The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 07, 1875, Image 3

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- ®f)c ^tfeira Georgian. P. A. STOVALL, . . Local Editor. ATHENS, GA, TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 7, 1876. J Municipal Election. till Pkksonai-—Please settle your account ^th this Office for 1876, and deposit two ,l ( Jlars in our Treasury for your paper for the gear 1876. Subscribers outside of Clarke county will please send us a “ Post- Office Order 3 ' t\,r tieo dollars and fifteen cents, as postal 'lairs require postage prepaid. mean business, and trust the above qfntlc bint will be sufficient. Pleasant-rlcs. The Holmans arc coming, hurrah fortbat. jlickensides—Our streets and sidewalks. Wood dealers arc now doing a good busis ness. 01J Sol has come out again, “right side UP-" The North wind doth blow, and we shall have snow. The boys in town are getting up a gym- siiiura. One of tho charming belles of Washington, Wilkes, is in town. What bloody fellow appropriated the tickets of ye "blnrsted” in the first ward? Bob Peeler and a colored moke had a tight last Thursday. Bob was victorious. Humor hath it that one of Athens lovely daughters is about to leave us. Twaa ever ihu*. Mountain dew and corn juice were scarce last Wednesday, and the rosy flowed slen derly. ‘•I’ve got a joke on you” is the only subject of conversation now extant among young people. That Insurance building certainly presents a very pretty nppearance and is an ornament to the city. Don’t ask “Mac,” our dry goods friend, bout tiiat “possum foot” at Longs & Billups. L> might get mad. Burke has received a full supply of Christ- goods, among which are enough drums a young regiment. Under the gaslight Inst Wednesday night, o professional pugilists indulged in a round of nvo hours duration. We understand that there was an “ad aloiem" taxation ticket in one of our city ards last Wednesday. KeJ 8app has faced his barber shop en- Itwnr* with the red white and blue. Sapp i rising in the tonsorial trunk. Tire new Mayor commenced his term by ning two Brown warriors 6.25 apiece, lively. “Let us have peace. The revival meetings continued through out last week and were deeply interesting. Ilany converts have been made. I A fellow got drunk last Wednesday, kh-ction day. He said it was owing to his kilhrts to put down party spirits. 1 wo colored individuals came very near laving n bloody encounter Thursday night k-i: one had a shot guuand craved “sblood.” You should never tell a man that he lies, limply remark that ho is guilty of hetero- Hiemy and drop the subject—if he’ll let ou. We understand that, the upper bridge feds attention, one of the pegs in the truss » broken and a new one should be inserted p mediately. | A young lady of the L. C. I. who is aus oritv in such'matters, tells us that they 111 have a grand reception Wednesday ening, December 22. [We recognize the official document of ■jjim," Hex’s right bower, appointing us 'Jut of Clark” and making ours the ■ial organ of this section. | The flashing posters of the Holman Opera P U P* now ornament our street corners and pUetin boards. This troupe is well known • and will have crowded houses, dvWashington ten parties are in order r Georgia cities. Where are our enter- isingladies of Athens? Let us hunt up 1 "Id time costumes and set the kettle boil- Tho Municipal Election in oar city last Wednesday came off very quietly. For Mayor there was no regular opposition to Mr. Talmadge, as Dr. King peremptorily refused to run against him, or to allow his name in any manner to be used in that con nection. Notwithstan 'ing, this however, ho received quite a complimentary vote from some ot his friends. The following is tho result in the different wards: FIRST WARD. For Mayor—C. G. Talmadge,. 43 Wm. King, Jr., 39 For Alderman — James O’Farrell, 68 Wih-y F. Ilood, 34 SECOND WARD. Far Mayor—C. G. Talmadge, 66 Wm. King, Jr., 16 For Alderman—A. L. Hull,.. 69 THIRD WARD. For Mayor—C. G. Talmadge, 71 Wm. King, Jr., 22 For Aldermen—W. C. Kemp, 62 J. D. Pittard, 18 FOURTH WARD. For Mayor—C. G. Talmadge, 66 Wm. King, Jr., 10 For Aldermen—S. D. Mitchell, 51 R. L. Moss, 30 W. A. Kilgoc, 26 J. J. Thomas 9 recapitulation. Mayor—C. G. Talmadge. AI. DKRMKN. 1st Ward—James O’Farrell. 2d - A. L. Hull. 3d “ W. C. Kemp. 4th “ S. 1). Mitchell. R. L. Moss. Three of the present Board were elected in 1874 for two terms—consequently, hold over for th • approaching year: 1st Ward—Giiken, 2nd “ F. W. Lucas, 3rd “ T. A Bci:ke. Mr. Talmadge is a most excellent young gentleman, em. rprising and public spirited, and we may congratulate ourselves upon this choice. The Councilinen are a I well known and are reliable citizens. “ Di-maran. Coffee, Rio ......... ljt’uayr*.. 12a 15 12‘> 15 LIU 25 2iU Stt 53a 37 1 25a1 50 75a1 -J COa G5 4Ua 50 Special Notice.—The Coupons due the i st day of January next on eitv of Athens Bonds will be paid at once, on presentation at the National or University Bank. W. A. GlI.LEI.AND, i Moiaw'.'cuii.'-. dec7.4t Treasurer City of Athens, | cau<iic»—rm — • I ^ ‘fallow 15a 20 There is nothing more acceptable for a j KnciT-h ni'nr—.. 25a so present than a well executed photograph of 1 bl1 -- 1 ; _ . . one’s self; parents are rejoiced to receive | Tiiiiow" ”!!!!"! sa io . ia, I H*r«>ttoo’..'.'l——Lbso such, while children are made happy in the Kil ' e ’ , ”’ r 11512 K ‘T<-,eraM— ts±x> possession of their parents portraits. Not with- b« T «r. ,b ° ICpri "’‘ ^il ' ^cl * , r “"’ 1 “ w,,ol ~ , ° itanding the gloomy weather, Davis’ Pretni- ! uni Gallery is constantly thronged with pat rons eager to secure his matchless work, and j,, Kris' 11 ft ,r *’« w,ek <nd!ll P Kov - “6: we advise our friends to make early pre-. 8^S , to»p.nueni.’.”!-.V.".’.V ..’..V.’.’" *"!!’.!!!! ’l8J ctiEftiieraents to get in in time. I Shipments 979 b » Stock 3,629 RiniWI 15 Dr. Skinner will preach his farewell ser- Maximum temporatnre 62 degree*. mon next Sunday morning at the Methodist Church. He is one of the ablest divines in Georgia, and as a social gentleman is unex celled hv any one we ever knew. He leaves many friends in Athens whose good wishes and prayers will follow him whithersoever lie goes. Do you want the best Shoes, for men or women, in Georgia —if so, go to Pittard, Mitchell <fc Co. A beautiful line of Neck Kuching and Silk Neck Ties at Miss C James, \ chanting young lady of Savannah has 'is for her home. A certain college 'th hasn't eaten any dinner since H • kvs up lhr i< in breakfast and dinner ugh. Our police arc still actively engaged in "[feting the importing house of Wimberly I They have carried the outer intrench- b and are now hulding the benches of commercial fortress. [arty of sorenaders was out on the war ■ * :l 't Tuesday night. A young lad} us that the tenor was a cross between a cch owl and a caterwaul. But somebody w a Liquet and he is happy. 