The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, December 05, 1850, Image 4

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John VI. Goss, DEALER IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, HAKDWARC AMD CUTLERY, fcc., Ac. .Vo. 9. Brond-street ATHENS, OA. May 3,1849. ly W. S, Grady, Scalar In Dry SJrece in, c,A .Vo 15, JWd N/rart ATHENS, OA. Administrator's Sale. SOUTHERN HERALD i __ _ n/C i YXT^LLbcsol.J outbe first Tuesday in January ! Book and Job Printing Office, t BUOAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. lE’S^^^sssssssst Sis ? red to wake Urge addition. to their heretofore Urge ' »* ^ endt Thomas W. Alexander, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Unnrinui, Ow»»nT Co, [ pyAny business entrusted to his care will meet with t beautiful style, aud FoTESw PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL !P & 11 S3 T a HSB, •wimble Gold Buckles, Gold and si , Utc of! of all kinds. W. H. H. WHITE, nmkastTalUr. Hist door to A It zander’s Drug Store, College A rat me ATHENS, GEORGIA. T. BISIIOP, ■WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 1, Broad Street—A TIIENS, OA. FERRY Sc CO., torv of lloe & Co., aud our Type, Ornament*. &c., " Abe foundries of Bruce & Co., Conner &■ Son oscpbT. White of New York, and Messrs. J. L. on & Co., of Philadelphia, which is abuudaut „ jice of their superiority; while by the use of good paj>er, cards, Ac., aud the display of correct GSS£2 yoke oi «•*«• wm ran, ami <nua ~>».■>-— , —-.--r — Terms on the day. BENJ.' F. OKELLV Adm. with a great variety of fancy iw o.i i oka ! roods. Our facilities for d O'* Our f It, Sept. . spectfully invited to giv a call. T. M. LAMPKIN. R. J. MAYNARD, A. B. & D. SANDS, WStBEOTS AN3 E’EEESffiOTS, .Vo. 100 full.. Stmt, Can't./ Willi M.y 0 NEW YORK. B. M. WHITLOCK & CO. 84 Front street, JTeie York, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, SELECTED FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. ty Brandies, Wines, and Segars of our own Impor tation—Teas, Tobacco, At, fine quality. Orders i ceive prompt attention. July 4,1850. GEO. W. & JEHIAL READ, MANUFACTURERS A WHOLESALE DEALERSIN ‘ HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, •artificial Flowers, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. ADJOINING -WESTERN HOTEL. July 4, 1850. 1 y AVERY, HILLIARD A CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods No. 70, Broadway, N. Y. May 9, 1850 ly William A. Lewis, ATTORNEY AT LA IF, CuMXING, FOXSTTB CO, Gs. fg* Will practice in the counties composing the Che rokee Circuit All »wofessional and other business en trusted to his management, will meet with prompt and faithful attention. Dec 3,1847. Hardware. WILLIAM BRYCE ft CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY. GUNS, &C. 228 Pearl Street, Neto York, Have constantly on hand a full and well selected lock, adapted to the Southern trade. Particular at tention is called to their assortment of Guns. May 9. Meaw JYolice. FI1HE undersigned bare associated themselves i Mtkfaction to all gentlemen requiringhis services in ute above line. He may be found atall times in tbe brick building over Matthews, Goodman A Co’s store. WILLIAM PHILIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, June 1850. ly. M»nm, Ga. HORTON, MOORE Sc CARLTON, WHOLESALE AND XETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY ASD SADDLERY. No. 3, Granite Rote ATHENS, GA, J. W. Horton, P. E. Moore, Athens, Feb. 7,11 44—tf. CHASE & PETERSON, WHOLESALE AND RFTAIL DEALERS I BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS PERFUMERY, <fC. man of the ninnorii book. Third door east of College Avenue, Athens, Geoec HT All orders promptly filled at Augusta prices Athena, Feb, 28,1850. NSW GOODS. T. H. WILSON, J£AS moved bis old stock to the room on College Co., where he i 16 years old. To bo of the Honorable the Inferior ity, sitting for ordinary purposes, mu T. Baker, deceased, for the >rs of said deceased. Terms on ASA M. JACKSON, Adm’r. WATCHES. I&WSLR7, SILVER AND PLATED HVire, StCo CHEAT COUGH REIVTEDY rFHE subscribers are now c I ry Store, aisplcndid aesoi > pc rung at the ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. j the latest style of ^ *** JEWELRY. ' ■ • ; in part, Bre " lav, tbe 5th day of Dc- j