The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, November 07, 1850, Image 4
i V t FOR ' BjffVB,'- '>■ 'ACCOUNT HOOKS, PAPER Aflp STATIONERY ARTICLES. '■^’ '- •*■' IW' WII1IMM T ««m «T W lanufae- Or-Ur. BICE! RICE!! RICE ft! | SI\U£SSSBSS LANE, N. ¥. A YEW sunn!vnf *•>"«* «*•«* Rice. jn»t received j *>’V1TK\,n, Dearer-, and all who require ar T. #WHOP. I 1 tide* in tiroir liar; to rair ut 77 Maid.* la*', X FI tbnr*. .Sent 1 I ’ We offor every rarierfv of Blank Book*. Taper *»*1 ^tbem.»epL l». . i Sutk^-rv. .t ri K-W {ir - ‘ * (ysseugir’* T teasipiSrai V Ath«>%8ept.l* j ^ive prompt tritridhiri. bagging and rope. i blank books . nniilwnt Kentucky > Isof hhsiveja, Bank*. Public Office*..Count Notes, Drafts. Copy, Posit and Memorandum Rooks. copy jroun letters. By tl* o cof Francis’ Manifold Letter Writer. I-el 8ept. 12. ’BEEF! S MOKED Beef, fresh and firm. jiM for sale by A pill 11. SUMMEY.TRAMVE1.L4 C R.. SHEET IRON. tjSSlAN coil American sheet Iren nfvkrttw d Ihickne- CHOICK lUCbN! A VFItY Suttr-iot lotoflfooon Swl.« »nd Slioul- *£,. j J 33v.J .») for r»l« low for «.(, hy s , P rr». : t. Br«Hor. Cl Dorado, O R Adventure* in the Path of Empire, by Bayard T» vinr—a new supply just received by _pt 19 ‘CHASE * PETERSON. Ml nr per'* .Vr»r .Hu i: fitly, TILL be received a- fari a.- iwoedbt tern and eerie* arc written at the -* i* contained in sheet*, the pen never expeditious and eci noraieul—price from f 1 to ?5. CROTON INK. If yen went good Wjjrk writing ink,u*e the flows freely from the pen. and retain* ita color Al- ao tndellible Carmine and copy Ink*. PA PER AND S TA TIONER Y. All sizes an 1 styles of writ in' paper at mill prices.— Tissue, colored, drawing and perforated paper, envel ope*. gold pen*, note paper, scrap books, portfolios, cards,quills, wax, wafers, steel pens, chessmen, wallet*, writing desks, and every variety of fancy stationery. DIARIES FOR 1951 the full cap size, to the sm.ille-t pocket edition. Administrator’ll Sale. WILL he «oi Ton the Bret Tuesday in' Jim H ' next, before the Court bouse door, in the t <«f U'atkimv.lie,during the legal hours of sale, negro boy. J; eury, about lfi or. 10 years old. T.j sold under ;n ordri- of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Cfo-ke count v. sitting for ordinary purposes, as the prop, rty of Jonh T. Baker, deceased, for the ' •♦’fit ,vf tl.e creditors of said -deceased. Term* on ' ~ V. JACKSON, Adni'r. boston furniture £l ibe day. Georgia, Jackson County*. . ' i r Inferior Court tilting for Ordinary Purposes, Septem- j Oct. SI, 1850. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ,7TLL- be sold on Thursday, the 5tli da* of De- -xt. thehuLmce^of ^thejjieridutb'e PRIME, KENNY & CO.. BOSTON, W ASlE-K.OOTSSS. A O EN ER AL astorturont of fashionable Mahogany and other Furniture from f£SlS WMT. .foSrt'j. nlt'i Wholesale and Retail. Purchasers of *1000 or' morc._ will be supplied a Oct 21, i Boston Wholesale priti John V/. Goss, r. both t DEALER IX DRY GOODS AXD GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Sic., Ac. No. 9. Broad-street ATHENS, OA. May 3,1819. ly W" Hr BOMBARD ha* icturnct* mod can lie found at Id* office all hours of the day.— Having lately visited the North, he ha- availed himself of *11 the b “ w now prepari bid for business, profes 50c.75c. andfl,rent by vw Book-1) > it din " 'ruled in any style. FRANCIS A LOUTREL. Manufacturing Stationer*, July 25, 1«0. 