The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 17, 1875, Image 3

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? vsbsst i At a meeting of the stockholders of the ' Athens Steam Laumry and Soap Corns t pany, the following resolution was adopted: i regular monthly meeting of Council j Resolved that it shali he the duty' ot tho was held this evening. Present, His Hon- President and Directors to sell at public ' or Mayor King, and Aldermen Blair, Moss, outcry all the property, both real and per-} Pi'ttard, Hood,'Lucas and Talmadgo. The | eonal. -belonging to tho Athens-Steam BECF.IVr.n THE HlGHKstt A'.T.J’.BS AT Ytlfc KW StiTE FAIB. 2>&<QT THE A^THEXS GK&llGIAN T j GEORGIA.—CbAliKE COOf A.TSIT'X'TS. G--A-- THE UUUESY ASB SO'r K- K .ANT liil.UJttJIV THE STATE,, WITH THE BEST oPEUATOBS. . ■ — minutes of the last two meetings were r ad Laundry and Soap Company, within 30 nl ul confirmed. , ^ - J day* *0»:,*>»- V mmoNS. I This Nov. l^th, 1875. i ^ !• » m Of J. M. Allen, to remit amount of Citv E K. Li mpkin, Secretary. ' ot Tax paid by him In accordance with the above resolution, M His name not being on the roll of freemen property,%*h reajfgnd pereona^^vith f “uhed the Clerk of Council on tho fiist »« Oceounts due the A&eus Stefunlaun- uTof April the petition was laid on the *7 ">d Soap Co., will be offered -to the »•*? ’ 1 * * I highest bidder on December 10th, at the W ln. c Committee on Streets reported lav- Adding belonging to the Athens Steam -on petition of W. L. Mitchell to I -aundry, at eleven oVlock a. orally on petition «i,ion Hancock avenue, and recommended it be done, provided the property 1 1 ,1,lers will give to the dty the right of James H. Huggins, President. S. D. Mitcuell, Sectary; w4l • 1 I > 'I »■ » ■■ . [f New "Jersey cabbage. White, Red and Yellow Onions, Irish Potatoes, at Tal- Business & Professional -r.-i t t ih --spilt cobb, Einnx & co Attorneys at hun’. ron s # si \ 9 Office in tbe Dvuprec Building. E. A. WILLIAMfcOX, Watchmaker and Jeweller, At Dr. King's Drug Store, Droid Street, Athens, Ga. All workplace in u superior manner und warranted to -CHEAPER THAN AVER! ‘-'MIK unfiersigncrl would beg to nu- liotiucc to his friends and the uuhlic gfeUMtilly, that He has just retuVnetffroin his ■%Mu:il f;ill ttifl tot Now York and . Boston, with a huge and varied stock ol very superior goods, consistiug^partly of the^i'piioning, selected with great MEN AND YOUTHS’, ADiii^SikSSSM sAidf f W HEREAS, wain M. Willinghom^ Administrator * T>UHdtfANTto*dord*roftb*0(«nir Ordinary of oKba,LM»te*flate of j Jp.Oconopcounty,wiUJ* »ldbefore the Court | said county!' deceased, lias tendered to in. his reslg- [ uation a. such admiuifitrator, and prat, for th* nppoint- | ment ot John S. Linton, a creditor of aald deeeased^]^ Five t | madge, Hodgson & To THE Ladies—Go and see those new On motion of Alderman Lucas the report of the committee was received and adopted. The monthly reports of the Treasurer, ^ ^ Chief of Police, Lamp lighter, and Clerk I Fd^Hats just received at Miss C. James of Markets read and received. I The rules were suspended and the follow- Five thousand assorted Stick ing Ordinance introduced by Alderman I Candy, three thousand pounds assorted Moss and adopted: I French Candy, two hundred boxes Fire He it ordained by tho Mayor and Conns Crackers, two hundred bushels fine Apples, oil of the City of Athens, That no License Oranges, Cocoanuts Ac., at low figures, shall be granted by the Council to any I wholesale and retail by Talmad k, Hodg- ; erson or persons to retail spirituous or in-1 S0N ^ Co. 5t-w. toxicating liquors within three hundred I ’ _ ». t r \ yards of any point of the Court House I Horses and Mul*b.—I have on h$nd a square. Ismail lot of nurses unJ mules which T wish The following Ordinance, introduced by I to dose out cheap. W. S. Holman. Alderman Hood, was also adopted : ■ v I 2t-w. j f Be it ordained by tho Mayor and Coon-1 —-——— . il of the City of Athens, That so much of One of the largest and best selected the 21st Section of the General Ord nances | stock jof Whiskies, Brandies, Bu tt, Gin, of the ning „ * , „ •ween the 1st day of October and the 1st | madge, Hodgson & Co. k 5t-w. uaj rf April, be, and the same is hereby, repea.i 1- I A beautiful line of Neck Kuching and Silk By Alderman Moss: | Neck Ties at Miss C James. 1 Resolved\ That so soon as the Treasurer lias sufficient funds to the credit of interest I Dealers would do well to call and exatn- P. (1. THOMPSON, attorney at Law, S]*cinl attention jwl3<0 criminal practice. For refer- euce apply to Ex. Gov. T. H. Watts and Hon. David Cloptou, JJoutgomeiy Ala. Office over Ham 's Store, Feb. 1 Athena, Ga. . ^ - j ^ ^ Feb.; JBANK HARALSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEVELAND, GA. ' Lam- art at claims en trusted to bis care. Ang. 11 1875—11—tf. MISS C. S. POTTS, Fashionable Dressmaker OVER UNIVERSITY BANK, REA1)£ }I ADE clothing of the latest fall styles, Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Dross Goods, Ladies, Gents’ and Boys ti € I c Broad Street, Athens, ie City of Athens as prohibits : he run-1 Table Wines, Cooking Wines, Porter, Ales, Would regretfully infonn the Ladle* and i« f at large in tho Meets of any cattle, be- &c., Ac at wholesale and retail by Tal- ^dloho'Dre^mak^^uuN^ef^d* * With j Fashionable Styles. r exp ience in tin* bu-in- s«. . ije leela *uro of u.