The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, April 03, 1877, Image 2

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V) Written h>r tlio tl| touacco. BV ‘<GwSXnv(iN.'’ Thb Introduction of tobacco Into tho Kaatcrn hentliphero in oxooodingly doubtful o> to Its date and orogio. In U9i Columbui discovered tho people of Cuba, Inhaling the vapors of tho plants for which that Island la still Justly celebrated. In 1659 it svaa im ported Into 8pa!u and Portugal by Hernandez Iolcdo. In 1680 Joan Nloot, embassador In Portugal of Francis tho First, of France In intro duced'It Into his native country, and presenting it to the Queen. Cilherlne De Medici, it received the name of the donor, which is still associated with Itemodtclnal qualities. From France tobacco was carried into Italy. The first record of the practico of smelting In England, Is in 1688. Two names Drake and Raleigh are put forward at Its founders. The latter is most associated with it and with superior claims. But allowing Baleigh to have been the first to en courage the use of tobacco In England, it is doubtful he can have been the drat Englishman who amokod in En gland, as it teems Impossible that the prentice should have been unknown, when it had existed in Franco and Spain twenty-elx years previously. In 1616, the fields, gardens and oven the pnhlio squares of Jamestown, were planted with It, nnd It becamo not only thcstapla but tho currency of Virginia. Such has boon generally considered tho early history of tho prootlco of Smoking. But many writers have been found to dlspnto tho theory,and claim that tobacco was s native of Europe, and was found there long beforo the discovory of America. King James the First, of England, who In 1616, published his "Couater-blaslc,” also inclines to thla belief, declaring It to bo "a common herb, which under difi'erent names, grows almost ovorywhere.” Others have restored it toAnerlca.but bcllcv- eflthat the winds had horns the seed to Europe, prior to tho discovery of the new world. TThlleso ranchJias been written to prove.the old world to bo Indebted to ' the new, for the practico of smoking, there are many reasons for believing it to bare been known at a much ear lier porlodto tho Chinese, to the Per sians and to the people of other Eas tern countries. In China, tho consumption of tobac co is enormous, and the custom of great antiquity. The Chlnose tobacco plant is said to grow wild In India, and to bo quite different from the American species.' Moyen, informs us that on very old sculptures, In Chi na, ho has observed tobacco-pipes of tho form, still (n use. JValpolo speaks of an old Arsbio manuscript at Hosnl, in which the author declares tlmtNIm- rod was a smoker. The Mahomedan legend on tho ori gin of tobacco Is, that a viper was re stored to health byjthe warmth of the prophets body, nud Immediately an nounced bis lntontion of biting his preserver. The prophet objected but the viper carried out Ills original de sign. The prophot sucked tho poison from Ills wounded limb and spat it forth. “From these drops sprang tint wondrous weed which has the bit terness of the serpent’s tooth, quelled by tho swoot saliva of the prophet,” Bnt whatever the origin of tobacco, no plant has axerclscd so much politi cal influence. The Fopo Urban VIII •xcotomnnicatod all those who took annff in churches. The Empress Eliz abeth, less Bevere, decreed that tho •nufl'boxes of those who made usoof them in church, should bo confiscated to the usoof the beadle. AtBcrno,tko use of tobacco wae classified with ai- utery. In Transyvania, tho penalty was fhr greater; In 1639 entire con fiscation of property was the