Newspaper Page Text
, fresh
lat ure of Geor:
fihe people,-am! repeal
icwsand feelings, pass- hai
izing unci requiring the *—
n convention of the pet*- 1
‘ g»> fcert a i n con i i ngen
Avn*~»Jie admission
California lias been admitted with all
Komnrr. nituiiPirlnre*.
{* ' The (ollu\\'ing article from I lie f»u«-
*.ville Journal \vill fend Jo Very irdcrett-
jng rellev lions- in -the mittd^of*
it i, Tub Progress nv TUB.CferrjX&I an-
' fiow bui a fewyrars «jjj8 publifcaflfch-
Kiiou v'n# vailed u>,lhc vast natural nd-.
*ion topes at lariou* |miui# in ih«: valley
of the Mississippi, ter- the manufacture her wide extent of territory and with
Lof the great staple of ibrilAalJijy. The j an ad mi tie* I want of the regolarity re-
rssavs and discussion* on the subject qoired by the constitution. Other tnea-
*Thai*h»vc npj*r1tre»l in ttiis and otber;jwires have pursed fully as unjust anti
, juurtiaU have satisfied ..eycjrj^reading .pbjeetumable, and bave been sanction-
anil thinking man in the country Unit ctl by ihe President*
• il* chiitf Wats of wittw . rt^nttfacibre j PTotv, the late legishdure in calling
' are fn he bit nnd lW>r lb» comm and lifie convention, either meant sotneibing
*>nal field#. ; Already we*ec indications \or nothing. Wc understand by its
' «if the results of these npfnipns in the. action, in passing the act, that such »d-
'"cPtiHilioir of KsHsrii' ttttlU. In n few
years more English eapitnlista and ope
rative* will have irsccnainetl our sujie-
. rior- »dvi«HWg«**, atpl the mills of Glns-
gotv and Manchester will he gradually
Closed . ppparaiory t«» .a removal of
money, men nnd machinery to points
within our limit*, where jpore can be
. effected by the fqjcc of each,
v Wc ask the attentive consideration of
Uni reader |o the following extract Irom
i nit able editorial in the Iasi Dry Goods
,- Reporter: • . .»
-At the pitesenf,moment, nqmng tbf
. producers of ctn*li in those sertionf—
- uatnely, the Northern nnd Middle States
which have bulletin been regarded
cd^o fourteen fecr ; and . in 1850*the
average available depth at high water
^ ride rs sixteen feet. The ri’
heen," during the past ten
twelve years, gradually increased
Anecdote of John C. Cat ho mi ■
I was at Yale in 1804, ’5 an<l *6, and
X iiimfc Tl was in 1S05, that John C.
Calhoun took the degree of Bachelor sof
Calhoun, even at that time was lock
ed upon by his fellow students as an
extraordinary young man. In his class- j ma u- r
tea! studies ami attainments lie^ was ‘
This did not satisfy Mr.-Wickersham.j The Basest Kind of Swindling yet three
He thuoght from the thickness of the | practised is noticed in the New York the next two months. •
covers, that the book contained some- • Courier. Sonic mean souled scamps . Southern papers will ii
thing which was to essisiBakerin mokr advertise “500 girls wanted to work ue to their readers just in
thing which was to assist Baker in mnk-! advertise “ 500 girls
idghis escape. After reaching home, on -.shirts,” and when Application ^
he commeneetl cutting up the - covers of | made the girls are told that a -deposUe icmembered and acted on.—Raleigh
the book, and two small sawsTdbmil; of one dollar is required as a 'guarantee Standard.
eight inches in.lct^n such as machiu-j for the safe return"©! the garment.—
ists use in sawinjPBfcv were, brought ] TJiis.depusi|e Js^made, and jhe clmhjs
to view! Thus haWecn feiled anoth-,tqken, *- u : — —
four time, that number durifig' $|j c 00^^ $erat&.
