The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 22, 1877, Image 2

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The record IIKDAHTOWN, OA., JUNE 23, 1877. Mr. Ami It. Wstson, oily editor of tiio Silicon Telegraph, died on tho 20th iustnuU Mr. WaUnu woe born in Loudon county, Virginia, in 1887. During tho wnr ho went to Atlanta, and after aororal change* in business ho bocauio connected with tho Daily Southern Coufwloracy, whore ho soon nttraatod attention by bis vigorous and pithy writings. From Atlanta lie wont to Maoon, and for I ho last four yoara has boon city odilor of the Telegraph. Ho married, while in At lanta, Mis,; Francis Latimer, a sister of Sirs. Judge John Collier. All the counties but throe liavo boon honrd from. Tho majority for uouvontiou is 8,67fi. The Indians in Orogon aro on llie wnr path. A dispatch from San Francisco, dated Juno 18, Btnlcs that they wore inurdoriug tho whitos at Ml*. Idaho. Col. Ferry, with oho tiffidred soldiers, some citizens and friendly Indians, marched against them. Quite a number of men, wo- rnou and children wuro masuared. Twonly-oight whites wore killed, The whites had killed Whito Bird, chief of tho hostile'!, and his family, A few skirmishes have taken placo between the Turks and ltussiuus, in which tho Turks wuro worslod. The Cirottssinns in tho Turkish army be came mutinous, owing to inaction and demaudeu to bo led Against- the enemy. Permission wiu> granted Mouhsii, with 1,000 men, hturlod fur Kars, and reached tho villago of Boukli Ahmed, situated on the, plains of Kars, and oucaiupod thoro for the night. Thu Russians oamu upon thorn suddenly, {sunouud ed tho vil- lage, and took tho Circassians by sur prise. Eleven huudrod Circassians wero killed and tho rest woro either dijpersod or taken prisoners. Hundrods of Turkish soldiors aro dosorling, owing to ill provided condi tion of army. Their condition is growing daily worse and worse. Thoy aro poorly foil and uluthod, and aro in want of almost ovory uooossity. There is hound to bo a change in Cabinet soon, unless matters change. Mr. Hayes and tho Secretary of the Treasury hud it impossible, so far, to to make ouu another understand ouch • other’s financial viows. Hays wants tho silver dollar, and Shorumn will have uothiug but gold. Tho Attorney Clouorul lias called upon tho accounting officers of tho treasury for U copy of tho accounts of Brigham Young, filed some twonj ty yuaus ago, whuu ho was au ludiuu agent. It is iulimntod that thoy fur nish important testimony on which to huso a prusucutiou for vnrious illegal acts alleged to have boon committed liy him when suoh agent. The lawyers employod by tho oity of New York to oomiuot tho Twood ring prosecutions have 1'eccivud ns fees *280,000 out of tho *700,000 cbbII rcoovorud from tho thiovos, tho and tho foos of tho counsel on tho $100,00(1 Sweeney Is to pay will .amount to a good deal more. These legal gentlomou would probably like to prolong tho prosooutions indefi nitely. Tin- Crop*. Tho glorious showers continue their revivihg iuflnonco over our statu and all orops aro growing with rapidi ty, Corn is oxcollont and is showing tho dark green color, indicative of of vigor and thriftiness. Colton hus taken a now start sinoo tho rains be gan, and is now bending to its work in earnest. In fact, the draught was hurtful only to spring oats and gar- dons; the former is always un uncer tain crop. Upon tho wholo our crop prospects at this time ore decidedly encouraging, Humpter County Horror. A gentleman while fishing near An- dersonvillo suddenly came upon tho naked and hoadless body of a man. Appearances indicated that a foul and unusually violout and brutal tnurdor bad takon placo. An attompt which was only partially successful, to de stroy tho clothing of tho murdorod man, and tlicro woro other evidences going to show that those who com mitted tho crime wished to conceal it. Tho body was somewhat decomposed ami it is supposed that tho murder had boon committed soveral days pre vious to the discovery. Tbu eorouorH inquest throws no light upon this mysterious snbjccl, and tho probabili ty is that tho guilty party will never bo brought to justice.