sentence 'of those who should plant tobacco, while consumers wero condemned to fines, varying In amounts, from one to two hundred dollars If reduced to United States currenoy. Tho Grand Duke of Muscovy, uuder the penalty of the nose being cut off, forbade smoking and snnff-taklng. In 1665, the Sultan Ibrahim, pnnlsbod smokers with decapitation. Amurath hung persons guilty of smoking,with their pipes through their noses,and a tobac co pouch hanging around their necks To ur. Connwan. Wanted-A Volley. Wjumixorox, 1), Oakland) 33rd. H77. Are wo to loot# a “policy 7" Thu fir,, official act ol Ur. Hayes, \nu taken, howour tt may have 'wn made a , a dtllburute turn, log of the cold should irou Ihestoek politi cians of the Republican party. In Ills Cab inet were thnao Orttly >ueu of Rend, only nuerodtoalreiinblieen;it was made up, or! supposed to be. of conservative men. View,! In the light of the loiter |f nceeplm ce. strenghfeued by tho IiiAUgurni, tin Cabinet seemed to tud'eate a disp,-*iiio.i «t. the put of tbo iv.-tuy Traiilo-i in tin, chi policy independent el' the avc-ugu p,un politician. It was fuir In s* pnose lb .fete of fouth Car. 1 un inn and Louisiana, King tbo o.ien in siih-i. a republican form of goreruneut it'iren. axiet, would reedve airly nllcutinu. and Unit some assurance would be given to their peo ple that ut least, the federal power veil'd no longer interfere between tleiu, nnd pence ami good order and home government they de- tiro. Bnt np to tale time we find no decisive step taken, and no nseumnee given to on. side that is not offset by n premise lo the other. The truth stetm to be that Hay« bad no clear ideas of his own et first, nnd he, none now, nnd that he It afntid both o' trust' ing end offending the two wings of his parly If he does not let thtugs drift for a long time toooueit will apparently be because impe tus it given him that he hue not force euougo to resist. But he con advertise for n policy, soirc- ihiug like this wnv id be neat: WANTED-A POLICY. . Must bo n compromise policy. No bids received from conslitlilfonnl lawyirs. bids will be passed upon by n oouvvutiou of seven persons who have been selected lev ib. purcoee, nnd wb>< were mver known in agree upon anything. Apply wiihln fnm jam. Andress It. B. II, Washington, jj c, At the Cabinet meeting yesterd.i} l we linve O’ ear two a day now) the plan of n Bmuhtiru Commission was dlscnssed and adopted Men me to be eent Foiith to Unit out tin- no inwardness ot nilai-s in Month Cnvo.lnn nnd Louisians. If I romenib-r righiiy li e same Ihing hns been done bsf-rj. nud rolouiiittsh have investigated—''he reports have made and priuted- The one glorious oppor. tenity to use tire knowledge wo ilv.auly have et theeeitites was when the m-lien. of tne adminislmtion voted—eight to esvan—ti »t avo it. Tltc nrw coram.sslon is a fever, nud nothing but a Ctroo. If ll reports In ncaird- once with the idiot wliiob happens to no up. poimoet at the tune in ihe acting Prejidont' head, end nobody else is oy to suggest unnther tde , it may be acted on. Bat why may not tho report be upbore and now, if to report ie the reel object ot the Commission f Ail the facts are heft-, and all lbs leaders can ha bronght hero In t.iry-eight hours Tne npparent object is not the rout object. Wh*l is wonted is to evoke otty feeling that inn; exist for the administration among Ihe op- S reused eud despairing men of tho South. uy display of enthusiasm down there will be promptly rewarded, I doubt not The Democratin mnjorhy in the House, it hi thought, will be but tUrc*. and the Repub licans will probably try to shut the sptnther- ehip. Thry rely upon Democratic dissensions