Newspaper Page Text
TIio Clerk of {journal was aiithbrized to
issue billi d license to all parties now ojM>
DBBT 1870. •
The debt of the city on the first day of. Jaunuy,
1878, is aa follows: •”
8 p. c. bonds, lane of’<59,
rating under them, on their complying with
$ 2,450-00
8p. c. bonds, inue ot TO,
to Railroad..... VSfiO0,..
8 p. a bonds, isiut of ’74, . -4
to College 24,800
Town currency in circu
lation :. • •*» ..
Doe on open accounts to jjtflBS
Police officers. Gas i
Company and others. 1,250 ..
Interest due on Bridge
bonds 08 ..
interest due on College
bonds 880
Interest due on Railroad
bonds 2,040 ..
the law in regard thereto.
• A petition was read, aigued by a large
number of citizens, requesting the Council
to tei state Win. Shurly 'to a poaitioifon
tl)e police force, if not inconsistent with the
public good.
The police force having been fully organ
ized, aud all the posh ions filled, the petition
was laid on tile table.
Alderman; Hull stated that, upon inves
tigation, he was convinced that injustice
had unintentionally been done to lager
beer dealers, in fixing their license at $300.
$ 15.23S Sv
.MM 11
820 09
’ 7,000 Or-
2,013 W
Amount of Utmanil* due the
city. . .
VOI* 4. NO. 12.
, • v » .. ' • ’ m
H. II. CARLTON & CO., Proprietors.
ONE COPY, One Ymr, —. > S OO
FIVE COPIES, One Year, 8 78
TEN COPIES, One Year, 18 OO
Rates of Advertising:
Transient Advertisements, of onotqumro or more |l 00
p«*r ^u»rr for the Orti Insertion, nod SO coots fur eauh »ub»
in-qurut innertion.
»,%. All mrlvertlaeuienu considered transient except
«litre special contracts art made.
Tcu tinea or 100 words make one square.
Liberal contracts made with yearly advertisers.
Citation of Administration or Guardianship $4 00
Application tor Dismission Adm.nislraler or Guardian 5 00
A ppliratlon Tor Leave to Sell Lands ...... 4 00
Notice to Debtors and «'nditors ....... 500
Sales of Laud. Ac., per square..^. 800
Sales Perishable Property, 10 days, per sq.I 50
E«trsy Notices, 30 days - 500
Sheri if Sales, per square - « 2 50
Tas Collector's Sales, per square 5 00
Fur.closure Mortgage, per square, each time ...... 1 uo
Kxrbiblion Notices (in advaurv) .............. 2 tin
Rale Nisi's, per square. each time 1 00
Business and Professional Cards.
Olflre in tire Di-nprer Building.
C. 1). HILL,
I'rotnpt attention given to all hnsinesa and tlic same
ro-rnvt ju!!y solieted. junll-ly.
[ From tbo Cornliill Msguiut-.]
They uj the years sinus test we met
Have wrought aad change hi thee; it were better to 1'orget
Our youth’, fou<l history.
And yet 1 fain would clasp that baud,
Would meat those eye. once more.
One moment by thy tide would stand,
Aa 1 have stood of yore.
They say the veiy tones U<at thrill’d
My heart, and diui.n'd my eyes,
Row, by the eold world’s blighting chill'd,
I scarce might Teeognixv.
And yet 1 long to hoar thee apeak,
Repeat seme bygone strain,
. Although tile charm 1 there should seek
Were lisitn’d tor in vein.
I would not os. the year* roll’d back,
Conld such s choice be mine,
Nor fslter in me onward track,
TlirMigh sever’d fsr £u» n t iiine.
Rut pilgrim, may from .uir.l-wou heights
Receding homes survey,
And give a sigh to p..» delights,
Vet,—turned au-ay.
» beggar.
Due Win I, t le ot er lame,
Pick’d up so oyster on the o ay,
To wliicn they both laid claim:
The matter n»c so n jili, t at it.ey
Resolved to go to h-.w,
Aa otteu richer o- ds u .ve .one,
Who quarrel lor . -:r w.
A h.wyer'took it *ira.gnt ill baud,
And this i.ia judgment gave,
A iucII lorh.m, s shell tor t ies,
The middle i. the law* er’. fee.
.'/ rrO JLYLl' AT LA W,
utter in Mr. J. II. Newton** new LuiUtin^.
Attorney• al Lair,
.7. S. DOBTCH,
Attornej' al L a ir,
.1 TT O It *Y E V .1 T t.f l»\
WILL givp strict prr-on»l attention to all bu*ine*6 en-
iru-tej to i»i* care. Au*. 4—10—-Ijr.
Herewith .".re a few tinea taken (Vo.n the inscription un
an old toinbilone in a omntry village:
‘* Beneath this atone threj infanta* ashes lie:
Sav, arc they i«at or waved I
If dentil by sin, t.»cy i>inne*l, because they Ve here;
If lieatcu’p by wor-ia, in ncuven t.icy can't appear.