4t-ly o famish gold plates, w capper o Sept 1 WOMANS ritlENBSBIP, NEW rnpply t“f *al*hr CHASE A PETERSON. F KonnoJy's Life of Wirt, 'OR »alo bv CHASE & PETERSON. MILL STONES AND MILL MACHINERY, FHENCII Bl'RIt, HOLLAND, &C. MACIIINERT OF AI.L KJSDS. FOX SAtX DANIEL A GALLOWAY, 76 FRONT STREET, SEW YORK July *5. 1850. FLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! E x TIN PLATE AND WIRE. C IONSTANTIiY on hand and for sale low. for t J by Sept- 19. T. B1S1I01 DUPONT’S POWDER. F V. F. O- Blasting and extra fine Rifle Powder • constantly on band and rale low, wlmk-ale Dd retail, by Sept 19. T. BISHOP. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods. 53 Liberty Street, Cor. o/ Nauau, near the Post Ofia .rs r. roxvrii-B, NEW YORK. onATDos. May 9,1850. ly FALL STYLE—1650. JJEAVER »nd Jl.Je,kin Hats,jo* ©EUSSH-STS Am (KEQSSOaS^S. Vo. 100 Fulton Street v Corner ef William, FERRY A CO’S. LAW NOTICE. fJtllE subscriber having locateil at Newton, {the faithful attention to all professional bu rs! to lus care in the counties of Randolph. Early. Sum ter, Ijee, Baker and Decatur of the Soutli-W istern, and Thomas of the Southern Circuit. IRON, NAILS AND HARDWARE. fUON. Nails, and a general astortmentof Qardwaru I KON. Nails, and a general a<4oTUacntof Hard init received ami for rale by March 7, SUMMEY, TRAMMELL A C COBBS PENAL CODE, F OR the use of Justices of the Pence, just r and for sale by LEATHER FOR SALE. Leather, consisting of Harness, Beit, Sole and Upper leather, and invite the attention of dealers and consu mer*. The company also expect soon to have M band, a large stock of Negro Shoes of the best quali tv. Cash paid for bides and bark. ’ Watkinsville, July 18. W. 0. MORGAN, Snp’L HEAD 1 HAVING removed. I offer for tale, my ’ a the town of Athens. Tht and very. niently shunted to the business part of ...... o the college and to the churches. Terms low and easy. Address tlie subscriber at Macon. Ga. April 18 RYLVANUS LANDRUM. Fremont and 0 wynn. and of W right, others—togetlivr with lithotinta illu-trati there. AUo £ac vimilesoftlie signati bersofthe Convention. 8epL 5. of life of the Mcm- received anil for rale by CHASE A PETERSON. Sign of the Mammoth Book N E W T O N IIOUS E, Athens, Oeorgia. rT3I|E subscribe*, as jiroprietor of tbe’above CONVERSE, TODD & GRAYDON, W. S. Grady, 5. Broad Street—ATHENS, GA. Tbomne V». Alexander, ATTORNEY AT LAW, L\ wre.meviixk, Gwiic fSF"Any business entrusted to his care will m nspertation. i*5(K» t.,?10i>0 a f 100 to ?500 Call and - * Building, opposite the March 14. 1850. SOUTHERN HERALD Book and Job Printing Office, BItOAJ) STREET, ATHENS, GA. \V . I!. H . WHITE, Next door to Alex jj NCOURAGEDby the ver ced to make lerse ndditious I ” itiful nss „ bef7ian,im_ M- tMrBnm*, | Robert White, amj Charles Witt ‘ ' j XT appearing to tlte Court; by tlie petition of Martin | 1 Fricks, that Joseph T. Cunningbam. lately deceas ed, did in his life tune, execute to. the said Martin Fricks hU bond conditioned to make Utles in foe sim pie t w said Martin Fricks, to lot pf land, eight hundred ind ninety-one, (891) feveutceoth district, and third ectkm, containing forty acres more or less,, upon tin titles to said lot of land, lid Court, Sep- >eral patronage hith- rned have been iiulu- livir heretofore largi r Court, August Term, 1851 Libel for Divorce. Far the Cure «f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, ' WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA >.a CONSUMPTION T",-. ^U-iltJk hU ..n-n.ii.1 L>««..r A tins {Nepara: ion-—its salutary etb-ct—ita power to • and cure *Qec^on> Lungs, have gained , for it a celebrity equalled bv ik. other me ii. ine. We otter u to.the affiicted wi;l» enure.qnutideno* in its In Quart Bottles. For the removal and permanent Disc <rfn< of all °* UUUlllU' FECTOl:/ • of the blood, or habit.f the *y. ■stabli-h a JOB OFFICE, for lh< ■'“» tor tHe exclusive purp ; -j x appearing to the Court by the return < :K ,' -Iff"-” “r,rrCw;l iff. «l»t th« Dofomla.. 