The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 10, 1875, Image 4

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€tlcgtapt)ic. s'® OUR tAST PAROXYSM 1 L. SCHEVENELL & CO ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. A GRAND DISTRIBUTION OP SHAKES. ■DEALERS IS ACCOUNT* FROM AU PARTS OF HIE COUNTRY. • WATCHES, CiSCKS, NEW YORK. ToWk ,"Nov. 3.—The Wbrid says the closejOWa claim it by nhcwfo,0(w. The Legislature will be close. We claim tho Assembly; the Senate , must be determined by fuller returns. The 1lines fixes Morrisey’s majority at 85,00. The Herald says the Democrats won by a majority of from six to seven thousand. The Tribune says New York has gone Dcmocrati# ,br j*b«ut,tea tltotM^cU The Sun gives the State to the Republicans. The Tima* gives congratulatory articles, but is silent on the result in the State. The Times editorially congratulates the Repub licans' on'the mail, sjSlaags THauu a Presid<#itipf «aadi<U#e,* Imnabetrlyed vhim- sclf, and it b now beyond donbt that both ltepublicans and Democrats, will have to place new candidates before the people next year, if they wish to succeed. Gen- Grant has long been out of the Union as a Presidential candidate, and now _ GOV- Tildcn may safely make up his mind to close his public life with his present term ot ofllce. No one nped fear that the Re publican'success will revive the third term project: That is as dead as Julius Cffisar. We never should have supported such a scheme, under any tueumstauces, and nothing whatever woulcT lead us to do so. Albany, Nov. 3.—Up tpj noon to-day returns indicate the election of twenty Republicans and twelve Democrats to the State Senate. The Republicans claim tlie election of Senators in tho 1st, 5ih, 9th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 15th, 16th, 17th 19th, 20ih, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 25th, 26th. 28ih 29th, 30th and 32 districts. The Demo crats elaim the election of seventy members to the Assembly to 58 Republicans. Al bany county, complete, gives Bigelow 583 majority; a Republican Senator is elected, also two Republicans and two Democratic Assemblymen. Nicw York, Nov. 3.—The latest returns at hand leave the election still in donbt, but the chances are in favor of Bigelow. The Albany Evening Journal concedes the State to Bigelow by about 1,000, while the Commercial and Advertiser still have horn for Seward by 2,000 majority. The Re publicans certainly have a fair majority in both houses. • The Senate will stand about 73 Republicans and 55 Democrats. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 3.—The Evening Journal says, the result of the State ticket is close and still a matter of doubt. Our table shows a small apparent Democratic majority. New York, Nov. 3.—Onego connty 300 Republican majority ; Hubbart county 446 Republican majority ; Ulster county 2,000 Democratic majority; Green county 300 Democratic majority; Queen county 7 50 Democratic majority. JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, _ _ IN ATLANTA. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 2.—A distinct shock of earthquake was felt here and in other parts of the State last night. IN WASHINGTON, GA. Washington, Ga., Nov. 2.—At five minutes to ten o’clock last night there were 5KSOT“IMUSICAL INSTRUMENTS shook following almost immediately on the I m U UI U fl L IIIU I II U III L IT I u first. The direction was a little west of south. There was a rambling sound, with moving motion, which shook the earth and trembled houses, causing some alarm among the people. TT 7 f] f M ^ IN AVGUSTA. jj, At three minutes before ten o’clock last nig.t, while seated in our sanctum, noticed a peculiar noise, and to a triend who was seated near our desk, we remarked: “ Well, that’s an earthquake!” Onr friend replied, “No, that is some one running around np stars,” referring to the compos itors’ room. The shocks were apparently three in number, and came in rapid succes sion from east to west, and our desk and chair trembled considerably. The afihir has created a general feeling of distrust, onr citizens not knowing when 1 DR. STRONG’S PECTORAL STOMACH PIUS to expect another shock from our terrible and mysterious visitant.—Augusta Consti-1 chest and Stomach. tutionalist. IN MACON. Macon, Ga., Nov. 2.—A very percepti ble earthquake w s felt here last night. It I lasted at least thirty seconds, and rattled I panes of glass, and shook floors and walls. | It occurred about 10 o’clock. SPECTACLES, GUNS, PISTOLS, gPOBTWe GOQBS, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., &c. No. 3, Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. Sept, so—Mf. A< K* CHILDS. HIU3. B. NICKERSON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Y. H. WYNN. HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Shoe Nails. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. IX/ HEREAS, Willis K. Willingham, Administrator vv of tho Eatato of Henderson Willingham, late of ■aid connty, deceased, has tendered to me ha resig nation as such administrator, and prays for the appoint ment of John S. Linton, a creditor or raid decerned, in his stead. These ere therefore to hdmonish the said John S. Linton, tho next of kin and the creditors of said deceased, to appear and show cause, if any they have, at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, why said resignation should not bo accepted and add John TRB BEST FAMILY MEDICINES, Tested by popular use for over A Quarter of a Century! D R. STRONG’S Compound Sanative Pill* cure Con stipation, Biliousness, Bowel Complaint. Malarial I Fevers, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, and all disease* of liver, Stomach and Bowel*. MILBITRN WAGONS, IMPLEMENTS, Washington,] Oct. 31.—Since Caleb Cushing went to Madrid in the capacity of Minister of the United States, less than two years ago, there has been four different changes in the Spanish Cabinet. These changes, and the prevalence of civil war, have affqcted and necessarily delayed the transaction of the business with which he was charged. The instructions he received from this government had reference entirely to the actual state of the Island of Cuba, and its relation to the United States as well as to Spain, with a selection in chronological order ot the numerous dispatches which had passed between the two governments. From Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs, Spokes, Buggy Wheels, Axles, Springs, &c., Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hollow-ware, Ac. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of the WINSHIP GIN, Brinley’a Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Circular Saws, Ac. P Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered trhen desired, with the least possible delay- Cedi and examine our stock and prices. June 16, 1875. 33-tf F IRST GRAND EXPOSITION ot the Tradesmen’* Industrial Institute, Pittsburg, Pa., opens Oct. 7, closes Nov. 6. Address A. J. Nkllx*, Pres. T. 1.1. oct20w. Given under my band at office this 26th day of A uj rtept. I—44-?m3m. August, ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. You Can Make $5000 IN 90 DAYS IN A 1 STOCKS. My system is safe, Honorable and simple. Pamphlet Sent Free to All. W. H. Weeks, Banker, 178 Broad - v.-~ v~.«— w.——. _ - way. New York. Slock, bougut and sold at the N. Y. He Was also furnished I btoek Exchange. octfOw. BRIDE A CO., 709 Broadway, New York. A Day guaranteed using our Wxix Aeons A H? Dull-, film, a mouth paid to good agents, Auger book tree. Jilz Anger Co., St. Louis, Mo. ocl20w. VIRGINIA. Richmond, Not. 3—James McDougal, Registrar, and John Marxbausen, Judge, at a precinct in Jefferson county, were arrest- on a" charge of fraud in returning the vote of that precinct, whereby it £ claimed that Knight, independent candidate for the Senate, was beaten by Gen. Bradley Johnson, the Conservative nominee. Jas. Morrison has! been arrested on a similar charge, for misleading voters. They were bailed in 85,000, Fraud at this precinct is established and the votes will be thrown out. J olmson wilt lose his election. Fnil county returns are still light, but enough has been received to show that the complexion of the Legislature will not be literally charged. Iudeneiflk-nt candidates were voted for in a number of counties,but only in few instances with successful re sults. Carolina connty elects Swann, Conservative, aud S. J. White, independ ent, for the House. Culpepdcr connty elects Walls, independent, over Sterthel, Conservative. Pennsylvania, Monroe county, gives a Democratic gain of 331; Warren connty gives a Democratic gain of 41. Newton county, Democratic majority of 21; Col umbia connty, 2,150 Democratic majority; Armstrong county, six hundred Republi can majority; Pike county, 620 Democrat ic majority*; Cambria county, 992 Demo cratic majority; Bucks county, 21<^etno- era tic majority. Henrico county elects Falley, Republican, over Bryan, Conservative, a Republican gain. Iloenuges, Conservative in same oocmty, had but one majority, In Augusta county, Hon. A. H. H. Stewart was run for the house as an independent, against his wishes, and is probably elected.' The official count will lbe needed to decide. It is said he will not serve if elected. The foregoing chang'd, so far as the political status of the candidates is concerned, are all that are reported as yet. ,C| ■•.lir NEW JERSEY. Trenton, N. J. Nov. 3.—Complete returns show 37 Republicans and 23 demo crats elected to the Assembly. Ton Repub lican majority on joint ballot is 17, being a re publican gain of 84. ,5* ' wispgksin. **3 V- Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 3.—Returos received to-day, 'mtte it certain that the Re* publicans have elected their State ticket by a majority ranging freoi-ttao to five ■ thuiirend. The Republican* carry the legislature by thirty majprity on joint ballot. MUNICIPAL ELECTION/ ' M Detroit, Nov. 3.