The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 10, 1875, Image 3

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11 23553? \VE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF . -;o- i Ladies’ mid jlfrasesr Shoes, (» '.'.’.Ten’* Copper ShoettMen't and Boys* Bools, auG _ \l, t, ! Mud IVj\s’ Shoe*, Brogan BooU ai»*d Shoes, all ol , in Muurnh.j j?i >! Maker* and nt Lowest Price*. uovS-.m » a GUEAT REi i ’rri-ANl) \ fcttl ' '' f AS* 4 " l . * » . * i t > * i 'DRESS GO* h* n t d FIMANCKAL AMD C0MV» i. IAL. THE ATHENS MARKETS. llerchauts ani ~ -. si r b. '%tSESg'J? T-cDYK ~7 (j tJ t sji; v i ' •. Hanl ana Rvu <> U n- than ever, au r nu. t't-i'VV. n> O!- ■, Otrr Monruin "X < - v< r JL -u, timphant! ( r ; : 'Dl riv +■ I rpiIK M^rribr w hi , , pxsiwwm* *» 7*73 7 <£* |.|AVE A laeg;:i k>of . , , , i / warn:, goods r.’wnt price of fatten. u» complete, embrnc- v3-Jipi ” iiH^CTED FOR THE DAILY GEORGi AT *— r.Y — 1»HTAHD, MITCHKLL & < O. Till: CO HON MAUKKT. Athen.-s Ga., Nov. 8, 1875. | ^ liiiirv 10-54 ;, 11 )r4iimry 11 I v Miihlling 11 1-4 | j .jjlill^ .... 11 1-2 i «| Middliii" 113-4 t rood demand at above prices. UN: It ICON ami I.IRD N IK! e!:i. \i i iN —Sides . — a 16 Slmulders Hams AlEaiilst 5B v t * I Au^U't;). Of, < .. /.,•„* I The /at lay, embracing o [Hgl0!i|rjaift -*M r *k P \. n. limns ovt . triit/i n ilidyeir/in dig, much of’hi adjacent country/, a,, ! the extent of the i -\y ;; son Athens branch of due Georgia Railroad; ! ( with a semi-weekly and weekly circulation | p 0 , ,|,i e Considerably tier 2,0ijt Clarice, Oconee, docks . C -L E r! .• * * r: ~_tk ir y I of H l<rCM' fr-a-i.ijiw.Air.i- . , ,, ., j, y-~. • i- Macuinc nils fttk.-u lire--i tin- Siiiu'cr, Hgjp-e, Wheeler & Wilson Machines win-lever ex- . • ^ TVi-;^ n-f • petition. llt'Wnnjw to the of Alliens, it iHJMfwtonfl* 4mw>« r-x- i Uxil () &££SB r * MtdtJfJSs BARGAINS. Yard wide Bleaching, 12}£ ccnb«. Shawls from 75 cents np. “ Balmorals from 75 cents up. Great Redaction in all Dry Goods. novS-lm D up. r . X* i ’ 8J5ttfS£r*£&#M ESIBE TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO their ataek of- . PIECE GOODS for Men’s Business and Ererydsy Suita, Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawers, <fec. Wo get up Cheaper and Better Suits than you can buy. novS-lm J lyi idifslvEliL .iand-rta^^Sste^® 008 *^ 0 ^ BrtddStn-e, wl^rwthey.k-p l' ? 7r\'ITCitK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION o r ldah tMjgp I'4 attestioo of the public, and which will|be sold M.n c ‘ <lf \ l.ibite.1 li /';• nl.- ■■intil ICilnrt, Hart, Habersham, w i t h tliis MaoltiiSTre !.\i:i>. 18 a 20 rni!\, ttHK.lT VM> OATS H tltKKT. i'.ins—jicrbus'ucl 00 a 1 00 Wheat, “ 1 23 a 1 50 11 ats, “ 75 a 1 00 TilK ll.ol lt 11AUKET. sniicrs SO 50 a 7 00 Family 7 50 a 8 00 Fanev 8 00 a 8 50 nlarkets by telegraph. t ! to tlic Daily Ounr^lan.] JAWFOUD MAltKKT. * ••KRRTTE D DAILY BY WITCHER A JARRELL. t ',,111)1) line,ill 8-ides Crawford, Ga., Nov. 8. 11+ !1 1H 14.$ a 15 18 a 20 t ,,rn 81 00 a 1 25 Wheat 1 25 a 1 50 [special to the Dally Georgian.1 WINTKltVII.I.K MARKET. iltltS TOl UAILY nv WINTER a riTT.\ni>. WinterviLLE, Nov. 8. t' Itnll llia 11$ Iki'va ... 15 a 16 limns ...00 a 17 I.m-d .. 18 a 20 r«*rii Wia- at 81 25 a 1 00 ( - COTTON MARKETS. I.IVKHI'OOI. , Nov. 6. — Noon — Cot Ion ,'iiill anJ easier; ui hldliug uplands. G 15-1 Id; n.i iillim: Url, L-rtns , 71 d; sales. (5,000; spcci:- Imi ,n mid cx port , 1,000; receipt s 10,000; American, j2. 