to Be brougnt about hy ndminisinthoii influ. enres. Unless nil signs fit.l; hnw.vrr, the oplit will nut be It, that pirt). “I Moo'd .Inr wtta sutain' hintin',” void the o 1 .r. ti brutinr whose herd wan burned off ut o.ini|i-in«,!!u» t but I didn't tiuk de Uru was nigh n. ml" ltiisO. NK VV A&VKtt 1'ISF.M ENTS. Yorjr Useful lo Every Ouo. In ii-i othi'r wi) cm u pur on Ret bulk s irg. u (iroili lor it very littlo money,ns tom isml ti in l,uiitiuji wluti t.i a.i», xvluu i fpiSf arm. SAVANNAH, GA Hi li-. ;<• lo it—in mlirr word* Tin ti in The dlflereut e.liUons ol ra* 'Avx .’arSug the next yeur will bo th« h..xul- ut. (Lw.ig tin yea* that Liw just j^td. 'i be (limy . .lit id. will on week Huy* bw a ahcei ol lour t ago-, and on Sundajs m bIu* oi cigh. pag.*, or broad columns wkil* tbe weekly tumun all be a sheet ol elt/bt page* ol ll.e tunic dimen sions and dmruour tlut ore alceuiy liuulim. to onr friend*. The Son will still continue to be the siren uoua advcw\to <»f ve<ono uwi x-treuebmau. ond cf the subititution *>t fitAUnnvmbii., wisdom, nud intefliity for bollcw pretiuee, iiubedbiltiy, nud lmudiu tbundmiuntnuirii ol pnbiie affairs. It wi.T eomenu lor the gov ernment of iho people by the people nnd loi tbe people, as opposed to govtrmmut by frouds in the bullobbox and ru :be c-.uuui g of votes, cnforsed by taUilary violence, li will eudeavt.r to « .t« readtre- a body now not far from a miiliounf koiUk—with tbe moit carefbl, complete, and tins.worthy ac count of carront events, aud ail* emp oy J.-r this purpose a nanurous niul oar. fully kdect- ed stair of reporters and •.'orrespou'.le.itf. It* reports from W.ishinglou, e*p*ci*Ilv, will I e full, accurute, andfcA*lc£8; aud it vlli iloebt- le« coniiuue to deserve uud cinoy the h-nreu of those who thrive by plundering tho ‘i 10. s- uryerby usirplug wbstthe hr/dooi not glvw thorn, while it will endeavor tn uisrit the exmfldeucoof ihe publiu by deicudo'g tbe rights of tbo penplu ugiilritt the ern'toach- meats or unjnstlflftb o powc-g. Tbe price o.' tbedui.y bDN will bo 63 ccu’h a mouth or S6 hi) a year, post paid, i r ai«b the Sunday edition $f.70 u year. The Sunday edition alone, eight png.-s ot $1.30 a year. Tne wbxxi.y Snx eight pages, of f»3 broad 0 ilu itiis: lu’ •». d ! jmp« ot extra ‘ pro- •.... .. li t If i cwUt a day, »»r U it .• unce a l.r^e.lKMU- . 1 c«i>.. bt'iiiu.', '«»r a l v.l lb77, spltu*’- iiy ll*i'; , M’.li our (J00 line urgiual i. •gmvingt and oier a Xa'UNtud Coin inns «i tlis vir^ t'cet, pla.n, practical uuMwcrfhy i.formuii.'ii alanit llic t dav in-door «nd it- Uo.’i uorkaiid com. foil of ev. ry home, I n Cmiutry. M ingo aud City. Thu inloi-l •n .’iou is not j.rrpmvd by lnero ctribbltrs, but by a istrfe torce • f intelligent working men aud wumen. wh. kuow wbxt they write itKHtt, they nr.» «»»:».• ed by many inhere, aim iuruish imorniadou lum their o«n practice and obaervation. Snuh a Jonriml is ihe Amriiioik Aontcoi/ruoxsT, so named bo- cause started 35 years ago as a rural jot rual, but since greatly nbulged and improved to unit the da Jy (‘uatu cl ever* mnn,* woman, and child in City. Country aud V.llage—for the Farmer ami Unritcner, the Merchant and MeoUiuio, t* e Prolersionnl Man—indecd. all olitsies. it is packed tail of useful iclorma ion thxl ev. ry one ought to have. Many angle hum aud suggestion* w.ll repay nrorv ibetu a whole year'll coat of the paper. Its ..rigiual engraved plans for buiidingn nnd nnprovmeuiH. with detnils of cost, etc., nnd common-jense dircotinnH, are wir>ti far tbou a n ajnriiy ol the ct ally wo ks on trehi- lecture. Great cure is exercised to 1 ave eveiy line in ihe paper reliable. Its const«ut, per- Riwrai.t, and