The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 20, 1875, Image 3

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FINANCIAL «HP MjWiph « *" 1 | T . l liftCT- «» gagg BQEE, -.nnECTED FOR THE DAILY GEORGIAN ABD,*|T<Jh<u| df C the cotton mr.Ktr. Athene Ga., Oct. 16,187a. The market has Deen quite tosday. ;a35C±±WMr u.* 53 62a. Mesa Pork 82s. 6d. Short clear mid* dTins 57a. Tallow 48s and 6d. New York, Oct. 16— Noon.—Flour WheOt shade firmer. CGrW'xfaady. oo cot » r «..i 1 3-4 Middling Ul Middhnjf. thr bacon av» i-ard pahkkt. r . 1!l( „ s -Sides 4 f -4 r*‘ ^* 6 i Shoulders....... A . — 13 A2 — a 17 tHfVW A«arr. J . 90 a 1 00 Hams I.aki'-— CORN, WHEAT j£fH OATS «A •s—j>er bushel Wheat, “ 1 25 a 1 50 lUT a, •• l..LA.ll '75 a 1 00 THE FLOUR XAUKET. ■jkts ...•..•••.••••..,.••.86 50 a 7 00 F*!oily IU.«.4 7 50 tt 8 00 Faiicv 8 00 a 8 50 A* * 1 ' ’ Weekly report, ending October 16,1875. Cotton receipts, 1416 Shipments kXIT/J -J~v- 973 wtefAPtSMBESHB 82s. 6d. Short < sr 48s and 6d. Oct. 16 — Noon ade firmer. Co .62!r. lard hca quief nt 42. Rc s trained: F rei i .YMA'TO'YOHAflUJ JEW kli.T THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINES, "immp wrjmw?RaHT nil Sanative pitta ctm C i^.70&r.$GTforstfiai<ledf Freight Baltimore, Oct. 16.—Oats dull, off at 40a48; Kye quiet, 76a78; Provisions dull and heavy; Pork $24; Bulk meats nominally • • ~ *’ Clear rji Bagmi <full| ccsi^,[shoulders 10|a/3J; 14{;414|;JHan s 151al6; Lara d iclyj Cilfee di 11 end nominal; diti if to iA Baltimore, Oct. sady ,nad unchan; jcfcaijgafir Sout[ nominal; Southern 73. S.LLXvE E-W’XftS; 1 SSSSSfE SPECTACtEfe, ...1 .' .sisiosd ,'tntoii HKl.OC lull and lifgaiitAir demaqfl.1 16. — Flour NEW STORE 1I0US " FOR RENT. rPHE New Store Room on -1- Stret •* GUNS,. PISTOLS,;.: .; SP0ET7NQ GOODS, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., Ac. No. 3, 33t*oad Streets AT1IEX3,'XlEORGLi. Sept. »0—1-tf. ' hipmdnU >:dos to Spinners, Stock 52 1673 f’f'ilr T'f it MARKETS BY TELEGB.APH. * P - [Special to the Daily Georgian.] ATLANTA PltODUCE MARKET. XU-OHriD 1'AIt.Y »T KILUXUS, LAXGSTON A .04X1, WIlOLSSUffl OHOCXXO. ' .; Vl , y ' Atlanta, October 16. Clear rib bulk sides, clear sides, 14. Bacon Lard—piimc kettle-rendered, td, 15 1-4; in buckets, 17. Sugar-cured hams, 14 l-2al5. Corn, $L00al'.03. Flour, S5.50a8.25, as to grade. ’"R^e, $1.40. Bar- 'y, 81.50. Bran, 81.20. [Special to tlie Daily Georgian.] CRAWFORD MARKET. amtrni) dailt bt witoaxa A umu. Crawford, Ga., Oct 16. Cotton 11} a 12J- liacuii Sides 14j a 15 Lard 18 a 20 Com V J.41 00 a 1 25 Wheat Nlo .. 1 25 a 1 50 [Special to the Daily Georgian.] W1NTERYILLE MARKET, o aaat-TSD exilt §t wij>-ter * rrrrxKD. WlNTERVIIXE, Oct. 1 Cotton....- |..