The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, February 13, 1877, Image 1

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Oao Kjttite nno tnnertiou *1 l»| etch mb* astt 1 : >100 Om «bmn.<t* ntoittw..... (W One column, three months... .. 36 00 Half column. »«• ?<*»•• Quarter column. one y«ur .... 30 00 Quarter cohimu, tdx month*., 20 00 Quarter column. throe months.*. .*; *... 12 00 ' noturaunlcatiaUH ofn poUtlfcol thatiwlc*. of arbele* written In alvocanr or dorenso of toe diiime ofnHpinmtH fur office, 16 cents per Une. / Announcement of Candidates $5 00. MlSG|5LIiANBOUS ADVERT'. LANIER HOUSE, 1 B< DUB, Proprietor, \ MAOON, - - - 0“»- -O- ThTP TIOTfSI^ in now rtoridadvltli «*vor>* jirr'Rtnrr rnnvpulenre for theiM*cumm««wfi"n inifl prnnfort of tin pwtrnnu. The ‘mention Ik dexinthlf end r.onronie\jt to the b a..,.. nil- *■ tton of the city. The Tables litre the b#»t the mnrket afford*. Omni* to sad from dop'd fro« of charge, l>n« gore. handled free of <*bam*.. The Ret is supplied with the best wiuov and liquors. M.i.CBSHmS’S ART GALLERY. SO. IS, COTTON AVENUE. 3wl A.CJOIST -•••*- Gf-.A. THIS ESI! inUSHMA.NT •iriciij- to pnorcORiiuiY i ili) I ikfarfii pi.Uiirc. of i'T'tt kind, more el inlifa-nfae m,r| cnlorei trio’to nature 1 Jj« > intKfew). rmj nr ink. NnifafheUuu gilnmr Teed hi •Very Imtnue, ~ *Wa iheiredo fierur* the m*r*fet.i of oherg'r t H-li.ts. tueu. hors mid girls to oouvmj'# fin the Vkk Dkk Hnitui. n (urge t wentv-dglii «Tttiy Wednesday. We will pay $W»ro.-N» (*., —, —,. w Pitsu for Hjrvioif "Hie *iibsrai|ition pifeo J* Vh low Ihlt it in niffroUblo to get up u rluh, Hn^AcrlpIloc only Onu'Dollir. Reud for cir cular itii'i upooiitieu copied If yon witilr to I an egrU. Andrew. JOHN T« PATRICK,. WwlUhbpro, N C. "HERALD COMPOUND.'’ VT» hn»e a Com |*>nnd that we giinnmtee to tu*i»d broken Rliuts-wnr**, furniture. Ac., *• |- Vi Boxcrwme upAtt It will r.fao put ,i Jiutcli on h nlmc tqut will stick es tight an FITS OR EPILEPSY. A NY pd-Ruty, afflicted with the abort? din- •ea*c in rtuuuhted tu mud their sc’drew tit Ash Alto* Wns hui! a trial Box of Dr. LtouWfdV HUiaUihU.Fil Yowdew will be Bant to them, by luitil, piwt puld, ruBic. TIicm- r,.iwtrVa have been tested by hundred* of tiwitw in the Old World, uuu •* jnnnaucni bufo-has* bovw thc f.-null lu cvm* iustatvee Hiftwrw frwu this disease suouhf give the-i |s'wdirs an curly trial, «» its curatm* power* Att!*wtimlvrfnl, lu.uiy laOsoue having been crip by tnrUUiox alone. v lTi-e for large lsji, 1*y mail, post paid to, t* rtuy part of the United States or Cunuda,^ f8 Up . hAw» jaw.„ -m'kwms,. ' tGQ ttyfO* Stkebt# BitooXLTir, N. Y. CONSUMPTION, A tiul Box of Pr. KisKttctH celebrated Coneoroptiim Powders Wjll beaeut free, by wt paid, to evofy riafTerer from the dj.seuw. This is the only preparation knowt t to on an or benefit that for large. Box, $3,00. GAH k EOBIKS, 360 Fulton .Stkket.Booxltf, V,Y, Executor’s Sale. Br ririue'of the nntliority v.p?it»tl in me hv tho .list wfiland tei»umcot. of Bnniey Sic* ('wry. ttr., devo-.oed, will be sold btibre the Coort HotJ> door, tu the town Af ltnll’f, Taylor county. Oa.. Attain tho lujal bouts of sale, cm the first Tuesday In llareb uext, the folh»Wu*‘g lot of I.Jid to-vrit : No. Vi, IrinK'add llideg in the 14th, Dintrlrt **l orig, inahy Muscogee, now Taylor county* .bold for <h. lwn«Bf frf diu mid .•fAlhim or Btriloy MoOuty, Hr., «lecoua**d. Tarma cswli. oothatlitj ofiiatei.orthjt )x-/fo|il %t ti\u^rk>V ot <l>e pntjfihdwT. 'VufChr *~ pay for the destls pi euuvqyntMkbf ^anmiry noth, I877.av L. Q C. McCHARti TheButler Herald bigmiierion firotugnardianehlp..........JJJJ By Wta. H. BEMNS, Proprlrtw. A NEWSPATBK DEVOTED TO INDC8TRV AND (JtVILIZATION $1.50 a Tear AwtaM toihore«trtj.'.'.‘.*.‘.‘.‘.'.*.‘.'.'‘4 W * Notice t6 debtors and ehwlitot* .4 ‘fil wale of ruul estate by ndmininthdol*, t th and onardiouK, peTaqiure 9 00 Sh!b of perishable property! teh dayb.. ..2 dw ♦troy noticefl. 80 days ...