100; to arrive quie t and tut- lin, Oylethor/K Hanks, ti win I 117i itc, Turn M organ, Heard, tlrten. iVilkis, and other counties of the i>tatc, also extending into the States of South Carolina, Xorlh Caro lina, Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, 'I n/les see, and, ot/n r neighboring Stott s, ojj\ rs a medium of ttdccrlising second to none in the State. Our rates for advertising are reasonable, anti upon contract advertise ments ire can offer such inattet ments as relit make it to your advantage to seclc our columns through which to bring rjoitr lusi- ntss before the public. Our Easiness and Advertising Agent, trill call upon you in a yew days, tch,n he i Tiit-older amm panics can only-compete . „ It II ah-;t, A. tnftm, J,uovi, js a.-kno.vled_red by all n^ieris, mechanics f n.on, Ittrsyth, .*/««'•.«, W a ,„\ operators, t»» be aopciior to. all others in the foilowiao partieulars : **>*.' . Superiority of Cnbetruetionj > ) / (Quality ojj Material, - j Ease of Operation. Certainty of Action. Speed and Light Running. Whilst the attachments of' this Madiiue arc a speciality, I icing the latest and most desirable and sold on’y rcith this Hachine. Having been critically examined by judges at the recent fair as to the above poitit*;antbbetngsntisfied that this Machine tar excels all other candidates for pnblic ... . . favor, we have accepted tlie agenev tiirtho mil present the advantages oj the Gtorgum ] wlc tIlCroof on th in /arson, giving our rates, and receiving such advert isrMe tifsasy\ • "'.V a* A* i-SRC •-:i OH f COFFINS AND >!! BURIAL CASES, •; .j al^tUnJ7 ustiuTt adSitFoN A^CH K,n°t her « s ‘» bI “ h ™»i f the city. When furaiahed hr ns, we wiH "I *“ I 7v! e ’■ lT !< ADDITION AI-CHARGh, our handsome IIEARSE, with bones end driver^ for thnenda Witlaa th. ci: Athene, Ga., Sept. 6—45-4m. JF. iVtLSDV &. CO., r. A. SC5WEY. P. TV. HUTCHESON. A. A. BELL. SUMMEY, HUTCHESON & BELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN if All, IRON, STEEL AND WAILS, agricultural implements. MANUFACTURERS AGENTS.FOR THE SALE OF 'ij0 y unpany’s terms and : to favor us trith. Very respectfully, H. II. CARLTON & CO., Props. Athtns Georgian. STILL ANOTHER VICTORY! FOR THE 'REUIKGTOK prices. Its uudaunted success in other may feel disposal j ( . itics where int -Cottn Award of the S/ncial Committee at the Georgia State, JijuifldS75i i|. ! I The commitlff ’ :!n . ■ i..w, thol IIowe and ihe New Fa'ih.v “ S: '-"” >ide by side with the Reinm, n Sew,no .Machine, and voted the ncinine.oii itdijiloma for “ Improved Mechanism in Shuttle Scvi. <• Machines." Diploma for “Improvements in .So vine ' | Machine S:an>ba id Attachments.” j Bronze modal f- ales, 2.800 Ann-rican. * Ctmn.tuy. lueed is a guarantee to us that its mev’.t < will he recognized hy our patrons. Cad and sc. 1 tlu-se Machines at our store. L. SCIIEVENELT. A- CO. No. 3 Broad s. . Athens, Ga. We arc also agents for the sale of the w onderfu! TYRE WlUTEU. Oct. 10- d:-. MSbun : de ath of my 'Valton I!.’