| jL r ....12t IhiCOI) 15 Hams 00 a 17 Lard U.X|.a..;j... 18 a Corn 25 al Street, and adjoining Lester's Mock, with font food Ollices above, will bo ruoqy > fir use by the 15th of September, and are now offered ftr refit. Apply to JOHN H. NEWTON, or . . Simhxt, Hutchinson A Hi ill, FOR SALE. . j li J 'iivroi fijiiM M18 F ire Good Ilor-c, Cheap for Cash or on time uutil November., Approved security.- , , r > J. II. IIUGGISS, No. 7 Broad Street, Athena, Ga. Feh. 44. rTTr,i7trrrr— mMM. JBemuiBiMBiPRai to .‘r')n'MT/.T<« WOTTO ' pJT—41 ,isO _ luAiW’iHM'ttfe'NW'tWnt iiwtketfcwklK ♦Wfe^odk oil in his til rtTPliiitfli:- ^ivj-,1 •pnmw*wi i — « ^ JI,,r,e -r5roe^^ry< IyWWT r JfSa c TrJ'T« 3HT ! " ,T ! *5 cents Rtr rfcn.f“ IO Sells common Cups andfsjiitcdiy at j!5 fcefitifpeWtrei^—* f rr*<K5n«iO . Sells <^nun<^.Glpp3^tJWfS^f^qent(6^ef , ( , 9M\'< --.-! t ime «o< - ; [ 1 Hiotvf^'- * i aMhmoVOlafe‘Cf^^W!^ccrt»lb^tj(A eiritH «.#«< .v*nn<« oojli i counnoh pjateSVJO'W Widqtk J ikfr l tfcfcl rt,i '^ aimtw »dT M?- i best Ghihite TBt^'A^'dJus to $1.00 iter set. JmJvala <M*d<wq »i FOR SALE. A Plantation within six miles of Athens, containing three hundred and seventy-eight, acres, more or less, Qo, hundred acresTilanred, fifty seres of: which is bottom—thirty of this is in cultivation^ snd tHevtst is good Upland. Seventy-five acres in original forest, and the balance in pine growth- Good Dwelling House, and Packing Screw, fine other First Class improve- Terras cash. Apply to II. It. CARLTON & CO., ^ Real Estate Agents. *' iiL ‘ ' ' At4’ tllli For Sale. A 100 Gallon Still, with Cap aiv\ Worm complete. Apply to Suinincy, Ilutchoo . & Bell, or John II. VV-/ 3 Apply to Smnincy, Ilutchoo . & Bell, or Jol To Rent A veiy desirable RESIDENCE on Jackson Street. Price low andftennseasy. Apply to E. P. BISHOP, Sept 28, 187S—47-tf. No. 1 Broad St., Up Stmrv. r FOB Two Washington Hand Presses One a Jlediura anil the oth# a No. ft, i Bf GOOD dONDI-riON. Ternia! Favorable, and Pri#s~R« Call at *mE Athen# Georotai^-0 ine the same. Economy in BmsSliirts. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT EVERYONE’S POCKET. •e6HER’T>ATENMt l Is recojgrr^ed to ^CI&TPES-rAND BEST SHIRT ever offered in n’ny market, * f l / Made of WAMSUTTA MILLS SHIRT. ING and best 2200 Irish Lineag£|p^ ' finest ever made. '<?* "***’* Let every body call and e: it will save at $12.00 ON EYER To the purchaser in thdt M. G. & J. COHE No.A Broad Street, aVricENS, Georgia. O^t. 9—tfct . ^ ^ ' 1 ? h *i I * r **5! meatSoaad above. The Prut Chat. F. Chandler, Pb. D. armacr, New York City, prove* ita. — u«sfias^» » fc * 0».ron, ' ■ ' As Sulphates. 1 ,- T a-tlLisj fii . -.‘i*Wt Potass, SodaT Carbonic Arid. Pl^phorlc Add. Lt1« ,1 tehmge. < octaov.ifi ) <«w : v,~) ».iu -tui.i,'>i*i _ kfa warrants, via: 1M that tb. medicine afiail tw'what-S claimed for it. Bad. All money mot by BrgliUwd law Mrs shall reach us. Srd, AU medicines ordered by, the Orfanic Matter. $gja&jjfe&aaajtuaja advertised rettsdle. w. oiler tbs Vast under l <*smy paid, 45 ranbu^ -ifawiftyr j A Div gusjnntoed nring dnrWru. Aeon & Dls- priae—4 . :h 50.000 ting to —310,000 uartere *5; twentieths, 11. m tree. Prices cashed. It 4 Co., Bankers, » Park now New York, rick Government Lotteries con- a‘iiDtin|j^,n.i 0 |'of Beautiful China.Tea Scti’Cj.