Newspaper Page Text
CPW.«rtf«hr«-«^<HT.V£ «*v S ».u- j : ta-f-J, W flI«WMJc.,...for« r
in t»wUV. nf various new works just re- |„ fc.« «w„ 1,, Bnin . r . | M*. L*»nw*—Speaker- Cobb asserts. that the plaimny, if the North continues its outrages. This,
Ctore t .to **• *1- ons extract* from 'Norton) print*, how^he C.H- ”■*&"*•'’JP. '**?T'*
di^sss^is^isajs JSSWJaKSfcsss
ou. **»««■ •££ Wre, ito», I. * *tLj Recorder;
WeV—re .1. friend, of Soo.h«» RigM., th.t Iron, Ike rem. ««rce, lo .to. one rretore how ! .nd Abe weretwo friend, who taring “re.un.r.1,to)«»n>' -» proclmnHtot the Cl.y
Iheir core honword in old Clorhe. From c.crj „ le Fooiiiee SUwBill, wbich-oolike itoCUifer. rqn.lted on lb. pnbhc to»U, found the.r ctam. lo Compton.,«, winch depneed toe South of ever,
neighborhood we receive fncoroW. intelligence— ni , w „ —eonfiitotionnl, end the onl, * ™*" Md » f bo,,on ’ Und ’ co " flic ’- . ' fh 'J *"* '» * »■» one, end
A reection, decided nnd ttorooib, i. going on- At , a th „ CXUD j t lhc lbe laM ju-.icc-i. n “ r *•«•* * 1“ ,rrel *'' a 6 r bl . » l *« | i* rrK,l >' to the people of the Slate-to
firet. the cr, of Uieooion had ho eflhcl, hot thi. reoeited h, oorenemie. ntthe Northfriend, interposed. The, both were great cock- ; proclaim, in eo man, word., that we have no ri-hta
delation i.,, end the oeol- ru mi Omrentoa-Fu-imr e V h,m - *“ l br *S3 rf *!*** ,hf <**• game , and are willing to submit ,o an, and all wrong,.
oual, reliving under the banner of eqoai right. Shire Erci/cmenl, afc. ° cock, in the country. It waa therefore determin- It baa never been our opinion, Ihat Georgi. would
■nd Union. Bono*, Tuesday, Oct. 1. •»*. »b*t «*ch should go home at onee, take op bis j thus proclaim her oh o disgrace, and incite new end
At the Whfc Contention ai Worcester to-day, bird.jurt as it teat in Ha cage, put U down in a rail i more unjust aggressions upon her constitutional
Jenny Lind received one rote larLieul. Governor, pen in the field, open the door and let the birds go rights. It has never been oaroptuioa that her peo-
Watkinsville on The Speaker* in the afternoon denounced the Fu-
TdlegrapMc Intelligence.
Reported for the Charleston Courier.
Storm at Baltimore.
There waa a tremendous storm at Baltiraor
last night.
Baltimore. Oct. 28.
OCT. 31..'..Corrected weekly. *y Thomas Bisuoe 1 K GOOD horse and buggr. Apply at thi* Otike.
“vf —1 ■ • ■ 21 Oct. 10.
Baggiug,gaany,vetyd..- \J n
Don’t forget the meeting i
S. and G. Knight, alleged slave catchers from
■■ SI • L’ll * sur a terms J d* ^ork. The land was to belong to him whose bird pie would assist the free toilers to bring about her , Florida, were arrested at Boston on Saturday
Tueseay neat. We hope every man in the court- CoV ■akUhat jJTheld iUn "execration aud°tbat rewwi *® rf longest on the ground. Alt thi* waa done own ruin. We never will believe it, until the bal- j for slander, and held to bail in the sum of ten
ty will be there. People of Clarke, hear both no law that did away with those two great bul- immediately, and in order aa agreed upon. Now, Jot box proclaims the fearful truth,—Auguste JJc- thousand dollars,
aidea of the question. You are called upon to de- warks of Liberty, the trial by Jury awHhe habeas it so happened that Brom waa an oddity, and had public.
trnninr—form ,nur ... o,toto»/re/iton .« j’!"® ber8 °f la™, anukco, frog., birds .nil bresta io . ^
fearlessly and boldly, as your best judgments may f atiire l0 lhe reclamation of Fugitive Slave.. At J®"**-. o l,er * Uan - e U “““^ he Methodist Episcop-l Chcrch Socth—The N.
direct. It is particularly desired that the aubmia- Worcester two slave owners are prowling about Unght a roinlt to live to the ca„e with the game . E p . . The Senior Biahon f^nnlo \
.ion cand .dale, .hoold reload. Th. poop, wao,
to hear their creed. They will hare an opportnni- ^SnSfSlm ZSTS* ?. Z ' , sLZ ! •? 7, ! D D. and A. L. P. Green, D. D are now in this
chanting their only argument—Vision! ber^t Fughfve aiaves in U.U c.ty raet^ la>t even- ^t V.lecU^t! cit y »* commissioners on behalf of the latter
There i
Fugitive Slaves in Boston.
s generally ex pi
Now, Mr. Toombs says, in substance, ing at Rev. Mr. Si
that the m-»n who is everlastingly uttering this * eftf
cry, is s base Judas, who will, when opportunity
offers, betray his tribe. The friends of Southern ; anJ ,' uve f am iljeV
Rights have been grossly, basely and willnliy mis
represented. Seceasion and Disunion have been
charged upon them, by those who knew they were j _ ®°
uttering falsehoods; their object jvas dece,T ® , ton fo-d.y from .W ’
and mi»fead the people. Attend the meeting, fel- j g 0 no tnrther, but rei
low-citizens—hear their vindication, and you will j and abide the result,
be satisfied tbeir only aim is to secure to you equal
rights—to protect your property, and to guard yon—
your wives and your children from the horrors of
ayrvilo insurrection.
