The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, November 07, 1850, Image 1
OF GEOR&* UBRWW ^WO DOLLAR^ "W terwii am vary far for • weekly _tES* *** c - y°« * 4**h» ihmWt^ircUle ajwl circulation we offer the (hi- SS8£rU=2* c for #20 “ M •• JJ Cornea, --8' : : : : g r. Balg^.jl "■■■■■■ ggj, ■■IUJ__JH SS9 ftlnxular AMamlta of an Eafiuii yoMtX«4lrky« French SoMcnao. Great sensation has been caused at Toprsand it* yicipity, especially among the resident English, by ihp trial, last week, before the Court of Assizes of the depart ment,'of the Count Forest ier de ; Ct*u!»ort, on the charge of enticing from*lier home, a young girl named Isabella llarnilton, daughter of au Eng lish clergy mu o, resident at Tour*. months ago, M. de Foresiiei went’live in ibiit city, for the bene fit ol bis wife's health, and in his walks he W If in with Miss Isabella H-, who, with her (.wane, accompanied her young sisters and biothers in their promen ades. He commenced an acquaint once by giving the children cakes, arid “tewawbunade g |M>im ot’befeg every day on the promenade-when Miss Isa bella arrived. Alter awhile* it appear ed, according to the. indictment, he be gan lp make love lo the young Jndy. and she received His advances with good grace. She used also to indicate to; him, by placing a flower-pot in a pe culiar position in her window, in what C romcnade he might meet her. He, at tft. said the indictment, persuaded her to leave her father’s roof, and in com pany with the L mnc, a young girl nam ed Adele Gendran, aged seventeen, to go to I’nris, where he said he would secure her an apartment, and would provide for both. Isabolla, it seemed, was very glad to get away from home, os her parents were about to semi her to school in England—a measure to which-aim hod the strongest possible re pugnance ; she even, it appeared had gone the length of telling Forest ier that shp wopld sooner commit suicide by poison than be sent away. ^Forestier, it was alleged, arranged with bor that she and her servant Adele should leave the house of the Rev. Mr. Hamilton in the evening of the 22d May last, and that they should go to Paris. He had previously written a letter to a friend wf his, the Baron de Viver, telling him to meet the girls and provide lodg ings 4br them. This letter he com menced by saying: • I send tni you, mv dear friend, a young English girl, aged fifteen, with a pretty little face, light hair,' clear blue eyes, delicate nose, sensual mouth, and a slightly prominent chin. She is :he daughter of an Irish minister, who has a host of children.— Site will l»e accompanied by a little tonne of seventeen, with auburn bair.Jfcc.. nn e«i Adele. Ihiughnt the thought ..f v« meeting these poor creatures. Take apartment fi>r them—let it b«* simple, but becoming.’ He then recommend* the friend ><o Im cautious, and says: • The father will no doubt take measures, which it is important t< _ jler vain. I shall therefore cot to show myself in the public pn ades, that 1 in ay not be suspected ; and folio then 1 will relieve yrut in your gtnrd. fello My wife is better. Bretonnean is tend ing diems if-she was her own child.— Sho is surrounded with devoted at tendants/ has- a good house, and he physician in ordinary is one of th< princes of-the science* What can I d< more? I may venture to give mv*el this Iml© gratification. Don’t sr«l<i me 1 tell you that (he father is an English man and n clergyman—two nnitnals I detest, and who are, as it were, grafted onfljo the other, expressly-to lake from me all son or remorse?* The Baron Eugene deVivier replied in the same strain, saying, among other amiable things, • 1 had some thought of aiming with you. But what’s the Tim wine is drawn, and you must drink tl !•*; . a » rt . ’ ?At Pari* the two eirU were received by the Baron de Vjvier, and h** i them to n lodging house in Rue rCJniversite. Meanwhile Forestier re mained quietly at Tours; But it so happened that the family at once suspect ed him, and the Rev. Mr. Hamilton im mediately laid a.contphtiM ngumst hint befirro ibe-Procureur de la Ui-puhlique. Tim Procureur accordingly caused th«« count’s house to be- surrounded by po lice agents during tlm night, to prevent hie escape. On this,- Forestier wrote offto Paris. to Vivier to seml bwk the girls immediately, and be- constituted himself.a prisoner. » The nett day Miss Isabitla ami her attendant arrived at Tours,and.the-former was restored to bUr- pa^ent*. - The public prosedutor, however, deemed u hi* duly, todetain •Foreslier, and to 'prosecute him. The Rev. Mr. Hamilton*on the contrary, •was antions that the matter should be - dropped and he wrote-an aflecting - let ter tor the poblia ; prosecutor, formally withdrawing hisComplaim, and entreat- ing himlo drop the prosecution. -But . tho -pmeurebr represented that the law .. most take its'coarse. >* 3- • -ih !