* »’« hl^i triq buo-yJ* i i-Htoifi-wofFRimr wfi’nf^iifliimhCT a? g? D"l Has a Urge stock of Chowing and Stnoking Tobacco. '•** j n<i-r.s* mci mu'll e—i ••l | ii ) j <5lo, 'M-rvl eirriHall—-.SI JriO ,tt4/r! J »u>->;-tlih Jej/i.,-,! .,viii"*V/•—J. H; B.U6Cmi2»S^!J 'i» .•-litli-taiao \he.Mi ^rra 3 Swcb' 1 * 5 ^yitJ ■ ; i**** 1 --* 1 . !* } *■****>' ' i,, SelB Factory Jeans. FIruis, SMrt}hgfcma;OBAolWfig*'l<»* n . J*i_ . * ‘ J 7|,<T i ‘jiitiiiuu jJ<nn rL ^ s?*r-79£&■ ’ ‘j atvA. 1 . wiT? • .kywi'i VnUHiHq^B -ju joa «wl til«J<5 tuD c&SsSBSSjttjastiti* , SettB the Virginia Wceoluo Caslunwrf.pIkiW istj|«.nv(y,, lk ,.. ,. a Sells many other goods too numerous^wp^iqii, , llt )ildu.| i;l « ' Sdls goods Wlow-Iiri^gw arid se^ferywwfilf^ii .., v l,„U».rcTjnie.r«T 2Srinrtfcr5Ji+JJ-35 Flour $7 00 a 8 50 --if if :H» COTTON MARKETS. New York, Oct sales, 510 bales; uplan Futures opened t 7-16; November, 13 13 9-8u21'32; Juuuary toll ' ; -AWING to ray st FARM . T^GEOkbiA 1 SALE. February, 13 7-8al4. P. M.—Cotton;, net ; Futures closed (waug wSUki '%D75; t.i'k-r, 14 7-16al5-32; November, 14 11-16; DeceraW 14 ltfSSP'W; ary, 13 21-32all*16; Februafyr-1 March, 14 l-32al-l&- April, ,14. 7-324; May, 14 716al5-32: June, I4 l3-32a2ltt2; July, 14}al3-16T Aligust, I4fttl5hl6. firm; mid- exports to sales sons all having grown .and my health fivinf way, I aa, lying mile* from Athena, jTiWjnihc road from Athena Mat of which Is First Land. 350 acres, in- nigli -stole of cultivation, ~*n the Stale. 2u0 ■lo>ed by thrive ng Jor the fourth airing. * a form, that any portion id o M sufficing for the condensed a f* ver any Soil, and of the rnuda^ mfiing to within in the State for diversifying Cereals, Graww, Clover ana Fertilizers pay a much larger per cent than furthor ifonth, making U + very fine Cotton Farm. With a flute trouble the Uk^e-i yields may be obtained. The Buildings are'good, a*d tin flne repaJr.—There ifen Tenemtut Bombs,ingooUc^ndittori; ( $ra, i With Basement Stables; Water in House, wx80 feet; new ko • horse mounted, which, propels a now Gin and 1 good selection of Improved Agricultural Hats, Bonnets^ Ribbons, Laces, V. :i ;iT rtT * d S PORT’S T Poison Revived. proven to be the most effective ►i i iKiVTiPXHsajsr ever introduce! Into this or any ether country, la rail before purclia Unco carefully fills one door above National Bank. April 81, 1675—25-tf, Cull it'iSc);-^vfiK^S‘&cS4 If yon ganta Cfincing and Smoking ( i pipes] *>tch ^ J . dlalwlu desire to enioy a real luxury in the way May IS, 1875—S3-tf. AND 'tM&AdSlVr A& kis®% c v Hea? : :for CASH. in eo f«,r £e. Ml Jfn Gutteringr js (j Speciality. .«»* Spring of Water, Pump r ir Saw and Corn Mill, i rope lied by Water—two 5,207; sales, 6,500. Chaklestos, Oct. 16.