The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 20, 1875, Image 4

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l v 'jrrf Celegrapljic. ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHE THE STATE ELECTIONS, COTTON STATISTICS. H P NnrOuun, Oot. 14—The commit. I I tee on information and statistic* of New Or leans Cotton Exchange, to whom waa ef- [ [trustedthe duty of preparing a national | cotton crop report, submit the following for| 1 September. The New Orleans department Ms 33h UBBiSUitMS* THE ATHENS GEORGIAS not appoc* I I September. The New Odeum < contains that part of Mississippi ♦ioned to Memohia and Motel* OHIO. I change, and the entire State of Louisiana I Oncmun, Oet IS.—Official returns I sad the State of Arkansas, Sooth of the| from eighteen wards and prednta in Ham-1 Arkansas nver. — Louisiana,—Sixty-two replies from tbir- ilton oonnty, give. Hayes Allen 4- Aeosaiaao-Sixty^wo replies from tow- w™.™* 846. The whole Repo Wean eoonty ticket I ty-ooe preemeta. avenge date of <ktobw “xotf HKADH is probably eleetedT 15k, reportthedMWMtor of the weathar ae »OTE HEAM. - — - - - - —. - ■ - m aaa I universally unfavorable: heavy storms and I BILL nbAub, HE^iTSis^RANCE COMPANY, IS OF AM RICA PITAL $4,500,000 or which *100,000 to be owned in tick Department^ Shell Policy-holder U entitled to a Tote in the management Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama* r / ij Capital Stodc y w***.:t£'*'i , V $100,m UnWOU HMOUTT 10,000. | aurersally nn&vorable; heavy storm* and [ of£h^Tr , D rSci 3 hSd^'° n0 H^- fiWSSjS S- of Mghty-fivo precincts heard from. Ham-1 fln(1 Tnterferin* with picking, which l throughout the MX State on September 1st. Notwithstanding pnbBee" candidate fijr Lieut.-Governor, 286 ] ^ aer j 0M gj^ge already done, canting j majority over Cary. The Repal ne He P aDUCana |oomJderable dfaooaregement and unpre* “Sjlcedentod amount of tickneas among the oonnty will L,^ ^ fcvonhle weather, hence- £• — gjfitfjP vjmPK BUSINESS OAKD8, Am STATEMENTS, VISITING CARDS, HAND BILL8, BLANK NOTES, LEGAL BLA 1 * 1 ™ «d *"■ *u elect their Lemslators. Th Hamilton TOUmy WU1 [laborers, with favorable weather, hence-1 And in fact, ALLKINDS ofPrinling ext Cl .. cl ’ . -g- ,tha yield, aa reported, will be but ^ ated te Fib8t Class Style and at B*aa. Cincinnati, Oct. 18.—-Returns from ooo I little less than last season. I os able Prices, at the Athens GeobqUW preemets, nearly one-third of the State, I Arkansas—We have received thirty-one I office. show a Republican majority of 5,400. 1 - —* 1 Columbus, ~ ~ ' ~ fits of danuge done by rot and I JIL--. mntinw Job Printing Ar ~* ipahy the latter, the extent of' P 6 ” 00 * - dimcnlt to correctly estimate; TALHADGE & CO., —DEALERS IN— i /. w. H. KETCHUJI,«PreeSdent. . . . .. <w* 0. W. FOKT, Secretary. Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia. JT. A DAVIDSON, Vice-President, $100,000, * C. ROWELL, Attorney, 15,000 majority brandies of the General Assembly. I plaints Columbus, Oct. 13.—Returns come in I . very slowly as yet -, it is impossible to give I which it is uuikiui. ** v «>«*“««’» accurate %urcs, but both theHRepublican J but the aggregate less does not exceed and Democratic State Committees agree I eight or ten per oent. About the 8th of that the Bute has not gone Republicanby | September picking had become general, over 10,000 majority. The most tignifi-1 but waa not progressing as rapidly aide- cant news today, is in an official dispatch fared, owing te sickness m certain counties from Rom county, showing that Allen has and heavy rams m others. Nearly all cor carried the county by only 242 majority, I respondents agree that with frost at some giving a Republican gain of 405, which time as last year, the yield will be much elects a Republican Senator, Represents-1 gnmter. tive. Treasurer and Judge. The absence of I Mississippi— Sevcnty-threo replies have all,figurcs on Lieut Governor and Legisla- (been reoeived from this State, average date tore, makes a definite statement regarding I of 1st—t The weather has been almost um- thorn impossible, and while it is not certain. I versally cold, wet and stormy, causing serious both committees agree that it is quite [damagi to the crop. It is estimated twenty probable that the Republicans have a work ing majority in both branches of the Gener al Assembly. "* 1 , i -- . _ Toledo, Oct 13,-Lucas county, with quantity. Picking was general on the first one township to hear from-Hayes 5,778, week m September, but is progressing sW AUcn 4 433 ™ J I ly, owrag to wet weather and the unusual ^ I presence of sickness among the laborers. Daton, pet 13.