The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, March 13, 1877, Image 1

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[froiif.lhollow York Observer. CHARLIE SNOW. ART pAlL'ER If. •latilTill. KO. 13. OOtTON • i Hit! tnteVd ffllftta • pmni. b in ro amt trm tfcfM tem tf charge, bog* j giro li*t*31M irw nf f.hiitr«. : n*n? lu rrwmpm • M.jma^GkA.i Ml BftTiHtrsiuasr u ,w*3 •Uiotly to FIRSTOLlbS PHOTCOIUPHY » -.rfwW *.-v If •/< Old' defied picture of every kind, taSafft- •d to lltt.glM aud colored truo to nattir* - it ie panted, nrftj or ink. a.itis&ctiou gnarnn* te?d in every Instaoc. LAEI'EH house, B. DUB, Proprietor.* musm<L^. ,ThT 70C$/ThnpnxtjriMi.mii'h : every novtkAittt^con^lBMeWwiltwfhmndarton He.I- wpflVrt Toe location to A d Jiru 4muUmh per*’ -Umr 1MPR0VE0 PlSlTtRS, tt.jU rr.r.T l.dv iwmls.. Ibmi by-wail, ro rerrul-vi MlM, iiltlAf i broil-fa C junhr Add!.,,. N.X. TKB.UI.E MT't»., CO. 0* Cottliaa. ShSe N««r York.' TL BKIDOKS. SMITH'S i’Al’ER. r..- •*;. 5 r*-• -JPOXl . vPjh - •; n ; '*•--f* A'.vie'AB. 1; $10.00 MAdt-rt Uhr.’eoitrprM f*U?noji vmV M Ul ,ttVf d.'a-^zu M: LoutMt«J.^ .ywnviil vxiViiUl .vie!*/»’* ’ Jliovtfc ti t. iizid**: uflw hus. »ud JUufctfflP ... unmt«li«'vm» lowu —c u lib^Al o>itnu»ii«iuu rfr» to*£<I **i tDwtfldflfc; I •'>! L “•i* 1 '*** - 5* i# 1 - -.mttfld >t.rT x - (HM KSlt?H‘ lAtSit,- r ‘i' : a L’ir : iffleclB-b 'Miveevr, bVfy* end •vwcbtmme.'w *• 444*9 imknt i eiU* _ th* epoiept, qaiokeet and cli«ip*at : j ■ »*h WO page*; with’ijLlf pirn I <**?«*»** •51W*. - «J5*3 ‘Cxeeut+r 1 * Sale *»;&£ ___— . Uforelh. JwwO 1 ' j.iLvVr * J -“ ’- "*’ a s£ & •<d wll jNTOMM.. X,. Q c- MtCItAllY, ' l«i«| Kl ,ft HoCr-tyA, *•«. . "Shall t tell you for what l am wishing this Christmas ?” said Charley Snow to Hie mother. ' • .‘‘yes, Charley, ami wo will talk about' it by the firelight,''that will bt pleasant. I sometimes liko to imagine things seem quite impose! l)lo, weneverwiu so poor us we were this wiliter.’’ “Yes, mother, it ie true; wo no longer have any eggs to carry to market; berries are gone lung ago, the cow-gives no milk; wo aro eat ing up our little store ot food very Past; I need a pair of boots to go through the-suow and bring wood to keep us warm. I have thought of all these things over and ovor, yet I am expecting a Christmas present; "flow pleseut it wus when father whh alive: wo had thuudanee ofovrything g od. One Christmas lie brought mu a pair of skate*, an overcoat and oap, and a string ot bolls, when ho came home with a bundle, I was so ea ger to see,the inside^if it that I conld hurdly wait to untie the string. • ■ "I am thinking of a better way. mother;” and the luminous oybs of the hoy gazed dreamily into the glowing fire, ami over his luce ;atherod >lmviy the rapt cxjwjs only.n little while ago tliat 1 team; ed it, :: I the Fort, one Sun day, and.wout in, wiih other peo ple, to-hear a gray-haired- minis ter preach. He hud hson the War, mother, and suffered I have ^ was gone, the-Indians killed his wife and children and burned his lions, and barn. His face wae‘ cruelly scarred,—one long sword cut r-in down the whole of his right cheek, dividing it with a.drSivdfui seam. You have seon sometimes, how, at the oloee oi a wiute^ day <>f jg*WJ ’ -jrj ---■}a:ir i-,-T.--»r*•*•**’• hystorni and tempest; hut, at last,, the peace uud p.