The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 07, 1875, Image 2

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C|e ^t|ens ^torpn. H. B. CARLTON, TUESDAY MOR51NO, PEC. 7, ticneral Local and Trareltns Agent, CAPT. J. E. SUCH. LOCAL AGENTS. Ur. C. H. Axdbzws, Fort Lunar. Ur. Fmxi Hoauamr, Cleveland. Ur. wTlTlhu!*, Danielsvill*. Uiy.W, T. tfrwore, Personal.—aettfo yow'' account with thisoffio* forth«JAAW* 1876,«nii(ifi- posit two doBan in our Treasury for your paper for the year 1870.' Subscribers outride of Clark* County wUl plea** tend w a “ POH-Office Order" for twodoBars and fifUai cents, as postal laws rejttbr* postage prepaifl Hi moan business, and trust the above gentle hint will be svfficieeU. "Wi regret, io «nr :tfc«’Pr, CARia-pi,*, oar Editor-in-chief; is sti iU and confined to his bed. H. H. still quite North Carolina has just published a “ Report of its Geological Survey,” by the aooompliahcd State Geologist, Prof W. C Km. r in . r> -it-; An interesting volume of 450 pages, with a Geological Map. Why cannot Georgia do the same ? We should do a Little more than the “old North State.’* UNIVERSITY NOTES. Peok.Viu.iam8 Rctukkfobd, Professor enures, Univereit; son of williams member of thq first^_ the University of Geo: President Meigs^ He was born fiear Milledgeville, in 1818 —ims prepared for the Junior Class by Dr. C. P. Beman, and entered that Class half advanced in February, 1837, and graduated August, 1888. . Ho taught a preparatory school in Athens daring the years 1855 and *56. In December, of the latter year, the Trustees elected him Professor of Mathewmtien, -As- iny-from-many tronomy and C.vil Engineering, and he en- - L - -***-*- tered upon the duties of that Gbair in Jan uary, 1857. Alter the war, the Faoulty was reorgan ised, when he was assigned to the Chair of Pure Mathematics, which he now occupies. • }w* r b*» Rev. John W. Heidt, the Secretary for mnny_ w * s nnanimoa *ly re-elect-uh The following ■iataau; IKl Seals and W. P. Lovejoy. made a brief address to the e.—He mentioned the gratifying members were elected his Baxter.-.-Josiah Lewis, JYIeie Ji lvertteemrntx. JVkic MvertinemenU. DEUPUEE HALL t MONDAY owl TUESDAY, December lSthend 14th- RETURN LT RZQCZST OF THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR, rhy which had attented the he.ore ot HOLMAN English Opera Company, the church^Werywhere during the past j EnlurKed Ibr the r re.,eut seesoo-Fntf Chore*, year. Mawy-hxl been converted and ad- Monday F. venter, Dm.l»th—Lecon** last sod moat ded to the drench. During tie past year Brilliant Open, UNHAPPY LIBERIA. The colored Republic is about to collapso In December 1821, The American Colonizer tlon Society—Henry Clay President—estab lished this colony at Monrovia on the coast of Upper Guinea. Each settler was not only promised, but actually given, thirty acres of land and a mule. After an existence of fifty-four years—negro and mule both gone —the land—unimproved—alone remaining. By expansion of territory, including f om timo to time the native tribes adjoining, the young republic grew from a handful in 1821, to a population of 729,000 in 1868. A wonderful change however has taken place since that time, the native tribes arc in open revolt, whilst the British traders are d^ing a good business in furnishing the same arms and amunitiqn. Monrovia the capital is threatened, and were it not for the forward* self.sustaimsq firms. Corn Made at Twenty-five cents. Cost ot Cotton tight cents. . Editor Georgian: J find myself (speak ing for the average planters in this section) possessed of a ‘ gin-house, mules, ploughs, hone, and all the appliances of an average option plantation, with several hundred acres of wont land that will prodace, with out fertilisers, about 400 pounds of seed cotton, 10 bushels of born, 7 bushels of wheat and 12 bushels of oats, per acre. I see that the great cotton planters have been called upon by Col. Howard; to know what it costs them to make cotton. They estimate it from 9 to 16 cents, the average about II cents per pound, just about what the present crop will bring. I make my own supplies, and then all the cotton I can with my labor besides, and by doubling the product of cotton w th com mercial fertilizers, I make my labor cost me in making cot* on about half as much as it would without fertilizers Living 10 miles from the