-Montgomery county I jpj, e yield, as compared with last year, ao- complcte, gives Allen 822 majority. cording to our correspondents, will barely what the democratic state committee I reach that of last season. . w SAT* I Nashville Cotton Exchange, covering Columbus, Oct. 18. I Middle Tennessee, Tennessee River, and the 7b Ron. Hendrick B. Wright, Chairman I State Democratic Committee, Phxla-1 Marshall. JacksonJ^ The State’has gone for Haves by a small ?°* <*?**• I^ ^SScv'SScd i^te but^^ ^und ^o Sch raL in Silver and Plated Ware, Democracy poUcda vote 30,000larger than Mabama ^ WJUJ too much ^ whichi IUBTBmJ . UT . 1 however, was not very damagiog uotill MISICAL INSTMMENT8, : the great storm of September 16th, m ,, 0 .K, a ....... e ... nni when the coontry was drowned by a treraen* SfllTSIIS S AMICLIS If AIL llSIS. dous fall of rain, which submerged the low nEixG tetter pretend no«tfasi**w«od**Bkted. . . C. Sowell, Rohm, Gs; Alfred Shorter, Some, ; A.R.Jones, Cedartown, Go.; Hon. D. F. Hammond, Room, Ge.; T. McGuire, Some, Ged F. Woodruff, KO, Ge.; A. J. King, tire 6p^m ? , G^; Bon. W. , ^ Montgomery, Alabama. i Capital stock t $100,000. , CLEMENTS. President end General Manager, Toakalooaa, Ala. TON, VIoetPrealdenI .Montgomery, Ate. , SccrcUiy STONE A CLOPTON, Attorneys. Mississippi Department, Meridian, Mississippi, capital stocks .TT. r!T:....$ioo,ooo OaiL JAMES W. BECK, President JOI1NH. GRAY, Vice-President. L. A. DUNCAN, Secretery. Security! ialconomy! Xaberality ! Am th* Leading Principle* of this Company. All appeared •am of $100 to $14,000. AIm, Term PolidM of One, Three, I ing after two annual paymenta, when the inaurad will b* antit] Diridenda may he used to protect ^on-forfeiting and Cash Surrender ' ^POOD AGENTS^WANTKD. forms of Life and Endowment Policies teued in Flee or SeTen year*. All Life Policies Doo-torfeit- pall amd Winter igfj Are now prepared to show one of the most elegant and largest stocks < G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Alabama, General Superintendent of Agencies. American ami Foreign Watches, CLOCK* HUT*CHUBS ON & BELL, ’** A ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Aasir mi, IROJSp ^XEEL and nails, agricultural implements. • ! MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FANCY GOODS, CARPETS,«.! EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS MARKET. By special attention to the careful selection of our goods, we have prc. cured all the novelties the season aff< rIs, consisting in part of ' Elegant Plain and Solid Dress Goods, RIMMINGS, COLLARS and CUFFS, BELTS, SCARFS andl, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING NOVEL AND NETT. ‘ <LAH3>jKkXa *ja fcO In addition to our usual expensive lines of goods, we nave opened this 'i ~x v* ■ than was ever «iaat for any man elected Gover nor of Ohio. Our defeat was tho result ot the most lavish expenditure of money which ever characterized a political contest, tho colonization of fraudulent voters, and . . . tt. toaod^io. rf c. i— <* gSto? ta bS P " J SSbS! weather. For the Democratic Committee, j charleston Jlepartmenl.