then had a pop
ulation of some six thousand nersons,
mostly Indians. Without Booking it.
lie acquired such inflnonoo among tho
lnlnnili>rn Mint hn wnn known nlong tlio
nonnl. n» King nl Tigro. Hu rnignml uu-
innntionuil, wiih tumporntu, humnuo,
frugal uuil liappy, lu nu unlnoky mo-
i,lent ho was induced to join a Boheme
for tho consolidation of tho oontrui
American states. With a thousand
armed men ho joined Bnrras ; dofeated
he returned to tho island with but a
hundred of his followers. His seaport
was iu possession of tho onomv, xvhom
lie routed. Ho raised fresh volunteers,
threw up some rudo fortifications, aud
was besieged —finally dofeatod by the
troops of Honduras, ho wandered in tho
woods with a prico upon his head, os
onped momentarily by swimming to ni
island some six miles distant, where in
betrayed, urrested, courtmartialod.
and seuieucod to be shot. Huoh was his
popularity in Tigro that it was doomed
post not to carry the sentonoo into
cation, and, after suffering a long and
painful imprisonment, he was released.
Ho now leisurely devotes himself to the
a. ntlo arts of peace anil tho companion
ship of such poetasters as Joaquin Mil*
' r and Algernon Bwinburno.
Life-Having Rafts.
Among the many varieties of life
saving apparatus invented during the
last, few years for uso on tho son, two
rafts, known respectively as tlio Mon
itor and Ammen, have recently received
espoeial attention. The Monitor raft
consists of two strong vulcanized rubber
cylinders, twenty two feet long by
twenty-six inches in diameter, aovovod
by stout linen canvas or duck, to sus
tain tho pressure, and supported by
a wooden frame, fitted with seven
thwarts or seats, nnd cushions filled
with cork shavings. The frame thwarts,
etc., uro so arranged that when folded
up the raft occupies a spaoo of about
nine by two feet. Tho cylinders are
inflated by hollows at one end. The
proprietors set its buoyonoy at five
tons, the time required to inflate it at
from four to six minutes, nnd its weight
450 pounds. One of the most interest
ing experiments with a raft of this eon
struction was made in January, !Hf57,
when twenty-live soldiers and all their
equipments, with four days’ rations, an
officer and fopr seamen, were lauded
from a vessel anchored three miles
from shore, pulling with four oars at
tho rate of five miles an hour, and
shipping no water. The Ammon raft is
fitted with oars, mast and a sail. It
consists of two cigar-shaped oylindere
made of cedar, put together in staves
like a cask. These are hooped with
hem found using thoso iu tides, ono of
whom oonfossed that ho kopt two bnuk
accounts ! Tho companies will havo to
Iry again-—ingrained or oonllrmou dis
honesty is hard to bent. When, more
over, men xvith two or threo aliases are
found as couduotois ou tho New York
Third-nvenuo road, it is a pretty good
sign that Micro is something xvrong.
Its Kmientrlflltlra Pori rayed by Oeorff*
\V. IliuiKity.
When a man is manufactured into a
drunkard ho depreciates in value, bo-
oauso “ tho raw material is worth moro
than tho article that is manufactured
besides, it won’t hold xvntor, and tho
market is overstocked. Iu glancing at
the unhappy nnd unfortunate men who
drink to oxoesv, wo boo how differently
they aro affeotod by habits of intempor-
anoo. Ono man is like tho old-fashioned
spirit, thermomotor—tho Honor risoH to
tlio bulb, aud hiH bond is drunk, while
tho rest of Ids body Booms to bo sobor.
Ho stands np straight, aud walks in a
direct lino, but all tho faculties of his
mind aro staggering nud reeling under
tho inflnonoo of rum.
If bo liaa taste (for auytliing but
liquor), it is perverted and tipsy. Ilifl
understanding (snvo that part of his per
son on whioh lie stands) is drunk. His
tongue staggers iu speooh, and his words
oomo spraxx’ling over his lips, like sim
pletons hustled out of a saloon nt mid
night. He looks nt you with drunken
eyes. Hood says you can toll when n
man Jins boon at his cups by tho sizo of
his saucers. Another man, instead of
golting drunk at tho top first, appears
to bo hollow, nnd what is ponrod into
him seeks the lower extremities; honoo,
his foot > ro nffooted first, and seem to bo
entangled with invisible twiue. Tho
toper motes ns though ho xvas stepping
on a tread-mill. lie carofully lifts biB
foot high abovo the ground, and then
permits them to fall suddenly—a proof
that great bodies do not always move
sloxvly. Ho would walk ou both sidos
of the road at the same time if ho could,
but that is a feat, no foot oan perform.
