The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, February 12, 1878, Image 1

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Advertising Rates. Ou<i ■oytnrp one itwrtion $1 00: each tmb- R^| i#ut l*j<erilon "»0 coal*. o<tM vwtr fclUO.UU Ouucolumn, *ix uiontlm ....5000 Out; column, tlirun tnoithu -.35 00 Half c >lm<ni, ««• your .5000 ivtlumii. *ix mouth* 3(t 00 lT*lt‘ column, tbruc month* 20 00 Quarter oluinn, one year .# 30 00 Quarter column, nix months .20 00 Q iiirter column, three mon'hs 12 00 Oominniilcntitm** nfn politic.*! character, cl nr. cion written in n Ivqcwev *»r tlcl'ciiRc of tne nlaiiUH of Aspirants for olllcc, 15 cente per line. ttmn'mi*»nt *»f flaivliOivtc* #5 0C. Butler Herald. VOLUME a. ttl'TLEll, GEORGIA. TUESDAY, PEBKUAKY 12lh IS7S. WIIOLK SUMMER 00 Wm. N. BENNS A P. 0. SMITH, Proprietors. A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO INDUSTRY \Nf JIVILIZ.VTJON $1.00 Yeur SELECTIONS. Married in Spite ol Himself. THE BUTLER HERALD. l.)r, S having passed u very creditable examination be- W« N» III5NXS & I*. SMITH, j oro || 1U ur iny medical Imard his going down to the parlor hefnf the greatest intimacy with hint, found the young lady alone, for anti one day remarked.uh Pitt was which he blessed hie stitr, anti lathis house: VM iters and lMildisliers. TUEHDW. FEimUAYR 12th 187R -LAN IE R B> OUR. Proprietor MACON. — — — 1 conimisimmod an assistant surgeon in the United Statu. Army ill 18— ami ordered ta report iiir duty In | the commanding officer at Fort | McKavett, Texan. There wan no — J ! railroad, in the western country HOUSE f ! at that tiinOy und tlie usual way of getting to Texas was by the Mississippi river t» New Orleans and then crossing the Gulf, to wasjust about to make an apology j: when she said: “I told mania and she said it was all right. Papa is going to town this morning} and you ride iti with him and talk it over; but lie won't object, I know." “But, my dear miss, I was very foolish, ami n “No, you were all right." “Well, l will go to my post and return for you, for I must go ut once." “No, lean go with yon; papu will fix that; it would he such an Tula TIOITSK i« now provided with •wery j The Ur. was very desirous of ex il “I* through the Slate. j expense lor you to on,ne hack all j-acMurv CMiiTfiiiMicc lor theiwcoiumnilutu-u nuil comfort of it* uiioii is J am tiling the Western country il**ir«bls und emiveuitut to ihc bUHiin*** por* i mincrulogicully, no he applied tor j y 0 n - j the way here.’ ‘ But 1 have no way i»f taking My children have heard so j much about you that they are very anxious to have a glimpse of the great man. They are now at din* tier. Will you oblige me by go ing in with me a moment ?“ “O, pray dou't 1” said the ora tor, in great alarm. “What on earth would I say to them ?’* ‘Give them the pleasure at least ot seeing you," said his lordship, laughing, as he half led, half pushing him into the room. The Prime Minister of England upprouuhtd t e little group. There he stood, looking alternately at the father and the children, and The Tables anti received permission from the j War Department to go by way “l have thought of that; that j tines not liiuke any difference, fu- Have the l*st the mi»rb<*t nfltK Omul- 0 ( Arkansas ami tile luduttl Ter- , .1 r :n • , him tuuu.liruo HciM.t free ofoh.u«e, boq-! . 