The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, December 15, 1876, Image 2

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W. N. 11BNNS, EJitw ui I'inr.M. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Butler. (roortria. FRIDAY, DKCEMNF-R 16, 1*76. THE SUN. GEORGIA NEWS _Mr. O. W. Dam, formerly of Tuekagee, Alv, *u found (land in bis bvd, at hi* pkn- teticn five mil*** below Albany. On.. *w»erei days «ga The Altmny New* think# it quee- lionabla wbethtr ba eoramided suicide or was poisoned by tome one elaa, —The Bevnnusb Nows thinka thet if all theeotton gU« himad thla scesea, number ing snout sixty in tha Stole of Qacvgie, and moat ot tham bnt down as incendiary, could apeak, it would appear that lueifer malehea ware tba eaoaaof mlao-tectba of tha aaanltiea. —Atlanta will receive between eighty no 1 ninety thousand bales of ertton this yes*. —John McNally was knocked off the irack of the Brunswick A Albany Railroad on Ifanday, and ininrad earerely and danger- flotlj. Ha was lying asleep on tba anda of the am ties outride of tha rails, and waa not ran over. He ia a sailor who deserted hie teasel at Wilmington. N. 0. —The gin boose of Hr. II. O. Lamar, in Lee ooanty, together with twenty-flte bales of oatten, waa destroyed by Art ou Wednes day bat. —A man Denied Newton bulloch wm ar- raated In Goiumbni. charged with the murder of a nagtw. hack driver -rnacd Hack Lewis. The mnrder waa a rather mysterious affair, happening two miles wet of riolombna. Bulloch aays he cm prove an alibi. —Old John Bobu presented to the citi« ».»■ of Golnmbns yeMerday un '•xhibitior. that, for attractiv-niiHr-. worth and novelty, ban no equal on the io:itineut • t Amirito John aays this bin.sell' .-ni be generally knows what be wc a —A woman aud her two children were burned with the hmww in wliich they w sleeping on Jud^u J. H. .Tones' place Twiggs nouaty. Acci U'lit.illy flrod. —Tba negro vote of Gnfflu ntb.* balanoa of power, aud tha Gridin News s.*yn that Mr. Oanrge weu: into ilia Mayoralty "over oar vets." This Is Grant all over. —A little son of Mr. Moye. reriditg fonr mllai from Camilla, Mitchell county. while dnvrng tha gfc* wuk caught between the band and wkMftfhd insiauu? kUled. —The dwdUng hnose of Mr. W. T. Stew- Alt, of Camilla, was burned ou Sunday last with lie oentents. —Fewnan Herald; A ft* days ago a vary distressing aoddent befell one of the children of Hr, O. ML Cavender. It seems that seme pistol cartridge* mere on the man tel. and in some way got knocked oft. One of them rolled into the Are and exploded, pending the ball into the face of the child, as Infant which was In front of ths Are. The hall entered immediately below tha aye and penetrated so far that tha attending phyrioian has been unable to And it, although the wound has in an proUd to a considerable death. The rightof the eye is not datroved and the child seems to be dring remarkably wall, with every indication of a teoovexy. The tendersviHe Herald. Wa notice that Ibis excellent paper haa changed hands, haring beau bought by Wil liam Park A Co,, and will hereafter be con ducted by our agreeable friend, Prof. William Park, A. M. late President of Le Vert College Talbotton, Georgia, and formerly connected with the well-known book Arms of G. AC. Martian and J. W. Burke k Co., aa general Southern agent. Mr Park la an exeaUent scholar, foerifal# and elegant writ jt and puto-mindai, trpe Christian minister and gentleman. Ha is a native Oourgian, eda <*ted|U tha Stela Dnlvaraity. and lor many yaan cotuaacted with female colleger and amdeueUs in our Bute. aldtenoeoi l tea 1,100ruhecriben, __ .... “ m for four good counties. We head to the ndHortel chair, and wish him aver? sueeesn Tha good people of Wasbingtsu gouty are to ba congratulated on tbdr good fortune ia gaining no wenhv and assailant a cite*, and —aanepHeherl gentleman m tha editor af their popular lo- P*P«. The difiereot editions of Pu 6rH during the next year will be the aims as dorian the year that ban Just peered. The daily effition 'll on week days be a sheet of four pagan, jd on Hundaya a sheet of eight pages, or 5fi bvead columns; while tha weekly edttieu will lie a sheet of eight pagea ot the same (Nmen- dons and ahnntcUr tbit are already familiar lo our ivtande. The Hon will still aontinne to be tba siren* nous advocate of re'eno and rstrenchmsot, and cf the ankntitation of statesmanship, ‘ - nr bellow pretence, i the administration ., wntend for th ornment of tha people by the people a tha people, aa opposed to government by frauds in the ballet box and In the equating of votes, enforced By military violeeiee. It will andaavar to aupriy its readers—a body now not far from n million of souls—with the molt earefal, oomplete, and trustworthy ac count of currant events, and will employ for this purpose a numerous and carefully select ed tuff of reporters and oerrsspandi * rennets fram Washington, espcdall; full, seen rats, and forlorn; and it mi lorn continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred of those whs thrive by plundering tha Treas ury or by usurping what tha law dees net giv* them, while it will endeavor to merit the nuuAdanoeof the puhlia by defending the rights of tha peopte egeiut the encroach- Is of tha people agrim s of unjustifiable powai is pries of the dally tin The prise of tha drily tint will ba 56 rente a mouth or $AM) a year, peri paid, or with tha Monday edition If .70 a year. Tha Sunday edition alone, right pagan of Toe \?mx.T Sow eight pagea of 55 btoafd ooluaas, will be furnished during 1877 at the rate off The ' the previous rates of the 1 toyed by individual aabeo.. ncreedty of mining up 'jobs. At the same tint, if any cf oar friends choose to rid ia extending oar circulation, we ahan ba grate ful to them, ana eresy cash person who sends os ten or move sash unbornigers from one Place wii| be entitled to one copy of tha pa per for hlmieif without charge. At one dol lar a year pottage paid, the axpenaewof the paper ana printing are berafy repaid; and cooridering the site of the chest and the qua)tty of its contents, wears confident the peopfe **1! consider Tan Wnsnnx dew UU cheapest newspaper published in the worp* ud be trust apo one of the bod. Address, THE HUE K.w Tick City, N. T. THE LARGEST I THE CHEAPEST -AND- THE BEST HAflAZfflE. A <fV* IMU1Ma-- taimmg ami OfSimUlful. DEVOIESrS ILLl'STlIO MONTHLY, Tn Hodu. 3f Aoatnraor Ambbica, Oontaiaa the essaatlals of all othrm, lnelnd- lone Intanefo in all its department*, is beauties and utilities of Literature, Poetry, Bketehae, Stories, Music, Florieult- ura, and every branch of entertaining read ing calculated to enliven and elevate society and make ear koines attractive, uscAil a nd IS unrivaled HagyinawiU earns its sixteenth year with January. 