The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 01, 1875, Image 3

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Cljc ^tftns (gtorgian" p. A. STOVALL, . . Local Editor. WEDXESDAT MOUMM1, OCT. 0, 1975. i our Daily Edition of October 2. \ A , v Coitn Institute were out on their wvi'klv promenade yesterday afternoon. \ I'nivkksity Professor, it is rumored, i... n new beaver. From our Daily Edition of October 8. J. Fkost has been billed for Athens on the 15th of this mouth. Persimmons are now ripening fast, and the sound of the whistling is low. We are glad to see that Mr. L. C. Mathews is fixing up his store in such a neat style. The leaves of the trees are fast adopting the autumn hue, and Indian summer is upon us. Trade seemed to he pretty brisk on the streets yesterday, judging from the wagons \\ v learn that there was an attempt at I and crowd which filled our thoroughfares. Jail delivery here the other day. J A. 1). Clinaud, Esq., has just replenished There is said to he a hog in towji which ; his office with a large and very handsome eat corn. ! registering book. ymavM.s at the Newton House, Oct. I The Good Templars propose to throw ],i _0. D. Nathans, Philadelphia, C. W.! open their doors again on next Tuesday Well' and h. M. Shafer, Charleston, S. C. ; evening. We would advise all who desire \ Wagon load of peaches came in town ! forspend a pleasant evening to attend, yesterday morning—among the last of the ! The geme law is now over and the av- ; ;1 ., .n. I erage partridge finds himself flying off with The Athens Guards were out on a “ski- an ounce of shot in Mm. The youthful last night. After parading around | U'mners were out in detatchments yestei- :lie streets for awhile, they wended their wav to the residence of Mr. Jno. It. Moore, I Yesterday was a beautiful day, and the who has just returned from Atlanta with j ladies taking advantage of it for shopping, hi' lovely bride, and drawing up in line of; and guided doubtlessly by the columns of battle, saluted their fortunate comrade with the Daily Georgian, were out in lull three volleys. j force. Our number Sunday morning will be a There is a young clerk in town who is vi-rv large one, and will offer fine oppor- ; so absent minded, that lie very politely t unities for advertisements. Bring them in | apologizes to a lamp post when he runs Saturday afternoon, and we will fix them up : against it. for you inline style, gents. l 'Orrfu 1,” ain’t it? It was rumored on the street yesterday Owing to our restrictions upon our re- ihat Dr. Tucker had resigned the Chan-1 ception hours, a friend came in yesterday, ccllorship of the University, but as it lacked j and to make most ofliistinic, brought along corroboration, no credence was given to it. . his pets in the shape of two setters, to enjoy \V,. hardly think that it is true, but will in- > the short moments in ye sanctum. (brm our readers ol further developments, j arrivals at the newton house oit. 2. F. W. Lucas & Co.—Attention is called It. K. Waring, Baltimore, Md; James to the advertisement of these gentlemen, French, Louisville, lvv.; Clias. W. Barrv, w ho announce through our columns this New York City; John X. Gibson, Louis- morning a fine stock of new goods. The j ville, Kv.; J. J*. Baldwin, Atlanta, Ga. Messrs: Lucas’ are well known throughout | The City Council had a meeting vestcr- „ ir county, and this section of country, and . ,l ay afternoon. Nothing of special inipor- are prepared to serve customers m hand- j tanco. The cow law has been suspended st»niu sst. v li*. , j* or j]() days; ami a petition from Col. A. L. Merchants’ Exchange.—The following j Mitchell to widen Hancock Avenue, was i> the report of the Athens Exchange, for j laid on the table. the week ending Oct. 2nd, '75: Oun friends have been very considerate lteecipts, 6i6 bales. 0 f our sweet tooth, and’ere long, if our Shipments, 400 Sales to Spinners, ....171 “ j we will give a ’lasses jiullin and invite only' Kainlall, 8a-100 inches, the patrons of the Daily; note is the accepted .Maximum temperature, 80 degrees, j t i mo then, to subscribe. Minimum temperature, .. 50 “ j Ah, speaking of sorghum just now, wo J- 1L Crane. | forgot to say that some friend has contrib- Secretary and Treasurer, luted another phial to that department of Tin. noise of the drum and the tramp of * our paper, whose name, however, we did vildii-is was heard in Cobbham yesterday | not got. lie has our thanks though all morning, and upon inquiry, it was found the same. that a company of colored troops were out \y,. ; learn that the “Athens Dancing on a urn.. _ I Cluli” will soon be reorganized, and will Humors were immediately rife concern-1 have one of their celebrations at an early i in.' an apprehended insurrection, and ye 1 ,lav. These clubs are very fashionable in ! l", :il grow joyful, for visions of exciting | our sister cities. Macon, we believe leads e hi mis in the (Daily, headed by great I the van, and we hope that this one will pros- hloodsl.ed, ‘‘terrible affray” etc. etc., loom- ; per. Dancing is an innocent amusement, ini the distance; but upon further in-1 all ,i W e wish our young friends lunch sue- CHEAPER THAN EVER! THE undersigned would beg to an nounce to his friends and the public generally, that he has just returned from his annual tall trip to New York and Boston, with a large aud varied stock ot very superior goods, consisting partly of the following, selected with great care: MEN AND YOUTHS’, READY MADE CLOTHING of the latest fall styles, Clarke County. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. Ospoun’s Orncx, October 1, 1875. Junes Cooper, colored, has sppUM for Exemption of ’enooalty andSetting apart and Valuation of Uome- steuLani Fwhl mss upon the same at 11 o’clock a. m. i Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. TTTHEREAS, Seaborn J. Mays, as Ad V V mlnlstrator of the estate «f Frances Moore, late Goods, Ladies, Gents’ and Boys Shoes, Boots and Hats, in al most endless variety,Um brellas, Fine Ken tucky Jeans, Doeskins, Cassimercs, Factory Goods, Yarns, Osnaburgs, Checks, Shirtings, Fine Wamsutta and other brands, Bleachings, Tickings,Blankets, &c. &c. &c. Also, Saddles, Bridles and Harness, Drugs, Crockery and Glassware, Hollow Ware, and Hurd ware; also, the Celebrated Murfrcs- boro’ Red Cedar- ware, &c. Also, a full line of choice Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Lard, Hams, Cheese, Kerosene Oil. And many other choice goods too num erous to mention, and which must lie seen to be appreciated. The above goods, owing to the recent decline, lie will be en abled to sell at prices which will ASTONISH THE NATIVES. If you want any thing in the above of said county, deceased, petltlonalo be discharged from aoi4 Administration. These are therefore to cite and ad monish alTconccrned to show came at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why said discharge ahonld not be granted. _ ... , Given under my hand at office, Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. TXTHEREAS, William Marable, as Ad- V V mlnlstrator of the estate ol Robert lforable, de- 1, petitions to be disc barred froia taJ are therefore to cite and admonlal att^wlSnSd discharge's houlJl not be granted. y hand a, «. *»**£**%«. Ordinary. 1875. SepL 1-44-1 are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to ahow cause (if any they have) at my office on or before the first Monday in January next, why said letters should not bo granted. Given tinder my hand at office this 21st dsy of Sept. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Sept 29, 1875—IraSm. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. WHEREAS. Nathaniel Richardson, Administrator of j sorglmm supply increases, as it has done, j mentioned classes of goods, or in any other, call on S. c. DOBBS, Lower part of Brood Street, opposite Dorsey & Co’a. Sept. 29—18-tf. Millinery and Fancy Goods, Miss C. JAMES, ^jFFEKSto the Ladies a Choice and well Selected M 'tigntion the cause of all this “rumpus” | turned out to he a column of eight colored 1 m ikes, armed with sticks and headed by a 1 kettle drum, going through the evolutions and nuimiel of nntis, simply for their own iinmseiiicnt and the disturbance of the tran quility ofCobbham. We suppose that they will enter for the premium at the fair, although there is noth ing certain about it. Uosh-Ashinar.—The stores of all of our 1'iaelilish friends were closed yesterday in consequence of the religious observances attendant upon the celebration of the New Year. Services were hold in the Syna gogue which were very impressive and yet appeared, of course, to an outsider as un- UMially odd. Tlie following from the Augusta Croni- <■!■ A Si'iitinel explains the character of lhi< religious observance. The Hebrew New Year commenced last Wednesday afternoon at sunset and was ' lietly observed by our Jewish citizens. 1 i' designated in the Hebrew calendar as Uosh-Ashinar, it being the first day of the month ,l Tisri,” and considered by the Jew ish sages as the season in which the world was created, reasoning that on its creation . a 1 things appeared in perfection, and that j ■ loaded with fruits, which served , cess and enjoyment. \Ve used to dance when we were a boy and before we became an editor, and can sympathize with lovers of the art. Night before last one of our wide awake policemen, not knowing anything about the projected, salute to be fired by the “ Guards,” upon hearing the lumbering re port, dashed off in the direction of the fuss, and running upon a negro, made for him ; at the same time yelling lustily out, “catch him ! catch him!, lie’s been shooting glycer ine.” The chagrin of that limn when ap prised of his mistake after lie had nabbed the terrified negro, knew no bounds, and blushing as crimson as the autumnal rose, pocketed his club, covered his badge and lias not been seen since. It is not healthy now to say “ glycerine” to that man. ’ Stock of Fall aud Winter Milliner}’, JEWFLRY, TUC K COMBS, EUUHINGS. BEAL 11A1K GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Ac., PAT- TKKN HATS AND BONNETS, OPENED OCTOBER 13th. I’I case call before purchasing elsewhere and examine her line poous at prices to suit the times. Order* from a distance carefully filled. Stamping neatly executed. Store located oil Broad St., between Drs. Longs A Billups uud Smiths Drag Stores. Sept. SO—dAw-Sm. ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. CstwIkI Weekly tv the Merchants Evchange. COTTON.—Steady. From ll%ttil% FACTORY GOODS. , Mackerel, No. 1,tils....$2 25 Cotton Yarns *1’-•5a00 0 I “ No. 2, Kits....S2 00 Osuahurgs — I I a Is “ No. a, Kits.— 1 75 ‘ Shirting.— 10 r Mi Salt, Per Sack 32 IW Sheeting, 11 a 12 Chewing tobacco... 7-7al 50 PROVISIONS. j Smoking 60a 1 00 , , , , ,, i . .our — SS a in ; Snuff, Maccaboy.... 1 00 tor loot! to Adam and Eve. I Ills festival IS i Corn, pr bu Si 25a0 OO , American $30 00a 50 00 recorded by the entire body of Israel as j *», “ “""j ! IS! so j “"TmmuTitionV" 0 °° Wheat “ - 1 50 } Powder... per 40a 50 l ore J MARBLE. A. R. ROBERTSON’S sum isi turn tut GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. For Sale or BenM. For Sale. A 100 GaUon Still, with Cap and Worm complete. Apply to Summer, Hutcheson A Bell, or John H. Apply to Sununey, Hutcheson A Bell, or Newton. Juno 2,1875. Sl-tf. NEW STORE HOIJS FOR RENT. rpHE New Store Room on Clayton JL Street, and adjoining Lester’s Block, with four good Offices above,’ wiU be ready tor use by the 15th of September, end are new offered for rent. Apply to JOHN H. NEWTON, or Svuuet, Hcicmssox A Hull, Aug. 18-42-11. Deuprec Block. FOR SALE. Two ‘Wagons and Ive Good Horses, Cheap for Cash or on time until F'November. Approved security. jggix: J. n. HUGGINS, No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. FOR SALE. Plantation within'aix miles of Athens, containing David Richardson, deceased, applies to me for leave to ...... _ ate of said deceased, for the purpose sell all the Real Estate of said deceased, for the purpose of distribution, therefore, all concerned are hereby noti fied to show cause, if any they have, at my office, on or before the first Monday in November next, why said leave ahonld not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this Sth day of Sep tember, 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, 47-tt.I Ordinary GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. Whereas, Nathaniel Richardson, Administrator of Jane S. Richardson, deceased, applies to me for leave to sell all the Real Estate of said deceased, for the purpose of distribution, therefore all concerned are hereby noti fied to show cause, if any they have, on or before the 1st Monday in November next, why aaid leave should not be gnuitcd. Given under my hand, at office, this Cth day of Sep tember, 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, 47-41. Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. 'Whereas, Stevens Thomas ns Guardian of Stephen E. Moore, orphan of Richard D. Moore, deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from said guardian ship. These are therefore to cite aud admonish all con cerned to ahow cause, (if any they have) at my office on or before the first Monday in November next why said letters should not be granted. * j*. Given under my hand aud official signature at office, this 4th day of September, 1375. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Sept. 15—96-4w. three hundred and seventy-eight acres, more or One hundred acres cleared, fifty acres of which is bottom—thirty of this ia in cultivation, and the rest is good Upland. Seventy-five acres in original forest, and the balance in pine growth. Good Dwelling House, good out Houses, Gin Houses and Packing Screw, fine Athnv Cl.i.-J inmwnitn m WAS®. Athens, Georgia. LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK of GOODS, EMBRACING the finest assortment of French, English and German Goods for Gentle men’s Wear, ever offered in this market. Also, a large lot WOOLENS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, PLAIDS AND SOLID FLANNELS, LADIES CLOTH, BEAVERS, &c., See. all the novelties in Embracing Plaids in Camels Hair Style, Cashmers, Poplins, Reps, Wolens and Silks. Large lot of Orchards, well Watered, and other First Class improve ments. Brice reasonable. Terms cash. Apply to H. H. CARLTON & CO., Real Estate Agents. Or, JOEL M. DEAN. Aug. 25-43-tf. Athens. Ga. FOR SALE. Two Washington Hand Presses One a Medium and the other a No. 5, IN GOOD CONDITION. Terms Favorable, and Prices Reasonable. Call at The Athens Georgian Office and examine the same. THE FINEST FARM —IN- N0RT1IEAST GEORGIA FOIt SALE. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. JpURSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke County, will be sold before the Court House door of said County, on the first Tuesday in November next, during the legal hours of Bale, one tract of land lying partly in the County of Oconee and partly in said County of Clarke, containing 7o2 acres, more or less, on the Oconee River and Shoal Creek, udjoining Gcourc W. Veal, Win. Butler und others, on which is a good Dwell ing House containing six rooms, a good Gin House und Screw, a good Shoal on Shoul Creek for Grist and Saw Mill, Giu, dec., and a large quantity of timber conveni ent. Said tract to be divided aud sold in three or more separate tracts, plats of which will be exhibited on the day of sale. Also 7 shares of Georgia Kail Road Stock. All to be sold as the property of Thomas 11. Young, de ceased, for the 1 enent of his legatees. Terms lor the Railroad Stock Cash. For the laud half cash the other half 12 months credit, with uote aud approved security, aud bond for titles when land is paid for. JEREMIAH D. BROWN, Adtn’r. de bonis uon witli the will annexed. Sept. 22—47-twr.—Printers fee $9.75. BLACK HOUKSIN6 BOOBS, In Cashmers, Crape Suiting, Henrietta Cloth, Baritz, Tamice and French Merino and Black Silk. Large Stock of Black Alpacca and Mohairs. Large lot of White Goods, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Lace &c. Large lot of Blankets, Shawls, Scarfs, Cloaks, Sacks, Sec. Also a large Stock of MADE Besides a General Stock of other Goods offered at prices to compete with Atlanta and Augusta. Trade from a distance solicited Oconee County. GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. W HEREAS, AARON CROW APPLIES TO ME for Letters of Administration upon the estate of RAWING to my sons all having grown Vy up and toft me, my age, and my health giving way, I offer for sale 650 acres of Laud, lying 22 miles from Athens, on Hudson river and I<auiar creek, ou the road from Atheus to Carnesville and Toccoa Falls. There are 225 acres of Bottom Land, most of which is First Class. 5J00 acres of very fine Wood Land. S50 acres, in cluding Bottom, which is in a high state of cultivation, as much so as any Farm of the same size in the State. 200 acres of Bottom and 75 of Upland. Enclosed by three striugsof fence, the river sufficing for the fourth string. The land lies in so compact and condensed a form, that a horse can be seen from the dwelling over any portion of the 275 acres. The Uplands are lied Soil, aud ol'the best quality for tins section of country. A very fine Itace Turf could be made, running to within a few feet of the dwelling. It isouo of the best farms in the State for diversifying crops, which will embrace Cereals, Grasses, Clover anu Corn. Commercial Fertilizers pay a much larger i»er cent than further South, making it a very fine Cotton Farm. With a little trouble the largest yields may be obtained. The Buildings are good, ami in fine repair.—There are ten Tenement Houses, iu gt*od condition; a Barn, 50x50, with Baseiueut Stables; Wat**r in Cl) feet; new Gin House, 3oxG9 ; new 20 horse power Engine, well mounted, which propels a new Gin and Thresher. Also, a good s .‘lectiou of Improved Agricultural Implements, in cluding Reaper and Mower combined. Grain Drill, with Guano Attachment, Horse Hay Rake, Improved Harrows, Plows, Ac. A fine Orchard, a fine Spring of Water, Pump attached to Cook Room ; a Circular Saw and Corn Mill, with ten acres of Land—Mills propelled by Water—two milei from dwelling.^ The above Farm, with all of its advantages—pure water, cool breezes, healthy climate aud good society— dispen ses wiith the necessity of seeking watering places as sumiuor resorts. Within three miles is a never failing Water Power, at a low price, offering an inducement to any kind of Manufacturers. Two settlements, equal in value, 1 'may be made on the above G50 acres of lauid. If desired, 450 acres more, ad joining, can be had, making two more settlements. I will sell the above 650 acres of Land for *25.00 per acre, or.e halt cash. On the remainder a liberal indulgence will be given, by purchaser paying interest. Machine ry, Toa.s and Implements sold separate. The al*ove is iu the hands of II. H. CARLTON and J. 8. WILLIFORD, Real Estate Agents, Athens, Ga„ or will be sold by the owner at his residence. JOHN N. MONTGOMERY, Aug. 11, 1875—41-tf. Fort Lamar, Ga. £22. 23 (29 E3 S3 * SLi U OOZ Oct. 2—d&wlm. FALL AND WINTER 1875. Arc now prepared to show one of the most elegant and largest stocks of Margaret W. Barker, late of Mid county, deceased— Thereto: erefore, all persons are hereby notified to fils their objections, if any they have, «t my office, on or before the First Monday in November next, else said letters SDealcr in and manufacturer of Monuments, Head and Foot Stones, Marble and Granite Box Tombs and Cra dle Tombs. AU work warranted. 1‘ersons will do well to examine my designs, and be convinced that they are dealing with a fair and square man. Athens, Ga., Sept. 29, 1875. 