railroad, (sjieaking for the average farmer,) I sometimes have com to sell, but I find no one in tny neighborhood who wants to buy who has any money to pay for it, so I have to hall it to town. I nave to load by daylight and push my mules to make a load a day. I find that it costs me about 8400 to haul 82,000 worth of com to market, either in the cob or shelled, and sack it; while it costs me only about 825 to haul the same amount of cot ton. I find in making com, it injures my land, and leaves noihiug to aid the next crop. But when I make cotton, I sell the lint only, and have the seed left, every many now and some elegant church build ings'h.qd, been, buijt. Tpe. magnificent gif), of 8600,000, to fouikTTwnderbilt Universb ty, calls for thankfulness to God, w ho, in answer to the prayers of his people, moved a man to make this generous donation. The country as such seems to be suffer- tosea of-depression, -but this state Qt things is not mommo)/ hurt ful to the oh'urch. {Restated further that the mis-ioo fields oUthe Southern Metho dist! church had broadened add Hie' liberali ty bad increased. Not on 'j in China and among the Indians but also iu Mex.oo and South America missions have been estab lished. - SHORT COLLEGE. „ The Trustees of the above college met in this city las . night. Dr. ft L. Smith tendered his resignation as President of the college. It was accepted and Rev. A G. Haygood, D. D., elected to fill the va cancy. ”Dr. Smith will be retained in the facility. Professor of Larin; in fact, his services eonid not be dispensed with at this' rime. STATE AND GENERAL NEWS. It is expected that Postmaster Jewell will resign. The Georgia. State Grange will convene in Atlanta, on the 18th. Rev. AUkusG. Haygood has been elected President of E.'_ory College. Horn J. W. Renfroc, of Washington county, has been appoiuted State Treasurer by Gov. Smith. The cotton trade last Tuesday seemod to be quite brisk. The average buyer bustled around with avidity. Cha'les O’Conner, the great criminal lawyer of New York, is ve.y low and will not live through the week. The Crooked Whiskey trials, at Milwau- GIKOFLE GIROFLA, Origan!!)- played by this Company, in Philadelphia and New York, to overwhelming audiences. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER, 14th, i Xecoq’e Sparkling Open, . , MADAM ANGOrPS CHILD. Admission' $1—Gillen 60c--Re*crvod seats 81-25, at Btroas'sjkioW Store. ded At CHRISTMAS IS C0MIX61 « CALL AT BURKE’S BOOK STORE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8th, ND SEE THE LARGEST AND L BEST SELECTED STOCK OF Holiday Toys and Christmas Goods» EVER BROUGHT TO ATHENS, Lay* Smoking Sets, l&va Match Boxes, Yases, Parian Goods, i. Work Boxes, Brackets, Toys, Toys, kec, Wisconsin, and St. Louis, Missouri, are progressing. The showing is an ugly one. Charles Herbst, the Librariau of the Y M. L. A., of Atlanta, has be.n deposed from office. Of course there is considera ble excitement annexed thereto. IN GREAT VARIETY, —id many other thing* suited to the season, which will be sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or to prompt paving customer*. Don’t forget to call ut BURKE’S Boos Bronx, dec'.tf ATHENS Foundry and Machine Works, Athens, Georgia, Prince John Schleswig-Holstein-Sauda- General Founders and Machinists. hurg-Gluckborg arrived iu Eugland T;:es-' iil ing of one of our War Vessels to the coast of Africa, this Republic of emancipated I find' that there is no money in anything j | “*" e “? , “ oc r :rt, ® c: ‘!} ca | , ** k ' Vash,H 8^2l 1 1 else, even at 11 cents and the very plant- ^ Saturday, L Q C. Lamar wu* called or* u-ho muiV* oo much nlwvnt it *imv. I *** e Chair and ma le a happy speech. slaves, would soon reach the stage of final dissolution, and be numbered with the “things that were.” MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Capt. C. G. Talmadge, the Mayor elect, was in fact, tlic only candidate before the people. Dr. Wvr. King, Jit., declining to enter the fieid. The Doctor, however, received a com plimentary vote, which may be regarded only as an expression of c nfideuce and a testimonial of mere personal friendship on the part of those who gave him their sup port A Capt. Talmadge is at present, and has been for several years, a member of the Council, and as such, has rendered impor tant service to our community. We pre dict for him a bright