Gold guard and fob Chains, Gold Per of the peri' L O’Kelly, 1 goods. Our facilities for purchasing good; tx n Georgia, Jackson Couuty. Inferior Court titlingfor Ordinary Purpose*, Seplen Robert White, and Charles Wi s Court, by the petition of Martii ' " ! ’ — 'ate. saul Martin I T appearing to the C< Fricks, that Joseph ■ph T. Cunningham, lately deceas- Fricks his bond conditioned to make titl iosaid Martin Fricks, to lot of land, ninety-one, (891) seventeenth distr ict, and third acres more or less, upon the ration money; and it appear- mI J. T. Cunningham depurted this life, witho o said Martin Fricks having petitioned this coin rect John H. Connigbam and Oiler Mitchell, tors of said deceased, to execute to him titles lot of land— It i« therefore ordered by the Court, That m given at three or more public places in the and in the Southern Whig, according to law, • application, that all persons concerned, may file objec tions. (if any they have,) in the Clerk’s office, said John H. Cunningham and Giles Mitchell, exe os aforesaid, should not execute titles to said lot of land, in terms of said bond. True extract from the minutes of said Court, Sep tember 2,1850. JOHN G. PITTMAN,t Georgia.~ Walton Walton Superior Ann Hogan, 1 Libel for the Court by the return a> d warrante kinds neatly done. friends, the public, call mid exan ’ ,nd judge for themselve " ? • ’ r CHILD: CHERRY IfECTOKAL Far (he Care of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION T HE uniform success which has attended the use of this preparation—its salutary effect—its power to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and re move the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of r ” * men mid philanthropists everywhere. Wlmt opinion of CHERRY PECTORAL may bo seen in the following:—• VALENTINE MOTT, M. D„ Prof Surgery Med. College, New York, *ays:— “ It gives me pleasure to certify the value and effi- Ayer’s CHERRY PECTORAL, which I con sider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the Throat and Lungs.” THE RT. REV. LORD BISHOP FIELD writes in a letter to his friend, who was fast sin under an affection of the Lungs:—“ Try the CHERRY PECTORAL, and if any raedicini lief, with the blessing of God that medical In Quart SSottlcs. For the removal and permanent cure of Diseases arising from or. immre state of the blood, or habit nj u Among the many and important® lyctj* of »i itten, It n t ANDS SA test Styles, Broaches Pins, Ear and Finger Rings Gold Guard and Fob Chains ; Gold Pens and Pencils; Gold, Silver and Steel Buckles; Gold and Silver Thimbles, and Spectacles. Warranted Sterling Silver. Table Beset • Court, insel:— e be pcrfect- William Hogan I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sher iff; that the Defendant is not to be found in this | county; and it further appealing t» the Court, that; the defendant is beyond the jurisdiction ol on motion of D. U. Walker, complainant*! It i* ordered by *aid Court, That ed by publication of this order, out months, in the Southern Whig, previous to the next term of said Superior Court, for said county; and that the defendant be required to appear at the next term of said Court, to answer said Libel in terms of the law. r Court, cer- s copy of an order, taken s of Walton Superior Court, August W.W. NOWELL, Cl’k. upied by A. Alexander ft exhibiting a splendid assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HARD WARE A CROCKERY; all of which is fresh and elected; he hopes his friends and customers, will W. N. WHITE, At the IJnirenity Bookstore, NO. 2, COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, GEO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, AND DEALER IN COMMON AND FANCY STATIONERY, LAMPS, FINE CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, «ta, *c. tSP Orders filled with promptness and at Avgusta hoes. Aug. 1. notice. The subscriber still continues to keep open , t HOUSE in Jxrrxxsox, Jackson cou Ga., for the accommodation of Travelci Man and horse,per day,.... JFMefJVO-FOIl TF S. N ELEGANT assortment of PIANOS the celebrated makers, STODART A 'DUNHAM, N. Y., also, the recently in- ttNtd MELODEON, at tbe Piano-Forte depot. Athens, Feb. 7,1850. CIIAS. Z0G BAUM. LOOK AT THIS! CARRIAGES, R0CKAWAYS & BUGGIES, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, AMI