The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 24, 1875, Image 3

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POOR COPY 1# #$**» 4SRgtait. P. A. STOVALL, . . Local Editor. ATHENS, GA. Respectfully, Mere Mention. . Large droves of turkeys are now driven Wisconsin and the into town for sale. • £<».» , The shop windows around and about, be gin to wear a holiday look. ' Beautiful articles of3j«welrv and most exquisite toilet sets, are on exhibition in Schevenell’s window- f < fc / / u |,■ 1 Hon. 15. H. Hill, John C. Reid, Esq., and Col. J. D. Mathews, of Oglethorpe, are at tending Court. ..... ,, j ‘ «1 The New Wilson Shuttle Machine (in California )—A\ oth*-r Fird Premium.—At San Francisco, October 12tb 1875, the Florence, Wilcox tfe(>ibb?, Davis, Howe Weed, and Victor, competing. We have also taken the first prnmiuiu <m machines at the Nevada State Fair just clos ed the Singer and Florence competing they Rumors of a reception at the “Lucy Cobb” are rife, and some of the college hoys arc happy. We learn that Doctor Hitchcock of San Francisco is spending a few days in Athens with his relatives. Marc Anthony a-merry-enss from Ameri cas, and representing Whitfield, Powers «fc Co., N. Y., dazzled us on Saturday. The crossing on Lumpkin Street, by the Methodist Parsonage,. is bring repaired. Good move, do so again. A little colored moke upon an unmanage able Arab steed, attracted considerable at tention cavorting around corners, running up against wagons lund rushing down side walks last Monday morning. Somehow or other, the report got out that n>UT*dny 18th, was to be a Thanks giving day, and the University students were jubilant over the prospects of a holi day; but the Chancellor came out in a bulletin, and put a stop to Ups little rumor, casting-a oonajderepc mb per over “ye students.” Cheer up h Christmas is coming, boys. Personal.—The following named gen tlemen honored the editorial department of The Georgian with their presence dur ing the past week. Judge George D. Rice, Capt. Pope Barrow, Capt, B. A Sto vall of Augusta, Mqjor J. W. Wallace, of Augusta, C. W. Baldwin, of Porter, Day <fc Co., N. Y., Letcher Pickins, Jackson, Rice and Vinson, Newbury Mass., J. A. Mun- day, of Atlanta, Earlie L. Jennings, General Agent, Sunny South. ,j , , Dancing School.—Col. A V Robison & Son., have spent several weeks in onr midst and made many new friends. They go to Madison next week, thence to Colum bus, having engagements to fill in each city. Col. Robison has beeu a teacher of the art Terpsicborean for forty years, and is deservedly popular wherever he is known. He ana his son have taught three consecutive classes in Athens, and their soirees have contributed vastly to the en joyment of the “young folks” of our city. Our good wishes will follow no matter where their “steps” may lead them. Last Monday night, Mrs. Minerva Smith, (col.,) gave a very large Fair in the upper portion of Cojjbltamj which was as finely O. A.Nobton. i Wilson— Hie Fair at Oshkosh.—A diploma and three special C iaiums—the Wilson d clarcd the “B si ily Sewing Machioe.” The “Blue Rib- bop” at otherFairs. J Office of thM Wilton 8ewing Machines No. * 412 MHwuulbe St., O. W. Robertson «StCa, General Agents. Milwaukee Octolier 5.1875. Wilton Setoing Machine Co., Cleveland, Gentleman: After, a forty-eight hours fight tn getting a committee etc. at the Northern Wisconsin Fair at Oshkosh last week, we walked away with the diploma for “BeatFamily Sewing Machine” and three special premiums on work, over the Wheeler & Wilson, Davis and Remington, and Ameis ican Machines, we also take the “Blue Rib- bon"'this season at the following fairs, Eau Claire, Beloit, Richland Center, Vernon, Lodie, Oconto and Reedsburg. Yours truly, O. W. Robertson & Co. The Wilson Victorious—Warsaw Ind., October 'ind 1875.—The “Wilson” got the first premium lor best family and tailoring Machine, I bad the No. 12, which I entered as tailoring Machine and the No. 9 as a family Machine and the Committee tied the premium ribbon on both Machines. There was on exhibition the Singer, Howe, Weed and Wilson. The “Howe” bovs fought manfully but no use. The Weed was represented by the traveling Agent of this State*, - Yours truly, \ W. H. Bowser, l' Upshaw & Griffith Athens Oa., Dealers in the Wilson Machines for the State of Georgia. Married.—On the insrr," «S.*:iwson;'MKG. Hausk Mflt. Ra% - son. Rev/C.W.Lane, novlT-wtf ATHENS, GA TES WISEST »» KWAXT SAtUOrtra WOT "'HE BEST OPERATORS. gjjgfefcff*; Millineiy and ""Suyli,,.,Ii,. -ihirtj-flvejw,- UB SXMl.‘O*SB 3 and the “Hawser” of mutual affection ne’er I CSTnetitid motto lotof FiltHAr. F« iftaly J 75c. Felt Hats for »J0; «b<S, Wim r ^ Ostrich P.ameaand Feather*, Velvet and. Suk Ribbons, Belt* 1 e broken. , happy frien occasion <o pior “4 I : *1 present ob the their f BenedUjC'— But canned goods. Peaches, Pineapples, Tomatoes, Oysters, <£«-, trom J.H. Hug gins. Fine Saratoga Wh at Saulteifs Exchange, market. Liqnors of all kinds: OcuJDtff I UTtrO 1 and Imitation Hair Goods, Zrpher, Germantown Wool air other articles too numerous to the requirement* of the times. combines wade into Sw’tcue*; Regalia’s mad. to order; Braiding and Stamping nesrtvexeeutad at —V JUSS C . JAMBS. 8tors located on Broad 8b, between Dn. Longa * Billups and Smith’s Drug Stores, Athena, Oil SO—dAw-Sm. FINANCIAL AND COM A&CIAL. THE ATHENS MARKETS. Chow Cliow, Pickles, Raisins, Nuts Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses Syrn& *AA,'at Barry’s Little Store; on the coni of Brdhd and Jackson Streets. 4-tf Globes.-*-A large stands and brackets, of ait prices so low that every fttmily’ can af ford to buy one. For sale at Burke's Book Store. : 1 J.'