career in the May oralty. Enterprising, energetic, a good business man, with sound judgment, of undoubted honesty and integrity, he cannot fail to make his administration an entire success. Dr. Kino retires from his position with the thanks and gratitude of our whole community for the wise and impartial manner in which he has presided over the affairs of our city. The present Council, composed of meh devoted to the interest of our people and city, well deserve the encomium, Well done, good and faithful servants. in a special ear some rime next week Bridges W. Smith, Esq., of Atlanta, be- ; comes city editor ot the Atlanta Herald. bushel of which is good or an extra bushel , q'j,i s gentleman is an excellent pa agrapli- of corn the next year. Ut and a sparkling writer. We certainly I find the Editors and city oiks and big C0Dgratul ;t0 lhe Jjaol l upo -their valuas planters are always crying d nvn cotton, - l,l e acquisition, and saying I lie country is ruined bv it; but! T ' , _ ,. - - - ■ • • • 1 In the Democratic caucus at Washington, ors who croakc so much about it, always 1 „ “LVSri- a,,a , ,V :l plants big ciops. I am not at all discour-1 Jr 0 ”; ^*,®* K err . *>* Indiana, was nominated aged at the prospect. Being out of debt wf Speaker on the 3rd l«l lot. On motto aiid making my supplies, I know that I can ot Baiulall, of Pennsylvania, it was made afiord to make cotton as cheap as anybody u, *u ,,,n,0H9 - else; and it is rather pleasant to contem])latc that the present low prices (will run all of the city planters, who, when cotton is a lit tle up, plant their gardens and barley patches in it,) out of the competition, anil will force all of the big farmers who buy corn from the West to make th ir own supplies. The uniform low pi ices will also neutralize cotton production in other coun tries and keep it within its legitimate cli matic limits. It will also prevent specula tion in futures, tor if there is no margin to bet on, there will be no betting I beg leave to differ with Air. D'ckson and others about the cost of making a pound of cotton. We must not assume an imaginary price for our lands, males, etc., but go out and see what we can get in cash for them. This is the capital invested, not The Round Mountain Furnace property, located in Cherokee county, was sold by the trustees at Cetiire a few days ago. It was bid in by Hamilton Yancey, Esq., for the mortgage, at 878,000. Capt. Elliot, as one of the stockholders, protested against the sale. what we Grant’s Anti-Catholic rlsadk.— Mosby is known in Wadiiugion as the “ original third-term man,” and is at the he id of an organization in the South formed for the purpose of advocating Grant’s re- election. There is also a secret society knowu as the Anti-Catholic organization. This society is pledged to the President. Circulars are be ng sent out to the leading men throughout the couutry asking them to co-operate. -Naahv 'dU American. Wo regret to learn from the News that B .f Ve t f° r thu lan ^ bc ‘ ,0Ce or ! the Early County Manufacturing 1 bmpany after the war. Then we must not • ' * diately alter me war. men we musr not hare tound it nJce-sary, in selWefendc, to •tl Ull I on^non/1 AlvuivilI/S.WI until onnk tin<A «« a!.-. suspend operations until such time as the market for their products and the cost of production shall correspond better than at present. They have now on hand some seventeen thousand bunches of, for which there seems to be no present market at a price that would pay cost of produc tion. TEE CUBAN QUESTION. In order to divert the public attention from the “waysthat are dark,” which now characterize the present administration, the third-termers are in search of some foreign question to engage the interest of the Amer ican people. Party corruption and national profligacy were entirely lost right of in the recent State elections. The Currency question, Public Schools, etc., being the all absorb ing matters for consideration. Yet, the recent disclosures in regard to “ crooked whiskey” and other “frauds,” necessitate a new diversion in favor of the Republican leaders. Prompted by the same splendid chivalry which has been exhibited toward the un happy States of the South since the war, it is now proposed to interfere with the affairs of Spun, and dictate terms for the future government of Cuba. With King Althonzo and Don Carlos engaged in