The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, February 26, 1878, Image 1

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Advertising Rates. ta» aqxftt# 4h« ianntioii $1 00; nth tab- asquaut laacftiifajn (Mata. Out ooluuafi.iww ytar $100.00 On* onlutuu. •ii.moaih* 80 00 Uut column, three moetha 86 (H) Half e*tuMn, ana year 8000 S atfpofoiMi^aU month# .80 Op all column, three months. 20 00 Quarter aolumo, ona yeuf 30 00 Quarter columu.Kix mouths.,*,.......20 (Mi But! ler Herald. VOLUME a. BUTUEK, OEOItGU. TUESltAV, FEBKUAHV 2Uth tsJ». WHOLE NUMIIEK 71. A Quartet' hoimun. three months 12 00 CuannifnioatinnN of a political character, cl art ct<M written in a Ivocacr or dwl'ens* of tae «l*fms ofMpiruut* fat office, 15 cent# per Aanofincatncnt af Candidate* $5 0C. / THE BUTLER HERALD. W. N. I*ENN8 A P. C. SMITH, Editors and Publishers. Hoa«oaiPTiuM Utica $1.00. 1*bb Annum. TUESDAY, FEBRUAYR 20th 1878 LAHIER HOUSE, I. DUI. Proprietor MACON, 0- k - —O— TtalS UOUiWt iasow pwmiMwRh * utcoiwrr eonVutiahcu tortheuecoinfnotli Wav N. BE2UK3 & F. C. SMITH, Proprietor* a NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO INDUSTRY ANT CIVILIZATION #t.oo Year The Demon of the €t4p. durable and convenient to the l/uninm, pc lion of the city. The Tablee Hava the bent the market affd«. Omni- lua to and trom doinA Iree of charge, b.«g- gege iiHU-lh'd tree of charge. The Her ia aupplieu with the beat wtuen aud liquor*. NATIONAL HOTEL, ET. G. CORBETT. Pro. Hklrly OrroMiTB l*AaaNNOvn Darov MACON, GllOHUlA. $* to $* Per DmUr According to Room. A.Ut It ()tei«t chance to m*he money, it' ||UILIIey o> ' mu ’ l 8 rl 8° ld y uu °* u «*>’ giw,iNo»bk». We uee.l a parson in ev. n «>•«•> (>uka aubtcripiioua fort!:# 'arg- at, cheapen! and benv iiiuetrateri family puhlint- tun ia the world. Any oneenu b«’.C“U'»;it •ucc^'Miui agent. The moat ehguut work • • art giveu free to Hcriber*. The price i mo low that almost every bode eubscribe*. Out agent reper* aukiuq ov**r $150 iu « week. A ladv aaeut rqxiri* taking over 400 Kubrwri- . Iieta in ItD dava. All a HO engage tiubr mmier feat. Yen can devote all your tint* te the btuiu**. or only year apart time \ on let he ewey Ifme home ovei uigbi Y-n can de itae well awotlnq*. Pull p-r- ticulaTH, direction* end" terms free. Elegnut aed einenaive Outfit tree. It you want pro fitable work acud ua your addreaa at ouc*. It coa ue'ning 'o try the bn*in«M<. No un« whe engagea latlt* to raalje. great par. nd ditee “The People e Journal,'' pgrtlan't Maine. ffIMiai, |l ia not easily earned in tlx VrT 9 / *7Unite, but it can be ixwke RP Q w w three moutha by *nv one cither aex, in eiir part of the country whe is willing to work aundiiy at tha employm-ir that »• frrnibh. $00 per week in your owi tnwM. fun nerd not lx- away ir-m homeovei eight. You cau give your A'lmie time to tin work o, ouly your anm-e moment- ag iut.t wkv are nnikin«ov. r $20 pertl'jjr. All who engage at’eiice call moke money tnat. * * the present hue niouc.V CaUQOt be Ml.ide aaaily and rapidly at any ether buHiuean. eiinti mobing to try the bu*i>i**e. Ttrina $5 Outfit ir e. Addreaa m ouce, U. Hallkit k Co., Portland, Maine I haiboa-fending an original lale of tliu ^aucilul order. It whs h story of the genii, and I hail been deeply interented in it. I wiM comfortably eiiuuted in tny room, and on the table was a glass containing the remuius of a sherry cobbler 1 had just imbibed It never occurred to me that these saute sherry cobblers were dan gerous companions for a young man, und I was in the habit of taking from three to, a dozeti ol them daily—three when I was going to see Lucy Sluldou, a par ticular friend of mine, and a doz eu on the off days. 1 turned the leaves of the mag azine, hut could find no other sto ry that looked inviting ; so 1 threw it dowu and sank back in my rocking chair. Things had bcgiiu to lock rather dim, and my own consciousness very indistinct, when in; attention was attracted at a ' strange; cbm motion . in the glass from which I had partly cousiinied my cobbler. 