-’ ■'i'll /; ;! i' Since his new stock has arrived, J. H Huggins sells Lamps Glassware and crock ery of all kinds cheaper than ever—buy your knives and forks from J. IL Huggins. CORRECTED FOR THE DAILY GEORGIAN ! PITTARD. MITCHELL & CO. Base balls at Reduced of the Walk and Bounding Rock—regula tion size .and; weight; aridj the best ball made. PricAf tLOO. Other qualitiea jrt correspondingly low prices, at Burke’s Book Store. _ The exercises of the Banks County Academy, for the year 1876, will be re sumed about the last of January. Parents who have to send their children away from home to educate them, will find no place equal to Homer for cheap boarding ami reliable educational facilities For further particulars, address Prof. Wm. IL Simpkins Homer, Georgia. Nov. 11—3t. TIIE COTTON MARKET. - ‘ l ( Athens, Ga., Nov. 17, 1875. »« a 'ns 10 111 Ordinary u * Good Ordinary n w Low Middling j.2 Middling jj 3.4 Good Middling 12 Good demand at above prices. TIIE BACIIX AND LARD MARKET. Bacon—Sides Shoulders — Hams — Lard ]g attended as one of the Brooklyn revivals. Rut this entertaiment being mainly for the benefit of the African Methodist Church, was run on a strictly moral schedule, and very properly excluded all violent and in humane amusements. This therefore, was too stupid for some fast youths of a dusky hue, who proceeded to have a mirth ful revival. Their first net, therefore, was to try to withdraw tho props from the taber nacle of mirth, and failing in this Sampso- nian achievement, they vented their ire on Bailey Boyces’ yallcr dog in balancing him around by his caudle appendage. This called Bailey into the field, who indulged iu some epithets short, quick and decisive, and most unceremoniously rescued ye ca nine from the clutches of these gay Lotbo- rios. It appears that at a little variety store in town several college boys are in the habit of loafing, and by way of “ goosing” the worthy proprietor, purloin apples, goobers and candy. But Me., for that is the worthy merchant’s name, has one eye o|>en, and last Tuesday, two or three gum drops placed in a verp teropt’ng place were as usual, eagerly gobbled up by ye studenta Two hours afterward, a change came over the spirit of their dreams; in fact, they were taken with a terrific griping and co ic, an finally relapsed in tne fix of Peter’s wife’s mother. Fortunately, however, all recov ered—and now they say that Me. put Cro ton Oil in those gum drops. Next. Scene, University Room. Verdant “Ag.” comes along and takes a quaff of water from the bucket; is suddenly seen to turn red in his face, make for tho door, and putting his liana in “ his month and his mouth in the dust,” is heard to groan and struggle-bricf- ly—then all was still. An analysis of this bucket of writer, disclosed apple pearinga, a small amount of blue ink, two or three “ spent” quids of tobacco and a dilapidated tooth-brush. The “ Ag.^ittarued out, had imbibed from the wrong bucket. K. J. W.—In these days of hud times and of “ shrinkage,”' it is indeed, a relief to tlie mind to leave for a short while the har- rujitojparMf IfiMfl'to JPm a fes tive throng of night revellers; to forget the vichittlwfe Wrieltsme life for a few hours and to enter into the circles of gay- ety. Acting then upon this doctrine, and believing that, “It is better to laugh and be merry, than to be silent aqd sad,” we attended the second social conclave of the K. J. W., last Tuesday night, where some fifty Of the' youth and beauty of our city had assembled for the festivities. At 8 o’clock p. m., the dancing, according to programme, commenced and continued un interruptedly and pleasantly until 1:30 a. m. Everything was “ comme ii faut," even the weather, which seemed the day previous to be threatening, was highly pro pitious, tho cool bracing north wind placing the participants in fine trim for the exer cises. The muse furnished by the Athens string band was very good, the hall was in elegaut condition, and indeed, the whole affair, “font ensemble, n was a success. The unanimous verdict seemed to be, that 1 the entertainment was one of the most de lightful one of itt kind, ever held in onr city; there was nothing formal or stiff about it, all seemed dot-nijined to enjoy themselves, aud a jolly, rollicking time was the result. Great credit is due Mr. J. H. Hull, the floor manager, and Mr. W. B. •homes, the President of the Club, for tbeir "Hiring efforts to make everything pass off pleasantly. •-> «- 1 » ’ Yuk Rotal Japanese.—We were favor- y °>> Monday last with a vi»it from Mr. McCormick, the advance Agent of this Com- Performances at Dupree Hall Moh- y «id Tuesday nights Nov. 29 and 30th. T .*. publish the following from the Courier Journal: ‘The Royal i n „?° J »panese troupe of jugglers drew a .tine house atthe Library Hall last night “‘foment fra* an excellent one. re. D * m l ” e features wore truly marvelous. LiI.ISr mrt{ona were th08e of an * tope atreichi » « •Bondm to stare. Gengcro, among other thing* caused a top to spin along a wire thirty feet fat length. The entire program me is of the same order of excellence, box pyramids, screen climbing, niagio tnanipn- ^ iscension of» bam- night. ‘ .IS AW 3ft. a 16 al3i a 17 a 20 4 CORN, WHEAT AND OATS MARKET. Corn—per bushel 90 a 1 00 Wheat, “ 1 25 a 1 50 Oats, “ T 75 a 1 00 Fine Horses and—We have jnst received a lot of fine horses arid males. Some good pairs of mules, and farm mules, which we offer at very reasonable prices. Call and see us. novo d&w. Gann & Reaves. i ^ T TUG FLOL'U EABKET. 1 Supers $6 50 a 7 00 Family 7 50 a 8 00 Fancy 8 00 a 8 50 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. COTTON MARKETS. New Orleans, Nov 20. Cotton firm; middling, 12A{ low middling, 11 J; good or dinary, 11J; net receipts, 2,<>17 hales; gross 4,538; exports to Great Britain, 3,650; sales 1,900; stock 06,007. Mobile, Nov. 20.—Cotton firm; mid dling, 12$nl2j}; net receipts, 2,238 bales; exports coastwise, 695; salts, 613. Savannah, Nov. 20. — Cotton quiet and steadv; middling 12J; net receipts, 3,869; sales 2,039; stock 56,626- Augusta, November 20.—Cotton dull; middlings 12}; net receipts 1,136 bales: sales 613. Charleston, Nov. 20. — Cotton firm; middling, 12jnl2J; low middlings 12i; good ordinary 1!}; net receipts, 3,400 bales; exports coastwise ' 695; sales 2,000; stock 63,592. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Alliens Sieam Laundry and Sonp Coins puny, the following resolution was adopted Resolved that it shall be the duty of the President and Directors to sell at public outcry all the property, b th real and per sonal, belonging to the Alliens Steam Laundry and.'Soap Company, within 30 days from the passage of this resolution. This Nov. Jftli, 1875. . v E K. Lusitkin, Secretary. In accordance with the above resolution, the property-, both mrith all accounts due tho^ Athens Steam Laun dry and Soap Co., will be offered to the highest bidder on December 10th, at the building belong ng to the Alliens Steam Laundry, at eleven o'clock a. ni. James II. Huggins, President. ,. S. D. MiTCUKix, Secta y w4t, New Jersey cabbage. White, Red and Yellow Onions, Irish Potatoes, at Tal- madge, Hodgson & o. 5t-w. To the Ladies—Go and see those new Felt Hats just received at Miss C. James. Five thousand pounds assorted Stick Candy, three thousand pounds assorted French Candy, two hundred boxes Fire Crackers, two hundred bushels fine Apples, Oranges, Cocoannts, &c., at low figures, wholesale and retail by Talmad. e, Hodg son «fc Co. 5t-w. ces of the “ Singer Agency it Mem presented the Wuaoa In many wars, we Lhe following challenge, and in vita the M. A.. STOVALt 4 .,,(.yrABEHOOBE A1DCQ HElvM K VBftClUBT. No r. Wnrren Block* .-wi. • .o vj*~-**, > s ■>., Attfirwot a, tjr49<5 r gp. a.- ‘ th* lihani gUMtoanheCCteforo he. jUurke ttounty. Oconee Comity. of Cotton fur or of Cottf.u tie tale or Mange. He will give the telling pereonal attention. Jlo U, as heretofor^ ^ ; GEORblA—CL.VRKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, David R. Elder, Guardian of William T., John, F. W. and Mary M, Osborn, (now Mary M. Elder), orphana of John Osborn deceased, appliea to me for letten of die- mtasion Cram add guardianship. These are therefore to cite aud admonish all con- earned to ahow cause (if any they have) at my office on oribefbre the first Monday in ^January next, whyaaid letten ehoold not be granted. Given under my bud at office this 3d dav of Nov. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON,’Ordinary. novITwtt. NEW BOOKS. H l£8(GNA Onida’a last, SS.00 • <' ’ Three Feather*, by Wp. Black, $i„«. ■, Rape of the Camp, Illuatratod, $100. Alice Loraine, byBlackwood, 75c. Walter’e Word, by Jamea i’ayn* 50c. A mad Mutiage, bv K. Agnia Fleming, $1.75. Bastor’a Becouectiona, $1A9. ■ ■ ■?*? f Fbraabat JlMllMt . BURKE’S Book Store. . _ _ with the Wilaon Machine in any publie hall in tho city, on the following points of merit, and the deciaion to be left to eleven firat class eehanica, aix of whom may be selected by opponents, id none to be selected who are now or have ' ' We propose to demonstrate clearly that tlffi Wilaon Sewing Machine ia superior to the Singer in the follow- ^.raL^toR the Wiisoo Machine haa the beat being made to work on the right of tho neodle as well as on the lelt, so the Machine wUlatiteb over enema or gathers with ease. ■ ■ * Second-—The “ take-up” movament .for the .lack thread ia a *» poaitite movement,” and noebedt spring,and thna praventa the missing of stitches ana dotaya by breakage. Third.—The three principal movements in tbrWilaon ones, thus doing away w«»k cog wheels, and thus avoid friction, i, Fonrth-—The Wilson ia much the easiest and lightest running Machine of the two. and baa more opted. The difference in’favor of the Wikon la Da tioutaud dSmkd in one day of six hoars’ work, the motious made with the feet being eqoah . , : Fifth-—Toe wearing points in tbs Wilson Machine are all made adjustable to that play room or lost motion can be taken np when necessary. (Therefore our war rant f r rive years, wbicu we comply with, and other companies reiu-e t» give.) Sixth.—The txss.os i- not affected by the aixe of the thread, uhd remama the same from 150 down to No. 10, and the screw fur regulating retains iu position. 7 ■ tco wheel being located in can not soil the dress of the operator. Eighth.—The adjustable cones on the balance wheel spindle pnvcnU tM rattling arid clicking noise so ob jectionable. Ninth.—The adjustable bvsbinos on the needle bar of the Wilson insures uurabiuty, prevents noise end the breaking of needles. Tenth.—Tho Wilson Machine, by o alight motion of the operstor’e foot, is tnrown out of motion when the bobbins are being wuuud. Th s gives four advantages: 1st. It saves the labor of driving the machine when yon are not sewing; fid. Tne unnecessary wear on machine ry ; fid. Tne tucker or any attachment in use can re main in position without moving (which stops the wear and tear), and with the work in the machine :4th. Be- giuners or others cannot break the thread should they luru the machine bucdtvsrd, and the belt or band re main* in position aud aisruys ready. In the cveut of a failure to demonstrate the above points, we hereby agree to pay the rent of the ball se lected by opponents and forfeit the machines on exhibi tion, or airs rerso.' This challenge, if accepted, will be earned out ten days after receipt of written notice from opponent*, stating time and place for the contest. September 1st, 1874. A ' a J s M. M. BEACH. S - * ■' S17 Second street, Memphis, Tenn. uovS.—2td-3tw. liieiy, Feed amt Sale Stable, • ATHENS, Q-A-z GANN & RE-WE8..:. PROPRIETORS Wtnbefoarid at thelr old stand, rear Ftoriklin House baQding, TuraooU and when entraatod to all times. ssrwarttsaiSKi Stock on hand for sale at declStf. LML.V J. It. VJKL V J Boot and Shoe Manoktuiei, COLLEGE AVENUE, x Next Door to Poet Office. • ^jW'tandj Uppers for making Low Qnartos, Coo l’S f gross, Alexia-Ties, and Fnnce Alberts. Eepeir- - ing promptly executed. Bend ten dollars, per mail or express and yon shall re ceive a first class pair of boots. Jane SO, 1875. 