<Iri!lith iCotton Gins, Presses, I PORTABLE EISTGINES, |Motvers, Reapfrs, Thheashers, &c., &c. LOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. . I »m tl fricutl ami * noon me tt:e L < I (Jr.itUi: ATruliP 1 to :lie late linn will OKUFREE Juno 23, 1875. JJAVEBEHOVSDTO , PITTARD8 CORNER, where they &re undous to Me til wlehing Dry Goode, Booto, Shoes, Hate, Chine, Crockery end Glass Ware. Call before you buy. PALL AND WINTER 1875. Are now prepared to show one of the most elegant and largest stocks of bur 34-tf. L’ont.i: New York, Nov. t>. — Noon. — Cotton and steady; sales, 1,S0!>; uplands 13 •■-hi; Orleans,'13 11-1G. ii. p. in.—Cotton cjuiet and steady; sales, at 13 5-. 1 hit 13 11-16; consolidated net rrivipt, 18,224. Wi.kki.y Review.— Ni.w York, Nov. G. At ill" Cotton Exchange there has been a -lull and declining market as the natural - |iial of the unhealthy excitement incident t i the corner of last week. As regards the > \purt trade, there has neon little of it, dull 1 reign markets and declining, gold premium acting a- a check. Lower prices have stimu- | latcd business to some extent. I Nnv Orleans, Nov. G. p. in. - Cotton Him!: middling, 123; low middling 12t; g. 11 ordinarv 11!J; net receipts, 1,055; --PG. \ Moult.F., Nnv. G. p. m.—Cotton quiet; mi Idling, 12.|.il23; net receipts, 2,44G hales; exports to ennstwise, 853; sales, 1,800. Mkmi-ius, Nov. G. p.ra—Cotton, quiet and weak; middling, 12j5l2j; not receipts, 2,150; shipments 2,070; sales 3,000. Baltimore, Nov. ti. p. nt.—Cotton dull mi Idling, 13; exports coastwise, 500; sales 1-U; spinners, 315. Norfolk, Nov. G. p. in.—Cotton dull; mi Idling 12$; not receipts, 2,500; exports c.Hi,-1wise, 2,831; sales, 200.—... - Charleston, Nov. G. |>. hi.—Cotton; nfdoling, 12$; net receipts, 3,472; sales, l,2u0. Savannah, Nov. G. p. tn. — Cotton q lid; middling 12$; uct receipts, 5,001; •ales, 2,114. Al'gista, Nov. 5.—Cotton, steady, with a lair demand at 11^«12L Diploma for •• Gem W-i s. for Sewing Maeiii .Machines on exhihit. A CVs. Speed ahd Light 11, i [ i -, ;ia made Cal .net at L. Shevenell oet26 !&\vtf. ESTABLISHED 1785. The Chronicle & Sentinel, AlOFSTA, GA., One of the Oldest Papers in the Country. One of the Leading Papers in the South. Largest Circulation in Eastern Georgia. The Ofcial Organ of Several Counties. l’CnUSHKD Daily, Tri- Weekly and Weekly. THE Daily Chronicle nn I Sentinel i* fllleil with in i' *Uur Kuadin? innttcr of dverr descripTion—Tele- - • u«; L<*ct\l; EtVuonnl; Qoorjria nnd South OuTolinn • i Uoneml New* ; lnteru*tinc' Correspondence, and ;»1 Teltt^rami* from all important points. SnbAerip- i L'ri-Weckly Chronicle niul Sentinel i* intended f’r j>oii:i* convenient ton Tn Weekly mail. It con- *.».:*•• nearly evenrthiivj of intenst which uj'j»ear* in t. e I *.»»:v. Suhmsrip’tion, |5. Weekly Chronicle and Weatherly & vo« ARE NOW HEAD Y For the Fall A Winter Trade Having jiu-t rvtumcil Iran, vt.i y ut( : «i;h a lanre and DRY GOODS & d ROC EH IES Heady-,node Clothing, dials, Roots Shoes, Wood anti Willem' I fare, Hardware, Cnc !. . eg. Drugs, <tv\. <t-c. rt-r- d". • errr-~ PRICES TO sen THE TIMES. All kin,!- of ( OU^'TRY ntODrcE taken in exchange loriiood*. < ’nil rind fee us nt the c Ttier of Clavton and Thom.:* Strc; *.>. OetKidlf. biisiuefs in all of it* or ,i i i ,i*<!»c l»y siriei: intention to uieriia contin* ml. « ire so li .cr.t’Iv Instowed in the l. : . J. j:. CRANK, ie . No 2. Kttfnucc U’.ock, Tl:o:r.a* St. list/ firm and Sew S'jck! A? V ’ Till J kOXSON, Ho. 1. JSHOAD STREET, (O d Stand of T. BISHOP A SON.) T E lew- i ist received an entirely N . w PAID FOll Buffer, IZygs, Chickens, #c., 8fc„ Sfc. B Y w •DRY GL)UDc> niiD GhGCERIES A. K. CHILDS t! CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. dealers in Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, KURSKII BELTING, AGRICULT UR A L IM ELEMENTS, Mill Fiutlln^s, Anti oiler them CHE*Ii* FOR €*2SiS. W«: v. -iild uho a-k our iVl- \< to us a cal! be fora hi-Ihaj cotton ;i> we » -*t t«. buy cotton and >vill pay :iic I.xir!.v.