Reason, an, <1< pruved l
The Bible'* aacrc . revere, t.»e kuot ’a untied :
They died, for Aduin sinned ; they live, for Jesu* died."
tkaitn oftiie roria
Reports of ihi Various City Officers.
Our Present Fin mid Condition.
Council Chamber,
Athen Ga., Jan. 1st, 1876,
4 o’clock r. m.
The regular monthly meeting of Council
was held (bis evening: present. Aldermen
Moss, Blair, Lucas, Hull, Burke and Pittard.
The Mayor being absent, on motion of Al
derman Pittard, Alderman Mom was called
to the chair.. - , * L..
The minutes ol the last meeting was read
and confirmed.
especial oomini tee <m street intrusions was,
on motion of Alderman Burke, granted until
Wednesday next to report.
The monthly reports of the Treasurer,
Chiet of Police and Lamplighter were read
anti received.
i Oi- motion of Alderman Moss, it was re-
| solved by the Council thatour representative
in the Leg,Mature be requested to have the
following lull pa.-sed at the next session ol
the Legislature:
A Bill—To lie entitled, an act to add a
proviso to section twenty-one (21) of an act
to amend the Charter of the Town of Athens,
and the va-ious arts amendatory thereof, ap
proved August 24th, 1872.
Sec. 1. The General Assembly of the
-State ot Georgia do euact that the follow
ing i-iovi-o tie added to the ah ve recited
sectiou: “ provided the said Mayor and
Council of the City of Athens shall not
have authority to grant license for the sale
The Old Man Fond of bis Joke -How ho Re
gards I'beatres—a Great Snufftaker.
The Roman correspondent of the Const i- _ _
tutionneJ gives some ‘curious and interesting : of spirit, ous, intoxicating or malt liquors
details ot the inner life of the Pojte. It is j in any quantity, within three hundred (300)
well known that Piu» IX is fond ot his joke. ; yards, in an air line, of the Court House
He cruets his wit on all occasions. In 1872, ! square in said city.”
Mgr. deMerode broke his leg while ius|>ect-1 Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, etc.. That all
ing some huu.-cs he was having built. I'itc 1 laws in conflict with this act ate hereby re-
Holy Fattier paid him a visit in his ap rt- j pealed.
mem in the Vatican whither the Bishop j Mayor King npjieared and tori the chair,
hud been cort ve veil. Alter condoling with I '''he following lull, were ordered tube paid:
him on his mistoitunc, the Pojie, on leaving, ! R. Chappel, $3ti.00j; V. P. Hodgson,
rceotnmended him to be more prudeut, in 310.50; North East Georgian, 853.23;
Asa M. Jackson.
L. W. Thomas.
Attorneys at Law»
Athen*, Georgia.
.Attorney at Law.
Will practice in all the counties of the Western Cir-
ui!, Hurt uiul Madison of the Northern Circuit. Will
-jvc i»pcciid utteniou to nil ciminn entrusted to hi* care.
A ttorney at La w,
M*roiul attention pai<l to criminal practice. For refer-
•iky appyto Ex. Gov. T. 11. WatU and Hon. David
‘ Montgomery Ala. <»*«•
!t*u>i f t»a.
Office over Bam V Store,
Feb. 3—tf.
Attorney at Law.
Willpn-ctice in the counties of tlie Northern Circuit,
lUnks, Franklin and liabersuam ot the Western
l ircait; will give special attention to all claim* eulruat*
to l»ia care. Jan. 10, 1874—ly.
VTill practice iu the counties of Whl'e, Uidon, Lum-
f kin. Town*, aud Fanning, and the Supreme Court at
Atlanta. Will give ftpvciiil attention to all claim* en
trusted to hi* care. Auif. 11 1875—41—tf.
future, otherwise the matadie de la pierre
which tormented him, might play him false,
j This was a sly jnike at the Hi.-hop’s mania
for building stone bouses. On another ocoa-
homeophatic doctor demanded his
toil for a new hospital. The Po|ic
ted it, but in his letter he stipu
le blessing should h - given, not
__ doctors, hut also to the assist
ants,Yurses, and everybody couuected with
th-3 establishment that is to say. it was to
lie a benediction a dose homcopathigue. It has
hitherto lieen thought that PiusIX holds the
atres ami actors in the utmost ahhor-ence. If
the correspondent in question has to be be
lieved, his Holiness is nothing like so intoler
ant in the matter as he is represented. The
; Pope, it appears, has often given proofs of
his good will tuwntd the sock and buskin.
When a celebrated local comedian, named
Domenilone, gave his larewel] at the Valle
Theatre, the lloly Fattier sent him fitly
crowns for a box, which, however, he did
not occupy, much to the regret 01 the actor.