increase in val- ~ ~ - -
readers just in proportion i
they are.encouragcd. Let this fact be
Remains of General -Taylor,
view: nuts mts-Kcn ww muriw ~be made into shirt, at a «j>' (tairtv fhimR: M. Magraw.Esq.,
deep laid sclieate to effect tlieescape !pe«ee each. In dee time they are re- d^. e ® cmt £ resu!le " 1 jaf the paltimore
>f Baker who is Ijelieved to be at the ] turned, andnhe girls are told to come iim Susquehanna^Rail U ml, thnt^lhe
Thttrsday Hornlng, Oct, 21, |8jo,
The country never witnessed such efforts to de
lude and bamboozle the peopro, as are now being
made by the submissionists. -Some of them,’ (very
few. His bueiy Vre bpasting that the bite seulcmtnt
of the slave question by Congress, is a greet *ic-
iry for tile South. Now, there is no m&n of or*
ma% %<r .... „ P*ry intelligence, w^o will take the trouble to in-
, i hut a workman could bav« concealed 1 Was not well done-that the cloth was ed <>5«* Sosqaebanna RaH HoaiCSm-l
rcry superior to some of his males; but ‘ these saws in the cover ol a book— spoiled—that they cannot have their f“"J. °» *■» mining of Xbu-SM ° f l.» ^"h'f *
■■ ■ ‘ e could have »av.i.nd that tl,e4.Ilar:which they de- Oember, at six o'clock, and will reach t "B 1 > »ie >,. A», h D „«,,a,.irersf-
of Baker who is believed to lie at the . lumen, nnmne girls are tout to come —“ ""T™ * -
• head ol a large gang of villains scatter, nertldny; after their work has been es- p ,na '" 9 of Gen. Zachary Taylor, tale
' ed. aim,mngl, fewest. This book amined. They go neat dajjlirr their President of_ the^^Un«ed Slalea .91 '»£
• I matter rhould be investigated. None ! pay, and arc then mltUbal their work Cny. to • w fcjqtth- (
general literature-, and in those »H1- ' imne but a nagacioin rogue’could ha
action, in pairing the act, that
mission would lu* an outrage upon ilie
■Stale, and should require some mode
and measure of redress; at tlie same
lime furnishing protection against the
infliction of similar w rongs in the fu-
This conclusion is fairly tleduci-
ble from its action—nothing else can
be deduced from it, provided H was not
intended as a foolish specimen of rant
and gasconade. The object of Ihe Con
vention is clearly^odetermine upon what
Georgia shall do, in view of the passage
of the late infemous measures^by ,Con-
gress, 'We stand tdimmittcd—.the Slat#
of Gt'orgia' stands commiUed-|-cvery
citizen stands committed in the face
the whole world, to adopt some pli
dies relariog to politics, he
vailed. I do not speak of party politics
as it is too-oftco understood and prac-
these days,' but of that kind of
politics Which teacher one how to -^ro-
mote the gom! and avert the evils inci
dent to nations. In this science Cal
houn, had no competitor.
At that period; our ideas of members
of Congress were more exahed -than at
present, nml they were presented t
suggested ihepUu, and none but a vigi
lant jailer could have detected
Springfield Journal.
The California News.
Never, since the days of Solomon, has
anyone city, in so brief a period,been
the recipient of such vast sums of gold
as have flowed into New York since the
discovery of the precious inctal which en
riches almost every valley in California,
xvith grey hairs and sedate dignified (Not docs there appear to be the least
faces, and not nnfrequently with pow- j likelihood of any diminution in the
deredheads. They were not so nu- current of this gulden tide. The twa
merous then os they have since become. I steamer? which hrrivyd on Saturdsty,
“•On the occasion, Cnlhoun 'kas found bringit^ un^nrjr 'xrt a million And
u ^ ^ ' * half i^drtRatrSkAreie-K.
before, “ 500 girls wanted”—and ;
go through the same operation.”-—;
And'7" ‘
to'week, tnrougnoui me year, oy hibut 1 > , , ,,
establishments which transact an ttS “ . ,h , e Susquehanna to Miodletnwn,
mense amount of business with ihe j “”_ d A l ! ence , H^nsburg, a„,| »
trailing public ; and yrbat is still wofse.
ihe chief seats of tnsnufacluring indus-j protect our Slate and her institutions,
*• uy f there appears to be, and doubtless Jtrom the wanton and long continued
;i#, t something levs of nhat, prosperity ! attacks of the nbolitiou majority inCon-
wbich upon im average, throughout the [gross, »If the convention is nof, then
whole country, is unusually marked, j let it Kot beheld! Let Georgians
. Thcvnlue of ft»w materials has risen dis- J stay at home, ami blush in private.—
portionately to the pticeof fabrics, and .Lei them not meet in public assembly
although the demand for the latter is and proclaim openly their own dis-
-good.'tho supply is more than equal tolgraqc.
H. "Tli■!. *s lo say, notwithstanding the j There can he no honorable sobmis-
rmr material is very high, arul manu- | sion to wrong. The admission of Cali-
facturer* complain ol inadequate prices, : tornia, with her pretended‘ organization,
they nevertheless buy.and work up a : our legislature has solemnly declared
larger quantity of raw material than; would bo wrong upon thd people of
ever before, in ihe taco of .enhanced ; Georgia-, nnd,.if submitted to, would be
* importations of .rival productions.— a foul blot upon her honor. Thedeclar-
I This is an anomaly which puzzles ma-. ntion has gone forth, that submission to
ay; but, if we reflect upon rite-causes 1 that would he disgraceful., If the con-
.• which are in operation to simulate j vention adjoufns without action, what
competition, we arrive at something like then ? It would be saying, in so many
* a solution. | words, that Georgia, a free and sove-
Wc may reflect that political causes reign Stale, will not resent, injustice,
* in Europe have operated to keep goods but is willing to bare her neck and stib-
cbeap in Lancastershire, and by so do- ’ mil to the galling yoke of abolitionism,
ing, to promple large exports, to this* It would be a public declaration that
side ofithe Atlantic at a motneni when'she would not make good her words—
tbreeincentives to manufacturing rivalry I that she cowardly retracts them—that
have acted upon the South and West. 1 she is no longer true to herself, true to
'. These are, first abundance of capital; ■ truth and honesty, and above all, base-
-. second, the influence of the improver!ly false to coming generations. Whaf
ments in steam power and machinery j a triumph this would be for freesoilism J
emancipating factory labor from water-' It would be proudly welcomed as the
power localities; and lastly, political most complete and glorious victory,
motttes. - | which has yet graced the dark annals
The Sooth has abundance of capital, of abolitionism. It would bo a page in
■Wf raced in the fact that the crop thus Georgia's history, black as Erebus, and
- far delivered, say 2,000,000 bales has, never, we trust, to be written!—
realized 8104,000.000, against S80,-|What a taunt to be thrown into the
j - 000,000 for 2,620,000 bales last year,: teeth'of a Southern map in Congress,
rj as" he rises tojjroieat against 4he pas-
passage of a similar measure of wrongt
a.familiar friend, long since dead,
of nver *’hfle at bis elbow
lo lay Smith’s Wealth of Nations.