*... *. w> AH bills for advertising in this NUMBUK 1 BUTLER, UE0RUU, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY >3, 18*7* HnOLK NUXHUB 16. THE BUTLER HERALD. • -TUESDAY. PEUHUAUY 18tli„ 1877. Ethel’s Talisman, BY UHO 0I.YB0N. Ettiul who sitting ut liur ojicn wiuUov, absorbed .ill eurhost thought. Without was a piaturo fair enough to steal tho senses of n fur more earnest thinker tliau this young girl. Perhaps the scene >liil give a happy turn to her thoughts, as tho glory of the set ting situ overspread the louilxcupe with its mellow yellow light; for her eyes resteil with seething de light on this ami the viouils utul the river beyond, Hut not of'these tilings was she consciously thiultytig. Her Bible ivns. lying before her on the win- dew sill, Blie had closed it a mo ment before, and now was the hour of pvnyov; lint still she sat there dreaming. It was Ethel's custom to spend the sunset hour of ea-. h day in prayer ami the {fillet study of the Scripture*, She was trying with all .her strength to livo a new and better life. A new life it was in deed—this one she had been living •for tlie ^ntst year,—lint was it a belter om V Sec sometimes thought it could hot lie, for there whs a 0011- T_ tiiiual warl’air going on within; Afcjltytilii s)m..wim soui wt I m»~»»r>ily- d ia- couraged, when she thought of how often she had dishonored the fda-sCd tiame ot Him, to whom hut one short year ago she had conse crated her heart and Hie with such joy and fervor. - To say that alter 'that first hmglouk within, to see how matters stood between herself and her God, the wicked ness vf her heart utna/.utl and li igli ton her—to say that her gTeat weakness, in' tier earnest endeavors to iive to llis glory, troubled her beyond-tueasur—will not surprise any young girl who has tried with singleness of purpose, lo serve the King of- Kings. She was think ing of this us she sat by her win dow that ntltumii after-noon, won dering wiiuf she could do to kuep herself ever conscious, of the fuut that slio was a-witnes tor Jesus in the World. And, as site thought, a simple verse from tho Old Tes tament—-a verso that hud been ruuiug fn her thoughts lor many, days—eaine again to hor mind; The Ktn’g daughter in all glori ous,'within.” Ah! when Ethel's soiil was bewildered with unholy. t(ioug^i^V.lll>R : Jt' , iVni|sIbi« p»Hf bits Scripture. wait to li«r!.8hu hard* ty knew whaj it iheut, yet she would make it prophetic, of her self,—she, by God’s grace, would bcoome “nil glorious within." Was she not the King's daugh ter? Had she not been raised to that glory by the cleansing blood of Christ? Yes, she would be lieve in the wonderful love of tho and taking a pcicu of pure white paper, out out a small oirole.. Then she took off t|re locket and opened it. On one side was the picture of a dear friend; on the other side there was only a pieoo of glass. Ethel took out tho glass, aud cutting the paper exact ly to tit the spuco, ehe wrote on it. ‘•The king's daughter 1 is all glo rious within/' ^ '• Once more she clasped the lock et around her nock, and thorn that time forth the ornament was worn as a reminder Of her High calling. Many timts, in the midat of com pany, lms that lookfct told tier to beware. Many times, when irri tated, 1ms she unconsciously grasp ed tho golden, toy, and with the grasp has comoan instant tealming of tlie soul. Ouly a simple locket, yet a mighty retniuder—a golden talisman that noser lost tie three, for ultliough. a grown woman now, Ethel still keeps her. secret aud wears the lockot. Ifnll young girls hegining the Christian life would make the Ho ly Bible their dally stttly, as they make other hooks a study , strength and wisdom will surely come to them and help to make then), us daughters^!