1 glanced at it, and presently it mug wreath of smoke or vapor rose from the cup, and stretched ilselt over towards cl A. 1 farther Cor- room, just exactly as t he clouds had preceded the ftp pca’ance of the genii in the story 1 had been reading. The vapor slowly, and appar ently with maliue utoruthotight, began to assume a tangible shape, finally resolving itself in the liirm ■if as ugly a looking demon as I had ever read about. Hu was monstrous in size, would prohally have bee'1 twenty feet high, if the room had been lofty enough. ‘Who are you?' 1 inquired, displeased with my visitor. ‘I atn the Demon of the Cup.' he replied, iu a voice which seem ed to shake the whole house. ‘1 lievn't the pleasure of your itcijuuhtuiice,’ 1 continued. •Vesytm have. You are one of my best Iriends.' ‘1 heleivu wo never met be fo re.’ VOSHUMP1IOS CUMBD. Au old Physician wired Inm sdi.e pnie. lice, bavins hs-i placed iu his iishds by an East Indian lu'sai.msry. the l-rlnula ol « 'sintpl. v-K-ts'l. reukdy-'torMhs spe.-,t, and petiuAufUt ' ““ ....... » of Cxuanumtiou Rroucliiti . Cdturrh, Aatum, »ncl nil Tbrnur nurt Lung nffrctinuH. hImo * punitive Ami rndiuil cure foi fterienii EubHlty will nl! iiervodH nftu.pUiufH, At'.er bavtng tiiorutiKhly twfwl its wouitertV.1 ctimitve puwete it. I luusinds of kawm, fet*ls H b» duty to hi*ke it known t« his suffering Mlows. *fh« recipe will b* sent eWnrc*. to all who desire it. with lull ilirtr- tioMs for prepuring and «iicc.«*ufiilly Wsnig Addresa wirb stamp tmiuiwg tliis piper. Ur 4 n. StoNK, 44 North Ninth Hfrueh^I'bila- delphia Pa. Oct 23-1 % RKMAUk.VHI.E SUCCESS. i,o public six ye»rs u«o. Tnte Leikikk tSi& ddv^ht^ irf. r«V and is now tAVlen>cd woondJo)ift,pii}NHrot tht kind Tba succcm of t»«e lwidittB literary papo of the V' e*t. The Chicmio Leo «eu is tin Jy remarkable. K-noc Ka intrc.luetiou - , teadin . has atedi io the country. Its ciretilaton is national,ami had been obtained through tbe ctlorts ot iti publish'-™ to produce ‘Just now, but you will change your Imbits by-aud-by.' Dou't be too tumiliur if you please,' I suggested, as the old clrap drew a chair to my side, aud seated himself. We are bound to he Iriends, young man. Did you ever read Emerson’s works?' ‘Ol course 1 have?’ ‘vVfcll, sir, I am a representa tive man.’ misery. Do uot drink any more, ‘You had better take yourself ^ more I” as you pity me, if you do uot love me I" ‘Oh, Lucy I Does she too be long iu the cup?' I asked, ap. pealing to the Demon "She dues; but for the present we keep her down in the mint and sugar. She will he one of us by and-by,” he replied, with a gnu. “llobeit I Robert I” ground Lu cy, "promise meyou will drink no off, or 1 shall be under the ueces sity of kicking you down stairs.’ 'I don't mind that; 1 am used to it.' 'lie eivil to him,’ interposed the Demon. ‘He is one of us, and a good fellow in his way. He oltcn brings men to their sen ses when nothing else will, hut you have another friend,' and again he waved his wand over the cup. Again the vapor rose from the glass, and unother form, mere hideous than either of the others, appeared belnre me. 1 was alarm ed first by his savage expression and glaiing eyes, ‘Who are you?' I enquired, shrinking hack from the loatli- ' | some minister. Mv name is Crime.' “As God is my judge, I will uot,” 1 cried, springing from my chair. But there I stood in my cham ber alone, and them on too table stood the glass from which my dreaming fancy had conjured up the Deuiou of the cup and his fiends. I reflected for a time and then threw the balance of the sheiry cobbler into the grate. If the cup was the abode of such a wretched craw (my readers all know that it is,) I determined not to meddle witli it again, and I have uot.— The Coming Struggle. LegalAdvertl.ements Will b« inserted si the following ntas ppUi-Ation tie 4 0C otiee to debtors sod creditors 4 <Kt rtale of real CHtAte by administrators. «xt«n- t tn aud Kuurdiunii, per square.. “ ,.3 Off Suit of pcr.Hbable property, ten daya.. 06 Astray noticoH, 30dnv».. "<1, All bills for advertiftingttt this paper ar« Iu# on the fust appeamnee ol th« advert!