-t nurket pr «* :* - it. cat-Jo At!. M.'.T Liii-;\VS vV JACKSOF. Millinery and Fancy Hoods, -Mis> < \ JAMES, O Fl-Elts t<> i U-crsa gmiiv and wvU Selectv block .1 Fmi Mid Winter-Millinery, .TEWI I.RV. Tl'-fli rilMISS. KIVIliNGs, REAL H.UR Goods, TUI '-IMINUS, Av.. l’AT- iu:.\ hats and bonnets, OPENED OCTOBER 13tii. riv\.Av cu’.l Iwftfiv puTeiinftihjj tl*ewbero * and examin* her line jjo.ds a' prices to suit tiio tiinu.-. OriUr* lioub a distance earcliit.x filled. Stainpitiir ncatTv executed. Store located on llroad St., between Drs. Loo2* BiUupa and Smith* Dru^ St wr 9 . ^Hept. SO—d&w-Sjn. . t Liieff,’few and’Sals Stable, , ATHENS, ,G-2Vz . . i «.axn'& Reavi-a. .!.. rf’kopKiETORs Will !»• found nt their old stand, rear Frankdn House buiMiiu;, T'fonias street. Kwtmalmay* Turnouts and cniefbil drivers. Stock when tntruatwtoo our lg.grJfthd for tale-at all deelStf. 3 OA' COZJjUGE si VENUE ir At O rer, Winship and Sawyers Cotton Gins, Ac., Ac., Ac. ATHENS, GEORGIA.- / t GINS DELIVERED IN ATHENS AT MANCFAC- TORKRS PRICES. Sept. SO—1-tf. ■ • • i$ • GRAND G SIlBAl H3TEL, A - .,.**!, unwy-ep c*j>eHft!ly fbr 'Mir snbuerlb r-'In the co intrv. It ia one ol* the larRH-td, pauera, pubii*'hed in t .« Soulh, and Wldtii Llitoiia:*, nU tWo tutmit i.i-wi* «»f tiie Truck, a full un i ueeiirat Aujii'ta .Markets and I’ricta Current. IN-ports arc u ojvc&l l'e;Uurf of ti»e edi ’-•n. ♦-*. >p c>uicn copies of any issue sunt free. WALSllite WRIGHT, 1‘rojwietorf, tcf.'S Augusta, (in. NEW YORK on y. I i COLLEGE AVENUE, .Aext Door to Dost ir.-l g oadhaU re- FALLTKADEl FRESH GOODS! SMYIC FRICKS ! in Store and to arrive at the Little Store on the Corner.” • '>* Shnon Pure Candies, (all kinds). 7 ‘ bioii Cracker®, (75 boxes, ad kinds), i' v. . if«^ins, wi.ole, half and quurler boxes. *';jnr- mil prudes). “ A.iiionds and other kinds nuts. > uv>n rs. Jellies, 1'inc Apples Pc.clicS, ttc. iQunir boxes Sardines (1,000 boxes). •'Xvw 4 r am and Dairy Cheese (2,o0<)lbs). , \ J ; i Jf ) \C,‘ j . p*** s<s - pV < Lnhnd ry and * Family). ■ Utrr^ N : w tfmyron Fiirs. ! r r and Cheeks Fjjincy Flour. • rail , ■•’irw Clteon. C.I -^^^Aware, Lamps and Cfpckcry ’* IJ..v,« r l “ l * ,e cheaixrst, • ct-M h . 1 Fine, Medium and low Grades. > un i Coffi oc, Tea*. Splota.Fura . b> tha biiViM quart, (very Ll j *^Id A ^ ftnd Angnata,try tlioacgoods L«v!^ ir ; u,,d sav ® money, SRSS*ptr itrtw. M^HKUUOPUIETOUOFTli:: PkANl) i- CKSTUAL HOTEL takes ^reat pleasure in ao- nonneinurlo the traveling public and tue community pc lie rally, that aiW two ywip* of idocr^^nV Wbtir aid aiv expenditttro of two mullofts of Mbllar*, Ine above mammoth inarb Hotel is now completed, i.ud 0[>cn for the r»*eeption ol* Rucsta. Toe great advuntsires of : his Hotel, with reference to »fs sup« rior locaiio.i, its va-a sire, unMirp.issed aeeoin- lnoduli'tns on » nittjniliccnt rusoarees, rentier a stite- mvnt of its claims to public patronage appropriate in t w of t e I this circular, mimiercial It is situaied on Broadway, o |»o>ite Br*nd. a* d oecn- <snbstrip- pie- nearly tae entire block i>etvveen Uccck r . nd j Amity i-trocte, indndimr tl»e followimr numbers : f,<T7. 