1 has been rumored in the city that the cilulc of tho day train on tho Athens ach would be changed. Mr. N. L. Bar- '!• “' c «gcnt, states however, that he has ■'ved no official intimation about the t > r .j 'twould need the geniu* ofn Shcllev I s ! W hvmn these treasures of the tea: ^•*c*ou* dahs of tppetixinff jelly : Carets of epigattrie ccstacy. Mmi* i). * iaVC 1)0(11 sun ° in superb '\c acknowledge the receipt of “Sweet file, My Darting,” by II. P. Danks, author I ‘, . r threads Among the Gold." The 'i yis natural and easy flowing, and is "unced by critics one of Danks’ best com- pitions. \ 0aro ,happy to place on our exchange “ *' urs ery, a monthly magazine, for I'lhTiloru Ol t'r\ w 0 w t _ Shorey, “on. >< ' folks. „ . ^" 0 - 36, Bronifield Street, ,, c harmiiig» journal for “the DAVIS RECEIVED THE HIGHEST AWARDS AT THE LATE STATE Fill. ATHENS QA. THE LABCECT AND DOST ELEGANT GALLERY Dt THE WITH THE BEST OPERATORS. It is stated that the North Ga. Conference If you want Power* St Weightmm’a Chemical*, then at Griffin, has appointed Rev. P. A. Heard go to Lo*o* ft Biixtn *. Sept. 15— and lady, of this city, to take charge ot the 1 Orphans home in Atlanta. Mr. Heard Tea- Ta< C*st«ai Howl—Tha Sontban bead- terday morning had received no intimation “’Now York—i* capable of entertaining fifteen of th'19 act whatever, but at the same time t * nndf * d »”««<«. ' * We sincerely hope that the report will not P W-tt prove true, ns Athens and the “Lucy Cobb" could ill afford to loose Mr. and Mrs. Heard. The average ox daintily picks his way along the muddy streets. ' Job Printing is now a specialty with us. All orders neatly and promptly executed, every kind of work put up in style. Porcelain Pictures; elegant cases for this handsome picture, just received for tbt Holidays at Davis’ Premium Gallery. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. W The undersigned have on band a choice lot at Timothy Hay, which they will aril cheap for cash. _ GANN & REAVES. If yon want Furniture, call on OilleUnif, Wood ft Co -» who manfocture and deol in *11 kind* of Fnrnitara and Coffin*, and idl u cheap a* any boose in this city. H«vb SA. 1B75.—91-ly. NOTICE—Country merchants and Phytidans, wo n now prepared to tell you all'articles pertaining to the drag trade as cheap as you can get thorn in Qcorgia, freight added. Loss* ft Boxen. Sept. 15—46-tf. TIIE ATHENS MARKETS. CorrMltJ WkLIj bj tbt Itnbats Eitbt't., COTTON.—Steady. From 10 to 11}$. FACTORY HOOPS. . Mackerel. So. l,kiu.._?2 *0 Oultou Yarns }1 25*0 00 j •• No. 2, KJU....J2 05 Osuaburvs—....— 12 a IS , 14 No. 3, LIU— 1 75 U Skirting 8 » lo | Salt, F*r Sack on Ji Skeplin^ — 11 a 12 - Chewing totweco— Rial SO PROVISION-. Smoki Hour — $8 a 10 Gilleland, Wood ft Co. have added tho Coffin bosinaao to their Furniture Mannbctory, and always keep on hand s Urge stock of Wood and Uetalic Burial Csiea. They sell aa cheap a* any house in tho State, and fhraish, without extra charge to their patrons, their splendid naw Hearse tor funeral ooraahma. March M—al-ly < 4irn. iu bu. Res», " Meal, •• Wheat •• o*te Uacon, fcblvs,.. shoublcm bams Ij»rd, Iriah, Potatoes. Sireet " . Ears Caickms — 204 25 Turkeys 75a 1 25 Rutter.... 3um 35 l J llOt ERIKS. Sugar, crusbe^l-... 14a 16 A B.. am«.... Snuff, Maccabor.... 1 00 90al 00 American, ISO 00a 50 00 ... 1 20a 1 80 Havana - 75 OOalOOoO .. I 15al 20 AMMUNITION. .> I 25al 50 Powder... per lb.... 40a 50 ... a 1.00 Shot *• “ 12a 15 14a 13 \ Lead M •• ... 10a 12 Ua 12 Caps, per box 10a 40 16a 17 ! LIQUOR*, l^a 20 Com whiskey, ...fl 25a 3 10 —$1 O0a2 (W , French branuy... 4 OOn I UO 75:tl 0 • Holland Gin .. 5 00a 8 i« •.Oh 25 Ametii-an Gin.... 3 00a 6 Of Rourlton whiskey 2 Aa 4 00 Winta 3 OOa 10 00 HARDWARE. Iron, Swedes, pr lb F.n lish 144 15 I Castings 6Ka« 14a 15 Nails, |»r keg- 4 50 Cotton Card*- 75*1 00 Horse Shoes- f%alO “ •• Nail*. LEATHER. Hemlock 28a30 Sole Leather —35x40 Cpr. Lcatlnr 60a75 Ham ** 4itw.~Ji Calf Skins..*.".**” *40 OOalOO 00 Kip Skin* ....50 OOa 75 00 Dry Hides 12al5 <«reen Hides Cal BAGGING, TIES, ROPE. Ranging pr yd ..,—...14*16 "33 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE.. Minimum temjerature 32 decree., connECTED Fon the Georgian 1>1TT.\III), MITCHELL & CO. TIIK COTTON RACKET. Athens, Ga., Nov. 30, 1875. Cheapest Toilet Soap in the South at Pittard, Mitchell & Co. The Best Blacking in the world, and will be sold at N. Y. prices at retail by Pittard, Mitchell «fc Co. j , FOBS, WHEAT AND OATS MARKET. Just Opened.—The finest ami cheapest i per bushel 90 a 1 00 Oats, “ 75 a 1 (H) Stains Onlinary 10 (•omi Onlinary 10 1-2 Low MiiMling 11 1-4 Mitlilling. 11 1-2 Gootl Middling 11 3-4 TIIK EICON AND LIED EiRKET. Bacon—Sides — a 16 Shoulders Ilams — a 17 Lard 18 a 20 No Erem fob Bznro Sick.—No person eon noo Boorfieea German Syrup without getting immediate reBof and cure. Wa have tho Am ease of Coogba, Cold* or Conaumption, or any Hi.aaie of th* Throatand Longa, yet to hear from that baa not boon eared. Wo wo dratributed every year, for three yean, over *50,. 009 Sample Bottlea bv Braggiat* in all parts of tb* United State.. Noether Manufactureror Medicinea over gave their preperatxaia such a teat is tht*. Go to yonr Druggist* R. T. Brumby ft Co^ and rat a fbrlS cent* and try it—two dotes will iSsvs Sample Bottles 10 cents each. Tool* ft Hckt, Maanrwa, Balthiobk —In another part ul our paper will be fooud the buameaa card of this well known lioure, whose manufactures are in use from Maine to Mexico and South America, and every where regarded as firet^-laas in their design, material and workinananip. With facilities for manufacturing and shipping largely increased and improved from year to year, they are prepared to fill all order* promptly and will guarante* their patrons thoroughly reliable work. Those in need of anything in i heir line would do well to apply lor their circular and prioea. dec“ Itisfoc.nd at last SoirzTHnrs New Undue th* Smr.