The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, January 19, 1877, Image 4

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God’s Cafes. t sat m th# door at eventide, Sty heart Was fall ot fears; And I saw tho landsenpo bofoto m« li* . Through mists of burning tears; I thought to myself tho world is dark* No light nor joy I s*o Nothing but toil and want is ulno, Aud no oua cates for me, A sparrow was twittering nt my tc?t, With its bautifhl auburn head; And it looked at me with its dark, mild eyes As it picked up crumbs o' dread; And aid to me. in words as plain As the woros of a bird could be; Tin only o sparrow, a worthless bird, But the door Lord cores for me. A % Was gtottffi# beside the hedge, Beautiful, tall and white, And it shone through the gtossy 1 cares of Like an angel clothed in light; And it aid to me, as it waved its had, . On the breezpo soft and free; Pm only a lily, a useless flower, * But the master cares for mo. TtlOtt It seemed that tho hand of tho loving Lord Over my head was laid, . And he snid to mo; Oh, faithless edild, Wherefore art thou dismayed ? I clotho the Uliee, I feed tho birds, * X sot thee sparrows fall, Nothingoscaposmy watohfhl eyes- My kindness is over all. Mbs. Matilda 0. Edwards. GEORGIA NEWS —Mr. J. T. Blount, ays the Hamilton Journal, left for Atlanta on Monday. We understand Mr. Blount is on npplcant for the position of Solicitor General of tho Ohat- tahoocheo circuit —Walter B. Hill, Esq., of Macon,Georgia, bays the Savannah Keros of Friday, wan yes* terdsy admitted to plead and practice in the United States Court. —On Friday night of last week, tho resi dence of Mrs. Nancy E. Lee, a w idowed ladv who lives about throe miles uorth of Dawson, was totally destroyed by fire, together with nil tho flirnitnro, clothlug etc., oto., contain ed therein. —Paulding county Democrats mailo n6 nomination*, throw off the bridle, aud s-i many candidates cutorod tno field, that Re publican candidated wore elcctod to the offices of Ordinary and Sheriff. —The bricklayers ot the new cotton facte ry in Golumbas have struck because the company refused to reongnizo tdoir claim for wages during the late cold period, when they could not work. —A Young man named W. R. Lanoy, a clerk in Mr. J. L. Griffin’s bar-room in Atlaut.,, Attempted to kill himself with morphine • about three months ago, but was unsuccess ful. It was supposed that this attempt was on acoolat of difficulties in the way of his marrying a young lady with whom he was in love—her mother objecting. Sines th time, however, he married the young lady On Wendsday he made another attempt to take his own life, ohd this time, probably, with more success. He shot himself in the .region of the heart* with a pistol, and very little hope of hid recovery is entertained. His young wife, who is much attiohod to him, Is said to be almost distracted with gritf. —Dr. Know was called yesterday to hold an inquest on tho body of Prince Grant, nn old nogro man from tho county, who ouneto Brownsville and stoped thero for sliclte.. fie was found ded In his bed yesterday morn ing. The evidence showed that he bad died from old age, Wont and destitution. The vetdiot of the jnfy was death from Providen tial eauscs.—Savannah lines. Tho Augusta OonsilluilonuHsl says : —We loom that a carl eod of norso* wero received in this d*y yesterday froraCfnan. fiati, which had been on tuo way forty-oigbt hours, and without a drop of water or jnouthfal of food during tho passage. Tho tongues of the poor animals were literal ly raw from friction in their ogorts to lick (he few drops of melted snow which trick- fed through the cracks. Ouo oi the animals died after arriving. •~The house of Mr. William Hogan* of franklin county, was destroyed by fire last «tefc, her lost efoxythihg in the tense/ came, Iuveutnr, Fanner or l’rofrnrioim. man, to keep informed on all the improve ment* and discoveries of llm ngc. It pays tr.o head of o\ ery fluuiiy to intro duce Into his household a newspaper that is instructive, ouo that footers a taste for inves tigation, aud promoh-M thought nud encour ages .discussion among the members. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN which has boau published weekly for the last thirty-one y.nrs, does this, to an extent beyond that of any other publication; in tact, it is the only weekly paper published in tho United States, devoted to Manufactures, Me chanics, Inventions nud Now Discoveries in the Arts and Science Every number is profusely illustrated and its contents embraces tbo latest and most in- •cresting information pertaining to the Indus trial, Mechanical, ami Scientific Progress of the World; Dosotiptions, with Beautiful Eu- gravings of New Inventions,' New Imple ments, New Procawts, nud Improved Indus- trios of every kiud; Useful No*cv. Reciprs, Suggestions dint AcMoe by Practical Writers, for'Workmen rtnd Emplny.ra, in the various arts, fonuiug n complete repertory of Near Iuventioiis and Discoveries; containing n woekly record,uot only of the progress of tho Industrial Art in our own country, but also of the New Discoveries and Inventions in ev ery branch or Engineering, Mechanics, and feoteuco abroad. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has boon the foioiuost of every industrial publication, for tbo past thirty-one years. It is tLc oldest, largest, and the bed wuJcly illustrated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechanics, Cllem!*- try. New Iuvuiutons. Hcienco and Industrial Progress, published in tue world. The practical ic olpts are well worth tim times the subscription price,aud f* r tho shop and honso save many times the cost of sub scription. Merchants, Far unfa, Mechanics. Engin eers, Iutenlors, Maiinfao*uvci!», Chemists, Lovers of Science, aud People oi ovoay pio- fesstou, will find the Hcqktipio American useful to thorn. Ii should have a place iu ovory Family Libre tv. Snidy Office and Gotiutiug Room; iu every Reading Room, College and School. A new volume com mences January 1st, 1877. A year’s number ooutaius 832 pages mid several hundred Engravings. Thousands ot volumes arc presetVerl lor bindtUg and lvior- elico. Terms, $3.20 a year by mail inclu ding postago Discount to Clubs. Hut ala circulars giving club r..t.« sent free. Single copies mailed oa recruit ot 10 cents. May be had of overv Nows Dealer. Patents. Iu coaitoodou with tho Scien- fio Asifrican, Messrs Munn & Co., ora Solicitors of American mid Foreign Patents. nnahoCvuthe largest establishment iu the Vlnro then fitly thousand applications have been made for patents through their agency. Patents are obtained on the best turns. Models ot New Inventions and Sketohs ex amined, and advice free. A special notice is made by Uie Scientific Amfwcan* of every Invention Patented through this Ageucy, with tho name and residence ol tho Patentee. Pat er ts are often sold in part nr whole, to per- sonsaUractod to tno invention by such gntice. A pamphlet containing fr»ll directions lor ob taining Patents sent free. Tub Scientific Amebioin Reference Book,a volume bound in tlolh and giltjcomainiug tho Patent Lawsf Census of the U. S., nud 143 Engravings o mechanical movements. Price 25 cents. Address the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Ofiico, Cor. h. & 7th, s>ts., Wash ington, D. C. ‘THE VERY HIGHEST BlfcTBlTOR—TWO MEDALS 0 —HAVE BEEN AWARDED til EWING MaGIIINE." 