—Lewis the Democrat* ic candidate for Mayor, is elected by 1,678 majority. The council is nearly a tie on the Sunday liquor question. J WANT KD Agents for the best selling Prize Package in the world. e: ; I it contains IS sheets paper, 15 Envelopes, Golden Pen, them he derived ample information, not p en Holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and a piece only concerning SDCC-ial questions which I of Jewelry. Single package, with elegant priza, peat had arisen from time to time, but also | p4id ' 25 “bride a ' u “ respecting the general purposes and policy of the President in the premises. The dis cussion of the Spanish Cabinet reply to what is called in the late Madrid telegram the “Washington note,” has reference to I the unsettled questions between the tw countries, the statement of them being free from the verbiage of correspondence and presented in a comparatively brief memo randum. The exact points of this official ] paper cannot be ascertained, but they may be inferred from views of the President | which form the basis of the instructions to Minister Cushing, aud which show that I the President regards the civil dissentions j J. H. HUGGINS. H AVING just returned from the Northern markets with a large stock of goods, bought at low prices, is selling goods in his linc.25 per cent cheaper than hereto- ’ fore. He is making a speciality of Crockery. Class ware- Lamps and Oils. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells the best Kerosene Lamp Oil at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups and Saucers at 25 cents per set. Sells common Glass Tumblers at 25 cents pur set, Sells common Glass Goblets at 50 cents per set, Sells common Plates at 40 to 75 cents per set. Sells the best Granite Plates at 75 cents to $1.00’per set. Sells the best Granite Cups and Saucers at 90 cents to #1.00 a set, Sells Kerosene Lamps at 25 cents to #10.00 each. AAfi ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. DU- ^(llUevUV* tribute*! every fifteen days. 1 prize...$luu f ouO | 1 prize......fo0,U00 2 prises, $25,000 each - -50.000 354 prizes, amounting to ...........310,000 Whole tickets, $20; quarters $5; twentieths, $1. Circular# of information tret*. Prices cashed. A DOS AU A Co., Hankers, Post-office Box 2089. 21 Park low New York. Koval Saxon and Brunswick Government Lotteries con stantly onhand . $77 in Cuba, and especially the sanguinary hos- » , ^a,, „ h till ties such as have been prevailing there | sabx a Week guaranteed to Male and Female Agent*, iu their locality. Chau Nothing to try it. Particulars t ree. P. O. VICKE- KY A CO., Augusta, Me. **pt. 15-46-K. prevailing for the last seven years, as producing —— l5 ^ 6 ~ R effects in the United States second in grav-1 P^l^ I ^ AXCY V,2Iin!2 CL i' HA;R j . , . .« ,0.1 either sex may fascinate .nd gun the love and Ity only to those Wlucll tucy produce ID I affections of any person they choose, instantly. This art Spain. Meantime our political relation to I •>? B P<**ess, iVee, by mail, for 25 cents; togethei Cuba is altogether anomalous, seeing that EudifefA^V'bS^Ad. for any injury done to the United States or dress T. williams & co., Fob’s. Philadelphia, their citizens in Cuba wo have .no direct I oc * 20 * r - means of redress there, and can obtain it onfy^bjjMdow and circuitous action by way The ultimate issue of events iu Cuba will be its independence, however that issue may Sxxd Postal Card lost a Srxcmxx Corr or THE WASHINGTON WEEKLY STAR be product, -kther b, man. ofleg»!.tCoi I t£8£SS ^S»U!SEw-5Si, or as the result of military operations or of I oetsow. one ot those unexpected incidents which 80 | .£]Q a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit sad terra frequently determine the fate of nations. I «—*?!■ .. T .? UEACo -> ■*“*“*“• suin# - The continuance of the insurrection grows day by day more insupportable to the United | States, and while the attention of this Govern ment is fixed on Cnba in the interest of hu- S«pt. 15-48. R. Good Reading at Panic Prices. D URING the sammer months, Miscellaneous Books , inanity, by the horrors of civil war prevail- J* ing there, it cannot forbear to reflect that' —« • the existence of slave labor in Cuba and iu influence over the feelings and interests of the Peninsular Spaniards, lie at the foundation of all the calamities which now infect the lav land. But slavery cannot long continue in Cnba, environed as that Island is by commun ities of emancipated slaves in the other West India Islands and in the United States. The President has not been without hope that all those questions might be settled by the spontaneous action of Spaiu herself, she being more deeply interested in such set tlement than all the rest of the world. The question, what decision the United States shall make, is a serious aud difficult one, not to' be determined without careful consider ation of its complex elements of domestic and foreign policy; but the determination of which may at any. moment be forced upon us by occurrene s ci her in Spain or Cuba, The