The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, December 15, 1876, Image 1

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. !K •*() I. . ..'tw*-W. ^ m ; ’*»&•«!#.' nw»fa wJMKIO) •*■** ' ♦fi'v.Wi At -•• ??' 4^ - * *r *" TUft-ffi.*» ■■<?■'■ - -*• •**'Tl*yA Kir • » ." . - , • '« v •*•:.« «m l2.) (3C#Kiil 1S"0i4‘i ‘ ‘ WiiolSS xfilR l!, wpf! S^AU. .iVn**: » ‘ J »*• «*J£*' "'‘Sii • . Ouo.cwjo 0U<) V©»;r Urn* copv*, *lx mouiJtv All subsci.,.m*n»muKt’.it* j-aid ^ mi \'i» in \ w’I * L8, V?>' tint; '•I i|viti> :|;?ir.-i)Viwiiiiii hlifiti i U(K .l>uti,,v,uii..foi'gvt7. reyliud rivdloi tin,ih’iotflplvtrW*liTU-d-jv? ■ wniiUjlilrfJ tlBftH Wl.icH’kSiM s“cli Ifflm|;n r«'‘gJii'rfW‘ hf lotpif 'Ir. yiprp.Wuiirir^lJmi'tliHi..'.. *1 ritf list, tnmk luHv mid h would,bp,UuhcnV • it: v&SW hteii*>5 , i'TO#i n't*." "Wet* ’And 1 wji jj ti mild}'1i)!jitig' fffljs Jti-J'-' :i«l hearing, nnil the .usq 08itbetjMjii illtji.'itl tin; vorV aged do,' ivlth-' . J . *iiiiTBii.ii 4feu®5B^ ’: : IN iwanfi" “Tt r os, lmt. I mount I wanffltv.Mljljf Ur,iti|-1 fiWreiWiflwSi' 1 mid ■"uevVi« taw# do',on Td.'‘%iiirth6:>liilt}: : ;^ * Idnfin ' f '1 A ta i rM> “But Mj|i ( (lo ■nnV.wnnt;'. til, sec udvi;.. *Ni> litsiiiituiii.ilbiii in, fnwV,«!'j jj‘K'l ! > tih,wfet«m)»w*»- ;>“•] yiWnt1,iTeTWl¥aU lanfaupCs al Uiu •iK|tif«tlu»u ot',ll\c or.' tiultkt milhi viiitlourf iro fiv\ii'Ub’-y rc* nuwoclf ■« ^-,11 : . .).•• n,. * ^up^fiyvu piif **Wx- CintoOtjftitfatiW Cl) cents. Olio column, uuo your.. DO. out •■*•y! •/ • • fiu . ,lu u/e f cpli\iim, lli^f.iuoLihh. 93 DO Half column, uno yciu;*,... *......... 50 Dp xliilfcalnuiu^JMl Jt’jhoiUUi/*. «v*'».. M150 U<». nuipToM, tlm;o nnnilbs........... .110 lifl QnutUjr tolymii, oho0" DO i,'imrler colunuw six »u«Hlw • 00 (iifnfjr'ildlmftn, throWlflMiliui 00 of'iv ])i\lituMl fhunuilcr. of mt ciw writti’ii m r. lvocauy, pv tlclbnsu of too i liiittsidfnsiiWwiiA for. ullluc, 1U »c^uta jMfV iik " r,w l •• •• h: " ‘ ^konlvdt;Uinil' c.ifOi'naiaaU's $S 00; ' Yearly crti\lVill’ be uihdc with wer rlisuts f "’ r "'"‘"'is hc';| .inltiii.'.in t.iil'jci't Ui h #UsnKS nl mill iiii.ttev (iMlu'lnoptioii.- This' will bnthu 1 , s t inVL'i.lui 'Ht t.irlpailivh who ntlvertise litr- l*1,v ^lul triiiuijuliV. t ' - • -i,: juiyiiy'.iMivWWS- V/ill lwtiiMsrtud ..I ttlV* r.itlttwlns t^i, PUc#lJl" sskM I'l'l' KTl.tre. • #» w Slu‘’rltl"s.'m';iit'“ii» siWs.,......., ..... .4 CU, Aflllliation Sir klt.r,. otuiliululsiralion 4 lid .Mullli 1'uHfflU of_«u.J ( Wto.bip. .4 nil lliniliii^ionitVljnT^uilniglnilltili'r,'. B Oil 1 bm a»r$U#!Wll>I... 6 11(1 l\,r team in Irll hurt. ...4,111) Api'liratiyn ti! lioir-ulcr r’...,_, 4 IIP S»lic».-to ilniitiiw utiii .craJUtfO,. 4 (III ssW . .vutmis nn.l ttBMDUW,iPW««M0.y.|W y ile ol TwopuHpitonidiijiiywttiiil biitmylintiji'i'i.., (I0.4n.yfi.5,.....-. .'