2i» t «. b, f, '* beautiful style, and for LOW . and ; t furtJlt . r n ppcaiing to the PLAIN AND ODNAMEATAL MiS S> IB fl 33 IT 3 Mb i T« EJ^KCP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, Xo.\, Broad Strut ATHENS, OA. FERRY A CO., Broad Street A THEXS, l R. J. MAYNARD, O. & A. K. CHILDS, A. B. & D. SANDS, M»y 9 B. M. WHITLOCK & CO. 84 Front street* .Trip 'YorU, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, I, Tabu. e prompt a< GEO. W. & JEHIAL READ, MANUFACTURERS A WHOLESALE DEALERSIN HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, Artificial Flowers, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. r Fork. iy mbs. and forward a o thi» offic« A VERY, HILLilARD A CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Stnploaud Fancy Dry Good*, No. 70, Broadway, N. Y. Wanker, Cloth*. Jewelry, Sit, - „ - T Vi A Good*, <£•■ t,FinaCutl* Fancy i. Broad-street, under the Franklin House.. Athens ASA M. JACKSON. C. & W. J. PEEPLES, EVERY DESCRIPTION ITT Our PreMtov are from the celebrated TV of Iloe A'Cb., nod our Tj-pe, Ornami am the Auudrie- of Bruce fc Co., Count York, and MewnJ. L. r & Son a & Ci ... of Philadrlj.hi, •uni*. &C-, and the display of o the defendant 1* be- on motion of D. U. Walk. It it ordered by taid Co ed by publii ith for four Southern ^Yhig. previous to tlie next id Superior Court, for said county; the defendant be required to appe; saidCour id Libel in terras of thelai while by the rad* and the public g«* LAMPK1N. .Vfir Fire-Proof Warehouse. GIBBS & McCORD, d Franklin n and Foi Cobij, of the Cm S AND GAIXESTO.LX, Qa.) practice of Law in the coun ackson, Gwinnett, Hall. Haber rokce Circuit; and MeINTQSUSTREET, AUGUSTA, GA T HE undersigned beg leave to inform their ft and the public, that they have removed t new fire proof.Warehouse recently bpilt ou tlie comer of Mclnto-h mnl Reynold* streets, where they h»i permanently located, amLwii! continue to give the personal attention to the above business in all i The location select ed is very favorable for selling cc toil and otlier produce to the best advantage. They hope by strict attenli-.u to business to merit a share of patronage. All orders, accompanying consignments of Cotton, and for Bagging. Rope, and Family Supplies will be faithfully executed. Cash advances will be made on produce in store when required. Tbcircharges will confirm to the establish- GEORGIA—WALTON COUNTY. I, W. W. Nowell, Clerk of the Superior Court, ccr- ‘ y tlie above to be a true copy of an order, taken >in the minutes of -Walton Superior Court, August :rm 1850. Sept. 8,1850. W.W. NOWELL, Clk. Sept 12. 1850. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable Inferici Court, sitting as a Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Decembei SAPAU1LLA si irS^r places. They are brought bcfoi al aids, the 1 adies. h; it does, e- mending i«ity to Ayer s CHERRY PECTORAL and v 1 too strongly recommend this skillful preparation, the profession and public generally.” Let the relieved sutferer speak for himself. lUavvoaD. Jan, 26. iSW. Dr. J. C. Ayer—Dear Sir:—Having been — —^ as« by yoi rescuCd- ouly “r atum inth - - •. Wd- J<«» milar to thi^-one that would act <*> the liver, stom- 1 edgement, not only in justice ioyou,'but for the infer :h, and bowels with ail tlie precision and jx.teu.