The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 10, 1875, Image 2

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C|e Yeoman. H. H. CARLTON, Editor. Dr. Broun had nothing to do with it what- of Georgia, seemed here to be the higher WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOT. 10, 1876. General Local and Traveling Agent, CAPT. J. E. BITCH. ever, and was in no wise responsible for its introduction or passage. Would it not have been well and wise for the Board of Trustees to have acquainted themselves with the facts'in this matter, bes fore they took those steps whioh* have so damaged the College by forcing Dr. Broun LOCAL. AGENTS. Mr. Jarxs A. Mahlit, Toccoa City. Mr. F, C. STxrHixsos, Hart County. Mr. G H. Ajroxxwa, Fort Lamar. Mr. Fnam Haxalsow, Cleveland. Mr. W. L. Dean, DanieJaville. Mr. W. T. Mavvizld, Windsor. to sever his connection therewith? We dolled of Dr. Broun by the Legislature, not pretend to justify Dr. Broun in posts j ait<l from another source which be could not have possibly forgotten, fail to arise i defense of Dr. Broun, who hid- only been discharging his duty as a.faithful President Attention is called to the editorial head ed “The State Fair, was it a success?” which will hie found on the first page, and which but from an oversight would hav appeared in onr last week’s issue. consideration, the good of the University or the defense of over sensitive personal feelings ? Wlijr did the member of the’ Board who now holds the highest position in the State wkhin^he gift of its people, and who must have known all the facts in relation to the promises which had been ex-. THE STATE UNIVERSITY. From our Daily Edition of November 6. The State University under the manage ment of its present Board of Trustees, has been a subject of much discussion of late by tho press throughout Georgia. To say more upon the subject at this time might at first appear unwise. But owing to recent results in the?college showing most conclu sively, that no discussion whatever, can likely do halt the harm the present ruinous policy pursued by the Board of Trustees is doing, and may perchance serve the pur pose of bringing the necessary reform in the management of this institution by call ing the attention of the people and of the Legislature to that course on the part of this body for the past two years, which is fast dragging down the college, wc are in duced from none other that a high sense of duty again to speak, to speak plainly and to speak continuously until the present mismanagement has been corrected, our endeavors to raise the curtain, and bring to the public attention, the great damage now beihg done onr State Uni versity, we claim hut the one purpose, the welfare and protection of our great educa tional interest. We are fully aware, that those whose positions as a matter of course, forbid their agreeing with us, have and will term our notices of the college, attacks upon the University. But let it be remetn bored that onr comments, onr criticisms and our censures arc directed altogether, and entirely at the Board of Trustees, not the College. Let it also he remembered that the feelings of an outraged common wealth will fully justify our course and sus tain our efforts in this direction. In regard to the most unjustifiable Secta rian considerations or influences which un questionably have found their way, to some extent, in the University, which are so vio lative of the spirit and letter oi the law un der which the College was founded, and a continuation of which can but prove an in evitable ruin to its prosperity, we do not now propose to speak, but will confine our re marks to the more recent action of the honor able Board of Trustees, the effects of which are now beiDg so seriously felt at the Uni versity. First we shall notice that action of the Trustees last August towards Dr. W. LeRoy Broun which was the true cause of his resignation as professor in the State University and President of the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. It will be remembered that one year ago last August owing to the action of the Board of Trustees in regard to the use and distribution of the fund arising from the land scrip appropri ation by the General Government for the purpose of establishing our Agricultural Col lege, Dr. Jones of the Southern Cultivator presented in his journal an article fully re viewing the whole matter, and which arti cle greatly excited and disturbed the minds of the State Agricultural Society. The Society believing from Dr. Jones’ article, that there was some use being made of the land scrip fund which was not in accordance with the spirit and intent of the act of the General Government making the appropria tion or the act of the State of Georgia award ing the appropriation to the State University determined to call Dr. Broun the President, before their body that the matter might be fully investigated. That the State Agricultural Society had a perfect right to investigate this matter, no one for a moment will gainsay. ThatDr. Broun voluntarily went before this society and made any statement whatever, wc have never heard charged. That what he did state when called before that body was any thing more than the facts, wc presume the Board of Trustees themselves will not deny. That so for as the statements of Dr. Broun went to justify himself against any charge of neglect of duty, we apprehend is a right and privilege, which none will dispute. That President Broun aimed at any thing more than his own defense, and the . success and welfare of the College, which had been given into his charge, or for one moment intended his remarks before the society as the slightest reflection upon the Board of Trustees, oannot justly be claimed or sus tained by the Trustees or any one else who would do him justice. What, then, caused the offense which induced the Trustees, last August, to hold the rc-election of Dr. Broun in abeyance, until