At a meeting of an Anti-Slavery Society, a re
port was made, in which it was stated, that the Ab
olitionist. had agents in every county of the
Southern States—that they were frequency men
of high character, and operated so adroitly, as to
escape even the shadow of suspicion. People of
Clarke, take heed that you are not nourishing
: their had been watching fn
dashed at it with mo
AbeV cock screamed v
top rail with a chuck!-
neck, raised its feathers, and with eyes popping out
of its head, stood trembling, and could not te in-
! duced to descend.
i the'eage, rushed out and
unmistakable intentions,
h terror, mud reaching the
jf horror, stretched out its
here, arm themselves
Fugitive Slave Excitement at Worcester.
WoKCE»rcR, Mass., Tuesday, Oct. 1.
here is a considerable excitement here, owin
repoit that there are two slave-catchers i
mong the colored popu'.al
More Fugitive Slave Excifttnenl.
Sriiixc.»ir-LD, Mass., Monday. Oct. 1.
Thero is great excitement here in consequeni
j. i of the supposed presence of Slave-catchers. The
' colored people are arming, and the Town Hall is
a t-il los j thronged by thousands of excited people, deter-
e that the slavery ques-1 mined that not a slave shall be taken from Spring-
South. Read the field, law or no law. There will be hard fighting,
Take out the mink,” rfied Abe.
him be,” said Brom; “ 1 brought the cage
n the cage before you made
wd for justice and equali-
•xlracts here appended, from the Northern prints—
tliey will show you how this settlement is regard
ed by the Freesoilers—they are lolling yon along—
they are getting you M used to submission.”
The Slave-trade in the District of Columbia is
abolished, and men, here at home, openly approve
and justify it. The next Mep will be the abolition
of slavery in the District, and in all probability, the
name inen will claim that measure as a Southern
triumph, and exhort you to submit. And thus you
will l»e lead on step by step, until you will find
your.elves, unresisting victims, bound hand and
foot, at the leet of Northern power. One and all,
go to the meeting at Watkinsville, on the first
Tuesday in November. Hear, judge, and act for
yourselves. The following are the extracts re
ferred to above:—
Before quoting from the Northern papers, we
will bring in the testimony of the London Times.
“ SLA I’ER Y mvi, in consequence >f these mea
United States, and men n»>i> living may sea its
LIC. An obstinate opposition to this inevitable
(tendency on the part of the South may delay, bul
From the X. Y. Sun.
“ From the House of Representatives we havi
every reason to expect as equally decided a vote
Undoubtedly there will be a clamor ar.d claltei
from the extreme and fanatic Southern member-
—It is to be expected—but the final result maj
be written down with certainty. T'-ieir deebioi
TED STATES. Its final suppression is m
hand, and may he looked upon as one of the
triuqtpbant battles ever fought and wen, ye
s attempted. About 50 fugitiv
Fugitive Slate meeting in Springfield.
SrRiSGFiELD, Mass., Wedne^day,Oct. 2.
The citizens of this place and the Fngiti
Slaves here held a meeting fast evening,
much excitement prevailed. Inflammatory speech-
were made against the law, and thg KugitiVi
just a
“It isn't a fair fight to have the mink thrown
in,” said Abe.
“ You knew it lived
the bargain,” cried Bn
“I appeal to Ibe cr
ty !'* screamed Abe.
“ Non-intervention is the principle,” shrieked
Brom, and the judges decided that the laud was
Brom, however, fearing that Abe would not
help him thereafter in his log-rolling and other
heavy work, offered to pay ten cents an acre fot
the land, if Abe would cut wood for him at the
rate of forty cents for a dollar's worth. To this
Abe cheerfully agreed, and always at musters,
thereafter, used to brag what a great triumph lie
had obtained over Brom in that matter about iht
bottom field! T. L.
recommended l
The excitement
Canada. Sunday 1
i themselves a
j the fugitiv
The relative posi
menu The *South
the hall* of Congress
r the South and Georgia,
sitions of the North and South
every respect in the Govern-
s weaker than the North in
The legislative acts of the
rhabit—and a
rght o
From the Portland (Me.) Enquirer
» Slavery is also about to be driven fron
KEN TO ITS FOUNDATION. All this the an-
ti-slaverv and Jrre-soil labors ol llm country lu
done, anil FUTURE AGES.aloke can estima
effected ihis gi
eon the part ol the North, for many years.—
tinl) have we struggled against it. The inslitu-
wilh ' 'ion of slavery is now in the hands of a Northern
ithcr majority in Congress. The passage of the Cali-
1 fornia bill, the formation ol territorial governments
The Fugitive Slave Bill. | ' n ^ la, ‘ and New Mexico, with the declaration ol
(Wico, Toredar, Oct. 1. I lhe wl,ole N<,kb .«“* Ib ° **•»"•«
1 *lavery are in full force, deprive us practically ol
Church, to prosecute its alfedged ch
tain portion of the property acquired by the Church
previous to the secession of the Southern branch.