48-tf COAL! COAL!! H AVING established a Coal Yard in connection with my Wurehousc, with a stock of FOUR HUN DRED TONS, I am now prepared to offer the follow ing Coals to the citizens of Athens, at very low prices: GENUINE “COAL CREEK,” is $n From Knoxville Iron Com large lumps, hand pickei clinkers. ipany. Barns .1, and is free brightly, i from slate and entire among the most sacred in their calendar. It is termed “ Yom Adin,” the day ol judg ment, and is intended to impress upon the miiuls and hearts of ilie Hebrews the licc-ssity for reviewing their acts and deeds ol'the past year. It signifies that every one should subdue bis passion; subject matter to the empire of reason; repent of his sins, and firmly resolve to sin no more, which is true repentence. The .ten peni- tcniinl days which follow this holiday, and culminate iu the solemn day of Atonement, arc therefore religiously devoted to prayer and penitence. Dale.. Bacon, Side*, shoulders hams, laird, - Irish, Potatoes—...$I ( Sweet ** .... 75al 01 20a 25 a 1.00 Sh 14a 15 Lead « •• ... 11a 12 Caps, i*cr l>ox 16a 17 LIQUORS. Isa 20 Com whiskey, ...Si 25a 3 10 12a 15 Ida 12 lua 40 “ CAHABA,” Of Alabama. AJinost excellent Coal for domestic use, being Red Ash, large lumps, kindles quickly, and makes no cinders, soot or dust. “ BLACK CREEK,” Of Alabama. A new Coal, and the pamt that comes from the Coal Fields of Alabama or Tennessee. J. H. CARLTON. August 11, 1875. 41-tf. Kap* —~ CuickfU 201 25 75a1 25 Turkeys Butter... •«> URthEUlEsS. Sugar, crushed Ha 1C “ A 15 “ B 14a 15 “ 12a 15 Demaran... 123 ii* ch braudy... 4 Whi t U0 Holland Gin.._. 5 ona S 00 American Gin.... B Ona 6 00 Bourbon whiskey 2 00a 4 00 Coffee, Rio au 2 » 1-aguyr; 28a 60 Opening of the Amusement Season-OompH’ mentary eall on Mr. C. w. Davis. Attention is called to the following communication, calling on Mr. Davis for one of his capital and highly interesting exhibition;!. Those who witnessed Mr. Davis’ lust exhibition, speak of it in the highest terms, and we are assured the one mimed lor Oct. 12th, will lie far superior. Inking us ns it will to the Wonders and Art Treasures of the Old World. Deupree Hull will be crowded, and wc ad vise you to secure seats without delay. In arranging aud decorating his Art Place, Mr. Davis lias more than answered public opinion. Determined to supply Athens with an establishment that should have no supe rior in the Slnte, and that all Northeast j Georgia should be proud of, he exercised to ! the lullest extent his good tastennd excellent! judgment, and spared neither time, labor or | expense in its accomplishment, aud, to heap- , prceiaicd, must he seen. The handsomely I carpeted and luxuriously furnished reception 1 room, the elegantly trained mid artistically executed photographs ar.d s;ia X7 1 g.Kll 59 7'ill -0 (V '.l C5 4ua 50 Java Tea,-..- Syrup, cane... M«lus*e8, Cuba Candles, sperm..... adamant.- tallow ..... <‘*e. Mate hsh Dairy Onions, per bu.—.. 1 OOal 25 .Starch —... a 20 Tallow.. Sa 10 Kico, per lb 11a 12 The above are retail prices ale buyers. 25a »o Wines 6 OOalO 00 HARDWARE- Iron, Swedes, pr lb . 8a*V£ 6’ .as i 50 22*25 2Uo35 ...35.140 English _ Castings I... Nails, pr keg Steel, cast Cotton Cards. Horse Shoes “ “ Nails.. LEATHER Sole Leal her Upr. Leather 60a75 11am. “ 40*50 Calf Skins 40 OOalOO (Hi Kip Skins 50 00a 75 00 Dry Hides 12a 15 (ireen Hides 6a8 BAGGING, TIES, ROPE. ? Bulging pr yd Sl7al8 j Ties - 7a7j: Rope, cotton 40a50 Rope, gross 25a30 Prices arc shaded to whole- WEATHERLY & CO. ARE NOW READY jar Spring ni Junei Jnta. wiU be grouted the applicant. Given uuder my baud and official signature. * October 2, 1875. official signature. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. oet0-4w ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Oeouce county, Ga., will be eold before the Court Uon.e door in WatkinaviUe^in raid county, within the legal hoar* of sale, on the lint Tue*day In November next, the following property to wit: eighty seven acres of land, more or le&>, adjoining lands of Brmitly linle, Wm». Nancev, W. House, Aaron Crow and others. Sold for the beuefit of the creditors and others. Terms cash. October the 4th, 1875. Oct, e—49-4w. THOMAS BOOTH, Adrn’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Oconue county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in AV atkinsville, said countv, within the legal boon of tale, on the first Tuesday 'in November next, the following property to wit, one hundred and ecventy-flvc acres of laud, more or less, lying in said county of Oconee, adjoining lands of Mrs. Tindal, B. P. Gregory, Dawson Burger aud others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. Terms, one half cash, the re maining half payable twelve months after date with ap proved security. Oct. 4th, 1S75. Sept. 6t—49-4w. GEORGE H. McREE. Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Having just returned from New Y’ork with a large and well selected stock of P URSUANT fo an order of the Court of Ordinary of Oconee County, Ga., will be sold, before the Court House door in Watkinaville, in said couuty, witliiu the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in November next, the following property, to-wit: One Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lauds of Geo. W. Veal, Albert W. Edwards and others. Sold for the ben< Dry Goods and Groceries, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Wood and Willow W are, Hardware, Crock ery, Drugs, &c. Prices to suit these bard time. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange fur Goods. Call and see ns at the corner of CUvton and Thomas Streeta. April 21, 1875—25-tf. BOOTS AND SHOES TO ORDER. N W* HATJDRUPj A li T I S T , lias removed bin Shop from the old Lombard Building to the opposite *u\o ov College Avenue, next door to the Lester Building. Prices Liberal, ami First Class IVork guaranteed. June 16, 1875—83-tf. MISS 0. S. POTTS, Fashionable Dressmaker, OVER UNIVERSITY BANK, Broad Sheet, Athens, paintings that 1 Would reapectftilly inform the Italics and her lrienda adorn the rooms, the cozy ami abundantly generally, ofAtlun* and yiemitytliat aim ia now |>re- supplied ladies dressing-room, the nrtistic 1 studio, and last, but not least, the operator’s loom, with its rustic scenes, and the finest line of parlor, boudoir and exterior back grounds and accessories to be found in any gallery—ali this and the costly apparatus for "catching the shadows ere the substance toils,” could not lie adequately described, even by the pen of a Dickens. The entire establishment is a marvel of beauty nnd completeness that could only have been pro- . I'd by the skillful hands and ripened Joog'nent of its aflable und gentlemanly pro- I’Hvtor. Mn. c. COMMUNICATED. W. Davis, Sir.—Having in die charming Art Scenes exhibition ree / aV i' * ast f P r >ng, nudjenruing you have to' ati ' Kries of " ew views, and wishing „i rj 1 1111 appreciation of your efforts to * i . h( '" s 11 home amusement of a refining '“tellccniaj character, wo would be , j,, ,H " :1Ve you name the time when it I . " "P c ' ,n venient for you to give an exlii- bll,u " of the new views. 7 ’ Fashionable Styles. With her experience in the business’ she feels sure oi giving satis fact ion. May 14, 1875—£$-tf. E. A. WILLIAMSON, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweller, At Dr. King’s Drug Store, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. State, County & School Taxes for 1S75. Tf'HETax Digest for 1875, has been placed in my J hands for collection. 1 have peremptory orders to collect immediately. I will not indulge in the friture as I have in the past. The fall ia tbe best time to pay taxes, und R will be to the interest of tax payers to set tle their taxes without delav and save cost. JNO. W. JOHNSON, Tax Collector, Clarke county, Ga. Sept. 15—40-St. Blacksmith Shop. | | ILL FEW would respectfully announce to th* citizens of Athens and adjoining country that be is fully prepared to do all manner of work in the Black smith line in a superior manner and at reasonable charges. He hsatbe best workmen and Does nothing but the beat material. Plantation Work, Horse Shoe ing, nnd very difficult jobs a specially. SHOP located opposite Mr. J. Z. Cooper’s Livery Stable, 20dcc. LOOK OUT FOR FINE BEEF. TV’. R. DEMORE, Acxnt, RespeutfuBy informs the citinae of Athens and vicinity that he has opened a stall for the sale of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb, Ac., at the ohop formerly oceopied by Mr. Schevenell, in tbe rear of X. J. Lumpkin’s Store, and near the Engine House; all can be supplied every morning, and meat will be delivered at any portion of the city. Hi* stall will be opened Saturday morning. t w. B. DEMURE. Ang. 26, 1874-tf. FAIR AND TIMELY NOTICE. AH work done in ive satisfaction. superior manner und warranted to Jan. 3— tf. BLACK & GARDNER, Carpenters and General Jobbers Respectfully offer tlicir service® to the citizens of Athens and snrroundinff country. Location, two doors east of the Episcopal Church, opposite Mr. L. J. Latnpkin s Store. Contract® for builumg aolicitcd. March 3d. 1875—ly. livery, Feed and Sale Stable Wm. Kino, Jh. K. Nickerson, T. A. Burke. Signed Athens, Sept, 27, Hon. Wm. King, Jit, and others.— UenUemeo, permit me to express my thanks ; r il „° : . a . bove my that I hi give an exhibition at Deupree Hall Tuesday pining, October tilth, lOTflfci 1 dCZSBSSk”*w; ATHENS, GA.: GANN Sc REAVES PROPRIETORS Will be found at tlicir old utand, rear Franklin lloune building, Thomaa street. Keep always on hand good Turnouts and oarcfril drivers. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our care. Stock on hand for sale at all time*. yRANKlUltALSON, riiHANKlNG my friends for their patronage in the 1 past, and asking fur a continuance of the son beg to say that, FROM AND AFTER THE 1st OF OCTOBER, | my terms will be CA6U ON DELIVERY, except to those parties who hare always paid their bills PROMPTLY n presentation. Where good, are charged, it will rith the distinct understanding that the bill* are i the distinct understanding that t DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH. I would willingly frive longer time iff were able, bat I am not. I trust that no one will be offended at the it of tbe heirs. Terms Cash. JOSEPH E. TRIBBLE, oct6—19—!w Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’S Sz\LE. P URSUANT to on order of the Court of Ordinary of Oconee county, Ga., will