—[Atlanta Con slitutiou. Morbiil IlimiaiiitnrlniiiHUl. AVhat a Hood of rohiiuiHcenoos it brings upon a young man’s luiud, these balmy June mornings, while ho is hunting nruuud in tho bottom of the trunk for a soidlitz powder, to oomo upon a dairy, and road ou tho first, and only written page, under dato of January I; “I will never ngaiu touoh a single drop of any iutoxica- liquor. This day soos mo froo from tho chains of a habit that—,” otc," Oh, young man, if you had only kept that promise what might you have been to-day. A spring snow storm iu Novada has a peculiar effect cither upon vegeta tion or tho editorial imagination, or both. Tho Virginia Enterprise says of one: “The littlo trees held up their arms all of a tremble and shook their loaves besecchiugly, and as if in protest. Tho roses drooped and died as though thoy had bceu disappoint ed in love, lu the valleys tho blos- ’ Oo to Boston for half IrutliH and oxlromo opinion. Perhaps wo should liavo written half-truths only, for an oxlromo opinion and a half truth aro equivalents. Now Massachusetts 1ms a "reform school" for vicious buys, Doer Island, in Boston harbor. Thoy hud an "occasion” there recently, tho Mayor and other distinguished per sons making tho Institution a sort of semi-official visit. A Mr. Walter Smith—fanatioal enough to bo close kin to Clarrotl—with othors made a speech. That is ho talked a good deal of arrant nunseuse. il is not worth quoting, A singlo paragraph givus tho drift of it. Wo sample this this precious dclivoraucu of a cranky "humanitarian:” "You have boon told to-day that you buvo, must of you, committed crimes; you are down Just now, hut you can reform uud gut up ugaiu. I’ve no doubt that this is truo; but thoro is another view of tho matter which I take, and that is that your crimes agaiust socioty aro not half as black or so numerous, us so ciety's crimes agaiust you." Then plenty moro of this stuff. . No doubt thuru is truth in Mr. Wul ter Smith’s views; had society been faithful, mauy of theso threo huudrod juvenile criminals would havu boon out of tho reform school aud at work, Bub what sorb of doolriuo is this that Mr. Smith proachcs to tho bud boy: in this Door Island Reform School. Doos ho not virtually say to those who aro ovorquiek at inventing ox- cusos aud pollutions for their crimos,- "You aro not to blame for this Suoh talk encourages vagabondism, excuses theft, apologises for vagran cy, multiplies tramps and doad beats, smiles complacuutly ou villians, aud turns their just puuishunub into a sort of martyrdom. It fosters tho worst kiud of (Jomiuuuism. Bye and byo most of theso throe hundred hoys will bo turned out uud luoso. They may remembor Mr. Smiths wild talk, and why should thov uot holp thom- solvos to a part of Mr. Smith’s estate —seeing thoy arc poor aud ho is in comfort. And, if ouo of them should brain a man somo day what is it but a well merited punishment of society for its crimes against tho houovnblo brotherhood of tramps? Is it uot tho tramp’s way of getting ovcu with his oppressors? What a paradise for tramps would Massachusetts bo if al men thei'o agreed w ith Mr. Walter Smith. Probably tho people will vote Mr. Smith as a lunatic, uud dismiss him and his half truths with contempt, hut his foolish words will do harm hovortholcs. No doubt ho thiuks ho has a “mission;" that he is a kiud of precondemned to the gallows as tho "unforluuuto man,” tho ‘law’s victim’ with many like expressions. “Uufortu- nato” is not tho word to uso, hut its very frequent employment indicates a morbid sympathy with convicted criminals that bodes no good to so ciety. And the long, minute, dramat ic, sensational "roports” of hanging— half eulogies of the “victims of tho law” many of thorn uro—only tend to mako crimo loss horrible. Why, tho reporter fools that ho has not half douo his work unless ho hns a long 'interview in tho coll of tho laws vic tim,” Wc must neods huva his bio graphy in pamphlet form distributed around tho gallows on tho day of tho execution. What sort of a tasto buvo tho peo ple who gloat over such reading? IIow much bettor is tho method of tho Loudon Times —dismissing tho mur derer into merited oblivion with threo or four lines: 'Hung ut Tyburn, Juuc8, A. B., for tho murder of O. D.