-y of ; mation of others in like olBiction. lineral preparations, yet without any of their delete-1 A. slight cold upon tho lung*, neglected at first, be- - r **•* *—— * *- “** “*■'**“ *•*“• — 1 n^vioUmt^cough Augusta, July 19,1 ■"UGS.F. GIBBS. GEORGE M. CORD. C. Peeples. At her Newton K Lwcas, WHOLESALE AND aXTAlL DEALERS IH DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ko No. 2, Granite Ro*—ATHENS, GA. sonable term* ft le subscribe William A. Lewis, ATTORNEY AT LA W, Cnumra, Foxsvth ca, Ga. Will practice in tlie counties composing the Che rokee CirctdL Alt professional and other bu; i—- o. —*• ——ith prompt Dec. 3,184’ trusted to his management, will n faithful attention. Lffio JVotfee. tJXHE undersigned liare associated tin will^ave prompt alter B.a OVERBY Jefferson, Jackson Co- Dec. 27, 1849. All business OVEHBY A OLENN. J. N. GLENN. Camesville, Franklin Co. May 9,1850 STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, No. *2, Cedar Street, opposite the Pott Office. a. a. ncvcxiNcx. ra. ) NEW YORK. JSnrberlnff and Hair Pressing. B ERNARDO J. ARZE i* prepared to give ft satisfaction to all gentlemen requiring bis servic in the above line. He may bo found at all times in tl brick building over Matthews,Goodman A Co’s stoi May 9, 1 Hardware. WILLIAM BRYCfi & CO- IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY. GUNS, &C. 228 Pearl Street, Aero York, Have constantly on lutnd a full and well selected •lock, adapted to the Southern trade. Particular at- tentam is called to their assortment of Guns. Maj». lj hum, to make it iu«i such an establishment as the public LOVICKP. THOMAS. Athens, Janaary. 1S49. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY HTHERKAS, Benjamin Peeler applies to i if letter* ofGuardina'hipof 5*— *“ — J t be granted- t office, this 1st dav of Oc- ASA M. JACKSON, c IRON’ AND STEEL. A GOOD stock of Swede and Englwh. Bar round, square and oval d«s band, hoop and bread .to* plow moulds, cast, blistered and German steel; wagon boxes web chain, Ac. constantly on hand and fir sale low by Sept. 12. T. BISHOP. Hals, L aps, Bsou aad Sboca! T. H. WILSON, 3 moved his old stock to tho room oa College — ..venue recently occupied by A. Alexande* A Co, where be is now. exhibiting a splendid assortment of ST A? LB AND FANCY DRY GOODS. HARD WARE A CROCKERY ; all of which is fresh and w»l! selected; he kupesliisfriend* and customers, will call and sec fur themselves. April 25, 1850. tf FERRY & CO. H AVE vwnoved their stork of good* to the store lately oecnphid bv A. J. Bradv. No. 7, GRAN- I r« ROW. where they have on hand, and -will von i inue to offsr apoo liberal term*,- a vtry extenrive »*■ - urtment of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoe*, Trunks, Va lises. Carpet-Ba r». Cmbreltas and such other articles •ally kept by them. Cash, for ItaOxocm-j . UaJhbit. Uce»«m, Fox. Mink, Wild-Cat, LEATHER! LEATHER!!/ GOOD supply good Ctak and; Heraleck sole . leather. Upper‘Leather. Calf Skins, Ac, Ac..< .tV» fad Good.. •'BBS imdersigneiTis now receiving hi* Fall and ’ ire been reteriod with great care to suit the country *de. and win b* «oU lor cash or exdbaaged Lw « prcduceof thcftwntiT. W. 8. GRADY, ■ Oct. II. . V CAKDLESl CANDLES S PERM. Ailamaolioe, and potent Mould. Candles coostanOv on band and for vale 1ow ; bv AthepnSrpUSL -V i . T.llISHOP,.: WEBSTER'S DICrrONARY, targe < STARK & KRONER, FRENCH BOOT*.BAKEB8, ON COLLEGE AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE P. O. Where we have commenced making fine Bool* and Shoe*, and as we have ‘permanent arrangement made with personal friend in New York, an i porter of th* best Frtnth Ixather from France, we will hart* no difficulty ' JELJ IWte P md from Boots and the business, we f«*el warranti ible to give perfect retisfactior iac. 