The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 17, 1875, Image 4

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■■n MEMSE * H AVEAK IMMENSE STOCK OF Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, Children** Copper Shoes^Hen’s _»nd BojVBoots,, and ftj'FSE* L*#* O FFER A LARGE AND VERT SELECT ASSORT- meat of DRESS GOODS, &EESE <fr £aWE JJAVE A FULL LINE OF HATS, Men’* and Bow* Shoe*, hrog*n Boole and Shoes, all of | ^ Mourning and Colored, Field and Solid Beat kakara and at Lowed Prioea. novS-lra | , GREAT REDUCTION. CeUgtapLjic. ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. LORD MAYOR’S DINNER. London, Nov. 10.—At the Lord Mayor’s I dinner the Cabinet were present. ’ Mr. Disraeli, answering a toast in honor of Her Majesty’s government, and the compli ments tendered on the settlement of the China diffcnltics, said, U I wish I conld say I that foreign affairs nearer home were as A from th* Cheapest to the Beat Hand and Boggy Um brellas, Trunk* and Satchels, China, Crockery ana Q1 •** Ware always on hand. norS-lm SEMSM & &&JTE Iff AVE A LARGER STOCK OF I I ' * .1rr. >. WHITE GOODS than ewer, and at price* to anit present prioe of cotton. • >nr Moonuns Goods Department is complete, embrac- •ng everything known in Black Goods. novS-lm MbMSM 4 MeAJtEo BARGAINS. Tbe Remington again Triumphant! THE WRECK OF THE STEAMER PACIFIC. San Francisco, November 9.—Henry L. Jelly, a survivor _jrom the steamship I satisfactory as our relations with China. Pacific, floated on the pilot house from 8:30 partial revolt in Turkey has produced a Thursday night to 10 o’dodt Saturday morn- £ate of things such as there often becomes mg. His companion died from exposure I critical . The forbearance of the < eat and was cut loose by Jelly. Several boats powers immediately interested produced were launched, but all foundered. Ihe pas-1 an c ff ec t such as some months ago gave us wngen, some seventy-five » number,. were U e ri ght to believe the disturbance would from Puget s Sound and Victoria. Jelly 18 1 cease immediately. Since then a financial toolow to give further particulars. I catastrophe has revived the struggle again, Port Townsend, Not. 9.—-Jelly, the I and given a new aspect to all of the cir- supposed sole samvor from the Pacific, was cumslanC es. It U impossible to deny that brought here by the ship Messenger, in a circumstances are critical, but! still wretched condition. He says the Pacific confidence in the forbearance collided with some vessel whose light he ofthe po Wer8 . I have not merely trust, saw. Experienced navigators here think but conviction, that means will be found to she struck a sunken rock. 1 br j 0 g about a satisfactory result, consist- Jelly’s statement is that he took passage I cnt w i tb the maintenance of the peace of on the Pacific from Victoria, leaving a 1 Europe. I will not contemplate any other quarter-post nine o’clock on Thursday, with resldt . t^ interests ofthe imperial pow- about two hundred persons aboard. The I era ; n reference to this question are more Pacific steamed all day against an eastern direct but not more considerable than gale, tmd the crew was constantly pumping those of Great Britain. The men who water mto the boats to tnin ship. The 1 have charge of our affairs are deeply con- boats abaft the paddle boxes had no oars sc i ous 0 f t he magnitude of our in* erests. in them, but the other boats had oars. which th:y are resolved to guard and Between 9 and 10 o clock, while in bed, 1 mr ,: n tain ” he heard a crash and felt a shock as if she bad struck a rock. The bells struck, “stop,” ‘•back," “go ahead.” Then he went on deck and beard voices say, “all right, we have struck a vessel 1” saw several lights at Mr. Disraeli, after a glowing reference to India, colonial and domestic affairs, con cluded with these words: “When I tk here again next year, I hope to be able to congratulate you upon the tnain- a distance they were colored. He then I te D ancc of peace, and l must also, upon the went into the pilot-house and heard “ she is | gucC ess of our domestic policy; so, if an cx- making water fast.’’ The captain came from his room and burned five blue lights. The engines were still working, but there was no one at the wheel. He aided a number of men to launch the long boat but could not. There were twenty women in the boat. He heard that the boats abaft witb'p&ddles were got off, bnt did not seo them. The steamer fisted about an hour after she struck so much that the port boat was in the water. “ I igency should arise and the sovereign be called on to show her power and force, she would be able tojappeal to a contented and confiding people.” LETTERS FROM STANLEY. London, Nov. 10.—Two letters have been received from Stanley, dated Ulay- dala, April 12 and 14. They were entrust- . . , . .. , , . . cd to Col. Dclbell Ford, who left there with was in that boat and cut it loose from the 1 gome troops on the 17th of April, hut, davits. The boat filled and turned over. I 1 u .linn nonr flrtr/lnn’Q Pn«t. wiifl nvisfiiiftrod. MAKES A cz zajt s ?rz z t OF ALL THE PREMIUMS, REGULAR and Special, at the Oconee Fair in Athens, N. B.—This Machine has taken pre miums over the Singer, Howe, Wheeler & Wilson and Wilson Machines wherever ex- hited in competition. It is new to the people of Athens, it never having been ex hibited here until this Fair. The older companies can only compete with this Machine by misrepresentation. It is acknowledged by all experts, mechanics and operators, to be superior to all others in the following particulars: Superiority of Construction. Quality of Material. Ease of Operation. Certainty of Action. Speed and Light Running. Whilst the attachments of this Machine arc a speciality, being the latest and most desirable and sold only with this Machine. Having been critically examined by judges at tlie recent fair as to the above points, and being satisfied that this Machine far excels all other candidates for public favor, wc have accepted the agency for the sale thereof on the company’s terms and prices. Its uudaunted success in other cities where introduced is a guarantee to us that its merits will he recognized hv our patrons. Call and see these Machines at our store. L. SCHEVENELL & CO. No. 3 Broad st., Athens, Ga. We arc also agents for the sale of the got on the bottom and helped several up. when near Gordon’s Post, was massacred, with 36 of his soldiers. Five escaped and Immediately after, the ship broke fore and reached Gordon’s Station. A detachment aft, and the smoke-stack struck our boat and the steamer sunk. I think about all the women were in our boat and were all drowned when the boat upset This was about ten o’clock at night, not dark, nor the sea very rough. I left the bottom of the boat with another man and climbed up to tile top of the pilot-house. was then sent to secure Stanley’s letters, which were found among the slain, stained with blood. Stanley has thoroughly ex plored Lake Victoria, and demonstrates the unity of this magnificent sheet of water. Livingstone was wrong in report ing that Victoria Nyanza consisted of five lakes. The river Shemllyee feeds Lake Yard wide Blocliinjr, 18}$ cent*. Sbavla from 75 vents up. Balmorals from 75 easts op. Sioe* tram $1.00 up. Hat* from $1.00 up. Great Reduction in all Dry Good*. j-)B5IBE TO CALL SPECIAL ATlKNTION TO for Men’s Business end Everyday Saits, Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawers, &c. We get up Cheaper end Better Saits than yon can bay. novS-lm T HE sabecribcis •»«> removeJ to No. 18, FRANKLIN HOUSE RANGE, Broad Street, where they .keep con etamly on hand a large and well selected stock of FliKSITUttU OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To whie!) til y invite the attention of the public, and which will(he sold m «" vt *> .