be Bold before tbe Court F©K SALE. HE lOlllif tbe SOUTH. Water Power enough to turn ALL OF TIIE W Machinery in Georgia. Best Location for Building up a Manufacturing Town in ALT, THE SOUTO. Sixty odd feet fall = Water in less than one mile. SITES FOR FOUR OR MORE LARGE COTTON HILLS, OB OTHEB ilANUFACTOIUES. WILL sell, upon most reasonable terms YV and price, the celebrated with five hundred acres, more or less, of FIRST CLASS Farm and Timbered Loads attached. The above state ments in regard to this Shoal ARE • TRTJE in every particular, aud being located within eight miles of Athens, and the same distance from Crawford, on the Ath ens branch of tbe Georgia Railroad, and in the verv heart of one of our best COTTON GROWING Sections, affords an opportunity for establishing ; factoring interest which, in point of capacity. House door in Watkinaville in said county, within the legal hours of sale, ou the first Tuesday in November next, the following property to wit, two hundred and seventeen acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of J. C. Wilson, Franklin Carter aud others. Sold for the benefit of creditors. Terms cash. Oct. 4th, 1875. Oct. 6—49—4w. JOHN F. MURRAY, Adm’r. GEORGIA.—OCONEE COUNTY. After the publication of this notice once a week for four weeks, and at the Regular Term of the Court of Ordinary for Oconee County *’ “ **' * ' „ Jounty. application will be made for leave to sell all the Real rotate belonging to the Estate of Edmund Elder, deceased, in terms of the law. October 1, 1875. WM. Y. ELDER, 49-4t Administrator. Hart County. GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. N OTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that on the lOtn day of September, 1809, Burrel Dickerson, late of Hart county, deported this life in testate, and uo person lias applied tor administration on the estate of said Burrel Dickerson, and that in terms of the law, administration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Moudsy in November next, unless some valid objection is made to hU appointment. Given under my hand and official signature, this 23d day of Sept. 1875. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordin ry. Sept. 23—48*5t. Manu- w . . - - . . . .natural facilities, and many othersurrounding advantages, cannot be excelled in this country. ONE MILLION DOLLARS and more might here be advantageously expended, within a distance of not more than one mile. For price, terms and particulars, address— H. H. CARLTON & CO., Real Estate Agents, Athens, Ga. II. II. CARLTON. J. A. BROWNING. August 18, 1875. -42-1 f. Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., If you want a Banks County. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to on order of the Court of Ordinary of Banks County, will be sold before the Court House N.O 1 COOK STOVE, and tin ware of all kinds, CHEAP FOR CASH. Roofing and Guttering a Speciality. Sept. 15, 1875. 46—Sm. door in Hartwell, daring the legal hours of sale, ou the first Tuesday in November next, one tract of land, sap™ in Ilsrtcounty onvrateraofLightwood Carnesville, King and Franklin County, Gil, all in the original Also one other tract of fifty sens, adjoining lands of Spencer, Brown end others; aom* improvement on this gSept. 2—47-4w. of Obe Brown, deceased. University of Georgia, SEVENTY-FIFTH YEAR. FACULTY. H.H.TUCKEB course, as my necessities drive me to it. I hope by prompt attention to business and low prices, to marit a coutiuuanee of thavatnmage of tba public. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer, Sept. 22—47-tf, * THE NEW Wool Carding Factory. ( ’USTOM Wool Garda now In operation at the Factory at th* aaatara terminus of RraaJ street, Athens, Ca. Work doo. satisfactorily and with A TT ORNE Y AT LAW, ' CLEVELAND,‘GA. . will give apedui attention to all claims en- to W* care. ^Aug. n 1875-il-tf. Medical Notice. At the solicitation of many of my emme the V. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE from tliia date. I srffl pay especial attention to tha dia- aaae of Infants and Children, and the Chronio Disease* ol Females. June M, 1S75—35-lv. WM. KING, M. D. D. D., _ __ L. A. SI., Prat of Latin. CHARLES MORRIS, A. SI., Fnt ot Orach. C. P. WILLCOX, A. M., Prof- of Modern Languages. V* r* WIIslAA/A, * * „ „ M K. W. SPEER. D. D., Prut of Belles-Lettres. P. H. HELL, D. D.. LL.D.. Prof, of Stotapbyslea. L. BROUN, LL-b. Prof- of Natural PfiUoaophy Pra*. Oa. State College Agriculture A Mech. Ana. W. L. MITCHELL, A. SI., PraC of Law. tS \iatTra» opeoa’oa Ootobereth, W75. Tuition in Aeadaasle Department, $75, myable iu advance, via: •» oa Oct. eu. wltb »library fce. and «« on March 1st, rare. Ftity UaefiriirloatsemthaStata admitted wlthoat Th* State CoUege of Africoltore ud tha Mechanic Art* forasa a port of the Ual Tetri ty. and epe Law School opens Aug. 16th, U.o;.2d lam 21st, 1ST*; Peosfiatper tara*. AraoMlS-42-tL;AthsasT Ga. Toy Money, rpBN Dollars’ worth of Toy Green Backs for Ten J. Grata. The very thtagtor teBookBtore _ JnneS, 