The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 07, 1875, Image 4

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GOD LEADETR MB. The cloud* hen# beery round my war.I J2T _.***’ Bat through the darknos* I belters Am •He swectto keep mjhud In Hie, ton; 7c dote my weary, aching eyea, end ftUow Him. Through many »thorny path He lead* my tlrod fcet; Throurii many snath of team I go, hat it is awert To know that HeVdoae to me, my God, my Guide. He leadelh roe, unduo I walk quite satisfied. READINGS FOR THE FAIR SEX. Consolation for old maids—“ Misfortunes never come singly.” Carpets are bought by the yard and worn by the foot. “ She Stoops to Conquer” was written before the days of pinback skirts. “The vilest manor may return,” wrote a pions girl to her lover, with whom she had parteain anger. A distinguished young man says, “When I find the girl who has got the stamps, I find ono who does not want me.” What is the difference between a belle and a burglar ? The belle carries false locks, and the burglar false keys. In England they aro going to give a married woman her own property, and, as an offset, make her responsible for her own dobts. Do you think’t was best to drop Deacon West and Sister Moulton, too? But who would suppose such a trifle as those would cause sucn a hullaballoo? “ My landlady,” remarks a man, “ makes her tea so strong that it breaks the cup.” “And mine,” said another, “makes her’s so weak that it can’t run out of the pot.” When a stranger asked a Detroit girl whom he met at a part} if she was married, she promptly replied: “Not quite, but I’ve sued three or four chaps for breach of promise.” Brown (reads from newspaper)—“ Stur geon picked up dead on the beach at Wey mouth ” Mrs. B—: “Why, Brown! and it aint a month ago yon and me ’card him preach at the Tabbynade.” A Cuban woman commands a detach ment of the rebel army. A Northern paper informs us that she leads the insurgents in person, dressed in a riding habit and mounted on a fine horse, and is as brave as a lion Dr. Deponl, the celebrated Parisian physi cian, went to Brazil to assist at the accouch- ment ,of the princess imperial of that conn try, the Countess d’Eu, and received, besides all lus expenses, the neat 6tini of *•20,000. The IFbmen’i Journal claims that “ wo men printers were known half a century before the Revolution. A womjm, Marga ret Draper, of Boston, conducted the first newspaper in America. The original De claration of Independence was printed by Mary Catharine Goddard.” In assorting the family linen for wash, it is noticeabc that a woman bestows her own and the children’s clothing with that care and nicety peculiar to the sex, but the minute she comes to h -r husband's, things begin to fly around as if a Kcely motor had got under the pile and gone mad.—Brook lyn Argus. Our factories settle with their operatives every two weeks. These days are cot®, monly called “ settlins.” They arc begin- niag to compute time by these days. One asked another the other day how old her baby was. She answered, “ twelve settlins,” meaning twenty-four weeks.— Columlms Eiquircr. • A Saginaw lady sang ont to her hu band, ns he made his exit through the doorway: “Go to Barr’s and get some No. 50 black thread, three cord.” “ K-ris-to-fer K-lum- bo,” muttered the head of the family, as he started after the wood inspector to cord it up, “ why didn’t she order a car load lot and bo done with it. Must be she is going to have the sewing society this week.’’ No matter how’indifferent the rest of the world may prove to your goings and your comings, how careless of whether you re main away or come back, there is one per son who will witness your departure with anxious heart, one pair of oyes that will "row brighter when you return. You know her, young man. It is—it is—be T^2S°JSf®«^SSTr4fi beg to uj that, FBOM AND AFTER THE ltr OF OCTOBER, ^‘‘"“’'“cASHONMLn'ERV, except to those parties who have always paid their bills PROMPTLY , ‘f. on presentation. Where goods are charged, it wul be wiln the distinct understanding that the Dill* are DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH. . would wiffingiy give longer time If I were able, but 1 am not. 1 trust that no one will beoffeudrd at the oourae, aa my necessities drive mo to it. l hope by prompt attention to buaineta and low price*, to ment a continuance of the patronage of the public. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. Sept. tt-47-O: CASH FOR WOOF, —on— CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athena Manulacturing Company are now making a much larger variety of Woolen Goods than ever before, H&xchange them for Wool, ff believing it to be more to tbo intereat of the Planter to Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Card- & e t$°"** home * aiimocSSucS^,aSE£°‘ May 19,1875—29-tf. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. •txp.*; • : • : u - 1 PKALEKSIN . • . I Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, RUBBER BELTING, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Mill Findings, j. '! AGENTS TOE Winship and Sawyers Cotton Gins, &c„ &c., Ac. ATHENS, GEORGIA. LINS DELIVERED IN ATHENS AT MANUFAC TURERS PRICES. Sept. SO—1-tf. ,T. T BOWMAN & CO, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, EZSEX2 OAT, GA.,/ ■Will attend to the business of effecting sales and pur- '"iRHL&Ea i&WATOBg aa Agents, on REASONABLE TERMS. Applications should be made to T. J. Bowman. October 4,1875.—40-1 m. NOTICE* Great Redaction In Priees. O N and after Oct. let we shall otlfer to out customers, goods in onr line at much lower figures than here tofore. To enable ns to do this, we will adopt stricilv the Cash System. We are now receiving a large and fall assortment of goods, bought at low prices, which we invite all to call and examine. CHILDS, NICKERSON * CO. Sept. 15—46-tf. Livery, feed and Sale Stable, ATHENS, GANN & REAVES PROPRIETORS Will be fonnd at their old stand, rear Franklin House building, Thomas street. Keep always on band good Turnouts and careful drivers. Stock well cared for when entrusted to oar care. Stock on hand for sale at all timea. deelStf. JE-. Boot and Shne Manufacturer, k** COLLEGE AVENUE, Next Door to Post Office. O N band, Uppers for making Low Quartei*. Con gress, Alexia-Ties, and Prince Alberts. Repair ing promptly executed. Send ten dollurs, per mall or express and yon shall re ceive a first class pair of boots. June So, 1875. S5- Millinery and Fancy Goods. USTE'W HATSi S3 2 J UST received another lot of Felt Hats. Fe’t lists for 75c. Felt Hats for $1.50; also. Wings, Ostrich Plumes and Feathers, Velvet and Silk Ribbons, Belts Neck Tics, Ruchings, Real and Imitation Hair Goods, Jewelry, Tuck Combs, Zepher, Germantown Wool for Shawls'and a great many other articles too numerous to meuliou, at prices to suit the requirements of the times. Ilair combings made into Switches; Regalia's order; Braiding and Stamping neatlv executed at MISS C. JAMES. Store located on Broad St., between Drs. Longa & Billups and Smith’s Drug Stores, Alliens, Ga. Sept. SO—d&w-Sm. CHEAPER THAN EVER! THE undersigned would beg to an nounce to his -triends and the public generally, that he has just returned from liis annual tall trip to New York and Boston, with a large and varied stock oi very superior goods, consisting partly of the following, selected with great care: - MEN AND YOUTHS’, READY HADE CLOTHING ... < of the latest fall styles, Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, Ladies, Gents’ and Boys Shoes, Boots and Hats, in al most eudless variety,Um brellas, Fine Ken tucky Jeans, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Factory Goods, Yarns, Osnaburgs, Checks, Shirtings, Fine Wamsutta and other brands, Bleachings, Tickings,Blankets, &c. &c. &c. Also, Saddles, Bridles and Harness, Drugs, Crockery and Glassware, Hollow