“Why, Calhoun,” said his friend,
“ will you waste your time over these
works, which you cannot bring into
use for twenty years to come, at' the
“ Not bring into use,” said Calhoun,
and why not?”
“Why tief?” replied his friend.—
Why, because you cannot apply the
knowledge you gain from them except
as a statesman or member of Congress,
and that station you cannot expect to
attain, for ihe next twenty years.'*
Twenty years !—-twemy years !—
'Why, my friend if I did not believe that
before ten years have passed away I
should be in Congress, l pledge you
my won! 1 would leave college this rao-
... — but the uvanji
courieiV of wkeBHHrf their way from
the shores of the'Paeific with yet great
er amounts. Now that California has
become one of the free and equal States
of our great Union, and that a degree of
stability and certainty will be given to
the administration oflaw, and the titles
to her rich IntuJ settled according to the
fixed principles of legal equity,
expeevto hear of her bounding forward
on a career of brilliant prosperity that
will surpass anything yet presented in
the annals of histftry. All the gold that
Cortez wrung by torture from the un
willing hands of t!»e Mexican and Peru
vian tnonarchs sinks into insignificance
by comparison with the immense trea
sures that will be dug from ihe sand or
forced from the rocks of the new State
thence to ‘ u,K,er,,,e I*tr, have the ”ght o( testing the
ni\ thi3°*wiVd 1 in^Ts SYsTerna'licallv} W rightsville, -where they will cross the j q “ cst ‘ ono1 h ‘ a fre ^ do,n 1 * nd chence wilt
unued the Courier savi^ frmn week Corbin .bridge, ami proceed by the ‘ he T-f, 7^ ° ab<>li,ion Jud « e mDd •
ursued, the Courier sajs from '.eek , fe eastern iruik ' Frc *- So ' 1 Jur y ? Answer these questions Mister
> week throughout the year, by many j J ■ r ‘'* d " J- Sobrnbrioaist. You will probably «,y thtf thST*^
these villainous frauds are hot'dealt
with legally, because magistrates are
unwilling to bfleud the wealthy and in
fluential parties^ against wHom the
complaint* are mode, at the Instance
of the friendless and moneyless fe
males trojn whom they come. A fine
set, of publje magistrates, and a nice
sense of justice!
Two young women prosecuted one
of these swtedlers, named John Davts,
on Wednesday, who quickly, /efunded
the money Sod paid expenses, but the
magistrate still held the case under ad
inent ?”
The decWration though it excited a
smile of incredulity on the lips of his
friend, was more than fulfilled, for I be
lieve in about eight years afterwards
be was eloquently sustaining his coun-
ry in the war with Great Britain.—
Ictsenger and Gleaner.
which" opens l
r eager and enterpris-
*- tkH »* to say, a quantity diminished by
ohe-foartb, lessenfng to chd sahie extent, ,. f r . — 6 .
the eipcnses of freight packing, weigh-] You surmised, he/efofiire, to one
tog. ilcc.-. whHo rates of exchange are equally oppressive—you shall submit
high,rirawn against bigtr values, have to this?”
* enabled the South, as a whole, probably
.tq realize 830,000,000 more money
from this crop than from the last. With
* these means, factories have so multi
plied that not short of 175,000 spindles
■ are now in operation in the-cotton States,
" inquiring 100,000 bales of cotton per
• annum, and every mail brings advices
• of some new one going up. This rival-
1 ry affects the old established factories
» 7«
y the more ihat new factories are all arm
ed with the newest improved machine-
* - ry. and will produce at probably 20 per
-* cent, better advnninge. The competi-
’ 'tioq from Ibis quarter is every way cal
culated to diminish the old margin be-,
tween the cost o! raw materiul aud that
of fabrics. Therefore, those old con-
cems which bad reached the initiimum
A New York Newspaper.
The Tribune gives an interesting ac
count of its own history. It is now in.
the tenth year of its existence. It gives
regular employment to twelve editors
and reporters, thirty-seven printers, two
proof-readers, thirteen pressmen, engi
neers and other laborers in the press’
room, four permanent correspondents
in Europe, three regular correspon
dents in Washington, two in Cana
da, two in California, one in Mexico,
one in Ceniral; America, &c., See
foqc wrapper writers, four . clerks, si*-
te#B hands in the mailing department,
tbfee errand boys, tweuty-cight car
riers in the city and vicinity, In all,
above 130 pcrsans.steadily engaged in
ing citizens its “gateway of gold.”—
What the ultimate result of this vast
accession of gold may be, the wisest
financier cannot possibly predict, as no
similar.state of things has ever existed
upon earth. The case of Spain affords
no parallel, as the sudden-riches which
she acquired by the discovery and con
quest of Mexico and Peru went to
swell the coffers ol imbecile aud bigot
ed monarch's, and of proud, ignorant
and dissolute nobles, and were squan
dered by them in wasteful extravagance
and disgraceful sensualiiy. Not so will
be dissipated the wealth that will ac
crue to qs by the possession of Califor
nia. It will reach us in exchange for
the productl of the farm and the manu
factory, ami will find its way, we trust,
to the hands of those "who hold the
plough and wield the hammer, and thus
gladden the homes of the iiidusti ‘
and but ifinunerailed v
ingmen throughout the Uniori.—N. York
Star. T ^
A word about Jcuny.