35. Blacksmith Shop. M ILL FEW would respectfully announce tr the citizene of Athens and adjoining country that be it fully pi epared to do »U manner of work in the Black smith line in * superior manner and at reasonable charge*. He lisa the best workmen and uses nothing but the best material. Plantation Work, Horae Shoe ing, and very difficult jobs a specially. SHOP located opposite Mr. J. Z. Cooper’s Livery Stable, 20dee GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS. Willis M. Willingham, Administrator of the Estate of Henderson Willingham, late of said county, deceased, has tendered to me his resig nation 10 soch administrator, and pens for the appoint ment of John 8. Linton, a creditor of said deceased. In his stead. Then an therefore to Admonish the said John S. Linton, the next of kin and the creditors of said deceased, to appear and shew cause, if any they have, at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, why said resignation should not bo accepted and said John S. Linton appointed administrator of said deceased, in place of said Willis M. Willingham. Given under my hand, at office, this 25th day of Oc tober, 1875. ASA. M. JACKSON, DQV l-6ti Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY.. WHEREAS, Courtney W. Beal, (colored) applies to mo for knurs ot Guardianship of Courtney Thomas, minor, nnder fourteen years old, of Arrieiiicy Thomas (colored) deeeaaed. These are therefore to cite end admonish all concern ed to chow cause at my offioe, on or before the firat Monday in December next why aaid letters should not b« granted. Given under my hand at office, this 14th Oct. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. octfiOwSOd. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE: P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary ot Oconee county. Ga, will be sold before the Coart House door in WstkinsvlUe, in eaid county, within the legal hours of sale, on the firat Tuesday in December next, the following property, to wit: Abeantifol Farm, ten miles below Watkinaville, on the Cokbam road. On the place is an excellent dwelling, with six rooms, a fine well of water, a good gin-home and two-story barn, and all other necessary ont-buildings. The place con tains three hundred and fifty acres, more or leas, sev enty-five acres native forest, fifty acres pine forest, and twenty-five acres bottom land. Also on the place is . fine orchard of choioc fruit trees. To be cold ss the property of Edmon Elder, deceased, for the benefit of his legatees. Terms, half cash, the other half twelve months credit, with note and approved security. Oct. 80, 1875. WM. Y. ELDER, novj)—l-5ti—[P. F. 14.00.) Adm’r. G EORGIA.—Ocoxxx Corrmr.—Ordinary’s Office, Oct. fiS, 1875.—Isaac Funbrongh has applied for Exemption of Personalty, and 1 will pose upon the 1 at 10 o’clock a. m., on the 6th day or November, 1„<. at my office. J. R. LYLE, Nor.*.—1-lt. Ordinary. ffNEOBGIA—OCONEE COUNTY.—Ordinary's office V* Oct 27th 1875.—Simon Morton has applied for at 11 o’clock a. m. on the Cth day my office. J.: oct2Sdltw2t rill paaa upon the same of November, 1875, at B. LYLE, Ordinary. G exemption ot rersonxtty, and 1 wilt paaa 1 at 12 o’clock m M on the «th day of November, 1875, at my office. J. B. LYLE, novA.—1-lt. Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Ashford deceased, from said Guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed to show canse (if any they have), at my office, on' or before the first Monday in December next, why eaid letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office, this 27th day of Oct. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. novS*w4ti GEORGIA.—CLABKE COUNTY. W HERE.’ Stephen Shun Drug Poisons. Medicine Rendered Useless ! Volta’* Electrc Belts and Bands are in* domed by the most eminent physicians in the world for the cure of rheumstism, neuralgia, liver complaint, dyspepsia, kidney disease, aches, pains, nervous dis order*, fits, female complaints, nervous and general debility, and other chrome diseases of the «hest, head, liver, atomaeJftkidnaysa*d Bood..' BooXwlfcfon par ticular* free by VOLTA BELT CO., Cinciririati, O. dov17.R 8,. and, £ar > Institute, 66 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. GEORGE REULIKG, M. D., late Prof, of Eye and Ear Surgery in the Washington University, Surgeon iu charge. The large handsome residence at the late Charlce Carroll bos been fitted up with ell the improve ments adopted in the latest 8cboo!i of Europe, for the special treatment of thle >-101 of diaetses Apply by letter to GEORGE BEULING, M. D., nov!7.B Surgeon in charge If yon want Powers & Weightman’s Chemicals, thee go to Loxos & Bi-Leri. Sept. 15—!6-tf. THEGaAXD Cxntral Uotxl—The Southern head quarters in Now York—is capable of entertaining fifteen hundred guests. , T ; . -. 48 8000 lbe^ Strictly Pan Lead, just received by Long* & Boxen. Sept. 15—46-tf. tST - Tho undersigned have on band a choice lot ot Timothy Hay, which they will sell cheap for cash. GANN & REAVES. If yon want Furniture, cal! on Gilleland, Wood & Co M who manlactam and deal in all kinds of Fnraitnre and Coffins, and sail as cheap as any house in th's city. March 24,1875,-gl-tv. NOTICE.—Country merchants and Physicians, wi are Dow prepared to sell you all articles pertaining to the drug trade as cheap as you can get them in Georgia, freight added. Loxoa & Boxers. Sept. 15—16-tf. GUlalsud, Wood A Co. have added the Coffin business to their Furniture Manufactory, and always keep on hand large stock of Wood and Metalic Burial Cases. They sell as cheap as any house in the State, and furnish, without extra charge to theirpatrons, their splendid new Hears* lot funeral occasions. March 24—al-ly Quo’s dtuing walk along aothwaUgw to the gal- at would hare caused last Horses and Mules.—I have on hand it small lot of nurses and mules which I wish to close out cheap. W. S. Holman. 2t-w. One of the largest and best selected stock of Whiskies, Brandies, Rum, Gin, Table Wines, Cooking Wines, Porter, Ales, &c., Ac., at wholesale and retail by Tal- madc.e, IIodgsox & Co. 5t-w. A beautiful line of Neck Ruchiog and Silk Neck Ties at Miss C James. Dealers would do well to call and exam ine our stock of Liquors before buying. No trouble to show goods at Talmadgk, Hodg son Jb Co. 5t-wi One hundred boxes assorted Crackers, fresh every week, at Talmauge, Hodgson <t Co. 5t-w. New style Felt Hats 75c. New style soil Felt H$te at 81.50. New style Sack Combs at 50 and 75c. Goods sold at prices to meet the require ments of the times at Miss C. James. 2t-w. Just Opened.—The finest and cheapest Picture Frames a: Davis’ Gallery. Tax Cnxar awd Porcut* Atlawta Spurn of Fvbcii •oxr, Bxsxdict & Co., No. SX Wuxtksall St.