-»ws mm m zm «l» COFFINS AND BUKIAL CASES will for funeral* Furnished AS LOW OR LOWER :|iantnr any other establishment in the city. When furnished by ua, w* also furnish, WITHOUT ADDITION A I.CHARGE, our handsome HEARSE, with horses end driver, for fum within the city. J. F. WILSON fit CO. Athena, Ga., Sept. 8—45-4in. s>ia in mi J. H. HUGGINS. H AVING just returned from the Northern markets with a large stock of goods, bought at low prices, is, gelling goods in his line 25 per cent cheaper than hereto fore. He is making a speciality of Crockery. Class ware. Lamps and Oils. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells the best Kerosene Lamp Oil at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups and Saucers at 25 cents per set. Sells common Glass Tumblers at 25 cents per set. Sells coimnou Glass Goblets at 50 cents per set, Sells common Plates at 40 to 75 cents per set. Sells the best Granite Plates at 75 cents to $1.001per set. Sells the best Granite Cups and Saucers at 90 cents to $ 1.00 a set, Sells Kerosene Lamps at 25 cents to $10.00 each. J. H. HUGGINS, their stock of PIECE GOODS r. A. SUMMIT. JJ AVE REMOVED TO ■ PITTARDS CORN En -— ■ ’»*•■*’ r. W. HUTCHESON. "V, *• ‘-tttt SUMMEY, HUTCHESON & BELi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ** ** MW IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS MANUFACTURERS AGENTSjFOR THE SALE (IP Cotton Gins, Presses PORTA.BMC ENGINES, Mowers, Reapfrs, Threashers, &c., & c DEUPREE LOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. June 23. 1875. wonderful TYPE WRITER. Oct, 10—dtf. Dissolution of Copaiineisliip. fJAlIE recant" death of highly esteemed friend and partner, Walton U. Griffith, forces upon me the ffith necessity of closing up the bu*ine*s of Griffith A Crane at once. All those indebted to the late firm will please call and aettle up without delay. I propose to continue the* business in all of its branches, and hope by strict attention to merit a contin- Has a lot of Beautiful China Tea Sets, Has a lot of Fancy and Plain Chamber Sets, Has all kinds of Crockery and Glass Ware, lias all kinds of Lamps, Burners and Chimneys, Has a large stock of Family Groceries, Has a large stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. J. II. HUGGINS, Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes Ac., Ac., Sells Sugar of all grades Coffee, Lard and Cheese, Sells Bacon, Flour, Meal, Soap and Starch, Sells Liverpool and Virginia Salt, Syrup and Vinegar, Sells Lime and Cement, Cuba and Common Molases, Sells B.eaching, Cujieo, Factory Stripes and Checks, Sells Factory Jeans, Plains, Shirting and Osuabtirgs. Broad Street, Opposite College Campus, Athens, Geobcu, TAKES this method of announcing to the public generally, that he has j^i returned from New York with the largest and most complete stock of Dry Good £ Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, Gent’s FnralJ ing Goods, full lines of Ladies’ Fancy Goods, suchas Ties, Scarfs, Wool'! i.iiit : *3/ 1 Goods, in Shawls, CloaAs, &c., &c. Also, a desirable line of Lady’s and Ct* dren’s Fancy Furs, aud complete lines of other Goods, too numerous to mex% j lie invites the attention of buyers to tbe same, feeling confident that he oj offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS SEASON uance of the patronage so liberally bestowed in the past. J. R. CRANE/ Feb. St.tC No 2. Refugee Block, Thomas St. The next morning I got some life-preservers Victoria Nyanza, and is'the extremest floating by, and with their ropes, lashed gg Urco 0 f the Nile yet found, myself and companion to the pilot-house. Stanl had several conflicts with slave I saw three rafts; the first had three men, I on the lake. On one occasion he was the second two men and a woman. I could attacked by one hundred natives armed with 5J a *. e ou * t “ e third. My companion 1 S p earg( j„ thirteen canoes, and repulsed them died Friday afternoon; then I saw a vessel, a f ter a severe fight, killing three natives, called, ajid heard people on the other raft He reached Mtesas’ hunting camp April call. The vessel did not coine near its. I }2th. The festivities in his honor