The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 07, 1876, Image 3

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©he gucna TlqcST department7° FRIDAY MOUNT U, JANUARY 7tu, IH7. Municipal Election- The Municipal election for the town of Hucna Vista took place yesterday,and resulted in tho election of tho following ticket without opposition: For Mayor, B. B. Hinton. For Recorder, T. B. Lumpkin. Foa aldermen: J. L. Baker, J. L. G. Keyr, F. L. Wisdom, J. f. Walton, % T. W. Harvey. The town is fortnna'e in securing the services of these gentlemen, who, We are confident will dispense justice and carry out the spirit ol tho law with An equal and impartial hand - To the Citizens of Buena Vis ta. . -1 Haring been elected Mayor of your town, I take this method to return you tny thanks. It shall he my pleasure, as It is certainly tny duty to Administer the law impartially and carefully avoid ex panding any money except such sums as may he necessary f>r the promotion cf peai;e find jroteetion of tho property of t|Qe citizens. Ail I ask is that the good people give me the strength fo their moral support, and the govern %eat shall be one of which ail will be Justly proud. B. B. HINTON. —Tha Buena Vista Male and Fe male Academy commences its Spring term on Monday morning next. Judge Dunham and Prof. Kennedy are both fiue educators who have had many years experience. Their success in the past is an assurance of their success in the future. We Hope that the school will open with one hundred pupils. Support your home institution—this iis one of them. ■—The edltor-and-chief spent new year’s day in Americus and Albany. Ho. had the pleasure of dining new year’s day at the Barlow house. —Job Work of all kinds neatly and promptly executed at. the Buena Vis ta Aeuus Office. Special attention given to cards and circulars. Legal blanks always on hand. To Correspondents. —We are al ways pleased to publish newsy, ra cy, readable communications from correspondents, but it is contrary to our rule to admit into our columns, communications, before the names ol the Writers are made known to the editor.. Yoakum wj-itajindee - a nom de plume, but we must have the real name: Rapid Transit with a Wagon.— Mr. J. F. Simmons informs us that on the Ist of January, 1876, he went to Geneva, a distance of twenty miles, and returned to Buena Vista, in a loaded wagon, in one day. This is going a'distance of forty miles in one day, lie left home at 6a. m. and returned at 8 p. in. This is pre'ty fair traveling with a loaded wagon* Maj. Butt now on a visit to his family has been seriously ill. A few days age lie was regarded as irrecoverable. We were glad to hear yesterday flat he is now convalescing. His great suffering—his patient, uncomplaining submission to his Maker’s will lias won for him the admiration and love of many per- him. Spoilt Meat. Immense quantities of meat have been destroyed, by the re cent extraordinarily warm spell of weather. It is deplorable, that this disastersliould have overtaken hog raisers at this time, because tfie press and" public spirited men have labored hard to induce fann ers to .return to the old plan of ''l'aisifig provision's at home. \Vc are informed that the recent Warm spell has not had a parallel for more-than thirty years. Removal of the Baptist Church. The mem tiers of the Baptist Church, at Wcna Vista, held a bismess meet ing, ou Saturday Just, to take into consideration the removal of the Bap tist Church building from its present site to the vacant lot on north west corner of the public square. They propose- to remove, repair and re paint their clin ch and make it, in every way an ornament to the town and a credit to the membership of the church.. This is a worthy under taking, and should receive the gen eral endorsement of our citizens. The location of the uew church is well selected. The lot will be level ed, sufrotmded wi;h a fence and planted in some grass that will make a greensward. VVc commend the tyjtjrffVrfee, ymd look with impatience fo fne' tmie of its early comp'etion. The work should be complete,! be fore the close of spring. The Party of the Soa scn. Leap Year is Inaugurated with Glittering Display and Spark ling Mirth. I.KAP YEAR PARTY AT MR. J. T. walton’s . The most brilliant and fascina ting affair of the season, took place at Mr. <T. T. Walton’s resi dence on Wednesday night last. The young ladies of Buena Vista and vicinity gave a Leap Year Party there on that night. It was by far the