“ That is enough. Theso superficial but rod hot talkers liko Mr. Walter Smith; theso sousational newspapers with melodramatic interviews and hold up hardened villians who only receive the “just reward of their crimes” as half heroos uud half mar tyrs, are sinning against society and scattering fur and wide the seeds of crimos. “What shall tho harvest he.” —[II. in Southern Christiau Advocate Over three thotisaud Ohinosu laud od at San Francisco during tho mouth ot May, and more aru earning. A panic ou tho Paciliu slopu is throateli cd iu coiiHcquuuce. Strayed or| Stolen. A medium size steer nbout seven yoars old, palo yellow sides, swallow fork in one car, yoko mark on nock, Has boon gono about four weeks. Any information concerning said steer will bo thankfully received by •J. Thompson. Oodartown Juuo 1-1 1877. SHERIFF’S SALES. Will bp noli! licforo Iho Co irt Ilouno Door in Codartown. Polk county Clear gift between tho legal hours of nolo.on tho let of July next, tbo following properly to- tho wit: Tho wool-clip of Judge Tarver, of Jefferson ouuuly, amounted to eleven thousand live hundred pounds the present uontou. lie sold it nt twenty seven cents. This is very nearly as good as raising cotton at 10 cents a pound, isn’t it, iullow citizens ? Tlio Convention. Now Hint it is certain a convention will bo held, wo tako pleasure in an nounciug that the proceedings of that body will bo reported for tho Constitution by a member of our odi torial sLaff, who is acknowledged ono of the most accomplished short-hand writers iu the country Considerable intorcst will attach to tho so proceed ings, aud thoso who dc9iro to road 6r prosorvo a verbatim history of tho la bors of tho Couvoution will do woll tojsoml iu tlioir subscriptions at onco. OuoDullar will got tho Wookly Constitution till January 1st, 1878, or Five Dollars tho Daily Constitution the mono longth of time, postngu free Address Constitution. * Atlanta, Ga., At tho next Mississippi electioh two amendments to tbo constitution will bo voted upon—ono lo abolish tho office of Lioutonaut Gbveruor, and tho othur to have tho legislature meet ovory two years. hots of land Noe. 170 and 176 III district and 4tli section of Polk Co , tho property of fi. I,. Powol, by virtuo ono Polk Haperior Court 8 fa in favor of bonis E. Craves ve. said Powcl. Also, at same timo ond placo. ono office nnd lot in Ccdartown, Co., as die proper, iy of O. W. Chisolm, saiil lot is hounded on ilie north l»y Iho old jnil lot. on tho south by Cambron’s blacksmith shop, on the east by J. H. Prioo'o lot, nnd on the wost by llie Ilomo and Cnrniton rond, by viltuo of two lax fi fas in favor of the state and county vs, said Chisolm. Haul lax duo for Iho year 1876-70. Properly pointed out by Cl. W. Chisolm. Levy ido and relurne-l to mo by n constable. Atso, nt same lime nnd placu, lots of land Nos, 1110, lllll, 1213, and 1092 in Ihu 2d dlstriot nnd -Itii section of Polk Co., the property of I).C. lloborls, by virtue ono tax li fain favor of tho Hittc and ooanty, and oth r fl fas in my hands, vs 1 Kobcrts. Tax due for the year 1870 1 ovy made and returned to mo l>y n con stable. A iso, at same time and place, lots of nd Nos. 720, 787, 788, 7H7- 791,708, 849, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804. 806, 800, 807 808, 869, 870, 982, 888, 930, in 2nd district ami lib section of I’olk county, us tho property of E. II. Hichacdfon, Hr., by vlr- tnx fi fa in favor of sialo and oounty vs. said Itichurdson. Tax for 1870. Also, al same timo and piano, ono iron axle, spring nne-horso wagon nnd harness, also one tvviyix wagon, wood axle, as the properly of J. 1.. Bumpier, by virtuo of ono cosl fi fa rfom I'olk Superior Court in favor of officers of Iho court vssnidSnmp- Also lots of land Nos 453, 593, 583 nnd CHIi. all in tho 21st district nnd 3d section of I’olk oounty. as llie properly of K. .1. Dupree, and pointed out by E .1. Dupree, vecuroty on two Justice Courl ft fas from Iho 1072il, district, li. .