Suits are brought, we understand, in the United
States courts, simultaneously in this city and
Cincinnati, because the great bulk of the property
dispute lies partly
ost important case, and has -been in agitation
for several years; it enlists the interest of the larg-
religioua denomination in the United'Slates.
‘The Man of Ross.”—The Providence,joker
who paid 8650 lor a Jenny Lind ticket, it is
wears boots made sharp at the toe, with square
He built a house recently and had afl the doors
instructed to run upon pulleys, like a window,
»t mounted on hinges as usual. The house was
built to receive a bride, who is reported to be very
beautiful. On the occasion of his marriage, in
stead of the usual tour, he sent his wife to Boston,
and went himself to New York. He is a ticket
seller to the Railroad, and part of his dutie:
sist in carrying the mail from the depot to the P.
O. His horse and carriage are both curious affairs,
well suited to so odd a genius, Ai
popular and good natnred, and though affoiding
much mirth to his friends, is universally rtspected.
A late letter says:—• The election appears to be
hotly contested between Arista and Almonte. The
election of either is sure to bring about a rcvolu-
in. If Almonte, or either of the other candi
dates, is elected, Arista will proclaim the indepen
dence of the Republic of the Sierra Madre. II
elected, hi a opponents will pronounce
im, under the pretext that he has made
of gold.and force to procure his election.”
per lb
is-! RICE! RICE !! RICE!!!
30 f 4 XF.W supplv of good clean Rico, fust received
j® \2\ andfrrsifeWV T. BISHOP.
|0 i Athens, Sept 19.
TASU paid for beeswax by
The steam ship Pacific, from Liverpool, whence
she sailed on the 16th instant, arrived at New
York this aiternoon, after a passage of eleven dayi
and three hours. The P. brings 94 passengers.
*1 he Liverpool Cotton market on the 16th, was
dull, and prices were in favor of purchasers, but
alteration in quotations had actually taken
place since the sailing ol the Asia. The sales
during the four days were 17,000 bales, of which
speculators took 24100, and the market closing hea
vy. Indian Corn was in better request and 6d.
advance had been obtained. Flour was quiet, and
last week’s prices were current. The London
Stock market was buoyant. Uqusok closed at 96$.
The Queen of Belguim died on the 12th inst.
Germany.—Notice had been given to the
Prussian Government not to suffer the Federal
Assembly at Frankfort, and to interfere by lorce
in Hesse Cassel.
rk.—Frederickstadt still holds out a-
gainst the Hohsteiners. The latter were repulsed
four times, notwithstanding they had planted
their standards on the -breastworks. The loss
both sides was small.
Berlin journals state that Austria, Wirtemhurg,
Bavaria and Saxony have concluded offensive and
defensire alliance against Prussia.
The above is all the news worth telegraphing
ick 1
10 a
l >rk S ?***•*
“ bag...... ...... ...2 00 a 2 25
bid I--. 7*
bushel........ 100 t
S" :
...1 00 a 1 25
White Lead, keg, 25lbs-
Glass, box 8x10..
Mackerel, No. 3, bbl..
gMOKED Beef, fresh
R USSIAN and American ^icetlron of various sizes
and thickuefses, constantly ou hand sad for sal#
low by Sept. 19. T. BISHOP.
A VERY Superior lot of Bacon Side* and Shoul
ders, just received and for talc low for cash by
ScpL 19. T. BISHOP.
O RAdven
Scpt. 19
HI Dorado,
tlarpcr’s %Vew aWoittMff,
ILL be received as fast as issued bv
Dr LOMBARD has returned
id can be found at bis office all hour* of tho day.—
laving lately visited the North, he ha* availed himsdf
A NEW supply for sale by
Sept 19.
Kennedy's Life of Wirt,
i01t sale bv CHASE A PETERSON,
•pt, 19. » '
The Fugitive slave bill
among the colored population of this
e that there a
„ . , Hage. j any share whatever -
The negroes pr«i!Y>a to believe that there are sev- • destroy our political equality in the Senate. This
U-hers in the neighborhood, and thev . ... . * 0 , • .« . ,
:rd ,„d nnnrf .Wrerelv.s to re.i.t J 'l™ 1 "}' 10 lhe .S™*** *• b * v « "P lbl * P«"<*
attempt lliat may be made against them, declaring hcen ableto maintain. We have now lost it.—
that they will fight to the last if need be, to de- j -We stand, therefore in an unequal position in
fend the liberty of themselves or frtends. It is ra- Uie Union—we may raise our voice for justice, but
ported that several negroes who have resided in
Ithaca have sought palely in flight. Here they
iotyed not to emigrate, but light for liberty.
the pri
The Fiii
! demanded.