1,1 r w,n UH 11 te »n> 1 ritory to hu pors. «1oi. e.u*e lioii-lhul *rw of chaw Tl.c lUr i* supplleu with the bt**t ami liquor*. With nearly tears in his eyes he On his arrival at bt. Louis he j went into breakfast, to which at NATIONAL HOTEL, r. C. C'RBST*. Pro. hippe.1 the greater part of ht» i ,| mt moment they were both* by way til the liver, and, >nk fu only what he could carry tnoued; but alas ! appetite he had non e. It was not that she was not Kxim.y Opposite PjwRwmrH I)bih»t MACON, or.oitui $U to $;t Vr.r bail, Arcordiuu to Jioow, eUek, «'...le.l"" llice> bllt )|e thmlght j what u confounded fool she must •u In nev. Wmle in St. Louis at the t'laiiOMs lie had formed the ae | |,y not to see that he wanted to get But it was no use, so G3LD .on r.u'* ,.| HUM Jen .III.' K'-' W* we*! » person in ev< r> • ■«t > t vku sulxcripliooH fur the 'avi m. «.br, irr.1 uu l l»*-.~\ |*iU*Iku- In;, m tlm wnritl. Any boc-uiiRn ■ n*c«*»:ill .«,'«»*. Th>* must si. qar.t wmk « s srt *.?*ni fr«*i* !•* mtIIkts. Tin price i 1 .p tlmt aim *st tvr.'b.nlv sutyiui’.ws. .>i * A^pnt repur-’:, irakimj «vsr $150 111 t wv. k. A 1. «|v .u!«uii r^purls '-ikiiat uver 4‘MI KulM*ri* Ih-r.iu nu ikon All enquq.* in.ik- You <’•1' rlfVnls nil >«ur till! tu.Mte linings, ovuil.v your spun, linn- inu :,tv*l nut Iw *v»-iiy ir- iu limuu nveruiuiii Llcqifn' liuin'Kiiuii of h gentleman, who, |)|(t I. K' iiio^ vlo re lie was K"in(;., w h»,i lliv>^iiilgo stmteil for town him., loiter of intro,Inetion o,tr..r wan Hitting beside him, fo his brother, who was a farmer living o . hi. route in A. knnaiM.! of bruuubin li is not necessary for us to ful-j low him on his road, or what.j discoveries Ik* made for the benefit. •*f snivnee; suffieient it is tlmt one day toward dii.'k lie reached the house of the gentleman to wli he The Judge saved him the trouble the subject by star ing :t. himself. “J always, young man, give j Nell her own way; so it’s all L i rijglit; you need not say a word." * But I've got to go on to-day." The old Judge turned his eyes h.ol the letter, ami j towxrd lihu; lie had an Arkn-ana r, kuuukeil lit the tlnor,, nu.l howie anil u .louhle-bnrreled allot- gun look he aai.l: "Von nin't trying to get out of it, ttre yo f" The iloclor taking in the aitmi >/ o itui pasily euvinul m tit*** Vf * j( ‘ jf linn#, Put it f-o> In* uiuks in il.n e ni'uuh* by imv one n» tiurr kpx. in »nv part of tbs country win* i# r . illin.n to work HrjOily nt Ui*_ uiuployni-m tliui w, ; 1'iriiish. uS»Ml | .URhL presviiied his letter to the Judge (even in those days every one was a Judge in Arkansas) who would not have needed it to have accord- lVo,.;,-. .'....nut, ' l'onWi- j ...I him nil n|.on-hnn.!eJ-\vole»ino, j t j m , ml j,| | )r „i„|,t|v' "No air " f.o travel' 1 r« wuie u UmUeml ttml j -Thufs right, 'l will fix every- mw< ita tniieli Kl '• -i'l l ul Oien ,,s | tiling for voir give von tlmt black n ,1V. After a aliort visit ho pro- j |nill0 HIH , „ i ight waj?on t „ 1.0 cd to go on to the next town, ah ut mur miles off, where lie in- ie ,d.*d t.» put up lor the night. But the Judgu would not listen to his having, and was s»» cordial in his d« sire for him to stay that he would have been rude not to have done sc. The Judge, after directing one of his servants to tend to hiN horse, invited him in to the dining-room where he was introduced to his wife inn! daugh ter of his host and a substauciul nr sUnit! tiliif t«* 1 only your spun* moment#. Wv I wio. nrs nitikliii: *»r»r Still portt-y. who PliKugp nt tiliffCdll iniikd luoluy l.t#f. inoiify f.uuiot In »• .sil> iukI r.ipidiy ni any 1 lm*r lm#iuMw. I< iiothitis to try th« Imsii —s Ttnnsnin: Sj Out lit !r. **. Aihlrws nt ouc», H. llMd.Kn A Co., Portl.unl. Mh'Iip Anp.l4*ly. co \s vm r 110 x c i n i\ />. As old PUyslelsn rHirod from <, oHtp pnic- tic»*, lmvitiq ii»d plu*cil iu hi# imnd# tiy mi E.i#t iiidi.iu iii-siomw. Hip l••rllnl.l of n himidc wRpitihl rt tiudy for the spudy mid rcrir.