.'fuij To lltrlfc li.ttid. pur, ii|>dmr wy:,. irfHsvuit^ktinicumunK.iw,;, tSr.uiV.U'«^d>lM<(ltr'iicHtiujili\!fa«iSnr • «ws«- JSIHWMfe. mvHWt mmwtHwniBBrrmni i lyjngtiiS 8sss!!2£jssRSf5 • m *’*• ' Amy 111ndV'Kt.tlttltkvittr(u 1MM«U .•Hhrtj'itrlcff 'Hii'«i\.BtaWj;l»d5lim wffiBWtfftlid' jiivi- did ^.fthiKuld- iHss.» * «* iuoo*m MS iistmvlloffljK Wjmvs,.; ( .;.,......-..v;iw All bills ^r.ylwi^fcy to! MtpSsjSw' Jua nu life tin.I npilournui'O of.lho nilvcrtisc- liipnt.' IviH'l)-.' p/rtii*i:l4.1rwm.‘niho monnr is in to como dowsi liur ,r, unit fflffligsB Bn. , '“Wny, 'lily dour ‘tfm? r m njrnid you -dn 'notiuioiv limoh i l'oiit;)iifat loyflujiliii.r,' ‘ \V»" uni iSHKil ; lions il's veru mvclp tfl|pu W. nilliH.Jiiit i tliiulc 111ii, fiiBwHmH|Hnd tike down licru, will o e 't vow tired iju lifflaSTn?AlJRt.'Tffl®lK||Mra the lots oriussons, and ono ivus uliout &'K!W»i'{*?b:“ it iviih tlie truis BiliU* liidW<Ni«OSHtt tili i tiks ♦ 11 n t1H»?r<J 'vyfHttruVor BRt. iSho' "RtfW ’MhUf 1 '•'tftfy will have ;.tyt,«jryo ( 1J and .mug, , aad^ walk.iin .igiild.en streets,..^Ril^i'^ing-ivlj the time. I m a I wavs Umcl now wnon Sunday school' unaciiurch arc out, and 1 'ltd KS sui««titK;OTl85ElffeV3 wasn’t liny uigtitOfo rest in. I shouldn't know the liyimia either f-1 dfilri’t'.'lt'nbn- ' theln , “ , i!vVrr in Aunt Mpilv’s clmmh. Mamma. I ‘Why God - ‘tliilir’t have two • heavens—one for hi" folks, and another, for. little ehUilmn^. ‘How nbiild yoii liielfhMiafn two worlds—ono for grown folks, and oil® lor children? Dr.rit you think we ayc..all.lij4)pie«.dor,l!eiug together here?’ . v ■ ..... . . i y.O, .-,ye:jji ;i I ^yniildi^’diy.Uke^a world, wheiio.. ..thej-q'..wasn’t any fnmii|(iB, ( .iior piipa^ iior-hrothei Sr 8> nor sj.ste{'s... Ti wuiihal.4, tJipiu. eloso, to mo heru,’.,..Baid.tiie,eliUlil.,i»i': ji “Yesyi and, so ,y,o.u. .would, in heaven^ 'tny •dear,.. We shall’ lilt he happy for being forever.'iw.itli there ra Mojaey ini it. • Ik tb£4 ; hr-*r.l liraoi ilnffl return for lion- eerttiBaRatllf ilwlrabw? 1 ' Any itcivciyminp nun orSmBS WSSUsli <arn a bimdsOtnc mini l.salWiWwiiilt.rBBrniirlli'ularH. tbnninn- .i-.cniifi'Tirr CitSirrmiTios. Hit: arrnt pel it i- atfAitfi Cap - ‘toW^nrriOKPCTBUSHis’oco., • -n . .' ATL1HT4, Oi. iliese frai] 'will ivitll r delight •Weary now inoboyingantl serving yoitf father and tne?’ ' • “O',' ho, i,hut jpu novj to do anything tlmt’s libih>(iuilrdiw arb ’• rJi(it-USAV,IU)hll WWfd. rtjjW^tn i'nlehimin."5SH - it i (lehsesilierFiarevheavy-. I would likt! to givlyA 'tlslliir to every per gmwT m?ct JJ® CndfffrA it.” ’ .M^TTi/rA ! “I’lleh I fhfflA*l!dt'b*ft’wirn a ^msaramm ill you do thnt,IHtWo girl that.was agpn-of Apiy, i lie was .making'dier. (way I along tho sandy heiioU.,m^pn;Mng lmr httlo spade. tWiorui'eriripflit tfibltl; der, while, in her left hand ' slio Iniru ii Ijheket. , , . ,. „ filie. wore iionshous. aiid stook- i.n