*!• preliminary examittation, the- ReV'.l-^MrJ Hamilton, Mr*. Hamilton, abtf Mi»S'Isabella,were allied on to give evidence. Ifcbella, varied in her state- atMtti xlpibar Brsl Examination she deotamd -that , . fjbh'tetibll » -SWul bst o» ber /olly, and dissauded ©asr®?®© vstmws, Mimss, ms&mtosk flBmAiMNtt. Letter* of Citation,., , Notice to Debtor* and Creditor*. a 25 fWmoatlm’Notice*,.. W ..V- 4 00 8ale of personal property. Vy E*ccntof», Admins istrator,or GairJi:iu*,.; 3 so -Salt* of Eanda or Negro*,, by do....; 4 75 Application for Letter, of Dismitoion,.......... 4 so CP*Other advcrtuetneuU will be charged $1.00 for every twelve Into, or left, tint insertion, and 50 cents ,for each weekly continuance. 17“ Announcement, of Cnudidatea will be charge* I FtVK.DoLt.Ans; as also the advvrtulng of scparaUoa NEW SERIES—VOL. IV., N0.9. aaWN t length, will be charged lor » ATHENS, THURSDAY, NOV. 7, 1850. VOLUME XVIII. NUMBER 31 Had at first, she said; considered this as a juke, and had laughed -at it ; but he had pressed her, and budget' the ser- to him, he proceeded to expose ihe ine- tbe Slavery question. After returning thanks for the-kind welcome extended. vani Adele lo «lo so like Wise! It was uly by their entreaties *bat she had ;one. On arriving at Paris, Vivier told er that Forest ier was in love with Iter, and would die if obliged* tr* lire without her- When told ol the way in which he had spoken of her in his letter, she burst into tears, and said, 44 Ab ! it is painful to see his contempt for me! I opened tny h>*art m him, and he learn ed that I loved hint. Yes, ( knew be was married. Alas! I know not bow 1 could have acted so !* In the third examination Isabella again varied her story, rib© said she bad laid too much to the count’s charge; that, in consequence of dissension* with-her sisteT, she had resolved on leaving her parents; that she had declared to Forestier that if he would not take her away she would \u>i$nn herself, and so on. She added that she had spoken against him on the last occasion, because she had been told lb at he had declared be would sooner goto the galleys for life than marry her. At the trial (which look place before court crowded Co excess,) Isabella, her father, mother, ami elder sister, did not appear to give evidence, though all bad been summoned. The principle evidence for the prosecution consisted in the reading of the indictment, and in the testimony of Mr. Hailey, Lieuten ant Colonel-Campbell, and a younger brother and sister of Isabella, as to the precise age of that young lady. They all staled that she Was about fourteen. This point was important, as, by French law, the crime of what is called de- tournenent d'vne jtunt Jille mature, ly be committed when the girl is der sixteen; after that, she isennsider- ered a free agent, and is accountable for her own actions. Baron de Vivier examined, but his evidence threw little light on the affair. When asked by the President- how he could have acted as he had done, he said he had been influenced by his friendship for de Forestier. It was slated that, since this unfotunate affair, Forestier’* wife had died, and that he, anxious to make all the reparation in his power for the injury he had done her, had offered marry her, but that her father bad pos itively refuted. Forestier caused evidence to be giv en by several persons, to prove that he Jiad every reason to believe, from Isabella’* personal appearance ami •liter circumstances, that she was more 2 ualit : es and inioitice of the so-called ’nmpromiso bin, and to show that it presented the same issues, though un der a different name, upon which Louis iana has repeatedly expressed her de cided sentimentsthat the pill which had been frequently rejected by them bad ooly been gilded to deceive the South into swallowing it. He had, in his course, faithfully carried out the ex- E ressed sentiments of the people of ouisiana. He bad voted against the admisston of California, under a Consti tution-embodying the Wifmot Proviso, and excluding the South from a partici pation in the benefits of a territory ac- quirod by-the joist vaIor,-exertion. and treasure of the people. Ifjait Consti tution