The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, March 27, 1877, Image 1

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Advertising Ratsa, . *1 one insertion $1 0&|'ohoh *nl> iwqileiit insertion 50 coats. , V*Oiw .... $100.00 Ouo enlumu. hixuKirflbs. . 60 0C* o*w column, three months . ..35 00 Half column, one year.. B0 00 lixlfcolumn. nixmonths,*..•**.......3000 Half colutuu,>.1iree moiithH. .20 0(1 Quarter column, one year ...........30 00 Quarter ftoluiuu.Kix months 20 0(ji Quarter column, tjijeo iu<mtb»,.yi%f,.180O 6fipolitical chftnfot.r, cf hrfelAVVltrtn tVllvocaey or Seta or tn«, claims ofoapiruuta fur wllico, 16 ceutH par Amiontxj-'rhenl' **f Catidi Juto* S5 0C. MtSCbr.T.ANKO'DS ' ADVERT’. - BLACKSHIRE’S ART J8ALLEB Y. NO. 13. COTTON^AVENUE. MA003>T • . - •* - • Q-A .is, ) i' |’*j4frV JR* Qft'lMM T3t JUrUlLtiHHVl'ir ii dovoUl Atrictly to FIRST OL.lbS ‘THOTCOlUPflV Old cl**faced picturos of evpjry kiml, <nlurg- da to Uii>«ix«»ai»<F »*iio«3 true toualnre m Pasted, am) or Ink. tiatlafuction guaran teed in 9% cry lnstanc. By Wa. S'. 3BHHS, Propr'.otw. : A.NEWSP.U’EIt IiEVOTEP, TO INDUS HIV 4.ST 'Jir.l/ZATIUV (5I BO u Tour. *•-*“'Tfr 1 -"^"777 ! wiioY.tiSii'Miifeitte. VOLUME 1. * THE ! BUrLE.R HERAL9 111)LEU,’ UEOEOIA, UESIUV? 5IAKCU . ,S7U>, jla;7. !ai , r '~. ;■• ;; I, (ec -|i R iiiuii i unU the.eiglituiCTtii *f#>. ®» Aiisusi. . /ruEspiv7»iAitaa-27^,, '.i#77. teiL-ii:-:..".--: ■■,*.r.-~crr7?~TOg^ ■ [From Dow-Yolk'Oui.vvi!/. CHARLIE SNOW. “Mother “[tomorrow tivunty-HyotontH;.'! earn.«il. U of farmer Gibson, Gan you itjiui e mu to go to tpwn this liltm-noop?” “Ytis, Charlie, ami I 4111 go with you. ■ I would tike SiSuyia lew for Christmas." l!uch tlior,” taid.Charlie. Snow, ?row is. Christmas;. I have 29“ Ithings 'bought whatthoy intendodfor the olliur, The village store, ox|iiess iaml fis sure ns I live, Charlie, DeAK. IfKAXOr ATlIBIt AXD.GlliXli MoiiHni GitAY,: ' Tile' .jiltM'paniu' on tho-altcrnnun before Cii’riSijriltH Eve. ’Dow.'very kih/Cypu ari-', £ on|y expected YhcbbpIts'j'fiirilD'ijUil 1 not think/t would get cakes; and daiidies too, beside so nauy beau tiful new clothes, llotlier kissed the chest insiiia and outside, ami cried so much that at fli’lt I •' was 1 frightened, until sho whispered, ‘Happy, happy tears Chav lie; the chest,looks like an old friend that has cptno m awery long ■ journey to see mo.* Tlien shil took tip one of tliu cakes: ‘lly. own* dear mother's cookies and, doughnuts, LANIER HOUSE, B- DUB. Proprietor. XACON-, - - - C3---X- Tbt ttofjjn il mm- nmviitui with »vsry tioc<w«irv oonvuhiohfcu for theaecuiumodatum i.»d comfort of an Mtron*. Tice ioiwthm is d-.virablu Mill couvauUut to the liUhinftM por- W*u of the oily. The Tables lliv* t'n* h-Kt ihn market afford*. Omiii- •1)w to A ir-m depot fmi of charge, haR* gv/a lret* of olu»ri*K t n.o Uur supplier with the biwt wmos and liq\W*rii. SilOULD E v E a V have pne of our . IMPROVED PLAITER s4>iptod to nil kinih of goods, nmi to ull the nitiv-reiit nud Ibsliioimbio htvltis of Pmittuig. Urmplo and rtMjily muimpud, it i« jrwt. the ur tide'ewr.v lady iiettiin. . ■ , . , Mwut Uyimair, postuga paid, ou rKieipt of pri‘w. $2 Ofl. Hfiul lor thrculu- AUdr-as. ,N. Y. HtBiDliB M’FU, CO. til Coitluud* atrtsst. Ntrw Tork. U1UDG15S SMITH'S PAPER $1.00 A YEAS A live. uewuV.paper from the Cupitid, ob it gosjdprwiglml Hkftohes. paragraph's nud mmtious of all kinds JiLsl tliu kiud of a >»p«r co driva awuv blnnxuud give the world » bright and ehcerfnl look. A good agent wautMiu eW;ry town iu.tli^.rSouth,. to >vhom aliboVai ddmmiiwioii will •!)