From the Albany Evening Allas.
•' Admission of California—Thk Corker Sto:
ok thk Pacific.—California in admitted into the
Union, among the free State* of the confederacy !
Slavery i* cot off from the l*»e»fic, and through
that net range of territory, destined doubtless to
control liercafter the fortune* of the world, and to
shape the civilisation of the future, it is s part of
the organic law, that neither slavery nor in volun
tary servitude shall be permitted except for crimes,
where*f the party shall be duly convicted.
Jf is a great triumph. But the facility with
conflict, or contest, (though
r had prepared the publie
’re Slave Laic—Fred. Douglas.
Rochester, Monday, Oct. 7.
The celebrated Fredrick Douglas, it is said has
been invited lo attend an anli-Fogitive Slave Law
Meetiing at Fanueil Hall in Boston on Monday
evening, the 14th inat., and has accepted the in-
Tke Fugitive Slave Law.
Boston, Saturday, Oct. 7.
Meetings are called all over this State in opposi
tion to the Fugitive Slave Law,
The Fugitive Slave Law in LoteeU.
Bostox, Saturday, Oct. 5.
A great Free Soil meeting was held in Lowell
last night, at which, with shouts of applause, a res
olution -was passed to call back three fugitive slaves
who had fled from that city to Canada, with a
pledge that they sltall be protected from arrest by
the citizens of Lowell.
Infostakt Treats'.—We Icarti from the Phila
delphia North American, that the Hon. Wm. B.
m, on the part of the United States Gov-
, concluded a treaty or, the 9tb ult. with
the Chippewa Indians inhabiting the Northern
.f Lakes Superior and Huron, by which the
Indians have ceded all the lands from the eastern
ity ol take Huron to Pigeon River, on take
Superior, and inland to the height of land, together
with the islands of the lakes and rivers. The price
paid was 816,000 in hand, and an annuity forever
of $4,400.
A New “ Dodge.”—The osten Bee gives the
following account of the newest dodge out:
A couple representing themselves to be newly
married, and in bridal costume, stopped at the Na
tional Hotel, Utica, last week, to spend a fe„w days
on their wedding tour. The groom, on Saturday,
borrowed 817 from the polite host, and disappear
ed. Tire deserted bride—without money, without
friends, a victim of deception—wept tears which
drew a contribution out of the pockets of the board
er*, and a purse was made up fey the abandoned
Ariadre, far exceeding in inoOxt what hsrLbeen
loaned to her flying Theseus. She then disap
peared ! It is believed that the two parties hat
rejoined each other, and are ready to receive at
amount of money again in the way of loan or co
fribution from confiding landlords and generous
More ^roxavtics.—Undismayed by the mel-
incholv catastrophe that betel Lieutenant Gale, ibe
o invent new modes
tave to depend upon for protection.
VVbat then will now be the result? The North
formerly used what power she had to cripple
institutions and prosperity—is il to be supposed that
she will not use this new inert ase of power for the
accomplishment of tho same ends ? Judging from
our past history, there can be bul on* reply. Thii
increased power of tho North will be directed
and Senatoi
ine month* ol bls*-
mind for something
iearfnl.) show* how unjust and cowardly luts been
the policy, which bss thus fnr excluded the young
■State." —
From the Albany Evening Journal.
"Aominston or California.—7’he tar
1 octant and grudging admission of California' as s
Free State Into the Union, is an emphatic and sub
stantial triumph. Slavery is forever excluded
from the shore* of the Pacific. Thi* arm of the
Republic i# never to te paralyzed by human bond
age. California is deetined to be an enterprising
enlightened, wealthy and powerful common iveAltb
Jl will ncce**arilj be divided, and die children,
life the parent, will be free.”
Tire Northern people are so much delighted at!
the victory gained in the passage or the Calitornia
bill, that each party is claiming it as a triumph of
tbe>r party. Hear the Boston Port, after stating
that the Whig* looked upon it as their victory: -
. ** The people, however, will *ee through all this.
They will not accord to* "whig odmnisiration”
sock A »L0W or MosrEarrT. They will look
deeper and judge better What has been gained by „ - p •
themstru(nent*lii\'ofthe National Democratic ... . ... . n .
Pauxv; and the people see and know that the of attracting spectators. Instead of Monsieur Poi-
oenntry needs the same patriotic party at the helm i tevau ascending on horseback, it is Madam Poite-
iaorder Miat what bps been gained with eo much van who that dangerous feat.—
be IMPROVED snd irensroitlcd 1® P°®* i T ... ,n .sccnt on Frid», from U» Hippo-
This gentleman ■ays, “ if tie people tf Geor-
' the i
After having passed over Para, and
fre taw «>uid4fc«rrH,<brery ru U i «iW»monf* lire elorel. fcr « coo,I, ol hoar.,
AM*,rfccgjM«h? mat rtmain in lie Unto. «in- : tho odveotoroo, cooplc dreccodrel «f. and reread
-***» WUIH* that gcnllonua tnow, f Ho | »» * M ° e w °""h ^tho copml.
rcprerentt’ire ore la re- ; A Fo , a[CiIL[ -M. IrejnMje, .a
Orel Iht, information lo hi. cn.reiln.nlm H«'.. , h ^,^ treicat. in Frarec. had inerted .
p*r.c*dm, them Inreihmil ton re.mpn.mire -hreh wKich h „ b ^.„ com .
nion end degind., Ihren, rch.n ,1 - lb. Imre, misjkiI1 rich bullet on rtritin-the t*j«, n^rin,!