2,000,000 in X7s3-»—S$ Agents wanted at once to sell iu oonutiwi and towns. Address. THE SHIER MANUFACTURE COMPANY 1 H. a, TBRPI1T, Agent. NO. 80 HUUlKItU'/ STREET, MACON, Hi. /W-aEa II. DAVIS, Coll-cllng Agent or Taylor, uui) O. Jl. COLBERT Attorney at Lhw, Butler, Ga FITS OIL EPILEPSY. _ requested to send their address to Ash A Robbins, and a trial Berk of Dr. Goulard’s snfalliblu Fit Powders will be sent to them, by mail, post paid, free. Those Powders have been tested by hundreds of coses in tho Old World, and a ptnnnncut cure hag been tho result in every instance. Suttersrs from this disease snould give these powders an early trial, as its curative powers are wonderful, many persons having been enrep by a trial box alone. Price for large box, by mail, port paid to to nuy part of the United States or Canada, $3 00 Add ess. ASH li BOBBINS, 360 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N, Y. CONSUMPTION. A tiiul Box of Dr. Kissner’s cejebratod Consumption Powders will lie sent free, by moll post paid, to every sufferer frmn the above disease. This is the only preparation known to curb m bcusflt that disease. Prico for largo Box, $3.00. SAH ii RO D- M ip. 360 Ftttott Strekt,Biiookltj», N;Y, $5 $20 GO. Portland, per day at horns, HmWplee worth $100 free/ Stinson & Maine. aUBSOBIEH NOW BUTflR HERALD 1 Only £21,00. Eiively Times Ahead D uring thr prb-nt tear, me many Events of Importance will trans. piro, and ‘tho people should be kefrt fully posted on tlw current questions of tlio day; and a good paper is the only source from which that information can be derived. We will enter upon the new year with re newed fenergy and enterprise, and nothing will be left tibdone on our port to make tu Butler Herald second to none in the State. Tho Centeoulal Eblbition conics first iu order, mid our readers will he thoroughly i: formed of ev«y event of interest that trim pirea. Next oovnt* the Presidential-Eloctton-:: matter of vltAl importance to the entire pop ulace ot tho United States, aud will bo fully diseased m the columns of tho HkraId. Besides, the Herald will contain an gtact of news from all parts of the worid.—tin general State news;—and tho county news column Will poutoin everything worthy ot note. In short, we intend to make Herald a first-lass Family Paper. Subscribe How I f Liberal prrangemeuts raado with adver tisers for the period of three mouths or Ion- nmm sale. OF MILOX 9OLD JB DELHI. MILTON JEWELRY CO in England. THEIR NTllUl STOCK CONSIGNED 10 US USaI Every tody hw beard of MILTON GOLD JEWELRY, it having been sold in this uuu- set for tho lust ten years, nud worn by the best and richest class of our populutiCn. .^tiil. it takes an expert jeweler to discover M;LTON gold from VIRGIN gold. We wiU send for the ninety days ON LA the following nrlifles by msil. iiost paid, on receipt *»f fid cents) ONE PAIR ELEGANT mLEEYE- BUTTONH, with Independence HaU engraved, rebil prico $1 GU 1 set Hpital Shirt Studds, retail price.. 70 1 bountiful Coral Scnrl Pm, retail prico 76 1 elegant Gents’ Watch Chain, lau*t patera, retail price, $1 60 l Collar Button, retail price 60 l elegant Wadding Ring, very heavy, retail price $2 00 Total..,,.,,,, SffSO Remember, we will scud you tho above- nuuied six articles, which we have retailed for $0.60, by mail, post poid, for 50 cents, ' 1 lots for $| .50, mm |2 wmi* ploots for $4«OOw Butitfoctiou guaranteed, ed. Address r money relund- WM; W. BELL & CO., Irupertera of Watches and Jewolry, 8 N. Seventh S:., Philadelphia, Pa ytfirPleaso t.tato whero you saw this ad. Administratrix Notice. GEORGIA—'Tatior County ; Whereas Mrs. Susuu H. Miller, Adminis tratrix, on the estate of David W. Miller,late, of raid county, deceased, has applied for dismission from the Administration Of said estate. Said Administratrix nllcdges that she has fully administered said estate. These uro therefore to cite all persons, eOncwrned. creditors and frext of kjn. to hIiow cause if any they can bfefore mo, on the fifdt Monday in A£ril next,* why Dismission from tho ad ministration of said estate should- not be' granted said, applicant. Given under my hdtid Officially. This 21st., Do?. 1876.’ JX-MES- D. RUSS’, DWV 2^nd4m3BO, Ordinary.-