He is an excellent musician, ami plays well
on the violoncello, lie possesses a good
baritone voice, wniclt he exercises on ull fes
tive occasions. He is verv particular about
the getting up of all religious teles, ami ou
one occasion introduced a novelty which
caused much sut prise. It was apropos of
the prise de possession ol Sit. Jean de Lan
tern. Dining the procession round the cons
iessional, the l’o|ie, instead of marching to
the right, went to the fell. The mister of
the ceremonies was stuiM-fied, and, rushing
up exclaimed, "tsautilit. this is the way,”
(Miiuting to the right. The Po|ie took no
notice, and coniinmd Ins route. Again .. - . , ..
the master of the ceremonies advanced ami j ,,r s low ’
tJHOk}.: •-
$129,218 00
The following amounts.are dor the city:
Oa Tax Digests $2,800 00
On Buckets of Mayor’s
Court, TO and ’74 ... 950 00
^Interest on account with-It and College
Cash on hand, January
lft*1875 $ 1,821 00
Cash received from taxes
1874 and ’75 10,218 18
Cash paid for bond
No 23
Cash paid on inu-rest...
“ oa band
820 00
7,000 00
4,330 14
$12,040 14 $13,040 14
Cash on band January
tat, 1875 $ 474 61
Cash received from taxes
1874 and ’75 .. 2,554 54
Cash paid to Knox
school.... 110 80
Cash paid, iutc-rest 2,012 00
“ on baud 800 35
Alliens Manufacturing Com|iuny, $40.00;
T. P. Beevers, S10.50; Gilleland, Wood &
Co., $23.00; J. £. Pittman & Co., 817.68; j
Southern Watchman, 8107.80; J. H. Hug- j
gins, $81.60; Hampton & Hearing, $4.40 ;
Pittard, Mitchell ii Co., 811.05; Hupy
Penkr, $11.11; Athens Gas Light Co.,
85.75', $27.75, 8210.00. .
On motion of Alderman Moss, the Clerk
of Council was allowed $50.00 extra pay for
registering voters.
Un motion of Alderman Burke, it was or
dered that the new Board ot Aldermen Ire
requested to meet at the Town Hall at 3
o’clock P. M., ou the 5th iust., for the purpose
of organizing.
Toe annual report of the Treasurer and
Chiet ol Police were read and ordered spread
on the minutes. Council adjourned.
W. A. Gilleland,
Clerk of Council.
To the Ilonontuls Manor and Council of the Cit/of
Athene :
Gentlemen—1 respectfully submit the follow
ing report, snowing Hie aggregate revenue to the
City of Athens, lor the year 1875, and the dis-
i. rsenients of the same by the City Authorities.
Al-o a Statement showing the outstanding
dent, etc
Receipts - ud disbursements for pur-
Jan. 1
Casu on iiuiid $ 22 00
lb reived for auciion li-
c*‘ms,-s 50 00
IS- reived for Green tiro
cels' license 60 ..
Received lor rihooting
Gallery license 10
Amount of taxes due to
pay interest on Rsil-
road bonds $ 1,120 00
Amount of taxes due to
pay interest on Col
lege bonds
Amount of interest due
on Railroad bonds
Jan. 1st, '76
Amount of intesest due
on College bonds Jan.
1st, ’76
Due colored |>eo(i!e front
taxes collected to pay
interest on College
bonds for the year ,5
The taxable property, as
Digest of 1875, is as follows:
Real Estate $1,493,533 00
Vehicles and live stork. 00,303 ..
Household anu kitchen
Stia-k in trade
Gross receipts of Tele
graph, Insurance and
Express Companies.
Capital stick of corpo
rations (less amount
of real estate)
$3,038 15 $3,029 15
By castt uud on interest to
Collect Bonds.
By esau paid Knox School for
1874. . .
By cash on h»nd to pay In
terest ou College Bonds. .
Total receipt* and disburse
ments for the year 1875. .
Amount of debt January 1st,
1875. . ..
Amount of debt paid daring
tuts year.
Amount of debt January 1st,
(31,563 00 831,363 V0
9131,003 00
motion, the motion of Alderman Burke was
Alderman Hull then offered the following
Resolved, That the police force of the city
shall consist of one Chief of Police, one
Lieutenaut and three policemen; that the
Lieutenant ot Police and three policemen
shall receive $40.00 each per month for their
Resolved, further, That the salaries of Lamps
lighter and Street Commissioner be fixed at
the same price paid last year.
Alderman O’Farrell proposed t<> amend
the resolution of Alderman Hull by fixing
the salary of the Lieutenant ot Police at
$50.00 per month.
Alderman Hull declined to accept the
Alderman O’Farrell then offered the fol
lowing as a substitute:
Resolved, That the police force of the City
sh Ji consist of one Chief, one Lieutenant.
_ „ „ , „ , ami three policemen; that the Lieutenaut ot
! Atllt'r ^ 0f Utr ,f \ police shall receive $50.00 per month and
G. nil. rzs—I respectfully submit the following re-1 the three policemen 840.00 per month, and
j that the Lamplighter and -Street Commis*
" r ' sioner be ftaiil the same as last year.