<» paid. ..eur 1 stamp for a Hptditnicu oop.V hr outtkiHa mi tiolinir ami recuivo the paper for one year.. Address, IV.UD3B HUM' F.Vl’rift. , . Atlai.til. Go. 1877 SCBTtAXap 1877 AGENTS ' WANTED! We dmlr to sMara &« sorviow of entr. getin lecliw. men, boysnnj girls.,to ranves f„r tlip PEg Pst Hir -.t-n. » intRO twenty- .igkl colnmn fire-aide pnper, pnbliahcd of Wmiwboro. N. C, ovary Wwlneaday. tie will S? o-wii trr • acryteo?. Tlio g^hi- gou pUCB ia‘ ro JAw that it ia no b-oubio In ml nil» Clan- Sutwcriptiou only One Dnl- jlir. Stnil tor cirouinr. «4 apratmen. rupie» if yon »lah t*‘Iw nn npenk Audrcwi JOHN - T. PATBICK, Wadotbor., X. C. “pjjAlD CaMPOUNO,’’ .;' W. UV« n&Qgalffl ‘hiity»« gunntii <“ lid bn,ken' . -. lit never cun-1 upu r. It.. [Ill ,,,-h on-. eMiMBittf'jaiil ktticii na .ughr and i),ist;ol8cu were all in one room. As/iiey were waiting, the stage catno in—it only cainu twice in a week. There was a chest on the batik of the stage. It touk several men to fasten it on,” said tliu driver. “Oh, Widow Snow, are yon there? The chest is fur you.’ It,can’t.lio tin- me, sir.” Ves, in ileud it is. You can toad for yourself.” Snro eumtgh, her namo Was there, with directions so plain no one cmtld make a mistake. ‘Wlmt shall 1 do with it?” ‘Take'it to my lionso, if yon please; but, I't-ufi’t pay you tb-riky; I have no .money,” ‘‘Pny mo when yon cuti, Mrs. Snow,.” By this time the mail and ex press were ready. The 'express man said, '“.Mrs. Snow, you arc ill luck to.daj; here is a moucy package for you.” “It can't ho for mo, sir.” “Yes, hero is tliu very same direction that were on tiie ohesf.” Sure enough: it seom to gitod to bo'type; but it was. certainly nd dressed to Mrs, Mary Snow, i It was openci) ill order. 1 to' jury ex press charges, and it seemed a great fortune to all the "village. GVery member ol'-the little coiri- niunity sympatiiized licarlily will; Mltry,.and all were agreed in say- ingi-' “The old Deacon lias done thp-rigiit. thjng at last.” Then followed a grave consul tn tion, about wlmt should bo done with the money. Mary’s neiglr bor’S felt as if they each hail a share in her' unexpected prosperi ty. half a women, vv.ith sliawls- pinned on their .heuds catho hirrry'ing in to eongi’atiiiate her: dll-advised that for Hid. pres ent it Avonld be better to leave file -money-in the strong of the expressman; so. sho left-it there; retaijtihg enough' to celebrate the iiappjl'Christmas' here is one of ..mother's otvn fruit cakes.’ No onu can tell how we njoyed our supper, I am siiro tvo never can he any happier in the world titan Vo were that evening Dear gramlinotiier, how could you guess so exactly ' how loll I ’nth? ven tiie hands of the shirt Hi up periec.tiy, mid yiiii can't think iiun nice I look. II it, hi[d not heipi, fdr tlio eht-st I never could have known wliat a nice good gr-iml motlior I- dmve. ■ Jeddy lhp-iiua [tseiLto. say ho’pitliu-.l a bay ifnti ditl not know his own gntndin ith So do I. ill'-yott were here/ perht-psyou would ask'me, ‘Chur- iie, what dm you liko host? and 1 aluiost feel as if I ought t.i In ashamed to say, ‘Ofall the tilings ill the chest I lilto grandihothci- .Gray's cookies tliu best. -But. I hope there is mi harm in a boy’s liking a cookie? .1 work its hard tiro'glory Avhicii shall '1J6' 'rcveiiTcd’ in nilP.’a- \■ t- “Kt.ijit'A^MAatfA'S*.. CUAKUB S.N'OW, Cil.N'CtnOED, Have Your Heart -In the titglit . ,. .... ’ v Place./' _.-. : i •‘One cannot ho pdlitfe and kcll' riiliunci'dd witiiuut lci.ud. fecKifigs and a good heurt. All the itiles lor odiiraetterull the hntid-bodlis and “Uuiitds to SocietyB- in the world are worthless,‘if you linvo' nothing within your soul which toac)uis > yo!i to do ituta others as you wouitl have them do unto yon. Yyu ,m'ay learn to bow and pTiuko liamls according to the best rules of department; you may p/iy calls at- exactly the right time, umlerstmid the corners of your viuting oarils thoui'oghly; but if volt have spilt) in your heart, and envy in yoiti smil, y-ut will never be.H'iily ..iveil-iiiaiiiieredi- | If you uesil'O to lioitsf, to lie enn- spieubus, to monopolise atfontlbii. to hurt the feelings nl iariticem |ii-o|ile, aii-.l to 'sow dissension .be tween friends; 'yovu-Kpnut niiifcq a lady or a eeiitlt-iiian of your.-eifby any niimlicr of airs or-grifcos. Ifylni are kind and goo.'l;' ami .wish people well, ai.l pi-efur to sav [ileasault.lnng-s whou 'yuu can,, y.oit will 1c- polite witliont triune to .bo, anil Only silly people will el'llieiso any hearty fqftti of. wel come, any effort to iriake "t.lieni T as I can when I don't go to school. Icoiiilqrlable, that may occur. I cut all of the wood, mill get up Of ooi.n-se you may 1-ai-n much in the mii iiiiig and make t'm illfo jby bSservatlpu uud by ussociuting for mother. I am trying to lie| "'?Lh cultvated people;nut truo po ll good hoy. This is a/'ram .your •»**>•»«•« «in "ever be learnt by one grateful 1 and loving grandchild, "'lio.-mheart is not in tlio right [ place.- ■ ' Chaiimh Snow. • When the lettqc canio home tot grand Ihtliur Gray, you may lie , sure he was 'a happy mini, lie; read over tiie letters to the neigh- > hors, and seemed Very piotfd his grandson,.- 1 ; • “His name is Uliarlie Snou-,''. said jg riim I tilt lier,“ btt fc lie is a chip uf tho t[Ul block,- and is a Gray, every ot him.” It is not possible for a lady to look morn radiantly proud and happy than grandmother Gray did when,.the D.t'acoii.. read llie. : letter to her. Charlie's apprecia tion ol her cookies weft her heart 'completely and t'oievor.* .Ciiarliu hud not neglected lirst, of all-,, to return, tlmtiks to the Giver of “every good and perfect gift.” , “I know, dear father;’-’ lie said iil’liis childish confidence ttn'-t sim plicity, “that mother and all the •'■Come,ncighb'orSf-all'of you to-;neighbors j>uy it was gi-amlfallior morrow,. and rejoice with me,” and grandmother Gray that scut said Mrs. Snow; “and wo- Will lyieChiistrnas preseiit; hut I kiimv their pray keepi^bf ChVisitmaS tlayns we used who put that tliottglit inlp to ih^ilcasaht New England'.:'’’ ’/,;'; liqjrts. Forgive