they could arraign him before their body upon the charge of having greatly offended their honor and respectability of position t Thereby forcing the President of the Agricultural College to protect his own self respect by resigning his position as such. It was a resolution of the State Agricultural Society calling the attention of the Board of Trustees to their probable misappliantee of the land scrip fund, and requesting that this be corrected and the fund be untouched for any other purpose save that for which it was intended. This and nothing more, seems to have been the great cause of offense to those Trustees yho are required both by the act of the General Government and that of the State of Georgia, to strictly guard this fund against any other than the purposes for which it was designed. Was Dr. Broun responsible for this resolution, or in any wise to. blame for the action of th^Agricul- tural Soctetjrjp ^ ~ ' ' 1 poning his resignation uutil the openiug of the term, unquestionably he should have tendered his resignation imme diately aftei his re-election or what would have been better still, he should have refused to let his name go be fore tbe.Trustees for re-election, -w Again in regard to the course of Dr. Broun in this whole question, as to the ap pliance of the land scrip appropriation, it is but just to make the following presentation of facts which are fully within onr own knowledge. During the session of the legislature in 1874 the question was raised as to the equita ble adjustment of the claims of the colored race for a portion of the proceeds of the agritultural land scrip. The agitation of this question seriously threatened the division of the scrip os awarded for the establishment of the Col lego at Athens. The special joint committee appointed from the House and Senate to examine into and re port upon this matter, stood almost unani mously in favor of giving the colored race their pro rata out of this found, rather than appropriate its equivalent from the State treasury. Dr Broun was telegraphed for and upon arriving in Atlanta, went before -lie committee, and atler most able and earn est appeals in behalf of the State Agricul tural College, citing them to the require ments of the act of the general government, by way of scientific prof essorships and certain scientific appliances in this College, succeed ed in getting the committee to recommend that the laud scrip be iefl in tact, and that the equivalent of the pro. rata belonging to the colored race, be appropriated from the State Treasury, but not until exacting from Dr. Broun a solemn and bona-fide promise that the land scrip should never be used either directly or indirectly for any other purpose than was strictly provided in the act of the General Government. This promise, Dr. Broun unhesitatingly made, as it was the strict requirement, not only of the General Act, making the appro priation, but of a Special Resolution, passed by tbe Georgia Legislature at its previous session, giving specific direction to this fund. Senator Hillyer, chairman of this special joint committee, embodied this promise in bis report to the General Assembly, which fact no doubt secured the passage of the bill, “ to equitably adjust the claims of the colored race for a portion of ti e proceeds of the Agricultural Laud Scrip.” Approved March, the 3d 1874. The Governor also, before approving this bill as passed by the General Assembly, we are most reliably informed exacted the same promise from Dr. Broun. In the meantime, ike special Congressional Committee appoint ed to look after the land scrip appropriations to tbe different States, learning that certain irregularities had obtained as to the proper ap pliance of thefundsarisingtherefrom, through their Chairman, addressed certain inquiries to the various Presidents of these Colleges Dr. Broun simply referred the committee to the resolution as passed by the State Legislature in 1873, and the bill passed by the same body in 1874, also citing them to his promise in behalf of himself and the Board of Trustees as contained in the report of Senator Hillyer to the General Assembly. Now we ask in all candor, have the Trus tees complied with these requirements of law and promise? Was not Dr. Broun, after such a promise or. his part, perfectly justifiable in defending himself before the gricultural Society, or any other body, tor any seeming or charged failure of compli ance with the requirements of law and his bona fide promise to both the Legislature and the Governor of Georgia ? The question is now daily going the rounds, who in the Board of Trustees instituted this charge against President Broun ? Was the attack made upon him so much on account of any real offense offered by him to the Board of Trustees, or was it owing to the fact, that perhaps Dr, Broun’s longer cod tinuance with the University might jeopar dize the position of Eome special favorite? We will have more to say on this and other matters pertaining to the University at an other time. welfare of the people and State which he has so outraged and dishonored. With the presentation of the e facts as regards the present management of the State University, wo a ain appeal to the people and to the Legislature to speak out in behalf of that reform and reorganization which ia so needed and which must obtain before the State University is what every true friend and Georgi.ei must so much d sire it to be—the honoi and boast of our State. earnest well wisher of Georgia’s best •rest ? Why did'this* inetkiJer, if not of the most prominent and influential mem bers of this Society, that he was the father THE STATE UNIVERSITY. From our Dally XZidtion of November 8. To resume tbe consideration of that ac tion of tbe Board of Trustees which caused the loss of Dr. W. LsRor Broun to the University, who was beyond all question the great strength to the institution, and having clearly established the foot, as w think, that