>..i rion. Mav 11S75—‘JS-tf. T. to pay coupons that are due ths 1st day of I ine our stock of Liquors belbtv buying. No January next, he be authorized to pay trouble to show goods at Talmadgk, Hodg- them at once. Adopted. | sox A Co. - ot-w. The Clerk of Council was instructed to is-utc executions for all Taxes due the City I One hundred boxes assorted Crackers, that are not paid by the 20th inst. I fresh every week, at Talmadgk, Hodgson The following bills were ordered to be | Co. -■ ,5t-w. paid: Longs A Billups, $18.00; Eaves A 3D SALE, T T ST A LL operation.-* tlon, in Work Caph. rttreeL t« ijive.aatisfac- ,-Very-Low For Oi]ice, Clay too .*i—43—tf. Y. SlcGinty, $34.00; Hopev Pinkney, $8.88. The resignation of C. G. Talmadge,as A1 ih rman from the 4th Ward, was presented ami accepted by Council to take effect on | the 1st Wednesday in January next. Council adjourned. W. A. Gilleland, Clerk of Council. New style Felt Hats nt 75c. - • i / New style soft Felt Hats at $1.50. New style Sack Combs at 50 and 75c. i _ . Goods sold at prices to meet the require- vpnQrjtl ments of the times at Mis3 C. James. I Jullulul 2t-w. I A. WINIST, ' WITH r 1 r ! 1 17E1L STUBBS « CO. >Ltori f*"actors, A X I) Commission; Merchants Savannah, On. Shoes, Boots and Hats, in al most endless variety ,Um- brellas. Fine .lvon- f-j tucky Jeans, L 1 Doeskins,"" Cassimeres, Factory Goods. Yarns, Osnulun^s, \ ^ Checks, Shirtings, Find Wanisuttu and other brands, Bleachings, Tickings,Blankets, &c. &c. Ac. Also, Saddles, Bridles aud Harness, Drugs, Crockery and Glassware, Hollow- Ware, and Hardware ; also, the 1 . 1 Celebrated Murfrcs , boro’ lied (’edar- ware, Ac. , { , Alsq, a full liucof choice firoceries, Sugars, i ellecs, Teas, ilolasset. • vrups, Lard, Ilams, Ch <. - . Kerosene Oil. And mauy otlu i choice goods too num crons to meiitnn, and which must bo seen to lie appreciated. The above goods, owing to the t t i t decline, uc wiii be cu- ■i-t*. %- abied to sell nt prices K . » i , iwhfih. t will ASTONISH THE NATIVES. Joi, ' pi Letter heads. * x v . v NQTE.llEALtif! ,iu i . ;/ r<« >> • LIIX HEADS, "BUSINESS CARDS, STATEMENTS, VISITING CARDS, HAND LHXS; . _ <r u f BLANK NOTES, , Jld l LEGAL BLANKS; * tn/i e.t ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, Aud iu fact, ALL KINDS of Printing ex* ecuted in First Class Style aud at Reas onable Prices, at the Athens Gf.orgian Office. Having a full supply of FIRST CLASS Letter, Note, Bill Head, Statement, and other Papers and Material, we arc now pre pared to offer Special Inducements to persons wanting Job Printing done. Ti;cf»«e thcrefora to Admonish the wiid John S. Itliceredito Liuton,” fluj'iifxt of kin und tlui creditor* of said deceased, , ..... ..... ^^have, army office > nudall ot! to appear and ehrvf cause, if ilnv they have, at'mv office j »ud all SUM The pU«o < on or before the first Moudav in December next, why (loins three hundred and filly acres, more or less, said resignation should not £e accepted and said John ' enty-fivc acres native forest, fifty acres pine fo S. Linton appointed administrator of amid deceased, i B \^twenty-fire.Ofjep fihtlpm lohdr 4*o» *m the J)tac place ofaaiil Wijlis M. Willipgluun. fine orch&rdtff eholooTWiit trees. To he sold as tlio Given under my lutud, at office, this 2Jth day of Oc tober, 1375. ASA M, JACKSON, , ’ FWJI * 1*51. Ordinan*. NEW BOOKS. S IGNA Onidn's last* $3.00. T “ i^Three Feathers, by Wra. Black, Rape of the Ciunp l lllnstrAtcd, $1 00. Alice Loruiiic, bv lllackwouj, 75c. Walter's Wor«i,r>y .lames Puyne, 50e. A mad MorrioL'C, by M. Aauu ^1.75. Pustor'a Recollections, $1.50. For sale at June 23. 31-tf. BURKE'S Book Store. M. A. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE ANDCCMMISSIDN MERCHANT. Xo. 1. WaiTcn Block, A up; ta st a, Georgia. r|'HANKFUL for the liberal patronnire heretofore b(i- X storati, would tuko this occasion to notify the GEORGLV.—CLARKE COUNTY. AYILEJIEAS, Courtuey W. Beal, (colored) appliea to me for letters of Guardianship of Cotirtncv Thornaa, minor, andor fourteen yoan old, of Arriodfcy Thomas (cololvdydeoeaiied. - •• “ ' -.. These arc therefypi to cite aud admonish all concern- ed to pIiow cause at my office, on or before the first Monday, in December next why add letters should not bo granted. .... r . / . • . '.«*.* Given under my hand at office, this 14th Oct. 1875. - > ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinan*. octtOwM* : r flWititol proi egatees. !! months credit with in M, 187#. : / . nov.3—Wit.—[P. F. $100.) GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. Y\T HEREAS, Thomas Booth, Guardian V V ' of Clement H. Ashford, orphan of WHHam H. , orphan of' Aahford deceased, applies M me for letter* of trom said Guardtanibip.' ; , ■, These are therefore to cite and admonish all eonoem- «d to show cause (lf any they 'have), st my Office, on or betor* the first Monday in December next, why said letters should not be granted. j Given under my hand at office, this 27th day of Oct. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON: Or'dinarv. nov3->wit. , '.. i GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, Ann B. Herring, Administratrix of. Stephen w. Herring, deceased, applies to major' of dismission from said Administration, These and admonish all concerned to sy ha' letters ore therefore to cite show cause (if any they have) nt my office on or before the first Monday in January neat, why said ’ letters should not be granted. . .ill Given under my hand at office thi» Slat day of Sept. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinav. _Scpt. 29, 1875—ImSra. FINANCIAL AND COM jfLRCIAL. Just Opened?—The finest hrid cheapest Also," liberal c:wb advances made on consignments for Picture Frames a: Davis’ Gallery. shipments Liverpool or Northernretta. Mav SO-tl. THE ATHENS MARKETS. 1,000 lbs Choice Mince Meat in bulk, ami! Medicill NotiCC. five pound pails, choice ‘‘Gilt Edge” Goshen J At the solicitation of many of my former putri i l Butter, fresh Buck Wheat, fresh lot. ot Mac- resume the f t i i • ronnECTED FOR THE daily GEORGIAN coroni at low figures at Talmadge, Hodgson ! PRACTICE OF MEDICINE & Co. PITTARD, MITCHELL & CO. TIIE COTTON XAKxrr. ) Ot-W. i Athens, Ga., Nov. 17, 1875. Stains...,, 10 lli Ordinary............^...^....L.... a.....' 11 Good Ordinary......... L»$.MU bow Middling 11 1-2 Middling 11 3-4 Gixxl Middling 12 Good demand at above prices. Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah or Cli:ir!, s- tonpricesdupucatqdljtr nny^giioda sold in Athens by Talmadge, Hodgson A Co. 5t-w. from this *!:i case of In1.1 ol Female >. ■ -,x*eial aiteutiou to the J the Chronic Diseases \X\\. KING. M. D. T / ky r-Sk . 100 Boxes Best Rajytns, lpO Boxes Fresh J Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dnesji (Sitroii ami Mpices of all kiuds at Talmadge, Ib«lgsnn A Co. 5t-w. JOliX X - GWrAX, , ATTORNEY'AT LA / T °t° r5 T ; hi all Via- coin TUE bacon and lard rarest. Hauon—Sides | Try the Natural Leaf smoking tobacco, manufactured by Iyai.vakixsky it Lium.ik — a 16 itv: a*. ; t ‘ ) Will practice In all )lic Co'mtic* of tile Wcflern Uir- cuit, llart and Madi-on if lui'Niitthcrn Cir.-ait. Will give attenWn , entrusted Xi Bis CM*. t*ct‘JQwl^r? E. SCHA’-FER, Lard. 0 , ,, . . „, , Now you can get the best Western Irish Shoulders a 13J Potatoes from J. IL Hoggin*.'’ Hams — a 1/ | Buy canned goods. Poaches, Pineamiles, Tomatoes, Oysters, &c., from J. 11. Hug gins. — L « a ju »j ,,...18 a 20 10CC<*A CITY. <»A. lIii»host Cu-^h Price pai«l ft*; U otlou. nhir*’** GIiii* tiiul Press. Ageut fur Win oct20wti. CORN* WHEAT AND OATS HARKET. Corn—per bushel... ,. 90 a 1 00 Wheat, Oats, 1 25 a 1 50 75 a 1 00 Supers.... Family... Fancy.... THE FLOUR RACKET. : $6 50 a 7 00 7 50 a 8 00 8 00 a 8 50 Fine Saratoga Wuiaky, just received at Saulter’s Exchange. The finest in the market. Liquors of all kinds and brands. Oct.29tf MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH, and Jackson Street*. (> Jf ) * r r Chow Chow, Pickles, Raisins, Nuts, Flour," Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, .&c^ at | Barry’s Little^Store, on the corner of Ilroncf * [Special to th* Duly Georgian.] CRAWFORD MARKET. COSRECTID DJULT BT WlTUim A JAUILL. Crawford, Ga., Nov. 17. Cotton..... *. 11J a 1H | Store. liaeon Sides .1 14J a la" Lard 18 n 20 Corn $1 00 a 1 go Wheat 1 25 a 1 50 Globbh.—A large variety' of globes^ stands and brackets, of various s : — at prices so low that every family ford to buy one. For sale at Burke’s Book A t t o ryiojr at tZ a n\ ~ " ~T S. DORTCH, Attorney at Zaw, CARNESVTLLE, GA. ffrney ^t r La ‘ 1IA. , — — uotitv ... planters uf Georgia and South Carolina that lie continue the Commission Business in alt its branches (except baying and selling futures), aud solicits consignments of Cotton for aide or storage. He aid give the selling of Cotton his jmTsoiiuI attention, lb- is. as heretofore. Agent for theju.flv celebrated I’atapsvo Guano aud Grange Mixture. ' M. A. STOVALL. Sept. 99—17-9iii. , . , M . . i Tlic f’-M* Deo Herald. PUBLISH KD A iil.NESDAT, AT W ADDS ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. : TUnr.irr, chcefrul, silways uj> to the :u1- onvim; thonfrUta of tne times tho lle’r.ilcl rank It i.s uiinlie ;h tho lending Journal* < f tlic cl „ If you want any thing in the above | de V nt«i to the fiimiiv meiitioiti'd classes ol gooC «'the aide in any other, citll oi. e. V, DOBBS, LoYer j.ait.O 'idrQtt, oppv*iite Porsoy & Co’a Sen). 2'J-4s- s^t. BOOTS irolp. It oon- la.u? ori^inul and »i‘iectod atorip*?, wit, humor, etc. Every family in tlic !:.u«l siionhl euhseribc tlir it. Us low i»ricA (only on? dollari plnet* it within the roacli.of tiie |H»orci»t in the lai. . Wo j*av ail poisiaire. LEAD WHAT THEPPE&S THINKS OF US. Tie Polkton (X. (Mtoulbu k: Tho Herald is- out ui'the nc^^t du[k r- ii. ; •» -—{—q ("The CottcOrdgN. t.) 15- i tet W*«fl|ij«atulatc .. j buri/riinaeuofl tlmAVn U* !.'