The more ho fills up his body with
I iiinor, tlio loss power be hns to keep
himself up; so ho falls, and when on his
buck ho tools upwards for tho around.
Gin and gravitation aro too much for a
man of oalibro. His head is not so far
gone as his heels; ho is “down at tlio
heels,” and his hosd ih “abovo water
—not mu oh above whisky and xvater.
A vory littlo of tlio ardent will intoxicate
some finely organized persons, _ while
others will swallow tho poison xvitli nil
tho stiffnesR nud Solidity of junk bottles:
and ono xvill havo to pour a great deal
of noxv wine into suoli old bottles boforo
they will hurst. Talk about tho drachms
that make a sample, they will take any
number of drams without sornplo. The
morning sling, tho noontido drink, tho
evening toddy, tlio eye-opener, tlio np-
potiter, tho digester, tho *ottlor, tlio
night-onp, tlio sleop sootlior, nro a foxv
of the leading drinks they take, and tlio
spaces botwoen them aro filled up xvitli
treats and calls. Bud) a drinkist is a
walking pnnoh-bowl. Touch him xvitli
a lance, and bo bloods ptitioh; walk him
out iu tlio hot sun and ho porspires
punch ; appeal to his tender aympaiuios,
and toll him lio oanMrbavoapothor drop,
anil he weeps tears of punch; toll him a
funny story, and his laughter sounds
like tho gurgling of punch spilled from
tho bowl. A man of this stamp boasts
of bis oapooity to hold u largo quantity
of liquor. Ho looks contemptuously
on tlio poor tippler who only holds a
pint or less. Tliero is tho facetious
topor, who, if Darwin’s idoas of tlio
origin of man are well founded, mnst bo
tlio descendant of an npo; lio chatters
over tho first glass, lie becomes frisky
over tlio second, and outs up “ monkoy-
shines” ovor tlio third, nnd degrades
himself in tlio dirt nnd filth of beastli-
ness over the fourth; ho laughs whon
thoro is nothing to laugh at in himself
or in his associates—’“ in vino veritan.
Ho mistakes tho pump for a polioo offi-
eor, and oxpressoH a hone that tlio officer
will not striko him with his olnb. He
wonders wliat makes tho ground nndu-
lnte and heave bouoath liis feet. Is It
an earthquake that mukos him quako?
Tho combative drinker is always spoil
ing for a fight; lio is tlio greatest enemy
to himself; ho cannot master himself;
he iu ever on tho alert to rosont roal or
imagined grievances with 1st, dirk, or
pinto], ana represents that cruel and
pmlljetit (llnmi of not. who koop Iho
oulendnr of oriino roil wilh Iniiooonf
blooil. They nro tho woIvoh of Hooicty,
but tenfold more dnllgotoUB tlliill nuy
I,i,until of proy, nud tliolr nonlpH nro
Splin has appointed a board of
imenioacra. with Ca-itc-lar as i!a president, to ! treaty would surrender this Bum and add it to
feree^eut that country at our centennial expo- i our overweighed industries and make Canada
r: ii. I a thoroughfare for smuggling for all the world, j j u g?” “He stands and looks on like a | frosted pound cake by way of rendering
Cant. Geo. H. Naree, now in command , Tho chief of the bureau of ordnance, ! darned fool, just as I’m doing now.” I Per prescriptions necessary. Insornta-
, f Ik-:’ majesty’.-! ship Challenger, lias beer {in bis annual re; ort, recommends the rcarma- j “ Oh, ah! Hannah, put pn another | hie mamma ! Of course there are but-
-jle.ted to I’ommisj tut expedition to be fit- j moat ot the navy with breech-loading rilled | plate.” I tons enough for a Peggotty, and needles
But hero conies the mother with n med-
tliat I think on’t, there is just a grain | ioine chest whioh must go in—pepper-
of news. Mr. Jones’ cow has got five ■ miut for oolio, oil of hemlock for ear-
calves," replied the visitor. “ Five ache, camphor for toothache, “ compo-
c-tlves ! I never hoard of such a thing, i sition” for n cold in tho head, hot drops
Why, what the dickens does the fifth j for indigestion, etc., nnd having seen
one do while the other four are suck- j these safely cushioned, she slips
nf linppy leb gnlvnniaed i
nod Buntnined
tiirR. unil'takGiip’tiiu vnrioun reiica/oach I by n "3’"*°'" ®J.
written nil over with nemo plennnDt his- light wood, so nrrnngod that tho jwliole
„... f few moments, we lose
mrselvos in the illusion that tho sainted
child loans lo us from the skies.
Louise Knnnona fastens her garters
with 9500 diamond clasps. Aunu Dick
inson snaps a pair of amethysts round
her little calves, nnd the widow of Capt.