1577, and as heretofore, fuQ of new literary, eulerminlng and nsefol subjects to whioh it is devoted. With each nrmber will be given a superb <-rtloied caldaet picture (worth the whole oo*t of the Magarine,) in oil, mounted on a met ready for framing. Every subscriber at three dollars Is entitled to tbo selection of a premium (of which there are eighteen), delivered or forwarded imme diately on reeript of the subscription. Every article offered is o! Ant quality, indn- ding books, any one worth the price of sub scription; Chromos from Celebrated paint ings and canal to the originals, of lmge alec end suitable for auj parlcr; Pockriv Coon Srevia; tixsnuc or nvasa Cdtzzno, (this re ceived the Highest Centennial Award;) Bit- ver-ploted riVre of all kinds; Stationery, LinVmMarket, etc., etc. For drib* W# have larger aud more valuable Prmnloius, inclodiog Bcoxe of all Mate, SavBB^WATsn Wax*, Bsacot btwe, bomoue, gerwne- coam, Gaios, Tawji CTtlut, Clocxj, AnraaiADLa Tablxs, Fumre Micxmi, Kmirmo Macbkwu, Cbzwa. Durwaa and Tba time' and numerous other desirable ar ticles of whioh a foil list will be ferririmd on adpUcationof the publish*, W. JKNNIMCS DKMORKST, 17 Eui Ifn tm. N. T, «mj*hn Sea. for NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE NATURALISTS’ AGENCY. COLIJ&lION OF MINERALS FOHATUDEFT8, AMATBUIW, P1M> FBtitiOBB, I'll Y8IC1AN8, AND Ul'UEH I'ROFESP ION A L MEN. The^e collections iUnetcnle all the priuHpel epcoirs aud ail the grand hubdiviiuoue in Lana nud oiaer works on Mineralogy; every Crystallite Ky»D-m; nil ib# principeTOree and every known F.Kaueut. The oelleutione are labellet! with a printed label that can only be removed by nonking. The labels give Dana's aperiew. miinbei tbr name, end la moat c-uhm, tne oomiiMUtion of Mineial. 100 Cry«tials and Fragmrnts foi*Htudy,$1.00 100 bpedment, titndeot's riae larger. G.00 100 Specimens, Largw, Amateur'a wa*. 21x11 iaohae, 1D.dC Gollleetiona of Qeme, Ores. Earthly Min- emle, Minerals usul in any Arts or Agrionl- taiw, on hand or put np to Older. We sell Minerals by weight, for Ibe Chtm- 1st aud blowpipe nee; at very low prices, an tiamerakite Wa, per th., Allanite 26. per lb. lirookits Pare Crystal 86e. per tb., ltutile pare 36c. per ft., WavelLto H6c. per lb., Bicode 10s. per pound. Tue herbarium of Iowa plants that recriv- ri the hiehest award, is placed m my band* for sal* for $250. The cum alone is wont 51G& Several 11.000 worth of Bock/ Mountain Birds, dbeU*. Botanical Specimens, Mound Builder* ttcUee, As., an hand. A. E. FOOTE, M. D. Frol Caemisiry and Mineralogy /•flow Am. Ast'n Adv. qf >' , 6 nee. 8725 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Ta. TUB MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH, GA. THE OEOWHIHO CLOKT. Ml sous SEWING MACHINE. WAS AWABDRD THE FIRST PREMIUM Al Ui, Cmt^uUjJ Exhibition, 1876, .nd hiu •Iw.j. auriod off tb. bifbat hon or, wbarmr .xbiUUd- A Compact, Staple, Durable, Light Running ud Effi cient “Lock Stitch” ttoehlee. lurrn to the wants of eveay ' I0DT. lo Homo Oomplnl Wlthoni On* laptatkaUr, the Intlu for tho People. WARRANTED EOR VIVE TEARS. Baud for prices and mtnptee of work done on tha Hon, or call at any of onr Offices* JOHNSON* CLARK A CO. 80 Union Square, N. Y. 81 Sonth Fifth Street, St Donis. Mu 564 Waibington Street, Boston, Mam. 141 State Street, Ohloago, Illinois. 