most brilliant, success ful, mirthful social gathering that has taken place for many a day. Tho ladies appeared more charm ing and beautiful and the gentle men more handsome than ever be fore. Sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks, smiling lips and equisite toilets, rendered the young ladies as en chanting as fairies, and transform ed the parlor of Mr. Walton into the brightest hall of oriental fai ry stories. On Tuesday evening, the young ladies met at Rev. B. B. Hinton’s and drew for the young men they were to escort to the Leap Year Party. At the drawing there was great merrv-making and frolic some enjoyment. Owing to the fact there is a much larger number of young men than ladies in town the name of several of the former were left in the hat undrawn, and they were therefore left disconso late - On Wednesday morning the young ladies addressed their compliments to the young men, requesting their company to the l ea]) Year Party. At Mr. Walton’s all necessary preparations were made, and in due time, the ladies arrived escort ing in tine style, the simpering and and giddy gentlemen—-impering and lisping in mimicry of the aver age coquet and giddy because of the extraordinary honor conferred upon them. The assemblage at the party was very large and bril liant in proportion to it size. Mrs. Walton s^ - ved most delicious re freshments to the guests nud to her management is attributable much of the success of tho P'a rtv. Not till the stars grew sleepy did the Leap Year Partv dissolve itself in to a happy remembrance of the ast. Ths ffoception Supper. Last Friday evening we saw quite a number of ladies and gen tlemen gathering at the parsonage which had been vacated the day before bv the departure of Rev. D. R. McWilliams for his new field of labor at [lawkinsville. Upon enquiring we were told 7?ov. E. J. Rentz tho pastor for this circuit was expected to arrive and they were going there to ex tend him a hearty reception. The wants of the parsonage had been inpart supplied through the day with—crockery—cutlery -- provis ions and such other necessaries as the good ladies could got up. A fine reception supper had beau provided and persons—con sisting of Ministers,lawyers. Doc tors, merchants, farmers, ladies and gentlemen from different churches had been invited to at tend and welcome their new pas tor. It was a supper which would have made Governor Smith or pres ident Grant feel proud of. The pleasure of the entertainment, however, was greatly diminished when it was announced that only a part of the family, Miss. Lula Rentz and her brother were all of the family that could come, in consequence of the dangerous ill ness of a younger son Mr. Rentz could not come until his child had convalesced sufficiently to move him. Had he been here that night we think he would have gone to work with a cheerful heart. Two communications have been crowded out of this week's issue. They will appear iu our next. Removals. Dr. F. L. Wisdom has removed his office from the South to the North side of tho Court House, and now occupies tho house form erly occupied by Mr. J. L. Bra si ngton. Mr. J. L. Brasington has remov ed his tailor shop irom his old stand to the South West corner of the lot North of the Court House, and now occupies the office once used as a boot and shoo shop. Tho editor of this paper has re moved to the former residence of Mr. Alex. Wiggins. The associate editor of this paper now occupies the residence for merly occupied by Mrs. Drane. Mrs. Bulloch has removed from her residence to tho Butt place. 3lr. Alex. Wiggins hais removed to his residence near town. J/rs. Drane has removed to lier plantation. .Prof. Kenncrly has removed to the residence formerly occupied by Mr s. Bullock. Mr. E. J. Rentz removes from Butler to-day to the J/ethodist parsonage. Mr. J. T. Walton having closed out his stock of goods, which were I'dng soM by Mr. Williams, Mr. R. M Williams Las removed his office to the storeroom adjoining the post office. Mr. W. 0. Alexatn ler now occupies the residence formerly occupied by M.J. J. L. C. Kerr. Mr. J. L. C. Kerr Ims ceased to keep house, and now hoards wnh Mr. Ful ford. His office remains at the old place. •ZZ.