—A new era i» dawning upon the life of woman. Hitherto she has been called upon to suffer the ills of mankind and her own betides. Tbt frequent and dis tressing irregularities peculiar to her aezhave long been to her the 44 direful spring of woes unnumbered?’ In the mansion of the rich and in the hovel of poverty alike woman has been the constant, yet patient victim of a thousand ill* unknown to man—and these without a remedy. 44 Oh Lord, h<.w long 1" in the agony of her sou), hath she cried. But now thehour of her redemp tion is come. She will suffer no more, for Dr. J. Brad- neld’s Female Regulator— Woman’s Heat Friend—is for sale by all respectable Druggi-ts throughout the land at $1.50 per bi-ltl . In another column of this newspaper will be found some interesting particulars concerning tho Female Regulator and other information highly im portant to women. Near Mauitta, Ga., March 21. 1870. Mrasas. War. Root ft Sosa .—About one year ago I bought a bottle of BradSelu’e Female Regulator from yon, for one of my daughters who bad been coffering with suppressed meuaes for aome time. 1 have had several physicians attending, but met with no success until I was persuaded to buy a bottle of the Regulator, audit is the very thing for which it la recommend. She is now ii. perfect health. 1 hope all Buffering females will at least try one bottle and have health again. Very respectfully, dec7. D. DOBBINS. ■«gg jnto •fdrarttsementa. Great Bargains in Note Paper. ■ N order to reduce our unusually large stock, I and beautiful style* of Initial and other paper be said AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES . __ CASH AT BURKE'S BOOK STORE. Sept. 29—AS-tL THIS TRUTH. Determined to enter into no personal controversy, however unjust tha aspersions of oar competitor*, wo dn the verdicts of Fair Committe** for tb* mouth of October, 1675: First Week at Athena, Ga. The Oconee Fair Association swarded to the REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, DIPLOMA fbrtba best Display of Sowing Machinal. DIPLOMA for tha Beat Cabinet Work. DIPLOMA for th* Beat Writing Machines. Not*.—No premium affined lhr best The nger and Wilson received Second Week at Oriffin, Ga. Tho Middle Georgia Fair Aaanciation awarded th* REMINGTON, as a special recognition of merit, DIPLOMA lor improvement in mechanism of Simula Sawing Machines. DIPLOMA for apaad arid lightness of ruining In Shut tle Sewing Machine*. DIPLOMA for improvements in Sawing Maahla* DIPLOMA for Cabinet Work for Sawing Machines. DIPLOMA for Writing Machine. Not*.—By an overnight the Remington did sot antar for display, for which a premium was awarded tin Singer. Third Week at Macon, Ga. The committee in behalf of tha State Agrieultural Society made th* following awards to the Remington DIPLOMA for T^po-Writer. DIPLOMA for speed and light muting in Shuttle Sewing llwriilnra. BRONZE MEDAL lur Georgia made Cabinet work for Sewing Machines. BRONZE MEDAL tor improvements in Sowing Ma chine Stands and Attachments. Si|lri to Inpnnactr la Kiettalm cf Skattlr Srviag Kitkiaa. IaT.Nera.—This last award was made by the com mittee alter a close examination and comparison, slum bt amt, with Singer, How* and other &r*t-dai* Ma- Trcrth tfssk at BCaa, ill. The committee appointed by the Fair ’ aaociation to examine Sewing Machines awarded the Remington DIPLOBA FOR TUB DKSTKEIUXG BACUINE. DIPLOMA for speed and lightness of running. DIPLOMA for improvements in Scwiug Machine Stands and attachment*. Not*.—The above award for the best Machine was made after a comparison of working parts, aide by side, with the Singer New Family, whicu was in eompe- Hort Camay. Notice! hereby notified to abow cans*, if any they have, why such application should not be granted at tha January term next, of th* court ot Ordinary of laid CU SS5ST ,,b “ S5tt,,m# - C. A. WEBB, Adm’r. GEORGIA. - HART COUNTY. II BEREAS. DILLIAED V. WRIGHT APPLIES Vl to me for Letter* of Gnardianahip of Martha J. Wright, minor, under fourteen years old, daughter of Ha met R. Wright, deceased— Thowi .re Aerefore to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause at my office, on or before tha first Mon- day In December next, why arid letters should not be ** 5wcn under my hand and official signature, this 25th day of OcL, 1*78. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinrry. Nov3.-l.5L Clarke Camay. —.-rrre^-rmrwi-x^n. b |||l _ Clarke County Sheriffs Sale. WXTILL bo sold before tho Court House Y v door in tho city of Athena, Clarke ooontr Ga. ”.°°** S«h. «5itlioaatkyB! sold by virtue of a former levy ^3*^y*A?Briler,^ saaswissSia'fifssttS and now re-advertised, this Nov. 29th, 1876. B0TJO5L J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. SB BEBEAS, DiUiard V. Wright applies to me for T v Letter* of Adminktratko apon the Estate of Harriet R. Wright, lat* of arid county, deceased— Therefore, ali pereoo* oonoarnad are hereby notified to file their objection*, if any they have, at my office on or before tha first Monday in December next, else arid letters will be granted tha applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this ' - F. C. STEPHENSON, October 25th, 1876. Nov. A—-1-4L Ordinary, GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. MOTICE i» hereby given to all persons concerned, it that on tha day of , 1875, B. C. Walters, late of Hart oonntr, departed this life in testate, and no person baa implied tor administration on the estate or said Bt C. Writers, and that in term* of th* law, administration will bt vested in th* Clerk of th* Superior Court, or tome other fit and proper person, on the lint Monday in December next, unless acme valid objection is mad* to his appointment. Given under my hand and official aigna are, tlifar Oct. 25th, 1875. F. a STEPHENSON, Nov. A-l-5t, Ordinary, GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY, MMI HERR AS, A. J. Brown appUa* to me for Lattaas TT of Guardianship of John Teasley and Elks Teaaley, minors, nnder fourteen yean old, children of M. Teasley, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to show canae at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why arid letters should not bo granted. Given nnder my band at office, this Oct. 28,1875. Nov. A—1.