The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, December 19, 1850, Image 3

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found in llte moral qualities of a I time, she paid to the General Government, .out them, liberty ia impossible, i in taxc>, $1,72 per bead; thus actually receiv- foolecap, and forms of j ingin pensions mure than slie paid in taxes. e not quite two and a half the Memphis Appeal. md the SoMb—Tbe Evil tbo Remedy. flora : Tbe people of tbe entire Southwest are evidently begin thoughts and energies on has induced au ex« and that has awaken* m, that will even- ile change. We of the’ Govern- iuced nearly all our know that upon ed tlie National that the North V of almost all the favors itow. I have tuT g the following hich arc derived from reach back, many of rioda of our Govern ment aomo remarkable if tbo attention of South- Tbey show what tbe what she is and what she jnly arranged, in a compeal mlta of the labors and re- :_and I am indebted, for (hoso wKp7 for official and have, at different periods, compilations and Govern- The sovereign States of our >~>^re equal in all that per- r t power. In the days oF the _ i old thirteen'(then colonies) el.interest at stoke iu tbe memora- ' 'for liberty. Let us sec bow tbe (the North and South) then con- conquer this war. ' ‘ first report to Congress un i's administration, shows that, .790, of white males over sixteen Pennsylvania had 140,790 cud ar 34,930. -Virginia had 110,- it to tbe war 46,621. New 643 more of that population than a, yet New Hampshire sent 14,906. And South Caro- i sent -30, Connecticut 32, o 18, and South Carolina 37, ^2 men ; and Gen. Knox states s Var» of the greatest ofibruofthe In 1840, there times as many pen si on ersin the North as in the South. In 1848. there were more than three times as many. New England alone had more Revolutionary pensioners than the five old-slave States had pensioners of all kinds.— These facts show a growing disposition of the Northern people to ’Quarter themselves on tbe Government; to feed from that Gov ernment crib. These and others which I will bring forward, show that tbe South has never errant ed the cost of this Union, that she has always held it so dear as to have given her blood and her treasure with a lav ish band to maintain it. She now, however, begins to feel that all this sacrifice on the al tar of aggrandisement is not necessary to pre serve that Union, but that its bond may be strengtlened and its destiny rendered more glorious by doing in future for herself, what she has been heretofore doing for tbe North. The delusion is passing away. She feels that the Union can be rendered perpetual, not by her constantly yielding to Northern demands and aggressions; not by lending her energies—her resources to the North! but by turning these energies homeward, 'these immense resources foi Itation. ffibttuarn. Died, cm Feather Diver, California. on the 4th of October last, Samvel D. Nilbet, formerly of Jack sonville, Ala., in the :3rd year of his age. Mr. NUbel was a young man unusually beloved and esteemed for ■' -.-ectaud unassuming deportment, kindness of ition am! irreproachable moral conduct. About airs ago, in company with liis brother, be left the ice of his father, Mr. John Nislet of Jackson - oseek for fortune in the distant region of Culi- Alas l he was there destined to find an early those die who are bowed down with years, brings feelings of sorrow and regret; but to know that one has died so full of hope, just entering the busy icenca of life with energy and vigor, brings pain and nisery. To die af home among relatives and friend ms te'i rors enough, but to die iu a distant land witbot he sad privilege of 1>i< be heart. There is but oi gloom of such a death: that the subject hail found that Great Hope, is fullv shown by the fol lowing esiraci from a letter of his brother, Doct John Y. N-sbet, to his lather: after speaking of his illness mtlof several convcisation 1 ’ on the subject of religion, siltnly that he was ful- tliat he had a lively hope. Beingable to rc self no longer, I now gave vent to my tears; noticing mv emot ions, he turned bis upon me, and, with a smile upon his pale ct bo asted, “ What is death T plainly iatin WANTED, 0. B. BICE, ~>UNER and Repairer of Kano Fortes and Oi u formerly of New York, respectfully informs ■ning instruments, that he is now located in Macon, and will visit Athens once or twice a year, and will work cheapest for those who employ him mo«' quentlv. He will be in Athens sometime durii r. Dec. 12,1850. FOR CHRISTMAS! red a large and select assortment L such as INDIA —— ' ,nd DOLI. HEADS, Chi pretty TOYS, such as INDIA RUBBER KID DOLLS and DOLL HEADS, China a Teasels, Mot toed Mugs and Vases, and < Saucers, Drums, Fiddles, Guus, Pistol- perfect Menagerie of Wild and Ti SPLENDID JABHET FURNITURE, FREDERICK CLARK, 195 KING-STREET, VICTORIA RANGE, CH-&HLESTOM, s. C. W OULD respect fully invite tlie attention of those about buying FURNITURE, to his extensive assortment—embracing eveiy article in the Cabinet line. Being possessed of great advantages, in getting his Goods from the Manufactory, and at the first cost, together with low freights, he ia ton- e * * ' ' ... - buyers, aa will meet their approbation. $30 to ¥1S0 | Marble Top Wash Stands from $12 to $25 15 to 50 1 Mahogany Parlor Clours, (per dot.) ** 36 to 75 20 to 75 Walnut do. do. da “ 20 to 60 Mahogany Book Cases, “ 25 to 85 I Maple, Cottage, and Rush Scat, do, $12 and upwards. ANIMALS IN MINIATURE. Somo of those which are wildest by nature, we sell the whole Call and look at them, if Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, ''abogany Book Cases, .. . « Meboards, (all sixes,) “ 20 to 60 1 Quartette Tables, Lamp Stands, Work Tables, >ofa and Ceutre Table* (marble tops) “ 20 to 50 | Whalmots, Ila tracks, Divans, Ottomans, Ac. -ALSO,- WBITING DESKS; Stools and Office Clairs; Hair Matrasses, 'toads of Mahogany, Maple and Cherry : Lounges; Settees, Ac, Ac, Ac. EST All Furniture packed for the (Country warrrnted to go safe. *vM broken, and will them, if*— CHASE A Mammoth Book. Slave Trade IN Brazil'.—The Brazilian law against the African slave trade was put in force on the 4th of Sept ember last, by de cree of the Emperor Don Pedro. By this decree Brazilian men-of-war aro ordered to ‘special efforts to seize slavers and to band over their crews ard officers to the civil tribunals for trial. The ships and car goes are to bo sold at auction, and the pro ceeds, after deducting forty dollars for vhe expense of sending back to Africa each re captured negro, derided as prize-money among the officers and crew of the ship making the capture. The party denouncing a slaver to the government is also to share in the prize-money. No Brazilian vessel is to be allowed to clear for the coast of Afri ca, without the owner’s giving security that it shall not take slaves on board. The intro duction of slaves into any part of the empire is made piracy and punishable with death. A special law, hereafter to bo framed, will determine the punishment to be inflicted on captains of slavers. —PA ila. Ledger. stores were now frequently lighted up withabr site; when, upon enquiring us to the cause, b ciked that he was onto inducing in happy reflec buscn’mto and happily were ‘pent the last hou VELVET TRIMMINGS. ^ FRESH SUPPLY of VELVET TRIMMINGS, Mbs. PRITCHARDS. WAX AND KID DOLLS. A FINl and: a stood bv the brd*i< ills of life. h. s gone to rat that blessed land above tbe clood and tbe storm. aged father where now is his son! and he look upwardi and with full and undoubtlng assur; lthtokiaHcavenlvFather and not to a strar his Fatlieri home, and not to a doubtful place, he has gone. Supported in suffering, calm iu tbe conflict, looking Tor and obtaining light, he yielded up his soul into the hands of a merciful God.” His sur viving relatives, in view of the happines now enjoyed by their beloved son and brother, can well join in the exclamation, *• Blessed be the name of the Lord. -1 Mbs. PRITCHARD'S. TIIE QUEENS OF ENGLAND. T HE most superb of the Gift Books of the seasoi containing a series of Portraits of distinguislie md heavy, at low price*; Bed- FREDERICK CLARK, 1 i. King- HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY O F the Middle Ages, by Geo. W. Greene, of Brown University, just received by CHASE A PETERSON. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. NEWT0N& LUCAS A CAIN invito the attention of their friend, and customers to a very large assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Consisting of plain English and French Merinos, plain cashmeres, DeLanes and Mohairs, superior solid color real cashmeres, plain and changeable Goat'* Hair, superior satin striped Goat’s Hair, extra superior em broidered cashmere. Plain Alpacas in every variety, plaid, ami figured Alpacas, 30 cents to $1 50. BVk colored Bombazine, black Queen’s Cloth Cloaks, c: superior silk ware* Alpacas, fancy cloaking for lai handsome Uimc-i for cloaks, rich high colored C meres, small plaid da for children. Twilled Fr< Ginghams, twilled silk Ginghams, Scotch. Manche ' American Ginghams. French English and At Cambrics mid calicoes. California and Oregon S H IL> HHL S o ilia, black silks, Visette silks, Visette lining. Fringes, Gimps, Ac, Ac. Heavy colored Fringes, fo ” 1 ’ Heavy black satin for Frit LIFE OF JOHN RANDOLPH, :7ITH a Portrait, by Hon. Hugh Garland, iui Jived and for sale bv 1 CHASE * PETERSON. ft ;s. there are no return* wliat- r of tlioir militia, for most of the contest of these year* was a desperate partisan war fare. The Mexican war shows a like state of things. The South sent to that war 45,- 640 roeb. Tbe North sent only 23,084 men. The South sent ono man out of every 26 right age. The North sent one man out of every 124 of tbe right age. Tbe foregoing facts show conclusively that tbo South ha* always borne much more than bor proportion of tho burdens of such contests. She has always been ready to make any and all such sacrifices for the glo ry and honor of our common Union, us now see if *ho has been rewarded as she deserve*. The disbursement* of tbe General Gov- w, *<> far a* wo have authentic data Buck to rely, show, that though the » has thus sacrificed herself when her “ i, she has now been the step- government when favors are to ributed.. Secretary of I he Treasury, locament 460 (1837,9) shows that in ars from 1S33 to 1837, inclusive the 1 Government lias paid out $402,000,- Of this-sum tho North got $65,000,000. 1 tbfr South $37,000,000. Yet, during t period, tho South paid into tho National 'a duties, $90,000,000. And tbo « States $17,000,000. » aro paid on imports, hut these r t with our efforts; and of these i belong furnished the three lead ed, cotton, rice and tobacco. Tbe rthecn cities may ship them, but tbe slave “Jfcroduce them ; and they are the ele- ^>f tbe National wealth. They foster [bern trade, they give employment to [liemsbipjiiug, they invite the invest- of Northern capital; and, in short, ora commerce depends mainly on them ^ activity. •Collection of Customs. ependitures under this head, from dation of the Government to 1649, 3 to $53,600,000. Of this *ui have been expended i i, though she paid nearly four-fifths of the expense*. ' ’ Pott Matters. In 1847, the North bad 0600 l -Jlcra; the Sooth had 5660, though ihe pop ulation » only ns 97 to 73, and their areas, (exclusive of Texas,) as 45 to 61. Pension List. Executive Department, Ga. Milledgcville, December, 1850. ) Iris ordered, that Hon. John W. Ander son, Col. Robert H. Griffin, and C. E. Tell, Esq of Savannah ; James M. Smytlie, Esq., and Hon. John P. King, of Augusta; Charles Collins, Esq., and Elam Alexander, Esq., of Macon ; Hampton S.Smith, Esq., and Copt John Forsyth, of Columbus; Hon. Charles Morphy, of Decatur, and Hon. Mark A. Cooper, of Cass county, be appointed a com mittee to examine articles intended to bo sent by citizens of this state to the London Indus trial Exhibition, to be held 1st May, 1850. By the Governor; • J. M. Patton, Sec’ry Ex Dep’t. Telegraphic Intelligence. Reported for the Charles ton Courier. New-York, Dec. 13. Warlike News from Europe. Advices received from Boston this morn- ig, states that in'elligence from Europe by tho America, one day later than before pub lished, announce that Continental Affair* wore a warlike aspect and open hostilities appeared inevitable. It was asserted that the Austrian Government had demauded the evacuation of Hesse Cassel in 24 hours. Jenny Lind. Tbe receipts at the four Concert* given by Jennv Linp, in Baltimore, for four nights, amounted to the enormous sum of 50,000 dollars. [ We learn that our Correspondent correct, yesterday, in stating that she would sing here on the 26lh inst.]—Eds. Courier. Legislature of South Carolina. Columbia, Dec. 13L In the Senate, to-day, a Bill appropriating $300,000 for military purposes, was passed, and sent to the House of Representatives by a unanimous vote. Joshua J. Ward was elected Lieutenant Governor of tbe State. The vote stood— Ward 81; Irby 67. In the House, Mr. Ayer, in a speech—tb< order of the day being the various resolutions in reference to Federal affairs—offered the proposition that this Slate should take tbo lead. Ho did not doubt that other States . By reference to Senate document 309 ! ^ ouU1 co-operate. He advocated a Conven- v (1838,9) it will bo seen that from 1791 to j tion of the people—was in favor of a South- 1837 inclusive, the sum of $35,500,000 has era Congress—and would advise a recall of REMOVAL. Bowen & McNamee, .Vcic Yovk % fAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW SILK prehntsire stock of French, Indir . English Silk and Fancy Goods ever exhibited in thii market Tlie attention of Merchant tion of tho country is respectfully in\ May 0,1850. Birect importation. Charleston* S. C. T HE undersigned has conmmem ed the IMPORT ING AND WHOLESALE DRY GOODS BU SINESS at No. 135 Mvctfog-s'.rett, -where he trill ipco, by about the 15th of January next, a large and very complete Stock of Foreign Goods, elected by himself in the m.irket* of England and France, and imported direct to thii Port. He particularly invites attention to bis Stock of anm.aot mruy Plain and Figured Black. Fancy-colored Figured, •oukml. G’.ce.and Chene SILKS; BAREG !'S. GRENADINES. ALBARINES; French and Scotch GiNGHAMS, <£o, of the latest ud uevrest s.vles; A very full stock of new style BONNET RIB- IONS; GLOVES of BOOT AMD SHOE SHOP. JAMESBRIDGES T.cTt ru.r informs the public tliat he has ived bis shop to the building in tlie r b Tost Office, near the comer of Baldi street anu ttoiiego Avenue—where he is prepared execute in the most superior style and on short not; all kinds of work in his line of business. Haying procured the services of Mr. Haudrup/a m superior workman) under whose management the tablisliineiit will be placed, ho cun assure the public t his work will be done in a style equal to that of any concern in the country, while he believes that he will be enabled to offer Gentlemen'* fine Boots and shoes, LEATHER, LEATHER. A new stock of i for sale low by COFFEE, COFFEE. r superior article of Rio coffee, just r ges forVelvi LAW NOTICE. eil to liis cure in the counties ofRandolpli, Early, Sum ter, Lee, Baker and Decatur of tlie South-Western, and Thomas of the Southern Circuit. JOHN LYON, Attobxkv at Law. Newton, Baker Co n Ga^ Aug. 1. IRON. NAILS AND HARDWARE. I RON, Nails, and a general assortment of Hardwar* fust received and for sale by March 7, SUMMEY, TRAMMELL db CO. n the place. c.