Jack ties her old army socks with u
pair of Hhaeknasty Jim’s old suspenders.
—“Matchless maid ! ’’ is the way u
presumptnonR young man addressed a
lady of a very uncertain ago.
thing oan ho readily taken apart nnd
put together in a few minutes, leaving
the cylinders intact and in form to
throw'over in case a large buoy should
ho wanted. This raft iu put on board
of many United States vessels.
The “bell punch,” invented to keep
oar conductors honest, lias ho n beaten.
Two kinds of spurious bells have been
Gen. Leo lu the Hour of Defeat.
Eggleston says of Gen. Lee in “
Bohol’s Reoollections “I saw him
for the last time during tho xvar at Amo
lift Court House iu tho midst of tlio
final retreat, and I shall never forget
the lionrt-broken expression his face
woro, or tho still sadder tones of bin
voice as ho gavo mo tho instructions I
had come to ask. The army was iu ut
ter confusion. It was already evident
that we woro boiug beaten back upon
James river, and oould* never hope to
maoh tho Roaneke, on which stream
alone there might ho n possibility of
making a stand. Gen. Hhoridan was
harrussing onr broken oolnmns at every
step, and destroying ns piooomeal.
Worse than all, Gen. Loo had boon de
serted by the terrified government in
tho very moment of Ills supreme noed,
and the food bail been snatched from
tho mouths of tlio famished troops (as
is more fully explained in another chap
ter), that the flight of tho president and
hiu followers might ho hastened. The
load put thus upon Lee’s shoulders wus
ry heavy ono for so conscientious n
i as lio to boar; and knowing, as
every southerner does, his habit of tak
ing upon himself all blame for whatever
went awry, we oannot wonder that he
was sinking under the burden. His
face woe still calm, as it always was,
hut his carriage was no longer erect, os
his soldiers had been nserf to see it.
Tho troubles of thoso last days had al
ready ploughed great furrows in liis
forehead* His eyes wore red as if with
woeping ; his ohoeks sunken and hag
gard ; his face colorless. No one who
looked upon him then as ho stood there,
in full view of tho disastrous end, oan
ever forget tho intense agony written
npon his features. And yet ho was
calm, self-possessed, and deliberate.
Failure anil the sufferings of his men
grieved him sorely, but they could not
daunt him, and his moral greatness was
never moro manifest than during those
last terrible days. Even in tlio flnnl
correspondence with Gen. Grant, Lee’s
manlinosB and courage nnd ability to
endure lio on the surface, und it is not
the least honorable thing in Gon. Grant’s
history that lie showed himself oapablo
of appreciating the character of this
made and sold to imitate tho “true manly foemon us he did whon he ro-
ring.” Ono of those is curried in the turned Lee’s surrendered sword with
palm of tlio loft hand, and tho other up the remark that ho knew of no, one so
| tho sleeve. Hovers! oonduotors have | worthy as its^owner to wear it,”
Kino Oofphh is said to have been
formally deposed—driven off, in fdob—
and to have boon suooeodud by big son.
Just about this time many a fat gob
bler is wondering about tlio liboral
lionrtodness of its owner about feeding.
Timms are only 0,083 surviving sol
diers of tlio Mexican xvar out of ovor a
hundred thousand engaged in that con
MitjXvaukibk women aro getting to bo
vory thoughtfnl. They always notify
tho ooronor now before they tread on ‘tv
BmoiiAM Youno says it is not very
pleasant to know that evmy newspaper
in tlio oountry ban an obituary of him
nlrondy in type.
FiunADDbrniA is to have an Irish
military oompany of “Gallowglasses,’
ovory member of whioh is to bo six feet
in height, or taller.
Mus. Barnttm was a poor girl onoo;
now she wears six diamond rings on
ono hand. -Why will poor girls bo oon-
tent to make shirts at thirty cents
Boys will bn boys. At Alton, Illi
nois, aproaoher asked all Bunday-sohool
scholars to stand up who ip tended to
visit tho wicked, soul-destroying circus.
All but a lame girl stood up.
Those graooful littlo hanging pookets
xvorn by tho Indies now nro just tho
thing. Jones says ho picked ft note out
of one, and lonrned that Smith had tlio
start of him, whioh saved him tho hu
miliation of being rejeoted.
Drlawaius is peculiar at all times.
This your sho lias a full legislature—
thirty men—with not a lawyer among
tho number. Tlioro nro fnrmors, and
merolmnts, and pliilosophers { but not
a member ol tho legal profession.
Men iu Nexv York who got drunk in a
saloon, nnd thon break all tho glnss-
wuro iu tho plftoe, oannot bo made to
pay tho damage. The seller of the
liquor in, under tho proseut law, liable
for all tlio injury done by tho drinker.