—Is now ottering till Largest, Cheapest, aud beat Selected Stock of Dry Good*. Fancy Goods, Notions, Hosiery and Und< rwenr. Novelties in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lam- berquins. Cornice* and Upholstery Goods at a saving of 15 to 20 per cent, on each article purchased. Tueir Facilities an only equaled by the Largest Houses in the Union. A call before purchasing at other booses is re spectfully solicited. N. B.—Samples lent on application. All orders over Tan Dollars, at Retail, will be sent free of charge to any out of the State. " ~ ‘ tranche*— F. B. & Co., New York. Co., Charleston, S. C. F. B. dk Co., Jacksonville, Fla. F., B. * CO. •.‘i, Y M [nov,17-tf. Will too bxuxvx itI Woman's Bist Furaro.—To relieve the aehiug heart o. woman and bring joy where sorrow nigned supreme, ia a mission before which the smiles of kings dwindle into utter iDaignificanee. To do this is it ha peculiar province of Dr. J. Bred field's Female Regulator; which from the numberless cures it has accomplished, is appropriately styled Woman's Bast Friend. The distressing complaint kuown as the “ whites,” and the various irregularities of the womb, to which woman is subjeoti disappear like magic before a tingle bottle of this wonderM compound. It is pre pared by L.H. Brad field, Druggie!. Atlanta, Ga, and told at $1.50 per bottle by respectable Drug men every where. Physicians prescribe it. Iu action is prompt, aare and decisive. Now a PixrxcT IUaltii. Near Mabixita, Ga, March 21,18.0. Mam. IF*. Moot O .SwsA— GentiemenS01 j-aiss-awwS with tne almost aatisiaction, aud have recommended it to three other families, and they have found itjtot what ik is recommended. Tho females who have used Regulator are now in perfect health, and are aU. - attend to their household duties, wd we cordis!Ij re commend it to tho public. > . NovSdlmw." * ours respectfully,^ jqhnSON. Tux Family Sxwdco Maciiixx.-T1>0 invention of the Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine exerts an u>fi«nce over domeetio comfort unequalled by mqr inventioni «f the laet hundred yuara. As enecooomieal «*rang««* It snabSas one person to do tiie work or ten in a superior manner, and with unspeakably more comfort- Machines wltt be ixUveredekejrBMttoed fra* of transportation charges. If ordered through free on application. They want a few more good agents. NovSdw. 1 ■ LEGAL BLANKS, h Neatly printed arid «» sale at khie office. ^ CARD. To the Patrons of Husbandry of the State of Georgia. Y OUB Bxecc.tive Committee have this day entered into an agreement with the Grangers’ Life and Health Insurance Company of the Guited States of America—the parent or general office of which is lo cated at Mobile, Alabama—whereby onr Order will, in onr judgment, be greatly benefited. The particular* and substantial benefits accruing to the State Grange will be fully given you iu a circular addreased to the Masters and uiembera of each Grange in the State. Your Exe cutive Committee, after due consideration end careful investigation, are fally impressed with th* important results of their action, and feel no hesitancy in promis ing m. st satisfactory good to the Order, and, therefore, ask your hearty co-operation and aid in an early com- liun-j on the part or the Patrons, with the agreement phis dav made. t The Grangers’ Life aud Health Insurance Company is a sound institution, organized upon the true principle* of life insurance ; offering all the advantages and pro tection that any company can; is a purely Southern eompanv, under the control end management of some of the best and most reliable businessmen of the States of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and virtually a home institutiou, having, in the organization, depart ments in each State, with a capital or $100,0o0, ana in vests tlie fund* in each department -qually, and we cheerfully recommend said Company to tho support and patronage of the Order. ^ J. F. LIVINGSTONE, J. S. LAVENDER, Ezecutive.Commlttee. Atlanta, G *., October 15, 1875. t IND Read in p, PsycJiomaney, Fasci* _iy. nation, Soul Charming, Mesmerism, and Marriage Guide; showing how either sex may fasci nate end gain the love and affection of any person thev choose instantly. 40$ page*. By mail 50 eta. HUNT A CO., 1S9 S. 7th Sti, Phils. nov!7.K AS, Ann B. Herring, Administratrix of en W. Herring, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to •how cause (if say they have) at my office on or before the first Monday in January next, why said letters shonld not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 2tst day of 8cpt. 1875. AS A M. JACKSON, OrUinay. Sept. 22, 1875—lmSm. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. Y\T HERE AS, William Marable, as Ad- Y Y ministrator of the estate ot Uobert Marable, de ceased, petitions to be discharged from said Administration. TboMar« therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to show at mj office on or before the first Monday in Decem ber next, why said discharge should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this26tb day of August, 1873. .vsa m. Jackson, .Scpt. l—44-!m3m. lt> Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. ~ YXTHEREAS, Seaborn J. Mays, as Ad* Y Y ministr tor of the estate of Frances Moore, late of aaid county, deceased, petitions .o be discharged from aaid Administration. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all concerned to show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why said discharge should not be granted. under my hand at office, this 26th dav ofAugunt, 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Sept. I—44-lm3m. Ordinary. 1875, at my office. nor.8.—l-2t. g 'f EORGIA.—Oconxe Cocmtt.—Ordinary’* Office, yX Oct. 29. 1875.—Mrs. Cornelia A. Walker, wife ot John C. Walker, has applied for Exemption of Person alty, and 1 will pass upon the same at IS o'clock in., on the 18th day of November, 1875, at my offioe. nov.3.—l-2t. J. B. LY LB, Ordinary. Hart County. Good Reading at Panic Prices. B URING the summer montiti, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, wit) be sold at Gxxatlt Rxsrcxs Pxraxs. Now is the time to get good reading at low figures, st BURKE'S Book Store. Jane 2, 1875. 