Dr. Broun was in no wise responsible for the supposed offense to the Trustees, why than, we ask, was this attack made upon him? Why was this honorable body so long coming to the«on elusion that they were offended? The supposed cause of offense had, as we under stand, obtained some considerable length of time before they became so sensitive, of their honor, and so self-important in t eir position as Trustees. Why did a few particular members of the Board (whose names we may yet give), select this partic ular occasion to become so antagonistic to Dr. Broun ? Was it a sectarian feeling which was at the bottom of the whole movement? Were they jealous of the strong hold which Dr. BfeouN had upon the whole people of Georgia by reason of his being the most prominent Educator in this Southern country ? Why did one of the most prominent members of the Board, he who was leading this attack upon Pres! dent Broun, when importuned to desist from his purpose, upon tbe ground that no possible good coeld oom# of k, say no—it was no use talking, to him, bis njimJ was made up, and no reasouiDg,or, persuasion could win him from Jbis purpose;? 1 Would We were informed quite recently, by one. it not ; have been wiser and more in the spirit of justice to have first acquainted himself with air tho facts in tbe, ease? and interest ? Why openly and positively,-aHeast negatively, oppose the man whon» ,J hfe'had always be fore, claimed as the gre t pillar of strength to our State inStitatiofis of learning, the “ brainiest” man now engaged in the cause education ? Why was it, that when a meeting of the Board of Trustees was called at the open ing of the present term, to provide aga*ns : the greatest calamity which had ever be fallen the University, lliat not one of thos Trustees, whose very actions had driven Dr. Broun from the University and State College, was present to look after the in terest of those institutions, over which they pretend to exercise Trusteeship? These are significant and iuq>ortant ques tions tor tiie whole people ut Georgia. The thorough investigation of them in their fullest and strictest bearing will begin to 6how the ruinous drift of affairs hlou State University. What must the people oi Georgia think f that policy on the part of the Trustees oi their State University, which not only permits the loss, but even drives from our educational ranks such men as Drs. Lipscomb and Broun, to till positions in an institution of- a neighboring St. tc, whose connection therewith must necessarily draw no inconsiderable patron age from our own borders ? When we consider how faithfully Dr. Broun had labored among the agriculturists ot the State to popularize that institution which was established lor their benefit, aud how successful he had been in winning favor for this College at the same time, necessarily, bringing that popularity to the State Uni versity which it so much needed, we can be gin to appreciate and fully realize the injus tice done both him and the educational interest of Georgia, by this most unjust, unwise and inconsiderate action ot the Board of Trus tees. Having reviewed at considerable length that administration of aff.iirs in the State University which resulted in the loss of Dr. Broun the President of the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, let us again devote a brief space to the consideration of the sumptuary law as to board at Universi ty enacted by the Trustees more than one year ago and the enforcement of which at this time, is destined to drive many young men from the College. What could have been tl e inducement with any set of meo claiming common sense for introducing into the College a law which is not only unjust in the highest degree, but which they must have known could not be enforced without requiring the Students to board where neith er they nor their parents were willing that they should, and which would result uuques tionably iu their leaving the College? Did not Trustees who favored this most un wise and arbitrary rule, say themselves, that they could uot nor would nut board Students or any one else at twenty dollars per month ? Do the Trustees claim that they have the right to say where a gentleman shall board his son and wh t he shall pay for the same ? Has not this Board of Dictators just as much right to fix the priceour Grocery Mer chants shall charge for their provisions, as to determine the price of board which shall be charged by those who are dependent upon these Merchants for their supplies? Would it not be just as lawful and wise for them to say that our Livery Stables should not charge the Students hut one dollar au evening for a horse and buggy or that Showmen visit ing Athens should not charge them but fif teen cents for admission to their entertain ments? Do they expect to gaiu patronage for the College by forcing the sou* of gen tlemen to board in crowded houses and sleep in crowded rooms without regard to comfort, joonveuieuce or sauiury Laws? Or do they intend to make the poor will ows of our city, whose ou!y mean* of sup port is by their ( boarding houses, sacrific the pitiful sum ft is st» bard for them to earn even at the present rate of board, to DAVIS RECEIVED THE HIGHEST AWARDS AT TIIE LATE STATE Tutt THOT O ATHENS. GKA-- novlT-wtf TnE LARGEST AXD HOST ELEGANT GALLERY IN TOE STATE WITH THE BEST OPERATORS. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. IT SHOULD BE MADE THE ISSUE IN OUR AP- . BROACHING MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Tie- question of our North-Eastern Rail- n* l, and the necessary steps for its early completion should be made the square issue- in ourappro citing municipal election. There are four thousand dollars, the remaining semi-annual interest on the city subscription to this road, to be paid the first day of Jan uary next. Now let the peoplearise in their sovereign might and power and declare against any further taxation without some sure guarantee of an increased enterprise in behalf of this road ; some certain assurance of its early completion. The people of Ath ens a d the stockholders in this company can no longer bear the heavy tax and loss of in terest merely to supply the graded track of their Railroad as ft coiatunn turnpike for the wagon traveTof the surrounding country. A vOTHER BARRIER TO HIE SUCCESS OF OUR ALREADY GREATLY OUT RAGED STATE UNIVERSITY. Great heavens, in the name of Georgians, and in behalf of the educational interest of our State, Georgia’s best interest, we ask when will the B .aid of Trustees of our State University learn to be wise aud cease to bang millstone after millstone around the neck of that institution, the downfall of which seems to be an inevitable conse quence under the present injudicious, un wise and ruinous administration ! Tiie agitation amongst some of the students yes terday, caused by their being required to swear that they are not pitying more than twenty dollars per month for board, many of who it have paid the.r board for several months in advance, also have had stored at their boarding houses their winter’s supply of fire wood, is destined to drive many of them away to seek educational advantages els.- iv here. What other can be the decision of the parents of these boys, than to take tin-m away from an institution where such an unjustifiable and arbitrary rule is en forced ? No common sense, i o practical exper ience, aye and no true interest of tiie col* ' g.- can justify any such ruinous establish ment of sumptuary law in the State University. The universal expression, botlt at borne and abroad, condemns this Law as unwise, unjust and ruinous to the University. Then, why do the Trustees pers : -t in its enforcement?. Is it mere stubbornness on their part, or that self conceit which makes all oih<>r men appear less wise than themselves? Let the true fritfids of‘the college cry out against this arbitrary and damagin. rule. Let the attention of all Georgia be called to this unwise administration of tiie affairs of in- State University. Anil then let the Georgia Legislature, as it values our educational interest, make it the first duty of its next session to reorganize the Board of Trustees of the State University. A. CHALLENGE. wn.wN vs. mean. Owing to tho great state of perfection to which the Wilson Sewing Maoliine has been advanced, and the fact that employees of the “ Singer ” Agency at Mem phis have misrepresented tho Wilson in iii.uiy ways, we therefore issue the following challenge, an 1 invite the proprietors of the Memphis Agency, or uuy oue repre senting them, to compete with the Wilson Machine in any public hall iu tho city, on the following points of merit, and the decision to be left to eleven first class mechanics, six of whom may be selected by opponents, and none to be selected who" are now or have heretofore bo-n in the employ of either party. We propose to demonstrate clearly that the Wilson Sewing Mitcuiuo ia-fiaperior to- tue linger in the follow ing points, viz: First—That Use Wilson Machine has the best feed, it being made to work on the right of the needle as well os on the left, so the Machiuu will stitch over seems or gathers with ease. Second.—The u Uke-np” movement for drawing up the slack thread is a “nositiYe movement,” and uses no check spring, and tnna prevents the missing of stitches ana dolays by breakage. Third.—The three principal movements in tho Wilson Machine, vix: tho shuttle, the Eeed and the needle, are all worked by one short shaft, instead of two long ones, thus doing away with one long shaft, also the tw r o cog wheels, and thus’avoid friction. Fourth.—The Wilson is much the easiest and lightest running Machine of the two, and has more speed. The difference in fa*or of the Wilson is ten thousaud stitches in one day of six hours’ work, the tnotious made with the feet being equal. Fifth.—The wearing points in the Wilson Machine are all made adjustable so that play room or lost motion can be taken up when necessary. (Therefore our war rant f r five vears, which we comply with, and other companies refuse to give.) Sixth.—Th<* tension i» not affected by the Bizc of the thread, ahd remains the same from 150 down to No. 10, and the screw for regulating retains its position. Seventh.—The large balance wheel being located in front and outside the frame, can not soil the dress of the operator. Eighth.—The adjustable oone* on the balance wheel spindle prevents the rattling and clicking noise so ob jectionable. Ninth.—The adjustable bushcsos on the needle bar of the Wilson insures durability, prevents noise and the breaking of needk s. Tenth.—The Wilson Machine, by a slight motion of the operator’s foot, is thrown out of motion when the bobbins are being wound. Th ! s gives four advantages: 1st. It saves the Tabor of driving the machine when you are not sewing; 2d. The unnecessary wear on machine* ry; 2d. Tiie tucker or any attachment in use can re main in position without moving (which stops the wear and tear), and with the work in the machine; 4th. Be ginners or others cannot break the thread should they turn the machine baedward, and the belt or band re mains in position and always ready. In the event of a failure to demonstrate the above CARD- Business & Profes^onai To the Patrons of Husbandry of the State of Georgia. Y OUR Executive Committee have this day entered into au agreement with the Grangers’ Life and Health Insurance Company of the United States of America—the parent or general office of which is lo cated at Mobile, Alabama—whereby our Order will, in our judgmeut, be greatly benefited. The particulars and substantial bcuefits accruing to tho .State Grange will be fully giv n you in a circular addressed to the Masters and members of each Grange in the State. Your Exe cutive Committee, after due consideration and careful investigation, are fully impressed with the importau^. results of their action, and feel no hesitancy in