—Cotton stead)'; middling, 13|; -net receipts, 3,033; exports to Great Britain 3,382; sales, 1,000. Mobile, Oct. 16.—Cotton quiet, middl ing; 13; net receipts, 2,753; exports coast wise 432; sales, 1,800. Mem. iris, Oct. 16.—Cotton steady mod crate demand; middling, 13Jal32; net re ceipts, 2,000; shipments, 1 Galveston, Oct. 16.—Cotton quiet, weak; middling, 13}; net receipts, 1,576; gross 1,679; exporta-taooMtwiso, 213; sales, 1,680. j r Haltimore, Qct. 16.— Colt6iT“ Middling, 13J{grOss; reCeipW, 108; 415; sales, 260. , Augusta, Oct modem ceijits 1 Nori filing 13}; net receij wise, 2882; sales, 4C 5V iLMiSGXfli& Oct/J 16.*—Cotton middling, 133; net receipts, 112; exj coastwise, 6; salw, 260j [ \ [/ PlIILADEM’inA, J Oct. Cotton and firm; middling, 1TJ; net rcecipts, 491 gross receipts, 536; exports to Great Britain dling, 14}; net receipts, 78; grew receipts 831; sales 140. Liverpool, October 16—Noon.—Cotton steady; middling uplands, 7}; middling Or leans, 73; sales, 12,000; speculation and export, 4,000; receipts, 3,000; American, 600. To arrive, dearer at opening, but now 3 cheaper, with, offerings free., Sales of middling dplamlv’ fow ’Biddling ' shipped October and November, per , sail, 7 1-16; do., shipped October and Novenaber, tier sail, 73; do., shipped November and December, per miL 7 3,-16: sales of mid: dling Orlean3,dow middliug! olise^ibipped October tfpd; November, «; sales of mid dling uplands, low middling clause, shipped December and January, per sail, 7§; also, sales of satne, apuj sail, 7 846 and 74. iff LiveepgD^ Qfit. 39 arrive, firmer; more buyers nt las* night s prices. Sales of middling uplands, low mid- SsdKrfnt -fertr *r sli Liverpool, Oct. 16—3:30 P. M.—Sales ^ «i<l«h«g Buplnnds, low middling*#Jause, v *ci'»ber and November, deliverable, 7; do._, nh'iyed January and Feb; •>•16. Salea 0 f American, IMnpajfAc.r A fine OrehnrdrnAM attfehfid t^C&ok Boom ;|a VitfiJk, with ten mere* of Land—Mills pro. **The?bcXe ?mrm?withmllefit* adtantagee— pure Wltiv| ‘ climate and good twciely—difpen« ity or seeking watcrlhg plaees a* thin three mile* to n never fitUlot Water Power, at • low price, offering an inducement to any kind of Manufacturers. '* * Two settlements. e$uar In value, may be made on the above 650 a^res of4#md. If desired, 430 acres more, ad- making two more settlements. 650 acres of Land for *25.00 per i the remainder a liberal indulgence rchosor paying interest. Machine- ients told separate. hands of H. II. CARLTON and then*, Ga., Great Reduction" ill'Prices kfpor-t£efiext tMrty days. ’fintckets, Wall JO^nekcta,and aU kladaof OrnaaMntal Waod Work, GREATLY SEDUCED PRICED aj^Qi. itlfolatlow Wba^in.sH.nlnorevytbln^ oum. h to turn Building up Town in SITES FOR FOUR OR MORE '■ LARGE COTTON HILLS, OR OTHER MANUFAdTORIES. »d, j; > Sprin& fwA'frtmW, , Millinery Goods, , v , ? Mia. T. A. Adams would moat respectfully inform the