95,432 oo
9139,31$ 00
93,150 00
Asset*. . . 9114,833 6-5
Total T-xable preperty. . 92,130,456 00
Nett Reveuae paid anil un
paid for 1875, exclusively.
Nett expense for general pur
pose* for 1875.
Amount of debt above aaseta
January 1st, 1873.
Amount of asset* above lia-
bililes January 1st, 1874. .
Amount of debt above
Jauuary 1st, 1875.
Amount of debt above asseta
Jauuary 1st, 1876.
Respectfully submitted,
915,937 63
913,311 37
96,184 9!
*M‘l 21
819,869 68
914,385 60
annual xi roar or it. c. Dana, canr or roLtcs or tre
cur or atrlm, roa tux vx.a isio.
113 25 *
shown by Ihe T.ix
Baal Estate
Vehicles and live stock •
Household and kitchsn
Stock in trade . • . .
Total properly of colored.
Agj?. taxable property
Amouut of tas
Dc d utJnSncmnt’
ou *iock of University
Bank .
23,300 ..
$2,039,851 00
$83,215 00
5,030 00
port, g tho uuraber of arre*ts, amount of
mud other matter* connected with the Police force for
the year 18'. 5:
Number of arrests
Number of case* docketed
Number of white nude*
Number of colored wale*.
Number of white female*
Number of colored females
Number found guilty or piM g’lty.
Number discha^ed *.
Number committed *.
Number continued
Number cases traceable to liquor..
Amount of fines imposed
Amount of fines collected and paid
Treasurer... • $1,330 00
Amount of fine* remitted
Tutm^ l over to Street Commis*'ur
9 V5
261 40— 1,651 85
$90,605 00
$2,130,406 00
Hiirheat Cash Price )aud for Cotton.
♦hip** Gin* and Pre*-*.
Agent for Win
WATCHMAKER and jeweller,
At l)r. King’s Drug Store, Broad Street, Athens, G*.
A.l v-"rk done in - superior umnurr end warranted to
give satisfaction. Jan. 3—tf.
Cotton Kactors,
General Commission Merchants,
Savannah, Ga.
l«kVMjg, Ties, Rope and other supplies furaisheil.
l™.™ cjsh alvaneea made on consignments fur
-ale «r shipment to Liverpool or NortLem ports.
. — May SO-tf^
Carriage*, Baggie* and Horse* for Hire.
K. M. WHITEHEAD, Washington, Wilks, Co^G*.
At the solicitution of mauy of my former patrons, 1
•'name the * 1
Practico of Medicine
from this date. I will re
'•r of Intents ,„.t Chili
A' rrmale,.
Jl >oe 16, 1875—33-lv.
iv especial attention to the aia-
lren, and tho Chronic Diseases
Carpenters and General Jobbers,
SlffW'v offer tbeir services to the citiHn* of Athens
th» i° rT '"'u-linc country. Location, two doora east of
Storv; l "7'l« l Clinreh, opposite Mr. JL J. Lampkin’s
Auntraet* for building solicited.
. Uareh 3d. 1*75—tv.
\ ht operations on Toeth warren Ud to give satisfi.v
rj. t “ Jn - 1 u Work and Pricm. Term*. Very Low Fee
Kootna over Singar 8. M. omc*;. Clayton
< ^'*A»s2X
said, “I tieg your pardon, iNiiitita, bat this | Received f<".r wood'siild.!
is the way. The lloly Father uirnt-d his
head and replied, *T beg „.our pardon, also,
hut this is the way,"point iug to llie left. “On,
very well,’ rejoined the master of Uie cere
monies, “if you wish to make innovations 1
have nothing more tosty - butthisis the way,
all the same. Si v i rer di quL” We are
next treated to some deta'ls ot tho Pontifi
cal wardrobe. His Holitios, who is a great
snuff-taker, wears out five cassocks a year;
each cassock costs £20. His red cope costs
£32; it lasts him about a twelve-,month.
His silk stockings, which are made by a Bel
gian house, cost £5 a pair. His shoes vary
in price, according to the nature of the em
broil lered cross on them ; one pair is decorated
with crosses of brilliants, worth £4,000.
GEORGIA’* NE.truitr.
Shipping at Tybec—Our Waters Dotted with
, Sail.
The growing in portance of the port of
Savannah is most plainly exhibited in the
very large increase in our shipping the pres
ent season. The anchorage at Tyuee roads
on Tuesday presented a forest of masts, .here
being no lcBi than forty-two square-riggid
vessels, ships and barks resting calmly upon
that beautiful expanse of water—a numlter
in excess of*any other, at this point, on any
previous occasion, and probably-the largest
number to be found at one place on the At
lantic coast.
Owiui! to the secure anchorage, depth of
water over the bar, and facility of telegraph
ic communication with all parts ol the world
via the telegraph station of the Tybee Tele
graph Company, vessels from all the foreign
atd coastwise ports come to the port of Sa-
vauuah for orders, there being uo question of
its claim as the beat and must desirable point
on tho entire Atlantic coast. Owners and
agents are apprised immediately upon the
arrival of a vessel, and, when neoeswiry. can
order her to tiny other plucp. OnTu-sday
vessels arriving ami at anchor s' Tybee were
ordered , to New York, Baltimore. Now
Orleans, Mobile ami Duboy by telegram,
and the advantage derived by such facilities
wiil be reidily perceived and appreciate 1 by
those engaged in the shipping Im-jnNi.