6 »t>, *'»71. *»73, «i7*» and 677, of lital tliorou^i.iare, :;iia -011» inclusive, on Klvrov r >tr«*et. ^*r It i> eijrlit stories in hei^i.t,.» U embraces more, area t an any hotel on lids contin; ui or in iPv wurpL ucit if c:t|ublc of entertaining 1,500 ^ih'su*. ft c ntuTns* 6r>o rooms, 2oo ot whic i are <n «mi>< yf, ('i\ m two ip i each siite, provided with lar*e pjuitno, Wardtol batii-rooms, and ihmcU, iucludiu^ hot and odd wator In each, the reina...dcr varying in a;ze and location, which only a Hotel of suet, muguiiudc could possibiv olfer. The t!irec extonsive Dininu 1!oov» seat COO guest., at onetime. The vast resource* of t)u- estal"* ctticicnl »ervauts t i 1 *' c-^ent.urtoji pronij of all. . - Notwitliftanding all these great and nncqnalcu ai- vantnges in location, acconmo.nation, nr.d evcnsp’entlor the proprietor wishes to sav li t the tern s lor boar) and rooms sre only tVom < t bo t«> per day, accord ing to tlio location of« ui-. Ilf Imliu.v,s tliis will lill :« great vacancy now 1* It by the public, wi:ere the highest comforts and tirst acconi iitKlaiions are ! atpf.ivs t<a mfrt the de r minus of the great Mercantile couim mit' and Families, which never before jw# l» on fuUy sup.-nod. • H. I.YNIAN M\t I'roj.netor. Oct. 10—dtf. ^ |b mtlld J ing pr<’mj*:]yT\ v.d ten dollop*, porjin al ■ r • xp:- te cuivf a ibvi < fas# pair Of boot?. ’ ’ . J'vtu I s 75. _ «.Vtf. b-jLtSo I Bp StnliOiiERY, . i-j-l'K.OE SCHOOL BOOKS, , .. PAPER, pens, inks, C1LVWK CRAYONS, > • CHEAPHR TH\M EVE*! TIIE undersignt'd would beg to an nounce to his friends and the public generally, that be has just returned from his annual (all trip to New York and Boston, with a large and varied stock of very superior goods, consisting partly of iltc following, selected with great care: MEN AND YOUTHS’, READY MADE CLOTHING of the latest fall styles, Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, Ladies, Gents’ and Boys Shoes, Boots and Hats, in al most endless variety .Um brellas, Fine Ken tucky Jeans, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Factory Goods, Yarns, Osnabttrgs, Cheeks, Shirtings, Fine 5V amsutta and other brands, Bicachings, Tickings,Blankets, &c. &c. Sec. Also, Saddles, Bridles and Harness, Drugs, Crockery and Glassware, Hollow Ware, and Hardware; also, the Celebrated Murfres boro’Red Cedar- . . ware, &c. , Also, a full line of choice Groceries, ; Sugars, Coffees, Teas, ; Molasses, Syrups, Lard, Hams, Cheese, Kerosene Oil. And many other choice goods too nutxi crons to menton, and which mu9t ■be seen to be appreciated. The above goods, owing to the recent decline, lie will be en- "-2*1'^!:. fifjt ft abled to sell at prices which will VST0NISH THE NATIVES. .«* uijtiul in value, may le made cn the f It you want auy thing iu the above i joining, can be hail, making two more »ettlcun*ntR. : “ 1 ' I montioned classes of goods, or in auy I will sell the above B50 ncr** of l-u»d for «*25.U0 per f »tl inr nn acre, one bait cash. On th.: remainder a liberal indulgence ,HUtr * U U S. C. DOBBS, Lower p»rt of Rrowl Strutt, opposite Dorsey & Co’s 8cpt. ai>—4S-tf. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FANCY GOODS, CARPETS, &C. EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS MARKET. By special attention to the careful selection of our goods, we have pro cured all the novelties the season affords, consisting in part of Elegant Plain and Solid Dress Goods, TRIMMING!;, COLLARS and CUFFS, BELTS, SCARFS and TIES, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING NOVEL AND NEW. In addition to our usual expensive lines of goods, we have opened this season, An Elegant Carpet and Shade Department, Comprising Full Lines of all the Leading Styles and Manu factures, Which we offer at prices, defying all Compe tition. 1 'I. - tv:; ! J\To 5 Broad St., Jlthens, Georgia. S«pt. 30—1-tf. 5a* *1 O'S Below the Post Office. uctl4il&wt£ THE FINEST FARM —IN— NORTHEAST GEORGIA FOtl SALE. WING to my sons nil having grown me, my ago, and my health giving way, 1 1, ljringlU mile to Curuetivilleaud TtH-eo* Fulls. Ttooroare T25 aerosol Bottom I .and/most «f which is First | Class. WX> acres of very line W.khI Laud. MO acres, in- cludi tj liotfom, w it ion is in a high -ia«.-of cultivation, ! on itu;o'ii s«t < any K t in the same size u the Slate. 'JU0 aeresof lUtiMiu and 7»of l |daud. Lncdosed by thr*e • strings.»f f -n“*. ihc rivtr MiOioing for the fourth siring. 1 The land lie-in so n-mpact ami condensed a form, that a horse cam be s,-,-n froia the dwelling over any portion of the 275 aoros. The T'|dands are Red feoil, and of the best quality lor this '••ciiou of country. A very dm* Race 1 orfcould be made, running to within a few feet of thudwi 1 mg. It is one of the best farms In the State for diversilyiug crops, which will embrace Uereads, <*ra>ses. Clover and C#rn. Cwiuineioial Fertilizers pay a much larger per cent tb al farther South, making it a very line Cotton Farin. With a little trouble the lur^v i yields may Ihj obtained The JhllfcUQgfl arc good, and in line repair.—There are ten Tenement lb>u>e>, iu good condition; a Barn, *>0x'«o, with Basement Stables; Wator in CO feet; new Uiti Hou-e, 2>ixG0 fa* t; ne.r JO hors* power Engine, well uinuuted, which propels a new (tin ai d Thresher. Also, a good selection ot lmp.ovcd Agrituiiur ti Implements, in- wer coiublncsl, Grain 1 iy*-«b ; X.irf«)od I audios RWMrtn.1 Mi. r .. (*aau«i \t.achiuout, I hose Hav Ra<e. Improved llarre l° r . A line Orch ^ _. w ----„ i*f*-*r. I'uuipl * attached t >« «nik Boom ; a l ire: lar «>.«w and Corn llii£ b * With ten acres of Lind—Mills propelled by r—t wo ] niiics from dwellii.g The above Farm, with all of its advantages— pure water, i c<tol breezes, healthy cUm tte and good s. e.ety — dis,i-n« { ses with the n«-ce» y of seeking watering places a» I snmmerresort*. 'V ; . ,»n tl»r.-c miles is a never fai Water Power, at a low once, ollcriug an in iu emenl auv kind of Manufacturers. ■fwi-suttl- mentSj equal in value, may Le made cn Ihe ug interest. Machine- WILSON RECEIVED THE GRAND PRIZE M E b A B. Vienna, 1873. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. It requires no Instructions to run it. It can not get out of order. It will do every dan and kind of work. ' J ' ■ '< ■ It has no cast iron cog break. It is not necessary to buy two WILSON MA CHINES, in order to be able to do light and heavy work. •It will sew from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. It is as far in advance of other Sewing Machines in the magnitude of its superior I mprovements, as a Steam Car excels in achievements tha old fashioned Stage Coach. ‘rices made to suit the Times, Either for Cash or Credit. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CA1AL00UE 0*STYLES AND PRICES. Agents Wanted i f. ..Address UPSHAW & GRIFFITH, hum** 1 H Atteua. THE HOBTBEASTESK HftttBOAO 18 GOMtfiG t AND THE NEW GOODS JUST BEI HUNTER & AND THE NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND DAILY ARRIVING, AT ^LATKS, PKXULS, St.!t:ohi rr generally very full, and 1 ^uaranteo 11 t<» Countr. Mere! anus and other.-, a ties reasonable ■s us the Htiuio 1 irjnah'v of goodti 'enri he oon^ht for v .t re in tlu* Male. Give tue a trial and 1 guarantee T. A. Ut&KK, Rook-Feller and Stationer. P*.v>-i-tr. CLNtRAL TICKET' AGLNCY. HAIUtOAlti TtCttWS d wta» hsat SUMS} w *»>'»» r,>u '- , ‘*» - » a ’ »■> uttpriwap* p*nu in • , ,. * the v»• your Tickets be for information from UNITED ST eavl it, and get all POj,4r8AU&; Two Washington Hand Pieces One LEGAL BLAXJIS, Neatly ; rint.'d ;m \ tor i»a!e nt t i- effiue. IN GOOD CONDITION. Terms Favorable, C' The cxaifiine the vorable, ami Prices Ileasouable. .Na-ifeaF OdGr.ii'an Office . ^ i wile be ntVcn, by iiurLhusiii payiiiK intcre; / . t'/kn *| . 4 re,'T>*.!, :imt lApleu: ertts sola s* [i:<rate. _ 'Th*»!».»» i, in lie- Imud. ot H. H. CJt » 1 J. 6. WlLbtlFOKii, U'.il i.»tuie A gouts, Will bo thty ^»wner al hi.s :«aWance. y Yi. cf.. > jmux n. Mosmiuanv. v A or. 11,1875-41-ff. vv,rt Lamar, (ia. TOR SALE. ' THE LOWiUTrf the SOUTH, Water Power enough to turn ALL OP THE j •Machinery in Georgia. Best Location for Building up a Man UFAitrruRiNG Town in all the South. Sixty odd foot fall % Water in less than one mile. SITES FOR FOUR OR MORE /. LARGE COTTON MILLS, OR OTHER MANUFACTORIES. AYTILL sell, upon most reasonable terns V V and pric«, the ce'ehrated Bassett BUoalu with five hundred a*woa, more or lev, of* FIiMT CLASS Farm and Timbered Lmdrf attached. The ahoTe aUte- ments in regard to thb Shoal id; ahk true "Wltffl (jllieii JO. <), • |. ev ,. r y partVilwi. a„'l being located witbln eight mile, ol ft’ H. SAULTER; DEALER in all kinds-of "Is KS, WniSKIES and LAGEU BEEIt, ALE, GIN, CIGARS, &., CALI. AT jBAULTEItS EXCHANGE, . .. j acmok Street, AtiiFn*, Georgia. n ct. J—d-tt. GRIER’S ALMANACS. TUE c!<I rcPuile Al.nJ a few days, and will be IVES' OrJcrw rrupectfully solicited. Sept. 30—1-tf. ,y-f(\p ' R fs* wi- At SL50 per pair. I At $2.20 per pair. a For Sale, i I A At 81.75 fKtr jiair. I At $4.00 per pair At 82.00 per pair. | At $4.50 per pair. Tbe met Mcgant, nimnle, and most durable Sliadea in uee. The abotre price* Include all the neocttaiyfixtivfei They can he put upinfive minutes, by anyone who can drive a nail, and ihey nsvcr (rot out of ord**- Cell and efe them at ' ., f BwP$lewWW Jo**, 1875-»1-H; i t *. w ! dt» The Enteipri&e-bong Looked Foil ‘ AT THE ; FRAWKtllf flbll.SU I u Mclyw, hadwifdi Mourt,^ ft' - / r* 1*4 1 Tiie with ^uard aud EALCTET. FIF' Till- Hotel has b»'n tlferSu^tdr renovated and newly furnished. The'TmveUngpubticteiUbe J iu.l Lodpuuj fo.- t J TWO HOLLARS PER DAY. A FINE OYSTER SALOON Is also conn, cted with this Hotel. . This b the | >ret uystem-u^ Beef SHOT, ^ »» wJowUthem. n< G!re , oe' i\nld ImdWe^n j i » «\ -* . ; • qff a. j ESTER. ; lijiwunSUdBEK . Octett-t#.