«&c., at lov. r . n be purchased at any other Ribbons- Bonnet Ribbons, cap and neck ribbons, Velvc ibbons and narrow scarfs. Gloves, Handkerchu icarfs, and cravats, saspenders—new and handsel ityles. MUSLINS, LACES, AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. Superior embroidered Tarlatan and Swiss evenin; Iresees, plain colored evening dresses, in every variet nminrav Bonnets, Flowers, Tabs, Wreaths, Ao, SHAWLS. Rich embroidered Merino Shawls, superior cash mere do, common winter shawls in great variety, fancy silk shawls. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. Black French Cloths—well assorted, Simonies best axtra superior cloths, $4 to $10 00 “ “ “ “ “ black Beaver, brown and Black Beaver doth*, Riot cloth, and heavy woolens for over-coats, superior, French, English, and rich silk, Woolen and Velvet V jys, Linseys, and h HOARDING HOUSE. ■ of SHAWLS, adapted t HOSIERY—Silk and Coi spectfully solio f Silk, Mohair, Cotton and Thread 1 Jkioo, a full supply of Anicr mds, and dealei JAMES B. BETTS. TRUTH ISSTR ANG ER THAN FICTION 1 CONFECTIONER IES J J J\. HOMIS, M JJAVINO p H., intends carrying r s Iran ■!>'*. He will keep c. (and all kind* of FRUITS tantly an be bought at at Orders for pariie ng employed a firs rand in the id. He, ^ '' 'teen paid out by tho Government for Revo- Rrary pensions. Of tbia sum tbo North received $28,000,000. And the South $7,- 500,000. Or, for every. Northern $127 00. And for every Southern soldiet $50 00. Tbe seven free States <ontributed to expenses of that war $62,000,000. > to 1838, bad received in pensions 10.000. and best OYSTEKS that can be bought in the Charlcstoc fine lot of good Scgars a Baker, he will be able to fur CAKES atest and best style. All he wants also constantly receiving the finest ill and he will endeavor 000. She has; . coumputod $17^ *“ ,i *"5Kfcas received im. pension* 84,< . South Carolina contributed Sll-OOOJ!^— She lias received in pension* $430,000. Nhw York cootijbuted $7,180,000. She has received in pennons $750,000. Tbe North sott to that war 100 men oat of every 227, f military age. The SontWcnt to that war 100 i of every of military age. Bat, i»4848,1, iu every 62 (of military [ was « pensioner at the North; ‘ and only 1 in every 110 in the Sgutb. For the four years ending l$P|hthe pen sion expenses of all kinds, were, in tho free States $8,000,000. And in the slave States , $2,600,000. New England alone, glorious Yankeedom, received more than $2 per bead for every soal within her limits, and daring the same Mr. Lawton spoke in favor of a Southern Congress—a Convew-ion of the people—end asserted the right of tb* State to secede from tbe Union. . *^ 3e Ex-Speaker replied to some objec tions that had been made against his resolu tion respecting the vacant Senatorehio to the United States. The debate will probably close to-morrow. Election of Governor of South Carolina. Our Columbia Telegraphic Correspond ent, at a few minutes after one o’clock yes terday, gave us tbe intelligence that Gen. J. H- Means had been elected Governor of the State, by the Legislature, on the second bal lot. The vote stood—Means 88; Pickens 67; DeTreville S; Buchanan 1. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. TtNiI,L l- sold at Watkiu-ville, on the fir»t Tuesday t* In February next, all tbe nensliable property be lonriug'totibe estates of Nicholas Osborne and Nancy ~ e, deceased, consisting of household and kitch- an«J calf, and other article* no) tbeday. Saleto _ .Id. A. M- JACKSON, Adin. iborne, drceas i furniture, on continue’from day to day anti! all i- sold. $50 REWARD! W ILL be paid for the apprehension a inty Jail, of my servant. STARK & KRONER, LEATHER [FOR SALE. T HE Watkiqsville Lcatlix Manufacturing Company are now offering for/sale a handsome stock of ind Upper of the best quali LOOK OUT FOR CHEAP RIDING I LIVERY STABLE REMOVED. Mm ble, in ixmncction witb tjiu FruntUp House, tAe thi method of in firming their old patrons and tho