wax made by speculators, who bad no interest in California; but who thus undertook to fix in all time to come the destiny ol a country, four-fifths of which had never been occupied or seen by them. He bad also voted agaiost the creation of two Freesoil States out of the territory of Texas. In fine, he had sustained the rights of Louisiana and the South to stand on an equality with the other States. He had resisted the attempt to impose upon them the burden of seventy-five out of a hundred millions of the cost ot the Mexican war, and at the same time to exclude them irom all the advantages of that In his course he had not only strug gle against some of the gigantic intel lects of the country, but bad experi enced the still greater difficulty of hav- ing to protect bis own constituents against themselves—of resisting the floods of calumny and misrepresentation which had been on this subject by the press of this State, with some honora ble exceptions. He was very severe upon journals which, instead of enlight ening the people on the matter, had in volved the important questions which agitated the country in such a gloom and darkness that, although the Com promise was on the Up* of every body, lie doubted if there were a dozen men tn the city who kuew what it was. His 1 .ife in CAuroania.o« tHs usto-up MINES, | The Uuton. as il mu and as It I*. \ A COMIC SONG, I Gur forefathers in I7S7 formed a con- _ 1 federacy, and adopted as the bond of wrfMsa fay pr. D. o. Bosusos, *nd sung by himself j Union, the constitution under which this withxreatKpphnue tt the Dnmstk Sltuenm, Saa povnrnmef government exists.. The preamble to PijJCr i that constitution is in these words;— n A?-. .. - f - 44 We, the people of the United States, Mufurtane^fteems*o follow m» wherever i goe*/* in order to form.* more perfect Union, l come to <3*lifc>cmk with ahyt bothnomandbold establish justice, ensure domestic irpn- qoitiiy, provide for .he common^ de- Batl’m au»ad-ap mu—• perfect aseA-ap men; . fence, promote the general welfare and And if ever I geUhcmeagna, llliuy there ifl c«n. secure the blessings. of liberty lo OUr- *•**•“•«»***« l heird shout the selves and our posterity, do ordain 'tihS'.bood.emd jdtae.0. “ n< ! 'alablisli .his cons.iuilion for .he ed oyJo Higgia*, United States of Anterica.” That pre~ 1 *** fnfm ^ amble embodies the objects for which And offmCalifecviK left'em broken- d>is Union was formed, and the spirit hewted j . in which the States entered into it.— B« W.ftamWad.,im. I, may , indeed, be called the essence of *** of the Union, Ot>d j* yiolaiion of it, may AnddMoray tb*Adk*atl thought therefore, with more propriety, be con- So t., ; s ! der * d a violation of the Union, than a " ! Mt "“P 115 disregard of any single clause of r -— J —* the constitution itself. Tree, there m«y atntinue a union of these States long u After the destruction of thin spirit, bat Where I tno’tUra lUrnea moachetoe* would a taken m ... » .1 • r out my liver. lt w "‘ not be the Union of our forefath- when I got to 8*creioeiitoJ I buckled 00 this rigguf, ers. How strangely contradictory are * “ ,h ^ ,ud *° I “ ,h<! «™sof that preamble, and the his- otl'ma used-up iDKu, See. lory nf 1 be present session of Congress? I got iato the water, wher* the “ ferer'a-eger” took Has its session produced a more per- . ,‘ n ? ! , , . / feet Union? Has it established jus- .b£*m“.lK»...Kl (icet Basil ensured domestic tian- But Jiill ikept to wot*. * twpta't would bo better,- quility ? Has it provided for the com- ' but keptagUttn’ ra on defence? Has it secured the blessingsof liberty to ourselves aud our posterity? So far from it, it hassev- I ‘)Poseifliboulddi.,tbe,-f]uke*olotl)eMu9jo&, ' h « s P'> ,il °f harmony and good Or else Jim Biddle M aell me off to fuy up my phy- Will which could alone secure the Un ion ; it has wantonly disregarded the >lain dictales of justice; it has thrown a ire brand into our midst which hss to tally destroyed every thing like domes tic tranq tility ; it has turned its aggres sions upon one of the sovereign Slates of the confederacy ; it has legislated Tor the ruin of one half of the Union, and has laid the axe to the tree of lib erty. if Tom wont And this is the Union which Southern men are expected to fall down and wor ship. The patriotism, the magnanimity But the water would’nt fall a But I’m a used-up man, dtc. my ^ile for fiva months' woik—l'd lierea 'ma used-up mau, dm, l don’t know what to do, for all the time I’m dodging. To hunt up grub enough to