AT BEDVVED PRICES. NICH'D S. SCHEVEXEI.L, Coach-Maker. Opposite tbe Bank—ATHENS, GA- Smith & Stovall, DEALERS IN DRY' GOODS, GROCERIES, AC H* X, Caller*Areas*, Athena. Terms—cheap fiw cash or country produce H REMOVAL. Bowen & McNamee, JVir York, AYR REMOVED TO THEIR NEW SILK and 114, Broadway, and i, and Elixur L. Newton, To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS, Lucy Puryear, Guardian of Martlrn, Elizabeth, John and Sarah Puryear, orphans of John Puryear, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismis- from said guardianship :— berefore, all persons concerned, are hereby cited admonished to file their objections, (if any they j iu terms of the law, otherwise, j a will be granted to the applicant in next of said Court. By order A. M. JACKSON, C.C.O. r Store. sesses over tnose unacquainted with the businessjn . being a practical Jeweller, renders him capable of properly judging the value of all be purchased and commends to the public. Flulcs, Violins, Guitar*, &c. Pianos from the most celebrated makers and u m, Flute, Violin watches and tin ndGui BOSTON FURNITURE , m my oft Letters of Dura: t the Novembei f the Court. September 5,: ting for Ordinal 1850. , Hams, Elixur L. . :tt and William Dicken, decs of said CcurL To all whom it may concern. ‘^^'HEREAS, James P. Maync, Administrator ipplie WARS-ROOMS. A GENERAL assortment of fashionable Mahogany aud other Furniture from PRIME, KENNY & CO.. Boston, Wholesale and Retail. supplied at prices and * Building, opposite the March 14. 1850. if John G. Mayne, deceased, of Dismission from said adminis- u-refore, the kindred and creditor* , __-e hereby ciied and admouished iections, (if any they have) in my office FURNITURE, GOOD AND CHEAP! MANUFACTURED AT HOME, As cheap as such articles (equally well made and dun blc, and warranted so to be) can be obtained from th North, adding only the freight, at the WARE ROOMS Two doors West of the-Post Office, near the Epi CHERRY PECTORAL.” i, “ That Asthma and Bronchitis lis int lenient climate, has yielded with surpris idity to Ayer’s CHERRY PECTORAL and v ot too stroogly recommend this skillful preparation, > the profession and public generally.” Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself:— Hartford, Jan. 26,1847. Dr. J. 0. Ayer—Dear Sir:—Having been rescued om a painful and dangerous disease by your medi um, gratitude prompts pie to send you this acknowl edgement, not only in *- .‘light cold u] and profuse that spitting of blood, jht sweats followed and fastened upon I became emaciated, could not sleep, was dis tressed by my cough, and and in short had all the ali consumption. No medic my case, until I providentially tried your CHERRY PECTORAL, which soon relieved and hasnow cured - symptoms of quick vitb respect, Dr. Ayer, Lowell,—Dti been afflicted with Asthma, * I have been obliged to sleet part of the time, being unal I had tried a great many me until my physician prescribe CHERRY PECTORAL. At first it seemed to make ■cek I began to experieni E. A. STEWART. v.N.Y, April 17,1848. r Sir;—I have for years p in my chair for a larger ible to breathe on my bed. ediciues.but to no purpose, od, as an experiment, your »ved. Ie :njoy a state of health which 1 had bed with comfort and liich I had never expected t GEO. S. FARltANT. tlirougnout the Stat Aug. 1, 1850 DR. JAYNE’S FAMILY MEDICINES. T HE subscriber is just receiving a supply of Di Jayne’s Family Medicines, all of which, are offeree at the Philadelphia prices; consisting, among other ar tides, of Jayne’s Expectorant, Hair Tonic, Alterative Hair Dye, Carminative Balsam, Tonic Vermifuge, San ative Pills, Ague Pills, dc., dc. May 24, 1849. WM. S. GRADY A. M. JACKSON, c «i granted j mtOTiber aid Court ■ considerably to liis stock of ' Crease the variety of his •.opal Chu:.... of the patronage hithei ” encourage au<l iblehii BOOT AND SHOD SHOP. jame¥bridges tEsrECTFLLLv informs the public that he hi emoved his shop to the building in the re: .f the Post Office, near the corner of Baldwi street and College Avenue—where lie is prepared execute in the most superior style and on short notic all kinds of work in his line of business. Having procured the services of Mr. Haudrup,(a mo superior workman) under whose management the t table