'We intend [»o*t fashionable ng experience in NBW GOODS. W. N, WHITE. At the Cnivcrally Bookstore, NO. 2, COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, GEO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, COiUION AND FANCY STATIONERY, n«elc mud Vastest tnurnatslt, LAMPS, FIXE CUTLERY,• FANCY GOODS, TOYS, Ac, 4r. HT Orders filled with promptness and at Aroma —______ l - fuco. Pioneer Paper MIU. rpUE r-priotw. „f tti. Jlill .itmted four mil. South-west of AthetiA are prepared to purcha* aay quanuty of cfc««t - Colton ana I*inen IlnfS, wbWi n»y Le offered, either delirered to them in Ath ens, or at the mill, for which they will pay TTmjj will give in exchange, paper of their own mar uEtcture .Bock* Stationery, dr, from the store of Chas^ *Pete»un,at Urolowert cx*h price*—arUdrefmm tl» AOons Fact.ny, or CASH, at the option of the will also l<e pcrchascd.' at from’ pound, aeppfoing to quality. 1 J ySEgE&ZSFJGSX. .-Athens,Jam la CHASK ALINTON. • LADIES’. VISETTES. -TEST received and fr n!« a good assortment! fl Indies 1 Spring and Summer Vi-vttv- bv March 21. R. L. BLOOMFIELD. WILLIAM PHILIPS, A T T O RN E Y AT LAW, June 1850. ly. Mauietta, Ga. NEW GROCERY bTORE. T HE Subscribers would respectfully inform t good citizm* of Athens and the country gener sort meat of FRESH GROCERIES, suited t lid beg leave to say, their Goods for cu*h mostly, ami conscquent- alford to sell for a small profit—believing "he Honorable the Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary Purpose*, September 2, 1850. ’resent their honors, Young L. G. Harris, James W. Barrett, William Dickeu, ami EJizur L. N Justices of said Cot To all u'hom it may concern. W HEREAS, Lucy Purycar. Guardian of Martha, Elizabeth, John and Sarah Puryear, orphans of John Puryear, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismis sion from said guardianship:— Therefore, all person* concerned, are hereby cited ami admonished to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office in terms of the law, otherwise, >f Dismission will be granted to the applicant —. . e . .-.j r>—» gy order at the No< of fhe Court. September 5, 1850. A. M. JACKSON, c e old a<lage that zy shilling; Tlieir st«»re streets, in tlie i a Tin aud Shu Athens, March 7, 1 kj formerly occupied by Summey, a SUMMEY, TRAMMELL A CO. (Jreat Bargains at BLOOMFIELD’S CtOTlIlNG STORE. Brood Street, Athens Ga. T HE undersigned'would inform his friends and pat ton*, that his new. and splendid stock of FALL AND WRITER CLOTHING, IIa« been received di tablishmenyin New Jersey, wh that I have ever bad tlie pl« Atlie HORTON, ItlOOBE & CARLTO.Y. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY AND SADDLERY. No. 8, Granite Row-,-. A THEXS, GA, J. W. Hoa-rov, P. E. Moo*i, J. A. Cai Athens, Feb. 7,1850. 