eat, and find a decent lodging. I can’t get an Who’l take a o one seems to meet For I’m a used-up matt, dec.. I'll go up to the “ Woodcock,” aud sc For Tom lias got too good a heart, Fi But if they shouldn't know there, or say I , rr ^ lf _ 7- : and the chivalry of our fathers is to be Why then, kind friend*, without your help the poor slandered with the imputation that they „ ..... . old miner’s busted- forged the chains which we now wear. course had been dictated by a sense of, “r I’m a used-up man, Ac. Their names and their “ deeds of noble duty, atul he tell so satisfied of his daring,” are appealed tu in behalf of a right and propriety, that if he had not a steaiin’. ' Union which they would have scorned, second in the Stair, he would, on a like Td like some city offico hero, and the tax taw wants and we who protest against such a pros- occasion, pursue the same line of con- w fasuaie Mayor, too, and only want ulullon *he. fruits ot their labors, are duct. He would suffer his arm to be 1 electin’. denounced astheirunworihydescend- from bis shoulder, or bis heart from 1 For Fw a used-up man, See. ants. Give us the Union which they hi* bosom, before he would kiss the . Bnt *° m 7 frien«l» I *®e to-uigbt, my thanks—I can’t made for us, and we will be the last to sceptre which the N-rnh taut w»»<sd-'*rfS55,Jlt w aw-^,^^ > ^ 4hh- ^ -! abandon iu Deboso that Union and we the South, and before which so F«r wimottuuduewth«y don’t know, l’m sore aint are the first to denounce it. We ap- peal to the common sense of Southern men. Tell us, do you believe that the uaed-up man—o pepfect osed-up man; - T home again,I’ll stay there if I can. ban sixteen years of «ge; an«l he la bored, Im>i|i in his interrogatory and many were ready to kneel, hnmghoui the trial, to show that lie He then dwelt with great severity had not persuaded her to leave her upon the attempt of certain journal* to Alter the pleading* were over,! prescribe anti dictate a course to him, Forestier, in a voice of much emotion, I —;U» constitute themselves organs and •Hit a paper to the jury, drawn up ns, grossly to misrepresent tiie seo’.i I ha the He should appeal fmm Death of a Georgian. A correspondent of the New Orleans rill . •epi 11 !<le vnl 11 pial.. During two year*, from death, the life 1 l had associated n fatal and unforeseen 1 ke, Ijcfore'iny lot Liiui — — _ ... „ „ ltd Ilf a limit Ibetn to the pc.plc,—and if they should *’*■»■««. wming from Vera Cruz hiidi; nndyikt ' declare that he Aad failed in the zealous ,be 2aib ul « - *•“>« lb« 23d s further ex- defence of their rights, he was ready uvo Amertga", leom California, went ic l.tiiEiuBi riim.i to bow to their condemnation aud will. ,n, ° au eall "8 l'o“« called for din- Iiogel, .1 to save Tile Seatnorial robes hail no attraction ,,er -. lhe 3' w = rl ‘ informed would it angel lo whom tor him when he ceased 10 representInrfhshed speedily, lesiitiv. when a the popular will. ^ ' ' ■ting surprised ; He then referred to -a calumny, They very and commenced i breaking the furniture in the room. A of those moments of moral 1 which it was attempted to show that he ; P* ec ® earthen jar struck a lilile girl proposed cowardly to evade the reapon- ; *^ e bead and cut a severe gash. t<> trample us under foot*; but they who sibility which would attach to him in i 4 , g uarti ? were ineu called tn. Two would silently submit to the indignity ease of a conflict between the North onl Y can J® w w, ih *be»r muskets, which are the worst enemies of such a govern- and South. When that time should ' ver .® la * ceri out of Inetr hands, and. ment as was once our boast.—Col. Sen- come, he would’like to see who would | o rok en to pieces, and the soldiers bad- riael. he before him in obeying the call of the v bea^o* A,reinforcement was called State which had made him all he was, ,n * , and lh ® lwo A»ericans would not and for which he felt an ardent affec-1 y ,eld U “*‘I they were overpowered and cion. He believed that the people had rece,ved Very dangerous wounds, in been grossly deceived in relation to the c o«sequence of which one has since questions which had agitated the coun- d ‘® d —franklin West; The other is in try lor the last five months, and be *■ precarious condition. The said West looked forward with confidence to the confessed to bis friend, Dr. K. F. Sugar, time when the true sentiment of Lou- °f Lafayette county Miss., while on his the- flight of Isabella ; but ! isiana, no longer stifled with Yankee <| ea *h bed, that be. Was drunk and^ that the public proset'oior abandoned Ibe infloence, would proclaim itself >in a|® e was sorry for it, and bad. done ngiiinst her. The verdict was re- manner worthy of the high character of wr ,2L“S' discouragement, in which a man ha* not sufficient strength to maintain him self in the line of duty. You will not brand my life, gentlemen, for a mo ment’s self-forgetfnluess; you will not confound a fault with a crime; you will not forget that the honor of Miss Ham ilton, is intact, and that I have, offered her all the reparation in my power.”