f-ill txprsnroof a nmltitude of Humbugs andsaiudleH, are wor*h tur more tlsu its cost, and have saved lo It* readers aud to tbe c» m.try adlib u- of dollura that v-oubl have gone ic o the bunds of shurpere. The lJuputtim utB of HonMekue^re nnd ibil- Jreu uro v. ry useiul an-1 eutcituimug. In t short. th* Ameiucan Aouicultup.u.t is full of good tUngs, nod ought to bo in every h«insj in Hie land. The cneulation is so 1 urge \Xu \ tin* 1’nbli .here nvb s**pv*‘.y it nt n •It*above ‘in co>t nf tbe rrlntins i«\pci— :• r • J ti’.' i war.R'tit no-t-p.- i«l: or four copies ,'j 1J ’L. Ut* our adviue aud s i.J your rub- ccnpi on. »ov 1877 . Vol. 33 to OiuKar eluou Oiut*AiY. 215 Hroadway. New York. You .wii, ti id it to ..ty, and jwy well. FITS OJi EPILEPSY! A NY i.tts^n fll'cted with Ibe above c»r- -use ib r. quested to seud their .-.udrws to Mth & Kobbini, and a trial bor of Ur. Goul- ard’n iu/tdl'hle FUI’uwdetR Mill be koui t them, by majt pent paid., These Pow der* have been tested by h.iudreuds ol casts- iti tbe Old World, and a perumneut cure bus buca the roHnlt in every instance. Sjaffcr-r-. from th.R disease nbould give those powders «u (Wily trial, as its cntalive powers are won- ^erfni many ptivtnus having been op red by a trial box alone. Price for large box, by mail, post piirt to « nv p .rt r f the Uuito.t State* or C'unada, $3 0U Address, OAK & BOBBINS. / 360 Fulton Stjukt, Brooklyn, N. Y. CONSUMPTION! A trim Jinx of J r lu’.tbraUd Cousunijiti ui l'owij-iN Adi me b; u.nil past pub 1 , to way iu.»cr«r lr»*»n th» abovu 1(mhi. Tins it# tin* (»ii ,\ pripanoioi. 'tunau tocurr or b uelit that u suht-. Price or large bov, #;J. fl». Ur, l> KBB.M5, :;U0 ic .. .. i iukui, N. Y. T he political oaupaion of mt. which inolndcn National, .State and county elections, nud which -wilt undoubted ly be the most active aud hotly contested of any since the memotablo canvass of 1860, it now fairly opened. The National Democrat ic Tarty will this year make a bold, vigor ous. and doubtless successful moggie forth* uiuintf nance nnd supremacy of those princi ples which nro vital to tho prosperity of ths Republic and essential lo the well-being of tbe pcuplo. In addition to the Presidential election, the people in Go^rgia and Florida will elect new Stato governments. In Florida the cam paign promises in b» unusually vigorous, ana there i* a probability that lor the first time rImco the war the people of that Bad!- ual-ridileu State will elect s Democratic Btatt Government. In tbcoc campaigns the peo ple of tho South are deeply interested; and every Intelligent cltixcn, who has tlio welfare of his couutrynnd In* section at heart, should ncquiUnt hinnvelf with every delta}) of tbl great work or redemption and reform that !i row going On. To this aud ho alioald subscribe to and _ *ist in circulating tbe Suvunnnh MOrtltng .VetYB, an indi'pcndcnt Democn.tio news- pai cr. *f piononnced opinion* and fearless tn tlioir expressior; a paper that is recoguir- t*d everywhere as tbe best daily in th« Vouth Iw editorial departmrnt ii'-igcrous, thought- till nnd consistent, while it* ntw* and local tleparuneniH uro marvels ofindnstry and com- ^JetUAK*. Itu departmeut of Georgia and florid* affairs is not confined to u mere bar- roij snmm.iry ol eve nt* transpiring in those ^talo>-. but is oi liveued by comment at once apt, *iiin*ly, and racy. The ample KMtiurcea of tho rstaWiahmon vill bj devoted to fainishiug tb» tbo 3s^T O TI XsT X 3NT G- 3STS Wta Daily, lyenr...,- $10Oo 6 mnut'u* 6 0U 11 3 mouth* y 60 Tri-Weekly, 1 year r» 0C “ fi month* 3 00 <( 3 mouth*..., ISO Weekly, 1 y<wr * 9 On “ 0 muutls . 