consisted saw two other vessels before I was picked 5n t ofa naval review onthe lake of e igh- up.” The Hurlbut and Rockwell troupe ty-fbur canoes, manned by 2,500 men. were aboard. Among the lookers on were the three hun- A brother-in-i-aw of MR davis. . dr ed wives of King Mtesas. King Mtesas It is stated that Capt. Jeff D. Howell, of haa 2 qoo.000 subj«ts, and is an intelligent e lost steamer Pacific, was a brother-.n-1 Mussalraa ’ n . but £ tanley r eg ar j 3 hU convey- sion to Christianity as possible. New firm and New Stock! the law of Jefferson Davis, and was formerly an officer of the Confederate navy. He was a young man but was supposed to he an [ experienced navigator. San Francisco, November 10.—A dU* I THE CHURCH CONGRESS. Philadelphia, November 9.—The sec ond annual Church Congress of the Protesl- the Merchants Exchange f ro,n I an t Episcopal Church in the United States, Port Townsend says the United States reve- ^^led £day in St. Andrew’s church, on »steamer Oliver Walcott, at three o clock P!u u. h atrw>t Rnr „ pa TKn p, p,„ nue steamer unver tvatroit, at mree o ciocr Eighth 8treet> above Spruce . The Ru Ke V Monday morning last picked up one of the Baco _ Sleve _. D _ n. bishoD of the di . crew of foundered steamship Pacific on raft, thirty miles inside ofthe straits of Tuca. He says Captain Howell was drowned from the same raft, and the Pacific was struck by a vessel underj full sail. LOSS OF FIVE VESSELS AND CREWS. W. Bacon Stevens, D. D., bishop of the di ocese, occupied the chair. An introductory address was delivered by Rt. Rev. Bishop Clark, of Rhode Island. The post commun ion service was read by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hare, of Niobrara, and the remainder of the service by Rt Rev. Bishop Stevens, af ter which the Holy Communion was admin Boston, Nov. 9.-—Intelligence has been I ; s tercd to a large number of peisons. received here of the supposed loss of the | Philadelphia, November 10. -The brig J. W. Spencer, of Boston, which sailed rh ™“th. Fni™l irom Nassau, September 11th, bound to Sj* ur< ^ SPIlPr? ^ lsC ?Pf! Charleston, S. C. Twenty-four hours after I p^rch of the United States, Ire-assembied she sailed the terrific hurricane commenced °p ibe bret methods of pro 1 , which caused so much damage, and it is cur,ng and prepanng candidates for the mm- feared the brig was lost with all on hoard l 4 ,r ^ ”*? JLJjZ?' r The Spencer was a good vessel, of 515 ® rook, ; n t J a " d Edw ’ ®; . 4 • cl„ Newark, N. J. Addresses on the same suh- wer « delivered by Rt Rev. Alex. C. S Garrett. Bishop of Northern Texas; Rev. UuStho W TnrnntrJnd Thos - F - Tates - of Waltham, Mass.; Rev. building, Thom*, m. ?ft"^ rf r c ST i N ' N Chase, all of which put to sea during the Indmnapolu, Ind.ana, and others, hurricane, and none of which have ever L. The Wll > bold another scss.on been heard from except the brig Toronto, 1 tnu evening. w^h was seen drifting .>ast Jamaica, dis- «• misionary committee of the MetodUt fipiroo- either of the five vessels or their crews will ever be heard from. MATTH E W S & J.tC KS0 .\ NO. 1. BROAD STREET, (Old stand of T. BISHOP & SON.) "y^"E have just received an entirely N -\v Stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES And offer them CHEAP FOR CASH. J. H. HUGGINS. Sells Knives and Forks, Six>ons and Pocket Cutlery, Sells Boots, Shoes, Hats, llarness and Leather, Sells Buckets, Brooms, Tubs and Oil Cans, Sells Baggin, Ties, Rope, Hoes, Axes and Traces, Sells the Virginia Woolen Cashimere, oh it is so nice, Sells many other goods too nuinerons to mention, Sells go ids at low prices, g» and see for yourself. Go io Oct 0—49—11. C-£i* Si S5Q SO C23 ^ S3 CP a ' DON’T FORGET THE PLACE, J ■ H HUGGINS’, No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. Wc would also ask our friends to give us a call before lling their cotton is we expect to buy cotton and will it the highest market price for it. octtOwtt. MATTHEWS & JACKSOF. Millinery and Faocy