a civil war “ at home** and a “ rebellion” in progress in “the cvcr-faith- ful isle,” wo deem the present moment for American mediation manifestly inopor- tune. We wish no foreign complications, foreign interventions, or foreign annexations —we have already too much territory. The industrial and commercial interest* of Mas sachusetts and Texas, South Caro ina and CaKfonuftr are now; by far, too antagonistic to permit entire harmony between the States. Why then add another firebrand to out domestic peace t Let- “ Alph” an! “Carl’? settle their lit tle “unpleasantries” either by pen or sword, Libra,” let them fight it out by themselves. The N*w Yorit JBemld-nje that about a hundred thousan* ft bf these patriots are srettrired throughout’'the'United States, and* “robeljjsrmy” were thus rein forced, Cuba oofild; be easily wrenched froflft-tb* iron gfaip of Spain. If we must have fiVnr, let us war on the firmy of pub- charge the corn that the mules eat city rates, but at what we can make it on the farm. 1 can make corn at 25 cents a bushel, charging the plantation investment to cotton. Thun the actual value of the cotton seed (that is, what it will make as a fertilizer,) must be credited t the co ton. Then, the whole amount of the fertilizers must not be charged to cotton, but only half, as the Professor of Agriculture has clearly proven that they act well the sec ond and third years, showing a paramount improvement to the lands. We hesitate not to affirm it : s our opinion from actual . . 0 - - experience, that with such a just estimation, i J n! !' ce a " ,,e . r grade of goods than is now a man who raises his own supplies and pays | K ’ ,n S manufactured in the South. No. 14 as he goes, can make cotton, one year with i y :,r,ls has heretofore been the standard in another, at eight cents per pound, at the i ** ,e We shall nse nothing coarser present cheap rate for everything necessary I than No. 18, and lrom that to No. 22, from to a farm. * | 'vhich we shall produce 8 veral grades of Then, I beseech the farmers of the coun- i pi*’** » n< k twilled goods. Our wholesale try not to be discouraged by croakers, keep i merchants here, and in New Orleans assure up a good heart, make .your own supplies, | 1,8 there js no doubt tha nearly our Mr. Kimball, in an interview with a re porter of the Constitution, states that the directory of the Atlanta Factory (that is to be) have agreed upon the style of goods to be manufactured, saving: “We shall lie thieves, who now infest our Capiud jpti intd full connection tuU^of tliought, sei entife couutry. If we jnust l!ave«w«®a tion, let it be tel the great principles of troth; r, public virtue, which are forexi»t>; W. Du^A^UttaJMstritf: the present administration.. nla WJiy is ooaVthe most contradictory arti cle known to commeroe ? Because when purohasbed it goes to the cellar. PATTERN WORK, SMITHING AND REPAIRING Having an tzlcnaive call, ction of PattarM, Mmulactar*’ Iron and Brass Castings, MILL AND GIN GEARING, MINING Js MILL MACHINERY. Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Shifting, Pul leys, Mill S;hndles, Hoisting Screws, Lighter Screws, Rattle Stays, Mill t ranks, Hors t-P outers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Sugar Mills, Bark Mills, Stamping Mills, Cotton Seed Crushers, etc., etc., f t., etc. *t»>, Monafixtnrr, nn.l are A-ent* for, the moat approved Turbiue Water Wheel*, Brook*’Patent Portable Ro- volviug end Colt’* celebrutei Cotton Pre*-e*. Iron Keiie’uz, Grave Eucioeure*, BUconies, Ac., Ac., AJ Ire**, R. NICKERSON, Agent and Snp’u Mill FiuJina* t'amuued at Manufacturer'* price*. To Rent. V FURN1SUKD UoL'oKPOK RENT IN A DE- airable jan oi luu eitv. Appljr at thi* otlice. novSOlt. For Rent. r JMIE HOUSE AND LOT ON RIVER Street next below P. Barry’a. There are aiz good ruuma; balf-atory up ataira; a cook room, kitchen, and four fire-placca. Apply to 1. VI. KENNEY, ’ '-IT A^ent for Mro. T. W. Gantt. dec7-l School for Girls & Little Roys. ^ i R». ELLA C. COLBERT HAVING bee<i t bjr trie Board of Trustee*, elected Teacher oi tho “AU eufi Female Academy” for tne veer 1876. reanecifnl'A «nnounce» t!mi *aid School will be opened on WEDNESDAY, Jauumry 5th, 1876. Terms rea?on- eble. decT-lm Notice! V|-HE under*urned hereby uives notice to all penona 1 iudebted to him, eituer by account or note, luot he I patience virtue, tnat be cannot