Ladies of.AUiewand of counties a liacent, that" 1 " u " now teraiVeSf‘and 1 openeds Moafebelee and M aortment of SpvjBffawdlkainmar MUIioeryGdod prising in part the latest styles and fashions of M. i^JO’AAjrvi WAREHOUSE AND COMMlSSli HBUQHMiL- No. 1. Warden Block, .. Augusta, Georgia flvIIANKFUL for the liberal patronage heretofore be- JL scared,; would t^ke. this occasion to Qai^lina ith Qaiblina tliat, in-wlt' Its brai buying and selling futures), and solicits, of'Cotton for sale or storage... HhwHlfiVe of Cotton bis peraonal attention. He is, as S9&tiXK** » CC W JKSE^ISSCf Sept. 22—47-2m. A. K. CHIUW. R. NICKERSON. y: it wtidr. fCnju^mqwniNWit PEAtEBSHT': Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, t,l> F4j^BiNl35'%CALE8; kS ° lp'jir.'.Mi ,»i» r» l. \ . <7. .1 j. RUBBER BELTING, AGRICULTURAL' IMPLEMENTS, WILL call, upon most reasonable terms V V and pries, the ce’ebreted ments in regard to this Shoal ARE 'TRTJE l» etetjr particular, and being located within eight miles of XtbiKto and the saat disuncefrom Crawford, on the Ath ens branch of the Georgia Railroad, and in the Terr heart of one of our best COTTON GROWING affords an opportunity lor establishing a Manu- ONE MILLION * DOLLARS ,., and more might bars be sdvaatSEt<msly sxpenffsd. within • distance of not more Ibsn one mile. f^^vrgjrafeCSSfidb., , . . , Real Estate Agent8 1 B Hi «p*t n '■* n. n. CARLTON. n fi . *■—mm »«t^ WSSS AOKNT9 FOR “ - Winship and Sj Ac., &c., ; ! 1/ ATHENS^GEORGIA. • • V. A GINS DELIVERED IN ATHENS AT MANUFAC- il'isf ' TUBERS PRICES. i'ltf'i t Sept. 10—1-tf. Sort! firtUI facillti bee: MONEY MARKET& - Paws. QotoW lfc^BwlW Wt Wc. jg 16}. Exchange: long, 478}; mmentff dull and steady. tw snob 2iai8iiia 1 advanced 165a 17. Gov- «®meat a,,, T 1 * 8 * nominal. .... PRODUCE MARKETS. iwiater wheat, 10,. ■iesafcSk. Dissoii of Copaitneisliip, ssS , ®aBaS2iS^»Ss TSsrwaesgyoiKasriprs. branchesTnnd hope by rtri^atUntioo to m«=ftWeoeUn- ^ofthaprtnm^^llbm^ylbratowed the *F»b. No A Refngee Block, Thomas St- PlasraesB MM the 20lhdsy of October, inst^atlltrfelock; ‘ fibna. the election of PrasidsnVsnd Di- s place. ' j^SdSSmmr- NOTICE. i ' Great Redaction in Prices. ff’kN |^d after Oot. 1st tve-shall bflkrtodnr oastorasra, * w goods in onr line at much lower figdikA than hew tofore. To enable ua to do this, wa will adont strict]; ’ the Caah System. We are now receiving a Gage an I full assortment of good*, bought at low'prices, whk I we invite el) to call and examine. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, MY STOCK OF SCHOOL BOOKS, > PAPER, PENS, INKS, ftjo; Ci vf) i’-'-t-* sown, .‘ui-.i. '.ili ..'"in i ■ !■-,t',;. .j i ■ "(■ i .ni'.mrt.t iiitj.1 ■ vjiHtjtm >.ii 2S sr.rrl. h uagins .VS—*■> ZtS^Tl. ^Qaa", $*reet> Stiiexis^ <Saorei^M‘^*;t { ,o .r; Oct. S-ri49T-riLug Knmi'M- 'i.i u'liUry;*! | 8f ; 4 t 4 noli/. ;i;;« ^ ll '" WEEKLY STAR. ^OooA, «jr«M rf-i»dio*F»icr jtoWtor«ffr&ti •wstwast Goods, in Shawls, CloaJtsv &c.;,^. Alw? d^cSrAlilo lihd'of>Lad^’s anft 1 Chib- '.