^. l !>?? ,, * l> . h g! l *n* >l »! ( T rebich i. re., dirccled. e.pfoded reid. , dcmn.,ion
asloud as that of the gun from which it was fired.
Northern Representativ
carryout the views of their constituents and State
Legislature*, or their seals will be filled by others.
We have seen in former limes, the truth of this re
mark. Members of Congress, who from a linger
ing sense of what was due the South, were willing
to measure out even scanty justice to her, have
been compelled either to yield to the wild fanaticism
of the times or resign their seats. Men are mark
ed then for political death, who do not yield will
ingly to the anti-slavery mania, which prevails
among them. Many and many a conservative poli
tician ha* paid the forfeit of disregarding the voice
of his free soil constituency. Victims at this time
are now rare. The reason is evident All ibe
Northern members, with a loin, no exceptions, a
tinctured with abolitionism. It is their creed
oppose slavery in any and all forms.
The House of Representatives, more particular
ly, lias shown this fact for several years. It rep
resents the real feelings of the people and their
clinations, more fully than the Senate. Theie
less favor shown Southern interest* in this body
than in the Senate. Demagogneism is more gen
erally prevalent. Popular prejudices arc
dearly seen, and tbeir effects more evidei
this body Northern sentiment ItasLcen predot
for many years. That sentiment. *3 we all know,
adverse to the South. It has shown itself
year afler year. It is now triumphant. The
South is too weak in the House to prevent mea-
of injustice if she desired it ever so much.
Unless she resists, she has but one weapon left
her, a application. Entreaties for mercy may save
her from destruction. She has no other instru
ment to protect her. She has given up so much
.f her just rights that she has made herself an
erior in the confederacy. The apathy, indiffer-
•nce and cowardice of her sons have brought about
his sad and terrible state of things. There
hope of her ever regaining this lost power. The
sceptre has departed from her. She was once
equal—she is now an inferior. She onee could
mand justice—she must now beseech it from
enemies with no hope of obtaining it.
This is the result of submission. And we are
called upon to submit again. Measures, far more
unjust to the South than have ever yet. passed by
Congress, are presented to her for acceptance. The
entertainment to which she is now invited is a sin
gular one. The rich prssessioas of California,
Utah and New Mexico are spread before the North
as her share—not onecramb is offered to the "poor,
South” She is weak already.^.She
has lo*t much ift the past. She only asks for an
Arrival or Axtiqvities Fire* Nixeveh.—The
brigantine Apprentice has arrived in London, from
Bussorali, on the river Euphrates, having on board
a great quantity of Assyrian and other antiquities
and marbles, consigned to the trustee of the British
Museum. Among them are the great bull from
Nineveh, with a man’s head and dragon’s wings,
weighing 12 tons, and a lion,sculptured in the same
manner, weighing 9 tons. There are also several
coffins, containing many curious relics of the man
ners and usages of Eastern countries regarding the
ceremonies observed in burying tbeir dead.
ItrsAXiTT or oxe of thr iJiTctzsoxFamily.'—
We learn that one ot tBe Kuicfcihvon family (we
believe Judson,) was takeu eastward on Friday eve
ning in a state of raving insanity. They wdre giv
ing concerts at Cleveland, when Ihis melancholy af-
i befel them, and were, ol course, obliged to
suspend them.—Roch. Dan Oct. Sf.
Herb they go.—The Northern press Is now
taking the ground that the fugitive slave law was
not designed to embrace those slaves who had
made their escape from servitude previous to its
passage. They say that such a law would be ex
Late from Ccba.—By late advices from this Is
land, we learn that about tnirty of the most distin
guished and wealthy citizens of Matanzas were
arrested during the early part of the present month,
on suspicion of being concerned with the Lopez
O* The Germantown (Ohio) Emporium says,
great many people visited that town to witness
the eclipse of the sun a few days since, and adds
that they never dreamed that the show could be
by Rev. James Robert Boyd, and
J of t(
A Boston speculator proposes a plan by which
they who choose may go to London aud see the
ir in the spring and come back again, all for
ore than one hnndred dollars. He says he
icertained from good authority that, provid-
hundred passengers can be obtained, the pro
prietors of a line of first class packets will agree
nish a passage to Liverpool and back; and
provide good accommodations and excellent fare,
for the sum of sixty dollars each—the whole trip
and stay to include about three months.
the bight
c following illustrations, e:
: f-tyle Of the art, viz:
sing the- fallen Angels,
flour, constantly "on hand and for
sale kv by ’ Sept-19. * T. BISHOP.
n hand and for safe low, for cash.