promis ing most satisfactory good to the Order, aua, therefore, ask your hearty co-operation and aid in an early eom- liaxme on the pari of tho Patrons, with the agreement phis day tnude. t The Grangers’ Life aud Health Insurance Company is a sound institution, organized upon the true principles of life insurance ; offering all the advantages and pro tection thut any company can; is a purely Southern company, under the control ami management of some of the best aud most reliable business men of the States of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and virtually a home institution, having, in the organization, depart ments in each State, with a capital or $ loo,000, and in vests the funds in each department »quafly, and we cheerfully recommend 6aid Company to the support and patronage of the Order. J. F. LIVINGSTONE, J. S. LAVENDER, Executive,Committee. Atlanta, Gi., October 15, 1875. — & COBB O Mttdjfnp’s at Zan> } ’ Q^cefotJijwM 1 Building. WILLIAMSON, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jewellm t Dr. King’s Drag Store, Broad Street *’ I 11 work done id » tuperioafniaraer • uh «i, g v I vc satisfaction. " * 7* — Jan. 3—,, * 1 P. G. THOMPSON, Attorney at £,. f mints, we hereby agree to pay the rent of the hall se eded by opponents and forfeit the machines on exhibi tion, or vice term. This challenge, if accepted, will be carried out fen days after receipt of written notice from pponents, st .tiug time and place for the contest. September 1st, 1874. M. M. BEACH, 217 Second street, Memphis, Tenn. nov8.—2td-3tw. The Cheap axd Popular Atlanta Stoke of Furcii gott, Benedict & Co., No. 33 Whitehall St.—Is uow offering the Largest, Cheapest, and best Selected Stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Hosiery and Uml rwear. Novelties in Carpets. Oil Cloths, ’Lam- berqtiins, Cornices and Upholster}’ Goods at a saving of 15 to 20 per cent, on each article purchased. Their Facilities are only equaled by tiie Largest Houses in the Union. A call before purchasing at other houses is re spectfully solicited. N. B.—Samples sent on application. All orders over HOPE. ‘S o’clock/ HOPE. MrEeDm 1 C d A y L, Behold Ixcill stand before thee there upon the rock in lioreb : and thou shall smite the rock and there shall come tea ter out of it that the people may drink.”—Ex. Perhaps ai no period of Christian history from the days in which Christ astonished the multitude at the pool of Hethesdu, has such au excitement prevailed among the sick as is now created by tiie accidental discovery of a fountain of mineral water which beyond cavil eclipses the Special attention paid to criminal eiW apply To Ex. Gov. T. H. Waft, S Cloptou, Montgomery Ala. I Iffice over IL.?' Athens, Ga, >RANK HARALSON ATTORXEYATL A V .. CLEVELAND, GA. Will practice in tiie counties of White , pkin, Towns, and Fanning, and the Sutirem. i'- ' cts ' - Will give special attention to ail J ?-'S” art M Aug. 11 1 Atlanta, trusted to 1 en- IIISS C. S. POTTS, Fashionable Dressnb, OVER UNIVERSITY BANK, Broad Street, Athens, and her irieu-j, Would respectfully inform the Ladi< generally, of Athens and vicinity, that she is now n. pared to do Dress making in the Neatest and r— ^ Fashionable Styles. With her experience 1 — 1 1 - giving satisfaction. tho business, she feels May 14, ' hole fraternity of the learned faculty in restoring to original health almost every form of chronic disease. Find ing it impossible to accommodate the sick here, the proprie tors propose to furnish the concentrated medicine pre* pared by simply reducing tho water by evaporation into a tine powder or Mass, which possesses all the wonderful virtues of the water iu a cheap and convenient form. The Mass is a tine touic, alterative and absorbent and is es pecially useful to ladies sutleriug from irregularities and affections peculiar to their sex. It has been universally approved and endorsed by the Medical Profession wher ever introduced, both as a dissuleratum in their materia, and as the best popular remedy ever offered in the cure of Asthma, Bilious Affections, Bronchitis, Chills, Goughs, Cancer, Asiatic Cholera, Cramp Cholic, Cutaneous Erupt ions, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Dropsy, Bore Eyes, General Debility, Diarrhuea, Effects of Debauchery, Female weak ness, Gravel, Heahache, Heart Disease, Hemorrhages, Kidney diseases, Ulcers, Loss of Appetite, Languor, Liver diseases, Tetter, Mental Depression, Nervous Debility, Neuralgia, Nocturnal Emissions, Night Sweats, Prolajtsus Uteri, Scxurfl weakness, Scrofula, hummer Complaints, Venerial diseases. Worms, Whites, and all dise^>es wh ch der ve their origin from the Blood, Liver or'Kidneys. Dissolved in water it makes an excellent wash, gargle and injection, and incorporated with fresh lard, per man- ently cures the most obstinate case ot Piles. The claims of this remedy cannot be over estimated in the cure of the diseases mentioned aliove. The Analysis of the Mass by Prot Chas. F. Chaud»er, Ph. D. of tiie College of Pharmacy, New York City, proves its perfect adaptation to every form of disease proceeding from the Stomach, the er the ixulneys, an f the tl.»• t ANALYSIS: Sulphuric Acid. T. A. SALE, DENTIST. A LL operations on Teeth warranted to give sa -.isi tion, in Work and Drives. Terms, Very Low p! Ciiah. Booms over Singer S. M. Office cm/ street. ‘ ’ “ I A tig. ga—(5. .AT. A.. WINN, WITH GROOVER, STUBBS & CO. Cotton Kactors, A N D Ten Dollars, at Retail, will be sent free of charge to any part of the State. F., B. & CO. Branches— F. B. & Co., New York. F. B. & Co., Charleston, S. C. F. B. Co., Jacksonville, Fla. [nov.!7-tf. Tux Grand Central Hotel—The Southern head quarters in New York—is capable of entertaining fifteen hundred guests. 43 3000 lbs., Strictly Pure Lead, just received by Lokus & Billups. Sept. 15—4G-tf. If you want Powers & Weightinan’s Chemicals, then go to Longs & Bl .lups. Sept. 15—46-tf. NOTICE.