‘st of sunset wore , t ;s on it. God’s beautiful image was ;2J tlleie. Ho told us about I ho king- 'dimi .of heaycp; it'mugt he a lovely country, from what tho old - limn so id. Our Fnthor’s Kingdom he called it,—yes; purs, that is what ho said,* Wliy did you never toll mo of it, motlier?, He , of ihi hatter wa' ‘ on earth; dsk Bn'^Jye shall roeivo. Be gontlo, patient; grateful, for giving,'and .good. Know ye not, little children, that it is your Father's good pleasure to give yuii the kingdotii?' “I thought ' that meant mo, for ho wont on to say: ‘There sre treasurer in the hoav- eps I hat open for the asking; the key timt iinlupksjiieni is prayer.’ I said to myteVf: -‘ After tin's, fui bound to pray for the thin arc of no accouut; for such a long time ot happiness is coming by ttud-by., it is go strango you never told me any of these things; a boy with such u Father as that can never feel poor, you 1 know: that would bo impossible. VVe wept when wo beared the preacher his woids were so cheering and kind. After mooting, ho gjwke to me and asked my uiniie. ‘Chur- Jte‘8now,’ I answered. Remem ber the Lord, Charlie; .lie,jouro to have him for your fiiend/"i said i wanted to, but did no| know how. Read your hibie, pray tor wisdom': God's Spirit will enlight en you; bo industrious and obedi ent;' these wore his iiistrnettiniis tome. I am trying cvry duy to (to as the preacher told me. You say I am a better’l>oy thnn I was —more patient and industrious. These lessons have madu me so. The ‘batter Way,’ dour mother, is to do all we can, praying, and trusting in the Lord. “But I have not yet told you for what I nm pfiying. Cntiily and calves 1 like, ot course,—what boy does i o'?—but- I don’t tool !ree lo pray fur them, .1 unioning to he a loan: to fake care of, you:, and 1 must put away childish tilings. I am asking for books; I kp. w you could not lmy” them', i think I shall get them,? too, motlier,’ "I am sure I hope so; since I have heard your story, I almost think you will. But yon said ono thing that loa' unhappy " ibr a moment.^li'iarliii \?|a| ask. 1 ejl’'why Lricvei- toldv'-yoi-vpiy of those things : $tri[ lint teach you to repeat tlio Lord's Bray?—and that-begins with ‘Oui Kpthtr who art. in heaven.’ Dig I not t ach ypu to read tho bihie,’. and give you twenty five cents for learning the Catechism?" “Yes, you did; forgive tint. mpHi'er; Imt it, all seemed; so new nnd As it 1 never hoard itjbefore. V “I liesrd so much religipiis tnf in my childhood, und I,though, the talk did riot harmonizo with tho behavior, that , I was ^rather sot against it Iroui .the time 1 coulci rometnber. We used menec our Sunday oh"SftM'dny evening, and going to ciinfhh and Snnday school and .learning: tho Catechism came ue natural to our family as to breathe fresh airs hut when 1 married your futhniv »nd ail tliinel agilipsl me, I'riuti the Deacon down in the youngest! turned-sgailist my religion."' 1 sec HOW. that it was wrung. ..I-Aght . n ? t ,f i .‘ ii'leid '*b ;Ay-Mcrci jiii; thiulBhec uld Imve puy |f)ousuru r - — R'Ut'fS'oi juy iii- —er’s ooniluot' to' me, 1 I will, do. better^ Olmrlie; 1 will (orgive'aiiid forget, and let tho things that are past disturb my peaco of mind no more. ‘And perhaps Grandfather Gray's heart may soften to us,’ said Chur lie; ‘Btranger things have Imp peued.’ This conversation botwoeuiCimr- lie Snow and Ids mother took' place in tho distant West, in a little ‘! Iiouie qn the frontier of. civilize WHOLE NUMBER 20. ig« 1 triuus, enterprising, of good hab its, nnd siucerely attached to Ma ry. He was proud also, and placed the States and Territories betweeu him nnd the Dccon, Ue purchas ed a farm of government lend, built a email butcorafortuble house a barn, and bought a few cattle, Pud went bravolj to work to over- come the hardships of a pioneer life and lay a substantial founda tion jar future prosperity.! All went well with them for a 'time; hut ezpostnro brought ou.u severe cold; tho cold settled into pbeu- moniit, and this left his lungs wenk; death soqu terminated his early career; and Mary wits left alone with little Ohariio, his fa ther’s uatnosuko. Tile strong anu had failed them,and, as Mary said to Charlie at the beginning of the evening conversation, “We never weso so poor a* we ore this winter. ’ To pu Continued. H'tii WioAurffji it ttt« f'Lt.iiii' < 4 ‘| .fnv «s •SHcna’B uiorlgAg* \i\\ Apj.lii’ttiioa frti toltmofs.’imiiiUtr .tioB J.C4- Applicafiou fur lcllm of ^nnYtilf zjAiif •> (V Dittmissintj ftoia Bduiinit-irAtiba 5 toiunlftrfon fruit, (piardiiuwhi u.G UC For lcttTH to noil land. .4(df. Application to* hoirVetimd • 4'00 Notice to debtor.•> und creditor*,,,». .4 G0 Maleofrcal tttoteby A^rointotwlbw, Mustf t'« and KnurdiariH, pe» 'iqtuttf....... ,;8 W Sul®nf p-riBhablt property, tan riny>...A fit r-sinry notice*, 30 durf. »*b. All billa for adrertirfng in tbie pajuM ara due on iht first appenrance oi the •ueut will bo presented whtr. the mwf ia needed. •* BUTLER FEMALE GOLLLGE JAGS BULLET. need, llesaid otuci- tilings nuiit j Mary'e st,ry hfhlfly told, accompany prayer; that man must\. Sll0 married CharlieSnow again t work earnestly. His ext was, ‘I , l|e wishw of her father; ns he. was reckon- reckon Jlny-m, koow [ ono of tll0WI dioUto| . ia , men who ed through the hibie, but cannot find it yet, , I know it began with those words; its meaning was •ametbmgUike this: ■ U-'rsoUon dial the Biltfeiiogs nf tin's present tiioo law, bo could not easily tiirgivi' You wouldn’t think thoBO rough men had a sentiment in tiieir hearts, but they saw through the eider'* motives in an instant, and tho roughest-man iu the lot stoop ed down and curfuliy rearrauged oiid of the soda. Three weeks nioro went by, and opeeveuing Jack Bullet came into •l ie White's dieam ulivouiid well, lie stood on the little square in the centre ot tho town, and he said not a word till'the wondering nr n hail gathered ttbo'ut him. Thou lie pointed to the grave in the val- lty,'his eyes filled with tears, and he chokingly said: “Boys,! sneaked liaok here this ...orning-to kilhsomc 'Cn#: iif ; 'fb-' venge.but I cum aarosa that—that grave down—down thar, and— and—” Ho held out his bauds to the men, and the tears blinded him so he could not seo a lace. Eldor Graves went down on his knees again, every man with him, and there wore mo. e tears,and a prayer so beautiful,ami tender, ami true, tliat Jack Bullet sobbed like a o.iiid. His heart was broken, and ail the Satan in his nature was driven out in a mom-nt. Joe White’s dream was a min ing camp for'raauy months after tliut, auu Jack Bullet was one oi tho best men in it. The lioad- bourd grew gray as the rain beat down mid the sun shone, uiul the wild rqse-grew until it covered the grave, but uoione disturbed-a god. The grave was a sign—a boutwu- l'ghl,,us it were—apd perhaps mi ners were right when they said ot our town: kVfey’vo lmd'ai^JlJal Up thar, an’ they; a re..1 bodies t oliaps an’ tho liardi st workers on the slope.” “uermnrr omi'm oj row- istfvw wtU ajwu Monday, JTuutury. lttU 1877. FOLIOWINO 10W Mint l>Mrd, Fad and LirLW io.ladsd, per miutb, Tuition in Piim»rj Depurtwcnt, '* Atcartcimc, •» •• " College Classen, •• " Drawing nun Put ting, •* AJttuio wi.h uu« of piano, 120 GO *3 00 *3 00 3100 taw $5 00 MWUO will) uue ox piano, w v „ Freucn and Germuu each, $2.00 .