\KJ by
F. F. Ore Blasting and extra-fine Rifle Powder
Clarke SlierifFs Sale.
O N the. firet Tuesday in December next, will be
sold before the Court-house door in the town o|
Watkinsville, Clarke county, within the legal hours ol
sale, the following property, to wit:
One bale of clean cotton, supposed to weigh foui
hundred or upward. Levied upon as the property of
’ — - - -• »- re * , from Madlsor
1 WilUara Bone
l.*S. VINCENT, Sh’ffi
Louisiana.—Some citizens of the parishes c
Bienville, Claiborne, and Bosier, recently held
meeting at Mount Lebanon, at which, among otln
resolutions adopted, was the following;
* 1 Jbfso/ved.That the admission of Calirornia, with
the boundaries prescribed in her constitution
act of aggression and discrimination agatns
Southern States, and should be resisted by them
Dreadful Mortality.—-Out of a
cargo of one hundred and filly-nine Nor
wegian emigrants,.embarked at Buffalo
for Milwaukie, fifty-four died on the
passage, and were thrown overboard.
They were victims of ship fever, con
tracted during a recent voyage of three
monihs from Europe.
By neglecting those salutary
precautions which common sense dictates, many, ve
ry many, fall victims to their imprudence. We have
seen the young bride blooming like a bird of paradise
—tbe fair flower of hope, the pride of her father, and
tba joy of her mother, her cheek flushed with antici
pation, and her eye beaming with the soft expression
of love, the gay dream* of life dancing before her
the rich and variaged tint* of the rainbow's
allthU changed, ay«
A GREEBLY to an order from the Court of Ordina
ry of Clarke county,. will be sold on the fit
Tuesday in January next, at Watkinsville, within tl
ironers; likely, boys. ond one of theTest
■iera, and fiM*ht«a in tbe State. -Term*
B. fl. OVKIiUY, Adin
A NEW supply just received by
Oct til. * ’
A LA RGB and well selected stock of Negr
Shoe* for Plantation use, con*i*tine of Blac
and Russet Brogans of beat kinds. Persons i
fancy, with the
hue. We have
Death of Da. William Butler.—We learn
from the Philadelphia Bulletin, that a letter from
Fort Gibson mentions the death, yn the 24th utt„
bfDr. William Butler, U. S. Agent for the Cher-
okees. In the war of 1812, he was a Surgeon
the Navy, but retired to private life, waa then,
after sevetal years, elected to Congress from tbe
Pendleton and Edgefield district; S. C. He
a brother of the present Senator from Sooth Car
olina, and has left a large family.
Public Gratitude.—A New York paper;
tliat in the Poor House of that city is a man, dy
ing by inches, of old age and neglect whose por
trait can be seen in the Governor’s room at the
City Hall, in a painting placed there as an honor
to an honored name,.and a relic of the most glori
ous pages of American history ! The man. who is
friendless and an inmate of the Poor Ilonse of the
city and county of New-York, is the same brave
seamen who pulled the bow oar Of the boat which
conveyed the heroic Perry from his own riddled
and dismantled ship to the ship “ Niagara," ac his
glorious victory cn take Bfi**? * f.
common cold.” Now, before It 1* too bite, _
Dr. Roger’s Syrup of Liverwort and Tar, which give* ( X -
immediate relief; thousand* ofour mo?t intelligent 1 In the United Stat
and wealthy families are ready and willing to testify, extensively to publish the
For sale in Athens, by Drs. II1LL& SMITH. I office* in tha country with <
by him arc warranted equal or superio
a country with cheap stamps. All *1
Bowen & McNamee,
•Vetu 1‘otfc,
H ave removed to their new bilkIT^
Warehouse, 112 and 114, Broadway, and now of. j n n.l
fer for,sale probably the largest, richest and most cot.
preheuuec stock of French, India. German, Italian nr
English Silk and Fancy Goods ever exhibited in tli
i that can be pr<
ever any are sent out in any manner dcfectn
►satisfactory, duplicates will 1>© forwarded, i
xtra charge. All who order i
rd libitum. Full set with one change, $1.
o dollars anly, and special
r-P. M„ Pleasant Grov
O UR SAVIOUR with Prophets and Apostles.
18 highly finished engravings, just received at
cheap book store of CHASE <fc PETERSON.
)ci. SI.
. ID" The Courier «J- Enquirer closes an editorial
article, in defence of the Gothamites’ Lindaisaia,
with this handsome passage :—
Honor, honor, honor, then we say, to her who
sings like the angels; whose purity is as stainless by Charles LyelL Illustrated with Maps,
as the tnovr of her own native bills —whose char*- wood cuts, for sale by CHASE & PEI
ty droppeth aa bounteously, and yet a* gently as
lhe dew ol heaven—in genius a St Cecilia, tbe
idol of the rich, and in goodness a St. Theresa,
infant of the poor.”
£L Hunter’s lifo in South Africa,
C ONTAINING anecdotes of the chase of the LION, tomM* Whi" i „ C ws-
ELEPHANT, RHINOCEROS, <tc. A rrererk- , » «SSSSoSSHStiXfSS "
The establishment is as ccsnpletely fitted for the ,
printing of a large weekly sheet .a*jmy in the State;
cated tA the people of Georgia, wnnld wrv -i-,
Are. lo rere.1. «» «*<» «re reireure.. Wb.t ~ u *«^ire eSfce It tow.