-5L F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary ot Hart County, Ga., will be sold, before the Court House door in llartwell, in arid county, within the legal hour* of sale, on the First Tuesday in December next, the following property, to-wit: Fifty Acr<- - ‘ Land, more or Mas, firing in Madison county, Ga., joining laud* of Bridie! Sailers, David Cye end ott Sold a* the property of Dr. L. C. Rhodes, deceased, for the benefit of the heir* and creditor*. Term* Cash. nov.3—l-5t. K. S. WILLIFORD, Adm’r. MAC1I1SE now offered to the public; and our tre mendously increasing business proves t .e public are beginning to appreciate this, the best of all Family Fa vorite*. Tbe REMINGTON 1* on exhibition at our atore in Athens. Coil and see it. L* SCHtVENELL & GO., No. 3 Road street. N. B. Good Agenta wuiiied iu ail an occupied Ter ritory. Kov.24-—5t. The Cheap and Poptla* Atlanta Store of Fvbcb> ooiTj Benedict & Co., No. 33 Whitehall St.—Is uow offering tiie hurgeat, Cheapest, and best Selected Stock of Dry Good*, Fancy Gooda, Notion*, Hosiery and Cnd rwcar. Novelties iu Carpets, Oil Cloth*, Lam- berquin-s Cornice* and UphoUtery Good* at a saving of 15 to 20 per cent, on each article purchaaed. Their Facilities are ouly equaled by tiie Largest Houses in the Union. A call before purchasing at other houses is re spectfully solicited. N. B.—Samples sent on application. All orders over Ten Dollars, at Retail, will be sent free of charge to any part of the State. F., B. & CO. Branches— F. B. & Co., New York. F. B. & Co., Charleston, S. C. F. B. & Co., Jacksonville, Fla. [nov.l7-tf. F OB $ALS5 Number One Plantation. QQf\ ACRES of First Class Land, cu tbe I’ond 0017 Fork of Oconee River, 18 miles from Athens, 175 acres in cultivation. Cultivatable land not in culti vation about one hundred acres, ami tho remainder in torrest. Terms liberal. Apply to H. H. CARLTON ft CO., Real Estate Agenta, Or to tbe Proprietor M. B. DUSTER, Oceola Post Office, Oconee co. nov!7wlm. Picture Frames a: Davis’ Gallery. To the Ladies—Go ami see those new i Felt Hats just received at Miss C. James. I Try the Natural Lraf smoking toliacco, manufactured by Kalvauixsky & One hundred bi xes assorted Crackers, fresh every week, at Tu.maihjk, IIuiic.scin <& Co. j 5t-w. Tnx Finn.v Szwiso Micnixx.—The invention of the Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine exert* an inflnenoe over domestic comfort unequalled by a .y invention of the lest bnodred years. As an economical arrangement it enables one person to do the work of ten in a superior manner, and with unspeakably more comfort. Machines will be delivered at any Railroad Statiou in this county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through Mc.-srs UrsBAW & GairmH, Athena, Ga. They send an elegant catalogue ana chromo circular free on application. They want a few more good agents. NovSdw. Till: FI.OIR BXUKLT. iSui>ors S6 50 a 7 00 Family 7 50 ft 8 00 Fancy 8 00 a 8 50 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York, December 4.—Cotton steady; 1 sales 1,063; uplands 13 1-16; Orleans 13j; New Jersey cabbage. White, R -d and ncl rP r,.jp,, 2.302; gross, 3,492 Yellow Onions, Irish Potatoes, at Tal- y 0l . u;ANS> Doc 4 . .( if t imv llAiirtcttv A* ft fit tf madgk, Hodgson «fe o. Atlanta, Augusta, .Savannah or Charles ton prices duplicated for any goods sold in Athens by Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. 5t-w. _ . Fine Saratoga Whisky, just received at Sautter’s Exchange. The finest iu the market. Liquors of all kinds and brands. Oct.£9t£ 100 Boxes Best Raisins, 100 Boxes Fresh Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates, Citron and Mpices of all kinds at Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. 5t-w. Dealers would do well to call and exam ine our stock of Liquors before buying. N o trouble to show goods at Talmadge, Hodg son A Co. 5t-a. Chow Chow, Pickles, Raisins, Nuts, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, «fcc., at Barry’s Little Store, on the comer of Broad and Jackson Streets. 4- f Cotton quiet; middling, l'JA; low middling, llg; good or- imiry. loj; net receipt®, 13,250 hales; grose 13,762; exports to Great Britain 1,515; to France, 19,798; sales 3,500. Mobile, Dec. 4.—Cotton weaker; mid dling, 124; net receipts 5,480 bales; ex (torts In continent, 3,700; coastwise, 1,579; sales, 800. Savannah, Dec. 4.— Cotton doll; mid- lling 12g; net receipts. 3.652; exports to continent 6,027; coastwise 164,300. Charleston, Dec. 4.—Cotton easy; mid- nling. 12£ul2 i 1 -16; net reeeipts, 2,300; exports to Great Briiain 2,890; sales 1,600. Au :rsT.\, December 4.—Cotton; or- lioary 94; Good Ordinary 11: Low Mid- ling Ilf; Middling I2^al2j; Good Mid dling 124al2jj. fe-T" 0 Vcre fitvored last week . lr< l' n tite irrepressible New ' ‘"' ns. Mr. W.M.teakc,of Clark Broadway, N. Y. Also by filtman"* » f iIr - ^ Richmond, of L *“ & Bros., Atlanta, Ga. more lies told in the 1 otb». ■ am sla<1 10 80(5 yon,” than in m. ,, 81x words in tho English lan- fc, lV ; “ook-keeper say* that, “ Ilav’nt 1 in „ •’ 18 M big a one as is tircu- ^^mniercial parltiice. at ^ cwlon House. Dimna- “. , i e „ t0 . Wa *ter: “ Servo me as the ll ' l 'x rderek,Jdid the Prince ol “ns: C ’4 T -° Ur ‘ 8t Aldermanic pro- vouU i. * ller > serve me as Captain Hd 0 Bill!” g'-v-ip Nia - V night (colored)—Married last i by pjr*3 the colored Methodist ouiaa \e- . BVis Jones, John Pollard 1 fr’UDta/* 111 of 1,118 d, y- Therp fn,,, ** °^*Uendanta and with the DI *rt«in. for the bridal supper forn* 0t ! , y ,nen » 1 culminated in tVis “ ro «r colored friends. or of M.) alias Tub, Kecly inform. ^°. tlrc ll A Babcock powei pie sire ; “J. 1 * 1 * 1 * lotter irom his veil- that j.. ..I! 1 ® root Lewis 1 £ A* “tends ta v* n * lere ever since. *° n u l-MbT ^ 0r Dominion 1,000 lbs fihoice Mince Meal in bulk, and five pound pails, choice “Gilt Edge” Goshen Butter, fresh Buck Wheat, fresh lot ot Mac- coroni at low figures at Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. One of the largest and best selected stock of Whiskies, Brandies, Ru n, Gin, Table Wines, Cooking Wines, Porter, Ales, &c., *fcc., at wholesale and retail by Tal- MADGE, IIC1X3SON & Co. 5t-W. Base balls at Reduced Prices.—Cock of the Walk and Bounding Rock—regula tion size and weight, and the best ball made. Price, tl.00. Other qualities at correspondingly low prices, at Burke’s Book Store. _ Oconee Fair Association.