«M lleiiild ttj.111 (the fine SHOESi“^™ 01! ’ r, ’’ i,r ’ GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. \,\7' HEREAS, William ^Iambic, as Ad- VY mlnistnitor of the estate ot Itoliert Marable, de- ceitMHl, petitions to be discharged from said Administration, i'hefie are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned,- to show at my office on or before the first Monday in Decem ber next, why said discharge should not be granted. tiixeu under my hand at office this 26th day of August. IW5. ' A-SA M. JACKSON, (Sept. 1-44-1 m3m. •' I Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Seaborn J, Mays, as Ad* ? Y ininistr.itor of the estate of Frances Moore, late of said county, deceased, petitions .o be discharged from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and ad- tnonish nil concerned to show cause at my office, on or before the tirst Monday in December noxt, why said discharge should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 26th day ofAugust, 1S75. , ASA M. JACKfjOK, 5ept. 1—44-lm3m‘. Ordinary. Clarke Sheriff’s Sales. The riedinun: ( ■. » .) I’: ss : Tlic Ilc^ald is a apri^htly f.iiVofy.M ;inv|dtl^r ititelf^iiiirread- in* f muiur.' w -*'*** 3 1 L * a . -Vw - i,N TO ORDER. Ultf' , The Herald i : of tlic hliAr-t w A; •t s Family PaDcr laving some in^ibrtli <Lr dins attached to its numerous reading in it to make Ie»n*4ii lo kcep^oa jpUy till the irt (fJa.i lias ri»- Y Ltftcri'i. gnirairt..>{.- W-i HAUDRUP, A E T IS T , OUT von FIXE^EF. I'r e > l.':!*eral, and First C'la>s AVork V». DEM* -KE, Agent, June 16, 1Si5 33-tf Reap* affuuy i n*i6e . Sir ius o;’Athens an<l viciiuty that he lias tj :ijti a^tulf fir tlic sale of Beef, l*ork, Sept. 15-n T. i.. State, County & School Taxes tor IS<5. f | HE Tax DL-cat lor 1S75, has been placed in ray I hands for collection. I have Peremptory orders to Colleottimnieiliatcly. . 1 will not iudnlpo in the fiuure os I have in the past. Tbe fall is beat time to pay toxoa, und it will be to tlic intercstTof tax payers to set tle their taxes witinmt delay and siro eoet. JXD. W. JbHXSOK, u •* Tax Collector, Cl .Tke county, Ga. Sept. 15—4G-6t. Good Reading at Panic Prices. WILL give strict personal attention to all burines* en- i globes, on \ I f ■ s sizes and r ft Ojfil) Jfj / J iw caw af- ' A 11 o r n e y a t La av. [Special to the Dailj Georgian.] WLNTKKVTf J.BJfARffET. Sinck his new stock has arrived, J. f I. Ilugjrins sella Lamps, Glassware and ctjock- cry of all kinds cheaper than ever—buy J ..ur knives and forks from J. IL Huggins, j icr months, M'sceHaneons Books be sold jit 'iiiXJTi-T RiiDcnan is the time to nt g.i&t rvadinc at low Kl jild.’B R * Store. 31-tf. a'Va'l firtlu Mutt.n, Lamb, Aa*.,at lli** shop formerly ' occupied by Jlr. Solievi adi, in the r, ir of L. J. Lumpkin’s Store, ami near the Kngiuc Hints? ; all can be supplied every morning, and.meat will i,- ueluvred ;iiuny .portloii of PJrt iltt* ;S»9WK»jWnorniur the city. JiisjitalLurill l Aug. 26,187-1—tt*. w. i:. demoel. BOOK AO EATS " ' AND GOOD SALESMEN Arc ‘'COINING MONEY” with the fuutottft , 'MZMA WJVMPWS, The French Edition of whfteh >eU* for and the London Editiou lor $200. Our Popular Edition (e5.50J, containing over One Hundred full-pago quarto platet, la the cheapest aud mo^t deir&nt puhlientiou in Anieri<», aud the bcNt to sell. Critics \i : with uauli other in praising it, und the masses buy it. * « I Agent iu Charleston. S. C., reports U7 orden ; one in Ninety-Six, S. C., 106 ; one in Vn., 217; unotljcf in Memphis, 200 orders, taken in three week*. * % Full particulars free. Address. J. 15. FOLD & CO., Publisher*, Nov3dttw. 27 Park Place, Now York Bass situs AT ReducedqPr ic i:s.—Cock of the Walk and Bounding 'Rock—regula tion size and weight, aqd ; the best ball C’uttoa ....10} a Ilf I Price, $1.00. Other qualities at Bacon 16 S 161 correapondingly low prices, at Burke’s Book conacno xxilt »r nsni a httaxd. WuriBsmia, Nov. 17. llama Lard Corn Wheat... Oats Flour..... ... 00 a 17 1 Shjre, .18 a 20 25 a 1 00 nt*— a - — 00 a 8 50 and—We ha&J of fine horses and nitiles. if tnulef^ ptnd farm mules, at very icasonnblc prices nov& d&w. Gann «& Reavi middling, 12! sales, 1,000. , , Savannah, Nov. 13. — Cotton « lower; middling I3h Bet: receipts, exports; gross, 3,712; exports to Great Britain, 3,653; sales 1,372. I i Mobile, . Nov. 13.—Cotton quiet; mid' tiling, 12b net receipts,- 3.169; exports coastwise, 120; sales, 600. New Orleans, Nov. ,13. —Cotton easier; somehjpotf} ldferjfmiddtn, «| 14w nod* tiling, 12; good ordinary, Ilf; net receipts, 16.M8; exports to Breat Britain, 7.140; to France, 3,989; to the continent, 514; sales, 7,250- Kill Beef, Beef, Mutton, Fork, call at Market No. 10, ZjampkiB’s lot, kept by theln Cirifi^t tin# 'Vitcn !;iirus »-\*tniri- 1 to liU care. .Tan. 10. 1^74—ly. O. A. LOCllllAKili y. f '•-l.fcl'i MltiEDGE. L -CHRANE &MtLl£D6E. . V T TO RNE YB • AT LAW, !l1 AlLAS'tA. Ojl:r ! Office, No. 2J Pry nr St. opp Kimball House. Kx.jaCi u ui C. FQX, efftrj hisj)>»iv<i««i brumbyj Avenue, Athena, Ga. _ _ !14f. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. Carri<toes, Iliiaaics anil Horten for Hire. TwH-wfo h/itnSw ,feT)Oou lo >miiiTV/i TERMS REASONABEE. All lovers of. Veal and . La corner ct ’ L. Wiley F. HoS,NK W. R. DeMGre. Agent, who thoroughly understands tnh business, will at all times be on hand to at tend to customers, in a polite and courteous manner. Wiley F. Hooi»„ Now m Purser Hsoua. Near Masistia, Ga., March 91,1870. Am. ITm. Soot <t 5aia—Gentlemen:—Bocm montha ago I bought a bottle of BsAortSU'a Fxxau *ntUK» from too, and have naed tt in my flanilr with th* ntmoBQMMllUloB, and hm.' rococimended ft Academy, for tSo" year^lS^fel^be"^ sumed about tho last of January. Parents who have to send their children from homo to educate them, will find no place equal to Homer far cheap boarding and reliable educational facilities >\ j * * For further particulars, address Prof. Wra. H. Simpkins, Homer, Georgia. >' Nov. ll-3t. ' rtf—; ’:! ■ Ol—-rlTfitfi ■ , ■i i i t | Btuad to lxmothold duties, and wo cordially I cuuiiutud it lo tho public. irzneteBBt ,v" *, wojU •**>» call the attention ot our i 'he advertisement of Matara. Pools A Host, bespeak- 'Jf f “ r these gentlemen tbe ffirorable consideration ol in need of any Machinery ineladed in their K? i “h u poblishad m our eolamna. They hare on i Iv, * ’«y “r«e stoek of mtoco lion coos Machinery ,nrt ™n promptly fill orders for almost any Work. Wherever their Machinery haa given entire aatisfoetion. t£T The undersigned haveon hand a choice lot Timothy Hay, which they will oeU cheap for casli. GANN & REAVES. , ’ *«it Power* <fe Weightmon’s Chemieolo, then [T ^ h* Btixcr*. , SopL 15—4S-tf. the WiU^JJ Kiwi** Mooam.—The invention lover'"''* Sswin* Machine exert* an influence !•).. t - . ‘ lt COmfnr* ■■.jusw.IImI ha g|)« ioTCDtlOQ Of t hut lin.j.'^ofort unequalled by any arrangement '■owner, »• the work of ten in a superior in U .'ltiivee^* 1 "n*pesk*bly more comfort. Machine* r , - J ri'lic»tjon. * few mon 1°°^ »«ent*. gS£«5jg> catiuocne and ebromo circular fiT rdi!' l '!: L ,i TOD ,U ur « rr* 'Wortan’* •'now I * no'™* heart o, w< •mde J?® 1- *upreme, is a ..’A Lugs dwindle inte this is \h* Joy where which the <1., ?** dwindle' into otter lnsignifleance. To *-A ' ff'a *w»andd^blT?T P 'SSSPSZSSR O Colit E. M. WHITEIlEjVD, ^Washington. WULulCo., G*. \ jJovWtffr.-inctttY i BLACK & Vum GARDNER, Carpenters and Geiieral''Jobbers, Res]>«ctfully offertheir service* to tiu- citizens of Athens Mid -urronruling country. Ijocalk-n, two doors e**l ol oat u .March »d.U7^ saaoi^G rmo ties ATHENS FACTORY^- R. L BLOG^D^ny , OcL 20—w4t. rrrtm , .... ThsGbaxd Cxktsal Hotxl—The Southern head- sartem in Raw York—U capable of entertaining fifteen hundred guests. AS 8000 lbs. Strictly Pare Lead, just received by Long, Sept. 15—tfi-tf. Q It Saturday evening lvt, tgptrrcen the residence of .. Iflor^CKand MnScs. Ifil E hjgff-Tji- uf> rC-- priblie that wc o-ill soo* have md, a nne l"t <•!* Hordes and Mules, andean acoomnunlatc }ierH>ns tlnH <iet>iro to purc'-a^f stock at *iemost {eaMityibJi* r;itr^j pive us a tall ir d w'e for (JANsN^ RE Maryland Eye and Ear Institute, • fit* N.-Clittruts Street, Baltimore, MU. GEORGE REV LING, M. !>., lute Prof, of Eye and Ear Surgery in tlic Washington University, Surgeon in ■ottree-‘ The large '- Jhaoea Carroll haV l ■nents $1 ^ $ I T will gi-ta c.»pi of THE LAGRANGE; f REi'UUfEK. tor aix months; tbe l'RB-' M1UM WEEKLY' OF GEORGIA; took the gold piedal at the Stpte Fair in ^S73,' iCis'W iii sa^ri) DCtL 5vl i x-jii; i> o. W ILL bo sold before tho Court House door in the city of Athena, Clarke county, Gn.. on the fir*t Tuesday iu December next, within the legal hours of s*:Ue, tho following pioperty, to wit; One tmcl of Land, two mih s and* a half from Athens, on the road leading to Georgia Factory adjoining lands of John I. Huggins and othyrs, containing one hundred and two ncrcv», more or less*, with All of the appurtenances thereto belonging, all levied upon by virtue of two Jus tice Court fi. fiis n from-M 16th District G. M., October Term, 1S75, .it the suit ot Jackson Thomas and others Mrs. Indiana V. Hoover. All Bold to satisfy the above stated li. las. Levy made and returned to ri:3 by A. Hailey, S. C. v nov5-5t J. A. BROWNINQ, Sheriff, i Executor’s Sale. . Y1 / ILL be sold befoie the Coart Houm door in the \ V city pf Athens, Clarke county, on Tuesday of the adjourned term of the Superior Court, in November next, tho plantation of the late Col. Joint Billups, in said county, containing about - .si ' roperty of Ed mon Elder, deceased, for the benefit of ii*legatee*. Term*, tflf.coab, the other half twelve , bn tire 6th day of November. 1875, at ,* J^B. LYLE,_ Ordinary. Exemption ne at 10 ofck o’clock *. m., on th* llth day of November, 1876, at my office J, B. LYLE, nov.8.—1-2L Ordinary. g GEORGIA.—Ocoxxx Countv.—Ordinary’* Offloe, U Oct.», 1875.—Mr*. Cornelia A. Walker, wife of John C. W alty, and l wo tho 18th day < nov.8.—1-2L J. B. LYLE, Ordinary. Hart County. vrt-f GEORGIA.