■rer. re. to thtrefc <J.reh. reprereotoire » j„ ,„ iki „ r „, . bjett .bid. o>ore, re-
*»■ Amorj lire irnny re.lrir.i.ret • TU.ce, retolhre « to «rth, recto, o. nrere. AI
»hid. are at prerent .idling ni*. «l the the nf the trial, the member, of the
Feiroftto American Institute in Nere York, U misnion rektrereiru! ttoinventor, rent: :-Sir jnn.
.Me in ,nppl, th, pin. „[ nmpnuted leg. Il » ™th< «■>.>» inrelihd anxnrgit the member,
composed ol retM willow wood .nd .reel npringN oh'he Pence Coh-rr,^ for .her poor hrtntion .1
rei.h n due regard lotto loan or nonlomv, ererr «M to rmpouibSe to think pi making rear.?. U.
, joint in the nntotnl leg beihg copied *ith prinotonere Iregrnnge reaerta that refill, gnn boat, armed reilh
arid niretj deierring ct mncL pmire. The Port loor piece, ot emroo.. Ire conid sink . chip clone
says that ft ia impossible, when attached to the hundred and twenty guns In twenty minutes. He
body, to discover aaj difference between it and the j »* u* flreatjr with the Government for the sale of his
fat era 1 litub. Kcret. 4 ’ '
equal share—she even offered to accept one-third—
she was scornfully rclused it. ft Unexpected, of
■, by the North, that she will shbmit. .While
the"free sailers are gloating over their gams and
predicting as.the resist,the final abotitian of *la-
the South, we are Ailed upon to quietly
icquiesce in the unjust and unholy settlement, be-
Rohantic Story.—Thfe Evansville Journal
says: "Last Monday a stranger made application
te onr city grave-digger for employment. He was
at once set to work digging a grave, which he com
pleted before evening. He ws* paid one dollar
for his job, and feeling unwell, went to bed. Du
ring the succeeding night lie died, and in the morn
ing wSs buried in the same grave which bul a fen
Ikours before his own hand* had dug! We were
unable to leans the name of the unlortnnate man,
or any part of his history, save the «ad part here
recorded. He died among us a total strangei
sltall receive credit for
ten dollar Proof Press-
graving or nn engraved n
value will be forwarded.
publishing tl»c above (wtth thi?
in i sending a copy of the paper
F.AVER and Moleskin Hats, just received at
ug.29. FERRY i
if Baker,) x f 0
faithful attention, to all profcssumal business ent
:d to his care in the comities of Randolph, Early, £
cr, Leo, Baker and Decatur of the South-Wtsl
ind Thomas of the S
I RON. Nails, and a general assortment of Hard war*
just received and for sale by
JtOR tfieu*e»f JuStices'oTitm Thace. jtSHri
and for sale by
T HE Watklrtsvillo Leather Manufacturing Company
,are n»w offering fur *:do a hnodsome stock of
eaiber, eprj-is.hig «f Hamea*, Belt. Sole ami Upper
nthcr, and Invite tlie attention of dealers and coosu-
cxpcct soon to have on
„ <» Shiwsof the best quali-
ii paid fur hides and bark,
nsville, July 13. W. G. MORGAN, Snp’t.
uated to the Imsines# part of
the college and to the churches. Terms low
Address the sul»tcril>er at Macon, Ga.
Thro© Voara in California,
C ONTAINING engraved portraits of Senators
Fremont and Gwynn, and «f Wright, Sutter, and
others—together with lilhotints illustrative of hfe
there. Abo fac simile? of the signatures of the Mem
ber* of the Convention. Just received and for sale by
Jkpt. 5, Sign of the Mammoth Book
Athens, Georgia.
T HE subscribe-, a* proprietor of tbe abort
well arranged and fumndit
1 Hotel, orpects, from
arcs, to make itjnst such e
■ Athcn*, January, 1819.
TITHE REAS, Benjamin Peeler opplie* to i
w loiters of Guardia
irspaperhead, of the above
able book, just received by
Oct si.
Tekiro, to cite and adtnonbh all per-
o l>e au<l at my office within the tuna
ivr. to show ciuko (if any they have)
i sbrnild not be granted. '
nv haml. at office, tin* 1st day of Oc-
/~\R, The Modern Change* of the Earth and
* " : 5 — rr,—i—— of Gwlwg , f
Plates and
and has connected with it. a Job Office, i
, plot
Oct 17,1850.
I for sale 1.
ND a variety of other
•Sept. 12. T. RISHOr
Unto Caps, Bools nttd Shoe*!