— The _ President then summed up, nnd the jury, after an hour’s deliberation, returned a verdict of 4 *Noi Guilty.’*— The servant girl, Adelp Gendron, was luded in the indictment for having eived with some applause, which was the Stale. .immediately repressed by the President. Mr. Soule concluded by expressing Count de Forestier remained in jail till his fervent thanks to his fellow citizens he evening ; hot when he went away, lor, this improvised manifestation of numerous crowd wa» waiting at the their approval and good feeling. him. Our report ol Mr. ri.*s speech is neces sarily imperfect. It is a mere skeleton, nr. Soule at Bone. ia fact. He spoke with great animation The deceased has left a wife and six children in Georgia. An Incredible Story. Some of the Paris Journals give the following extraordinary story^—On .Sat- . urday afternoon, a large crowd assem bled in the jtaede ttivoli, near (he-Rue And die*n old mxid. Sat, tty, wbo will have me f Decide, it joa c Mr. Soule, the distinguished Senator and force. The rich tones of his fine from Louis’aun, ieceived a very warm voice—bis eloquent and well-rounded elemne on bis arrival in New Orleans, sentences^—his glowing and fervid style, Without premeditation, the Delta says, together with the peculiar circumstanc es friends assembled on the evening of ** °f- bis position, commanded the pro^ the 16th nt the r 8t. Louis Exchange in found attention of the crowd assembled large numbers, and forming in proces- in the broad street, and rendered this siiui, headed by a fine brass band, c ®>rt of par distinguished Senator marched to his residence, where-bis re- more effective and impressive. 6 reeled with the greatest cor- — V [e 1 came out to meet bis j' Melaxcholt Dispensation.—Asad . ^ friends, and proceeded, for some fifteen instance of tlie ravages ot malignant! to pieces. Bui it happened that a Ver- says: ••'The* New York merchants, minores, to address them with great scarlet fever has recently come to sailles diligence was going at a walk- whose pockets are threatened by the earnestness and eloquence. From the our notice. On Friday, the 4th of Oc-| ing pace past the house, and the child organizations now being formed at the Womans Riffkl* Convention. Worcester, Mass., (Xt. 25.—Tin; In lire winter of 1340, a lady wlwhad j W.nnan's Biglns C.mveminn assembled lately been deprived by dcalb ST.aJ j„ ,his city, no Wednesday bwntta,— daughter, was on a visit to Nciv-Or- 'fen States were represented, fix ■ leans. Amongst other places of curi osity and interest, she was induced by feelings ot the tendercst compassion to look in ot the room appropriated to the reception of those"destitute children, to be examined as to their fitness for the charity of the Orphan Asylum. Imme diately on her entering the room, a lit tle girl of about the same age of her own lost child sprang into her arms, called her mother, and by endearing caresses, evinced her joy at being re stored, ns she believed, to her lost pa rent. On inquiry, the following facts were elicited relative to her previous history. A.few hours after the dreadful tor nado, a steam boat landed at Natchez, when a servant girl brought u little girl on board, stating that she had walked out with '.he child just before the storm commenced, and that on her return, she found the house entirely demolish ed—*she had been looking for her mis tress in every direction, and had almost arrived at the painful conviction that she was buried beneath the ruin*. The chambermaid of the boat offer ed lo taka charge of the child, whilst the girl returned lo make a further search; and during her absence the boat started for Naw Orleans—the child remained on board. On the return trip every inquiry was made at Nachez tor the family or ser vant, but nothing could be heard of them. The child continued on the boat, under the charge of the chamber maid, until the captain objected to her remaining on board. Then she was placed at an