Goods. Miss C. JAMES, O FFERS to tbe Ladies a Choice and weU Select t Stock of Fall and Winter Milliner;, JEWELRY, TUCK COMBS, RUCH1NOS, REAL -RIMMINGS, Ac., PAT- HAIR GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Ac., TERN HATS AND BONNETS, OPENED OCTOBER 13th. PlejuM call before purchasing elsewhere and examine her fine goods at prices to suit the times. Orders firon a distance carefully filled. Stamping neatly executed. Store located on Broad St., between Dm. Longs dr Billupe and Smiths Drag Store*. Sept. 80—d&w-3m. livery, feed and Sale Stable ATHENS, GA: GANN & REAVES PROPRIETORS Will be found at their old stand, rear Franklin Home Keep alsrays on hand good Turnonta and careful driver*. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our care. Stock on hand for sale at all time*. deelStf. • WJBj Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, (BURNING OF THE CITY OF WACO. Galveston, November 9.—She City of Waco arrived from New York yesterday and anchored outside with the fleet of vrosel. At one o’clock this morning she was discovered toheoofim. ▲strong northeast wind was blowing, with showers of rain. The passen gers, officers and crew took to the ships open boats at 3 o’clock, and passed through the fleet. The sea was so high the other boats could render them no assistance. The last seen of the open boats they were drifting in a westerly direction down the coast. The agent$ have tdegtaphed for a list of her P&886DgerE« * One of the Galveston pilots who had gone out on her arrival, was also on hoard. Carriages have been sent down the beach, and a steam tag dispatched cruising out side in search of the passengers and crew. The steamer burned to the water’s edge, and is now reported sinking. It is supposed the vessel ana cargo are a total loss. The City of Waco waa valued at $150,- 000, and was partially insured in New York And ^nrtipC. She waa three quarters full of freight or general merchandise, that waaSrAtu^d at $100,000.- She was bnilt in 187S, at Chester,Pa. ' ' Galveston Nov. 10.—The impression is now gaining ground ithat not a soul was saved from the steamship Waco. New Toes, Not. 10.—Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were of Brooklyn. Fanny Heeler b a colored girl. Beyond thb the agents hero know nothing of tho Waoo passengers. The steeyge ? pnts»age$s pure mostly Ger- MBL v/Bfrir waa considered rttortifflyulWn officer. The mate waa named Nickerson; the first engineer, 0’Hnrra;eteward,Wm.Huriey (stewardess, Fanny Best Tho list of tbe crew, number ing thirty, waa kept on board, and the names are not known by the agents. The owners of the Waco say there were i oil on the deok, hat ■ordi- s-Presidcnt I at his room ter and about being removed to his lodg ings. Sr. Louis, Nov. 10.—Returns from sixty ennntiam eivet 50.000 tttsjority for the new port of the treasurer shows the balance, on November 1st, to have been $13,288. The receipts during the year were 8662,587; ex penditures, $721,805—leaving a debt of $46,- 030. Besides this there are letters of credit for foreign missions amounting to $135,532, making the real debt $185,562. FROM HAVANNA. Havanna, Nov. 9.—Two transports arrived to-day with re-inforcements for the Spanish army. The weather is dry, and great activity is manifested. FAILURES. New York, Nov. 9.—It is now said that the liabilities of L. J. Phillips & Co., who failed last week, are estimated at $2,000,000. The failure of Solomon Meyer, dealer in ladies’ hats and trimmings, is announced. Washington, Nov. 7.—The President left here this morning on a brief visit to New York. The Attorney-General says a special report to him entirely exonerates Babcock and Orville Grant from the charges that they had been inditccd for whiskey frauds. N kw Yobk, Nov. 7.—There was a large at tendance at the revival meeting at the Brooklyn Tabernacle this morning, and an unusually earnest religious sentiment was manifested throughout the congregation. So anxious were many to testify to the bleBsed work of the Lord that several were on their feet at the same time. There were about two hundred requests for prayer. New York, Nov. 7.