Mrs. Prllehard. 1 TT AYE removed their stAclc of goods totWstorw
H AS received and opened her stock of FALL' -|-i lately occupied by A. J. Brady. No. 7. GRAN'
AND WINTER ' | Ti'E ROW’, where they have on hand, and will con
Uoitnrts, Ribbons and Dress flood*. j tinue to'olTer uj.on liberal teruvna very extensive ma
iler friemls and the public are requested call sorhrtcnt *.f Hats.Cap*. «»H»ts awl Show, Trunks V*-
and examine them, as she will sellcArop fa CASH, lUe*, Uarpet-Baj V U mbrellas aud sudi other articles
or on a short credit to approved customers. I ns are usual! v kept bj- thorp. .
. Athens, Oct 17. j i <£.!!. Tho market price* will he paid, in Good* or
: : — I Cu-h, for FUR-SKINS r.f the following kinda: Otter
Tatlc ? ’ r.coraia.Clarke Conntv. ! Karooon. Fox, Mink, WKd-Cat, Muskrat. Opa«im.aad
M AGNIFICENTLY iUuitrated—iwund in Turkey ' Gc0rcta .ciarhc County. ! Hccroon, F
Morrooco. lust received at I „ , ,, UalA>it,
CHASE & PETERSON’S cheap book vtore. I To all Persons to whom these Presents shall —
Oct.SL - - ‘ come—Greeting. 1 LEATHER! LEATHER!!
August 29,1850.
r NOW ye that
Adyeetistso o» the Gallows.—Foot, who waa
executed at New Haven on the 9th Jnet., on tho
o it wc do not we will have to take something scaffold, amid that he had intended to make a few
el i remarks, bn t the aokstance of them could be foand
October 25th, 1850. V have associated ourselves together a* a body coporate,! Rtantlv o.. .,
D IVIDEND No. GO.—77i** Board Of Director* j or jke purpose of engaging in the business of 3Ianu- i Sept 19.
have this day declared a semi annual dividend facturing Doors, Sash and Blind*, and otlicr article* I ■ -r~—- •—r . —.
of FQUR DOLLARS per share payabble on and af- C{MnpoS ed e f wtKxl, and of casting iron and bras, and : TPil\l O09d8%
ter Mmulay 28'h October inst § . manufacturing machinery, and other, articles com- . • . * '
Ort.Il. L K. TEFFT, Cashier. | ofiron and woou. Abo for the manufacturing' rjifin uir.h-r.-igned i* now receiving liu-Pall and Wa-
— ~ ': of com meal, and doing all other things accessary to j 1 ter stock of goods, cmi-Uting. of DVr.Goods, Gro- .
We ask again, if onf rightaare attacked by Con- j n the new editiost^ his hook, to which be refer-
grr**ional legislation hereafter, wherei* onr re me- red hf* hearer* While in'prison, by an arrange-
dy if we give op all this fertile territory to cotne in ment.with lhe jailor, be charged 12J cents to each ^ o
if. _
free State* I I* there any hope for us if we do visitor for a sight of hit
anbqjit f' We have teen tbe action of Congress tor *—' ” • • ’—
the past few years, and particolariy during the fast AcctoeXt at Fort Wxsan
_ r.—The Ales*
... It has been fall of fouL injustice to our andria Gazette states that, at Fort Washington, on
section. The future Is destined to be darker still, the Potomac, on Wednesday, whilst Che soldiers
if we submit quietly now. If the Georgia Con- were firing with ball cartridges, a twenty-four
vention proclaims to tbe world, that the last Legis- 'pounder exploded, and very severely and danger-
lature and the Governor were wrong In calling the owsly wounded Mr. - Uartzell one of the privates.— j
Convention, and inflicts an implied rebuke upon. A pail of lhe stables was knocked down. J Oct. 51,185a
.f rale,at
r, lato of Jack;
decensed, ihe followirig property
beast*, three coirs and calves, one set nf
smith s tool*, with a quantity of iron of different de
scriptions, two waggons, (6oe new,) plantation tools,
kitchen . farnitnre, and a quantity ot corn raised oa
the premises this year, and various other articles too
tedious to mention; also the lands will be rented, and
the slaves hired out for th* ensuing year, three fe<-
low*, (including tbe
and ooegirL The sale
until all U sold. The t
uefromdayto day
N. St BUTLER. Adm’*-
„ . tr „
ness. Anltliatwe have adopted a* our corporate l have bein selected
nameby which we will eue and be sued, “The. Ath- 1 trade, and will be r
eus Steam Gimpauv,” and ty wbitli we will be the prcduceroffhei
•designated. Th*twe|»vo tnbsc " ' ~ "
stock the tom tf five thousand
which will be employed in the bosmera before
Signed in the presence of Jolm.Kirk^trick, J. P.
Clerks "Office,Superior Court. Rook T, folio 564; Re-
~conM ’jh the 25!Atfoy Jtfg, 1850. . ?■
Oct. 17.1830. JOHN C, JOHNSON. Clerk.
Oct. II, 1849.
W. 8. GRADY.
O PERM. Adamantihe, au4 ‘jatent ilonld Candles
ccmtsntlyoo hand aad forfale low by'*
Athens. Sept l!L - T. BISHOP,
T ARGE-Quarto,-Jtcvi*.’d Edition. 8 vo.,Unt-
1.J verity jpicUimiirt. High School da., and bu*
fimaff commoa ScboolDictir.i.afv. For sale bv