100 “ 3 month* 60 Specimen copio* sent jree on recc^n of fict# jiflrMoney enn lx*fun by Post Office Or- let, lUgi*tered Letter, or Lxpruu at otu •i*k. THa TtOUM SEWING MACHINE, WAS AWARDED TU FIRST PREMIUM At the Centennial Exhibition, 1171,' 0-4 h— klwaji carried off |h- htgkwt he-. •ta vhmTer txklbtteA Compact, Slm/lf, Mr k, lat.Bunning awl XflU deal Lock SUM," ADAPTED TO TCI WANTS OF EIESV- S0DT. X- Bern- Cm«M WEwl»a lB»haUeallj, th- Kachtat to (ha Fa-pla. koi Kin run; Bead fa,frio*oafiaoa,tea* -eekhw- en th. Hexa, -r f«U at ax, of atr OBm* JOHNSOH, OARK A CD. HDnttaSqam, I, l >1 Seat), Fifth Stiaat, 8t Dtmia. Ha. 881 Waihlnttn JltMt, torioa, Xml lit State Bum, outage, nil.-,, li»| Seeend Atcxio, Riuhnrf, Fa.. 17 *•* Mntt'mujBtn*,** fMk . California, KiitnbllHhnd 1800, 8ILM0RE & CO., Attorneys nt Law, liiccoiwiiM lo Clilimmu, Ilosiner ft C*q 629 F Street, "Washington, D. O. American and Frreign Patents. KOI! A VKAft, ’.€88 Thstn 4 Cents a Week. M,tK3 IIojib Athmctivb by In- nraxa THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Which for more limn 55 Years’" 1ms been the Best Story, tiki it'll ai d Family Paper. - me weekly mjn eiglii pages ot f»J broad I columns, will taf irniiou.-d ic.77 ,ti ii,c! rate of $1 a year pn b t paid The beiutit ol ibis large ridiictioy Ir :n j tho provion* late* of the Weekly c.ui b f i n.; ioycdbyiudliidual aubscribei a without tlu-t necesdty of miking up dub*. At the stum j time, if un> of onr Iriund* oiino&c to aid »• * oTtendicg oar uircnl.uion, we Mm.l be irrau*. | fill to them, ann every snob pereou wt,o rt.-uds j as ten or more such bubit-uigere from otu- place will be entitled \o one copy ot the pa per for himself t,i»hor». cuarje. At one dol lar a year postage paid, tbo vxpvnfces of the t*apei ana priming are bnr»ly repaid: and cooddering the size of tho (hoot and Ihe qnuhty of il* coumulB. we are confident ihi. people will consider T,va Wuekly Svv the cheapcHt noYVBpaptr pnblivhfd in the world, n td be ttnsl aho one of. the beat. Addreea, . TUB BTJN New Ytok City, N-Y, kiM« 1 nil • -vet «be U:.itcd S aUs It W publ hl’t.d v,m U!y, :. itiii.s eight large page*. I’ri.iici • • .• nl i fi led with tbi* V,i:. M • .w- n - bv the l>CRt S pure II Tbe - hole ! Vut.lig. I* uh.o ctmtuiu* Him r'.ttvl aw? Biographi cal iinicl*-; >cicvtiilie*; . A gi»oullnriitt and II ms. lull I I>-|MvtnnM»s: I'sshion Artitl**' U'eJ-ly, fre-It and ntioxceHid; Ui.iuiaoiiR noirr; Lttcury I:- vu-\. -.; N..w ltoy* Girin’ Colunms- and strong n»rt Rparltlmg li iUnriel* e c . etc. In ju-i -uch »v paper a* emy body love* to vc,.d, aud tint price- is only. $2.00 A YEAE. Sacpl* copy coutatniug dub rate* «tc., ccut on ivcipt of a tt cout * iant;. Addrtm UlfiMNBil FLITCH. •267 tiaucou Etrcut, Xtiiiladvlpnaa* I’u. hat Inti-. Sjx'Hal nmmUuii tflvcn to Iniurferencii Otwvh Itefori* I lie Patent Olllco Uxteiislon* Inn- irre-fi. Infriiisri'inuiii Stilis lu ill(T«rciit • uppemiaing u> luvru- OF' M X T V I *' ('ll KS* TiK * ,> K0,t >,A,n ' lll ' KT United States Courts nnd Departments. pro-iHiiiled Supreme Cfcmri of ttia tjulieii Niii"--. t .OIII'I «,f I MiilniM. Coiiri Ol tJummls- sloner* cf A 1.11(1111111 ijIiiImh, Sum hern Oklms !i!h Ksw mTv "jl' 1 uf war claims h-fvre Arrears of Pay nnd Bounty, OrnrxiM. >,,,,1 Saimuih ,.f il,- Inle wnr. oi ilieir lo-lre, nro in ninny cones eutltlifd to money Iroui ihet lmenmieui, of vvlilcli they have •»'» W'rliH toil III,lory or norvlcij. uud filaie iitnoMiii of |,i,y mul i.uelveil. Km- ply, iiftur vxniiiluailofl, will lie *1 vuu you Pensions. .. yrisn (lllllllll It pension, •Atr.ouR woaniled in wur, however mtny new receive i /nere/uff, Sett * foi'iiUheil free, •lisciMly. *lir pensions Stamp anil li rinimiMii-. peudeil. will In formal 10a a U». As we charge tin fee uiihiev •uccossfiil, stamps Uuitod Slates Geuernl Laud Office. Contested Limit thiees, Prlvnio Laud Chilmi il Iloun-slenilthues, prose- •nud Ollicu and i)vpnre> on tested Limit ttiiee*, V hub Pri-eiiipiliiu mul lloi — *i| hefoie ihii Oeiieml Lni incutof iho li Old Bounty Laud Warrants. Wepny cnvli for ihdiii. Where n»sl«ninenltarc InipertecL we «lvn ticiniuilmu to perfect vh«tu. Mull Contractor* and otbora. We act ns attorney.