Ware, and Hardware; also, the Celebrated Murfres boro’ Red Cedar- ware, &c. Also, a full liuo of choice Groceries, Sugars, Coflees, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Lard, Hams, Cheese, Kerosene Oil. And many other choice goods too num crons to menton, and which must bo seen to he appreciated. The alwjve goods, owing to the recent decline, he will be en abled to sell at prices which : will ASTONISH THE NATIVES, J. H. HUGGINS. TTAYING just returned from the Northern markets with a large stock of goods, I 1 bought at low prices, is selling goods in his line 25 per cent cheaper than hereto- tbre. He is making a speciality of Crockery. Class ware- Lamps and Oils. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells the best Kerosene Lamp Oil at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups and Saucers at 25 cents per set. Sells common Glass Tumblers at 25 cents per set, Sells ouinntoit Glass Goblets at 50 cents jnsr set, . Sells common Plates at 40 to 75 cents per set. Sells the best Granite Plates at 75 cents to $1.00 per set. ; Sells the best Granite Cups ami Saucers at 90 cents to $1.00 a set, Sells Kerosene Lamps at 25 cents to $10.00 each. . J. H. HUGGINS, Has a lot of Beautiful China Tea Setts Has a lot of Fancy and Plant Chamber Sets, Has all kinds of Crockery and Glass Ware, Has all kinds of Litmps, Burners and Chimneys, Has a large stock of Family Groceries, Has a large stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Glli&I&Igll! ... ■ amass Broad Street, Opposite College Campus, Athens, Georq * TAKES this method, of announcing to the public generally, that he hag ^ returned from New York with the largest and most complete stock of tv,n Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, .Tranks, Umbrellas, Gent’s Fu^ j ing Goods, full lines of Ladies’ Fancy Goods, such as Ties, Scarfs '\y‘ ^ Goods, in Shawls, Cloa&s, &c., &c. Also, a desirable line of Lady’s and dren’s Fancy Furs, and complete lines of other Goods, too numerous to ~nm^ He invites the attention of buyers to the same, feeling confident that he SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS SEASON Which he has been unable to do heretofore. Thanking the pubKc f or patronage, and hoping to receive a share of the same hereafter. My . J. H. HUGGINS, Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes Ac., &c , Sells Sugar of all grades Coffee, Lard and Cheese, Sells Bacon, Flour, Meal, Soap and Starch, Sells Liverpool and Virginia Salt, Syrup and Vinegar, Sells lime and Cement, Cuba and Common Molases, Sells Bleaching, Calico, Factory Stripes and Cheeks, Sells Factory Jeans, Plains, Shirting and Osnabttrgs. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells Knives and Forks, Suoons and Pocket Cutlery, Sells Boots, Shoes, Hats, Harness and Leather, Sells Buckets, Brooms, Tubs and Oil Caus, Sells Baggin, Ties, Rope, Hoes; Axes and Traces, Sells the Virginia Woolen Cashimere, oh it is so nice, Sells many other goods too nutnerons to mention, Sells goods at low prices, g* and see foryourself. offer Oct. 6—49——3m. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. ■ Very respectfully CHARLES STERy Go to Oct. 6—49—tf. SH2 £2£2 (S3 <33 ^ S3 £22 o DON’T FORGET THE PLACE, J • H HUGGINS’. Ho. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. THE New firm and New Stock! MATTHEWS& JACKSON NO. 1. BROAD STREET, (Old stand of T. BISIIOP & SON.) W E have just received an entirely N w Stock of DRY GOODS AND- GROCERIES '. 