—A meet ing pf the stockholders of the Oconee Fair Association will be held at the Court House in Athens on Saturday December 11th, at 10 o’clock. A full attendance earnestly wished. H nby Jennings, Scc’y. Five thousand pounds assorted Stick Candy, threw thousand pounds assorted French Candy, two hundred boxes Fire Crackers, two hundred bushels fino Apples, Oranges, Cocoanuts, Ac., at low figures, wholesale and retail by Taj-mad e, Hodg son A Co. 6t-w. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Athens Steam Laundry and Soap Com* pany, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved that it shall he the dutyoltjm President and Directors to sell at public outcry all the property. Jb th real and per- onal, belonging to the Athens Siram Laundry and Soap Company, within. 80 days from the passage ot this resolution. This Nov. 10th, 1875. t _ E. K. Lumpkw; Secretary. In accordance with the above resolution, the property, both real and personal, with ail accounts due the Athena Steam Laun dry and Soap Co., will be offered to the highest binder on December 10th, at the building belong ug to the Athens oteam Laundry, at eleven o’clock a. m. Jakes H. Huggins, Present. S. D. Mitchell, Sectary. tr«, STORE HOUSE FOR RENT. New Store 15Him on Clayton t, and adjoining Lreter's Block, with bar g<>o«l Otlice* a I xi ve, will be r»*a«ly for oae by tha 18th of JSepictuber, anil arc nt»w oflerrd for rent. Apply to JOHN 11. NKWTOM. or Sl'MMKY, lit It HINSON d BELL, Aug 18—42-tf. Deuprec Block. N E W I T will get a copy t. REl'OltrEK, lor six montlit; tbe PRE MIUM WEEKLY OF GEORGIA; took the gold medal at tbe State Fair in 1873, W HAT IT WILL DO. or tl.c best country weekly in tKe Stale, 44 tjp.ign.phv, make-up, biwineae, reading tnatier, nnJc.iiti.rial maiuigemeut con»i.!er- eJ.” Send ox* uouas, *»d tst it /ok six warms. Sjicciiiun Topics free. the Lagrange reporter Is not merely a local paper. Besides its local andmls- ceUaneona reading, it no* a department devoted to tbe (knn and garden; n department apeeially adapted to household reading: oho devoted to State no wa, one to news of the Southern State*, and one to tho newa of the world, collated with great care from tho telegraphic: dis patcher aa found in tho beat metropolitan dailies. E-Hjiocial pains are given to the newi columns, tbs design of the publisher being to give his readers the caserne of all the no wa, gathered from all sources and boiled down. By this system, the readers are kepi informed of all event* of importance that happens anywhere, and the publisher thinks he can josUy claim that !■ this re- The LaGkaxce Uetortex lias no superior of its class. Terms, $* a year; $\ for six Booths. 8e*d for tceitnen copy. Address J. T. WAEERMAN. oct2'\ LaGkakoe, UA. Great Reduction in Prices F or the next thirty davs. Brackets, Wall lVckrO. and all kinda of Onuuocntal Wirt, W ' greatly REDUCED PRICES. Now i. the lime lo aiako your booses bcaatUU at low •*G^i haftmaariv- PROSPECTUS HL NEW YDrTwEEKLY hERALD. James Gordon Bennett, Proprietor. BROADWAY AND ANN STREET. POSTAGE FREE. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 4*2. A CHALLENGE urn.-on vs. sixoxb. Owinjr to Uio crest state of perfectien to which the Wilson Sewing Machine tin.-, keen advanced, and the litet that employees of tiie 44 Singer ” Agency at Mem pliia hove misrepresented the W ilson in uutuy ways, we therefore issue the following challenge, and invite the proprietora of the Memphis Agency, or any one repre senting them, to compote with tiie Wilson Machine in any public lull in the city, ou the following points of merit, and the deciaii.n to be left to eleven first class mechanics, six of whom may t* selected by opponents, and none to be .selected who ore uow or have heretofore been in tiie employ of eitner party. W* propose to demonstrate clearly that the Wilson Sewing Machine is superior to the Singer in the follow ing pointy vix: First—That the Wilson Machine has the best xxzn, it being made to work on the right of th. needle aa well aa ou th* left, to the Macliiue will stitch over set-ms or gathers with ease. Second.—The 44 take-up” movement for drawing up :e .-lack thread is a “positiie movement,” and uses :• check spring, and tun- prevents the missing of stitches and delays by breakage. Third.—The three principal movements in the Wilson Machine, va; tbe aarorru, tha Earn and the kudu, are ell worked by one abort shaft, instead of two long ones, tims doing away with one long abaft, also tho two - >g wheels, ano thus avoid friction. Fourth.—The WiLui. is much the easiest and lightest running Machine of the two, and lias more speed. The difference iu furor of the Wilson is ten tkoutaud stitches ,n one day of six hours’ work, the motions made with tbe feet being equal. Filth.—The »coring joints in tbe Wilson Machine are all made adjustable so that play room or lost motion can be takeipop when necessary. (Therefore our w ar rant f r five years, which we comply with, and other companies Tctu-e to give.) sixth.—The tension h not affected by tbe aiie of the thread, ahd remains the same irom 150'down to No. 10, and tli* screw for regulating retains its position. Seventh.—The huge behince wheel bring located in front and antaide tbe frame, can not soil tha dreae of the operator. Eighth.—Ti.e adjustable cones on the balance wheel spindle prevents th^s rattling and clacking noise so ob- Nin th.—The adjustable aennns on the needle bar of the Wilson iusures uurubility, prevent* noise and tbe breaking of need Vs. Tenth.—The It ilson Machine, by a slight motion of tbe operator’s foot, i* thrown out of motion when the bobbins are being wound. Tli a gives four advantages: 1st. It aavae the labor of driving tiie machine when you are not sewing; 2d. The unnecessary wear on machine ry; td. The tucker or any attachment in use eon re main in positiou without moving (which stops tho wear and tear), and with tbe work in tne machine; 4th. Be ginners or others cannot break the thread should they turn the machine baedward, and the belt or bond re mains in position and always ready. In the event of a foilar* to demonstrate the above points, we hereby agree to pay the rent of the ball se lected by opponents and forfeit tbe maohina* on exhibi tion, or wk* mm. This challenge, if accepted, will be earned oat ten days after receipt or written notice from oppeoenta, stating time and plriw for th* contest. September lit, 1874. _ „ 1 M. M. BEACH. 