my, sins I Thb nei^hbnj-s^cyeryvqnooftltpjr).', fl'lieo. 1 cannot always remombe I ofay Tine and Thou, and I nqt pra.v very .well yet; but tlyi accepteds Mary’s 'invitation, '-iand it is safe do: suv - thatjnpsQh'risttlias gift over niiide a scorq t)f'p.ed|tle more completely liappy. Wlien .the oliest was --opened, [very I'eebio. The pioadhof Bays and' Gharlio snw- nll--the-cakes, | Tlibu art. very near to those., wlm candies, skates, bulls anil clothing, i love Thee; I am only a 1 if tie boy, lie said : ‘‘Mother, tho Lord,-has j hut I love Time very much. Don A I’lienose. Every little child, ns soon as i Is .old enough to peep down thio'igh the shadows of life, oiigiit’ *[! in fonii a, purpose. Tiie child iinisl resolve to ho a great..preach er. This is a noble calling. An angel iyould gladly expend;a!l ills' mighty energies in spoil a work. Or lie must detormiue to be ii physciiin. The art of hejiiirig.thc aielt is.a blessud ouo. If neither of the professions Knits the ohild, then liu may resolve to be a cap tain, a wide sUtetmuuj a great aittilnir, a. rich .merchant.;, or what is better still, a iiqbld.lhijiVei-,' btt.f lid sliimld make iip iiis niind to be somelliing mid somebody in the world. Tliu .reason why the world is tilled with dwarts -is be cause ineu have not been cast in tlio mould of a great purpose. Tiie liny who lias no purpose; auil who is tliiilled witli tin lofty iisjii- ratioii,-willnever climb high to ward tty.-stars. Others will walk 'right over Ids head, and jjjt&S iimpfl hi? 1 ] glory. A great and noble [im pose ought to ho [danted in (lie.lie.ii't of every child. And jilftfucli'er says Hint the Lord he;ii..i 1 this.iluniW he done in the case of trail understands words that are | tlm git I well as with the boy. Great purposes alone will fill, the woil.I with great women.—[Kind Words. -;.t added all those things; I only ask ed him for tho books.’-’ A few duys after Christmas, Mary said to hoY son: “We must i^ity a letter to fnthor and motli- erj-thanking them.for 'their, grunt kindness to us.” , ! Charlie wroto hie letter. I’TOiap's :y.ou-.woul,(tHV'ft,-t6 .road it? forget mo, dcar : Lord. There are : A lather t'e.-ii ing an earth ([itaku so many hoys in the world, tlnit !tjm regions' id' his homo, snnt sometimes X am tiliuid you wil tor-; Ins HyeJmys to n tli^anf trii,nil's get your little Oliiirlie Snew.'[ j until tiie peri! should he over. A - 1 few wn ks afiei, Hie i'atluif recjved l j tji'ls let ter from ids friend: ■'‘/’lease fake..your 4 hjiy#;Ji ®id and send After long and putn-ut rev liu. CJiarlie (bund Ids i ext. ’ It ism must always bu liiA ■iaviirilp Win^ t Ilo found it' iu tlio oightli Ohap-|dpwn ihe caftlr ■Itiukcl' ’ WH|- i at ths* * folionitig bt.iilVs.tles, jitr $3 SO Sb» rifl’n racrlK"^ *mitH . .. .. * C/J Apj'Iinitioii (nt leitO’N ofadtmribilr.ition A M) ApjlUcaHou for h»Hf tn of timmVui uldp. 4 W> UiMiiiusinu Vmib itriruinMntioD .. •.. ft «iO I’ismiRsiou frwjr. spiardiaurtLip OHO lor lenvi* tn hell land 4 lift Application tor horr.rnt<yid .4 W) Noticivto debtors nud creditor* ’. 4 <*0 lo of real nstntr: by ridintnlMiutott., Hvri* rs and fiunrdiur.K, persqunro'. s fn» &,tiaof psrLkLnbid }ir«/pvity, irtubiyrf.* ..