*#-' n<*ut will be presented when tha money hr te'ded. A Woman who lor Xany Yoara Worn Hale Attire. It Happened In Texas. The body rtf Mnry O’Keefe, other wise known us •Sorgrtat Afary,* was tnken to the Murgue yesterday. Twenty-Hvc years ago while living witli her parcntR in the lower part of the city, she was engaged to be mar ried. Oil the night preceding tha day appointed for the wedding her lover wpn ronv cted of robbery, sentenced to twenty years' imprisou- fnent in Sing lying Prison. She then solemnly vowed that she would nev er marry. Shortly alter «*ard she met a yonng woman about her own age, who Imd also been crossed in love, and they agree ' to leave their homta and live together. Mary disguised herself a* a man, and, representing that her friend was her wife, engaged rooms in nu up-towu tenement. Tl e r seclusion was complete, and t iuv lived happily together for a long time, supporting thenuelvea by filling orders which Mni'y’i friend obtained from a neighboring shirt factory. One d»v Mary was recognized in the street by a former friend, who threatened to have her arrested un less she returned homo. She accord ingly laid aside imr male attire aud W'eut again to her parents; but when her family mid friends called her ‘•Mary the mat.,” she cut her hair soort, donned the uniform and en listed ns a soldier. Her regiment was stationed oil one of the islands It happened right here in San Antonio. One of the parties was ‘Then you have been well' u consumptive from Cotmetticiit named.' | and the other a commercial trav- ‘I have work for you to da.* Jelar from New .Jersey, They were ‘lam too much engaged to as-! stopping at the same hotel, in ad- ■ i n the harbor, and she performed sist you/ I replied. ! joining rooms. Tin drummer! her duties without exciting suspi- ‘Come, come, don’t be too stiff • was out of money but had a splen- cion, until she was sentenced ; to ter. about it. I suppose you art 1 not! did pistol, lie said to hiuiielf. i days’ imprisonment in the guard quite ready to help me vet, but 1 ‘I wonder if that hungry-look- VTmT il,,oxic,itloB ; T ° a 1 ‘ . * T t • ... , , , she told her secret, and she was a(- cau bide tny time, lor L have a|tug loxan next door don't want {terwards known ns “Sergeant Ma mortgage on you which in duo season you must pay up/ ‘How do you like my frieuds?’ asked the L) < u hi. *1 don't like them.’ ‘N»?' ‘The old fellow is an inconve nient com panion, and 1 don't like the morals of the other chap. His notions of mine and thine are too indifinite to suit my ideas/ ‘Iudeed. you seemed so much inclined to make their acquaint ance, that I supposed you were •anxious to number them among ‘I?' ‘Certainly ; they belong to the cup, Hut there is one more you must know/ As he spoke, the smoke infer- A dozen times a day.’ •Then you didn't looK as ugly ^ wU T r J ru?m as you do now, if you wilL excuse my boldness,’ •No; I wear a pleasant face when I make the acquaintance of yduug gentlemen ; but 1 thought it was about time we should be j nal curled up and resolved into better acquainted. You don't- the form of a woman. She was know me yet. We will have a pale } haggard.and.Almo8t»skel- sociable time if you like,’ «*ton. She was clothed in rag ‘No, I thank you ; I can’t say I and am pleased with your society.* wretchedness and despair. There ‘At any rate, 1 shall introduce was nothing really hideous in her van to a few of my friends,’ he j aspect beyond the marks of pnv- to buy a pistol f' so he walked into hi3 neighbor’s room. The iuvalid from Connecticut had been reading about a noted Texas desperado, tor whom there was a large reward offered, aud lie fancied the description fitted his unknown neighbor. Consequently when the New Jersey drummer entered the room, shat the door, and put his hand iu hiH breast pocket, the Northern invalid began to shiver aud think of his pust lilo. ‘ w h a t do — you—w-ant ?’ gasped the invalid. The drummer drew a largo, ivory-handled revolver (answer ing the description of the one the celebrated desperadoes used on strangets) and said : ‘I want $25 for this pistol.’ The trembling ha ml of the in valid ci.uld not reach his pochet. ‘It's a good pistol—it never . *" 6 !, T1 j.s$ e s fire,’ said the drummer perfect picture of Continued, as lie waved his hand over the cup. Instantly another cloud of smoke or vapor proceded from the cup, which presently assumed the form of u dicrepit, ragged, filthy old man. Of all that I had seen erty and want, which she bore bringing it to hall-cock. ‘J—J—Jake yer—yer—mon ey 1’ gasped the invalid. The drummer took ’ho money, , laid two pistol on the table aud .Shu tin tied and fixed a glance of wwnt ullt# reproach upon me—a glance that As fo<»n as the door was shut thrilled me to the soul, 1 pitied j the invalid from Connecticut the poor *' lelch and turned "'»»)’• I breathsU a lings sigh of relief and . weel] f „ r th||1 (| , 0|Ir> . I looked again, Ihose ieatures| sli(1 t „ himself. ‘I’m glad>- W e are dead to yesterday, and . . . . . | '' « r « “> We. I w « 8 1 pei ado took my Wlmt a j „ ot 1|orn fl) of wretchedness squaloi and .mi?