President cannot but regard independence, and emancipation of course, #S. the only certain, and even the necessary, solution of the question of Cuba, and in hismind all incidental questions are quite subordinate to these, the larger objects of tlje United States in this respect. The President does not meditate or resire the annexation of Cuba to the Unite .1 States, but cleVation into an ii dependent Repub lic ot freemen, in harmony with ourselves, and with the entire Republic of America. The policy of the United States in refer ence to Cuba, at the present time, is de clared t» be one of expediency, but with positive and fixed convictions as to the duty of the United States when the time of an emergency of action shall arrive. of All kinds, will be sold at Gixatly Ridccxd Fuck. Now is the time to get good reading at low BUBER'S Book Store. Sl-tf. A SUSPICIOUS SAILORS’ YARN. .... London, Nov. :1.—The mail steamer Africa brought eight of the crew of the. ship John PucMl, wKWpmi thePOscall aban- dened and burning three hundred miles from St. Helena. The crew were picked up by tho ship Victoria, bound for Boston; hut the' sion, tho captain, officers and the remains tier of the crew proceeding on Mm Victoria. ny, desertion, and possibly murdering the officers. ' 4Wiad«l4 CKbP.' . ’ Louisville, Not.* 2.—The tobacco year just closed' will be as meuiSlfiWdfc ta lfc- inediato predecessor, though it will be remembered with very i“ 1874 was a season of everywhere to those engaged u handling tho staple.; It is in striking contrast with the buoyancy in value and profits ia trade which Jfilt./p&jpat if ire include ihe vast majoi and largo pre] IJearmU fer The sue- 'prices of 1876 ed in u, tho more than cessful cro] afford than the kets of 1874. #20,000,000 New Yi ed in thj>jP$M|M ty*six million suit from the calender this term, on the ground, that the answer had not been served within twenty ter due notice for frisk '■■■ THE JAS. LEFFEl DoableJTarMne Water Wheel, Haan&cturcd by POOLE & HUNT. Baltimore, lid. 7,000 xoirj.v vsn Simple. Strong, Durable, always reHAblo And ta'-'s- i llaunfACtnrera.Alse. cl FortaLle & Statiocoiy —iass. Steam Boilers, , & Grist Bzills, Kin. ing Hacliiae-T,bearing fa; Cot’cn Ailis, Floor, „„ , Tdint, White Lead and OU KiU KacMnery, Hydranlie and otter ■PRESCRIPTION FREE FOR the Bpcedy core of special troubles common to the youug and middle-aged. Nervous, mental aud phyaical depression, loss of memory and energy, pains n the back, self-distrust, dizziness, dimness of sight eenfusion of ideas, and other disorders of the nervous system consequent on various habits that lower the vi talitv of the ajr-tem. Any druggist has tha ingredients FATAL DUEL BETWEEN JEWS. Nbw York, Nov. 2.—A duel was fought this afternoon, on the top floor of No. 106 Delaney street, between two Polish Jews, named Goldman and Moses Piskal. Gold- was shot over the right temple and right'cheek and was instantly killed. Piskal pips; Aot over the right eye fid mortally wounded. It was caused by a business ■ :-o twa t ammm-u Baltimore, Nov. 8.—A special from Annapolis, Ays that during an altercalion v Originating in a political discussion this afternoon. Geo. Schmidt, -proprietor of Morris* Hotel, was shot and killed by - • - Sr>olr In zonier > EUtttS BKWa New York, Nov. 3.—Panama dates to the 21st, state that ex-Prasideat Arose mana is atiU under arrett. Bandits attempted to assassinate the Governor and other officers, Tear; bat ffwa at San Juan Del Norte. The Governor of our population was shot in the shoulder, and his wife and JMnMtapfj ttMjfar MNrefi# yfcA pmmlim mu killed during the attack on the Governor's house. The Bandits released the prisoners from the jail. The residents ana owners Mdetmtpith tWW^. the Govw- nor resigning and the .British viee-Counsnl taking charge of officers.' Finally a force of eighty soldiers come down, and restored or dec, ;t’,j>1 I '(itils Nov. 8.—Tho Pall Hiatt Ga- . the “English oc- Diu t. U. Hugo*, Cincinnati, O. octSOw. ASTONISHING. Clarke Vtnmty. tober, 1876. nov 1-5L ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Oconee ComUy. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Conrtney W. Beal, (colored) applies to me for letters ot Guardianship of Courtney Thomas, minor, under fourteen years old, of Arriedicy Thomas (oolored) deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed to show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next why said letters should not be granted. Given nnder ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE ~ P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Orfi„ Oconee connty, Ga., will be sold befim of House door in Watkinavllle, in saidcountT w>*i.? 00 't UgslhouracfaHe, on the im next, the following property, to wit: A bezutifa*“ btr ten miles below WatkinsriUe, on the Col^Sn^L?"®i the place lain excellent dwelling, with fine well of water, a good gin-honsi and DrSJw?’ 