*;W r.fv*r;iy tiptlOvv,_ dO tl.«vr. .... * r All If.lli fur'anTGrtirintfin tbit ifre d:\fc-oir jh* fir.’n-nfiptDfanWolTfic' infr^tira. when’ tho* fororfey ’1a« * f2 C3q ‘ FEMALE COLLEGE atALB mrSTIT-GTT-BS HE STBINQ Scs-fnf ntt will opuu iloiuluyy" Jon 1 mXnstntk** iary FOUOWtWQ LOW RATS. 510 no 52.C.0 ►3 in) $6 00 , But* Wailifili.; <*rj Department, Atcrtdtmjn 1 , •• •* . '. • Colk'Ke OlittaoM, “ “ l)mwlnj< tin«t Pui'dt&g, “ *•' U«h(c npft nf.pVabo, . '* Frcnrii unit Gittattn taicb, $1.00 lncnlvuttd Kxjiuii'Ds, pt-r .*A*4don, 76 Dlcmoiitnij I'l.DcIplfHOt DnwiiiR Crre. A ru'ImjLibn d/ (en per cunt wilt Ik* jUI»awl*j1 * .iil.payxmuijt(1t iuixance.' Where nnt pul si advance nil'iipcomim will by pweutul. jit^rnDtlv at mowpirutiou cf inch lunutU and i.iytucTit expected. I11 addition to Urn picsent faculty newupt* .tout in Frencli, Drawing, l\untfnjf mi .Wax work, and also da aHHlntant in U**» atbn try DejurtApsut, hiw been cm ploy oil Tift* Fhcdl'>' lid tlu <;U>*lllD« j«s»r. will U couipns|tl.fei *iix wvll -qaalifird rachc^.. nnii m&triiction will • bo,eivun in all bruuebea- aiitfliVlu nu\ , 'troil‘.'(;(t'iu tlie Siatt'?. For furiiioHufonuation applj to JAMES T. WHITE. Dee. 22-lm. Fxeaidunt. somethin.^ 2-Tw™. O a ITT© WANTED, BADEN PBOLIFIO FLOWF.R COHN.— Ids c >rn vxculs am other lor bread nud is he icbt for stonk. It ripins hix week* curlitr U iu auy oibur kind, ttud pro's;) iron. U t«» 11 ciiis on u htalk. The important points wo claim fur this n**\V tiitiety ol‘emu arc these ; “Uuc stalk ot this coru-bears drum G to M cars/ onu hill with uvo htala* pukr.s from 10 tu 25 earn— jirDdiicing from one tv.u ol ground tbrcu or - im®il lomuton “ a. 2. I ho cor^i isiieavnr ju w*.-i;;hr, h^t Idfcgo uu car, thiniar huhk, and makes ‘•t»ru iihsd, f.»r tuni'.v use, awci'rcr und iu«tr« ntfrltiotw, and Valuable Ibr fuedme Mot •. 3. Tliftt it will grow and produce iv ptmil'a- - * lilo atop on ground v lure oiJicr corn \v 11 o».t grow .ty.uuiuriiy. 4 Xm>ui earlier ami’ * ‘ w .not liable. lu be c:.ught by • lroat. 5. The • - arc large, ptiro »;ud while, uud «u otv ilinar.v yiul'd f» j<nin SO to 1UU bushels to the ' iuDmpKf. land.. A pe anility I.f Four, cun l>cmudu irom it ‘ ■” hcn'groOiid ft pn/dlio.* A;da^,ua- buth lu > appaar.iccc-utul toalc to floor w. «'4 ' fromdhc best,white whi«U. £v«u an .-pionr# ’ • wuuUltoU tTMUhtiug'UsU betutcu bread njudy .... from tfc^.twn,.-The corn uhcllod weight* . FHICES BY HAIL POSTPAID, 12Sa‘’.k,, M ...Sl.OO I .0 tinckH S 180 ,....2 cu j iu ••. ;.;.7u0> F-nch 8K0*c 'noolAlas 1,000 somj'd grains * SampJ(? tifiUke with. Uicei.ra or theiu W eltt ^ t0 /Jkb“ts, Write for ,'f km-ximokiacs \i|th - ^fns^ AgeuK ll^iro of htviudlvivij*"S - J)D0 uiKOthUnthc RMiuiuo Seed except uirjcU* Homo parties advertising tins onrij and <i|T, r . iog hJKnd t.tulks, uh,-p you ordcr.tbwh thee write you that their utalkn arc i*ll yoi '** 7 -. . - „.... -oorl commissit wntofoi.tcrtunatoni your C(*uuty is given . . . Wponf.Ttt- !^ h , r ' ARrD,ft commission, n , t ,t t before the• Agent y ot 2 w '»mci p»ir risv W. S. TIPTON. ' -Clurelnutl, Tean. Administratrix. Notido. liROtiittA -Viuee Oiuiirx :*'' : ’ ''.Ik'f'iM f/M . Slhfii,' Adminfa-' • »i» Lm tutu WamKiartiUa’d <£,& ,•’** ')?«•, am.!mSio. ™ B '