—Country mcrchuuts aud Physicians, wc are now prepared to sell you all articles pertaining to the drag trade as cheap os you can get them in Georgia, freight added. Lon os & Billups. Sept. 15—iG-tf*. Gilleland, Wood & Co. have added the Coffin business to their Furniture Manufactory, aud always keep on hand u large stock of Wood aud Metallic Burial Cases. They sell os cheap as any house in the State, and furnish, without extra charge to their patrous, their splendid now Hearse for funeral occasions. March 24—il-ly carry out their false-ideas of sustaining the College ? What is the wisdom of making a law which she Prudential Board did not think wise or best to enforce, and when oven the President of the Local Board sug gests means a d for its evasion ? Shame upon the administration of any s.-t of Trustees who pass laws so wanting in wisdom and justice as even to induce high officials of tiie institution over which they preside, to advise both the. Students and those boarding them in the mty to use de ception in order to evade the arbitrary law of their enactnuftlt. ^' ’ ;<1V ‘ Why is it that the law had not been en forced, until one Joseph R. Brown, who, because he has been called dpqq to pay out of the ’-for|iihe"he has amassed out of n- hard earnings of the laboring.^nj over-taxed people of Georgia, a few Dollars in excess of twenty -dollars per inonthfor the com fort and convenience of his spn, ’• pops hi> whip” aqd orders that, the law he enforced? Right here, in thp name. of the:houo- of Georgia and the respectability of her peo ple. let us ask, if this iuau,' Brows, whose coarse daring and pince the war is still so fresh in the memory of every true Geor gian. is to direct and control our State Uni versity? ^ .< i.. . In the’ name of -onr State pride, in the name of oil we hold sAcred and honor able, we would entreat,- let not this man, who in the mjllst of oqr ^kejit hour, our ^Msonofgwatent trouble was found in the ranks of those whoee-miUtafyusarpationii op- pjressed, and whose correction; plund .-ring Wd t^eying^inpflltfl^optrp'ei and' wrong ed ,the people who btd so /often honored him, have aught to.dp with that which-in tho least concerns the 4<niQr, the inteffi- ■ tam C.-.5T > via cds. .. . ■.•> A Question for the Consideration of Athenians.—Question—“ Who has the right to fix the price of board, those offer ing hoard and lodging, or the Board of Trustees, who know nothing about it?” This was propounded to us yesterday by a gentleman of this place. Death of Percy W. Miluu n. Esq.—In late issue of the Georgian, we noticed the death of this most estimable young gentleman. From the New York Times, 31st ult., we find that iu S ui Francisco, Cal, Oct. ”6th, from typhoid lever, lie breathed his last. Mr. Milbum was a graduate of the La C ass, University of Georgia, in 1873, and it was during that time that lie con ducted with such signal ab lity, the Georgia Collegian. lie was a ready debater, clear and logical iu argument; in conversation and writing, highly polished; and, by vir tue of his bright intellect, noble and gener ous disposition, he won the admiration and esteem of many fricmls in Athens. Ii is sad indeed, to llius think of hiiu full of promise, so suddenly taken from bis family and friends, but consoling to them to know that however bright his reputation might have been here, the laurel which he wears in that higher world is never fading, but shall “ snatch from time a greener bloom” when all things earthly shall have passed away. A’ the meeting of the Conductor’s Lrotheruood in Atlanta last Saturday, Grand Chief Conductor, G -o. Z. Ci tizen, of Crest Line, Oiiio wus arraiogne.d for misu r ing his office, not perform ng his duty and improper use ot the feuds belonging to the brotherhood. The specifications related to a number of matters, among whieh the more important were the failure to accou t for some; hing near 81,700 collected by and sent to him on account of certain affairs of the order, and some fraudulent and prev r* icating conduct relative to the publication of certain documents for tho brotherhood, through a publishing house iu Cincinnati. Upop all .hese points the amplest oral and documentary pipflf tpas made before the investigating committee, auj a repofj \yas a cordingly made to iue grand division, setting forth that the charges preferred Ugaiust the chief h id been fully sustained, f iat lie had undoubtedly been guilty of all 8nd singular the iiejs specified, recommend ing thut he lie puipshed by befiig expelled from the brouicrh'iod aqu forever disquali fied for membership >u the same. A vote was taken on the proposition thus a ibmitted and by an almost unanimous vote of tbe full grand division he was Voted out.—Constitution. Change of Schedule on t.ik Athen- Branch.—On mud after Saturday, Nov. 6th, the day passenger train will leave 4fec|i« at 8:15, a. m., and the night pas senger train wijl le ve at 9:30, p. m ~ N, Agent, Athens; Nov. I6tb, 18:5, ’ FiKe Horses and Mules—We have just received a lot of fine horses and mules. Some good pairs of mules, and form moles, which we offer at very reasonable prices. Call and us. Gann St Reaves. see i nov5 d&,v. tsr The undersigned have on hand a choice lot ot Timothy Ilay, which they will sell cheap for cash. GANN & REAVES. If you want Furniture, call on Gilleland, Wood 6: Co., who mautacture and deal iu all kinds of Furniture and Coffins, and sell as cheap as any house in this city. March 24, 1875.—21-ly. Tux Family Sewing Machine.—The invention of the Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine exerts an influence over domestic comfort unequalled by a y invention of the last hundred years. A» uneconomical arrangement it euables oue person to do the work of ten in a superior manner, and with unspeakably more comfort. Machines will be delivered at any Railroad Station in thin county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through Messrs Upshaw & Gbifiith, Athens, Ga. They send au elegant catalogue aud chromo circular free ou application. They want a few more good agents. NovSdw. As Sulphates Alumina. Oxide of Iron, Line, Magnesia, Potasa, Soda, Carbouic Acid. Phorphoric Acid. Silica. Orgauic Matter. The Mass is harmless and may be used at will. Being fully aware of the popular prejudice existing against General Commission Metcliails Savannah, Ga. jiug, *, libe: Also, liberal cash advances made on consignments j.