hment will be placed, he can assure the public that * ’ -*- ill be done in a style equal to Unit < * Georgia—Clarice Couuty. The Honorable the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary Purposes, Septnnber 2.1850. Present their Honors, Young L. O. Harris, James W. Barrett, William Dicken, and Elixur L. Newton, Justices of said Court To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS, Bcnajah S. Sheats, Executor of Nicholas Sheats, deceased applies for Letters of Dismission from said Executorship :■— Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, arc hereby cited and admonished to file their ob jections, (if any they have) in my office in terms of the Great Bargains at BLOOMFIELD’S CLOTHING STORE. ONC DOOR BELOW BEESE fc WAKE’S DRUC Broad Street, Athens Go. rpJIE undersigned would inform his friends and I patrons,that liis new, and splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Has been received direct from onr manufacturing e tablishment, in New Jersey, where there has been I pains spared to make it good and fashionable, in slioi I can unhesitatingly say, that my stock is tbe best oi that I have ever had the pleasure of bringing Athens. Having selected most of the styles myself; Georali lean warrant them to be fashionable and durable, T , „ e JU , while the cheapness, I will leave to your own good \ The judgment Without saying more, I cordially invite all' _ CP 86 . who are in need of the following articles to call and \ Present their Honors, 1 oung L. G. Harris, William examine for themselves, to wit: Black Broad Cloth j Dicken,Elixur L. Newtoo, Justices of said Court Froclt, Dm,. S«ck. «nd r„lk» tab; BUtk and. Toallvtlwm it may concern. Brown Broad Cloth Overcoats; Grey, and Brown! „ , ' . . . . , _ , Burn Orera.U; bwdmme Drab Felt Cloth Over j W H ™ EA . S ’ D *” d Hotoc^ AdiWrator of John Coate; ebo. Sitioett, Bhtoket. Felt,«d Pilot. Flral,-1 ” fuf L ' * ot D “ ,m «- ing, Kerrey, and Cassimere Overcoats, cut lonj horseback riding and sbert for plantation coats. »ney abroad, when you can use it as -** Old Funiiture cleansed and repaired. Sign and tal Pain C. S. OLIVER. A. M. JACKSON,c. a from said Administration:—- ..uu* b w « prara.uu ™. , Th e r efo r e, the i and creditora of said decew- Blankeb Satinett, Tweed, Cloth, Beaver, Kervey, at ^ “1 * d f. 00 ‘* Led ‘*» «« ^ ob- ans, and Mole Skin Sacks, and Frock CoaU, Doe (ff jmy they have) in my office m t. ia Cnm. Sacks, and Frock Coats, fa handsome arti- ^ Letters of Dismission t English, French and American Cassimere (cheap and good,) Satinett, Jeans, Tweads, Kersey, English Cord, and Moleskin pants ; Cashmere, Silk, Satin, Cashmerett, Wool, Worsted, Valencia, and Black Broad Cloth, double and single breasted Vests Also, a large assortment of furnishing articles, U granted to the applicant a ”ly order of said ‘ iber 5,1850. VAN ROUTED & BARRETT) COACH*MAKERS, ATHENS. their friends and the .public generally, tliat they have removed to their NEW SHOP, second lot below the House—where they have on band several VEHICLES, and are constantly manufacturing all de crip turns „f CARRIAGES. Ordera thankfoUy received and promptly attended to. " * 1 despatch. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court-house door in Jeffer son, Jackson county, agreeable to an order of the Honorable the Interior Court, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, that portion of the reai estate of Alum- ford Bennett, deceased, whereon Thomas Morrison embracing the Tan-yard, and :ountry, while Iu ovoofferC ’’ ~ nd Childri lar article! fine Boots and shoes, in be purchased at any other e 41*. ly STARK & KRONER, FREJCII BOOT-BAKERS, ON COLLEGE AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE P. 0. ed making iU victim along the path of life, then its mysterious in '• fl fluence is felt and seen; it enkindles new fife andvigj 1 or, and brings health and strength to the suffering amUt! diseased. SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE EYES. Winchester, Ky,0ct 29,1849. A. B. A D. Sands—Gentlemen; I would not hava presumed to write to you, if it was not my duty to let the public know the almost miraculous effect your Sar saparilla has bad upon me. My limbs were covered . • ulcerous sores, so that I could not walk during I •hole Spring ami Summer. Iu this situation I ' diced the use of your Sarsaparilla, and after ta king two bottles was entirely cured. 