infaut shchool in Now-Or- leans, the chambermaid visiting her and defraying her expenses on each arrival of the boat, until the yellow fever de prived the little nuicasiof her last friend, the good chambermaid. The woman who kept the infant school then turned the child into the street, from whence she was taken to the room where she had the happiness of finding a second mother. The lady whom she believed to be her mother determined to adopt her, and since then she has been treated in all i*espect as of the family. So careful of her happiness has this truly charitable lady been, though the little child is now a fine intelligent girl of between twelve and thirteen year* of age, and associ- :ted with the lady's own children, both Union of to-day is the Union of 1787? Do you believe that those noble patriots who toiled night and day, and week af ter week, in drafting our constitution, ever contemplated its perversion to ends so unhallowed as those for which v used ? Are you prepared to believe that our fathers knowingly en slaved their sons to the selfish dictation of a fanatical majority ? Then how recreant to ibe obligations of American citizeas~in arraying ourselves against such a government? We are enemies of the majority, .which seeks WHO’LL HAVE 1 I Address those yonng men Constant and true ! 'Who’ll haveme, who’ll hare me I You’ll never regret - The choice tbxtjrou made, Pfe***ue«l. Maine,New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts New Yt.rk, New Jersey. Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Frederick Dnugluss was also in the meeting. Several dark col ored sisters were visible in the cornets. Messrs .Garrison, Phillips, Burlughand Foster were aUt present. The Cou- Vriitiuii was organized •«« follows: Pre sident—Miss Pauline VY’. Davis, ol Rhode Island ; Vice Piesidenis—Rev. W. II. Channiijg, of New York, Sarah Tyndall, of Pennsylvania ; Secretaries —Hannah M. Darlington,, of. Pa., Jos. C. Sou i ha way, of New York. Miss Davis, on inking the£hair, read a very elaborate pbillippicul and social istic add retson the wrongs and right* ol women. She presented (herestraints under which woman is bound down it» slavery, in a very touching manner.'— She asserted the equality of woman bv nature, and protested she was entitled to equality in politics, legislation, and every thing else. Woman wanted an equal chance to the unfolding of her great capacities: she was bound to have it. Society was in n slate of barbarism while it denied the equality ol privileges political, religious, anil ail other privi leges. On motion of Lucretia Mott, who con sidered the address too tame, the ques- ion of adoption was left open to debate; md, on motion, all those present, white and black, were invited lo participate. Letters were received from which the " flowing extracts were read. Mr. Lucius R. Hymle, of Cincinnati, put in a letter maiutaini'.ig the equality of woman in her rights to all the privi leges assumed by man—the right to vote, to hold offices, und logo to battle if necessary, leaving man to take their share of the duties of the kitchen and nursing. Miss Elizabeth WHborn, of Ohio, put a protest against the despotism, which makes them inferior beings, in point of intellect, when it was no such thing. She thought that Jenny Lind, tn her public^inging for the amusement of the tyrant! over Her sex, was violat ing female delicacy. Speeches and resolutions of similar purport were read and adopted. The Convention adjourned at half past 10, P. M., to meet the following morning. „ . And vbst I don’t knorr I am irilling to fart. Who'll have me, wbdH hav* mo, For better or wonet Fit attend to your homo. And take care of your purse. IH attend you in weal. ru bo With TOG in woo In (act Ill bo near you Wherever you go. Who’ll have me, who’ll bare met del’Echelle, displaying the liveliest emotion. A child - between three and four year* of age, belonging to the por ter of No. 8, Rue de Rivoti, was seen to fall from tbe window in the sixth story, and roll along the roof to the gutter, on meeting wbicb, a sort of shock was giv en which threw the child. intothemid- dleof the street. The height was at The New Tori* Serchasto and the least seventy-five feet, and it was ex pected that the child Would be dashed The New Mirror ot the 12tb instant, older aniTyoungcr-’tfran’frersdfi'sho-baj not the faintest suspicion of her real position. She was, at the time of her being adopted* about (wo years old, a very beulifel and intelligent child, with uncommon fair