continne to wait on paper that ia past due, and he ia now mukiuz out all aceounta tor the purpose of riaeing them in the hands of an officer for collection. Person* who como forward promptly will save ooat*. I mean just exactly wlmt I say. nov3o-lm. S. C. DOBBS. Notice! J HAVE FILED WITH THE ORDI- M. nary of Hart couuty application for leave to aell the real estate ol B. C. Walters, deceased, lute of said county. All persona concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, why such application should not be granted at the January term next of the Court of Ordinary of said county, Dec. ad 1875. dee7.wa « * winn * 0. A. WEBB, Adm'r. the West, you cannot make com at 10 i °f at home. Wc shall have no competition bushels per acre and compete with them) i on ^ ia * class of goods in the South, anu we and make every pound of oot on you oan | can heat -Northern^ manufactures so bad and every pound of cotton seed to make i tiwt we do not consider them competitors.” com, wheat and oats with. Study econo- j A voucher for 812,000 to cover the ex ray, dnnk no whisky, and yoii and your penses in Europe for about six mo .ths of country will prosjier. Agricola, i Gen. Meigs, late Quartermaster-G- in-rul NORTH GEORGIA CONFERENCE. Its Meeting at Griffin. [Extract from Augusta Constitutionalist.] This body Convened Dec. 1st. - It con sists of about one hundred and fifty preach ers and fifty laymen. Bishop J. C. Keener, the presiding offi cer of tue Conference, is a Marylander by birth, and is now in his fihy-lburth year. He visited the Alabama Conference in 1844. He was elected Bishop at the general Con ference of the M. E. Church, South, nt Memphis, Tennessee, May, 1870, at which time ne was on double duty, filling the office of Presiding Elder and thu editorial chair of the New Orleans Christion Ad vocate. The Bishop is a man of both men tal and physical strength; dispatches busi ness t oroughly but promptly. His admiu- ist ration so far gives general satis taction. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. The report of the Presidcut, Rev Dr. Bass, shows this Mother of Female Colleges in a most flourishing condition. There are row in attendance upon eoljege‘proper, one hundred and ninety-five BtuuCnts. Rev. W F. Cook has resigned, abacus place filled by Rev. Howard W. Key, of the South Georgia Conference. Rev. J. W. 'Burke A Co., publishers of thp Southern Chris tian Advocate, exhibited the account of the Advocate, showing a profit of over seventeen hundred dollars. Admitted int^fnll connection—W. T. Lane, J. W. G. Watkins, J. D. Grey, (elec ted to dj»«o«M’ ord rs) W. L. Wooten, W. H. Speer, W L. Yarbrough, J. H. Bent- lev, W. R. Fort, J.r-» G. E. Bonaer and W. W. Lampkin were admitted into. full connection. J. R. Smith transferred from Baltimore to this, Conference. The Bishop an address to. the class igceived .j D,Pariab,Elbwtoo., , Henry M.- Quilliiui, Gainpsville. J. W. Quillian, Gainesville. W. D Andereci^Uome. . J. L. Perryman, Rome. h vi Clarke County Mortgage Sale. . W ILL BE SOLD, BEFORE THE COURT HOUSE fcglf door, in the city of Atheus, Clarke euuoty, on JW M B V door, iu the city of Atheus, Clarke ouunty, on First Tuesday in February next, within the legal (but Jet the City folks buy their own from I , b .!. rcadil ^ is p?? ed hours Utut*. t.e'fotlowing property, i^wit One Dork Bay HORSE, shout t'oor years old. Levied apoa by virtao ol two mortgage fi. fas. from Clark* County Court, General Se*»ion, November Term, 1875, Priutap Broturrs & Pollard v*. J. K. Turuor. All aold to satiety tha above-stated fl. fas. dec7-8w A. J. BROWNING, Sherij}. Treasurer's Sale. GO TO. bbbb a RRRR RRRR Y Y B B AA B R R R Y Y B B 'AA B R R R Y Y B B A A R R R R YY BBB AAA RRR RRR YY B B A A R B R B Y B B A A R B R R Y B B A ▲ B R R R Y BBBB A A E RR B Y —FOB toca— Ed CO FRESH GOODS! Ho! For Christmas. FIFTY BOXES NEW STOCK FIRE CRACKERS Guaranteed. PANIC PRICES! Large Sales being effected daily, Fresh Good* ore constantly arriving at the little Stem on the Corner. IF YOU WANT AN EXCELLENT (4* A MM MX1 ri’PPP o 1. AA 51 M 51 MM* I 1. A A M 51 5! M P 1 03 1. A A M MM 51 P I to L A A A 51 MM M I’P P L A A 51 51 51 I* < L A A M 51 51 P L A A M M M P LLI.LT. A A 51 M M P GIVE IIS A CALL l SUMMARY: 5non lb* Limon Pure Candie*. (nil kind*.) o.nnn lbs >’re*h Cracker*. f75 boxes, *11 kind l,2nn lb* Raisin*, whole, half, quarter hole, in,non Clear* tall rroile*). l.nnn lh* Almonds and other kinds nut*. t,0no Cocoannt*. 