1 must also tell you of another wonderful cure. My brother was afflict cd with this scrofula in bis head, to bad his physician m the loss of his sight was inevitable, and per- t blindness seemed to be his fate. Three hot- tirely restored his sight, and we cannot but rc- md oil similarly afflicted to use Sands’ Sarsapa- BENJAMIN F. BUCKNER. ITS POPULARITY ABROAD. Maracaibo, Venezuela, April 12th, 1819. db* he course of fifteen days, 1 found myself entirely L I have no hesitation in saying your Sarsaparilla he best medicine I ever took, and can conlideutly immend it to my friends and the public. Your obedient servant; J. M. JESURUN. lerc is another, nearer home: New-York, Jan. 8,1850. Messrs. Sands,—Gentlemen,—I lianuat'^t/jwwurw icknowledging to you the great beuefitJ^ re- ved from the use of yonr Sarsaparilla. A subject of ed to be afflicted. A fev rhage md fro ed with fine Boots and Shot | permanent arrang. personal friend in mentmade with i New York, an !m the business, we fe able to give perfeci posed to patronize Athens, June 13, 1 satisfaction to all w heirs"**' MIDDLETON WITT, Adm. Nov. 7,1850. NANCY BENNETT, Adm’x. T ] _ _ LEATHER FOR SALE. IHE WatkinsviUe Leather Manufacturing Company offering for sale a handsome stock of listing of Harness, Belt, Sole and Upper ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ! ° f ‘ he to “ ** A GREEBLY to an order from the Court of Ordina- { WatkinsviUe, July 18. W. G. MO RGAN, Sup’L ry of Clarke countv. will be sold i ‘ Tuesday i English Silk and Fancy Goods ever exhibited in this Berlin Gloves; Kid, Silk and Ottssimere Gloves; Sus- peuders. Combs, Brushes, Half hose, Ac, <tc Shirts! Shirts!! The attention of Merchants from every sc* <un oi J>e country is respectfully invited. May 9,1850. ly CONVERSE, TODD & GRAYDON, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods. M Liberty Street, Cor. tfXmtoau, near the Poet Oft* outua a. coxtersk, NEW YORK. uni UTotm, uns sratoox. May 9,1850. ly <• JMnrCKHICK, HOWELL CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AVIS, Cedar Street, opposite the Poet OJiee. NEW YORK. *1 Georgia—Clarke County. To all Persons to whom these Presents shall come—Greeting. Jgj'NOW ye that jwe, Richard S. Scbevenell, Peter J\. ry of Clarke cour Tuesday in January nex legal hours of sale, 15 o: the estate of William W Amongst the negroes washers and ironers; likely boye be sold on tbe fii kinsville, within the egroes, belonging to on, deceased, house servants, goo A large supply of our own make, handsomely, and well made; also, knit under Shirts and Drawers of every quality and style, silk, Cotton, Merino, and WooL Hats, Caps, Ac. Also, a larso and handsome stock ofHats and Cap*, embracing all the styles ween at the present day, fine Mole Skin, Beaver, Soft Bodies, Ac, fte. UMBRELLAS. Silk, Ginghams, Cotton, and Cambric, Whale and Steel Ribbed Umbrella*. Tranks, Carpet Bags, and Valises, Iron frame, and russet folios, all of which will be •old cheap, at the above named stove. September 28,1850. May 9,1850 SHEET IRON. X>USSIAN and American sheet Iron JLY and thicknesses, constantly on ha have associated ourselves together as a body coporato, for the purpose of engaging in the business of Manu facturing Doors, Sash and Blinds, and other articles composed of wood, and of casting iron and bras', and manufacturing machinery, and other articles com posed of iron and wooa. Also for tbe manuketuring of corn meal, and doing all other things necessary to scriptions, be done, for tbe profitable management of said bosi- And that we have adopted as our corporate by which we will sue and be sued, “The Ath- Steam Company,” and by which we will be kuowa and designated. That we have subscribed as stock the sum of five thousand dolls which'will be employed in the business before me tiooed. RICHARD S. SCHEVENELL. PETER A. SUMMEY, R. L. MOSS, GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Clerks Ofee,8uperior Court, Book T,folio 884. R* corded o* the nth day July, 1850. Oct 17,1850. JOHN C. JOHNSON, Clerk. if the best id finishers iu the State. Terms B. H. OVERBY, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. W ILL be sold on Wednesday, the 