-HART COUNTY. YY IIEREA . S . BILUABD V. WHIGHTIAPPL1ES __JT|AP to me for Letter* of Onudionshlp of Martha J. to ahow cause at my offloe, on or before tho first Mon- ''“ ” at, why by said letters should not bo day in December next, t grunted. Given nnder my hand and official signature, this 25th day of Oct., 1*75. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinaiy. Nov3. —l-5t. GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. W HEREAS, Dill lard V. Wright applies to me for Letters of Administration apon tho Estate of R* Wright, late of said county, deceased— ‘-Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified ‘ file their obiections, If any they have, at my office on before the first Monday In December next, else said tare will Ln at. . 1:^ . ’ letters will be granted the applicanL Given andor my hand and cffidol October 25th, 1875. ' f. C.'STEPi Nov. 8.—1-4L , this N'SON, Ordinary. GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. N OTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that on the day of . 1878, B. C. " altera, late of Hart county, departed this life in testate, and no person has applied tor administration on the estate of stud B. C. Walton, and that in terms of the law, administmtion will be veotod in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday in December next, unless some valid objection is made to his appointment. Given nnder my hand and official signatare, thii 25th, 1875. Nov. 3.—1—5t. F. C. ST. S thi* Oct. ON, Ordinary. 2.300 Acres. To l»o sold in five tracts.' Terms, one half cash, balance credit of 1*2 m» litha, at 10 per cent, interest until paid. Titles given wheu all tbe purchase money is paid. Anv one wishing to sec plats of said lands can do so GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. HEREAS, A. J. Brown applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of John Tfiasley and t-’li™ Tcasley, minors, under fourteen year* old, children of Singleton M. Tenslcy, deceased— These dro therefore tdcitosndod ty calling on either H. C. or John Billups. Also, at private side, the House and Lot of said deceased, in Cobbham, in said city of Athens. J. A. BILLUPS, Executor. . , —to cito and admonish all concerned to show canse-at my office, on or before tbe first Monday December next, why said letter* should not be grontea. Given under my hand at office, this Oct. 28, 1875. Nov, 8jjl.-5t. ” " •• novS—2tw. N OTICE.—This is to give notitiec that my wife Lncy Cleghoru liss without just cause or provocation, abandoned' dn,l left her homo and husband, Oliver K. Cleghorn. All persons are hereby forewarned not to give credit to tiie said Lucy Cleghoru,. as her husband w ill r.ot be responsible for any debts or accounts con tracted by tile said Lucy Cleghom. OcL 13th 1875. OLIVER S. CLEGUORN. Tlic Goinsvillo Eagle copy.- oct20wdt.pi ‘ legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday^Sn '.December next, the following property, to-wit: Fifty Acres of Laud, more or Jeto,toing m Madison county, G*., ad joining lands of Rachel tiailere, David Cye .and others. Sold a* ths proper!^ of Dr. L. C. Rhodes, deceased, for tiie benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms Cash. nov.3—l-5t. R. g. WILLIFORD, Adm’r. SETTLED FACTS. That the Oglethorpe Echo is one of the best advertising medium for the Athens merchants, in the Bute. That Athens is Tux Mob sat for Oglethorpo comity, and thousands of dollars are expended yearly there by $1 at ttfo best cotfcRr)*:wfc(ikly in the State, i “ Vvpog^Vhy, niakw-up, businoAtjXeaJing mnticr, ana editorial management eonBlder- ed.’* S£2n>uxs dollar, and try it for bix months. Specimen Topics free. tiie Lagrange reporter ments adopted in th special treatment © letter to i; no T K ^ ! l l feuiveon — -otae residence of the late | ■*' up with all the improve- \ • • Keioola of Europe, for the { ( .|^uf|yn4j£l£ a^tal anil mia- - of diseases. Apply by cellaDeoua reading, it Haa udepartment devoted to the - :;(.EREULI$G, M. D., I / j - Burgooii inchargo nate ami gam Heading, I'sycnomancy, ini Sti j Chammi/ fefiidit.'siiow ing h*w either;»« arjay is the lov» 1 i anection of anv person t epurtment i department specially udaptud to Especial pamtau-e given to Hit news columns the design of the pDDCnheFb&ug to gtve’mitYr.iders thoeaaanaeef hereu f isra f ihsci' • ifiM.ia mv u*iu • M M vvsw^ V . any person they , —■ - . , . ... . .. choose instantlv. 4-h> .. ih mad M cts. HUNT I Dy thia the reader* are n.tonned ol all kdl Si (?tb SturI’ iJ:» \ novl7.R event* of importance that Happens ahjtr.iere, and the JT 1 7/. T rll 'I / / publisher tl inks he can justly claim that is this ro- nll tho news, gathered from nil sources and boiled dorm ii*.Toy...ifoney T EN Dollars’ worth of Toy Green Backs for Ten. Cents. The very thing for bo vs, at BURK’S Book Store. June 3 IB75. Sl-tf. tdl—-— HHft ' tfEW lo fpiIE STORE d 0 U SE fiiiid flffOB RENT.* mod New Store Room on Clayton] JL Street, and .