\h, in favor of 'loader llrOI. vs. P M Agau nod E.J. Du pree securely, and other ti las in my hand Also lot of land No 207 in tho 18th dis trict uud 3rd section of i’olk oounty,ns the piopci-ty of Phillips (V Wood,by virtue of Iwo otisl li fas from the 10723 dlsuiot, U. M , iu favor of officers of court vs. said Phillips x Wood. tl. W. CLEMENTS, Sheriff Notice. I IIEHEI1V forewarn any person or per sons of harboring or giving mil or com fort to Mnry Ann 8ii:iinijrvill. wife of W. .1 Himtucrvili, in any way or manner, and any person or persons so violating the laws will be proceeded agaiustwt once. I stuuo t, 1877. W.J. 81MMEIIVI1.L. C. II- WHITELY, FAMIILY GROCERIES Oartdiob, Nuts Etc., HighOvSt Prices Paid forCouutry Produce. hi, Proud St. Noxt to Lutupkiu & Colon II o M 13 , G E (> R G 1 A N E IF n A 11 n E li S 11 O P ,1 O E L A S T E K H AS opoued :i firat-oluss Barb or Shop nt Vann's l’nlacc Hall, South side ot Court House square. Give him a call. MISS FANNIE J. WEESNER, Ceilartown Geo. I RESIDENCE REAR OF PIIILPOTS RTORE’ Uccieves latest styles and Newest fash ions monthly. All work aud good fitting warranted. Prices to suit tho times. ( ut- tiug and lilting a specialty. Cheaper than Ever! I T I I I N I ALL KINDS OF TIN WORK I T. MEE is still at his old stond, ready • (o wait ou custoneru. Give him a call. A good Stock of Tin-Ware on bund AGENTS WANTED. Goodyear’s Pocket Gymnasium S. *1.10. No. \ foi Tbo Uot*. Ccarloto S ro te:: cl riiviin. Exircuo ever deviled for Homo lOn.UOi In uw by men, women nnd chlldrwn. Uit’d lUndlng^lilios or reclining. Hundred* of graceful fl.OI). No 2. fo/oblfc ... 4. for Children 10 lo H, fl.SO- Children H yours and upward*, 9} tliinou of mmloralo strength, f I w». no. 4. uscu oj Ladies, Childrau or (lent! *2 ft) No. $, for Gentlemen of extra strength, |2.80. Full »n, /amity w*r. 1 rich, (1 to two 7’* aud two S*i. 91600. No* 7 and 8 are filled with a icrew-oye nnd hock to attach to the wall or floor. A pair of No. 7 <U00), or 8 ,|S tW>. mako a coraploto Gymtiaalnui and Health Lift, bent post paid on rc-seij^or price Exd uiivo Agencies grunted In UR Kxcl«lvo rightMo sell tho Pocket Gymnasium aff.jrd the lanmst possible return, for small Inrestroenu. Ita Mlea arc nearly universal wherever It l» placed before the nohlie aud IU merits fully um!cnrtoo<1. For llluitriUod deoertptire circulars, term*, arc.,udareaa Goodyear Robber Gurlor Oo.j N\U*i ■ ““ * No. 6, for Get. *■ *T, ONfl by GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. BUFFALO, jr. r. CELEBRATED ORGANS v , , 1 lt . , Administrntor’s Sale, prophet, or apostle of some kind, | \\r but lilain common sense looks unon ll.L 11R Sold before tli BETWEEN <37,000 §8,000 isj-o-w IlNT X7SE. The oldest, largest and most perfect Manufactory of Organs in the United States. No other musical instrument evet obtained the same j>opulariiy. Have been tested for OVX3R 30 YEARS in Kuropc, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North and South America. Testimonials in proof of thL» statement can be found in our CalaloguCi which will be mailed fkkk to any address. Our success has brought into existence hundreds of imitators (mostly Stock Companies), whose want of experience is evident to those who are capable of judging. SEE AND BEAR OUR ORGANS BEFORE PURCHASING ANY OTHER, and you will thus avoid the annoyance of being encumbered with an instrument which you will find (when too Late) is a source of vexatiun and regret. ^ ATA11 our instruments are warranted for five years. 0 GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Buffalo, N. M. * ‘C ASH STORE. J-. S. ST¥BBS Sc OO. Codartown, <* a. AVE just received their Spring 8tock of RY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, GROCERIES, , CROCKERY. READY-MADE CLOTHING. HATS “SC ’J ho«c gnntia wrr<- bought at Iho cluaevt figures, anil having seauruil Casir anil Cass (llroounlH, they nrc able lo offer them ul iiriccs which defy competition.- Call and bo convinced. A Complete assortment of Leather Boots and shoes manufactured to order. Wo cull Hpcciiil nttention to our stock of I. A li l>, COFFEE, R\CK. *p Q ^ \ n.rTtr>OT*l OCJ CANV A8SE1) J} A 8UGAK, BACON, SALT, X aEQliy Ul 006116S, 8YRUP, SOAP, 8TARCH CANNED GOOD8, PICKLES, FLOUR and MEAL. Sole Agcnla in Polk county for tho Celebrated “Watt Plows” and fixtures. Apoiits for Hull’s Patent Rotary Harrow—WARRANT HP. but plain common sense looks upon such fanatics as nuisances. But it is hard to ‘abate’ them. Wo have alluded to Mr. Smith’* floms ou the fruit treea looked up and insane speech chielly to mako our pro- *-»«., containing thirty (SO) acres more smiled as beauty always smiles in tho embrace of the destroyer. The sage brush and bunch grass snugged a lit tle closer (o the hillsides and never complained at ail." tost against the morbid sensational attitude often assumed towards cou- | vioted criminals by a certain class of cewapupors, How ofteu they speak of a niurder- thc Court House Door in