It isapparem that the cotarae.eial facilities
offered at the pert of Savannah an* rapidly
becoming known throughout the entire globe, | tmercat dou on College
and the prospect* are fair that at uo distant bonds
time Savannah will rival mid even outstrip
some of the tanmus European rendezvous for
vessels under orders.
The splendid marine railway and the
mammoth dry dock opposite the city ore
important adjuncts to Savannah's advantage*
to the oommerci'tl world, and as their repu
tation extends, all vessels from the' south
ward requiring r’pairs will he attracted
thither. It has been acknowledged bj thoso
R evived lor Itinerant
Tradi-ra’ lie-use
Received fur impound
ing rows
Received tor fines ui
Mayor’s court. 1973...
Received tor fines in
Msyor’s court, 1874..
Reecei ed for finis in
Mayor's court, 1875...
Received for Liquor amt
Lager lieer license...
R evived from jiarkel
Received for Billiard li
Received for Dtsy li
R ceired Irani taxes ot
1873, ’74 and ’75 ....
Received from misceya-
neoua sourcetb sale of
lot, etc ...
Received from rent of
By cam paid lor feeding
stock ...
Paid tor paupcis' coffins
sud but ial
Paid tor printing
“ ou se’i ot Health...
“ on interest cur
Paid on interest un
Bridge Bonds
Paid ou Market account
“ ou Street aiCounL.
“ on iliscclUtieous
sc't, All’y’s lees, etc.,.
Paid on account ot Fire
Paid on Gas account...
•• on account ol pub
lic property
Paid on officers’ salaries.
on Police account.
Town currency redeem
ed sud destroyed by
Finance Committee..
Castt on band
30 70
77 25
38 70
1,411 33
4,470 00
'344 83
300 00
350 00
8547 51
25 00
Amount of tax uaaewed ou
street iutru-ious . .
Amouut of Street tax of
Amount of Street tax of
Total tux aa-csscd . . .
1,000 share* Northeast
eru Railroad ....
City Hull
Firemen's ID] ....
Scnool house lot . . .
Spring lot
820,679 56
452 00
921,,09 96
spring 1
Mules, carta, s’t tools, etc.
Demands due ....
Iron safe, office desk mud
oilier property not be
fore enumerated . . .
Cash ou hand
Total assets ....
9100,000 00
2.500 04
1.500 00
350 00
100 00
100 00
400 00
3,150 00
349 00
6,334 60
9114,813 60
Amount of fines of 1873 collected
and paid Treasurer
Amount of flues of 1874 oollacted
and paid Treasurer
Amount of taxes of 1873 collected
and paid Treasurer
Amouut of taxes oi 1873 collected
and paid 'treasurer
Amouut of tax re of 1874 collected
and paid Treasurer
Amouut of taxes of 1875 collected
and paid Treasurer
Amount collected from impound
ing stock ’.
Add amount of Baca of 1875 paid
msawm iiataorvTH-
Total amount of mouey paid over'
to Treasurer ......
$ OtOO
870 45
34 75
341 03
1,180 00
8t,721 03
TlieChlel of Police hs» made. 94 68 29 1 18 13 sL $423 53
Policeman U. F. Culp 67 53 11 5 59 45 If... 35$ 31
Policeman it. O. W. Roe* S3 43 It _{54,41 |fl_| 301 06
Policeman C. A. Shurley .—. 35,27 3.,.j43'37 s!...i *57 $3
Police man William Shurley-19 13 a "l 34 17
Policeman W. T. M on.... ‘ *
Police so Usury 11UL ...
Special Pol ce
94 6$ 29 t la 13 sj... 1
67 55 It 5 39 45 14...
53 43 II _|54,43 lfl_J
35,27 6...142 37 s!...l
19 13 a 1124 17 C...j
26,23 3 1 30 23 7 ...
. 4 4 $ 3 ... ...
1 1'. 3 . -.1 5\ 4 l| J
Burke, having been read twice, was urani-
rnously adopted:
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council
of the City of Athens, That from and after
the passage of this Ordinance it shall not be
lawful fur any barber shop, to be kept open
on Sunday, nor shall any shaving be allowed
Be it ordained further, That all Ordinances
or parts of Ordinances militating against tho
above, be and the same is hereby repealed.
The following resolution, introduced by
Alderman Burke, was- also passed under a
suspension of the rules:
Be it resolved, That the first rule of Council
(.Section 422, page 77) bo so amended as to
change the time of meeting of Council from
the first Saturday in each mouth to the first
Mouday in each month. Council adjourned.
Clerk of Council.