-.djoining liter’s Block, with four good Office a mlrttve, wall tw ready for use by the IStb ; /le.ruEjoji.x.i/jr.), ’wmmmrnm: ■ -(JEUT^fjf. UE31EDY Aug. IS— 42-tf. Deupre- Block. „ A RS. * WjftMtVw ohliand 250,(8* Choieot-Brands of Cigars, which we offer at GnE.viLX Reduced Piucmo. Also a large stock of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Genuine Mccrshanm Pipes, and all Suiokcm Ar ticles. ltd fy A litem} discount ullowcd to Jobbers buying " S *^’ ■^^^rtlLVx'in^S^tY & L1EBLER, _ Aug. S.U.) Under Newton House, Athena, Ga. Mr. John U. Newton ami the first Mathodiat Church, a Gold and JaAEtfSGkg SA WWQP«t. The finder by leaving it at this office will be fiberslly carded. OQ.QQ,-, | » i ffr W I Asa JL Jackson,. L. W. Thomas, lfysa want Fantilare, coll on Gilleland, Wood.Ot >0.00 IS: , - . . . T . who manfadtnre ondjdooiin ol} kifd* of Fomltgiw i* ATIOUN KY S AT L A tv Athens, Georgia. Co., who monfoctore andydcaMn alj ki^ds of Furniture and Coffins, and oeU as cheap as any house in this city. March ««, 1878.—Mfly. NOTICE.—Country merchant* and Physicians, W,<*rpfTS CURED FREE! !- Gilleland, Wood * Co, have added the Coffin bnsineee to their Furniture Manufactory, and always keep on hand a large stoek of Wood and Metelic Burial Caeee. They a. cheap» an,teltte.tWhy«Ute,^ ftmi-h, without extra charge to their patrons, their splendid new Hearse tor funeral occasions. ^ March 20—vl-ly Tux Cnar own PorcxoB Avi.Ajrra 8Toai ov Funto- of Dr7 Goods, Fancy Goods, Notion*, Hosiery ond Undcrwsar. Novelties in Carpet*. Oil Cloth*, Lam- berquins. Cornices and Uphotitery Goods at a oavmg of 15 to 2d par cent, on e*eh article purchased. Tneir FaciUtiee ore only equaled by tbe Largest Houses in tbe * ” before purchasing at other bouses is iris - | F. B, <k Co.J JaetocovUisI n*. *[nov.!7-tf. J A C K S 0 N&TH0 MA S, . ^«uA ul~ .lt-*'.} I ANY ponton > -LA. disease la reqaested to address Dr. Prics, end a trial buttle of medicine will be forwarded by .FREE!. The onlr east betug the Expraae ahorsea, which, ewfun to mjhnf beqtoeto.»>e smalL, KwOmSW treatment of - fits or epilepsy a study tor yean, und he will warrant a euro hy the use testimonials seat with FR2 oA T remedies may hare « Me you, . FeqJSLty. Grcat-Reffuctioij iu Prices TT'or thii Jut thirty days; Brackets, Wall , J? Packets, aud all kinds of Ornamental Wood Wr ’^GREATLY REDUCED PRICB6. New is tbe time to make you buses htnurtlbl a* ‘TOrig.tfEsSSiBg* ££ ie aari’FOR SALE. a:ix'F««T'S aorons and £^tiyo Good Horses, Cheap for Cash or on time until November. Approve No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Go. Por-drtfe *“» Hf n i A. 100 Gallon StiU, with C*pno i**Worm complete. Jm. Apfjy tt^Suminey^Hatdic>o.i A Bel], or Juan H. iritisys, & oVS ,<v,nSoTo Rent a very dtwirable RESIDENCE a* Jackson Street. 4 He.lowto.ditertB.emy. ^^UOr, Sept. 22,1875—17-tf, vjNo. 1 BroaJ 8L, Up Suita Blacksntith (Shop, folly prepared tod* oil maniwrof work in the Black smith liiwin a superior' taaonsr und at reasonable chances. He haatb. best woekmen and uses nothing . hntue beat material. Plantation Work, Horse Sho? Slum l>reis Poisons. Medicine Rendered Useless ! VolU’H Electro Belts wtd. Bands are in dorsed by the moat eminent physician* in th* world for tbe core of rheumatian, neuralgia, Ever complaint, dyspepsia, kidney disease, aehto, palna, nervous dia- — ‘ Rkiod. - BaekwKSnpi? V BELT CO, Cincinnati, Os" publisher tl inks i e csii justly Hpect. Tint iix VUIEB lltiB UO >UUfm>f ofits cImSo Tot i.n, jftM wut; .«i. lox rix fetid fo specimen coin. Aciuivss - . » ... J. T. oct2". ... .... LaGtzutoti, til.; V-.VT-rf f 1 • UVJl RING’S GTJBE pot: 7 1 CHICKEN, CHOLERA her citizens. That the people of Oglethorpe pledge .themselves to sustain those merchants who sustain their county paper by advertising therein. 'Advertising rates reasonable. T. L, GANTT, Editor aud proprietor. FAIR AI?D TIMELY NOTICE. ri 1IIANKIKG my friends for their patronage inth* 1 past, and asking for a continuance of the samo, I beg to say that, FROM AND AFTER THE l»r OF OCTOBER, my terms w ill be CASH ON DELIVERY, 1 . cxfcept to those parties who have always paid their bil[* •’•'il ! PROMPTLY on presentigipn. Where goods ore charged., it will be with th* distinct understanding that the bills an DUE AT TnE END OF TIIE MONTS', I would willingly give longer time if l were able, but I am not. 1 trust that no one will be offended at tiie eourse, as my necessities drive me to it. 1 hope by prompt attention to business and low prices, to merit a contiuunucc of tho patronage of the nnblic. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. iScpt. 22-047-tfi• j,. tft, . .H* WAVrJdnjE ’H*\vith iDBEDTONS, I am now prepared to offer the follow-':'- . - - - - --it..