80 Case* Ov-tcr*, Jellies, Pine Apple* Peaches, ’Ac. 10 Owe* quarter boxes Sardines (l,0nr bnxi si. 80 B«xe* Cream and Dairy Cheese (2,00i lb*>. 88 Boxes Soap, (Lanndry end Famil.). 80 Thrum* NewS-nvrna Fi?*. 85 Barrel* Cook and Cheeks Fancy Flour. 1 Crate Lighorn Citron. 85 Package* Olitssware, Lnmn* *nd Crock err cheaper than the che*ne*t. 85 Boxes Tobacco, Fine, Medium and Low Grades. CHOICE STOCK tagar. Coffee*. Teas, Spleen, Pare Wine* am Liquors, ar th* easrxL asd QrasT—vxar low. Gilt Edge Goehen and Choice Tenneaaece Butter. Don't go to Atlanta and Augusta, but try these goods and prices and save money, at least per cent. nov£4tf M. G. & J. ,1X7 ILL OFFER FOR THE N^C^I TT of their WINTER STOCK, ooaaiating of DAYS THE ENTIRE Bi DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, FLAHHELS, FURS, BOULEVARD S||| GENTS’ CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, - BOOTS SHOES, HAT& ETC., AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. •ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF Youths’ and Boys’ Clothin ( GO SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO GRA>G£R S Call early, whil. the selection is huge and the Stock complete, at No. S BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. FEEflliMg HXCEUENZA CHEMICALS FOB COMPOSTING, T he undersigned would announce that he has sow os hand and arriving 2 200 Tons Fertilizer, Just put nn and shipped directly from the Factory. It ia pnt np in bags of 167 lbs. each—12 b»j» nukiw *, ton. The Excellenza has so wide-spread a reputation and is so favorably known throughout tail nricsfc comment on it would be unnecessary. It ia guaranteed to be of the eame’standard a* in furracr ve*n. jBumm:: JNh JLi! i Also, though not so old a Fertillixer as the Excellenza, have proved to be the beat material for compctuiiv i i barn-yard manure and Cotton seed ever introduced into this conntrv. The standard i* guaranteed to h» fci* ’ to what it was laat season, when they gave universal satisfaction. Two barrels couqiost one ton. The joes* I- ] which I am authorized to toil the uiiove Standard Fertilizers, are as follows: ^ B BLLENZA; i Time price—Cotton option at 15 cents $70.04 j S “ “ No option. CD i Cash price 55.06 j CHEMICALS. DOMESTIC SEWING ' MACHINES. Xr- Time price—Cotton option at 15c., 2 bbls. (500 lbs.) enough for 1 ton 820.W j Cash price ici 2 barrels. 16.04 f Those who wish to on ’arge lots of the Excellenza for cash, con get special arrangement* at pricti > liah lower. I'urcliasers will not be hnmbuir?ed in the above manures. A <»jH:ci»i circular of directions tor composting farnished all purchasers ot the Chemicals. Ail who rail I ‘”*r t-cluss Fertiliser, that will pay them to use, call on novl7-tf. S- C. DOBBS. A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DOMESTIC” PAPER FASHIONS. Fatten* Bad*. Send*eta.forOaMfcgao. AMwDOMMHD SEWIfiS KiflMUl COL lanVnng.f» NEW YORK, dee7.U £191 day at home. Agents wasted. Outfit and term vL^free. TBUE A Co., Augusta, Main*. Sept. 18-46-B. Prescription Free 1.VOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF SPECIAL TROU- ■ blc* common to tho young and middle-oged. Nervous, mental and ■ ’ ■ •- nd physical depression, loss of memory and energy, pains in the brick, sell-distrust, Ji_: - •-*- dimness, dimness of sight, eonfu-iou of ideas, sm other disorders of the nervous system consequent on various habits that low. r the vitality of the system. Any druggists has the ingredients. Address d*c7.R DR. E.II. I DR. KII. HILTON, CiucinuAti, O. A Week guarantied to Male and Female Ageuts, in their locality. Costt Nothing to try it. Particular.* Free. r. O. VICKE RY A CO.. Augu>ta, Me. -ept. 15-46-11. S5 to VH! ‘f*K “ h -' oe - Sample* wn.-th 51 free Vj * STINSON A vO , Portland, Maine. Sept. 18-16-It. ritlVO HOUSES AND LOTS IN ATHENS FOR JL sole; t lie house and lot containing 1-4 acre, more or lese, on the street h ading to tue Faotory Spriug, bc- ‘ ” ‘ Stable—being the house and lot U. S. A., was audited at the War Depart' ment a few days aga Tliis is part o tlie price the conntry has to pay in order that Grant might pat his iitvorite, Ingalls, at the head of the Quarte master-General’s de partment. It will be remembered that Grant has hard work to get jid of Gen. Meigs; hut a tour iu Europe, with unlim ited means to be furnished by the War De- jiarinent, finally did the business. But will it wot be a legitimate inquiry on the part of congress to demand ou what grounds Gen. Meigs Is supplied from the public ceffers with 82,000 per * month, in addition to his toy and 'allowances, for a pleasure. trip in c«.unty, oh the first Tuesday ill January next,’within Europe?