general, that iliey keep con-tantly on hand for hire. Saddle Horse*, Horses and Buggies, “ Stage Coachci of all sixes; all of wlii tbe shortest nitice, and upon more r than heretofore. They will An a splendid line of F Coaches three times a week from Atl Spring, and daily if necessary. All families wishing to > Clark. rille tbe ri.lg* roall or by Madison Springs, as they •ish, for ¥0 per seat. Travelling ti sit the up-coontry v: experience arel close i . tion to all who may favor them with theii ■ We'yuh a splendid Omnibus daily from the R. R. Depot. SALTE1 January 25,, 1849. Omnibus offices at (he Newton House ar Bom Stage and Li very office at the Franklin I CANDLES! CANDLES!! S PERM, Adamantine, and patent Mould Candle constantly on hand and for sale low by " — T.Bisnop. NEW-YORK ABOLITION MERCHANTS. H [A Card.] AVING beeynformed that a report originating with a new/paper published in this city, to tb* effect that we are Abditiomrts, and supporters of pa per* advocating ojolitioo doctrines, Ac, has been put id circulation in tie Southern State*, we deem it pro per to state that Aid report is utterly false, andwiih- Xeither, number of nr firm hat any leaning to •ard*, or ttfiopaik/ with abolitionism, or it* advocates, md never had; baton the contrary, are staunch sup- We respectfully request all papers which have given currency to said report, to do us die justice and favor to retract and cortradict the same ! PERKINS, WARREN <t CO, (late Annfa, Perkin* & Ca) $9 Broadway. New York, DH, 5,1850. Clark. Harry, who ran off from Depot at Athens. He ia 0 where I feel confident he. ia not out of Athens.— He i* 5 feet, 4 indies in height, a bright mulatto, long . - , . black glossy hair, and has a deep scar over hi* right A GOOD sujply of good Oak and Hemlock sole eye.. The above reward will be pmd for liU appre-, xX/ '* " ‘ Dec 12,1850. LEATHER! LEATHER!! 1 be paid for liis nppre-. XA. leather, U tper Leatlier, Calf Skins, Ac, Ac., coo- GEO. F. JAMESON. I Uutly cn hand aid for sale low fix cash by Oxford, G*. Sept 19. T. BISHOP. !, Tweeds, Kcr- , . . . as. BLANKETS—8-4 104 12-4 bed blankets. READY-MADE CLOTHING. large lot of overcoats, frock and dress coats, vests Ac CARPETS, RUGS, AND OIL-CLOTUS. Green Bazc,Damasks, Merinos, and Table Diapers, Damask Napkins, Towels, table covers, Fruit Napkins Knitting Yams, Crewels, Twists, Ifc., ffe. FLANNELS.—Superior Welch flannels, plain an.l twilled, red and white Flannels. Tailors Trimmings. PADDINGS. CANVASS. I.ININGS. BUTTONS,Ac BLEACHED GOODS. 8-4 124 bleached sheetings, bleached shirts, and Long cloths, Superior Safin, Jeans and Brown Drilling. BROWN GOOnS. Sheeting, Shirting, Factory Cloths, Factory Yarns d-a, Ac. Bolting Cloths. BOOKS, PAPER, INK, QUILLS, And all kinds of Stationary Articles. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Blacksmith’s Tools, Bellows, Anvils. «fca Trace chains, weeding-hoes, Coi Hina’ Simons’ and Davis’ axes, Saddlery Hardware. Harness trimmings and Harness leather, carriage trimmings and materials, patent leather, top leatb. HATS AND CATS. BOOTS AND SHOES. Gents' Superior stretched Dress Boots, extra superi or light water proof do„ heavy ditcher's do., men' coarse and fine slioes in every variety. Ladies’ supei or Kid slippers and walki ug shoes, childrens' Mi.-s’s ai boy’s shoes. SADDLES, BRIDLES, MARTINGALES, «tC. Whips, waggon collars, carriage collars, blind bi dies, buggy harness, <£c., d'c. CROCKERY, Large assortment—tea setts, dinner setts, plni ’ ’ ' * " * * Jrtod. Groceries. Superior Rio Coffee, superior old Government Java I coffee, sugar, syrup, molas*cs, crushed sugar, loaf su- j gar, tea extra fine, salt, pepper, spice ami ginger. I’ow-1 der, shot, lead, «fca, da, blasting |>owder, blue stone, ! tobacco, ropes, cords, da 1 All of wliich are offered at a small advance for cash I or approved credit. NEWTON A LUCAS, j Athens, Dec. 5. 