cotnplexiion, brown hair, blue eyes, with long black eye lashes- She had forgotlon her own name and that of her parents, but from her knowing the names and various articles of luxury, and speaking of her father’s carriage, and from her entire freedom from any vulgarism in manner or thought, it is presumed that her family were respectable. If any reliance could be placed on the con versation of so young a child, it might be supposed that her parents were for eigners—perhaps Scottish, perhaps Catholic. It was supposed that her own parents were dead, but from feels lately elicited such is probably not the case; and it is for Ibe purpose of gaining informal, that the little that is known of her histo ry is made public. Anyone knowing anything likely to lead to a discovery of the orphans’s relations is requested lo address box 326, Mobile, Ala. And as giving publicity to this notice may be the means of restoring a child to a bereaved mother, the writer hopes that editors throughout the Union will give it a place in their columns, espe cially in the Natches and Philadelphia papers.—N. O. Picayune, 6th inti. Among the passengers in the sterner Europe which.(eft New-York on Wed nesday for Liverpool, were the brothers Montesquieu, who bad been confined St.Louis-for some time on the charge of murder. One was proved innocent and the other declared a maniac. Remarkable Memory.—”Whomade you?” enquired a lady teacher, of great lubberly boy, who had lately join ed her class. f I’d *o* know !” said he. Not know» You ought to be asham- Delta, we copy the following sketch of tober, Josephine, the interesting little I bll on the head of the driver, and from his speech : daughter of Isaac G. McKinney, editor thence on the hack of the-horse, and The friends of Senator Soule assem- of the Harrisburg Union, w s as taken ill j then on the ground. The driver, on bled last night at the St. Louts Ex- with this terrible disease, and -died, af- \ feeling the shock, polled uphishorses, change in considerable numbers, aud t?r much suffering, on the following fund by :the time the child reached tfie forming in procession; beaded by a fine Wednesday. She was just seven years J s ^’— 1 4 - “* J brass band, marcbed up Royal street oHage. On Thursday, a noble little into Canal, and thence to Mr. Soule’s boy, two years and seven monibaold, I {residence, near Rampart street. On went into ibe room, »• to see poor Jose the only, she said, consent-1 arriving in front of his bouse, three in her coffin,” and was apparently in fa* when-be *ai# that shb \ta«* benrtyrheert wens given for Mr. Boole, »be best health at the lime. He was ^ ddlrWatnerffeP 'gj£. Qhe solemnly‘tbokl wkt* appeared on the steps and address- seized with the. fever on Friday, and ‘ Gpd to witnetfs to iher troth of all lhis. i ed the crowd in a very eloquent and died on Saturday night.—Pennsylvanian. But when Forestier’s leuec* were >^ad'vigorous speech 'of fifteen minutes, • r—- - •»• ■■—>— g<e»fe« iudig- Which was listened to with breathless A company from Boston is at prts- ,ihe nevertheless did rw»t re-':otientioo. 'and frequently inietropied^ ent engaged with a sub-marine appa- t J>sjatement. In Her second ex-’ with - loud - applause. We : regret that ratus in endeavoring lo recoVer the lost aminatum, on the contrary, she declared we Were not so situated ajs to be abte treasure on board the steamer Lexing- tbat it was Forestier who had first nro- lo give a full and accurate report of the ton, which was destroyed by fire in jfcxsed to her to fly;- and that he had bf- address, as it involved a compact; lucid Long' Island Sound in January. 1840. ? round, the vehicle was at a stand-still, □credible though it may appear, the child was totally uninjured, and got up and walked away. The shock, caused the driver to feel aevgre pain in the head. icred to abandon his wife, not withstand- and comprehensive review and defeoce i The wreck lies X30 feeiTbelowthesur- ing her i linear i A grt with- her. She^four Senator/tn his late course .on‘ace. South, binding the planters not to trade vnth acuy Ttprcunieain the Senate by an Ab- olilionist, are beginning to wake opto the dangers of disunion. They can discern through {he keen commercial sagacity lor a hich they are so remarkable as a class, that an a nli-intercou rse league al the South, and a determination to stop the machinery -of government at Wash ington, is nothing less than a practical dissolution of the Union. Such a con summation would instantly convert our •* princes’* intoJjeggars. and New York stocks. New York real estate, and New York merchants would instantly fall like-Luciferfrom Heaven.” tfW.e.bave abundant evidence that ed of yourself, a boy 14 years old ! lamtna over it, and a hoddice embroi* Why! fbere’s little Dicky Filton—he’s dered with silver ami studded with‘di- only three—be " can tell t dare say.