*, shocked, horrified, as 1 recog• j Qomjtiy this is when you are lob-1 eiy,. toe figure lief,in me was the nized Lucy Sheldon in the dread- bed in l>ro»d daylight in a hotel. I She lives at Ottawa, Canada, and ry.” The Captain of her company dismissed her, and she returned to New York and drank so heavily tlrnt rIiu was never off Blackwell’s island for more than a week at a time, finally a permanent position was as signed to her, and she r maitied there until the 8lh inst., when she was taken sick and sent to Bellevue Hospital, where she died.—>.Vei</ 1’oi lc Sun. TO.MOHKOW, To-morrow never comes to u>. We do not live in to-morrow, We do not find it in any title deed. The man who owns the whole blocks of real estate and the great ships on the sea does not own a single minute of to-mor row 1 It is a mysterious possibili ty not yet born. It lies under the eal of midnight, behind the veil of glittering constellations. Enjoy the present, whatever it mny he, and ho uot solicious in the future if you take your foot from your present standing, and thrust it forward to to-morrow s event, you are in a restless condi tiou. It is like refusing to quench your thirst by fearing you should want, your am row will come time enough, though von do uot hast* en it. Let* ymir trouble tarry till its own day comes. Enjoy blessings if G<>d sends them, and the evils of it hear patiently and ciHifHcU’l i«l nt thfc'Hum«t time sell it r „ v - -.*»t wit' 1 the P'esMit liard times • bat the# h«ve nncceeditl. nod well, too. tbe thousands of r-m/ers of Tbe Leik»eii •"•■•*- terod trom Msine to Texas and from Oregon to Florida •' ill »M*ar tcstimon y. 1 he C.Hiatao Lbdoeh is t liirgs for»y-eigbt col- nmn weekly paper, which epubuns stories bo b complete aud cimiim-djln each number witten by tlm best authors ot the day. • .w .. ol iufotmiiliim luunsting The Bubwiription price of Tar, Linos> is ouly 4150 per ;mr.|»«W(!<’ !*“■>• on. iv Is equal iu ernry porUcoU u. oU.« Diorn of lie ieitr olinrsco r .loch will lor Thrai oo|iea of rill, vulnsbli which sell ft k3’RWRRr Thra* coiim of rbis vohinb: ^ r Jape/ wjll be wat to any ous who swd. 10 and thrir addrtM »• Tgo lannna, *Tr ■ ■ a inosyfii.tiog repmW-ii!Hiivi|, only the degree of wrote lied ness seem ed a hundrod-lpld intensified. ‘Who are yoij ?' I demanded, ns the old man moved towards mo. •Mv name is Poverty.’ •1 should think it might bn. What do you want here ?’ ‘1 just dropped in to be intro duced to you. for you aud I are likely to be Iriends ' ‘Indeed, old fellow, Ton are reckouing too fast. I keep only respect able company.' lilt figure before uie. “Lucy !” I exclamed, with a start of horror, “Oh, Robert I" she cried, in ag ony, as she thtew herself upon her knees before me. “Pity me I Pity ottr poor children I They are hungry, they are perishing with the cold. I am hungry, I am freezing, but I care uot lor my self. Pity them, save them I" “My God, Lucy I” “Drink no more, Robert. You have reduced me to most abject I’ll leave to-morrow for the North.'I‘I 1 ' 8 '• h . ow »J*T managed it: She . 4| , .! thought it would be just as well to As soon as the drummer Uot| n|n)c||| , i IOUS ekocpi.. s rieht sway, into his room he remarked : j imd begiu the new year with training I’m in luck. I’m glad that j up a husband in the way he should old Tt-xas ruffian took my pistol.! h>d her lather thought differently, I wonder who he is going to get | ®° ** ,c ke»* friends toth'o course there was a big that I’ve got money tu pay my hold j crtMV(l jud*,,]^ the angry father who hiH* | was prepared to forbid the bands with And next morning both went offjn shotgun, meanwhile the young on the same train. In about two indy und her adored William wont to weeks you may scan the Northern another clinrch and were quietly mar~ papers for a story nbout how a noted ! ried, and as she left the sacred edifice Texas desperado robbed an invalid i she remarked that where theca's * a way, | in a S:in Anlmib hotel.- Herald. ' Will •