1850. LAMBERT & BROTHER, 311 King-Sr., Charleston, S. C. D IRECT Importers of Wilton, Brussels, Three Ply and Ingrain Carpetings; India Mattings, Door Mats, da; Oil Cloths of all widths for or en tries. Also, direct Importers of Irish Linens, ngs, Sheetings, Damasks, Diapers. GEORGE CASTRIOT, R ING of Albania, just received by Nov. I ‘ ' ~ CHASE & PETERSON. NEGRO SHOES. A LARGE and well selected stock ot Negro Shoes for Plantation use, consisting of Black and Russet Brogans of best kinds. Persons in want of this article will find it to their interest to call at FEI RY & CO’S. Oct. 31,1860. No. . Granite Row. SOMETHING NICE. S UGAR cured Hama, very cboice, just received and for side by Nov. 14. T. BISHOP FOR SALE, A GOOD horse and buggy. Apply at thi* Office. Oct 10. PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY, O R, The Modem Changes of the Earth and its In habitants, considered as illustrative of Geology, by Charles Lycll Illustrated with Maps, Plates and Wood cuts, for sale by CHASE d PETERSON, Oct 81. Sign of the Mammoth Boole. THE GOOD CHILD’S LIBRARY, A ND a variety of other J ivouile Annuals and Gift Books, in the ordering of wlrn BACON, BACON. A FRESH supply of fiuc bacon sides and shoulder* just received and for sale by T. BISHOP. FALL STYLE—1860. B EAVEIl and Moleskin Hats, just received at Aug. 29. FERRY d CO’S. HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER. A LARGE lot of the very best Hemlock Sole Leather at FERRY & CO’S. •Vfft© Fire-Proof Warehouse* GIBBS & McCORD, .VdXroSIf STREET, A UOUSTA, OA. T HE undersigned beg leave to inform their friend* an J the public, that they have removed to the new fire proof Warehouse recently built on tho corner <*f MoIntO'li and It ynolds streets, where they have !Htly located, and will continue to give their i above business i YOUNG LADY’S HOME. B YL.C. TuthiB, jus Nov. 28. Fine French Calf Hoots. F ERRY A CO. have constantly on band a large as sortment of gentlemen's fine dress Boots, which they will warrant to wear and fit as well as any j „7j made in the place. 1 —ALSO— beautiful article of Calf Shoes, Congress Boots, dc patronage. All orders, accompanying consignments of Cotton, and for Bagging, ltope, and Family Supplies will be faithfully executed. ,7 “**£ I Cash advances will be made on produce in store when wiKar^nf to ’ required. Their charges will conform to the establish- will warrant to wear and fit as well as any Yates. THOS. F. GIBBS. Augusta, July 19, 1849. GEORGE McCORD. NEW GROCERY STORE. IHE Subscribers would respectfully inform the L good citizens of Athens and tbe country general- , tliat they are now opening a new and complete as- rtment of FRESH GROCERIES, suited to town id country trade; nil of which will be sold on rea- nabJe terms for cash, or to punctual dealers. The subscribers would beg leave to say, their Goods ive been purchased for cash mostly, and cooseqoent- afford to sell for a small profit—believing A SPLENDID ANNUAL. JR SAVIOUR with Prophets and Apostles 8 highly finished engravings, just received at tbe cheap book store of CHASEd; PETERSON. MILTON’S PARADISE LOST, W nlTII notes Inf Rev. James Robert Boyd, a containing the following illustrations, execut the highest style of the art, viz: Satan arousing the fallen Angels, 1 1 Sin preventing the combat between Satan and Death,; 1 Satan contemplating Adam and Eve, in Paradise, j Creation of Light, * 1 Ijttei lazy shillim that “ a brisk penny is better than a zy shilling.” Their store is on tbe comer of Broad and Wall its, in the bouse formerly occupied by Summey, a* Tu> and S SUMMEY, TRAMMELL <fc CO. Athens, March 7,1850. Adam and" Eve driven out of Paradise.. For sale at ! COBB & CRAWFORD, Qet.*l. CHASE <fc PETERSON’S, j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANTS, Trunks. Valises anil Cnrpet Bags* A LARGE assortment to be found at March 28. FERRY A CO’S ' GOOPS A NO GROCERIES. NO. 10. GRANITE ROW, Atheia, Ga.