The following statement shows the net revenue and
diabarsements of the city for general purposes, for tut
year 1873, exclusively:
Alb. Arrests. Ordinances.
178 *rre.-ts have been made lor violation of sectiou *54
•• - « ••
.. .. u .. *47
22 •• •• “ “ 316
10 “ « “ “ 813
« u u u 349
ii « •• •• *26
u , .i “346
$ 85 0U
118 00
160 60
805 55
49 16
200 00
1,651 72
314 41
l,‘ii5 bo
460 25
2.349 03
3,486 51
Vh received from suc
tion license
Cash received for Greeu
Grooera’ lice use . . .
Cash receivc.i for Shooting
Gallery licvuao . . .
Cash received for show
Cash received for wood
sold . . ...
Cash received for Itine
rant Traders’ license . •
Cash received for 1 -
pouudi.igcon-amud bog*
Cosh received for fines in
Mayor's court
Cash received for Liquor
sud Lager Beer lioeiue.
Cosh received for Market
fees .
Cash received for Billiard
license ....
Cash received for Dray li
cense ....
Cash received for taxes of
1875 . . .
Cash received for demands
due for taxes, etc..
Cash paid fur paupers'
coffin* and burial
Fain for printing .
“ on llealtu uc’t .
“ on int. on curreucy
“ on Bridge bonds
“ on Street ac’t
“ on in aoe.iancou- ac’t,
attorneys’ fees, etc.
“ ou ae't of Fire De
“ on Gas ac’t
“ on ac’t of pnblio
l’aid officers .
Police ac’t
Amount due officer*, po
lice, Ga* Company and
1,468 00
1,257 U
$18,498 71 $10,493 71
DEBT 1875.
The debt of the city January 1st, 1875, was aa
follow#: . . __
8 p. c. bonds, ixxnoof ’99.$ 9,450 00
8 c. bonds, issue of ’78,
to railroad... 99,000 ..
8 p c. bonds, issue ol TO, $ -
to college 34,800 ..
Town currency in circu-
Uliuu 1.7M8 ..
Due un open accounts.. 1,350..
Interest due oa Railroad
Interest due on Bridge
$131,002 00
Servleaa to
•» th*~TSwT8toi"if BTr^Bnimby
Oi the S. IDTC d -’i . the following aU iiiul* have
been ;mid during tnc preaent year: f
8 p. o. bond*, -sane oi '73, i.
to railroad $ 1,090 00
Towncurteney redeemed
and destroyed 1,468 ..
« ien toe.mins paid 1,350 ..
teri-st on it U. bonds
1,441 00
4,470 00
7,830 39
82 00
56 10
305 55*
49 16
196 00
3,453 49
1,369 45
366 87
644 60
413 35
3,128 31
3,198 69
1,350 oa
9(5,957 62 918,311 I
sr.Txrts.vT or rassaxT oriaaerrr roa rax unruat
Debt January 1st, 1871.
Chab on bsndt ... 9
Beal catau, males, o*rt*,
Demands due. ....
Amouut of debt above
4,750 00
800 00
918,038 31
5,843 40
1st, 1874.
angary \
N. E. Railroad Stoek. .9
Demands due. . ...
Beal estate, mules, carta,
Cash on band. .
Amount of assets above
lioinlide*. ....
Debt January 1st, 1875.
Deman-ls doe. ... 4
N.K Railroad Stack. .
Real estate, moles, carta,
Cash on band.
Amount ot dab* above
who have availed Iheroselvo* of the nccum- P*» u • ■ • • • • • • IT'/!•
modations offered by then. h. having their
vraaela repaired, that the work could not fnurest on Bridge booda
have been done better soywMn or given
more ttiafaction.—gdtWHWoX Newt. , Total aa*e0Btpaid....
i ,IW ’-« *»« mma asm. **»'.•• *• a
$5,439 00
| Debt January 1st, 1871.
1 N. E. Railroad Stock. 4
Bred estate, males, carta,
die. ....
Demands doe. .
Cash on hand.
Amount of- dsbt abort
100,000 00
8,669 00
8,318 69
100,000 00
M00 00
MIS (8
100,000 08
5,300 00
3,150 00
6,383 80
96,184 91
105,941 00
109,843 21
93,431 81
9131,003 00
lll,liS 83
919,888 it
9139,218 00
9114,888 SO
Respectfully submitted,
U. COBB DAVIS, Chief of Police.
Council Chamber,
Athens, Ga., Jan. 5th, 1876,
3 o’clock p. m.
The last meeting of the old Council was
held this evening: present, Hi* Honor Wm.
King, Ji., Mayor,and Aldermen Hull, Burke,
Blair, Talmadge, Moss and Lucas.
On motion oi Alderman Talntadge, the
thanks of the Council were returned to the
Mayor, Clerk of Council, City Attorney and
Chief of Police for the very efficient manner
in which they had discharged the duties de
voiving upon them.
Mayor King then administered the oath
of office to Mayor C. G. Talmadge.
The old Couucil adjoui tied sine die.