*iifiit cure ol Cousiiiiintiou Droudiltn#. CaUrrh. Astmii. mid «U Throat mid Lmm nff-ctioiM. also u pnsltlvo ntnl rudicul curw for lipurral Ivdriliiv mid id! iutvoum ;*ou.pUiu'H. nfrr Inoiiiq tln.rmqhb i’s womb rl..] cnmiivfl power# in t joii# uids of t«v!# jt h:* duty to m iko it known 1* in# htin'cr'nq fdloWR. Th«* recipe will b* went fret of rvurqr. to All who d.-sirr* it. with full dm*-, lion# for pr**puri"K mid soeefssfully u#ioq Address with #t.nnp nmninq ild# pi|>«*r. I»r j C. Scone. 44 North Ninth Street, Philu- dolphi* Va. (Jct.2:l-ly. c my your wile’s things, and 1,000 dollars as a starter. You can lie married to-night and leave early iu the morning; tlmt'11 suit you won’t it?” “Yes, sir.” “After you get fixed at your post I will come down and nay yen a visit. I have been thinking about selling out and moving to Texas for some time.” Things were arranged as the Judge said. The marriage took WexteiB tuippur, to which lie <1 «1;place, nu.l the army .r,cube,I hemaukaui.f. success. te. IrmliliR literary |.n|)i*r of tXo '.Vu,r. l av Ciiiuauij Luu ’ku. ample just ice. Alter supper they ailjournuil to the parlur, H.irl he eutertaiiieil liia new made friumb with news IVcim tiieiitilMde worM. The JuJgo brewed sum, stiff whis key punch, which cur friend, a.- dally inclined, imbibed quite fieely. The eld couple retired and left their daughter to enter- additiou tn its ladies in the person .it file Arkansas Judges daughter. —She was universally popular, and justly so, for she was quite a hello. At the breaking out of the war tlse doctor went South, rcsignir,] his commission. tain him, and whether it was tliei- II he did not love his wife at , i . . n .1 hist, lie did when I knew him, punch or what—at all events he , . . , ’ 1 , , , . , 1 c ,, land I am certain lie never regret- made hot love to her and finallr ... h asked her to go to Texas with him iircitnoiio.i ni tlir | to which she consented. Sim lie ing very unsophisticated and in it rmmrkhble - remliiiir public, six yenr* u«o. Ihk Li*jn»xu hvt utodity ii'lvuciifU In favor, wujl ta now . *ckuowl«<l, c#l wjcouiI to no [wiper oi tlit kiua j tmecut, took every thing lie saut fetl the obduracy of his father-io- ' j law.—Wash'ton Sunday World. linbltstn-rs to pro.l"™ »l“l»' h >K" ctisforti r, nn.l st U» “' u,g . tlm ' 1 Diffltleu' e of Greut Men. "; i,h ! > - [ j her it was a case of “love at first; It may comfort some of our read- sight." But 1 am anticipating, j era, troubled with an excess of During the night, our friend the i modesty, to know that great tnen doctor, woke up and remembered | have been diffident iu company what he had said, and it worried-and have broken down in sttempl- hitn; but he said to himself: ‘iiev-Jing to speak, er mind, I will make it all right ~ i}f the morning. I must have 1 .neec<m'fHt«nt with ttw lawnt taidtlawa That the? httv* snccocdiu. und wen, too. the tbu.iMunfs iif r.,,,l«is Of Taa LaooEi, ™, ; ter»-d lrom Alt Oregon In Florida •' ill ln«r testimony. The