How are “we to write an editorial
about anything or anybody, but Jenny
Ltnd ? We look over our exchanges
and find -‘-‘Jenny Lind,” in every para
graph; we go into the shops, and Jen
ny Lind perfumery, bonnets, .capes,-
mantillas, &c., are offered to our in
spection—we take a 'seaf in. the cars,
and every tongue is busy with the name
of the “ Queen of Song?” we even enter
church and sit demurely expecting the
clergyman to say-something about the
Swedish Songstress. Strange that a
flaxen-headed, blue eyed Swedish girl,
should possess such inagtC povver over
the million, but so it is. The children
shout her name in the streets, and no
other topic of conversation is dreamed
of north, south, east or west in the draw
ing room.
She is a paragon of perfection io all
eyes, or rather, has been. Lately, Wil
lis, of the Home Journal, has made*an
mportant discovery, which, it is fear
ed, will detract from hex divinity ; the
cannot mount on horseback xcithout a chair.
In less than fifteen minutes aitcr this
discovery was made, it was trumpeted
Shall it be said ? It depends upon j the establishment. The' issue of the
the citizens of Georgia to answer. As \ Tribune Is, in round numbers, 18,600
for ourselves, we say, let the known'Daily, 41,400 Weekly, 18,000 Semi-
objects of the Convention be carried out. Weekly, 3,300 for California, 500 for
Let stringent measures be-adopted, if, Europ#. Mr. Horace Greely is the
possible. The wrongs inflicted demand; “ Responsible Editor” of the Tribune,
it. Lot the mode and measure of re- [ At the head of the various editorial de-
dress he mild if it must be—but, at all | partmer.ts are Mr. C. A. Dana, Mr. J.
events, lei one be adopted. The wrongs, F. Cleveland, Mr. G. M. Snow, Mr.
committed upon our section, loudly < Geo. Ripley, Mr. Bayard Taylor, Mr.
call for decisive steps on the part of : W. Newman. At the bead of the Pub-
the State, hut if. the. spirit of Georgia i lishing nnd Financial departments, is,
cannot bring her to such measures as Mr. McElrnlh, the original nnd princi-
are desired by all true lovers of State' pal partner of Mr. Greely. “As a pro-
Rights and. Southern Institutions, Jet* perty, the establishment' is held in One
. milder ones carry the day. Above all < H undred shares, of which the larger
things, let not tame submission bring j number are owned by Messrs. Greely
down ridicule, disgrace and cotitcmpi, & McElratfc, the original*-proprietors,
. upon “ the empire State of the South.” while ihe residue are owned by five
- margin at which they could work, must Lei her tiol be made the laughing slock | Assistant Editors, aud five other As-
: #hni up shop and give place to more of the Union. Let her not. be pointed j sistants longest connected; with and
' ( 'GOizipetent^operators. i* 1 * with “the slow and unmoving!most responsibly employed in the sev-
- The .editor uf tlidt paper has been a ’finger'of scorn,” as ouc that attempted'oral departments of Prihting and Pub-
■ merchnnl atul cotton manufovturer.—4 to build, amlWns not able to.finish—ilishing. It is intended that in time *
; There is nu belterptlthpriiyAKi libi# sub-1 ns one that was frightful .in resolutions, i number pf shareholders shall be
. but as mild as “a sucking clove” when-creased, but that the whole shall cuntin.
«F cr<s . WP se< ! ane * ce *® °f 830,000,ihebpur arrived for action. [uc to be persons employed upon and
- 000 as the pr.xluct of jhn cotton crop i>f Georgia " cannot, must uqt lamely
' ovcr *48^9. .'Tinsthirty submit. Her citizens must .first.;learn
- mill tons o| dollars would put up. at to forget the past—to forget their forme r
i. home nnd equip enough mills to cliango high minded independence, their hon-
finntn five to six hundred-ihnasand bales orable and well deserved fame, their
of cotton into ci>ursccotton cloth. Most . intelligence,'thefr honor, and. their hon-
- of the money would be.spent ht-home'jesiy. They £hust first learn t*> he the
toe la(>ornml materials, and would cod-1 vassals of another. They , must bring
- ..stantly bo. reproducing^ cotton mjlis.—'! up their .chidren too, not ia swear
*l»e South can spare this thirty millions them, in the words of Mr. Toomhs, “ l.*»
of dollars, every year, and instead of ( eternal hostilify ifo the foul domination'
the CetMral rail road to Pittsberg where
they will take the steampr to Louisville.