31-tf. Clarke Sheriff’s bales. ILL be sold before the Court House v T door in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Go., on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One tract of Land, two mile* and a half from Athens, on the rood leading to Georgia Factory, adjoining lands of John l. Hoggins and ethera, containing one hundred and two acres, more or lea*, with all of the appurteuanecs thereto belonging, all levied upon by virtue of two Jus tice Court fi. tiis., from 216th District G. M., October Term, 1875, at the suit of Jackson «fc Thomas and others vs. Mr*. Indiana V. Hoover. AU sold to satisfy the above stated fi. fit*. Levy made and retnrned to me by A. Bailey, S. C. . novS-St J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. GEORGIA—HART COUNTY. \\j HEREAS, DILLIARD V. -WRIGHT APPLIES » v to me for Letten of Guardianship of Martha J. Wright, minor, under fourteen years old, daughter of Harriet B.Wright, deceased— These ure therefore todte end admonish all concerned to show cause at my office, on or before tho ttrat Mon day in December next, why said letters shonld not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 25tli day of Oct., 1475. F. 0. STEPHENSON, Ordinr rv. _ Nov>. —l-5t. GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. W HEREAS, Diliiard V. Wright appliea to mo for Letters of Administration upon the Estate ot Harriet K. Wright, late of said county, deceased— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any they have, at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, else said letters will be granted the applicant. Given nnder my hand and official signature, thia October 25th, 1875. V. C. STF.P11ENSON, *ov. 8.—l-4t. Ordinary. GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. N OTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that on the day of , 1875, B. C. Walters, late of Hart county, departed this life in testate, and no person has applied tor administration on the estate ot said B. C. Walters, and that in terms of the law, administration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or sonic other fit and proper person, on the first Monday in December next, unless some valid objection is made to his appointment. Given under my hand and official signal nre, this Get. 25th, 1875. F. C. STEPHENSON, Nov. s,—l—St. Ordinary. ATHENS FEMALE ACADEMY. A T a meeting of the Board ot Trustees of the Atheus Female Academy, it was resolved that the rental be fixed st one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, payable quarterly. Sealed proposals for the rent, for the yeat, beginning January 1st, 1876, aocompanied by a satisfactory guaranty will be received up to December lot, by A. L. HULL, for the board; 1 uov*ll-d2aw-3w. Ilomsand Mules. W E hereby notify the public that we will soon have on hand, a fine lot of Hones and Mulct, and can accommodate persons that desire to purchase stock st the most reasonable rates. Give ua a call and see for yourselves. GANN A REAVES. Oct. 7—dSm. Vt OT1CK-—This is to give octitice that my wife Lucy . u Cleghoni has without just cause or provocation, abandoned and left her home and husband, Oliver F. Clegborn, AU persons are hereby forewarned not to give credit to the said Lucy LTegharn, as her husband, will not be responsible for suy debts or accounts con tracted by the aaid Lucy Cleghorn. Oct. 18th 1875. OLIVER F. CLEGHORN. The GainsrUle Eagle copy. oct28w4t.pd. State, County & School Taxes for 1875. 1 HE Tax Digeat for 1875, has been placed in my hands for collection. I have peremptory orders to collect immediately. I wiU not indulge m the foture as I have in the past. The fsU is tlie best time to pay taxes, and it wUl be to the interest of tax payers to set tle tbeir taxes without delay and save cost. JNO. W. JOHNSON, Tax CoUector, Clarke county, Ga. Sept. 15—46-6L Great Bargains in Note Paper. I N order to reduo*our uunsually hug. stock, new end beautiful styles of Initial and other papers will be sold AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH AT BURKE'S BOOK STORE. Sept. 29—48-t£ Colonists, JfmigratiU and Travel- ers Westward. F OB map circulars, condensed time tables and gen end information in retard to (reimportation focUi ties to all joints in Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Min nesota, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, Iowa, New Mexico, Utah and California, spplv to or address Albxst B Wxxxx, General Railroim Agent, Atlanta, Ga No one should go Wot without first getting in com with the General Railroad Agvlit, and be come informed aa to superior advantage*, cheap and quick transportation of families, household goods, stock, mid forming implements generally. AU infamaUo* W.L. DANLEY, Q.P.&T. BALTIMORE ' EYE AND EAR INSTITUTE No. 55 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Julian J. Chisolm, M. D., Professor of Eye and Ear Diseases in the University of Maryland, Surgeon in gc. This Inst tutioo is thoroughly organised and I up with every convenience for tlie treatment oi Eye and Ear Disease*. For further information, apply to the above. novU.B 1,000 lbs Choice Mince Meat in bulk, and five jaiunil pails, choice “Gilt Edge” Goshen Butter, fresh Buck Wheat, fresblot ol Mac* ctmtui at low figures at Taltuadge, Hodgson & Co. ■ *-s- 5t-wl Atlanta, Augusta. Savannah or Charles ton prices duplicated for any goods sold in Athens by Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. 5t-w. praising it, - nd the masses buy it. . . Agent in Charleston, 8. C., reports tT-oMers; one I lOO Bon, itot R.i*„ lO0 Eta. Fml, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates, Citron and Fn {j Sticalere free. Address. ~~~~~~— apices of all kinds at Talmadge, Hodgron A Co. O S. J 5t-w. nian^ by Kslvakinsk Now you can get the best Western Irish Potatoes from J.- H.’ Huggins. Wx wo ild again toll the attention of onr reader* to the advertisement of Messrs. Pools A Host, bespeak ing for these gentlemen the fovorebls consideration of *11 who are in need of any Machinery included ia tbeir varied list, as published in our columns. They hare on hand a very huge stock -of miscellaneous Machinery Patterns, and can promptly fill, order* for almost any character of work.' Wherever their Machinery ha* been used it has given entire satisfaction. NovSdlmw. HflBuR ii - Ot .'Ol CHICKEN CHOLERA, IS THE ONLY CERTAIN REMEDY .-jjf FOB; THE DISEASE AMONG; Poultry of all Kinds. Used twice a week it will - Prevent the Disease, i*4 AM keejFtha'WoltTyto a - ■ ‘t 'l HEALTHY CONDITION. It has been used successfully for yean in this and other States. Pri« 50 cenfejper bottle, which makes TWO GALLONS of .*. «***». /Jthens, Ga.—3JMf. BOOK AGENTS AND GOOD SALESMEN Are “COINING MONEY” with the famous XI&jL D ESJ G ATS, The French Edition of which sells fur $165, and London Edition for $200. Onr Popular Edition (SA0J. containing orar One Hundred full-page .quarto plates, u> 4 the cheapest and moat elegant publication in America,' and the best to sell. Critics vie with each other .in 1 A dl'dil It e- Great Reduction in Prices F or the next thirty -dsvs, Brackets, Wall Packet,, and all kinds of Ornamental Wood Work, be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now is the time to make your bouiea beautiful at low sept-lS-46-B. rest bargains given In everything at 26-tf BURKE’S Bookstore. RliNtlc Window Shades. At 81.50 per pair. At $1.75 per pair. At $2.00 per pair. At $2.20 per pair. At $4.00 per pair. At $4.50 per pair. The moat elegant, simple, aud most uurable Shades ii use. The above price* include ell the necessary fixtures. They can be put np in five minutes, by any one who can drive a nail, and they never get out of order. Call and see them at BURKE’S Book Store June 2, 1875—31-tt Lost t Lost $ O N Saturday evening last, between tbs residence of _ Mr. John IL Newton and the first Methodist Bing 8et with Pearls, office will be liberally Oct. 5—dtf. r PHE New Store Room on Clayton JL Street, sad sdjolnieg tester's Block; with four nod oar., shore, will b. ready fir us. by th. 15th September, and are now offsred for rent. 1 particular* NovSdtfw. TJI CIGARS. We have now on hand 250,(00 Choicest Brand* of Ciroia which we offer aft Guati>t Biodczd Pucbs. A Number One OQA ACRES of First Claes Land, on the Fired WtS OJl " nMi OOU Fork of Oconee Kiver, 18 miles from Athena, 175 acres in cultivation. Cnltivatabia land not in eottr- retioaabmit tne hummed nerre.andth. remainder in '‘""“a. 1LCARLTON * CO., Or to the Proprietor ^ U. & DOSTER, A liberal discount allowed to Jobbers buying C Ctaauone! Come all It T!>“ , Oceohi Post Ofiice, Oconee eo. FOIl S.lLIi CHEAP, novlTvlm. Hit ibx? Hew Him and Hew Slock! MATTHEYVS&JACKSON NO. t BROAD STREET, ^ * SOS.) —...abam Lziize.’j. . . . , „ TTTE hare just received ao entirely N Arid offer them CHEAP FOR CdtSB, Wo would also ask onr friends Wgive ns a a^sc tbeir ootton as wo expect to boy ootton ■ l *r^ he “ mark ' t ^M[A-TfHKWS A JACKSOF. JOHN H. NEWTfJS/oi Si-Kuxr, Hl’tchissou Sl Bell, * - V'-vaPlfM Bfoek. UK' i •/. < FDR RALE. ! Two Wf^oos e^d for Cash or os time .u!hc Fbb.fi4.Atfi ii'JHT 100< i & Ball, o*J Sl-tfi 800TSAND SHOES JIJ.J.IOU N W- ^ATJDRUPj -*^WV»Mhk -ZLipl Ll:- l-VCi -^_ a 1 t * v.i jT-w/ABtIp T, na/toJltl-ft Moure Hu liHiw’in-’ V"-f JOM 14, 1876-88-tf » M f.iV Toy Money \ ■ton rpEN Dollar*’ worth of Toy Green Backs will i Cents The v.ry thing for bojs.^ FAIR AND TIMELY NOTICE. ritnANKING my friends for their patronage in the I post, and asking for n continuance of the some, 1 beg to say that, FROM AND AFTER THE lsr OF OCTOBER, my terms will be CASH ON DELIVERY, except to those parties who have always paid their bills PROMPTLY on presentation. Where goods arc charged, it will be ith the distinct understanding that the bills are DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH. I would willingly give longer time if I were able, but I am not. I trust that no one will be offended at the course, as my necessities drivo me to it. I hope by prompt attention to bnsincss end low prices, to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. T. A. IsUUKK, Bookseller and Stationer. Sept 22—47-tfi GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. W HEREAS, A. J. Brown nnplieA to me for Letter* of Guardianship of John Teaslev and Eliza Teaalcy, minors, under fourteen years old* children of Singleton M. Teaalov, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to allow canse at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why aaid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Oct. 28, 1875. Nov. 3.—l.-5t. F. C.STEPHENSON, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Hare County, Ga., will be sold, before the Court House door in Hartwell, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on tho First Tuesday in December next, the following property, to-wit: Fifty Acres of Iomd, more or less, King in Madison county, Ga., ad joining lands of Rachel Sailers, David Cye and otbira. Sold as the property of Dr. L. C. Rhodes, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms Cash. nov.3—l-5t. B. 8. WILLIFORD, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to on order of the Court of Ordinary ot Hart county, Ga., will be sold before the Conrt House door in Hartwell, in laid county, within the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to wit: one tract of Land lying in said county, containing one hundred and fiftv acres, more or less, tolerably well improved; about 40 acre* under cultivation, and well watered. Also, 75 acres, more or leaa, adjoining landa of W. A. Hilliard, Marion Cheek and Albert Laird. Tne E. A. B. R. ran through both tracts. All to be sold aa the property 11 Sarah E. Hilliard, deceased, for tho benefit or the heir , and creditors. Terms, one-third cash, the other two- thirds 12 months credit, with note and approved.secur ity, and bond for title when land ia paid for. OcL 85. 1875. M. if. JOHNSON, uov.3—l-5t.