18th day of December Dext, within the usual hours of sale, at Henry S. Butler, late of Jack- LOOKOUT FOR CHEAP RIDING! LIVERY STABTe REMOVED. ble, in connection with the Franklin House, take this method of informing their old patrons and the public in general, that thby keep constantly on hand for hire, Saddle Horses, Horses and Buggies, Barouches, and Stage Coaches of all sizes; all of which innty, decensed, the following property:—-; the shortest notice, and upon more reasonabh Three horse beasts, three cows and calves, one set of i heretofore, smith’s tools, with a quantity of iron of different de-They will run a splendid line of Four Horse Post scriptions, two waggons, (one new,) plantation tools,; Coaches three times a week from Athens to Madison kitchen furniture, and a quantity of corn raised on ; Spring, and daily if neco««*ry. All families wishing to the premises this year, and various other articles too j rwitthe up-country via Athens, will be sent to Clarkes- tL<; debility and great prostration of strength that followed, with the protract ed difficulty of respiration, I am entirely relieved by the use of your Sarsaparilla, which 1 consider a most important and truly valuable discovery in the healing art. I feel that I have not for fourteen years enjoyed so good health as at present Very gratefully yours, S. Ji SEYMORE. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. <fc D.SANDS, Druggirts & Chumirts, 100 Fulton-st, cor ner of William, New York. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout tbe United States aud Canadas. Price $1 per bottle; six bottles Kinlielin on Self-Preservation. ONLY 25 CENTS. This Book, just published, is filled with useful infor- nstion, on the infirmities and diseases of the Generative Organs. It addresses itself alike to Youth, Manhood Old Age. To all who apprehend or suffer under ire consequences of carlv or -to all who feel the exhaustiv ry and baneful habits—to all who in additi ing physical energy, are tho v ” mental debility, and of moping i dency, Dr. K. would say— READ THIS BOOK. r prolonged indi» loping and meloncltuly despon- * rflprav, ents by reading it, will le; annually thousands of lit id suffering, i o prevent the o DR. KINKELIN, N. W. eets,between Spruce ft Pine, Philadelphia, s a book, under envelope per return of mail FIFTEEN YEARS imntenruj>ted practice spent In. fhj^ ^ diseases of a private natui cera upon tbe body,throat bones, mercurial rheur arising from youthful ■ tedious to mention; also tbe lands will be rented, and the slaves hired _ low#, (including the smiths,) three boys, three women, and one giri. The sale will continue from day to day until all is sold. The terms will be made known on the day of sale. JAS. HARGROVE, Adm. Oct 31,1850. N. M. BUTLER, Adm’x. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting os a Court of Ordinary purposes. ited with success. - .... . He who places himself unde ville tlm ridgejoad or by Madison Springs, as they j confidently rely upon bis skill as a plivs may wish, for 96 per seat Travelling time n lumatisins, strictures, gravel, dis- _ . JUthfnl excesses or impurities of tlio blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, if Dr. K. may Persons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter. ceed 16 hours. • (post-paid) and be cured >. All horses sent to their charge will receive the best \ ravages of Medicines, Directions, ftc_ * „ attention. And they flatter themselves that from long by sending a remittance, aud put up secure from Dam? experience and close attention, they will give satisfac-! a ge or Curiosity. tioo to all who may favor them with tbeir patronage., Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlers, Canvass- , run a splendid Omnibus daily from the city to era, and all others supplied with the above work at very tbe R. R. Depot. SALTER ft IVY. very low rates. January 25, 1849. j - Omnibus offices at the Newton House and Franklin' SUGARS! SUGARS!! countyTSeceased. I Stage and Livery office at the Franklin House. j T>R0WN, Loaf,Crushed and Powdered Sugars fresh JAS. HARGROVE, Adm. W e will also run a splendid line of four horve Coache; IFand cheap, for sole by Sept 5,1850 N. JL BUTLER, Adm’x. daily, from Forsyth to tbe Indian Springs. < March*?. SUMMaY, TRAMMELL ft CO