217 Second street, Memphis, Term. CLUB RATES. Three Copies, per annum Jive Copies, 44 Ten Copies, 44 Twenty Copies, 44 An extra copy will be sent to every club of ten or mon. Additions to elnba received st club rates. These rates make tho Weddf Herald tho Cheapest publication in the country. Terms cash in advance. Money sent by mail will be the risk of tbe sender. A generous portion of the Weetif Herald wiU be ap- irupriated to Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, ’omology and tbe management of domestic animals. Particular atteution Markets. novS.—2td-8tw. CARD- 7l> the Patrons of Husbandry of the State of Georgia. Y OUR Executive Committe* hav* this day entered into an agreement with the Grangers’ "Life and Health Insurance Company of the United State* of America—tbe parent or general office of wlnehj* lo cated at Mobil*. Alabama—whereby our Older will, in our jnJgment, be greatly benefited. Theparticuta* and substantial benefits accruing to the State GraogewiU be fully given you in a circular addressed ta tha Marten and members cS each Orange in tbe State. Tour Exe cutive Committee, after due oocolderaHoq sod Cmwftil investigation, are folly impressed with tb* important resalteoftheir action, and feel no hesitancy in promi*- ing ukat satis factory good to the Order, and, therefore, aak your hearty co-operation and ari rn an early com- liaoaa on th* part of the Patron*, with tb* agreement Good Reading at Fame Prices. D URING the summer months, Miseellaneona Books of all kinds, will bo sold at Gbuilt Rincon &.t Now u Toy Money T EN DoQara’ worth of Toy Green Back* for Ten CtnuiThe very «Mug -^^Bookfoore. Jane* Iff*. * 1 -* t LEGAL BLANKS, Neatly printed and for aale rt this effio life and Health Insurance is a sound institution, organiied upon the true principle* of life insurance; offering all tbe advantages and pro tection tbit any company can: ■» purely Bcythara company, under tbe ccotrol and meregimaat of SZSlSS£AiSSSS&saiS jpatreoage of the Order.. UVlNGStOHS, J. 8. LAVENDER, Executive.Committee. Atlanta, 0-- October 18,187*. ATHENS I F.MALE ACADEMY. ^Ti meeting of tbs Bond ol Trartecaof the Athwia Clarke Sheriff’s Sales. yi^ILL be sold before the Court House TT door in the city of Athena, Clarke county, Ga., on tho fint Tuesday in Deoambornext, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One tract of Land, two mue* and a half from arhses on th* road leading to Georgia Factory, adjoining lands of John L Hoggins and other*, containing one hundred and two acres, more or leas, withallof the appurtenances thereto bakmging, ril levied upon by virtue of two Jua- tiee Court foSm, from 216th District G. 1L, October Term, 1878, at tbs suit of Jackson ft Thomas and others va. Mrs. Indiana V. Hoover. AU sold to satisfy th* above stated fl. &*. Levy mad* and returned to tne by A. Briley, S. C. novS-fit J. A. BROWNING, Bheriffi f "t EORG1A.—Clasxx Coottt.—Ordinary 4 * Office, U Nov. ltd, 1875.—Matilda Coooh, wlleof Hlnun Coo* (harafoaing), has applied for Xxamptiao of Per sonalty, and I wifi pais upon the same at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 9th day of December, 1875, at my office. BOT40.-4L ASA If. JACKSON, Ordinary. M vEOBGIA.—Ciaxxx Cotnrrr —Ordinary'* Office, U Nor. 27th, 1875.—Cornelia D. Barrett ha* applied for Exemption of Personalty, and I will pass upon tha some at 10 o’clock a. m., on the 9th day of Member, 1875. at my offioft, t , {j nov.S0.-2t. ASA U. JACKSON, Ordinary. G EORGIA Cum* Comcrr-—Ordinary’s Office Nov. 24th, 1675.—Joel ILDean baa oppUed for axemption of personalty, and ! wULpaas upon the same at IS o’clock nn, oo the 9th day oTPaownbcr 1S7S at myeffio*. ASA M. JACK80N, Ordinary. nov*0-ft ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary ot Hart county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in HartweU, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the fint Tuesday in December next, the following property, to wit: one tract of Laud lying in arid county, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or leas, tolerably well improved; about 40 aen-a under cultivation, and weU watered. Also, 75 acres, mure or leas, adjoining land* of W. A. Hilliaid, Marion Cheek and Albert Laird. The E. A. K. R. ruts through both tracts. All to be sold os the property i: Sarah E. Hilliard, deceased, for the benefit ot tho belt and creditor*. Terms, one-third cosh, tbe other two- thirds 12 months ere.iit, with note and approved secur ity, and bond for title when land is paid for. Oct 25, * t75. M. it JOHNSON, uovA—l-5t.—[P. F. $6.00.1 Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Clarke oounty, will bo sold before tb* Court House door of arid county on tb* first Tuesday in January next, during tbe legal hours of aria, th* following lands, to wit; one tract lying in said oounty on th* Oeonoe River, containing 160 seres, more or loss, adjoining lands ot John White and others, on which ta a comfortable dwelling and neoeaaary out houses, being tha place on which Mis. Jane G. Richardson resided rt the time of her death, about 60 scree of it in plantation, 80 in woods, balance in old field pine. Also, one tract lying in said oounty, containing 32 sens, more or less, adjoining John White and others, ril in the woods: daid two tracts to be told aa tha pro perty of David jfichardaon, deceased, for tbe benefit of nis heirs, i Also, one other tract lying in arid county, containing 103 acne, more or leas, on which it a cabin, abont 33 acres in plantation, 20 In woods, balance in old field, adjoining.John White and land* of David Richardson, deceased. To be sold as the property of Jane G. Richardson, deceased, for the benefit of her heir*. Also, one other tract, lying in arid connty, containing 100 acres, more or less, adjoining Reese Barber and others, n oatly in the woods; to be sold as tha property of David Richardson, deoeaaed, and Jane G. Richardson, deceased, for tho benefit of their respective heirs. Terms for all said land*, cash. NATHANIEL RICHARDSON, Adm’r., of DAVID RICHARDSON, deceased, and of JANE G. RICHARDSON, deceased. nov24-30d. Notice. A LL PERSONS HOLDING DEMANDS AGAINST the estate of YOUNG VICKERS, deceased, late Oconee county, are hereby notified to present them the unnersigned, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law: and those persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate pay ment. THOMAS BOOTH, nov30-6w Adminixtrator. 's EORGIA.—Ocovxx Conm.