118} Seooad Arenas, Pittsburg, Pa., 17 New Montgomery Street, tier FihxK co, California. CHRONICLE AND SENTINEL la published daily, tri-weekly, aud week ly, at AUGUSTA# Cm. WALSH k WEIGHT, - - Proprietor*. Fall telecnphlc dispa tehee from all point*, Leteet and moat aaoumte market reports. Interesting and reliable miresponJence from oil parte of Georgia, Carolina, and Washing- toa City. Georgia and Carolina news a specialty. Drily, ob# year, 810; six mouths, $5. Trl-waskly. one year. 86; rix mouths, ta jQ. Weekly, one yeor, $3; eix mouths,^1, 1 m P< ILITIC.AL CAMPAIGN OF 1876 . width, iucludee NeHonnl, Mete end county «ldrtioas, end which will undoubted ly be the most active and hetly conteaud ef any since the memorable canrasM of 1NQ0, is new fsirly opened. The National Democrat ic Party will this year nuke a hold, > vigor- one, and doubtless snooenfifu] struggle for tke maintenance and impremacv of thoee print!- plea which are vital to the prsHperity ef tb*> tUpublic and ewiential to the well-being of (he people. In additioo to the Presidential election, the people in Georgia and Florida will elect new State governments, In Florida the cam- paini promise to be unusually vigorous, and there is a probability that lor the first ♦ime ri’ioe the war the people of that lladi- oal-ripden State will elect a Deiteeratie State • leveronMBt. In these oarapaigna the peo ple of the South are deeply iutereated; and wry iutelligentoitizen. who hue the welfare •'f hia country and hi* section at heart, should •»r>piaint liimaelf with every ddtail of the -d wmk -f re ..niiption and reform that if row going on. To thin «ud he should eulwerib# to end ea 4at in arcnlatiog the fovaiunh MOrulig »Wk, an independent l>emeeretie new»- imiH-r. of pronounced opinion* und fmrlrss n t swr rxpreaeior; a paper that ia reeognin- • d everywhere aa the beet daily in the South, [u fdiioriul department ia rigorous, theught- "il nud con*i*tent. while it* new* end local 'tupfartment* are inarvele otiudcHtry andeom- oietmus. It* department of Georgia and Florida nffairu is not oonflhed to s mere ber- - ui nummary of event* tranapiring in thoee vtatni.. but is enlivened by comment at ante «pt, uuiriy, and racy. The ample resourem of the establiabmecri will be devoted to fomiahing the xmdere ef *he BAOJiaSTISTO* 2>T3BWfe with the latest intelligence from all parts of •.he world, through ths press dispatches, special telegrams. Mid by means of tq>«*ial oorreepondence; and through these agencim the paper will be the earliwt ohronleler of every noteworthy incident of the politim! campaign of 1876. ■oascarrrioN, Dolly, 1 you.. , 100 « “ 6 months.., t 00 " 8 months j go Tri-Weekly, 1 year coo " 6 months 3 00 Weekly, 1,ear .......I. iS •' 6 months 100 " 3 months...... Specimen copies sent jree cs ruedpt of 5hs ^ by Pm, 6&m Ov d«t bfUwd Utter, w Ennwotou risk, J. H.E8TUX, SaTanotb, Ov flTS OB EPILEPSY. A NY pxncn ofBleM wtih th* .bon iW- mm ia nq.Mted to Mod their ;o *«h 4 Bobinoa, ud a trial Box of Lir. (loulard'a aniiillihia Pit Poo dan will b. ant to th.m, hy mril, pate paid, mi Ytaaa Powdan han twra toalad by hnsdnia of oaaw in tha Old World, and a ann lne bon tho raralt in nan iuduM. boftsma from thia diOoMe annild |rire tba- powd.nan ally trite, aa ita ooradra powaa* ut wo-dorfnl, auy panona haring in OTiao hy a trite boa aloof. Price for large ho. by mail, port paid U tonny part of tha United Steta or Sak 83 00 Ana a—i ASS k uam 380 FutTOh Eraarr, Bsooaaxa, a. J, CONSUMPTION. A trial Box of Dr. Kissuer's nrtehrelod Consumption Fowdera will he sent free, 1# mail poet paid, to every euffenw from the above hieouw. This la the only ptapaiutimi known to eras er benefit that Al PHn for large Box,$3.0a SAB k nanunre 360 Fctiox SmSTDiKKtelntrB. I.