—N. Y. San. ““ 1 ’ *■ " : low Gann and Reaves' recently owned by Mrs E. J. ller. Also the hou*e and lot containing one acre, mire or leae, on tne North Ba*t Railroad, adjoining the Hamp ton Brick Yard, bring tne plane recently owned and im proved by J. W. Black. Either or both will be sold at public outcry on Saturday, 18th instant, if not sooner diapood of. bold by of the parties Interested anu by order of Board of Direolora. I. M. KENNEY, as Treasurer and Trustee, dec7.8t. O. B. A L. A. Clarke County Sheriff's Sale. W ILL BE SOLD. BEFORE THE Conrt House door, in the eity of Athens, Clarke The .First Atlantic Nleamsliip, the legal hour* of sale, the following pi All ot that tractor 1 *' ’ e, the following property to wit: r un-el of laud situated,.lying and Clarke, in the city of Athena, on _ . n the city of Atheus, the north side of the rood leading to CwluviUe, u< M “ ’Hr. adjoiuiug Bob . mile* from Athens C!iaj>pcl, adjoining Hubert lbe long disputed questloa concerning ' Booth, Peter Phinix>, John JnhiiMOii and others. 8aid the tint atuimabip crossed the Atlao-1******* all eodoMd, with good obiw. . *1* , V i Il ar .. , Mlua All levied u|>onhy virtue of a fl. U. from Ciarke tic, 18 thus settled by the Nautical Qautu: t Superior court, November adjourned terra, 1875. W. L. I remember very well bcr tlepRitare firuai England, but iu order to be sate, I culled at Lloyd* some .weeks Ago,' and was cour teously shown the register for September 12, li*38, in vhub I found under “Grave* send,” the announcement! of arriv Is on the illb, the- following: i “Steamship Royal William,. McDongal,.Qo.-bea” Sev eral years before A vessel called the' Sav m- uah, fitted with an engine and paddlrop crossed from Snvanoah, (ia., in thirty-one days. ir. i -ule i. . e *< The paddles, were remoivable. Her en gines were only asod oighteen days. Wnen the Savannah entered tad Channel,off the coast of Ireland,-the- smoke from her same Bteriing, vs, I. W P. Moon and John W. Barton, all to oatioiy tbs above otatoii fl. fa., thi. DMembor the 6tu 1573. J. ATSri doe7.4t BOWNING, Siieriff. AXTANTED.— 1 Tiie Maniiatt. n Manu- • V factoring Company art now reorgsniziuz their general •gussiaa. Eoetgaiic men tnsy secure the cea^ trol of all ulea in epectfied territory of s staple snicie. A nennanentaMhbuauMS* find s monopoly that may bo made to nay 85,000 per annum. For particulars ad dress, with obunp endawd. 1 a ®; 7 ^J. LUMP “ N » 117 Bead* 8L, N.Y. 11EORGIA—Cl.ARKE COUNTY.—0*nr*a*T’i Or- N dUi Dm 187K—CbsrlifiHantsr (colend) has and selling apart, funnel brewghtdow apon her a gun haiwiinW^gfLy*^ deuebmeat from-the: Ghaawk ^mlTT under the impression that she was a chip on fire. Tha Savannah was a full,rigged ss"as,2?SiSJsrsfi'a!s..p,-> BSUmUt 18o’clock V., on the )8t dsv oT 1 ' *■ ship, and akbongh she advertised hot. sail- . ing andfer paaswwmtiaof one was brave ABA 11 ;.u ie lit'i davof December, :. JACKSON, Ordinary. t>/ of the LrfftGEST TrrftWr nSYCHOMANCY, OU SOUL CHARMING. HnW a either sex may fascinate and (rain tho love and affections of any person they choose, iustantlv. This art all cn possess, free, by moil, for 85 cento; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, etc. l.noo.OoO sold. A queer book. Ad dress T. WILLIAMS & CO., Pub’s. Philadelphia. dec7.R \ GENTS, THE GREATEST CHANCE OF TIIE age. Address with stomp. National Copving Co.. Atlanta, Ga. dec7.U 85 TO 10 PER DAY. Business honorable and . lucrative. Agent* wanted. Address Marion Supply Co., Marion, Oaio. dec7.K F elt carpeting, so cents ter yard. Felt Ceiling for rooms in place of p'astor. Fell HARDWARE IKON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Shoe Nails. MILBURN AGIUCULTraAL W GO NTS, IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Felluwa, Hubs, Spokes, Buggy Wheels, Axles, Spring*, &c.. Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hollow-ware, &c. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of the AV INSHIP Gr 11ST » Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Circular Ssf*, 8ST Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the least pw>* delay. Call and examine our stock and prices.“©S June 10,1875. 33-0 COLLEGE AVENUE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM! B >oSnff and Siding. For Circular and Sample, address Camdeni, New Jersey. decT.R Advertiser’s Gazette. a journal of information for adver- f» V'sen^ Editiun, 9,600 oopie*. Publitlied weekly. • w WJWVW WJ-IW. A UUUPIICtk WBUIT, Terms, $8 per annum, m advance. Five specimen copies (different date.) to une address for 88 cto. Office. No. 41 Park R.>w, New York. GKO. P. ROWELL d! CO., Editors and Publishers. dec7.K NEW BOOKS. S tGNA Onida’s lost, 82.00 Tins Feather*, by Wm. Bkek, |i.jO. R*)« of th* Camp, Illustrated, $1 00. Alive Lnraiue, bv Blsekwood, 7. '5c. , 50c. Walter’* Word, by Jam*. Payne, A mad Marriage, by M. Ainns Fleming, 81.75. Pastor'* Recollections, $1.59. For enle at June 88. >44f. BURKE’S Book Store. CIGARS. We bay* now on bond 850,(00 Choicest Brands of Clg*i*,(Vrhich we offer at Guxtly Rknrcgn Pnzczs. All# a large stock of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Bnaff; Genuine Meenhanm Pipes, and ill Smokers Ar ticles. W A liberal discount allowed to Jobber* buying largely. Com* one! Come sill I KALVAK1N8KY <fc LIEBLER, Aog. Ml] Under Newton House, Atheus, Gs. envogh U> .«hi|h Jboqid lo^kwc.I afro tk«i! 1 AND1BBST SELECTED STOCK Sawnrok.wro»flteamshiii, but merely h __ » waling Bum fiUwiUa temporary arrange- » IMARBLG. A. R. ROBERTSON’S asKfCb B /bc«i:iw/T«, {IJJlfy Jig, honor of being the phntwr o^onr present “ ' wemai large Atlantic steam fl et. What became ol't is vessel subsequently I atn uiv- rtain, but have the impmcjwu that she wa. sold to the Portuguese Government. . Dealer in end manathoturer of Mouument*, Heed end , Marble end Granite Box Tomb* sad Cm- MOSES MYERS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Carpets, Furs, Blankets, Fancy and Millinery Av title:. STORE ROOM ENLARGED — AND — STOCK INCREASED. We will beg the citizens of Athens snd viciuitv- to give us a call and examine oar stock before pure! I.OV15 i. TALMADGE, HODGSON & CO,. IIAS NOW HAND 100 Cases New Oy ters. 10 Cases Sardines. 25 Cases Brandy Fruits. 10 bbls. Fresh Nuts. 5 bbls Fi t-sh Cranberries, For sale by Talmadge, Hodgson & nov!7w5t- CO. jpii rsicr tjrs Cuonto Goons or Evxttr Kwn oxn D.rwinox, Ever before offtrod to the di’tzens of Athene endear-' rounding end-try, at proee that defy competition, at ^..Tomha-. t _ —.— Wholesale end Retail by i W9ll to exsmino tny designs, and be convinced that 18761 when we arc compelled to take Stock. iXnomwfit. ^alAdgkhodgsonaco. t work wstfsutod. Persons will do 1 many other Webegieereto call your sttenlion to thtf recent ex tension we heve made in our bu-ince* of oil Otto & Son’s Suroical, UmUO, Orikoptdkal Instrumentt and frsMi. which we aflfer yon at New Price* fortheoeae. ’ 3 R. T. BRUMBY A CO., College Avepue. Anew and well selectedrtoekof prufe, Owmkals, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Papoina, Imperud Ortnm, J&ixie, Pellets, Chewhig Gam, PsecreathcEmaleum, 8epoUo, Oils, Celery eeed, Lubin> Bo g, Thomgon’e Tooth Soap, English and fteneh Tooffi3ni|hos,X»rRe Bobber ComfaaTAnlline Color*, 8Un Glos* Btoreh, and enldoe will be wild will be aold very low nntil January, Weatherly & Co. A) ARE NOW READY For the Fall & Winter Trade ,! Having jiut returned from Xcw York with well selected etock of DRY GOODS <fi GROCER- Ready-made Clothing, Hals, Row- Shoes, Wood and Willow ftarf, Hardware, Crockery, D^ 1 ' \ .(fiC., (fic., d ; c., (fic- PRICES TO SUIT TUE Tl#** AU kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for Goods. Coll and m corner of Clayton and Thoms* Streets. OctlSdtf. •I* Patterns for Dolls’ Cloth* Instructive, Amusing and Enterlta sn ( “1 stopped at tho Book Store, and T For Dolflo must have some net* cloths | See! here are thebavtcrns.iucolors so lng '„ I have tried every‘one, mid find thorn adl M { Each package contains ull the potup a DoU's W.raruhc. Price 50 cento. ^ l*id, 0“ «“'P‘ «t tbc I ,rice - B cBKE’S Book Jane 2, 1875. —T Colonists, Emigrants and Travt ers westward. ^w* ties to olppolnto in Tennessee,New nesota, Colorado, Kansas, Te»*> AX***’ iJssKsataSftffiSSsS come informed as to superior sdvsro^j-jwfis w.l.dajoevg- 1 ’^ JFOJt SALE novliwlm.