—Ordiuary's Office, ll Nov. 19th, 1875—D iption of Personalty tion of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 12 o’clock m., on tbe 9th day of December, 1875, rt m; office. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. Nov.30.-2t G EORGIA—OCON EECOU NTY.—Ordinary'a Office, Nov. 18th, 1875.—J. 6. Jordan has applied for Exemption of Personality and 1 will pas* npon the same at 11 o’clock a. m. on the Oth day of December, 1875, at my office. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. NovlO-2t paid also to Reports of tbe _ Therim will be to make the Wmttf Herald superior to any other agricultural and' family newspaper in the country. Every number of the H'arify Herald will contain a elect story and the latest and moot important news by 1 legraph from ril parts of the world up to tho hour of iblication. During the session of Congress the WuUf Herald will contain a summary of the proceeding* end th latest Neera by Teh graph from Washington, Political 4 Religious, Fashionable, Artistic, Literary and Sporting luteUiecnco; Obituary Notices, Varieties, Amusements, Editorial Articles on tbe prominent topics of the day, a review of the Cottle and Dry Goods Markets, Financial and Commercial Intelligence ond accounts of all the im portant and interesting event* of the week. The price of subscription, whenever practicable, should be transmitted by Post Office Orders, It ta the safest mode of transmitting money by mail. At small Post Office* in tbe country where Post Office Orders cannot be obtained money may be remitted in ^JClvertUemenla, to a limited number, will be inserted in the WeeUy Herald. ■ *y,- j THE DAILY~HERALD. POSTAGE FREE. Annual Subscription Price 412—Always in Advance. Newsdealers Supplied POSTAGE FKXK. Daily Edition Three cent* per Copy Sunday Edition Four cents per copy Weekly Edition .Three cents per Copy Write the address on letters to the N*w YouHnau in a bold and legible band and give the name of eech •ubscriber, of Po*t Office, County and State so plainly that uo error* iu inailiug papers will be liable to occur. novl7-1875. BOOTS AND SHOES TO ORDER. N W- HAUDRUP, ARTIST, Has removed Us Shop fro** the old IgMnbard Building Kaanuiteed. Jane It, 1875—«54f KING’S CURE FOR CHICKEN CHOLERA, IS THE ONLY CERTAIN REMEDY FOB THE DIBBA8B AMONG v i Poultry of all Kinds. Used twice a week H "ill Prevent the Disease, And keep the Poultry in a HEALTHY CONDITION. It has been used successfully for yean thin and other States. Prion 60 eento per bottle, which makes TWO GaLIX>N6 of tbe Medicine. Prepared by DbTwM. KING, Athens, Ga.—33-tf. - ■ Blacksmith Shop. smith Ua* in a superior manner and rt re charges. H* haathe best workmen and uses but file beat material. Plantation Work, Hon ing, and vary difficult job* a spedmUy. SHOP located opposite Mr. J. Z. Cooper's livery Stable, —— For Sale. A 100GalloaStill, with Capaai Worm Apply to Somme;, Hutcheson ft BeU, or Ji t Jane *,.187*. Oconee County GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, William Harris, (colored) applies to mo for letters of adminis tration oo the estate of Cordelia Harris (colored,) late of arid county, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admot iah all concern ed to allow cause (if any they have) at my office, oct or before the first Monday in January next, why arid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 16th dav of Nov. 1876. uov24-30d. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. A XT HERE A S, Eugene W. Brydye (color- VV ed) applies to me for letters ot Ad ministration on the estate of Samncl Freeman (oolored), late of arid county, deceased, — ....— These arc therefore to cite and admonlahall concera- Nov. lyth, t875.—DeUlaii O’DU.onhte appliedfo, ^forathTfi^n^fn J^ul^XfeSSi should not be granted. Given nnder my hand at office, this the 15th day of November, 1875. * nov24-30d. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, David R." Elder, Guardian of William T., John, F. W. and Mary M. Osborn, (now Mary M. Elder), orphans of John Osborn deceased, applies to me for letters o? dla- miaaioa from said guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned to ehow cause (if any they have) rt my office on or before tbe first Monday in (January next, why arid letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office this 3d day of Nov. 1875. ASA U. JACKSON, Onllnarv. novl7w4t. ( EORQI A.—Oconx*_ Cocstt.—Ordinary’• Nov. Exemptioi at 10 o'clock my office. nov.30-2L Office, J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. v EORGIA.—Oooiri* Cocxrr.—Ordinary’s Office, VI Nov. 27tb 1875.—Fountain Brown has applied for Exemption of Personality, and I will peas upon tbe seme December 8th, 1875, ot 12 o'clock in., at my office. not80-2L J. B. LYLE, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Coart of Ordinary ol Oconee county, Ga., wiU bo sold before the Court Honae door in Wrtkiusville, in said county, within tbe legal hoar* of trie, ou the fint Tuesday in December next, tbe following property, to wit: A beautiful Farm, ten miles below Watkinsville, on theColeham rood. On the place is an excellent dweUing, with six rooms, a fine well of water, a good gin-howto and twoatory barn, and ril other necessary ont-buildings. The place con tain* three hundred end fifty acre#, more or less, sev enty-five acres native forest, fifty seres pine forest, and twenty-five seres bottom land. Also on the place is s fine orchard of choice fruit trees. To be sold es the iropervy of Ed moo Elder, deceased, for the benefit of •is legatees. Terms, hair cash, the other half twelve month* credit, with note and approved security. Oct. 30, 1875. WM. T. ELDER, nov.3—1-5L—{P. F. (8.00.) Adm’r. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY: tv HEREAS, Willis M. Willingham, AdmhAfrstor yv of the Estate of Htodenoo Willingham, late of •aid connty, deoeaaed, has tendered to me his resig nation as snob administrator, and prays for tho appoint ment of John 8. Linton, a creditor of laid T*iffi5rl in hit stead. These ere therefore to idmoniah the ««<■) John 8. Linton, tbe next of kin and tba creditors of arid deceased. S. Linton appointed admhtistratorTfarid deceased, in place of Mia AYillii M. Willingham# Given under my hand, at office, thla 25th day of Oc- tober, 1876. A8A M. JACKSON, nov l-st. ■ less, ou tl Griffith, Mon _ hereon James 1 Madison Sheriffs Sale. 1X7ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE V v Court House door in tbe town of Danieltville, within tho legal hours of sale, on tbe fint Tuesday in Jan nary next, tha following proparty, to wit: Two hundred and thirty Sevan acne ol land, more or ou the waters of Hudson River, adjoining lands of and others, it being tba place ; lived rt the time or his death. hundred and twelve ' James L. Bird’s in terest in Ms tathePa estate, on the water* of South Broad River, near Danlelavtila. Levied on aa the pro perty of James L. Bird, deceased, by virtue of three fl. las. issued from th* Superior Court of Madlaon county, in fovor of the executors of R. W. Prenit, deceased, va. James L. Bird, principal, and Wiloon J Bird, security; one in favor of B. M. Muwney and J. N. Montgomery, executors, v*. J. L. Bird; A. C. Neal and J. N. Mont gomery, security, and one fl. ta. In fovor of R. M Mewney and J. N. Montgomery, executors, vs. Jam. L. Bird and A. C. Nad, security. Property pointed out by plaintiff end notice given to the parties in interest, Nor. 29th 1875. dec7At T. F. BAKER, Sheriff GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Courtney W. Beal, (eolored) applies to e for letters ot Gnardianahip of Courtney Thom.. minor, under fourteen yean rid, of ArriedJcy Thomas (oolored) deoeaaed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed to show cans* at my offlot, oo or before the fint Monday in December next why said letters should not be granted. Given nnder my hand at office, this 14th Oct. 1878. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. oct20w30d. Also one-tenth interest in (612) five hn acres of nmd, men or lass, it being Ji forest in Ua father's estate, on the • ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y’ virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary ot Wilkes county, will be arid oo the fint Tuesday in December. 1875, in the city of Athens, rt the usual place of holding public aalas for Clarke connty, daring land side boars, all that boose and lot of land situated forth* efty at Albans and adjoining lots of C. Morris ' Mrs. Baynon. arid t.*aa* and 1*1 known as tha lat* dance ot William Brown deceased, and arid aa tbe property of Mary A. Gordon, deceased for the benefit ot hire and creditors. Terms ot sale crab. 1L P. REESE, Administrator Mary A. Gordon. novt-w4t. Valuable Farm for Sale. B Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Banks connty, Georgia, granted upon th* peti tion of Amanda Ellison, former guardian or Josephine and Oofo EUiaou, will be sold before tb* Court House door in Homer, Banks county, oath* fint Tuesday in December next, within the lawful hours of sals, on* tract of land in said county, on Hicki known as th* Robert Barnwell Place, tains 411 acres, mon or leas—80 to 78 acres ot good bottom land, all in a high state of cultivation. Thaforai ia oo* of tb* heat hr the oounty—well watered, well timbered, well improved ; good society, in five miles ol North-Xartara Railroad, five miles from Homer, ooo- veniant to churches, schools and mills. Two-thirds ot this property is tba property af tba wards of thennder- rigMSiths other third hriean to lire. Amanda Ellison, who will join in th* aria arxTin tha dead. Title* per fect. Terms: ana-half cash, tha other half credit for 12 months, with Interest rt 10 per cent, per annum; th* purchaser gating only bond lor titles till the final **^w| ia made. And at tba aome time anil plant tbt eM Iwmeetwri will be rented for 1678. T. P. CLEVELAND, Guardian of Josephine and Obia Ellieoa. TDAELLISOr dot! Ida. AMANDA] DN, forhtnalC GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. 147HEREAS, Thomas Booth, Guardian v v of Clement H. Ashford, oiphsn of William H. I, orphan ol ilieeto me for letters of dlamiarion cite and admonish all ooooera- Ashford deceased, a; from arid Guardiamm These are therefore ed to show cause (if any tha; have), at my oflloe, on or before the first Monday in December next, why laid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at offiee, this 27th day of Oat. 18W- ASA M. JACKSON, Orainiry. nov3>w4L GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. w 57HEREAS. Ann R. Herring, Administratrix UttJra o^i^^^TS^ifoffi! 0 tU are therefore to rite and admonish all concerned to •howeanaMif any they have) at mv office on or before Gt* Monday In, January next, why arid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this Slat day of Sept. 1876. ASA M. JACKSON, OrtUnay. Sept. 29, 1875—lmSm. ’ COAL! C0AL.IL H aving established *co*n with are Warehouse, withe a DEED TONS, I am now prei ing Coals to tho ritixtna ofAtl GENUINE “ CAHABA,” OfAMgg. A-moat excellent Coal for domestic use, “ BLACK CREEK,” Augnrt 11,7875. J -H. CARLTON. BOOK AGENTS ANN GOOD SALESMEN Are -COINING MONET” with tba foraoua EIDsi DESIGNS, Tba French Edition of which arils for (145, and the London Edition for (9M. Oer FUpnlar Edition (5A0), containing over On* Hundred foil-page quarto plates, fl tha chaapeat nd murt elegant publication in Athvtvml and the'beat to aoIL Critics vie with each other in praising it, and the ameaea boy it. Agent in Charleston. 8. C, reports 97 orders; one in sssaSSdrij&ajBrft-1" Full particulars free. Address. J. B. FORD ft CO., Publisher!, A Novtdtftr. 97 Park Plao*, New York. ymmmmmmrnAmaAm Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, Mas. T. A. Anaxa would mort respectfully inform tb* Ladles ot Athens and of counties adjacentf that she has a moat Cheka and ariect as sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, aom- pefaing in part th* latest styles and ftahionaof Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Gloves, Ac., Which aha will aril at reasonable prior*. Give her cell before purebaaing elsewhere. Orders from adia- teac* carefully filled. Stare, located on Broad street, one door above National RaeV- April SI, 1875—25-tf. A DVERTISER’S GAZETTE—A MX. Journal of Information for Adver- tistrs. Edition, 9,600 copies. PnUiahed weekly. Terms, (8 .per annum, In advanoe. Five specimen caries (different dates) to one address for 26 eta. OAoe Nil. 41 Park Row, New York. GEO. P. ROWELL ft CO n Editor* and Pobliahera. novl7,R Lostl Lost! rhN Saturday evening lest, between the reeidencsof LI Mr. John H. Newton and the first Methodist Church, a Gold end Jet Ear Bing Set with Pearls. Tbe finder by leaving Rat thla office will be liberally Oct, fi-dtt