Cuicwh* Lkik»bh i# a large for’y-eight col- nmu wceiuy u.tpur. which couUun# Hturios bo*h complete .md eoutiuu-rt;iu witten by the beat until a ^refti vnr » tv at infttintitit of the diy. i iuteresfinq to The HttbHcription price of The Lkihixb is oiily sll.W) per year.postage mid e.inul ’ u ^^rncier 'which ’’’hcU for j that girl think of me?' and The eloquent Robert Mall made i utter failure the first time he pipers of i he #4 i'l. made a fool of mysel f; what must I attempted to preach. Tlie great Pitt was exceedingly nonce will lie sent f «* any mu* and their u'hlr«*> Chirogo, III. hi: I.v ,-»iiii. Moi ning fame, an l Lord Camden wa«*ot> Legal Advertisements Will boiiiHcrtcd ot the following r.xto* Sheriff nalcs, p^r wq-iare $3 50 Sheriff’ll mortgage* tule*: ft (H« Application for lei lets ofn liuiuwtr.ition A DO Applicntifiti for leittrH of guitriluEftliip. 4 lk» DismiHsU'ti from HdtiiinUtmtion 5 «v» liiwuiiKsitm frou. gnardituiKhip r»«n» For io s»-li lutitl ...•.*..4 on Api'li*‘uiioii lor Uotrt#tend( 4 Wi Notice to debtor# and creditor* A tkf) xalo of real estate by edtuiniHtrutors, fesecu* t rs and guiirdiomt, persquHre 2 Qd Saleol p«*riflhnbic property, ten day*....» *>C Sutniy notices. 30 dnv. due on the firM appeantnw of the atlTerti*#- •nfiiit will be presenli-d wheu the money ih The lift* of ottne am! elegance ami luxury j and exeinp'iou Itoin all care and toils and debts and duns, would soon become :t bore to him, and he would 8|ietid his nighlft iu dreaming ol plougliH am! pitch- torha and reaping nmchines, and squander hi« days in devising some plan for swapping places with a blacksmith * apprentice ora street car driver — LnuLrille Courier Journal. Lunatic* do not Nlicd Tear** FVom the Biltisli Me.Heal Jour- twilling his hut tor u few minutes| n#| . 0l|# of t|lB m „ s , oln . i(lus (ftcts without being able to utter a sen tence. When Daniel Webster was a school-boy, he tells us, “Many a* piece did 1 c-uumit to memory and I connect id with madness i* the ut ter ab'i nee ofleiis among the in sane. Whatever the form of triad- ness,lt*aiM are conspicuous by tlieir . . , | absence, a* much ifl the depression reherae it over and over again in' *• . . *. < n ; of melancholia or tlie excitement my room; bat when the day came, when the school collected, when ' G f dem-ntis my name was called,and 1 saw. all I eyes turned upon uiy seat, I could jj t w j|j f of mania, as in th* utter absence If a patient iu a lu natic asylum be discovere l in tears not raise myself from it. Cowper’s friends purchased him' blind that it in either t patieut beginning to recover, or ‘ an emotional outbreak ifi an epi- •; ,,l ; ce “ th0 H-' 1 -* ot , luetic wh i is .carcely truly •li s where hi. duties only re- wh „ # aclnall) . qttired him to stand up and read! parliamuLlary notices and docu ments. The thought of standing up before such au or die nee was so terrible to him that us the time drew on he was iu agony of ap prehension, and Iried to hang himself. insane patients All Means Me an Jbtlitor. appear to have lost the power of weeping; it is only returning rea- sou which can unloose the fountain ot their tears. Even while a lu natic is telling one in fervent lan guage how she has been deprived of her ehildren,or the outrage that has been perpetrated on herself/ her eye is never even moist. The ready rush ot tears which accom panies t'ie plaint of the same wo man contrasts with the dry-eyed