1 , And offer them CHEAP FOR CASH. Wo would also ask our friends to give ns a call before selling their cotton ns we expect to buy cotton and will L. BCHEVKNELL• G. H. YANCEY. L. SCHEVENELL & CO.. BRO ) E T, ATHENS, G A. DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, 4SAWSS, FANCY ARTICLES, Sec., Sec., Having BEST WORKMEN, we are prepared to do N0&THEa8TE8N HAtlBO&D SB ■ OOWflttj AND THENEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND DAILY ARRIVING, AT HUNTER & BEUSSEE’S ARE CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF A LARGE LOT OF ^ READY-MADE CLOTHING) A3)AJP^mu) mata od&oo&s CASSmiRE AND OTH R C&QTBS, Paranoia, Umbrellas and JDry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy and Family Groceries, WOOBH^-WAJMB AHB CIWB3H, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, / *.i - Leather, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Cigars, Tobacco, &c., CHOICE FLOUR AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, OSNABURGS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &C., &C., &C\, &t. The above Goods having been recently purchased in New York, at reduced pris are now offered to the public at Low Figures. 86?* Come and be convinced. HUNTER & BEUSSE, Sept. 29—48-tf. DEUPREE’S CORNER And all work of thU kind, such as Fours, Spoons Watches, &c\, plated by us, warranted REPAIRING IN S U OR STYLE. WE MARE A 8PECIALT1 OR I. V a: It A \ It (i O I. It PI. A T ■ V G, FALL AND WINTER 1875. Are now prepared to show one of the most elegant and largest stocks cl mentioned classes of goods, or in any other, call on S. c. DOBBS, Lower part of Brood Street, opposite Dorsey A Co’s i Sept. 29—48-tf. equul to that done tty any establishment in the country. PRICES REASONABLE P. W. HUTCHESON. A. A BELL. CEKERAL TICKET AGiHCY. RAILROAD TICKETS For Bale, by ull routes, and to all priucijol points in the UNITED STATES. Boy your Tickets before leaving Athens, and get all inlormation from Capt. WM. WILLIAMS, Agent Southern Express Co., Athens, Ga. May 12, 75 Shtf. ASTONISHING. .... . . - «r °. , . 7 i selling their cotton as we expect to Still, oh, beating heart 1 It IS yonr wash- pay the highest market prioe for it. woman.—Brunsxeick News. \ octsowtt. MATTUE A man made his wite glad by telling her lie had sold bis dog fwhicli was a nuisance to bis wife) for fifty dollars. She straight way began to congratulate both him and herself on this welcome accession to their little stock of money, when ho put a terri bly wet blanket on her satisfaction by tell ing her it was not exactly a cash trade, but he had got two pups at twenty-five dollars apiece. A drag driven by an elegantly dressed lady, and with a trim and neatly attired colored boy perched on the footman’s seat behind, was passing through the streets, when it was espied by an old colored wo man. “Bress de Lord,” she exclaimed, raising her hands as she spoke. “ Bress de Lord, I nebor ’spccted to see dat. I won der what dat cullud young gemmen pays dat young white *oman fur dnviu’ dat ker- ridge? I know’d it’d come, but nebe ’tpected to lib to sec it. Dis nigga’s ready to go ’way now.” expect to bay < •ice for it. MATTHEWS & JACKSOF. A young lawyer was taking tea with a lady friend who has a beautiful and bright little cherub of seven summers. The limb of the law was saying grace over the table thus: We praise thee our father for these rich viands set before us, and for these beau tiful fish that once disported in the briny Seep, that now at last find a resting place. Seeing the little girl move about, he said: why don’t yoa ait still while I’aa earing grace?” “Grace!” replied ah#-t •“DifrgWice yon mean.”—Atlanta Consti- ha At < o - a/riza Mrs. Westmoreland, of Atlanta, contin-1 nes her stirring appeal s in behalf of the establishment’Qt atV Industrial School for .women in this State, and if eloquence and perseverance can insure success, she will certainly acowipUsT* W purpose. In one p{ her late articles in' the Atlanta papers, she says: . -I If Atlanta will give us grounds and a building and a portion of its school fund, as it does to its other public schools, and the and to the negro colle^g kttpff place, we can. make the school Free,' as it should be. 4ft nua private enterprise, we will be compelled to begin with one or two de partments,’ ^and charge^ the pupils for in- her I bom <“>4 