—-our Heavenly King, glorious, all glorious, and beauti ful within. THE RBSt COLLAR. Many yoiy-B ago a gentleman from the .town of Medium, Moss, whiie-on-a- visit- to w prominent mci'chunt in Boston was asked by tlie merchant if lie could recmiieud to work in his store. At first the gentleman could think of no one, tor lie knew uoue.' lmt a faithful, honest, boy would suit tho thrifty merchant. -, At lungtji, however, he called toniiuda Bpy of exci-1- lentuhariicter iuihis neighborhood, but feared Jio would hardly do, us Ids parents were very! poor, and lie nad ftp other advantages to fit him tor snub a position. But the duseriptiOQ bf tho boy's habits pleased tho merchant so well that, he lisniled .ithe gentle man a dollar with which to pay the boy's litre to .Bust^o by stage, ami requested, hirotbjsund the lad to the cHy. and ii on .a . personal interview should hbt | rove uadis- lory he Would pay hi ; tuve back again. Tlio.geptelffiatt, as rt-qest- ed, visited the hoy.’* parents, and, stating the merchant's- proposal, advised tliera tosoml tiic boy for trial. He then gave.him tho dol- lar-wliioh was sent to'pay his litre 'Uhdbrjthe'siiirtta'r'direilmstances iijuiltj^nine nut of ev^p hundred boys would ■1iave.rMid:^ i ; “Now for a good time. I liever rtiw a city nor never rode ini, a stage. Oh, there will he to much b isee nndit will be suoh a long rider and here is money to pay my foie.” Not so with this boy. Fitting the money carolhlly in his pocket, he said to himself, “This is.the first ly asked, “Where havo you be4n all day I Tho stage came in hours ago," The boy thought ho had displeased the merchant at the outset, and with downcast head and trimnlous voice ho answerded “I did uut come on the stage.'' What do you mean? Didn't I send money to pay-your fare?" The hoy thought it was all up with him sure, and amid -gather ing tears he managed to reply, “lam very sorry—I'd id not ineitn to offend you. I thought 1 would walk and save the dollar, 1- UeVer hart oun before,” Placing iris hand gently upon tho boy's head, tiie merchant' re plied, “My little mao, you did ex- aotly right. Como home with mu aud get ynlir supper.” Then turn ing to n bystander lie remarked, “1 wouldn't take u thousand dol lars for this hoy to*day.” The'boy has grown to manhood and hw since become widly known iu bukiucBB circles. He is now owner of tlie extensive mills at Methura, the Pemberton mills at liuwreDcc, a bunking house iu Boston, and oftu of tho finest larros ill Mussnoiiiisets. Uogdl Advertising Will lxtun-tle.1 III IBs iolMkiiig Sheriff •wliw. I»**r wFinhi.. Shortfi*M mortgitge solus, i ilirotion ft« lettuta of*anuiu«r<u;wn w «■■■ iliontion for lettef* of gtttittUnuhip^ 4W ainUfm from ariniittiiittHtiijp ••••'*•• ° ™ All bills for OtlVurtUlug in tWe p«i)ir ore due on tho first anpearnnee of the advrrntt> mont, Will bo presented whW tho . NWtief H ’ed. ; ,v . w ~BUTm~ x FEMALE COLLEGE11 tflrai r P‘ HE SpIttNQ Sewi-moftki* InOsOoV 1 will open Monday, January 18th Reduced Rourd atid Reddded Tttitibu Mi OffeTMlOtlliO .FOLLOWING LOW RATES. Board, Fuel abfi LicLtfi inolodfd, per msutM* Tuition iu Priranr^ Department. • '* Accadwnic, •• •* •• Collegu OliiaitW. •' Drawing tmd Fainting, •* " .dollar'I ever had, hoW.;-I- wish I Son of God, and rejoice that-, by j could save ifS, It is only twonty- His power, she might at lust oofnoj five miles to Boston,, j can walk to be “lill .glorious’' and heaulilu) i there in a day. I’ll do it'atu) save witliin. She would open wide the! „,y dollar.'* chambers ol'liereunl tolliu luy^-plj mothcr patcl)e4 op h , K tlie Sun ot ItighteoilMiess—she | ,, . , would daily seek to he baptised ' co " ' - **f in tlie Siin ilelestial wisdom. ^ " hX “ W thu %f Around HH neck was clasp- \ »«• hu, parents at the eda loeket, with which she was j' u{i] ' v " , , m '“ be homc - “ , 1 ld nncunsuiotisly toying. Sudani a » et bi ? 