appeal ot tlie lunatic. D would An editor is the happiest bein* on earth. He has little or noth ing to do, mid Ilia |,uy ia nil tlmt " eem ,,1Hl t «» r » g iv e rolief heart cuuld wiati, Ilia amiotum, with it. I’tM-sian rugs mid Tiirk'e-h onrpeta, ita euHtly roaewoud furni ture, ita magnificent uiirrora, ita euni|ilete library uf a|ilendidly- hound )iouka,ita silver bell to suiii- mini an atteudunt, and, ja abort, I with ita everything tlmt human j ingenuity can ileaire lor li in eotrt-j 1 ' turt and |>leusure, ia a jiertectlfitlli 1 ' A "lotlier, |>uradiae, where ho aita or loungea e.-inM' 11 ,, and rcigna a yo ling lord, with tlie world of faaliiun and jilcasure nt to tcciinga wliic'i when pent up lead to tuudneaa. It ia one of the privilegea of reuaon to ho able to weep. Amid all the mysteriet ;f tlui insane they can find no relict iin tears. a .tit>rnKirs woitns, tlie green hills of ■V'Krinoiit, was holding tiy tlie right I hand a sou 10 years old, nun with j love of the sea. And ns lie stood by ! the garden gate one morning, .hi ll is feet. And then anybody can aatil: ■ Edward, they tell me—for I nevn iv the ueenn—dlicgreat lonitntioit m aeainan’a life Is drink. Promise , , . . me, before roil ijuil motlior'a hand once started the nmnev pours in [thatyon will never dr be an editor—no study, no drepa- ration, uo brains, nothing but ni* little money to start with, and* upon him in a steady stream, and the cheif lubor ol your wife is to it. As lor the of edit ing a newspaper, that is mcr moonshine, C'lumus of a newspaper is enough ji And” said lie, for lie :old me \\, . story. gave the jiromiso, mid j 'veul the globe over, (.'iilmna an ! i the Muditrruiiien. I'VmeUco arid * j the Capo of L’oo.l Hop*, t|,e North A mere glance at the | Pole and the Sonih, l-aw (lievii al! lorty year#, I never miw a to convince you that, it requires on |Kl as * tided with sprrkiing liquor *. labor to edit it, and less brains it is ccrtainiy a glorious life, that my mother* Ibriu l»\ the, gate not rise up before mcy and lo-dm <• v* .... . ’ , am innoeeiU of the la*tc of Hquor.” ol nn editorja 1.1c ol luxurious e.m, j W a. not that , M „vid, „ r ,i, and ol elegaut leisure—a life fill- power of a single word? Yet tiff t i ed, like that of tlie young lover l not half, in his first dream of requited love, ’ i c,t ram- into with fiules of rose leaves aui moonbeams. That all uicu are not editors is one of the strangest things beneath the stirs. True, there must be doctors and lawersj and merchants and shoemakers terdav r counting room a man “Do you know me? f fortv "No ' “Well/* Mtid he, -l was o«. brought drunk #nt.» your pre? . ou hoard #liip: you were a passen j they kicked uic aside; you took m , to your berth, ami kept me thei r ami peanut dealer# and tlie like, 11 had slept o.fthe iutoxl, and all these oallings must be fill- —* *' ' ' ' w itskeil if I bait a mothc.. . ed by somebody, bul there ate' *“ K * "ever kiu-wn s word from enough to fill them, aud why they i *•*' i lohl me of your# don’t become editors and lead the | Sf'mmonhi pm'.|,'?uV u ‘ x”. “'V.! g life of opulent princes is a tljfpg and I come to a-fc you io cone ami tlmt staggers us. But after ull, '< •vcine?'* it may be that it is a mete matter | it. Thlu' mmhw^'wor.h’Tn of taste. It may be repugnant to the grci.ii.liqi. 0 |’ Vermont! i>, some natures tg. become editors, 'a.'.i'r';'"'$'},i'i ,lM> Hoe , : \ i ' V “V </