negroes! Does she not owe to flavb theyjiot, for somethingowa^entu ra, served; her cheerfully and fitithfiilly? Have thev not given her wise counsellors in times of peace, and brave soldiers in tint, of war? Aye, they have rendered unto her. hot only the allegiance of faithful sub- jects, but they have laid upon her. altar their own heart’s blood. And whaV has the Stato done in return for them ? Has .t taught the great lessons of self-relianci Any place where the fearful responsibili and sacredness of motherhood is impress PPW The proeren made by the WlLsoN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Inventive akill boa been taxed to its utmost, and the result is, the The Most Perfect and Desirable Machine, for General and Family Ueo, jet produced. It it Simple and Easy to Operate, is not liable to get out out of repair, its Work is the Best as was shown by the FIRST PREMIUMS awarded it at the Universal Exhibition in Vienna, in 1878, and it is sold at a LESS PRICE than any other Machine ofita STANDARD EXCEL- Foraale bj J. M. UPSHAW and F. P. GRIFFITH. Be euro to see the Wilson before you buy. May 19.1875 29-tf. FOR SALK. THE lOWELUf the SOUTH. Water Power enough to turn ALL OF TIIE Machinery in Georgia. Best Location for Building up a Manufacturing Town iN’> all the South. Sixty odd feet fall o Water in less than one mile. SITES FOR FOUR OR MORE LARGE COTTON MILLS, OR OTHER MANUFACTORIES. W ILL sell, upon most reasonable terms and price, the ce'ebratcd with five hundred acres, more or Icm, uf HriST CLASS Farm and Timbered Land* stLched. llie above state- tuenta iu regard to this Shoal AUE TRUE la every particular, and being located within eight ratlee of Athena, and theeafuedieunce from Crawford, on the Ath ena branch of the Georgia Railroad, and in the verv heart of one of our best COTTON GROWING Sections, affords an opportunity for establishing a Manu facturing Interest which, iu point of capacity natural facilities, and many other surrounding advantages, cannot he excelled In this country. ONE MILLION DOLLARS and more might hen beadvaataceouely expended, within a distance of not mere than one mile. For price, terms and particulars, address ■ H. H. CARLTON & CO., Real Estate Agents, m i! /Atheur, Ga. H. CARLTON. J. A. BROWNINU. it la, ii75. THE JAS. EEFFEEi Doable Tnrbine Water Wfceel, . MauutaLturcd hy V/iooA'oir i;r tint v Hbnpla, SlrcT". Dnrxb’.c, * I always roaabks and ull -• Manuf»ctUTcr5,rJc JfMtaUa & bts^«id7 Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO, »•» NO. 1 COOK STOVE, iiw: ANDT.NW^E OF ALL KINDS, CHE AP .FOR CASE; Roofin, »K ’ T-1W1 ifi and Guttering a Speciality. T. A. PCKUSY. SUMMKY, HUTCHESON & BELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN lillfill IKON, STEEL AND NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS- MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR TIIE SALE OF 9 Cotton Gins, Presses, PORTABLE EISTG-nSTES, Mowers, Reapers, Threashers, &c., &c. DEUPREE LOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. June 23,1875.* 34-tf. TALMADGB, HODGSON & CO., ; Laouimud ’ i >i. SO Bags Coffee. 100 Bftifi Cheese# - O Per 1 /vaJu Mflllllft, ass TALMADGE, HODGSON A CO. The Lntuipnuu •e'bftiil fiifjjo'l FRANKLIN HOUSE Mfrias* W«teU1,otu» vrj FIF7T CBNTS EACH, TWO DOLLARS FEE DAYi ll iiim-r; Ovstera trill* be 'sola by 1 “the quart sod rallon, to wiah them. Qiv na t 4taA<i Dr. Brick Warehouse, Also, several good , B<kiMh J ’fcr office work or lighj manufacturinc. * I— C^’-* -'iv JUIH mvHbD SM A «¥ply to -*■■*aj A , . E. P. BISHOP, No. 1 Broad St. up stairs riov.9.1875-dlawf.t r»i5l BOOIS, SHOES, HATS, FANCY GOODS, CARPETS, &C EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS MARKET. By special attention to the careful selection of our goods, we have pr* cured all the novelties the season affords, consisting in part of Elegant Plain and Solid Dress Goods, TRIMMINGS, COLLARS and CUFFS, BELTS, SCARFS