jf#sli o'SHWttmt ""tv herb the salt wateri.wus. neuviy over her an kles. • .1 a» ;.1. . . . i . .' Wftfit "irini'slip'griiri'" fii doj this dear • little- .Aruy.’A 1 You .shall know. She* was ’going.' to .'dig i;li>ms, She hiiil.'loi'inVfil., ■Hint,' Whore thu: little holes .uoiifrT .he seen in the sand," there)- at> dow tide', if silo‘toto* deep ohljgghnslii) could, ti ml clams..) Aiid grout not plains gopd to eiif? -and ebirld she hot self dJsVTii.for-nibppy’?, .'• Amy: worked hai'tJyiiiinilii.Bure; enough',;; she at j Inst-sueeceded [ in' fiudihg.poiiio .cianisr'' those we love, 'i'ho employments' n°t very.large ; but sho put. them hi}d ; .jpvkr of, hdiWn, wiiKtHoaHJ those we love, best. , ^lio S u!>™ An,mfc ' Rl,n 1 "'"“ ’ tW feaon tlferc' we” sTuill ho free “from. i fraiL hodio«,i,t)iatti»eed the' of hignf| arra slia)l ifo. God’s with"delight.' ' Db* Voh'groV iToiint .'fifty. . Shq .w'asti'nd." theiii,’ nicely, and walked hack io tho ho tel, quite iiroHtl/ : 6fiwIiut she laid • "fljte'nsl:sd;1ver frrond;'tho : car- mSRiitli and to.wnto'on .it.nucbaVk tlie words, | ,TeaPi'«/;caOMIrlH3t .w Ijeu a^bumj gentieimifl Y-rtf,f/* b CVU!3Swy,‘ijjoji.g]ft that ’)TO,qp? 'v. t» VliiW Wltn .eirno 5' •epM«*,,.‘‘Liiok at tny sigm'fuW ou Hliy.ivelam ?' ‘Hnw fiiuelr tor one, Amyd' - iisk,.;, pd'tlie'Vihlftglillltl. ’■ iij. i :l tog WRma may have a dpi'.en fllr“ , it - | l ;». a dollar,’ aifaifdfi'it't ’*%!', I 1'oakln‘t think 'b^ff' ' Amy?’ replied the young man.' “A / quarter of a dollar. Wliv 1 coill? buy a lirst-clnss cigar for'th'iit'.’' .So tho young man walkedHii '' hut by and by the old hia&cST’q,) ’ hack, briugiii" ail old goiit|em#u \vlio said, ‘How's business Aijiv,.r . ‘Pretty gooil,' t slie Mulied.-' ‘i . a* ****$»«£ ‘ rzMk*!r offer : I'll buy all your eletiis, ijfr you 'will let ijio* liavb' thcan fitr a [dollar.' 1 ! ‘Agreed!’ 'crt^l’llio little girl/' stmjiiiig up with Ue}i"l)t. ; Tlie money ' wns paid. , [MB’ oliuns.wero poured out op, ttiPCTOiC paper ; and Amy with her tbiwoL aud her empty .bucket, rmuhonSe to toll mamma what, slie had donew Itefnro night Mr*.- Pidoher-owniwt fuailo happy by receivi'lrgfrortitttltwv little, girl the’ jirttsuiit of a ■fl.djjtf* 5, quit i) q'uar.tpr.', G^ou; Hi?fll&o'“y 1 Snierai Gfffii'I'oTf'RtTtetffiA'rffii.- BbilVl’t small' pbtftifi 'of pbta'tcW, anil' bathe th6"])ar'triffliiiHb i d' 'fritli the.’water ;h. wliliilftlip'. B($8Mis" Were. bu\lcrl, aq' Iiot' tis cqmJm'im- pli'gd,irnmedia,t6l l;.loie golpg'.iij bed. The pdius jyjll lie VopioypiJy dr at least alleyimedf.hy (Lie next, fyorniag. Somo. of tlie,most dhsti- cate rhoumatio pains have lately . been oured by one.application. ot> lltie novel a'nd'simploremodv; .i >.; 1 ; Why is ?1 pSty"guifflSitPftt: mbtiyp.. engine?- -.JJqpausei she sends off the spirks/ mq]is,"’hnj.trainl:t ana passes, over the . £>ya m