- for such In procuring con tracts, tnnitln/ colluutionc, iteBotiatuiK loan*, and attendiiur to nil huslnces enntided to us, Llherul iiiTimui’iiieui* niiiduwitlt utuiracysla all clasee* of hu-hu-M. Address G-ILMORE & CO., Y. O. II«X -44. ll'ior/i Inyhtn. It. (I. ’. 1). (L.. I hike pliiuiiru pi ..xpree-n >•1100 lu ihv iFsp.iimUIUh a ‘Uijiuoua OKO. If. It, WHITE,"' UukhI Mcuu/iolihtu L'mnk.) M, 157«. faMioe lu ill* i>ff/i.V.,Mi!.Wtijt VtW, 1*1111*111 mid I’oUeoiton llousv Of Uli.ii *i<Jo, uf ihU city U\t$UUr • tfir. I HE EXCELSIOR LETTER COPPYiNC BOOK. h imlispcueibl.' lo every Mevcbnut, llfiiln. mr.t». Www.av.tev, T nwyev nud (Atry husinew Hum who wrilt* hitr-ts umke* Niatcnicnt* lc. It i* Urn (asieft, qnicke*t and clst.\pc*t wry tfcopyiiiK IdlerHcver invonled. 1'rice ii Ucrvhw 300 pages. wi*U half pinl of tlio lici t mk evir Tfuidi’, SH.uO. ^40-Seud uioacj by ltcgirttcml Letter my risk. CorrcMpCM donee soliclled.’ EABCY, Jn. 9 Howard. ‘Gx. THE LARGEST I THE CHEAP f -ANO- THE BEST MAGAZINE. LEKOilESr ILLUSTD MOITBtT Tn Uk>il Uxoxsnw TonUlex the wewllxle of >11 otkea, taeiid- .ir Home Interim, in ell ita denutnu-te. The beeutie, end nUiitiie er Lttentun, oelqr. SkXehee, fiioriee, Mrude, FlorinH- re, endererj branch of enterielnlng ne4- Jg calceluted to enliven end elenie eoelefr ,nd uekeonihcniee xVinotive, ueiul e nd mppy. This nnrifeled Megxxlnevlli ceraxceoee Is sixteenth peer wtih Jennery, 1S77, end >e jeretofore, rail of new literary, entertaining ind useful subjects lo vrhloh it ie devoted. With each number trill be given • si petti -oleied cabinet picture (worth the whole cent >f the SIoRuiine,) in oil, mounted on e mat ready for framing. ., ■ Every Kutecriber at tkrea’ dollars la ciftitM co the nelKiion of apreulnm (of which there in eighteen), delivered ot forwarded imme diately on receipt ot the nhaeripfirn. Kerry article offered Ie ot lint quality, male- ding books, any one worth tbe price of enb scriptiun; Chromes from Celebrated pelnt- -nge end equal to the originile, of large Hi* and soiiabte for «tiy porter; Pocket Coox Sroven; Stmtisi or dizsiCuxtiko, (this re ceived the Highest Centennial Award;) SU- vor-ploted tvaro of all kuda; Stationery, Linen Marker, etc., ole. For Clihe We havelergeraud morevalnatloPremlame, .nelndiun Books or ail kind,, Sn.vea.Fx,Ten dm, limicxiT sxwa, boieioia, Srxuwa- com, Qum, Tabu, OTmar, Ctocxa, injosuiut Tjujucs, Flotzmo thOBmu, ifMTimo kUcBixea, Once, Dnmxi and l ex Hera* nnd numerous other deauable er- doles ol which a full lint will he mrnlkhed •n edpltcatlonofthe publliher, W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 17 East 14tk Sxxxzl, N. T.- 1 - Agrnla Bcquired everywhere- Send Cor 1‘aruealare. 1EOBGIA—Taylox Covkzy : tdminisb Daniel, < -ia final rat urn, ftally ad ‘Ate, and tuakea application oi aisia—w. roin tbe ndmin^tralfon of ,aaid cetate. AO I person* concerned are therefore required to show cuusb, if any they can, on or biefsre the •irst Monday in June next, why sold appU* nnr ahonld hot be dismbsed from arid Ad- t uiiuiHtrotion. Given under my hand Ofli-J olally. Thi* 12th, March 1877. ' 'Ma JAMES D. BUSSriJr/ 1 /M mm M L L ■. j A. !•'—tj l