‘-•hi-nl « fd boti'K.itb v C w viHiinq odl fl«iaJ ^ dren's Fancy E*fts,;iiBd.cproetpt9!K n 9§ 9f oQitt'G4»dsi too IV Zjjnu. a|.Boorn Hf <7*2 ■ i m h- MHHMFw m "Mi" -rirmn’ . Good Reading at Panic,Prices.; < VVUBING the eommer months, Uiscellatieoi Lffof all kinds, will be sold at GreaWy • pRESCRIPTto^FREEPOR rJuS »’***«> 4wn»mi U-wN mA. the Bpcetly- cnfe of ipocifil JrMblts common to Whichr ho has been uuahlo to do Wctoforcvi j ffihanktn<D<4he publio «d) humorous to mentidfl.T .. utiUiuiMif -ult ItjlW'i doitlvrridooiLa nibfsq •a?!. —-aef n&tn*> wd ntffl and THE COLT m ctoforevi j'Thankingvihc publio foupastk <«\ Which lie..has been. miahloilo. do motto is »«»«Wt»'V' , 'A ]{[ Bostic >VIndow Shades. At SI.50 per, pair. I,At $2.20 per .pair., ■At 81-75 per pair. I At $4.00 per pair, f s FITS CURED FREE!! \ NY person suffering Ihafi the rv disease Is reqneeted to addrem Da. Fait ial botUeof medicine wlU be foryrsrd^by, A NY person suffering that the above XtV. disease Is requretad to addrem Da. Paica, and a trial botUeof medicine wlU Tin fnrp,jjmkj J f'«M r fS owing to . uneauare small. Dr: mcsanir ‘ " treeunent of mu&jpBrassrs'M tb. ns. of his remodv. Do not foil to send to him for a trial hottla; nothing, and he YOU, i.tfRA.^iSSg^ETO as your Feat OWee dinettes, sad ■fiM.n ^TSKiSHfcStSSJoffL) 1/ I RAILROAD TICKETS For sale, by all routes, and to aU pr]neipsl points in •'uttt'.LlP Oil I11141I IM«i1yuIT —u THAHIVERI Jfi OOUIXCO to bMhrfrieftflp and % (1 _. . generally rthat he haa justreturneaft hjH*>aaspi fall‘trip So. NewYorh.:; Boston , -With a large did varied stock ioh very stroeiior gbbds, consisting 1 partly READY MADE CLOTHING/ ■jL • IJ iU jrvli ^.Ak/’ttllV'JfWIAd'in' **«1 tw > ■nil “u uennif: uiiuiau'J fuanfadJ .ou.’ ~rTTniVfi(annii < l n»! 6 iShoes,. Boots and .a*»»«.,^.. ^ q 0Tj .iu>-> •* most ehdless variety,U.qwj ,vh*o aha:! oa ^ breHh^ 'Fineq EenriT wol-*.l 1.^17...!,, ' .Iadmi itcHl U« 4.1 Kuiwu -T)Jj Cs ^VrtJ qu vlUqci v« *>i!i m ioJ*l J</ibkUt'ju;;j r a§> alulw .utriiesw f v .’ - wsvii -vnv ir»l rad, i.pTn.Tul •n-J -i Tarns, Osnfli^ .0 ml k Checks, . Shirtings, *» b'lW—hatta andotimr VTAVINQ .established. affpal.YdtdJ ,i ng Costt to* fhfe mtiuns ft Athens, at very lownrioes: GENUINE “COAt CREEK,” )v>a ui> IJivoJ/aiTn f iiiw -*>« BL AfitotfiBWUI \ihoituv 3T Ak 1 b *?f llu 1 i ^ v nannflefa'wJItbeff^est.UMi ^121 tV(kui- tho..Qq.i1 F|Ol<W P r TV«inft«aiM ® , fHWAiwiwr** «lWd» W ra fP.YjHfl»gg!8l a ^L, August 11, 1875. .\imoguii rib- ciertfl-^-M—jjO janiwnaffaW ~ NOTICEj _}lsfiSMniVM past, and asking for a continuance of thanafaJ beg to say that, .oiiihsH, :WSBV 0K,»^V®X»« I CNCCDt.tO those 1 - v_ ' lUcrHaijTfipjr J wltqtus distinct t DUE AT THE EN D^HffTiHgy MODi .. UNITED STATES, . * li Buyyonr Tickets before leaving hthtea, knd'rrt Agent Car. Southern' •75 an bn L I Co., Athens, Gs. 28. tt “I stopped at the Book Store, snd I fave tried every'aae, and find them all right.” Each package contains all the pattern! necessary fcr June2,1875. !