The Portsmouth and Central rail road
Companies have behaved with liberali
ty and promptitude, passing the remains
and (l)Cori /j*:e of£LXpefcse.,
“ Old ff Alley” precedes the remains
of bis illustrious master, and will take
the rail road from N^a*iiingion, via Bal
timore, to York and, Columbia, ..where
he will go by Leech's Canal Line to
Pittsburg, and so on to Kentucky 1 .—
Baltimore Sun.
Stnsnlar Circumstance.
The whaling bark Elizabeth, recently
arrived at Mattapoisett, Mass., from
cruise, picked up, during her voyage, a
large bell weighing 200 lbs. It . had
the stamp of James S. B-Allaire, N. Y.,
1830, upon it, and was attached to a
broken beam, which had just buoyancy
enough, though very much eaten with
worms to sustain itself and the bell on
the surface of the water. The machine
ry of the Rhode Island was made at the
Allaire works, N. Y., in 1836, also the
bell; and on tho books, found the
weight of the identical bell registered
at 200 lbs.
There seems to be no doubt but the
bell found by ihe Elizabeth belonged
the Rhode Island ; which vessel it will
be "remembered left N. Y. last winter
for California but foundered at sea soon
after leaving, only seven persons being
The hell was picked upofFtbe Azores,
or Western Islands.
Singnlar Freak of Nafnre.
Birth of Twins—Death of Mother and
Children.—The N. Y. Tribune of the 7th
msu, says:
I A very singular and unfortunate case
of monstrosity occurred, or rather came
probably gay that these
to be tried. Now, if these thing* are yet to
be tested, we cay, let some member of Congress,
>ted for the “adjustmentand who bis
largely irom the public treasury, or some
rich submitsionl&t, who affects to believe -that the
Mexican law does hoi exclude the slaveholder, go
tnd make the experiment. If he should do so, and
the’ Courts decide tbat r sfavvry should be talented
there, then we promise to hold our peace and with
draw our objections^
The submissionists, moreover, for factious pur
poses, are perverting the real issue. They pcre-A-,
urging, when they -know to thff contrary, .a**'-
question to bedfeided at the election tor members
of the Convention, is Union or Disunion.
the simple and unvarnished truth is, that the peo
ple are merely cal'ed upon to ssy whether they
wit) approve,'by tame submission, the late aclioa of
Congress, which mbs them oftheir just and consti
tutional rights, or whether they will speak forth
their opposition,and, by all upproprijte mesns, en
deavor to put a stop to Northern encroachment.
On both sides of every great question, there trill
always he Tound ultras and extremists. If there bo
in Clark County, a man who advocates Disunion^as
the only remedy fo.r the existing evils, we know
him not. But if there be such, we hazard little in
asserting, that fpr every disunionist in the ratik* of
the Southern Rights party, there are two aboil-
tionists among the submissionists. The cry ot
disunion is only raised by designing leader* to ter
rify* few old grannies in pants, and some tender-
handed sprigs of aristocracy, whose- fears picture
the prol^bility of tlieir faces being scratched or
their hair being put out of curl. The bold «nd
nerved voters ol Clarke understand all thia
gammon. They know whom to trust. They will
edly place their confidence in such men us
KIN. They are, in every particular, completely
identified with the people. If these men are not
[iositories of the rights and liberties-of onr
i, snd faithful guardians ot the.Uniofl, where
>u find such t The good people of Clarke,
by an overwhelming majority, on ihe 25th of No-
will answer, nowhere.
^ jn ten year*, the saving* in carryit»g lent—to whisperJn their cars that thetr
col inn cloth, atul fnoil forthe cotioo ! falhers have h^tllie spirit of freemen,
cloth makers Jii unnatural directions ’atul are willing, hy tmne and coward-
- . about thn u’qri'l,'would huih! nndVqiiip ' ly submission to wrong, to sacrifice
..cotton tnUU etiuugU to c«<nsamc odr on-! not only iliemselves and their proper-
lira-crop, rfnd we .should iben have a|iy' t hut even, their children and their
nmnojtoly of vtiumi’cloth ns well as of ^children’s patriunmy.
• co . ,,on * - •<**! Thei'e is lni;.oiie path before .every
”!»• JH'ople of the South would then I Irue-hcattcd Georgian. It will lead to
r lie bitsy at Jirune Jr.stea.l of running ofl*. ihe perpetuity ol Southeru instilulions,
to C^hlorma. Tim stream of Bactolus' and to the prosperity of the whole South,
would then run by. tneir very doors, J It will Tend tri the ^tre:igthenmg/*uot to
'niid they, would-fin,| it* golden sands j the destruction of slavery. .
- riclier than those under the;Sacramento^I It is lo determine to uphold tWe lion-
•fd The reader will n»! fail to note what is or of Georgia, hy supporting firm, true,
*- ihe extract qum«*d above al>«>ul faithful, lelialde men for the convcn-
e lire greater efficiency- ol a new mftnii lion—men, who are no!-for cringing,
machinery. Twenty per cent, a.lvan-, fawning submission to wrobg and oot-
usetul to the paper. But, white any
one may he discharged fey" a general
vote of his associates, his right of prop
erty in the concern and his equal inter
est many dividend# which may be made
would remain' unaffected. Each per
son employed on the paper, whether
shareholder or not, is paid a stated sala
ry for bis services, which is fixed and
cap only be increased or diminished by
a yote of ilie stockholders in general
marring. C<«npo«iiors (type- sellers)
fo«B asf^xcoptkm; theirs is piece-work.”