1 and all other neoeasary out-buildingi. Th. Ij 17 tains three hundred ini fifty acraeTmora* rfe a *“ enty-five acres native forest, fifty acre. p i ne ** T : twenty-five acres bottom land. Also on th« V,i? t ’ .* n ‘ l fine orchard of choioe fruit trees. To be ■ » property of Edmon Elder. deceKed, for U,e Sn".,** hi* legatee*. Terms, half cashVthe other hslfe-i 0 * months credit, with note and approved tsenrit- SO, 1875. „ WM. T^ELDYn 0tL novj—1-6L—[P. F, I8-00-) A^' r oct20w30d. • my band at office, this 14th Oct. 1875. ASA X. JACKSON, Ordinary. GEORGLV.—CLARKE COUNTY. \\T HEREAS, Thomas Booth, Guardian V V of Clement H. Ashford, orohan of William H. Ashford deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed to show cause (if any they have), at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this S7th day of Oct. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. novS-w4t. G EORGIA.—Ooohxb Cocxtt.—Ordinan’i "7mT~ Oct. 88, 1875.—Issae Fambrough hrainVnS®?’ Exemption of Personalty, and I willpaas noon tt.. for at 10 o’clock a. m., on the *th day ofNoiSnJbe? - o L^fc 1875 . Ordin tr y G eorgia—oconee cocnty.—ordinarw’. Oct. 87th 1875.—Simon Morton has J exemption of personality, and I will psss unon 1 ^!?. fct at 11 o’clock aim. on the «th day of Sovembe, my office. oct28dltw2t G EORGIA.—Oooxxs Cor.vrr.—Ordinary's Oct. 88, 1875.—Solomon Rovzton boa apnlielr ' Exemption of Personalty, and 1 will paaa upon tbT..„ at 18 o’clock m., on the 6th day of November is-' ! Ordamy. my office, nor .8.—1—It. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. letters are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause (if any they have) at my office on or before tha first Monday in Januaiy next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 81st day of Sept. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinmy. Sept. 29, 1375—lmSm. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. YXTHEREAS, William Marable, f Y minlitrator of tho estate ot Robert Ma as A.d- „ . .. ... Marable, de ceased, petitions to bedischarjed from said Administratioo. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to a'.iow st my office on or before the first Monday in Decern- GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. YYTHEREAS, Seaborn J. Mays, as Ad' V V ministrator of the estate of Frances Moore, late of said county, deceased, petitions to be discharged from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and ad monish *U concerned to show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why eaid discharge should not be granted. U ven under my hand nt office, this 26th day efAugunt, 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Sept. 1—44-lmXar. Ordinary. J. II. HUGGINS, Has a lot of Beautiful China Tea Setts, Has a lot of Fancy and Plain Chamber Sets, Has ail kinds of Crockery and Glass Ware, Has all kinds of Lamps, Burners and Chimneys, Has a large stock of Family Gt oceries, Has a large stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes Ac., <&c., Sells Sugar of all grades Coffee, Lard and Cheese, Sells Bacon, Flour, Meal, Soap and Starch, Sella Liverpool and Virginia Salt, Syrup and Vinegar, Sells Lime and Cement, Cuba and Common Molasses, Sells Bleaching, Calico, Factory Stripes and Checks, Sells Factory Jeans, Plains, Shirting and Osnaburgs. J. H. HUGGINS. Sells Knives and Forks, Spoons and Pocket Cutlery, Sells Boots, Shoes, Hats, Harness and Leather, Sells Buckets, Brooms, Tubs and Oil Cans, Sells Baggin, Ties, Rope, Hoes, Axes and Traces, Sells the Virginia Woolen Cashimere, oh it is so nice, Sells many other goods too numerons to mention, Sells goods at low prices, g# and see for yourself. <23 (33 a DON’T FORGET THE PLACE, J. H HUGGINS’, No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. Oct. 6—49—tf. ° Clarke Sheriff’s Sales. V/yiLL be sold before the Court House v V door iu the city of Athena, Clarke county, Ga., on tha first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Ona tract of Land, two miles and a half from Athena, on the rood leading to Georgia Factory, adjoining lamia of John 1. Huggins and others, containing one hundred and two acres, more or lees, with all of the appurtenance- thereto belonging, all levied npon by virtue of two Jus tice Court fi. fas., from 218th District G. M. t October Term, 1875, at the suit of Jackson <k Thomas and others vs. Mrs. Indiana V. Hoover. All sold to satisfy the above stated fi. fit*. Levy made and returned to me by A. Bailey, S. C. novS-5t J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. Go to L. 8CHEVENELL. L. SCHEYENELL& BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. O. H. YANCET. co.. DEALERS IN C 2EORG1A—Ocosux Cocstt.—Ordinary’» offir. * Oct. 89, 1875.—George Fambrough applies to for Exemption of Personalty, and I wul pass upon X! same at 10 o’clock a. m., on the 13th day-of November 1875, at my office. J. B. LYLE ’ 'V.S.—l-8t. Ordinary, £ V EORGIA.—Ocosze Coctrrr.—Ordinary's Office. Or Oct. 89. 1875.