« sale or shipment to Liverpool or Northern Slav 30-tf Medical Notice. At the solicitation of many of my former patron*, i resume the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE from thi* ilato. I -will pay especial attention to ii.. ilili-ei ease of lutauU ami Children, aud the Chrome bis ot Females. VVM. KING, M. D June 16,1S75—33-ly. JOHN \V. OWEN, ATT O 11 XE Y AT LA W; TOCCOA CITY, GA. Will practice in all the counties of the Western (.:■ cuit, Hart and Madison of the Northern Circuit. WiG FOR SALE. Two Wagons and ive Good Horses, Cheap for Cash or on time until F ive Good Horses, Cheap November. Approved security. II. HUGGINS, Broad Street, Athen*, Ga. To Rent A very desirable RESIDENCE on Jackson Street Price low aud'tennr>easy. Apply to Sept. 22, 1S75—47-tf. tppiy I E. 1\ BISHOP No. 1 Broad St., Up Stairs. Blacksmith Shop. M ILL FEW would respectfully i citizens of Athens aud adjoining < announce to tho v country that lie is fully prepared to do nil manner of work in the Black smith line in u superior manner and at reasonable charges. He hsatlie best workmen and uses nothing but the best material. Plantation Work, Horse Shoe ing, and very difficult jobs a specially. SHOP located opposite Mr. J. Z. Cooper's Liven- Stable, 20 dec WILL YOU BELIEVE IT i WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND.—To relievo the aching heart Oi woman ami bring joy where sorrow reigned oupreme, is a mission before which toe smiles of kings dwindle into utter insignificance. To do this ia the peculiar province of Dr. J. Bradfield’ ~ ‘ *' hfn Female Regulator; which from the numberless cures it has accomplished, is appropriately styled Woman’s Best Friend. The distressing complaint known as the u whites.” and the various irr<>trnlnritif>B nf »lu.n>nmh whites,” and tlia various irregularities of the womb, to which woman ia subject, disappear like magic before a single bottle of this wonderful compound, it ia pre pared by L. 11. Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., und sold at *1.50 per bottle by respectable Drug men every- Bhyauaaus prescribe it. Its action ia prompt, where. sure and decisive. Now is 1’xbfkct Health. Near Mab-xtta, Ga., March 21,18T0. Alturt. JFm. Boot it .-mu.—Gentlemen;—Some months ago 1 bought a bottle of BasDrau>'s Fsnaut Kloulatou frpm witu tne ou trpin you, aud have used .it m my lamily utmost satisfaction, and have recommended it to three other families, apd they have found it just what it is rccommeuded, The females who have used \ our Regulator are now in perfect health, und are able to laeliold V NovSdlmw. attend to their household duties, »i|<i we eordigiiy're commend it to tue public, ' foure respcotfhllv, Kev. ll. B. JOHNSON. Wx wo dd again call the attention of our readers to tlio advertisement of Messrs, l’oous & Hcur, bespeak- ing for these gentlemen the favorable consideration of all who are in n»ed of any Machinery included iu their varied list, ns published incur columns. They have on hand a very large stoek of miscellaneous Machinery Patterns, und can promptly fill orders for almost any character of work. Wnercvcr trteir Machinery has been used it has given entire satisfaction. Nov3d)mw. HEALTH AND BEAUTV COMBINED. Wouaw’s Rights.—Oue who has long studied this absorbing subject npw presents to the women of our country the result of his investigations. He is happy to say that he has at last discovered “Woman’s Best Friend.* Jt » adapted especially to those cases where the womb is disordered, and will cure uuy irregularity of the .“metises.” Dr.J.£radJMd’s FcirileRegulator acts like a charm in “whites,” or iq a sudden’ check of tbe “monthly poors**,” from cold, trouble of mind or like causes, bv restoring the discharge in eycry in stance. So alio in chromo cases its action is prompt aud decUiva, anj »ave» tba, constitution from countless evils and premtture decay. This valuable preparation is for sale at $1.50 per bottle by all respectable Drug gists in the land. Prepared and sold by L. II. Brad- nerd, Druggist; Atlanta, Ga. A thousand women testily to its merits, -u,, „;!« „ MAitimr.t, Ga., March 22, 1870. Messrs. Bradviild <& Co.—GentlemenWe send you iwo certificates from pjrtKtly reliable persons— would have scut.them before, but waited to see if the cure would prove permanent. . WM. BOOT & SONS, Druggists. Oct, IS—Trim. Gnxxv’s Aoocst Flows*.—It is nsrural for people suffering with i 1 “ Blasting done with Ualvanic Jittji’y and Giant Powder. Y the above method, auy number of Holes, from 1 B to 30, may be fired in a well at the same instant, thereby getting tiie benefit of the full force of the ex plosives used. Excavations made for Mill Sites and Mill Dams, obstructions removed .in water courses, &<?., &c. Work taken by the foot, or as may be speci fied in the contract. For particulars, apply to GUILDS. NICKERSON & CO. Hardware Dealer*, Athens, Ga. Sept. 22—47-tf. octSOwlv. advertised remedies we oiler the Mass under the following za £ ^.