—Tho P aiaeieB- araoMpr denial fbom tub kkfcbucan I ton (^tton Exchange, covering the State of state ooMKoniB. I South Carolina, has 65 answers from 26 Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 13. I counties, generally dated on or after the 1st Republican Central State Committee, I infant. The weal Philadelphia: . - 11 Tho dispatch of John G. Thompson, ' , n . . Since I rad »pwins do pun* to pteuso «U, * GIVE US A TRIAL. ENGRAVING in *11 it* bnnete* NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. SO LX AGENTS FOR J. Moses' Electro Galvanic Spectacles. tuid SHrcr, bought, for which OT Old Gold i _ higteat c*»h price will te paid. BW Colltge ATenue, oppowto th* fiu* as'it relates to frauds perpetrated and I ^ro P from rustTrot'orstoraa, whi^s aU the lavish expenditure ofi£n£y by Renub- report Smy chieflyS beans of thia SUte, is a falsehood, and he am0 unSng in mSy instencesfrom knew ft when he rigned ft. ter to onlthird of the crop. A. T. Wikoff, In Tennessee picking commenced about Chairman, [sept. 20th; in Alabama about Sept. 10th, the ursult snu doubtful. ASTO ING. Columbus, Oct 14—There is still intense excitement hero over the election news, and much figuring is bring done. The Democrat* do not expect to dissipate the majority entirely, but dahn that it will bo very small. Sept. 20th; : although in neither State did it begin fully I before the 20th. His progressing slowly j everywhere^ owing mriuy towel weather. | With frost at same time as last year, the ] yield in Tennessee- will be about the same. 1 The average is somewhat reduced, but the yield per acre increased this year. In) Cotton Gins, Presses, < PORTABLE .BISrGUNES, Mowers, Reapfrs, Threashers, &c., &c. DEUPHEE BLOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. .Tune 23, 1875. 34-tl 786 NOSTBEflSTERN BfllLBOftO 13, COMING l AND THE NEW GOODS JUS? RECEIVED AND DAILY ARRIVING, AT iHU NT’E R&BE USSE' s, tho | ABE CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STOCK CONBIST8 OF A LARGE LOT OF ready-maDe clothing . . . AIDAiraiBID VmiB SIBAOOSIo CABBISKERE AND OTHER CLOTHS jParatols, Umbrellas and Dry Goods, mull The ReDublicans figure very I y ieId per Mre increased tius year, in rioee, but still rdy on several ^!mis^ Alabama the nveragels.abqot ten par cent. Hess. Tho crop m lower States m this de- tsHiNaTON, Oct. 14-Private dis-1 P«tinent are greatiy dependent upon the m.tete. Stem irive returns from I weather for the next five or six weeks. Ifi W >—_,»T7, aeveralcounties, which few#Hayes miQ|there isaMr aeason and late Om^ tba 1 ggwJBCojgk Lj*rir.rttf 2L behind |cropwiH be above the average; with an I to it* utmotf,«u-i.tte multte, the early, killing froat, it will fall 25 per cent, j The Most Perfect and Desirable , CiNpyA^j* nthe-Ths, Mowing »| bnlhtinedat ike OomOe efce^ I ^£*iSK?^£*ta^<£2Sm7*I*“ th * r ’^ Ub Pl“ “** rfRST PREMIUMS p"*T "tTT*.. I nver counties of Alabama has been oar-j. w-de a itrtUw u.uv.r«iKxhibiUon ia'Blows, fa> *° ** ** "f 1 ™ I tailed. A great deal of sickness w pro- J ISIS, *ud ,t n K>id »t. more donbt tbmi nope. | vailing at this time. '* * * - I Oct 14—After very carefully 1 -*• - “ - ' 1 AA Wickoli; Chairman ofjthe in State Committee, states that sixty-eight counties now reported give 10,-1 rapidly, 607 majority for Hayes. Twenty counties I M« n y t notjhcard from gavo a Democratic majority | Mt herei of 5^71 in 1878. The Democrats here claim • gam of M02 in sixteen of these Boots and Shoes, Fancy and Family Groceries, WTOBIEK-WAmiE AMID) © M(D1KIEM‘* ' OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Leather, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Cigars, Tobacco, &c., &c. CHOICE FLOUR AJfD COUWPRT PRODUf*, 0SNABURGS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &C., &t\, &C., &C- The above Goods having been recently purchased in New York, at reduced prices, are now offered to the public at Low Figures. 89* Come and be convinced. .. . iJ ttUTSTTER & BETJSSE, 'l DELPREE’S CORNER- season, An Elegant Carpet and Shade Department, Comprising Full Lines of all the Leading Styles and Manu factures, V ' ot T '-t • «• T K l 1 t '*•?•{ bt X "La. ^ Which we offer at prices, defying all Compe. tition. J\To. 5 Broad St, Jlthens, Georgia, Sept. 30—1-tf. A* K. OHIlsDfl. R. NICKERSON. n Y. H. WV.V.V. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IK HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse ; and Mule Shoes, : Horse-Shoe Nails. MI LB XJRN WeAOOTSTS, AGEICULfUKAIi IMFIiEMENTS, Carriage and Saddlery Hardwai &c., Rubber and Leather Vices, Hollow-ware, ( WINSHIP Gr IIST,- Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks Standard Scales, Circular Saw*, Ac. Any article in our line not in dock will be ordered when desired, with the least jmtik Call and examine mur stock and prices. PRICE Tit* STANDARD great deal of sickness is pre vailing at this time. Picking began generally from 21th of 1 thw *ny otter Maehio* oflu August to the 19th of Scpfnhar, tod ia IMp 1 commonly reported as progresting vet y | g/" , even more so than last year.] M*;li,l^a report the crop as being already ijathered to the extent of one-half to three- tourthaand aabeing as freely sent to mai>, EVtST WEDNESDAY, AT WADES ket. With frost at the usual time the pro-1 . bor^N-CT ^ EXCEL- by J. M. UPSHAW and V. P. GR9F1TII. i»ee the Witeou bttlim Wf. ■ swf. The Pee Dee Herald* ciaun a gam ox «,«i m sixieen oi uieae i t e t With frost at the usual time the pro-1 s nsD EVESTWEDN tSVAY, AT H ompamon with last year, of 19} percent, k few correspondents state the yield ot 9 which is attT * A Flint less attributed to the majority of 4JB84 for Hayes. Hie Demo crats concede the State to the Republicans. the latest. j vere drought in July, J? Cincinnati, Oct. 14— Timed Columbus I CR0P rEPOBT FOR SEPTEMBER. special says aQ the returns arem except! from two counties. If these two poll the I Memphis, Oct. 0.—'The Cotton Exchange *tepoor«*t in tte teoi same vote aain 1878,Hayes will have 6,870 ] Crop Report for September contains 120 majority. I response*, of the average date of Septcm- The Chairman of the Democratic Com-1 ber 6th. Of these, 17 report the weather mitleo aaya if Hayes is not elected by over J warm and dry; 43 clear, dry and cool, with | cm 1,000 minority, and the Democrats get I occational showers; 60 wet and cold; 541 either branch of the General Assembly, lie | report aeriool damage by nwt ;V7 blight; 1 »|njwiy ,iio,foajof ii.w« m,i purposes to contest Hayes’ election, oo the 160 rot; 85 injured by storms; 49 noidam- ... ground of fraud in Cuyahoga oonnty. I age. The total damage reported for tins ^Ate »biSt»ritti»in Nona c^uS IOWA. I department is 10 1-8 per cent. The com- *uff. there u *ooo*h humoroa* radiagta it to'make I •’ Chicago, Oct S^letnrna from Iowa b D e ^tL°,^%Ke e p^r-^^ npto^Mg#gl»|s$Bjrl8te«ioto»“P***** l 9«b"P° rt in nearly every oonnty, and hi most cases very considerable Republican grins. A o. h. "Yancey. ■: L. SCHEVENE'LL & CO.. BROAD STREET, ATHENS. GA. DEALERS IN - Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, tfer* * Having BEST WORKMEN, we are prepared to do REPAIRING IJfB■ SUJfSuilOR STYLE. ailLVEG AMD GOLD PJLATIMG, _ Joara*l* of the d»y. <r Ttelt!to?ii*~Ud toUMfomDr circle, tteoo- taln* original cad (elected clone*, wit, homer, etc. Erer, fomilj in th* lud *hoald aoteenbe forlL Iu low price (odyoo. dotelptecM it within th. reach of ‘ pooreu in the teod. W* ptjr all poetege. READ WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OF US. Th* PoUrton (N. C.) hmmjmmgai Tte Hcr»Id la. . C ^ at - TOflBalSR ~ 1 And all work of thie kind, such as Forks, Spoons, Watches. Ac., plated by us, warranted at toMto iienid upon th* <n* ] equal la (hat done by any establishmentin the country. % J '* The Herald 1»j r InUrectinglead-1 i1JL. very considerable Republican gains, huge vote has been polled, and the local tickets are badly scratched in a number ol I troublra, with i m — » Tiie rrw Am Kirkwmd te .livtMi tv q | year; 16 report that the crops will be about | cash at members. Iper oenv.