—Mrs. Cornelia A. Walker, wife tf John C. Walker, lias applied for Exemption of Person alty, and I will toss upon the some at 18 o’clock m., on the 18th day of November, 1875, at my office. nov.8.—l-8t. J. B. LYLE, Ordinary. Executor’s Sale. j sold before the Court Housi citv of Athens, Clarke countv, on Tuesday of the ' ‘ ~ ' Coi ~ adjourned term of the Suberic w irior Court, in November next, the plantation of thelate Col. John Billups, in said county, containing about 2,300 Acres. To bo sold in five tracts. Terms, one half cosh, balance credit of 18 months, at 10 per cent, interest until paid. Titles given when all the purchase money is paid. Any one wishing to see plats of said lands con do so iy calling on either H. C. or John Billups. Also, a private sale, the House and Lot of said deceased, ii Cobbham, in said city of Athene. nov8—8tw. J. A. BILLUPS, Executor. Mart County. GEORGIA.—1LVRT COUNTY. ~~ W HEREAS, D1LLIARD V. WRIGHT APPLIES to me for Letters of Guardianship of Martha J Wright, minor, under fourteen years old, daughter r.f Harriet R.Wright, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to show cunae at my office, on or before the Urn Moa- day in December next, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature this day of Oct., 1875. ’ F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordimn Nov3. — l-5t. ’ • GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY W HEREAS, Diliiard V. Wright applies to me for Letters of Administration upon the Estate et Harriet K. Wright, late of said county, deceased— {^Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any they have, at my office oc or before the first Monday in December next, else stid letters will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this October 85th, 1875. F. C. STEPHENSON Nov. 3.—l-4t. Ordinary. GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY N OTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that on the day of , 1975 g. C. Walters, late of Hart county, departed this life ini testate, and no person has applied tor administration on the estate of said B. C. Walters, and that in tenn* of the law, administration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday in December next, uniesi some valid objection ie made to his appointment. Given nnder my hand and official signature, this Oct 25th, 1875. F. C. STEPHENSON, Nov, 8.—l-5t. Ordinarv. GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. W HEREAS, A. J. Brown applies to me for Letten of Guardianship of Jonu Teasley and Elia Teasley, minora, nnder fonrteen years old, children of singleton M. Teasley, deceased— 1'fiese are therefore to rite and admonish all concerned to show canse at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Oct. 28, 1875. Nov. 8.—1.-51. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinaiy. N OTICE.—This is to give notitice that my wife Lucy Cleghorn has without just canse or provocation, abandoned and left her home andhusbmd, Oliver F. Cleghorn. AU persons are hereby forewarned not to give credit to the said Lucy Cleghorn, as her husband will not be responsible for any debts or accounts con tracted by the laid Lucy Cleghorn. Oct. 18th 1875. OLIVER F. CLEGHORN. The GainsviUe Eagle copy. oct8hw4t.pd. . SETTLED FACTS. That the Oglethorpe Echo is one of the best advertising medium for toe Athens merchants, in the State. That Athena is Tni Mxitxrr for Oglethorpe connty, and thousands of dollars are expended yearly there by her citizens. That the people of Oglethorpe pledge themselves to sustain those merchants who sustain their county paper by advertising therein. Advertising rates reasonable. T. L. GANTT, Editor and proprietor. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Hart County, Ga., will bo sold, before the Court House door in Hartwell, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday next, the following property, to-wit: Laud, more or less, lying m Madison coi 'f Rachel Bailers, David Cj county, legal hours of sole, on the First Tuesday in December the following property, to-wit: Fifty Acre*of more or less, lying m Madison connty, Ga., ad joining lauds of Rachel Bailers, David Cye and others. Sold aa the property of Dr. L. C. Rhodes, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms Cash. nov.3—l-6t. K. S. WILLIFORD, Adm’r. The progress made uv toe WILoON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Inventive skill has been taxed to iu ntmoet, and the result is, the The Most Perfeot and Desirable Machine, lor General and Family Use, yet produced. It is Simple and Easy to Operate, ie not liable to get out out of repair. Re Work it the Best lavras shown by the 1 f J FIRST PREMIUMS awsrded it at the Univereal Exhibition in Vienna, in 1878, and itiaaoldata LESS PRICE than any other Machine of ita STANDARD EXCEL LENCE. For sale by J. M. UPSHAW and F. P. GRIFFITH. Be tore to see the Wilson before you buy. May 19,1875 29-tfi Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GUNS, PISTOLS, ^MMUISTITIOIsr Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, G&VBB, TAttGT AJtTJCWS, See., Wo., Having BEST WORKMEN, wo are prepared to do REPAIHIXG IU SUPERIOR STYLE. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SILVER AND GOLD PLATING, And all work of this kind, such as Forks, Spoons, Watches, Ac., plated by us, warranted equal to that done by any establishment in the country. STERN Broad Street, Opposite College Campus, Athens, Georgia, TAKES this method of announcing to the public generally, that he has just returned from New York with the largest and most complete stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, Gent’s Furnish ing Goods, full linos of Ladies’Fancy Goods, such as Ties, Scarfs, Woolen Goods, in Shawls, Cioa&s, &c., &c. Also, a desirable line of Lady’s and Chil dren's Fancy Furs, and complete lines of other Goods, too numerous to mention. He invites the attention of buyers to the same, feeling confident that he can offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS SEASON Which he has been unable to do heretofore. Thanking the public for past patronage, and hoping to receive a share of tho same hereafter. My motto is QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Very respectfully FAIR AND TIMELY NOTICE. ritHANKING my friends for their patronage in the 1 past, and asking for a continuance of the same, I beg to Ray that, FROM AND AFTER THE l*r OF OCTOBER, mv terms will be CASH ON DELIVERY, except to those parties who have always paid their bills PROMPTLY on presentation. Where goods are charged, it will be with the distinct understanding that the Dills aro DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH. 1 would willingly give longer time if 1 were able, but 1 am not. I trust that no one will be offeuded at the course, as my necessities drive me to it. I hope by prompt attention to business and low prices, to merit a continuance of the patronage of tbs public. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. 6ept. 88—*7-tf. BOOTS AND SHOES TO ORDER. N W- HAUDRUP, ARTIST, guaranteed. Jane 18,1875—88-tf NEW STORE 110US FOR RENT. r PHE New Store Room on Clayton A Street, sad adjoining Lerter'i Block, with four good Officoo above, will be ready for ass by tha Uth of September, aad aro now offered for rent. Apply te JOHN It. NEWTON, or Sraxkr.Hinnniai Aag. Iff—42-if. COAL! COAL!! H AVING established a Coal Yard in connection with my Warehouse, with a stock of FOUR HUN- DRED TONS, 1 am now prepared to offer the follow, iug Coals to the citizens of Athens, at very low prices: GENUINE “COAL CREEK,” From Knoxville Iron Company. Burns brightly, is ia huge lamp., hand picked, and is tree from slate and clinkers. “ CAHABA," Of Alabama. Almost excellent Coal for domestic nse. being Bed Ash, large lumps, kindles quickly, and makes no cinders, soot or dust. “ BLACK CREEK,” Of Alabama. A new Coal, aud the purest that comes from the Coal Fields of Alabama or Teuneasee. J. H. CARLTON. August U, 1875. 41-tf. Oct. 6—49—3m. CHARLES STERN. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. Carriages, Buggies and Hanes for Hire. TERMS REASONABEE E. M. VCHITEHEAD, Washington, Wilks, Co., Ga. NovSStfw. Lost I Lost l O R Saturday evening lest, between the residence of Mr. John H. Newton and the first Methodist Chunk, a Gold and Jet Ear Ring Set with Pearls. Tha finder by leaving it at this office will be liberally KINGS CURE FOB CHICKEN CHOLERA, m THE ONLY _ JOHN It. NEN Srafkr, Horcmuso* a Bkix, Pcuprcc Block. State, County & School Taxes for 1875. T HE Tax Digest for 1878, has been placed In my hands for collection. I hareperemptay order* to oollect immediately. I will not indulge m the ftitur* aa ttethair taxes wittaatdeUv«oc^sa.veoo*t. Sept. 15—45-Gt. ^ WUtfm.CUrke county,^ Asa M. Jackson....... L. W. Thomas, JACKS ON* THOM AS, Attorneys at Law Athens, Georgia. BUCK & GARDNER, Carpenters and General Jobbers, Reapectlally offer their services to the Mr’ Stole. Contract* for b’uilSmg soiicite* Respectfully offer their services to the eltiasnsof Atheni and surrounding country. Location, two door* east of ’.L. J. Lampkia’s sd. March 84.1875—ly. CERTAIN REMEDY FOR THE DI8EA8E AMONO Poultry of all Kinds* Used twice a week it will Prevent the. Disease, And keep the Poultry in a HEALTHY COHDITIOH. It hu bun UMd succuifullr fcr tun in this and other States. Price 50 cents per bottle, which mtkesTWO GALLONS of the Medians. Prepared by Dr. WM. KING, Athens, Ga.—33-tf. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of on order from the Court of Ordinsrv of Wilkes county, will be sold on the first Turadav in December. 1875, in the city of Athens, at tbs -ilaoe of holding — •- ■ Dissolution of Partnership. The firm of SLUM AN dt DEAD WYLER, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business in future will be conducted by Mr. 8. J. Slouan at the old stand. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to the firm, wa solicit a continuance of the same to Mr. 8. The accounts due the firm must he pud by the first dey of November next, indulgence beyond that date cannot be given. Oct. 18th 1875. 