‘Tii^tirby ■ 1 syajSf i ^ ^ ^ ters snail reach us. 3rd, All medicines ordered by the " ” public shall reach them ingood condition and give satisfac tion. 4th, That we hold ourselves responsible to forleit 3500, if we violate any of these warrant*. Price—32 postage paid by mail, or, three packages for §5. Six packages wid be sent by Express for $i*, or, it will be sent C- O. D. with return charge* added, if or dered ia lot* ot not less thauonc naif dozen. Address, Alum Mass Company, 1 - Alum Wells P. O., Washington Co., Va. August 18 1875—42-1 y. F.. SCHAEFER, C O T T O X B U Y E R, , TOCCOA CITY, C.A. Highest Cash Price paid for Cotton. Agent for Win ship's Gin* aud Pres*.' _ oct20wti W, R. LITTLE, ciltoi'nej al Law, CARNESVI LI.E, GA. \ J. S. DORTCH, Attorney at Lair, CARNBSV1U.F., OA. A. Gr~ McCURRY, Attorney at La w HARTWELL, GEORGIA. WILL give strict personal attention to all businweca- trusted to hi* cure. Aug. 4——ly. JOHN T. OSBORN, A 11 o r it e y at L a w. ELBERTON, GA. Will practice in the counties of ti e Northern CretH. Bunks, Franklin and Habersham ot the Westers Circuit j will give special attention to all claims tiitr-.*:- ed to his care. dan. 10, D74—lj. NEW BOOKS. S IGNA Onida’s last, $2.00 Three Feathers, by Wm. Black, $1.,»0. Rape of the Camp, Illustrated, $1 00. A]ice Loraine, by Blackwood, 75c. Walter’s Word, by James Payne, 60c. i, by A mad Marriage, by M. Agnis Fleming, $1.75. Pagtor’s Recollections, $1.58. For sale at June 23. S4-tf. BURKE’S Book Store. M. A- STOVALL, ■VV-^vr-eecottse ANDCOP1SSION MERCHANT. No. 1. Warren Block, Augusta, Georgia. tlMlANKFUL for the libora! patronage heretofore be- x stowed, would take this occasion to notify tiie planters of Georgia and South Carolina that he continu the Commission Business in all iu branches (except buying und selling futures), ami solicits consignments ot Cotton for sale or stonige. Ho will give the selling or Cotton his personal attention. He is, as heretofore Agent for the justly celebrated Putapsco Guano ami Grange Mixture. M. A. STOVALL. Sept. 2-2—47-2m. Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., If you want a % c '--A-Jzr-. sfoic-L'iW tion hf the Heart, Heart barn, AVaier-brash, gnawing and burnmg psica at the pit of the Stomaoh, Yellow hktH, (-'Q;|tud Tp»K“ e i and disagreeable taste in the moifei, ““BUg qP of iPfld apey eating, low spirits, & c ., to put filT front day to <i»r buying an artiola that thej! know has cijred tueir neighlip, triaud or Relative, vet, feev have no faith in it ant'd it is too late. But if vou Will go to vour Druggists, B. 11. Brumby £ Co., and get virtue! 1 ** ** obt,U)e4 ,or 10 Wiuto try iu superior ltae ’ 7S Ti 7 It. ‘wo dose* will relievo “ y Ang. 11—6m. CIGARS. We have now on hand 250,000 Choieest Brands of s/bifjx we offer at Grxailt Bxddoxs Pkicxj. Afto a largo ftgelt qf Suojfiug end Chewing Tobacco, SnoR Geuqiqe ilecrahauu) Pipe,, ang afi Smokers An. tgr A libend <%oimt allow*} to JoVlpn jurying largely. Come one ! Come all!! ' KAS*AXi«$iW * WHBLBB, 6-tl.] Under Newton Homo, Athena, Ga. NO. l COOK STOVE, AND TIN WAKE OF ALL KINDS,- CHEAP FOR CASH. Roofing a,ml Gutteruyj « Speciality. "Sept. 15, 1875. ’ 46—Gin. The Pee Dee Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT W ADES BOKO, N. C. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. B1{IGH r, cheerful, progressive, always np to the ad vancing thoughts of the times, tiie llerald takes rank with tho leading Juurnuls of the day, Jt is ou the sido of Christianity. The Herald is devoted to the &mily oirole. It con tains original and selected stories, wit, humor, etc. Every family in tho land should subscribe for it. Its low price* (only one dollar) places it within the reach of the poorest in the land. VVe pay all postage. BEAD WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OF US. The Poikton (N. C.) Anaonian says: ■ The Herald ia one of the neatest papers in the State. The Concord (N. 0.) Register aava: We congratulate onr frienda of the Wadesboro Herald upon the fine appearance of their neper. The Piedmont (N. 0.) Press says: The Herald is.a sprightly shpot, fill of news and other Interesting read- IHniwafofi 1 ‘ ■' The Herald ia a first class Family Paper having some of the ablgat vWtefs in'Nodh Carolina attached to iu staff, there ia enough one laugh for a week- next comes—Rockmart (Ga.) Nows. O. A. LOCHRANE. . JOHN MII.LEDGE LUCHRANE & MILLEDGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ; A7LAN1A, GA. Office, No. 2J Pryor 9t.. Opp. Kimball House. June 2, 1875. . '? 31—Gm. ; • PMxmeM'V. . D R. A. C. FOX, offer* hfcs mofhtfansl J J crrict’S t. th$ citizeu* of Athens and vicinity. Office at the Drag‘Store oYE.T. Brumby «fc College Avenue, Athens, Ga. , 21- LIVERY AUD SALE STABLE ,1 -I Carriages, Buggies ahd Horses for flr TERMS REASONABLE E. M. WHITEHEAD, Washington, Wilks,Co, <«• NoV26tfw. BLACK Si GARDNER, Carpenters and General ■ t Respectfully offertheir services to the citizen* of dm*;’ and stirrounding country. Location, two doors the Episcopal Church, opj*o*ite Mr. L. J. Lan?'-’ Store. Contract* for bnildiug BACGtSG AMD TIES 75 Conb a EBale ATHENS FACTORY. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Oct. 20—>v4t. LOOK OUT FOR FIXE \V. U. DKMOIIE, At*ext, . .. Respectfully Inform* the citizens of Athens t ^J that lie has* opened a *tajl tor the taie ot **•*»., ^ Mutton, Lamb, «fcc., at tins shop {bruu-ny Mr. taucvenoll, in the rear of L. J. Lan»pK»»./ iV grt and ntar the Kngiue House; all cau be ! morning, and meat will he delivered at ar > v tne city. Ilia null w ill be opened J i !i V» ir 'rS \f(»KE An*. 26. 1874-tf. ^ f"r*-- Ang. 21874-tf. BOOK AGEXTS rl . aV A AXD GOOD SALE**; Are “COINING MONEY” <“ih the (- 7ll'J)A DESIGN The French TOition of whieh sell-* i*-' r L ■ London'Edition for *200. Our containing over One iluudreil t |:i l . - the cheapest and most elegant pnbheatio . a and the best to sell. Critic. \L‘ wlU * * praising it, mid tho masses buy it. , T; onolter« Agent in Charleston. S. C\, report* Ninety-Six, S. C„ 105 ; oue m - Memphis, 200 orders, taken in vp-e* 9 - tempi r _ r . „ - Full particulars free. Addre*-** p wmhci#. F J.R FORIKCC •! , r,.York. Novidtfw. 27 P*JkJ, ” Toy Money T EN Dollars’ wortboCT»J G’" 1 ' f ,cki W Cents, The very tiling >9'^Book T<* June j 1875, , __ State, County Ai School Tiitf Ricci iraineuiaMJiy. » .. . best uro® 'in- have in the past. The faU!»»'*• ^ p syer» , '” t ' ^ aes, aud it will bo to the interest ot t«i , Sent HtUfrgt. __ % Good Beading at ^ >sn ^ c