-v. A. J. Harvey has given up house keeping. His family hoards with Mrs. Bulloch, until be decides upon bis future residence. Dr. E. T. Mathis moved to dwelling formerly occupied by Mr. J. W. Jor dan. M>-. J. W. Jordan has removed to his plantation. Rev. I). R. McWilliams and fami ly left for their new home at Hawkins* vdie on the 30th of December, ult. Our people were grieved to see them depart - The County Court. Mr. Editor: “Citizen” in his article relative to the County Court, in your issue of December 17th, seems to be disap pointed because I did not give the people facts and figures to show why the so-called County Coust was a j nuisance. I naturally felt a delicacy in demoli liing “Citizen”, knowing -s I did that he was attempting to bolster up a court that was altogeth er obnoxious to tho people. Two in telligent grand juries having unani mously pronounced against it, I only threw out a few inoffensive hints, ha ving heard that a hint fo the wise was sufficient. But as lie demands of me facts and arguments, I feel quite disposed to gratify him. “Citizen” says, “Did not Rodbone in his thrust at the legal grofession, and at the Buena Vista bar, intend to awaken a prejudice in the minds of the planter against lawyers, by saving the conclusion of the whole matter seems to be about this (The court is a great convenience to the Buena Vista bar.) This was no thrust at the legal pro fession or the L’uena Vista bar at all 1 and could not bo so construed by the most sensitive; it was merely the statement of a single fact, that every one is perfectly familiar with—not j calculated at all t > awaken prejudice in the minds of any one. The mere i fact of its being a convenience to the Buena Vista liar is of bself no objec- I ion to the court. But when we con sider the fact that the establishing of this court is a bold stroke at the Lb- j erlies of the people, it is not at all as tonishing (hat the masses unhesita tingly demand its repeal. The volu minous act creating Vis court seems to bo purely sectional in its nature; it is regarded by the people as a bit of class legislation; this lengthy act, alter being boiled down simply pro poses to tie a convenience to ad zen or less citizens, while every citizen in the county is taxed to keep it in ope ration. Justice Courts that were es tablished long since in each district, are in all respects sufficient to dis p<>se of the business that their jm i•- diction allows them to dispose of, at a nominal expense to all defendants who in any way become interested in court proceedings, these magistrate's courts being in operation in each mil itia district, having jurisdiction in cases of otic hundred dollars and less, and cost the county nothing at all. These courts are cheap, short, con venient, monthly, and entirely satis factory to all parlies; no court ever continuing in session more than half a day at a time, and in connection with tho Superior court, has given, and is giviug entire satisfaction to the masses. But all at once, in tho absence of any previous notice, anew court, so rigged up as to absorb the business of the Justice courts in the several districts, concentrating all the busi ness at the court house in Buena Vis ta, thus forcing a poor man, who happens to be sued anywhere up in the uttermost parts of Fort Perry, or any other district part of Hie county to go to town to answers complaint, on a simple note, or account of half dozen dollars, and the court some times continues in session more than one day, at a time; the poor man may be compelled to remain in town all night, incurring the additional expense of a hotel bill, besides the inconvenience and suspense of his dear wife and little ones at home, thus depriving the. poor man of a right delegated to him by his fathers (hat no man or set of men has any right to alter or amend without hi s knowledge or consent. But Citizen says this court has ju risdiction in damage case3, and can try some kinds of petty offences that the Justice court cannot dispose of This sounds well enough endpaper. Again, Citizen was startled at the idea that I advanced at first, that judgments rendered in this court, in damage cases and on promissory notes amounted simply to nothing at all. I wish it distinctly understood that I did not speakjdisparagingly of the Criminal laws of Georgia. But 1 do repeat what I first said on this point,, besides just here I propose to color it a little. Suppose I damage my neighbor by killing bis cow or mule that lias come through a rotten fence into my field, or in any other way that comes up pi. tho shape of damage, lie brings suit against me in the county court, and obtains a judg ment against me tor one hundred do!, lars. It is a just judgment—l dam aged him wilfully and knowingly. Do I pay over