14—tf. CHASE & PETERSON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOKS, STATIONERY,FAXCY GOODS PERFUMERY, . fC. . Sl«3 Of THE .UAM JIOTH BOOK. Thirddoor east of College Avenue, Atoms, Geoboia. «3TA11 orders promptly filled at Augusta prices Athens, Feb, 28.1850. I 9 M,M.YO‘FORTES. AN ELEGANT assortment of PIANOS •f the celebrated makers, STODART & Iso, tho recently in- Tidunuam, N. Y„ ented MELODEON. at the Pi Athens, Feb. 7,1650. CHA8. ZOGBAUM. LOOK AT THIS! CARRIAGES, ROCKAWAYS fc BUGGIES, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, ASn AT REDUtED PRICEN. RICHD S. SCHEVENEI.L, Co a at-Maker. Opposite the Bank—ATHENS, GA' Sonthern Jimnal ImnranccCa. H OME OFFICE, in their building opposite the Po. t Office. Communications should be addressed,- and appli- line rVriirfi calf Boof*. Smith fc Stovall, DEALERS Dt DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AC K» 1* Cwltewe Avenue, Atlirna. Terms—cheap for cosher country produce COFFEE 1 COFFEE!! COFFEE !! i gUPERIOR Riband Laguna- Coffe**;_ al« _ very choice old Government. Java do. just received and fur sale low oy ^ *»•""** Safi. 12. T. BISHOP. LIFE INSURANCE. THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANE 143 Policies - insured F430.00000 Their premiums bare been 10.688 09 .Their tosses Nothing. This department i-vby the Cora pan vs cliarter, e tirely ilistinct fn«m thdr other business- Their rates*] lower than those charged by Northern companies for residents of the Southern States. SUGARS! SUGARS!! >BOWN. LoafCrnsherl and Powdered Sugars fresh J and cheap, for sale by tereM. SUMMEY. TRAMMELL A CO. ,t then . be fash of the style* my-clf. i, I will leat i Ovt b Felt Cloth Over .and Pilot. Flush- , Beaver. Kersey, id Meta Skin Sacks, and Frock Cass. Sacks, and Frock Coats, (a handsome :le) Bl’k P«»e Skin, atid Engli-h Cass, pants; Fancy '1: English. French- .... i cheap and good.) Satinett, Jeans, Tv. English Cord, and Moleskin pants; Cashmere, Si Satin, Caslmicrett, Wool, Worsted, Valencii, au_ Black Broad Cloth, double and single breasted Vesta. Also, a large assortment of furnishing article*, to wit: Stocks, Chdlars, Cravats; Handkerchiefs, Buck, and Berlin Gloves; Kid, Silk and Oassimere Gloves; Sus pendcra, Combs, Brushes, Half hose, £e, Ac. > Shirts! Shirts!! A large supply of our own make, handsomely, and well made; also, knit under Shirts and Drawers of every quality and style, silk, Cotton, Merino, and Wool. Hats, Caps, Ac. Also, a largo and handsome stock of Hats and Caps, embracing all the styles worn at the presf“‘ J -“ fino Mole Skin, Beaver, Soft Bodies/Ao, Ac. UMBRELLAS. Silk, Ginghams, Cotton, and Cambric, Whale and Steel Ribbed Umbrellas. _. Trunks, Carpet Bags, and Valisei, Iron frame, and russet folio*, all of which will be t, rifting for Or dm filliam Dicken, onorable the Infe Purpose*, September 2, 1850. Present their Honors, Y«»ung L. G. Harris, Elizur L. Newton, James W. Barrett and Willian — ' Justices of suid CkurL To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS, Janie* P. Mayne, AdminL the real estate of John G. Mayne, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said admini t ration:— , • Therefore, the kindred and credi ed, are hereby died aud aih jection*. (if any they have) iu law, otiicrwise, Letters of Di*mi**ion wilt be gi to the applicant at the next May term of said 1 By order of said Court. September 5,1850. A. M. JACKSON, c.. CHERRY E. A. STEWART. N. Y, April 17,1848. Sir:—1 have for years the worst form; so that D. S.»»_(:,.ull,n„„ V i woulJ lluw WjWwj 1 •“ ■‘“{.“"V «t l«p> pr~mwl 1“ writ. t.. you, if it «■« „„t my duty to lol j ff, tlie public It,i»w tie aim,-l mintcolcu. clfect Sttr- 1 “*“**'“* "“"J' m«jtcutc«, but top. l>t»p«m, — hu.bulupot, me. Mv M. ilk during f .. hC ,. me(1 .