All lor Was re.
Yesterday morning a suspicious look
ing package was received at the Post
Office in this city, post-marked
The eastern mills haw nmv the atL' rights ofGcorgiaoriil her dcarest'iutcf-
vjttitjigi* «>t our ijwn onljJ'iii sjrstetn.— i’Sts. W e nmst all determine to do our
This wv can aiid 'shaH S'»oQ v «»l.ihIii. and «luty at the present crisis, with firm
"' fearless cnfnils.' ‘ May. the
lage Is ehTirtnmisr; - ^ ; rlign, but.ore pfedged to stand by the r -
- Wn- » " S. • demonsiraiioos. have beeu^j^pade at
night about |he jail,' as supposed, to
^ ^ effect hisr release : and two
we ill.ill hear no home rr«Mkiiig« hearts and fearless mili,h. Mav. the "ccasioiii he^ ca ” ll 5 v «y makirig his
neers al.out ihe prolitalfleness or result he the South, and Hon- escape. • The jailor has, therefore, pul
^ *"—— 1 ' J “ 1
i; i' "KhilJ A. F; rfjo ague, of Kagle Pr.Vire, L " Singular Rising of a river In
L ’ T -fec*JTtAXD.—A Uict the beginning of ilie
present century, the depth of the river
"»r——j-j.-.w./., . .. rr-i — Clyde was scarcely five feet. The ves-
t have Itbrtiokin to jmiah’s Gounl sels in it consisted merelyofcraftsdraw-
• “ r iho.Yjinkee fe.y* water .im-brn ing a few feet w.-iter, and noueexcecd-
'••hich al'tC.r phuiiiug tbr seed, ling thirty or forty tons hunhen. In
led. grew and fipt .I Ifis .pickets 1S59, the average dcDth of the Clvde at
r 1 jHdor c r *2^. A.! . ..wi
has raised a eiicumUT live feel eleveil IScotla;
inches long, ^v says the Nashville present
American. DiMihtfoi! Bm it fso, ii Civile v
r tins fen
_ -inUli escape high water neap tides, was made nine
-Sarauuah Georgian. feet. In 1840, the depth was increas-
Shocking and: Melancholy “Suicide—
American House, Belfast, Oct. 6,1850,—•
This community was thrown into great
excitement on Friday everfing, at the
discovery of an awful suicide commit
ted jn this hotel. George W. Cary, a
young man about 23 years of age, clerk
of R. M. Moore & Co;, West Ind"
Goods Dealers, Boston, came here from
Augusta, Wednesday evening, on busi
ness. He appeared somewhat strange
ly, as iflaboriug under deep depression.
Thursday he attended to business for
his employers. Fridays morning he rose
early and spoke of going out a few miles
business,feut at nine o’clock he was
observed to go to his room which be lock
ed. Towards evening Mr. Lancaster
thought it strange that he did not make
his appearance, ami went to his ;;room.
rapped and called to him, but no an
swer being made, it wasjudged advisa
ble to break into the , room, which up
on being dorrea most appalling specta
cle was presented* The body of the
young man was stretched upon the
bed. face down, his throat cut from
ear to car, a large gash' across 'each
arm, and the faiaLrazor clinched in his
right hand. The body was stiff, and it
is siupposethlbat the deed was commit
ted-soon afte? he^Rent Vo his room. It
is supposed that he cut one of his arms
thedsryjirevtnas, as on that day M
Lancaster observed blood upon his
hand, and in reply to a question put to
him, he replied that his nose had bled.
A bloody handkerchief was found, in bis
pocket. Hi# papers and memorandum
book showeriZB* AW'I 1 account of his
business transactions, and two hundred
dollars were found on his person noted
in his book as collected. His employ
ers had not beard from him since he
left Boston on the 23d olt.i anS Mr.
Lancaster was telegraphed > twice be-
*^ e,,n ^ 3 • i i'i i I pretrltiJled labor, cave birth to twin fe-
Ueu^anl i«: I cl;^n M M and o,
. .. . .. a, nearly the usual size, but born together,
ernor, in the Massachusetts Whig State . ■ t , r . , . ., .
t face to face, and Tound to be united at
BXsr-'i""' s iyv 0| JrTny 1 Lind, ' he ^ ensl nn '> "'"'"'T"
and iil«li,. <l us sl.o is] musl sorufirncs ,"f. ,h ".««'>• Tt "- ch ' l ' l r rn |
grow sick u. he.,rl, nnd ibink. - whn! j»" re " a . c1 ^ f' ke
a U'cury iife I lend she musl P^-n.ed no mher s.ngnlnnly of fnrni;
• • , j- i ,,A„„|lhearm of one was thrown over the
urn. . v *- rn. or e e i S®J shoulder nod back ol (he other as in if
where she soem her early years, and i . .... ... . .
the simple unaffected greeting ol h(!r '^ acl of emhrncmg. We learn the
coumry people. She Butters in pink j <= h ' •'«" al '" h " r,r - b "'
and white satin, but perhaps lire true ;' 1P s ,on .. . r * . r . . , ' ,
feelings of her heart would be., il I case peeultnrly pntnfnl, ,s the subse-
pressed, similar to Napoleon's when he ^ was ma(I „ eavo her . hut th ;
tr.nordinary effort of this double birth
returned from his
with these; confounded trappings!”—
Family Visitor.