the money ? Not a dol lar. Will the sheriff levy and sell my property, in order to make the mon ey for the plaintiff ? Not one pig can he sell: I take the homestead and other exemptions, and tho plaintiff does not receive one dollar. Is it wrong for me to do so ? Certainly not. The law provides that I may do so, I am still a law abiding man. Whnt is the ultimate result of all such miserable sham law suits ? Simply nothing more nor less than a lawyer’s fee. The people have been stuffed, worried and humbugged, by such worthless laws until they aro heartily tired of hearing about what wonder ful things that ceriain courts and laws propose to do. We admit that the court can try ! and dispose of some petty offences that the justice courts cannot inves tigate, and that the Superior court would have to dispose of. This seems to lie the strong fort behind which Citizen seems ns secure as a rat does at the bottom of his hole. Some fif teenth amendment is caught selling farm products after nighc tried, found guilty—if lie is fined our so called laws that arc said to bo made for the purpose of collecting debts are a nudity, hence it will not do to fine him, and he must go to jail to eat the people's meat aid bread. Beautiful state of affairs this! Now Citizen proposes to do 5 or 6 hundred dollars wortli of these kind of jobs annually in order to get his money back. That is invested in the court. Now my opinion is, if tha manufac turer of this court will tear up the paper on which this law is written, go down near the jail, dig a hole in the ground, plant a whipping post, I ir o to Atlanta, make some healthy I eharg'S in the law as regards these petty offences, and the people all over these lands will call him blessed. Rr: drone. —The young people of Buena Vista have had parties nearly every nf'bt since the Ist of December, except Sat urdav and Sunday nights. There lr<s | been no dearth of festive occasions, and pleasure and happiness have teigned [ supreme. Ir. J. T. Walton's Auction. On Christmas day, Mr. J. T. Wal ton began tbo sale by auction of hi* entire stock of goods, to the highest, bidder. The sale continued until Wednesday evening. Rev. W. A. Singleton acted as auctioneer, and caused the goods, on the whole to bring very good prices. Large crowds attended the sale from all parts of the county, and the out was considerable. It is the first sale of the kind that has ta. ken place in Buena Yista for many years. Mr. Walton realized a good deal on it, though we are not advis ed of the exact figures. He dispos ed ol some goods at very fair prices, which had lain on his hands for eight, years or more. Christmas Tree.—Tho Christmas Tree, on Monday night, Dec. 27, nit.,, at Miller's Hall, was a magnifi cent success. All day Monday the ladies of tho Methodist and Baptist Churches labored hard pre paring tho tree and arranging the gifts. They were assisted by Dr. Mathis and other gentlemen. The doors were thrown open and the hall and Tree was lighted up, about dark, and the assembling of the two Sunday Schools began. The Christmas Tree was a brilliant dis play, of taste in choice ami arrange ment. The people of Buena Vista and vicinity turned out enrnasse tj participate in the festivities. After the classes had received their presents, all gave themselves over to pleasant social plays and game**. Col. E. M. Butt received a beautiful inkstand as a testimon’al of their ap preciation of bis ability and faithfulness. Mr. Frank Rushin received an artisti cally executed iron Jew-sharp, not quite as large as a bass viol, as a con tribution to ins satchel of musical in struments. The children were delighted and ye old folks were gratified with the suc cess of the Christmas Tree, and the subsequent amusements. Wlio!csi!e Prices Current. Corrected Weelily by mw & vmmm Coin minis, Ga. December 10th, 1875. Bacon —OR Sides „,14| Shoulders ~.lo> Bulk —C R Sides 12. J Shoulders 9^ Long clear sides 12-J --llarns—sugar cured, canvassed..., 15 Sugar cured, plain 11 Candles —Quarter boxes 18£ GVffce —choice 25 Prime 24 Java 33 Corn-s-choice white. ...950 to SI.OO M ixed 95 Yellow 90 Flour—fancy $8 50 to $9 00 Good family....s7 50 to $8 00 Common $6 50 to $7 00 Lard—Choice leaf, tierces 15 Choice leaf, kegs 16 Ctioieo leaf, buckets 17 Potatoes--Irisk, llbls $3 50 Sweet 600 to 75c Rice—per lb in barrels 8 Oats —Rust proof, per bu 5...... $1 25 Yellow— 7oc to 80c Blark 70c to 75c Hides —dry . 