—[P. F. $6.00.] Adm’r. COAL! COAL!! CREEK,” brightly, is in i from slate and H AVING established a Coal Yard in connection with my Warehouse, with a stock of FOUR HUN DRED TONS, I am now prepared to offer the follow, ing Coala to the citixeus of Athens, at very low prices: GENUINE “ COAL From Knoxville Iron Company. Barns large lumps, band picked, and is free clinkers. “ CAHABA,” Of Alabama. A most excellent Coal for domestic ose, being Red Asb, Urge lamps, kindles quickly, ana makes no cinders, soot or dost. “ BLACK CREEK, Of Alabama. A new Coal, and the purest that cornea from the Coal Fields of Alabama or Tennessee. J. II. CARLTON. August 11,1875. 41-tfc Dissolution of Partnership. The firm of SLOUAN A DEADWYLER, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business in futnre will be conducted by Mr. S. J. Slouan et the old stand. Tiisnktal for the liberal patronage extended to the firm, we solicit a continuance of the same to Mr. S. The accounts due the firm must be paid by the first day of November next, indulgence beyond that .lute cannot be given. Oct. 18th 1875. „ S.J.SLOMAN. 0Ct.20dwSt. G. E. DEADWYLER. Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, Mas. T. A. Ada vs would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Athens and of counties adjacent, that she has now received and opened a most choiue and select as sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, com prising in pert the latest styles and fashion* of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Gloves, &c., Which she will sell at reasonable prices. Give her call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a dis tance carefully filled. Store located on Broad street, one door above National Bank, April 21,1875—25-tfi ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary ol Wilkes county, will be sold on the first Tuesdny in December. 1875, in the city of Athens, at the usual f ilace of holding public sales for Clarko county, during egal sale hours, all that house and lot of land situated iu tlie city of Athens and adjoining lot* of C. Morria and Mrs. Baynon, said house end lot known as the late residence or William Brown deceased, and sold es the property of Mary A. Gordon, deceased for tho benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms of sale cosh. M. 1*. REESE, Administrator Mary A. Gordon. nov3-w4t. Valuable Farm for Sale. B Y VIRTUE of an order from tho Court of Ordinary of Banks county, Georgia, grantei upon the peti tion of Amanda Ellison, former guardian of Josephine and Onie Ellison, will be sold before the Court House door in Homer, Banks oonntv, on th. first Tuesday in December next, within the lawful ho’irs of sale, on. tract of land in said oonnty, on Hickory Level creek, known as the Robert Barnwell Place. The tract con tains 411 acres, more or less—60 to 75 acres ot good bottom land, all in a high state of cultivation. The farm ia or e of the beat in the county—well watered, well limbered, well improved; good society, in five miles ot North-Eastern Railroad, five miles from Homer, con venient to churches, schools and mills. Two-thirds ot this property is the property of the wards of the under signed; the other third belongsto Mrs. Amanda Ellison, who will join in the tale and in the deed. Titles per. feet. Terms: one-half cash, the other half credit for li months, with interest st 10 per cent, per annnrn; the purchaser getting only bond for title* till tho final pay ment is made. * And at the same time and place tho old homestead will be rented for 1876. T. P. CLEVELAND, Guardian of Josephine and Ohio Ellison. nov3 tds, AMANDA ELLISON, for herself. PRICES REDUCED OF TIIE ATE11LL PAIiYT. It coats less, and will outwear the beat of any other. Send for new Prioe List and Sample Card to Avniu. Cbxwcju. Paijtt CoxtaxT, Burling Slip, New York, or U2 East Biver St, Cleveland, O. novl7.R A DVERTISER’S GAZETTE. —A Journal of Information for Adver tisers. Edition, 2,600 copies. Published weekly. Terms, $2 .-per annnrn. In advance. Five specimen copies (different dates) to ons sddras. for 25 cts. Office No?41 Park Bow, New York. GEO. P. ROWELL A CO_ Editors and Publishers. novl7,B Patterns for Dolls* Clothes. Instructive, Amueing and Entertaining. •*1 stopped at the Book Store, and the Trousseau I Far DoSc must have some new clothe I thought. See! here an the patterns, in colors ao bright, I hav. trtod every one, and find them all right.” Each package contain! all the patterns necessary for a Doll’s Wardrobe. Price 30 cents. Mailed, postage paid, on receiptof the price. For ealeet * “ BURKE’S Book Store. June 8,1875. » ltt LOOK OUT FOB FINE BEEF. W. B. DEMORE, Aoxtrr, RespeaifttUy informs the fitixaae of Alkane and vicinity that he. bee opened a stall fat the aale iff Beef) Fork, to,«e the abfclBMW'1 oocnptod by in the rearyf X. J^Xanjpkin’e Store, moroing,mdratoTwLUha 'deliveredat 3BS33 the city. Hie stall will be opaood Satordgy morning. Ang. M, XS74-4L W. B. DEMORE. wd term CaSH FOH WOOJe, —OR— CLOTH FOR WOOL. Tlie Athens Manufacturing Company are now making a much larger variety of Woolen Goods than ever before, and propose to Exchange them for Wool, believing it to be more to tho interest of the Planter to Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Card ed and Spun st home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Exchange. B. L. BLOOMF1ET May 18,1875—22-tf. FIELD, Agent. J. T BOWMAN & CO, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, JELSKS2 OJV, GA., WiU attend to the btuineee of effecting tales and pur chase of as Agents, on REASONABLE TERMS. Applications shonld be made to T. J. Bowxur. October 4,1875.—40-lm. NOTICE* Great Redaction In Prices. O N and after 0<*. 1st wo shall offer to our customers, goods in onr line at mneh lower flgnrea than here tofore- To enable ua to do thia, wavrlU adont strictly the Cash System. We are now receiving a brae anil full assortment of goods, bought at tow prices, which wo invite all to call and examine. CHILDS, NICKERSON A CO. Sept. 15—46-tf. ■ MARBLE. A. R. ROBERTSON’S mm m m m Dealer in and manufacturer of Monuments, Head end Foot Stones, Marble mod Oi—ltc Box Tombs aud Cra dle Tombs. AU week, warranted. Persona will do well to examine my designs, and be .convinced that thoy are dialing, with afafr and iquare man. Athens,Oa^Kept.29.1875. 4Mf