Advertisement iu a Frenoh paper :
“A young mail of desirable presonoo,
and desirous of getting married, would
like to niako the aoqunintanoo of an
aged nnd experienced gentleman who
could disnado him from taking tho fatal
BmuitAM Youno has an nhundnnoo of
vitality left iu him. Instead of prepar
ing for n mansion in the skies, hn is
building a magnificent residenoo in Balt
Lake City, wiiioli, he says, shall out
strip any house in Now York or Han
The attention of philanthropists is ro-
speotfully oallod to the following case :
A dandy swell in New York is in a fix.
His pants were made so tight for him
that lie can’t get liis boots on ; ai d if lie
puts liis boots on first, he can't get tho
pants ou. This is a oase of genuine dis
Copper is plenty in Italy, bnt gold is
■oareo, and tho copper money «f Italy
and Frunoo are of the same valno, so a
traffic xvas or/ anized of onrrying copper
money into France on a pretty large
scale, nnd getting gold tq roturn to
Italy. Ono daulor was arrested xvith
tflOO in copper money in his possession.
Bis ms albums aro the latest fireside
diversion. Pictures olippod from illus
trated publications are pasted in a scrap
hook, and tho collector’s scriptural
knowledge is exercised in ohoosti g an
appropriate vorso to writo bolow each
out. Bare and expensive pictures uro
sometimes used.
Pbiikinh, of tho Cincinnati Times, ex
plains why short drosses give tho ladies
oornB. “The contraction of the skirts,
ho says, “acts as a lovor upon tho fo-
mnlo mind to shorten tho shoes, and
thus prodtioes that hard, horn-like ex-
oreeconoo, or induration of tho skin,
known ns a corn.”
Piiop. Lockwood, in Popular Haience,
'escribes the Poponias ohromia, a fish
hat feeds on young oysters, allowing
md swallowing shells and all. Just
heforo it is ready to dine, it gives forth
a sound something like that of a drum,
tbiis informing tlio oysters that they
are on their death-bed.
Omo is going to send to the centen
nial show a cheese weighing fourteen
tons. Tho export of big cheese from
this country to England, by the way,
is vory large. An Inman steumer from
New York recently took out a number
weighing from 800 to flOO pounds each,
one weighing ovor 1,200 pounds and
ono 2,200 pounds.
Franklin, who stayed away from
homo a great deal, thus wrote : “ What
influence hath woman ovor tho heart of
mnn, to soften it, and to make it tho
fountain of cheerful and pure emotions.
Speak gontly, then ; a happy smile and
a kind word of greeting after the toils
of tlio day aro ovor, cost nothing, and,
go far toward making a homo happy and
The Lilliputian war-danoe which Mul-
lott is said to havo described around
tho handsome and placid secretary of
tho treasury in his resignation soone,
recalls tlio description ouoe given of
him by Secretary Olioso. “ Multett,
Mullett?” said tho secretary. “Oh.
yes; Mullett is the littlo follow from
Cincinnati, who explodes at the^ lowest
pressnre of any man now living.”
The St. Louis Republican is convinc
ed that there is no girl like the St.
Lonis girl. To have “o lovah in N(»o
Yawk” is tlie affeettaion of tlio Chicago
female. To receive “ viaits from a Bal
timore gentleman ” delights the heart
of the Louisville stunner. While the
Cincinnati maiden receives attention
from whatever nouroe it oomes. Tlie
St. Louis girl, however, confides in the
yonngtnan who lives iu the next square,
and contents herself with him and the
St. Lonis Ropnblioan.
Geo. Fbanoib Train breaks silence
by douatiug 400 acres of Omaha town
lots to the city of Omaha for a public
park. Mr. Train's solo conditions are
that the oity assn mo certain mortgages
and takes on indebtedness of about
860,000, now dne, and that there thall
be no vote of thanks, monumental com
pliments, or any nonsense of that sort.
Mr. Train naively explains that.he con
siders property unsafe to hold in thoi e
communistic times—not too heavy, but
simply unsafe.
Wm. Brown, xvho trained for Mr. Ton
Broeck in England, and in recent years
for Francis Morris, has been engaged
by Pierre Lorillard to take charge of
his extensive stable of thoroughbreds,
ho receiving the largest salary ever paid
to a professional trainer, five thousand
dollars a year, and a oommisBion of ten
per cent, on the horses' winnings. Mr.
Morris' “ string” of horses will also be
trained in the same stable, Mr. Lonl-
lard receiving one-half their winnings
as compensation for the training ex
penses. This stable, whioh is at Ban-
coons, in Burlington county, N. J., will
be tho largest and most powerful ever
trained in the United States, numbering
over forty thoroughbreds.
lari. Ou being arrested, ruii 6 euory made a I DODJJV