Plesse to-forward another Bak*
The fire-eaters arC rather scarce
■they never have plenty. The
m>i ctia»»pe H-i name nor ft* principles,
eoteiuporaric* hate dorie, nor die u
At the Hinds county (Miss.) Mass
Meeting; the following'retolutioor, intro
duced by Col. Tarpley, were unani
mously adopted :
3. Resolved, That we will not trans
act any business (either by the shipment
fitlon to, or the purchase of goods
from) with any merchant in the city of N.-
Orleans who is known to he a free soiler
in h.s senitmetlts, or uuless his long
residence in the Suuth and known opin-
bave identified him with the South.
Resolved; That we will employ no
school teachers or patronize any school
untterthe management of any person or.
persons, who a re not known to be wfmlly
Southern in all their feelings and opin
ions,'as we are unwilling to subject our
children to the tarnt of corruption, by
placing (hem under the influence of
those who claim it as a religious merit
to aid‘in the destruction of Southern
institutions. . r ‘
uU-SOe.' Buker. ettre J1. "had are
of M. Wick^rsbam.” This Baker, to
whom the package was addressed, was
arrested a month or two since on the
mail route between, this place and St.
Lnhis, after feeing detected in the act of
taking one of Ihe mail bags;'. He was
brniight to this city, - examined, and
committed to jail. A few days'after
Ih 13,' some discoveries were made in
trunk, tn possession of a woman pass
ing for Baker’s wife, in St. Louis, which
rived v here. He was the only .child- of
respectable parents, who reside id Bos
ton, whose distress upon learning his
sad end by telegraph -yesterday, was
oyerwhelming.—Bangor Murcury.
- Finances of Mexico,
- The'financial affairs of Mexico
fast ’ approaching a crisis. The gov
ernment has been continued since the
late war upon the resources derived
from the Mexican indemnity. This
source of revenue will soon be exhaust
ed, the more especially a3 loans
Constantly negotiating in advance of
the payment of the indemnity'.- • The
report oftbe Finance Committee, which
has been adopted by Congress, author,
izes Payne, the Minister of the Treasu-
'* *~* 1 — _ loan of $500,000 —
one has done.
Tlie above paragraph, purporting to be an ex
tract Irom a letter received by the editor, waa taken
from the Southern Banner of last week. Doubt
less the editor’s sapiential majesty (?) thought, by
the publication of that extract, that be was striking
a fallen enemy. ( Valorous f) We are bnregbUo
this conclusion, from the fact, that in 1847, a con
troversy occurred between that print and this, da
ring which, the editor of the Banner published,
without permission of the writer, a private"commu
nication, in relation to the controversy, from the
senior editor of this, paper. The “veteran,”
still writhing Irom the castigation he liad received,
with that dignity alone peculiar to himself fnd that
beast of burden of which we read in the scriptures,
made the proclamation to his readers, in connec'ion
with the private note, that henceforth he would no
tice nothing emanating from this sheet. He has
kept his word up to hi* last issue, when, felicitating
himself upon the removal of the “ thorn in his aide,”
lye is relieved of the bans undet which he had plac
ed himself, and ventures to publish tho above ex
tract. We are sorry to dispel the happy Illusion
from the minds of the editor'and his correspondent,
lint we beg leave to say that we are not dead yet.
We still exist—by pricking him occasionally—to
show up the editor's inconsistencies. We will on
ly say, In conclusion, that anvthing from ihe Ban
ner, adverse to this paper, is-for more preferable
ild be its plaudits. Do you remember the
Fugitive-slave law Meeting.—-A
meeting of some t hree or four hundred
white and colored men was held at the . . . , „ _ c „_ „ 0 _
City Hall Iasi evening. Win. H. Topp r y- » negotiate a Innn nf S-500.000 ot
-“re _re.. sens called to tbe Chair. Messrs. Lloyll ■^"mn.nder oHoe Ao,er.ea,re tndem
implicated Inin *as hnvtng been exteu- Pepper nnd ..tier,, addressed the meet- | ">'* '««»»»• '"“I 1 of
sively engaged in mail depredations.— ing, and their remarks were enthusias-! Thus the treasury is to
During Bnker-O confinement; several jic||y opplauded. They tlennunced' "n replenished for « mapth longer—
. , ._.n. - ,hc fugitive .Iwelaw..,
SlitutiSnnl, and at variance with human | V n bhdnne when '•>«'*
rights. The meeting brake up. both col- 's.n sertons q,test,on—Soronno* Geor-
orod and white meu expressing a deter- ) §T MW *
inioation to .resist .The law to the last. •
Shouht the slaveholders attempt to re-! _ The True Polict.—We are glad id
much for her strength, and she
died at noon. This is one of the most
singular cases that ever occurred in our
city, and its unfortunate termination so
far as the mother was concerned, is
deeply lamented.