•• tilMf-f -»• 1i-.JfH“ !: Horses and Mnlea< wsamMBsggsas Ten : Toy Money 8308188 AND T188 SLATES, PENCIL^' tlT4^|[^T-*-yWg»iS8*-8*M»WW<8faP«RWi. a.K.i -.»■■■ :.;in . H ATHENS FACTORY. < n! r,1/ RL BLOOMFIELD, Agent. J-, fljfc •IL-11-..T Oct 20—w4t. ... * 1 Millinery anil Fancy finds. Miss C. JAME8, 1 A ' wen Selected HAIR GOODS, TB1MMIKOS. Am. PAT- fft H|fil TKBN HAIBaAND BONNETS, OPENED, OCTOBER 18m ! TBCE <* AS- iiEFFEL Doable ■Water Wtoel,H j I Baltimore, KO. ■ 7poo xotr i:f vast ■■■■■KnW, Store located on Broad 8t,l ■tpSwr^-» LK,¥EKERKSSi' '*.■* .7 •AfCsl .J>fa , il JM/I »tii7v«dt K a***-' hiiJii'tiiiv vjmU -q ili. w s y> -«o failin' I ilyli o»lT '*94* •to'i- IrT^dvffn fW sail ial rw'qi* l BleUehinga, Tickings,Blankets, &c-> «S‘^ " — nmun ■ **^|”0| vtuvnvaj "V— .HbRoW' 1 ytiiVe'f Au ' TurJvrt'4 , '(iMrt' f< ' ,11J< ' -'i<r ‘«ij‘‘WJ.iL'wrjUiW .»»J ni ,Uu I1W1 v«4 -Cl POIprB^d(»<!pn?fi? tiorrisiifno jiuhfoiv oilj uLWareA.,.&(}. ,..,ncr> VA i. fl ))U<i, AtlSO, li >lil * rr li J.lii a full lihdofi Jrisnoif. a? r &!'■' ■•'Syrrfp8,< 'LarcL 1M J - r Hhm9, Ctr4«B^ Kerbsfinw Oilv > !i;S roua Hq.menlop, mdt tC ;bM -iW'SWfer.'... ; Jrf-rM The above gqoda, flWfpg Hoqov n.1 l 'ii i i tqtha recent dofi)j*®v,c : tm Ob ,i; i d r in.,he enw -nfr .^r. •j i iT Jrt fibled toscll up. ',vi. ■* Rt : prices : »iwfn»m «n ynt-uw-i^mq .*f qu L nii 18 ; j|f» ! n.'.'inq r.A » : THE . NATIVES, . I£.yeii want any thing in .thq abpw mentioned' ehwseB!of.gDod^.Gr]iyi,.ai»J AIM, (> htll'0*>'' ft*« ►- ««iM» uh >«*• T-V*a'W*VTw; wiw bilS*' iSu/ffjaJUf v4.iA? Also manufacture and June <aa hand the celebrated BrooHODetfoItttilg 8cr6w Press. M.-,'**{><fc. » *u--illK . £ Kidmajoar/tAfto^T i Him* m* • • l.c:<is(r! STMltt 1- BepL IS—4<-4t. '»rmv i'-l"“,'lfa^lr «riuii4»d Jir'aeie a» tfik'j 3 u vuiivf Inn. »vi 1 Ilia*' .il —.»!.' A ir 'V ;,n: M f *ji»Wr«siKjLw., 1 th» ireaWaooeof faAiqmD W 1 fifaferWwipKe^. 1 . , fawn of eemottHf •v, j-ciii hi but ,/taitiKt ivj/j t. -nuiu, unaBtifl^TO y, ^atowtisato(reke C d !'-‘*VOB THB DtBBASS AluHlG J«>i: FRANKLINHOOSr Mask can be had at aB hours, for ; rpad>fa KilMlhl) IWcF •iffiaAdfaBaMe Mmanaefca , k» Aw days, and will ** ^Iinii»b* iSyWlcited: ' "JiKW.T- 1 •mm NBdtrtaprtfftti^riH-jiiv/.-aviiw :i! ifcir .Tlli'ii'aljl '.r.'ift 1 — LOOK OUT FOR n, *r j w.i pia»i*''Ay«re'-'f« ‘ “ 1 of ktheia and vftjnlt I211I I, U'lfl'w^r.iij h«['nljamfafaM _ vZZZ'u3 j &J3&EW* Used twice a week it wQln'jdoi i, Wevent thef Bigeag«, And JTOW^IWpRWfciBJB,]: FqrJUInLBJj * pi >Jf wert-jth ng i>c<nrihJl nt ,.t ■■■■'tt' Dealer In and manabctnrsr of I TO Jt Tfr w3KAf.J^|a-lf tltohfcO^ ym ti •: .-AlR®*Se®,M ~~ Tm fttadakydstrlrabherd Bunding -olqih.miffg^niijmm kJ:J W*A04<4 wv'l ATVXrT )a (Kwaaii h - —"fr POOR Copy