Ccdartown, Polk, County, fla., on the 1st Tuesday in July uexl, between the legnl hours of sale, part of lot of land No. 20. in the 20th district and 3rd section of originally Cherokee, now Polk county, less, sis the property of Rebecca Parham, late of said county deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said deceased. Terms cash, May 11 1877. W. G. KNIGHT, Adru’r Rebecca Parham, dcc’d SEND FOlt CATALOGUE K RIDLEY & SONS 309, 311,311 1-2 Grand St., NEW YORK. Established 1840. largest Bstablishment of its kind in America. TUILIEERY AND FANCY OOODS. Ijlress and Cloak Trimmings, Fringes, Laces, Hosiery, Ribbons, 3SII3D GLOVES, Ladies' suits, Dolmans, Under Garments, Boys clothing. t Instructions given iu Catalogue for self- mcasuroment. Aluatralvd Catalogue and Pi ice lid, sent Free on apj)lication. A saving of Fifty Cents ou the Dollar eftu b° r. ade by purcuaseing direct from New York. The cost of sending gootts to any distance through the mail is but One emit per ounco. Full information given in Catuioguc. E. 11 ID LEY <t- SONS. 309, 311,311 1-2 (Jraud St.. 50,5S,fit),60,OS uud 70 AlOn St New York. ORIGINAL GOODYEAR'S RUBBER GOODS Vulcanized Rubber in every Conceiv able form, adapted to universal uso Any articlo under four pounds can bo sent by mail. WIND AND WATER TROOF garments a 'specialty, Our Cloth surface Coat combines two garments in one, for stormy weather, it is a perfect Water Proo.', Mid in dry weather a NEAT AND TIDY OVERCOAT By a peculiar process, the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which* prevents Smelling or Sticking, even in the hottest climates. They are made in three oolors—Blue, Black and Brown. ARE LIGHT, PORTABLE, AND DURABLE. We are now offer'ng them .ti tho ex- trnudy low price of $10 e tch. Stmt pu?i paid to any address upon receipt of pvicc. When order, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desirii.g to see our goods, can semi for onr Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Sen 1 for Illustrated price lUt cf our Celebrated pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co, GD7 Broadway. P, O, Box 5156. NEW YORK CITY, feb 23 Cm A GREAT DISCOVERY. Thompson’s Liniment Is ono of the greatost discoveries of the age. Nothing brings such spoody and sure relief to those who suffer with the numer ous pains and aches common to the human race. Do you want something that will ease your head, your back, cure your rheu matism and Neuralgia? Apply Thompson's Liuimont and Buffer no more. % For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, and Pains gcnorally, USE THOMPSON’S LINIMENT and you need fear no harm. The Medi cine is put. up right here in your midst,by Dr- R. it. THOMPSON. Your neighbors have tried it, and il lmii never failed to do wliat it promises. Every family should Keep it on hand, and thereby save many a dollar. Often a long and Vsponsivo trip for a physician might bo dispensed with, simply by applying Thompson's Liniment; then keep it uu* hau l—it will cost you but little. No physician can practice success fully tvltl :i a -rood Link nt~thoy knojv its impe«uujMr-iiieO:keep it onlmnd. You cun apply iFyour -elf and save taonoy. ‘.\.lUu DK. il. R. THOMPSON, over It. lie. i ■ I'.u-' Store, ; - a bottle, and never be wib. -ut it. It will do what it says aud you'll nt*rer rogra buying it. Otjt 2 For sale i:. Hackman by S K Hoguo J. P. Me CON* ELL, Agent, Aoworth, Ga 1ST E W BLACKSMITH & WOODSHOP —BY— GEO. P, LYNCH. OIIOP next to Dr. Chisolm’s office O All kinds of work, in Iron and Wood, done iu the best style and ou short notice. II L Cambron, well known to most of our farmers as the Champion plow sm^h, is in the shop hammering away. Bring in your Plows, old Buggies and Wagous k or any other work. Satisfaction guaranteed. # I „Cedaktown,“Ga., May 1, 1876. E W a K T ’S Adjustable Treadle FOR OPERATING SEWING MACHINES WITHOUT FATIGUE or INJURY. The most complete method of propelling the sewiug machine. It saves four-fifths the labor and entirely avoids the causes of physical injury; endorsed by the Medical fraternity. It cau be attarhed to any or dinary sewiug machine without removing the machine from the house. No Sewing Machine should be used wdthout this im portant attachment. Sond for onr circu lar, which expiaius its principles. Address New York Treadle AlUg Co.5a 04 GlUaI: diroji,N Y I . 2 ly