^ riiM&vy report laoorers Republican majority of at least 80,000. * 8k WA1 Athens, Georgia. BURKE'S BOOK -mr Hv|iougBHignHHH ticket is probably elected. Dodge oonnty | at the average date of September goes streaky Demooratie. The tow Coo-[report utbpa killed in the Hisriisipf! tot- stitntion fa carried by a large majority. I -»► - ■ 10 ■WMffiMMMBMMBBBWMffiJ bccnl CASH FOR WOOL, CLOTH FOB WOOiu ttiC tell.ring it to te more to ^ " the Wool for lu Note Paper. AND ELEGANT STOCK of GOODS, EMBRACING the ] finest assortment of French, English and German Goods for Gentle- men’s: We&^ever offered in this market. ,Also, a large lot INS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, PLAIDS AND SOLID FLANNELS, LADIES CLOTH, BEAVERS, &c., See. all the novelties in ... Wool, tetwatofth* Planter to thtter (ten ten it Cud-1 RECEIVED THE GRAND PRIZE MEDAL. Vienna, 1*73. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. Itlreauires no Instructions to run it. It can not get out of order. It will do every dan and kind of work. u-rrsoV 7f has no cast iron cog wheels to break. It is not necessary to buy two » MA CHINES, in order to be able to'do light and heavy work. It will sew from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. . , It is as far in advance of other Sewing Machines in the magnitude ot its npm improvements, as a Steam Car excels in achievements the old fashioned otage coo Prices made to suit the Times, Either for Cash or Credit. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CA1ALOOUE OF STYLES AND PRICED Agents Wanted* ' Address UPSHAW & GRIFFITH, -f 8«pt.s2—t?-t& - ; ■;, ‘ ; Athens, Geoi^ HEAVY BOBBERY. tinslt ■MmdwWb* sownrito frafutotinlel P I 1 ]&ahimciBg Plaids in Camels’'"Bair Style, CBshmers, Poplins, Reps > nm. UTMMI M l«t «MT! I!) ilMMUli nVHTO. - - - - - - ms ess as- it. a. sAuvnab <na! the same acreage as last year; 53 increased acreage; 18 report none raised, mated acreage increase is . the aggregate. For North ’are 16 responses. One rej ^ ; 8 report se- I I I I WINES, WHISKDKS and LAGER One reported progreerin^ well; 15 steady, S ?“* T > hems, Gaowu. frost at came date as last year; 5 ei crops about same: 2 less; 8 better, rage estimate, 61-2 per cent, better, teen responded to other interTogatio laborers are wdl disposed to save crops; i „•; « w >. , Medical College if fiewgts, ■sjSElT G»A Wolens.andSilks. Large lot of * A 7A y. Xffit* t Jlii M/. 1 ! Atlanta, Oct Constitution stete* that son, colored, brother to the one hung Friday, in Fayetteville committed a i opon Mrs. Kennedy, of Fay Paris, 0& 14—The Monitsur says government hto deckled that it is not titled to direotiy aaterv— in Turkish ternal sffirira, hot will raise the qneetion of] 8 repored no guarantees of loans to the Turkish govern-1 rye :md graseea meat through iU diplomatic agent*. I by about the same as last year; 1 reports Four hundred Carikta, belonging to Cas (less; 7 more than last year. Theertiinated ttUaooe’ hand, are interned at TarW 1 average inerease is 6 1-2 per cent. In Cashmers, Crapo Suiting, Henrietta Cloth, Baritz, Tamice and JmA 4wwo.JF‘W* M<,ri10 *” d Blaek sak - Slock of Blaok Alpjw-Cii and Mohairs. Luge lot of White Goods, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Lace &c. • stf~ ; 11 ewM-nfl «i ^ r\ _ , M ■ 4I i 1 }|Large lot of Blankets, 8hawls, Scarfs, Cloaks, Sacks, dc« Also akn£B saa^* 8 *-. 22£gB£r.m HADE mZ2M 0*.*-AV Th. M ^ al D qT «, rf A.p^ Mnrfoateboe. $5; Ml toow ot LmCwm, $30; Ttwt- tleol hsaSamj (ooo.), $10; DipUnut, $M. Far (Writer Hriwto.yW LA. DUGAS, Dm*. Besides a .General Stock of other Goods offered at prices to compete with Atlanta and Augusta. Trade frotn a distance solicited wCLSLP IL» CE> WLe HLJ «=2 ma s Oct 2—d&wlm. ip aa li <5* aa as ^ Kx -yXNBLI imL ffiEffi. s S • ■ . a* — iFMiHS Mia iteeritera teri removed to No. I2. FBANKL1N HOUSE RANGE, BnwdStrart, whew tl*y DteSfcRlPTlON T H rianUy on tend a largo and writ elected ttook of FURMITURE OF To whichthej invito tin attention of th* pul EVERY iblie, and whldi wfl! te aa« , *- dfibiut o .tMTH-i n:/ COFFINS AND' within the city. Athena, Ga., Sept. BURIAL CASES J. F. WIUS°* * c0 " ,T,T. BQWMAN. REAL ESTATE AG! UL2J2H2 OJY, GA., Will attend to the buineee of effecting tale, and por- ahaaa of' u - m*onrtfS&i iL — hublsjli i Afanta, on REASONABLE TERMS. Application* ahoold te mada to T. J. Bowiult. Oetoter 4,18T6.—40-lm. removed in TCfRsanR*rl Sept.rt—