187$. -ij . fW*! BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FANCY GOODS, CARPETS, &C. EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS MARKET. By special attention to the careful selection of otir goods, we have pro cured all the novelties the season affords, consisting in part of Elegant Plain and Solid Dress Goods, TRIMMINGS, COLLARS and CUFFS, BELTS, SCARFS and TIES, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING NOVEL AND NEW. In addition to our usual expensive lines of goods, we have opened this season, An Elegant Carpet and Shade Department, Comprising Full Lines of all tlie Leading Styles and Manu factures, “ • WL» Uu Which we offer at prices, defying all Con^pe- tition. " JSTo. 5 Broad St., Athens, Georgia. Sept. 50—1-tf. THE COLT COTTON SCREW PRESSES, Manufactured only by the Athens Foun dry and Machine Works. rrUIESE Presses are made to pack upwards or down- X wards, by Hand or Power, to meet the wants of all having baling to do and arc no new experiment. We have ample testimonials of their merit. Bill of timbers with illustration for framing, given to every purchaser of a*sct*of : irons. —*«■ - POWER PiRlESS, SHOES, SHOES. <i in MORE SHOES! BETTER SHOES! IV ES-Z SPUING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, M,-. T. A. Adams would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Athens and of counties adjacent, that she hss now received and opened a most choice und select as sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, com prising in part the latest styles and fashions of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Gloves, &c.» Which she will sell at reasonable prices. Give her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a dis tance carefully filled. Store located ou Brotul street, one door above National Bank. April 21,1875—25-tf. Blasting done with Galvanic Battery and Giant Powder B Y the above method, any numbtr of Holes, from 1 to SO, may be fired in a well at the ammo instant, thereby getting tbe benefit of the fuU force of the ex plosives used. Excavations made for Mill Sites and Mill Dams, obstructions removed in water courses, Jtc., Ac. Work token by the foot, or as may bo speci fied iu the contract. For partinilare. atndy to CHILDS. NICKERSON A OO. Hardware Dealers, Athens, Ga. Sept. 22—47-tf. Notice. T have for titefall trade thelargest I and beat stock of Shoes ever offered In Georgia, and at prices as LOW OR LOWER than similar goods can be bought either in Boston, New York or Baltimore. AU my goods an manufactured under my own supervision, of OAK TANNED 8TOCK They are in Weight and Durability Superior to any in the market, and guaranteed to contain NO WELTS OR SPLITS. I take this method of returning my sincere thanks to the citizens of Northeast Georgia for their extremely in the past, and ahaU endeavor to iture. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED Don’t Buy Unless Stamped upon the Bottom of each Shoe: ^p* j ATHENS. G4 ’'Ask for the BRUMBY SHOE. Take no other. For sale by tbe principal merchants of this section, who sell as low as they can ba bought aaywhare. nda as low as they a at wholesale only Dy JNO. W. BRUMBY, Athens, Georgia, Sept. 22—47-2t* M. -A.* STOYALL, "VXT A Tl.TITTnTT’PF) AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 1. Warren Block, Augusta# Georgia. rrtHANKFUL for the Uberal patronage heretofore 1 JL stowed, would take this occasion to notify 1 planters of Georgia a the Commission Be snSSESs! —’ s*i = -‘-Sra. end >wed, would > ofGeorgia and South Carolina that he • SteMaasaaa: . _ — or storage. Ha wUl rive the Bailing of Cotton hia peraonal attention. Ha &, aa heretofore^ Agent for thejustly “—” ‘ * Colonists, Emigrants and Travel-’ ers Westward. A LL persona indebted to the estate of John Megarity, /V late of Hart county, deceased, are hereby notified to come forward and make immediate ’ ’ - - — - those boring demands against the same will present th the undersigned properly anthenticatad, within the time prescribed 6, law. 1 'OUN A, M Also manu&etnre and bare on hand tho celebrated Brooks Revolving Screw Press. Address, B. NICKERSON, Agent, Athens, Ga. Sept. 15—t»-tL JOHN A, MEGARITY. and GARDNER MEGARITY, *8ria3®c"’ r Sept. 29—lS-6t.’ To Rent A very desirable RESIDENCE on Jad Price low and terma easy. Apply to E.,P. 1: Jackson Street. Sept. 22,1675—47-tf. BISHOP, No. 1 Broad St., Up Stain. ' ’ rnm P OE map circulars, condensed time table, and gen erel information in regard to transportation fosiU- ties to all points in Tonnewee, Arkansas, Miaaamf, Min nesota, Colorado, Kanam, Tolas, Iowa, New Mtxico, Utah and California, apply to or address Ausxr B Vfsaats, General Railroad Agent, Atlanta, Ga. No one ahenld go West withont first getting fat com munication with the General Railroad Agent, and be come informed as to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of familiaa, household goods, stock, and farming implements generally. AU mfimatim chetrjiltiv aim. Sept. 22 —47-tf. W. LJDANyjY, G, P. & ’f. . — ' a*-