-^ e J .ii i Attieas*. ind Hie name .lUtanc, (Kiai Cfewlopl. oa the Alh eos liranch of the l.'teoa-L Radtroed, tod ip the sere heart of one of our be*t COTTON GROWING Sections, afford, an opportunity for establishing a Manu- fa turiug Interest which, la petal of capacity natural- - ill ies, ami many other.surround tug a . vanlages, cannot rxtclleiliu tl»U*country. ONE MILLION DOLLARS and more mlsht here headTaatageoedy expended, within adUunceofnot more than cnemile. ' w or i,rice, terms and particulars, address— H. H. CARLTON A CO., Real Estate Agents, Athens, Ga. H. H. CARLTON. J. A. BROWNING. August IS. IStg. • - • ilorsosaud Mnlcs. , W7 e herci.y le.ttfy the public that we will soon hare If on hand, .. due lot of Horse* and Males, and or" accommodate pcrstoia tbgtdeaire to purehMet otqA the.most reasonable rotcit -'n* iair, June9,1375. FITS CURED FREE!! A NY person su XX dineuNe is request< trial bottle of medicine from >a Da. Prick, and a i forwarded by Express. E! it costs nothing, WI matter of how long many other remedies testimonials sent with FREE Bo particular to glr* e direction, and Great Rodnetion in F or the next thirty days. Brackets, Wall Pockets, and *11 kinds of Ornamental Wood Work, will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now le the Ume to moke yew houses beautiful at lew Sgurea. Urcmt bargain* given in everything at 26-tf BURKE’S Boult Stole. ABE CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF A LARGE EOT OF READY-MA.DE CLOTHING! AIDAlP^aQ) Vd) Wmm SIBASOSIe OASSIMERB AND OTH B OLOTHB, !:: li i ) -*•' i: > 'f ‘ * 1 • ■' * " Parasols, Umbrellas and JDry Goods, w-a anaac*3«» OKBiwei pBW^a.rp^me. Boots and Shoes, Fancy and Family Groceries, W(D)(DBIEH=WAIEIE AK3E) 0 MdDCDIOSIB?, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Leather, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Cigars, Tobacco, &c., &c. CHOICE FLOUR AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, OSNABURGS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &C., &C., &G, &C- The above Goode having been recently purchased in New York, at reduced prices, are now offered to the pnblio at Low Figures. t9* Coma and be convinced. I> AV EFFORT’S L.O MALn Poison Revived. -4* HIS Celebrated Rat Poison, sold for •_L au many years, by Ma. MOSES PAVES POUT, sad proven to be the must effect!v* R AT PO SON ^ SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, Sapt. t—to-tm. Athae^Os- Patterns for Dolls'* Clothes. Instructive,Amusing and Entertaining. “1 (stopped At the Book Store, and tbo Trousseau I For Sllfie^nust have some new cloths I thought. See! here arc the patterns, in colors so brighf I b*ve tried every one, and find ** Each lockage contain* “** TV.tiV U'ar.ln.U Prii M a Doti’a*Wardrobe. Prion SOeehtg. Mailed, postage paid, on receipt of the prioe. For sale at June >, MSA Colonists, Emigrants and Travel- m ■ C /. l f • Sept 29—4S-tf. HUNTER & . . DEUPREE’S COl LIFE ANft HEALTH INSURANGC COftHPAHY OF THE i,. >nif,.ii--t •»!> t<u« gv<r*i>b» .sttatt}*'* UNITED STATE OF AMESXA > AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $4,500,000 Of whld» $100,000 to he owned in esehDepsrtiamt. EeA PoHay-holder IseiNSUed toa rota in the mansgaaea* • 4 of tot Company. Parent Office, MobUe, Alabama. WSISSlIent?- ■ •" • *■ * 5Avi60#v2S?2SS Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia. . Gapiiat Stock - - • • ' ! • *100,000, Office, No. 2 Commercial . .. BOARD OF D1RECT0 ' ■ '' Ga.:C. G. Bemnel, Roma,! Atlanta, Go.; r