—A Herald special from Paris says in view of the approaching Struggle in the Assembly overthe proposed change in the system of voting, the conclu sion arrived at after a careful analysis of the opposing forces is, that the Ministry is likely to triumph in the coming Parliamen tary battle. Boston, Nov. 8.—Orders were received at the Charleston Navy Yard to-day from Secretary Robeson to discharge all em ployees in the department of yards and docks at work on repairs. This includes nearly the whole force ofthe department. Bombay, Not. 8.—General Lord Napier of Magdala, Sir Philip E. Wodehouse,the Governot of Bombay, Hon. M. R. West- Chief Justice, and many others, the civil, military and municipal accompanied by seventy native princes and chiefs, met and welcomed the Prince of Walfs on his landing from the COLLEGE AVENUE, Next Door to Post Office, O N hand, Upper* for making Low Qoartai grass, Alexis-Ties, and Pnneo " ing promptly executed. Send ten aoUara, ] », Con- Alherts. Repair^ . per mail or express and yon ahaU re ceive a first class pair of boots. Jnns SO, 1875. J5.t£ BOOKS AND STATIONERY. MY stock of school books, PAPER, PENS, INKS, CHALK CRAYONS, SLATES, PENCILS, FALL AN J WINTER 1875. Are now prepared to show one of the most elegant and largest stocks of BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS, FANCY GOODS, CARPETS, &C. EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS MARKET. By special attention to the careful selection of our goods, we have pro cured all the novelties the season affords, consisting in part of Elegant Plain and Solid Dress Goods, TRIMMINGS, COLLARS and CUFFS, REITS, SCARFS and TIES AND IN FACT EVERYTHING NOVEL AND NEW. In addition to our usual expensive lines of goods, we have opened this season, An Elegant Carpet and Shade Department, Comprising Full Lines of nil the Leading Styles and Manu factures, 1 And Stationery generally is very frill, and I guarantee to eeli to Country Merchants aud others, at a* reasonable prices as tbs tame qnalitr of goods can be bought for elsewhere in the Stale. Gir* me a trial and 1 guarantee T. A. BURKE, Book-Seller and Stationer. Sept. SO—1-tf. GENERAL TICKET AGiNCY, RAILROAD TICKETS For sale, by all routes, and to all principal points in the UNITED STATES. Boy your Tickets before leasing Athens, and get all information from Capt. WM. WILLIAMS, Agent Southern Express Co., Athens, Ga. May 18. *75 FOR SALE. Two Washington Hand Presses One a Medium and the other a No. 5, IN GOOD CONDITION. Terms Favorable, and Prices Seasonable. Call at The Athens Georgian Office and examine the same. GRIER’S ALMANACS. THE old reliable Almanac tar 1876, will ha read; in a few days, and will be tarnished to any customers by tha tom or dozen AT THE LOWEST BATES. Ordars respectfully solicited. Sept. 80—1-tfr T. A. BURKE. Rustle Window Shades. At $1.50 per pur. I At $2.20 per pair. At $1.75 per pair. I At $4.00 per pair. At $2.00 per pair. | At $4.50 per pair. The most dagant, simpU, aad moet durable Shades in nee. The abort priem include all the Meeasary fixture*. Th«y can he pot up In fir* minute*, by any one who «aunaitil,wfrtfiHwga«S<ftrim Call aodaea tiram at . Junes, 1876—81-tf. iBook Store Which we offer at prices, defying all Compe tition. No 5 Broad St., Athens, Georgia. Sept. 80—1 >fi TH GRANG EB ’ 1FE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE • UNITED STATE OF AMERICA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $4,500,00 Of which $100,000 to ho owned in each Department. Each Policy-holder it entitled to a vet* in tha of tha Company. Capital Stock W. U. I Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama. $100,000. KETCMJM, President J. E. DAVIDSON, Vice-President, B. W. FORT, Secretary. Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia. Capital Stock - - - -1 • • • $100,000, Office, No. 2 Commercial Building, ALFRED SHORTER, Vice-President, •C. ROWELL, Attorney, Major a O. SAMUEL, President. bTj. GWALTNEY, Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS—A. F. Aligood, 1 T Newton, 0*4 C. G. Samuel, Rome, 0*4 John H. ....... v .£. Dr* G.*W.‘HOLMES,* Medlcai ‘Examiner. * P. Allgood, Trion Factory; C. Rowell, J Atlanta, Ga.; Hon. D. & Rome, G*4 J. L. Otap, H. Hutchins, Polk county, Georgia. . . . . Rome, Ga; Alfred 8horter, Rome, . Athens, 0*4 A.RJooes, Csdertown, Ga.; Hon. D. I. Hammond, j Cain Glover, Roma, Ga.; T. McGuire, Rome, Ga.} r. Woodruff; W. L. CHAMBERS, Secretary STONE A CLOPTON, Attorney*. Mtoissfpp^J^partment, Meridian, Mississippi. Cot JAMES W.^hEk, Prodd^rt^... ! .*.. JO^N ILGRAY, Viee-Praaidant. , L. A. DUNCAN, Secretary. Security! JKconomy! Liberality! Are the Leading Principles of this Company. All approved forms of Lift and Endowment PoUdea ieaoad hi earn* of $l<» to $10,000. Alao, Term Pohdeo of _One. Three, Five or Seven j«m. All Lift Policies ina after two annual payment*, when tha inanred will be entitled to a paid up Policy or Gath Surrender thereof. Dividend* may b* used to protect policies against lnp’— " " Which he has beer^ unable to do heretofore. . Thanking the public for pi? patronage, and hoping to receive a share of tho same hereafter. My motto i Oct. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. vft m U ; •I ■' Very respectfully 6—49—3m. CHARLES STERN. T8I NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD IS COMING! AND THE NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND DAILY ARRIVING. AT HUNTER & BEUSSEE’S, ARE CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF A LARGE T.OHDF READI-MA.DE CLOTHING an ‘amts aamsasto OASSIMEKK A»l» STB K CLOTHS,. Parasols, Umbrellas and Hry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy and Family Groceries, W(Q)(G)!IOTM"W.&,im AMID) © JMOKIEOT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Leather, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Cigars, Tobacco, &c., t CHOICE FLOUR AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, OSNABURGS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &C., &C., &C., tel The above Goods having been recently purchased in NeW York, at reduced pr» are now offered to the public at Low Figures. Come and be convinced. HUNTER & BETJSSE, DELURKE’S corner Sept. 39—48-tf. WILSON RECEIVED THE GRAND PRIZE M ED A L- Vienna, 1873. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS It mill do erf It requires no Instructions to run it. It can not. get out qf order, and kind of work. ' , Hrttjd! It has ho cast iron cog wheels to break. It is not necessary to bug tiro " MA CHINES, in order to be able to dq light and heavy work. It will sew from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. f -tinf It it as far in advance of other Sewing Machines in the magnitude of •« improvements, as a Steam Car excels in acKievpnentsthe old fashioned Prices made to suit the Times, Either for Cash orC#v SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED C47ALOGDE OF STYLES AND -A.gen.ts Wanted, Address UPSHAW & GRIFFITH. Athens. Oeoi?■ S,pt.8S—47-tf. L. SCHEVENELL. r ist btsl yiw,. • L. SCHEVENELL BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA *r G. H* & GO- DEALERS IN , . Watches, Clocks, Jeweir. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. mn, Cedartown, G»4 A.J. King, dive 8pring,’G*.; HonTw! •"-* ' I Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama. GhXJ!N’S» PISTOLS, Capital Stock $100,000. N.’N. CLEMENTS Freaidtnt and Gcatral Manager. Tnakali - Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, CA'MM** TAWCT **««**“' 1 ha entitled to a r^maaaft _ GENTS WANTED* Addmi C* 6. Samuel, Prtiidaot, Rohm. G V. G. ENGLAND, of MohUa, Alabama, General Bup»?inUnd*nt , with tha Aganrita. Having BEST WORKMEN, we aw prepared to do * REPAIRING IE SUPERIOR 9 t WE SLAKE A SPECIALTY OF we - A V M. S' SILVER ASB “*%***£,%**«• And all work of this Uni, stick . M ,