W. A. Gilleland.
Clerk of Council.
The substitute was put upon its passa-o
i and lost.
The resolution ot Alderman Hull was
then put upon its passage and carried.
License—On motion of Alderman Moss,
retail liquor license was fixed at $400.00 per
Alderman Moss moved that quart liquor
91,651 $5 license be placed at $200.00,
| Alderman O’Farrell offered as a substitute,
that quart license be iixed at $130.00 per
The votestood on the substitute os. follows:
Yeas—Mitchell, O’Farrell, Blairaud Kemp;
nays—Burke, Moss, Lucas and Hull. There
being a tie, the Mayor cast the deciding vote
against the substitute, thus fixing the license
at $200.00 per anuum.
Gallon liquor .icense was fixed at $50.00
per annum.
Barrel liquor license was fixed at 825.00
per annum.
Alderman O’Farrell moved to fix lager
beer license at $200.00.
AMvnaaa - Hull mnvari la - fix iham al
$400.00 per annum.
Alderman Moss moved as a substitute for
the whole, that they be fixed at $300.00 per
annum; this motion was carrie t, thus fixing
lager beer license at $300.00 per annum.
Auction license was fixed at 850.00 per
annum, by xilderman Moss.
Resolved, That ail other license be fixed
at the same amounts as last year, arrii-d.
The Council then proceeded to elect officers
for the present year; the election resulted a.-
follows :
Cltrk of Council, W. A. Gilleland.
City Attorney, C. I). Hill.
Chief of Police, H. C. Davis.
Lieutenant of Police, B. F. Culp.
Policemen, W. T. Moon, B. O. W. Rose,
John B. Burch.
Lamplighter, John T. Moon.
Street Commissioner, Henry Hill.
Clerk ot Market, J. W. Brumby.
Magazine Keeper, A. 8. Dorsey.
Chief Engineer of Fire Department, H.
Beus e.
1st Assistant, John E. Talmadge.
2d Assistant, \V. A. Bane.
Secretary attd Treasury Fire Brigade, 8. J.
Election of City Assessor postponed.
The Mayor appointed Alderman Moss as
Mayor pro tern.
The Mayor-announced the following stand
ing committees:
Finance—Moss, Hull and Lucas.
Police—O’Farrell, Moss and Mitchell.
Streets—Kemp, Burke and Hull.
Pubic Property—Burke, Blair and O’Far
Health—Lucas, Hull and Kemp.
Ordinance—Hull, Mitchell and Moss.
Market—Lucas, Kemp and Hulk
Fire Department—Mitchell, O’Farrell and
Relief and Petitions—Blair, Lucas and
The Mayor requested the Council to meet
at the Clerk's office on Saturday eveniug uext,
at 3J o’clock p. M. Council adjourned.
W. A. Gilleland,
Clerk of Council.
C. G. Talmadge, Mayor.
97 71
155 01
tt 05
24 SS
Council Chamber,
Athexs, Ga., Jan. 5th, 1876.
3 o’clock p. M.
Immediately after the adjournment of the
old Council, Mayor Talmadge administered
the oath of office to It. L. Moss, W. C.
Kemp, S. D. Mitchell and James O’Farrell
The Mayor then announced the new
Council organized and ready for business,
with a full board present.
The Committee on Salaries, made a verbal
report through its chairman, Alderman
Burke, recommending that the salaries of
all fhe officers of the city remain the same
as last year, except the police force, which
the committee recommended be reduced to
three in number besides the Chief, and to
receive sixty dollars per month.
The report ot the committee was agreed to
so fsr as it related to the aalaries of the
Mayor, Clerk of Council, City Attoroev and
Chief of Police; the salaries of these officers
were fixed the same as last year vix:
Mayor, $800 00 per annum
Clerk of Council,..'....— 800.00 "
City Attorney 850.00 “
Chief ot Police..... 800.00 ”
Aldenuan Moss moved that the salaries of
police be placed at $40.00 per month.
Ahlerman Burke withdrew the recom
tnendation of the committee to place the pay
of police at 860.00 per month, and offered
as a substitute for the resolution of Alder*
man Moos that the pay of the regular police
be fixed at $50.00 per month.
. ---« - - 21. H
An Extra* r Unary Contract-One Man Shoul
dering Another’s : Ins for Eort;*Five
The Brooklyn officers sro accuraobitin;
damaging evidence against Prsnch Rubeu-
stein, the pedler arrested for the murder of
the young Jewess, Sarah Alexander, in East
New York. Since hi* imprisonment Ruben-
stein has given himself up to the most devout
practices according to the most orthodox
Jewish rites. It is said that he was partly
educated for the priesthood in Russia. Tho
New York Sun of Sundav publishes these
fact8 in relation to a singular contract made
by Rubenstein:
Several weeks ago this man entered into a
contract with a poverty-stricken fellow Is
raelite, whereby the latter, for a considers-
t»u of 845, agreed to assume all the sins
committed by Rubenstein since the last day
ot. tenement (last fall), and bear punish
ment for them in the next world.