*- «-,-q ; , urai: “CAHABA” ; M6 OfiAlabaiio. A>noet. exeeUent Cool for domestic use. being Red Ash, large lamps, kindles .qaicklv, on. makes no cinders’ tc5l or duit t *"* . “ BLACK CREEK,” » A lormi A new Coal; and the purest that corned “ >. I «« LTON. , pni fro«zthe UpaJ Fields of Alabama orTc: •Angrist ll; V87W 1 n rfliw v« SON, Ordinary. th- ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. TJUIISUANT to on order of I Ipfrnl hrniTft nt ulA. nn fit a fln order of the Coart^f Ordinary of ■ he sold before th* Court — .a said comity within tho legal hours of ottoy on tho flnt Tuesday, in December next, the foUowmg property, to wit: one tract of Land lying in said county, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or letoj'tolerably well improved: about 40 acre* under cultivation, and .well watered, Also, 75 acres, more or less, adjoining land* of W. A. Hilliard. Marion Cheek and Albert Laud. The B. A. K. K. rnzi and creditors. Termi, one-third cash, the other two- with note and approvedlsecur- ity, and bond fol titl* when land is paid for. OcL 25, 1875. m M. if. JOHNSON, nov.8—l-5t.—[P.*F. $8.00.] Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtae of an order ftrom the Conrt of Ordinary ot Wilke* county, will be sold on tiie first Tuesday in Deownbar, 1876, in the dtyof Athene, at the usual place of holding ptibho sales for Clarke county, during legal sale hours, all that house and lot of land situated in tho city of Athens and^^^H and Mrs. Baynon. sqidhoqto and ct William Brown M loti of C. Morris _ known ag the late deceased, and sold aa the property of Mary A. Gordon, deceased for the benefit of heirs and creditor*. Terms of sale anh. IL P. REESE, Administrator Mary A. Gordon. novS-urtt. • - Valuable Farm for Sale. •.B Y offiS S co 0 n f n^ < , Georgia, gnntedmptoi’ th* i. •tion of Amanda Ellison, fanner guardian of Josephine and Onto EUison, will bo sold before tbe Conrt House door In Homer 1 , Banks county, on the first Tuesday in December next, within fhk knrfkl- hours of sale, on* tract of land in said county, on Hkskory Level creek, known as tbe Robert Barnwell Place. The tract con. tains 411 acres, more’br less—00 to 75 acres ot i L acres, n _ cultivation. The tLe^b^ ta/tbe county—well w^crcd,^ well _ __. r _. Act Terms: ofic.h*lfeaah, tho other half credit for 12 •'with-,interest*t 10 per oent. per amram; the itting only bond for titiea till the final pay- per- FOR THE DJSi'.ASL AMONG Poultry of all Kinds. * Used twice a week ft will tr.rfi <»d « K»<)| sc, 'Smjr&zomii'sm. )n <1 ivot’ It has lieen used successfully for years iu this and oilier .State?. , 1'rioe 50 cents per bottle, which makes TWO GALLONS of the Medicine. Prepared by 7, .1,1 v, ir , Dn. \VM. KING, Athens, Ga.—33-til. Great Bargains;Jft Note Paper, . -1 At Sept. 89—tiff. ,.\l k, new. pepen will CIS FOB STORE. and New Stock! r E have just received au entirely N - w DR¥" i GO8D8»AflD’ ! 8B:0CERlES - «-•>. -/ ..-TV,,. •- ' ^IBeir tLpfn r* iA i> 'A CHEAP FOR CASH. We woo id dsauk our friends to give i selling their cotton an w* expect to boy cott fcmti&tewptXn,. emu 5 fl’J Dissolution-of Partnership, The firm of SLOMAN & DEAD WYLER, was this day dissolved by mutual .-consent. The busines* to l'uiurc will be conducted bv Jlr. S. J. Slomas atthe old nnvatds . etan<L. Thanktnl for the liberal-patronage extended 'to , 7 - th# firm, wo solicit a continuance of the same to Mr. 1 fit . '..g... ,-aj> a The aficounts duo the firm must be paid by the firaVdey of NdVotobovrtoXt, indulgence bevend that data cannot bo given.. Q«t. 18th 1975- ^ ■„„! ~ ' • ; " .3.Ji8IOMAN. . j Ln:i ocf.2ddw3t. 8113HIrantTg. K BRADWYLER. ■‘j. >•! . .. . VC p 1 " 1 /iTJIiln H t-Sito mg and Summer Millinery Goods, . | the Th Mas. T. A. Assam would most respectfully Ladies of Athena and of cauntiea aJiucent. ' now received and opened a most choice ai sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery priaing in part tho latest stylus and fi^h^ons of f - Hate, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, r - Flowers, Gloves, Ae.,' 1 Wbicii she wil[ sen at reasonable' prfiee. 1 'Girt her call before purchasing elsewhere. Ordcrs froiW * dis tance carefully filled. Store located on Broads street, ope dpor ab^ve Notionpl Baok. ^ ^ , 'Ll*r *.r*i«fo..’I •le■*•?. ■ -: beHevhtgtt to b* more to the intereetof the Planter to the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Card- „ , mat home. Call for Bamnleeand Term* of JEx^ ?1RLD, AgenL r.7hm PRICES REDUCED - * \ t •: or mx v ,vi iq ,, ti AVnatLL SSS.'S Okixtcak Panrr Cowrawr,- Barling Slip, Hew T< 182 Emt River St, Cleveland, O. tV- m«(»7 A DVERTISER’S GAZETTR-^A r\ Journal of Informationfor < Ad rep-' tisera. Edition.. 2A»- oepi**. / Published weekly. ;Terms, |2 iper onnunv, in advance. ~ttn ^BSSSmSSSl Y^k.*^0. F.ROWs£rSl COnWitoranndP^i^ff. • J*?$K* IT C - Jft.jif tttttfttl Do MlCMt J*; Patterns for Dolls’ Glc ' Instructive, Amusing and .H «cr S^mu^hnvpewn^YiM^Afrow f'hnvc tricdlv .AnA* the mwietimo tndplaoe the old homestead be rented fo?J87fi. JSt7 Goaidlacaf AMANDA! itndOhi* RUieoa. DN, for herself. CASH FOR WOO L, WOOL. era now making n than ever before, wm attend ti' the biainera oteffseting tales and pur- UulSj l o’.itij ix MHttaiHii v/oii REASONABLE TERtlS. TX . »J. BegpnM ,hi ; - J. noire, e d . |l mwmtmmir till Foots tones, Marble and Granite Box Tomb* aid Cra dle Tombs. A[1 work, warranted. Persona will do t well to examine my designs, and be convinced that era diwjto^wjthj, t*ir_ind square HIM. " " A