* XJju* Incidental Uapuasen. pvr .'Aj»loo, !lf LtowenUtyPrinciple* ox Drawing frto. A reduction of ten nor cent will b.» allow* for all laiyiuRota ic rtdtriuica Wneie not nuu in advance all aoconum will be i.rwcnutl pwtUbUf tuo wpiruUon of each mi«tb and pttjmont expected. id \Vax Work, and also an uaeiatuut in u,* uuu tuouaa uatuaiAut ia u.» Primary Department, bo* becu employed Too Faculty far ikc ensuing year, will ha composed of nix well qmiififd t^ehrr*. and instruction will ba given la all' bxuecbm tought in any College in the Htuta, For for.hox information apply u* JAKES T. •- 4' ‘ somstbtng ITtw.... GIBITTB WAKrtPEji,' BADEN PnOLIFXC FLOWKR CMS',. TU; com end, in otfanr tor bread ana' I, f '” II s» vmIu nir:«r 4. and uwmm Am..' i! , tb, «#eat tor Mock’. « ulnu NIWDU1 tbanhny oihwkmd, and grow tma. B a. 14 cai, on a ataUa Tbs Important pain's w. data £» ST V“n*ty of aero w, tbo,: "Out.tkir -j ilz i sszR t ™L «• ^ £tu twottulka njikfnfwm JoSo ffi and Hiththa. name enltmo tut the SSLmnu corn. 9. i’ho corn ianeavwr tn waii'lit; h»& ** yug. R n . *?) tbian.i»bu»k, , n< | R,, ka n mo), *w tool y ure, u i Hll oieritifi'H, and vulimbia' fur?t«3ilig < aw«ir acre. i>u inadiair.laudr ...... " 1- w. V‘J» bsinintS;iro« it fU Wliy- Natl A farme’s. wife has the same right to be neat and fashioiiuble ami refined that a woman ia the: city line. Because she lives on; .* '»h)i;''ft'ho reason tliat she «bsd!d nmkaj^'pej-.IVpfflUiUdgi ot herself uml not care lor Iter personal qp- licaionee.- When-you buy a pjeco of ftffmfifte,“gef the latest stylo,! tor you out get it just as . cheap, 1 and it will last just as long as the old style r ef twenty yen's ago. And when you get a dross, al though it bo nothing Imt ealio’o, out it fashionably, but don't trim it, lor it don’t pay to trim a cheap dress —Don’t slip on ft dirty wrap, icr iu the morning nnd twist your mir a knot, nnd kick the dog, and tread on the cal, arid scold your husband, nnd tell your children to keep out of tho wiiy, for you have a big days work to do, and must not hcrhiiidcrod. Don't A dm qinliiy... „„„ Wb«a ground it produdoi a floiii botbiii iippuiraac, ssd rest, tn fteoY^maih' dlall tu dUUpB.uab Nt v ta biW Bw j* -— tha tWo. Tb* corn .belled ---i- rr lus ro tb, buebel -wblctt la 5. iba biv-.r itbon »„jr othw^aolity. -— PRICES BY UAl^rOS.rPll'n.j ««**; *looi e toii-SlV.YU*' .•>**0.1,40 i. : -7v0 ;t^j i,.’ ^ 'xia-ecT Jrolitdoletfbtx. WallfSMSe«BB*ffig!. J»nl:idu1ge;ts. Writefor lernia, to Aguals.. iJewir, ol'- naaida-i haa-ths geuum —, 7 • --•>’ k«i a gmia unumiuiun. nvu vrliirfoi- term, ,1 once belrrs Cu Ai«U or »buf cduuiy 1, ghien w Kim, t-a, ,b,„’. V Alldtc ”. w. g, TIPTON.: ‘ _j . ■ • llOUllK), !«».- ^ People:Want Trek ... fh^i^Xli> U1l%l5Cllltt.T.vit:ah'J.l .l»r ninfil. doit-altth 9 »'yo,i Vill dalggS^KrotSwu^^p^t: Will not cnmrimmolo *',•.•! > a-fl ul.iCh.-te of the Tlitmt .«d t n t.n > , u uuy vvUIK j'Jll qOi-v^.^iUHGUtUe i)iva!i..«ouai».i»pfwir^. - —*■* componeato your . ‘. . ti V* -i*l»xoat aod Lud;* aa, what he termed disobedionco. He fcr your lookiog so dirty and j im-1 Id. bS§«« t s^pSuSldSW!!.^ wae altogctlior mistaken in his o»M lid l r ': •*"“ ««'!» “ '-belpmwi Wfg»B*?HgaP**jw>S'tiiiiliigSir r# fimiw, Tho young man was indue-}Jashionfihle -Mu.- * oaemat ujit. <«a.' T</ li Hold by Dr. Jeba W»'*»' ■mA