“ When, however, the party of the first
part to the contract, that is, tho par’y who
assumed the sins, reached home aud told his
wife, site was so overwhelmed with horror
and despair and made* such an ndo about it,
that her husband sought «■* Rubenstein
again, and, tendering back the mouey, pro-
posed to rescind the contract. Rubenstein
refused to accept the money or to return the
instrument. The party of tho first part
thereupon brought suit against him in the
Beth Ilamraidrash (a rabbinical tribunal,
-upported by illiterate Polish Jews), at No.
68 Ludlow street, the cause to be tried by
Chief Rabbi Abraham Joseph Ash, of No.
11 Suffolk street, and his two assistants.
The suit was decided in favor of the peti-
ioner and against Rubenstein on the
** First. That there are somo sics for
which not only the transgressor ortho person
assuming them suffers, but also his wife and
children, and it did not appear that Ruben-
tein had been guilty ot such sins. The
wife being an interested party, was, there
fore, entitled to prohibit the contract if she
had not beeu a party to ihe consideration.
Second. There is $t Talmudic law
prohibiting the Jew from overcharging a
.’ellow Jew more than one-sixth the amount
involved in a bargain. It did not aippear
what Rnt eastern's sins had been, ana the
luestion whether he did not get tho better
if the other party to his contract to a great
er extent than one-sixth of $45 could not be
determined. The contract, therefore, could
not be sustai ed.
From this decision Rubenstein appealed
to the Beth Hammidresh, in Bayard street.
Here the suit was compromised by rescinds
ing the contract, the party of the first part
retaining the money, but binding himselflor’
he space of one year to recite daily s cer-
ain number of psalms and prayers in Ru-
nenstein’s behalf. .
Council Cuamiiep.,
Athens, Ga., Jan. 8, 1876,
3:30 o’clock p. m,
Council met this evening pursuant to a
call of the Mayor. Present, his Honor,
Mayor Talmadge, and » lull board of Al
The Mayor stated that tho meeting had
been called for the purpose of authorizing
license to be issued to liquor dealers.
On motion of Alderman Moss, the Clerk
of Counc l was authorized to issue quart
liquor license to C. J. O’Farrell, to be used
at the new store-hoose of J. W. Collins, on
Broad street, npon his complying with the
law in regard thereto.
Tho Clerk was further authorized to re
issue quart liquor license to all persons
that now have them, on their complying
with the law in regard theieta
On motion of Alie man Moss, the Clerk
ol' Council was authorized to re-issue retail
liquor lie use to all persona now having
them, upon their complying with the law
in wpid tWeln, exne t ILR. hnllMj oat
corner of Hull street and Hancock avenue.
Alderman O’Farrell then moved U$at the
Clerk be authorized to issue retail liquor
fiesnae to K. R- Sautter, to be used at his
itrrai stand, on corner oC.HnU street and
Yeas—O’Farrell, Blair, Kemp and Mitch
Nay*—Moss, Burke, Lucas and Hull.
The Mayor casting the deciding vote is
i the affirmative, the Iwcmw vae granted.
Ominous Indeed. •• )
The Washington Chronicle has this signifi
cant paragraph.
“ It is a noteworthy fact that while the
Centennial year was ushered in with great
edat in n< arfy every city, town or village in
the North, East and West, no demonstrations
-if joy marked the. dawn of the year of jubi
lee in Southern cities. At least ft is
interred that such was the case, as no dis-
patches announcing anything to the contra*
■ y were received. Whether this lukewarm
ness indie itel a lesser degree ot patriotism
among the people ot the South than was
manifested by tne citizens of other sections of
the Union, we leave others to judge. It
look*, to an unprejudiced observer, however,
as if the spin; that once animated the breasts
••t the descendants of Marion, Moultrie
and. Sumter is now slumbering in the
South, i* not completely extinct”
Consideribg the evils of Republican mis
rule iu the South, too numerous to mention,
but deeply graven upon the hearts and mem
ories of tbo Sonthern people; not to speak
of 8herman’s rabid threat, Haven’s insults
and Morton’s centralizing resolations is it
any wonder that the joy Dells of 1776 were
silent from Richmond to Galveeton ? . If'the
spirit of Marion,. Moultrie and Sumter is
now slumbering in the South, or completely
extinct, the Chronicle and Us fellows must be
thanked. The “ civilization” of Chamber-
bun & Co. has well nigh driven to despera
tion, it not to utter paralysis, the civilization
of the fethera of the Republic. . Heroic men,
in nil pans of the South, still V wage conten
tion with their time’s decay”—stilt hope tor
justice and a genuine reunion; but they will
not celebrate the degradation of their coun
try by a mockery and • sham.—Augusta
A aris special says the Frcnclt Minister of
Foreign Affairs states that tho reason why
the Government refused to purchase the
Suez canal shares when the property was
tendered for sale to the Ministry, was that
MoM hon’a Cabinet feared a w»r with
: Germany.