„ lnnk „ mcw diseased. SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE EYES. Ky.,Oct. 29.1849. i» that I could not Maracaibo, V d*—Gi the public to make known tlie gi ceived from u»i„ B your vttlo, • ■ three years since I was atta my slmulders, and also in my the pai best medicines I could Itear u benefit, until through the advi some of vour Sar.-npnrilln, an of fifieen days. Kinkclin on Sclf-Pr cservation- ONLY 25 CENTS. Tin* Book, just published, is filled with u*efulinlbr- y office in terms of the | sitting for Ordi Barrett, William Dicken, and Elizur L. Nt Just i o all ic/iom it may concern. HEREAS, Benajal, S. Sheats, Executor * * Nicholas Sheats, deceased applies for Lctti of Dismission from said Executorship:— - Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said de id admonished to tile tbei iy office to the applic; By order of said Court September 5,1850. tug for Ordint The Honorable the Inferior Court, si Purp set, September 2, Present their Honors, Young L. G. Harris, Willi Dicken, Elizur L. Newton, Justices of said Court. To all tc/u it may concern. • TUHEREAS, David Holmes, Adrninsfrator of Johi If Colly, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismis . . :by cited and admonished jeetions, (if any they hove) in my of the law, otherwise. Letters of Dire granted to the applicant at the next May term of. Court. By order of said Court. September 6,1850. A. M. JACKSON, c. c. Georgia, Clarke County. YITHE REAS, William Edwards applies to ff Litters of Administration, with the will Dismbsion will be t |i old cB. IfeW Goods. WATCnES AND JEWELRY, ‘•«V »nd ilated Ware. J»CSIl>L IXSTXCMEXTS, *C. W. P. 8AGE, has just returned articles which he will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. TOGmira wmf a obeat VAairrr or area Jewelry, of ib« Latest Styles. Broaches Pins, Ear and Finger Rings ; Gold Guard and Fob Chains Gold D 1 ' j D‘ -■ /V_f J ' tx-T-■: - Pens and Pencils ; Gold, Silver and Steel Buckles; Gold. and Silver Thimbles, and Spectacles. tr. Table Desert commends to tiro public. Flnicd, Violins, Gnilarx, &c. Pianos from the most celebrated maker* and war- Piano, Plate. Violin and Guitar Music. AU watches and time-pieces faithfully repaired and mted. Athens, Aug 22^1850. YATf nOBTETA BARRETT, e'6XcH-MAKERS, ATHENS. Bixj leave to inform thw friends and the" itie generally, that they hare removed to ir.NEW SHOP,.second lot below tiro seriptions of CARRIAGES. Athens, March 23,1848, . • txswio oi fiumuu-iraunn, wiui tile Will annex- i,-, « .... i . ed. on the estate of Cynthia W. Greer, deceased: mV * These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and V I r * ‘ » (w singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to * * 1^ ', J r ,. pur ' ‘ A 1^2 * _ btt untl appear at my oflke . illiiti the time prtt-ttribm. boot amb shoe shop. f any they have,) why said ’ Letters should not be granted." Given under my hand at office, this the 2nd dt September, 1850. A. M. JACKSON,' a a JAMI:'S BUID0ES trECTFiri.LT inform- the public that he lias M>vcd Vis shop to the building in the rear Sept 12; 1850 •in tlie F OUR months after date, application will be made to * lon ’ care ^ u *b’ r the Honorable the Inferior Court of Madison' c " ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes. sell the Negroes belonging to the estate of Gsorge N OUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the .In ferior Court of Ji county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary purposes, for leave to Pell- the lands belonging to the estate of Henry S- Butler, late of said county, deceased. JAS. HARGROVE, Adm. Sept 5,1850 N. M. BUTLER, Adm'x. all kinds of work Having procured the SESjp ' his work w01 