Navigatius the Air. f
We yesterday examined n new in
vention which promises to realize hith
erto visionary anticipations of a suc
cessful and practical navigation of the
This invention is a new applica
tion of the principal of a Flying Ma-'”"", ^ I" ,i‘ ’f7Ld »
chine, which has already attracted thei° a dge ’ ° on * 1 "
attention and received the approbation i dinner to Mj. cobb.
ny eminent scientific men in this , k[u ., ^ Kowiig the Di«rict-.t-
coontTV. It is believed •hat the feast- ter coax j„g i wheedling and entreating', for four
bility of air navigation has been inflis- w «kN about ninety siKuatures liWkttn pra.
potably demonstrated, andI that hy this duced , 9 , n ^ j n Station to.Mr. Cobb, to partake of
machine space can be-anr.ihtlated with a public dinner. This number, out of seven or
’apidity second only to the Magnetic eight thousand voters, should be regarded as rath-
Telegraph. The inventor, Mr. John *r an ill omen. Tbe People oi tlie district sre not
Taggart, of Charlestown, Mass., has yet prepared, tpextearf such a mark of approbation
expanded couch t»me. #u*d labor in per- to a tqan who voted fpr tho Oregon Bill, and who
feeling his improvement, and propose# has never yet, since he has been s member of
thifening its action hy an ascension Congress, lifted aphis voice in defence of.elayeiy,
from tbis city. Which will lake place in when it was assailed. No Southern Representa-
a fevir weeks. The machine mav bejex- tive ever bits been on such good terms with North-—
amined at 135 Fulton street, Dunlap’s em Free-Soilers as Mr. Cobb evidently is. -
Hotel.—-AT. Y. Tribune. j Among the signatures, we recognise the name#
' ‘ —— of some men hereabouts, who, it has been thought.
The Real Thing.—We have heard tor sometime, were desirous of nn opportunity to
that a musical amateur, feeing..present swap party relations. Those who are ev^r on the
in a room where Jenny Ltnd was the' lookout for the strong side, are sometimes de-
“ mark of all observers,” saw tv fly' etived. " •
alight upon her cheek. Jenny brushed . skies briqht.
it «»ff. The geinlemnn’s eye followed "
■-1 a f«, *. 3 it We have seen a letter from an Intelligent citizen _
of Cherokee to a gentleman of this place, lo. which
him -iife irrtD3,*and secured him to the
floor/"^ The package alluded to was
opened amffuuitd to contain three patu-
phtets. bound together and lettered with
gold, “AH for Love/*
Oor post master and Mr. Wicker-
sham concluded that these pamphlets j
claim ffny runaways, in thi3 city, blood find Southerners at last support ing thfii-
and murder may be aniicipaled.r—4/-, ov J' n - papers, as ihey .should do. .The
banij Knickerbocker, Oct. 4. j Richmond Times boastsof haying added
T A — .55 new subscribers to ils, list within the
A small insect, of a brighr yellow jpast tvvo months ; and the Raleigh Her
color, and about the size of a cheese- ister says ** we have added upward
ithio the
•e have add-
there he captured il; arid pboriitg
hi s '5nufi.|,ux it, content,, he put it threre- ‘ t '>'"“ r «""' he
in, raised the bn, lo hi, lip,, end then ^ Tl ”
reverently placed ft to hi, boson.! The T""'' v
boa of that fly was sweeter than SST
flaeeot t ^ ; plexion of any country. Ue gives the following
& * — ; — ■ , comities as being prepared .to give the- Southern
The City of Paris is about to erect, Rights candidates a large majority: Floyd, Gilmer,
along- lh£ grand avenue of the Champs - Campbell, Carroll, Cobb, Cbe'rr,keg,Forsyth, Mar-
Elvsee, three hundred statues, in tnhr- ray, Gordon, ChattoOgo, Walker and Dade,
hie, of Parisians distinguished in-ihe . . —
administration of the city, in letters, in |. Axagm » Cbb*-—The Havana corrcapon-
•cience, the fine arts, or commerce. i dent of toe New Ynrk Sun, eay«, that a* he ht*
■ ■ ■ , ~ . ' * r ... . . seen in several papers'published in the North, that
Agrentleman It. q»kf..r , ..a wr.lM to Am e ric« n , w,jn,tl»»wepri,iI i . |! ,...tu ! rrU.r»re.
h.swtfem Ohm, that hi, crop of Ure boohd.ti. cmrect t)„ a>i,lake. An Ameri-
raatoes on an acre and a half otground M „_ ir kn „:„ „ , ocI ,, . CJ0n0t u,roa £ b
was worth 818,000. .die street, at liana, nithoot
-SomeMetro defitwW'• mRA,”MiIaA'*#
ensrst in .erving God in such a man- ; “If”
acr a,no. to offend fhc.devU.
—.ane of which was the trial of Profess-; mite, is supposed by the Irish farmers of tbai number to our list
or Webster—were not so neatly bound ftogenerate the pot a toe disease, as it has same time.” r
f«ir nothing. Accordingly tbe ho<ik was* been ascertained that Within the same time we m.-s u««u-
t'akett io a book binder and pronounced and bites, the stocks'blacken and sbriv- ed to bur list over one hundred new j-ambulates the Strand snd Fleetsireet, London, with that f
that nothing was concealed about it.— cl up. ‘ subscribers $ and wc expect to receive to# utmost gravity and decorum. thduhch
A dog, covered with advertising placards, per*.
r first insulted