AND IN FACT EVERYTHING NOVEL AND NEW. In addition to our usual expensive lines of goods, we have opened tli season, An Elegant Carpet and Shade Department, Comprising Full Lines of all tlie Leading Styles and Man factures, . Which we offer at prices, defying all Com pe tition. JVo. 5 Broad St, Jlthens, Georgia Sept. 50—l-tf. - T IIE enbucribcr* have removed to No. 12, FRANKLIN HOUSE RANGE, Broad Street, where tbey M S atantly on hnnd a large and well selected stock of FURAITUKE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To which they invite the attention of the public, and which will be sold -em.SW'.r 8B jqsfl- EC H JC rC-ffWaB- M_ . TfcT ' WILSON RECEIVED THE GRAND PRIZE M ED A La U Vienna, 1873. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. It requires no Instructions to run it It can not get out of order. It will do every class and Kind of work. : It has no cast iron cog toheels to break. It is not necessary to buy two WILSON MA CHINES, itt order to be able to do light and heavy work. It will sew from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. It is as far in advance of other Sewing Machines in the magnitude of its superior improvements, as a Steam Car excels in achievements the old fashioned Stage Coach. Prices made to suit the Times, Either for Cash or Credit. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CA1ALOQUE OF STYLES AND PRICES. Agents Wanted, Address UPSHAW & GRIFFITH, ficjt.B-47-tf. Athens, Georgia. R« R* SAULTERy DEALER IN AU. KINDS OF WINES, WHISKIES and LAGER BEER, DAVENPORT’S .•;, GIN, CIGARS, «., An Poison Revived. THIS Celebrated Rat Poison, sold for r.i:.EEYl. r .I mn ' by_Ma. HOSES DAVENPORT, and proven to be the meet .Secure AT SAULTERS EXCHANGE, Jacesox Stexxt, Atht.ns, Gioboia. Oct. 2—d-tt. ^7^——-——--^-. aiwsTtWfiw.’s.sarcai. 1 GKlhn a ALJjIAJX AvCt. SEABORN I. Tuvuvonu-P R \T ROISON- THE old reliable Almanac for 1876, trill bo readv In a few daya, and will bo lumisliod to any customers by the gross or Joren | t- AT THE LOWEST BATES. Orders reinectflilly solicited. f • Sept. 80-1-1-tf. T. A. BURKE; SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, Sept. 8—t8-Cm. Athena. Qa- Notice. N^hol^alc^an jBWnia of Sewing Machine.,. Sept. 22,1875—87-tf 8. O. DOBBS, Agenfi COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES ^ liahed AS LOW OR LOWER'lhnnbvanyotherestabluhmentintliecity. When mUh, WITHOUT ADDITION A L CHARGE, our handsome HEARSE, with horses auddnnr- J. F. WILSON Famished also furnish within the city. Athens, Ga., 8ept. 8—45-4m. THE ORAN O i . LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPAN' OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $4^500,00 ^ Of which 9100,000 to be owned in each Department. Eaeh Policy-holder U entitled to a vote ia 1 of the Company. Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama. . Capital Stock - - - - - - - •' - - " iV ,mok " B. W. IORT, Secretary. Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia. 4l0 o,0^ Capital Stock - - - 1" ’ " 9 Office, No. 2 Commercial Building, _ nRTEB , vkt-% Major & G. SAMUEL, President....’ 771771- ALEBSr bHORTEK^ j^| B. J. GWALTNEY, Seceetary ' n Dr. G. W. HOLMES, Medical Examiner. . . ., frtd BOARD OF DIRECTORS—A. P. Allgood, Trioo Factory; C. BowelL Borne, Ga. A» n p , f Ga.; C. G. Samuel, Borne, Ga.; John H. Newton, Athena, Ga.; A. B. Jones, G«-i jf: Atlanta, Ga.; Hon. D. B. Hamiltou, Borne, Ga.: Cain Glover, Borne, Ga.; T. Spring, r Bome7GaIj J. L. Camp, Borne, Go.; M. H. Bonn, Cedartown, Ga.; A. J. King, G* r H. Hutchins, Polk county, Georgia. | - Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alaoa Capital Stodt Hon. ». ». CLEUENT8 J— «* w - “ "HBSST ^rtii»t;; Heridiii, wyggfc Capital Stock..... —v—v’— joSfja. gbav, OoL JAMES W. s BB£K,P«aid*nt.............. fi .^.v ; -j— Security I 1 Are the 1 soma of ( _bridehds may be* Non-forfeiting and Cash Surr. ftept, 8—t5-«m. '■ ifm Gai‘ efAgcncI**-