bedi nun try, while he belii if Mr. Handrup/a most be ei ! ilia nd Cluldreu's ■tides < that he wift Boots and shoes. F OUR months after date, application will temade We, and warranted so to be) can be obtaim to the Honorable Inferior Court cf Jackson Coun- 1 North, adding only the freight, at the ty.when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell 1 WARE ROOMS i AAT all the interest of Leonidas A. Few and Marcus C. i „ , ” j ■ ~ orphans of Leonidas Few, deceased, in a certain I r * c ® doori Wes! °f lhe Pofl °f iee ' near the E P lt ‘ LOOK OUT FOR CHEAP RIDING l LIVERY STABTe REMOVER. &A^e£Lsr k. and well arranged Sta* F 'UR montlis after date,application will be made ! *% Old Furniture c to the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison ornamental Painting, county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, foe leave I sell all the negroes belonging to tne estate of Francir Spratling, deceased. * JAMES O’KELLY. Exr. July 4, 1850. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE w ILL he sold before the rourt bouse door in Valuable Laud*. TIIUSTEES’ SALE. Q N the'first Tuesday in November uext. before the attention. And they flatter themselves that from long- Court-hou.-c, in Watkius ville, Chirkecouiay, will experience *nd. clote attontioa-ttroy. will give satislac-. led their" splendid . ,,, —- * , ri. X i comwcxion with the Franklin House, take this Cornty- . CAWLLDS L. FEW, MM !»Uamm th> vancty of k. nMnd. SSortS «UT™ .»e ”JSuI 7SS July 18. 1850. I Why talfeyour.moneyahroad,whenyoucanuseitas : tnesu<^ic^is*u(.i.,auu. upon uiore rca onuuic erma. ’ ° <lT! I"CUd°Fuli^''“ii S <!<l sad repaired. Sfen .nd j Ttoy rnn n .plcndid line of Fonr «n Po^ c! S OLIV c ’ u ! Couches three time* a-week from Athens to Madiaoti I Coaches three times a-week from Atbfns to Madison I Spring, am) dsiily ir neces-ary. All families wishing to. ; visit the ujvcountry Via'At hens, will be seht to Clarkes-' ville the ridg« mad or . by Madison Springs, as they may wish, for $0 per .seat Travelling time not to «*-• All horses Sentto their charge will receiv e the best ,*» town of Danielstillo dnHn. d. <*> for thd Umfit of tho Lognt—, nnd for dr.lp-, ttoo^In nil *ho mnj._fov..rtr,om wb their pntr^iug... of >n)«.on ^nUthnt trnct nf fond, hofonging to (he Into , rnn n.pfondhfOmnihns duly from Ofoclty to. tnStSuirf Villintn Jono^ ot Iho.time of hi, denth. lo.own n. ih® th. Ii. B. Dopol' ■ 8ii.TK»4 IVV. rtK nhor^TITLlutoth dS iiES S Fj'"Wntfotorill^,tontnininj.^tor «n hno-, ■Omothnn .p^tthc^howton Hon,, nod 7)^%, commenced for the nurnn*e of hnildoifp inw Ju; i «h"ed andjfiftr (750) acres, more rtr less. House. 1 good gin house ar^ otiier^nmmnh lfnnses- it "to -nn The above place is in good repair, with a comfort*-, Stage and Liveryeffice at the Franklin House: S^pHce wliereon Geo. W. ge 2 story 4aSl^.«in house, and all necesary out-, We will.alsornq*spl^Jid Uuahf four korte Coadroe* vix: Gilbert, a man agout is years of iure. an^Pri’i * 51 ^ Tenns made known co the day of sale. -- • JMi' ;..••*.*.« No ti C S v ;- .C » . fein\nBinn .boot forty j«*r. of •e.^To to «dd | , „ . . ? ItfoSe. 1 55B|' Tw«dbtorilier«aiH»lli— todrr no .rdorof tho Hoolnhfo lb. foOntoOoort of' MflWO. HJ.CLlhCr.t , j j|UEKIl< t ^(»^> a .ag g ^t.r, i ■ TrnHfo,VntiK..ndtntptlBn,i' | ’ Man and iinfM;. '^T~^fo'.'T.|50 j- LARGE muiltmfnt tfi tw fmflpat^". *•* BENJ. F. O’KELLT. AdmY Trunks, Vretlacs rend Crerpet Bass- , ARGE assortment to be found at ' ■ .**•' — March??. FERRY A £0%..' Fq*t. 1*1*50. J. B.NABEK8, ,