11 Green 6 Peas—Field $1 00 Table $1 25 Eggs—per dozen 25 Chickens —Grown 30 to 40 Small sized 20 to 25 Onions—per bbl $4 00 Apples -per bbl $4 00 to $6 00 Oranges—-apiece 1J Meat —i ; sack, per bushel $1 00 Syrup—Choice New Oeleans 05 Prime 60 Choice Florida.... 55 Common 59 Sugar—Crushed 13 Powdered 13 Granulated 12\ W. P, MET, AMERICU3, ----- GA. PPHANKFUL for past favors I respect- I fully solicit a continuance of the pat ronage of the good people of Ma rion. Prices reasonable, and extra in ducements offered those at a distance to visit my office. Rooms on Lamar St, two doors from R C Black’s Shoe Store. September Bth, rtvown’a Hotel. Opposite Daaaenger Depot, MACON, GEORGIA. Tliia first-class and well known Hotel has boon Kntireiy lie novated and He tilted, in the. most elegant style, and is prepared with every facility to accommodate its old friends aucl the public generally, it is CENTRALLY LOCATED, ——and Immediately Opposito the Central Passenger Depot This Hotel presents unusual advantages to vistors to the city. The rooms aro constructed and fitted up with a view to the comfort of the guests, and the table isal ways supplied with every delicacy of the season E. E. BROWN k fcON, Sept24-lyr Proprietors. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. XXTILL be sold, agreeably to nn or ler from V T tho Court of Ordinary of M irsogee County on tho first Tuesday in Fehcuury next, "before the Court House door in the town of Buena Vista Marion county, within the legal hours of sale, the north half of lot of land No. 164, in the :31st. District of Ma rion county containing ono hundrtd and a (piurter acres more or less: Sold as the prop erty of James Ennis, lata of Muscogee coun ty deceased. Terms Cash. JNO. A. FRAZER, R. A. ENNIS, Jan. 3, 1875. Administrators. War Buyers. New Goods! Cheap Goods! I am now receiving a WELL ASSORTED STOCK of FILL S WINTER GOOBS. Cb> Which I will sell at greatly RDDU CED PRICES. Mv Stock consists of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, HA-pg BOOTS. SHOES, FAMILY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, &0 * and lias been bought with SPECIAL REFERENCE to tho wants and FIHMCXAL COSDITIOI of th e community, and will be sold AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT anywhere in any regular house. Having bought them in person, I am prepared to Soil J AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST —■—AND WILL- mbe nil mmmmmMaß Calico 6 to 8; Soda 12 pounds to the dollar; Genuine Collins Axe $1.25; and other goods in proportion. CoiueOaics Cosne A 18. Sind Sop hon T dieap ©osmls cam Ike sold ii* ISnena Vista* VS. Buena vista, Georgia, October S5, LOOK OUT FOll HARD TIMES. Great Reduction SF$ Sn.o H T CiAKitt AT MGMIGIAEL & ST&TOBS In Standard Calicoes from dc to 8 cents per yard; Shirting from 8c to 9c per yard; Sheeting from 9c to 10c per yard; E. and P. Checks at 12c per yard; Bleeching from 8c to 14c per yard. Groceries always at Bottom fignzas. All® oUlt SUOOK of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Clothing. Hardware, Hollow-ware. Tinware, Patent Sfedif cities, Family Groceries, Tobacco, Stgars, &c. include a variety—which you will find bargains in for the next thirty days. Respectfully, MICHAEL & STEVENS, NEW GOODS AT PANIC PRICES, J WE HAVE JUST OPENED AT OCR <Dasß9l g-a.s>Kr€s, Amcrlcus, CU&-, J jOTOCK 0F ALL AND' JVINTEF^pOOD J ap ted to the wants of our ctomers and at extraordV na uw prices. We have added to ou u stock a sgmmm mw m awem In which will be found suits of the very finest southern Doejkin Jeans ever brought to this n t o order especially for our trade, at prices lower than they were ever known. Our stock of the largest In South-West Georgia, and will be sold as low a ? the same quality can be bought in Macon or Atlanta. We have never had as large a stock of JEj AN*'*, nor as cheap as now. Home of Kxtra Quality, the best we ever sold. We Lave a beautiful stock of Dress Goods— our ALAPACAS cannot be excelled, they are very handsome— ,so are our Shawls, Besides we have Domestic Goods in great variety, and many of them corresponding with COTTON" AT FOQIR, GXS AX dPOTTNIID Our stock of Table DamaskwasNeverso good. We keep also a fine stock of Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Kxtra Ffne '‘Razor Aleel* Scissors, Tobacco, Fine Soap, Starch, Soda, /Hacking, as well as many articles not enumerate. $1! cheap! ¥crtj ©heap.! Extra ©heap.! jfwjw We respectfully invite everybody to call and examine our stock before purchasing. N0v,5,19731m 6RAXBBRSY & BARLOW