1 t,Mi bnghtlight overspread her fhcc ,; «Hy, which ho rsuched tirertnd a e^nl, springing up, she ran to the i •luat-j* u little before sunset. He &«>«*»tymir W »ri>J»jfrtwhyjB0fW&«»d»hp»OT0h»BLwbt»sI«r»* Wtttti One Way , tw ttu-ry utt Glrti. “Brown, I dvm’t know how it is that your girls ail marry -off as soon as they get old enough, while none of mine cun marry)” “Oh, that’s simple uuongli, marry my gais'off ou the bnek- wlteef airaw. principle." “But'wliut' is that principle? I never heard of it before.”' . “Well, I used to raise a good deal ui buckwheat and it pimslod mu to know how to get rid of the straw. Nothing would eat it, and it wus a great bother to me. At Ipst I thought of a plan. I stack ed my buckwheat nicely and built a high rail fence around it. My cattio, of conrso, concluded that it wassomthing good, and at oneb tore down the fence and begun to eat tho straw. I dogged them away and Juit up tlie fence a few times, but more 1 drove them away tho mo;e.anxious they became to eat tho straw, and eat it they dirt, every bit of it. As I said I marry my girls off on the same principle. Whon a young man 1 don’t like begins calling on my girls I en courage him in evory wuy 1 can I tell him to come often aud stay as late as he pleases, and I take pains to hint to the girls thut 1 think they’d better sot their caps for Win. It works first rate. He don’t make many calls, fbr the girls treat him tot coolly, as- they can, {tut wiien. a young’ fel low that I like comes around, a man that I think would suit me for u son-in-law, 1 don't let, him mabo many calls before I give him to understand that. h» isn’t wanted around my house. 'I tell the girls, too, that they should not havo anything to do with him, and give them orders/ never to speak to him again. The plan ul* way works first rate. The young folks begin to pity each other, and the nekt thing I. lcuow they aro ongaged to ' be married. When I we they are determined lo marry 1 ulways give it tip and make the best of it.” Ko mnu can inskun rioht oil a wrono any more than hu paint a pulen of cork sof iik stone that it will (linl^to^tjie i tom when it is thrown 7 into -1 i Se .it) to #2.00 *3.00 - #§ ■ Ml 'tt I6.1M Frelicli nnd German each, $1:00 ExtrA ludduntiit £xpuu?i«. p*r .Wlon, 75 ElumunUr; PriuciplpB Of Dfowibg teth, X rednulion of tub pen* cant bill b? Utlnwe^ for nil payment* ic mvbuog. Where not p*i«l ' adronca nil nccouuia will b» romnUy ut. the axpixution of each aud .yinwit expected. In addition to tho present facility atom}** ,_nt teacher in French, Drawing, P.iintinjf and Whx Wofk, and alw no oMtatMit (a U4 Frimary Dfipartwebt, bus been amplipyed. The Facility for the ensuing y(ar, will faf Sok^vethlaff Raw*.. AGfElfTS 'SC-AC3 , 'rE»| DiDEN PnOMPlO fLOWER OOR!f. rv Tbie com cxocIh ant other for br**ad and w the Uat for htooh. It ripena aix week* mrliuf than any other kind, and grow* from 6 to U eua on a atnllc. The Important points We claim for tbiert new wriety of enm aro ihcoe; ‘ Ona thin corn iK-am Iron 6 to 14 eara; with two atalka mxkra from 10 to 9 Pi^dticjngfrtiitl _oii9 anio of ground Ioor.fivi»tot tui many bURheU on the end (with *'• -•* r th tho oouto culture »«iLt. vamtrjon-, . J. ThseorafslueViorlu w.l-hl, h«, so Isrgo sn oar, thinnerLuA. ana suits. g- , com mul, for foml'j ««, owwitw nnd mox< . I rUlauc, snd vsluaUo for fooding oUo-V. , I That u will grow and product: a proSM- , I orop on gruundv boro other oorn will no* I Crow to taulurity, 4. It riprui .arli.r and to not liable to ba or.aght by front, f. The grains are large, pitta and white, and an on fen ,i s;^T.i l,to i 00 ' J,, ” he,s,o,,, • . A fine quality of Four can be nirtdotrom its . Wliun ground it produeea a flour aualngoue lioth in appearance and taut# to floor i from the best white wheat* Even mi to would fall todUtingntab between bread i_„ from tbe two* Th» ooru ahellutl wetgbe i 1(m to the bushel--which fa 5 llw i any other quality. fbioeb by Mail fo&tv un ; MRark ..$1,001 6 fcaehf...... •*...* 960j 10. sob sack contain* I.toffetMdd i iple stalks frith the eam or ihet.. to Agents* Wjrite for Testimonial! is to Agents# : Bewrra of swindler else lias the genuine seed except ii le parties Sdvei^lidiig tisfa con iug to fiend a talks, when yod e/rdei write you that their stalks afo all membtr Agents get a good com write foi terms at one a before!: your county is giyen to some hi Addrctw* W. S, T • Uleu-lulffl, Administratrix i’aTuia ix r lltl'U tbr - - t tie -old V L >^3