8.J.8LOMAN, oct.2Qdw3t. G. E. DEADWYLER. LV Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, Mbs. T. A. Adams would moat respectfully inform the Ladies of Athens and of counties adjacent, that she has now received and opened a most choice and select as sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, com prising in part the latest styles and fashions of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Gloves, &e., Which the will sell at reasonable prices. Give her call before pnrohesing elsewhere. Orders fore purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a dis- carefully filled. Store located on Broad street, one dour above National Bank. April 21, 1875—25-tf. NOTICE. Great Redaction In Priees. O N and after Oct. lit we shill offer to our customers, goods iu our line at much lower figures than here tofore. To enable ui to do this, wa will adopt strictly the Cash 8ystem. We ere now receiving a Urge ana full assortment of goods, bought at low prices, which we invite all to call and examine. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. 8ept. 15—4t-tf.' MARBLE. A. R. ROBERTSON’S mm in tiititt tot Dealer in and mannftcturer of Monuments, Head and Foot Stones, Marble and Granite Box Tombs end Cra dle Tomb*. AU work warranted. Persona will do wtU to examine my daelgns, and be convinced that thy am dealin^with a iiur and square man. LEGAL BLANKS, N tatty printed and for sale at thia.offioe. nov3 ids. rdian of Josephine and Ohie Ellison* AMANDA ELLISON, for herself. NO. 1 COOK STOVE AND TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS. CHEAP FOR Roofing and Guttering a SpectoW' Sept. IS, 1875. _ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of llart county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in Hartwell, in eaid county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday m December next, the following property, to wit: one tract of Land lying in said connty, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, tolerably well improved: about to acres under cultivation, and well watered. Also, 7J acres, more or less, adjoining lands of W. A. Hilliard, Marion Cheek and Albert Laird. The E. A. K. B. ruts through both tracts. All to be sold as the property t: Sarah E. Hilliard, deceased, for the benefit of the hsir. and creditors. Terms, one-third cash, the other two- thirds 12 months credit, with note and approvedpecar- ity, and bond for title when land ia paid for. Oct. U. 1*75. M. M. JOHNSON, nor A—l-5t.—[P. F. $6.00.] Adsi’r. place of bolding pubUc sales for Clarke county, daring legal sale boon, all that house and lot of land situated iu tbs city of Athens and adjoining lots of 0. Mortis and Mrs. Baynon. arid house and lot known 0* the 1st* residence ot William Brown deceased, and seld t* th* property of Mary A. Gordon, deceased for the benefit of hairs and creditors. Ttrma of sal* cash. U. P. REESE, Administrator Mart K. Gordon. nov3-w4t. Valuable Farm for Sale. B Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Banks county, Georgia, granted upon th* peti tion of Amanda Ellison, former guardian of Josephine and Onla Ellison, will be sold before th* Court Hons* door in Homer, Banks county, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the Uwfhl hours of sale, one tract of land in eaid connty, on Hickory Level crack, known as the Robert BarnweU Plaoe. The tract con tains 411 acres, more or less—60 to 75 acne olgood bottomland, all in a high state of cultivation. Thsura is one of the best in the county—well watered, well timbered, well improved; good society, in five miles of North-Eastern Railroad, five miles from Homer, 000- venlent; to churches, schools and mills. Two-third* of this property is the property of the wards of the under signed; the other third bslungs to Mrs. Amend* Ellison, who will join in the sole and in the deed. Titles per feet. Term*: one-half cash, the other half credit for ii months, with interest at 10 per cent, per annum: the purchaser getting only bond for titles till the final W ment is made. And at the same time and place the old homestead will be rented for 1876. T. P. CLEVELAND, C.XSH FOR WOOL, —OR— CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athens Manufacturing Companv are now making* much larger variety of Woolen Good* than ever before, and propose to Exchange them for Wool, believing it to be more to tho interest of the PlaB-ft •• Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it **“■ ed and Spun at home. Call for Sample,, and Tern* of Exchange. B. L. BLOOMFIELD, Ag*ut- May 19,1875—29-tf. .1. T BOWMAN & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, P Z Jinn 2 OjY, ga., Will attend to the business of effecting sale»•I>dP t, chase of * SWA as Agents, on REASONABLE TERMS. Applications should be made to T. J- Bowrr*». October 4, 1875.—40-lrn. Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., If yon wants