— Comc-bere, Dicky—who made you?’ 1 ** Dod T* lisped the infant prodigy. There!” said the teacher triumph antly, »* I knew he’d remember!” ** Veil, be oagltter!” said tbe stupid, 'taint but a little while ago since he was made 1” A Yankee ax. Poker.—^A Yankee and a Southerner were playing at poker on a steamboat. I hav’nt seen an ace for some tinne,’ remardedthe Southerner. .’„t. T . Wall, ! guess you baip't,” said the j our.commercial men are beginning to Yankee, “ but 1 can tell you where they | foresee that this will bo the inevitable are. One on ’em is up your shirt sleeve | tf condition pf things,” if Seward and his (bur, and t’oiberree are in tbejhe top.of • abolition minions arc . not speedily one of my bofe*.*’ (checked in their mad career,’*' Salt afalnsf tbe “ Irish »lrectory.** It wtll he recollected that during the revolutionaryV excitement in Ireland, in 1848, a large amount of money was raised in this country, to aid the movers on the other side. In this city some $3,000 were collected, and placed in (he hands of the “ Irish Directory,” a com mittee of gentlemen appointed nt h j general meeting of the sympathisers in ^aneuil-HaiL Al that meeting it was also voted that' the fends should be ap propriated to certain purposes. Soon after, the interference of the British Government made it certain that the Irish patriots could accomplish nothing, and the Boston **Directory” voted to fund the money in their possession until some more auspicious day. This last act of the Directory has been disap proved of by some of the contributors, and the result is that a suit has been commenced against the committee.— The prosecutig parties are Daiiel Crowley, o| East Boston, who gave $100, and Patrick Murray, of Ann street, who gave $50. The case came before the Court of Common Please on Tuesday; but after consultation of the counsel on both sides, it was transferred to the Supreme Court. March Term.— Boston Courier, J llh uft. A Fancy Ball—Saltle Ward. The Louisville papers give an elo quent and graphic description of a great Fancy Ball recently given at the resi dence of Robert J. Ward, Esq., of that city. We perceive that Miss Sallie Ward,-the well known Kentucky beau ty, who was divorced from T. Bigelow Lawrence of Boston, a few mouths af ter their marriage, was the ruling belle in tbit brilliant affair. The Louisville Courier thus alludes to her. Miss Sallie Ward, as usual, was the center of attracting. She appeared during the evening in two splendid costumes, each of which was peculiarly becoming. Before supper she was 44 Nourtnahal, the'Light of the Harem.” She wore a pink satin-skirt, with silver Cten. Foote at Home. The Natchez’F ree Trader of the 12th tost-saysThe first business of the called session of the Mississippi Legis lature will lye to condemn Ihe course of Senator Foote on all (he Southern ques tions that have come up this session ir Congress, and, as the body from whose suffrages he gamed his seat in the Uni ted States Senate, to request his immtdian resignation. By the time tbe swelled-head aris- mnnds; her oriental sleeps were of white, adorned with silver and gold, and her trousers ol satin, spangled with glittering gold; ker hair was braided with pearls and covered with a beauti ful Greek cap, anj! her tiny pink slip pers were gorgeously embroidered with silver. The splendid jewels profused over this magnificent costume threw back the lighb which fell upon them as if in sheer disdain of inferior efful gence. Her second appearance was 44 Nourmahnl at the feast of Roses.”— Her dress was white illusion, dotted with stiver, white silvered veil, wreath of white roses, white silk bools with silver anklet's ; and sl»e bore the charm ed lute* In this latter character she was a beautiful exemplification of the poetical thought she represented. Al ways swee*, aud fair, and lovely; and beautiful,' slm was, if possible, more so so during that evening, and her differ- tocracy of Adams county gel up a Bene dict Arnold dinner for him, Msy toill be. obliged lo sit down with one who is no longer j ent characters were ’'sustained incom a Senator from tkeS/ate of Mississippi?*} parably excellent.