The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, July 09, 1878, Image 1

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/ 0 r \ : ' J/ L Th .e Butler Hera! Id. Published By ) 1 W. N. BENNS. >A WEEKLY DEMOCKATIC NEWSPAPER,DEVOTED TO INDUSTRY AND CIVILIZATION. -J» Term-, ONE DOLLAR A YEAH. In Advai.r? VOLUME a. BUTLER, 0EOKG1A. TUF.SHAT, JULY 0, 1878. . A-..- - . . WHOLE XU1IBEH 90. Advertising Rates. Oue square one insertion 31 00; each sub- sequentinsertion 60 coutB. One column,one year One column, six months 50 00 Uue column, tbreo mouths ,35 00 H ilf column, one year ; 50 00 Half column. six months •• 30 00 Half column, three mouths 20 00 Quarter column, one year 30 00 Qnurter oolumn.six months ....-0 00 Q iarier column, throe*months 12 00 Communications ofu political character, cl articles written in nlvocaoy or defense ol tne cl aims of aspirants for office, 15 cent s per Announcement of Candidates $5 00. Legal Advertisements Will be inserted at the following rates Sheriff sales, per square 50 Sheriff’s mortgage sales *.*•••••••• Application for letters of administration 4 OU Application for letters of guurditnship. .4 00 Dismission from administration 5 00 Dismission from guardianship .5 00 For leave to sell land 400 Application tor homestead. 4 Ou Notice to debtors and creditors 4 00 bale of real estate by administrators, oxc-cu- t- -rs and guardians, per square 3 0( bale of perishable property, ten days—2 Estray notices, 30 days "0« All bills for advertising in this paper ar< due on the Grst appearance of the advertise ment wHl bp presented when ths money is needed. THE BUTLER HERALD W. N. BENNS. Editor ttml Publisher. OUUHOWPl'ION i'RICH $1.00, i’EO ASMJU. TUESDAY’, JULY mb 1S7B, sg*&s BBFY0UE PICTURES, FRAMES, ARTIST’* SAT&IAl Wax Flower Material, 7AUi BRA OKET3 A-VSTD STAlTONEBY • SCRAP EOOK MATERIAL, WHITE, It ROUX AXD COLORED WOOD SPLITS, PICTURE FRAME MATERIAL, —ALSO— SHEET MUSIC PrAXOS AXD OllGAXS, OF li, W. SMITH <& Cw, MACON, GA. N. B, Careful attention given to all orders by mail. NOW READ THIS IE 100 DARE AND YOU WILL FIND THAT S, D. IHVHST3^ ITo, 9 Colton Aveaue Has ’Ihe .Most Complete Assortment of TAYLOR COUNTY 8H RIFF Sales of Wild Lands. ^Ifillbe sold before the Court ** House door, in the county 01 Taylor, State of Georgia, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of 6ale to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described lots of land situated in said county and knowu as wild land. Levied upon under and by virtue of fi. ',fas. now in my hands of the State •of Georgia, vs, said lots, respect ively, and issued by the Houor- orahle Competroller General of the State, for non-payment of taxes due the State for 1874, 1875 and 1876. Said lots pointed out in said fi. fas., and containing 202£ acres each, more of less : Fourteenth District.—Lots num bers 5, 27, 40, 83, 87, 90, 99, 122, 123, 124 176, 177 201, 202 204, 217, 227 and 229, Twenty-fourth District.— Lots numbers, 81, 92, 93, 96, 103, 112, 113, 120, 122, 123, 128, 129. Twenty acres of 183 and 191. This July 6th 1878. 0. A J. POPE, july-9-tds. Sheriff. Mi it is the custom ot‘ many uoui^japefB of the State to take a week of recreation duiipg these hot summer mouths, we avail our selves also of the tame opportunity aud iu consequence ot the Dis trict meeting having closed last Sunday night, it is impossible fur us to give our readers any local reading whatever. This sheet is published in order to comply with tne law iu regard to legal adver tisements, which will he found in uuotlier column. A full report of the District meeting will he given in our next issue. PICTURE FRAMES, < Artists Material and Fancy Coeds- to be Found in the State. PICTURES! PICTURES!! I have just succeeded in making arrangements whies will en able me to sell j ictmes at prices which defYcompetition Many of the chromes which arc advertised by the Northern <2ublisb- ing ileuses at $5.00 and $0.00 I sell at $2.50 and $3.00. C r o q. u 71! c r o q u 31 f lam. HEAD QUARTERS for this lieantifal Game this Year, TI-ilWIL OIF THIS 1 A nice set ROQUET lhr $1.40. Send for pricelist. Address E. D. IRVINE, I rnrrruE framer and stationer j NO. 9 Gotton Avenue, Macon, Georgia. & Paper for ths People 1 [Established is 1821(] THE CHRISTIAN INDEX \ LARUE EIGHT-PAGE RELIGIOUS AXD FAMILY JOURNAL. The Denomhttional Organ of Georgia Baptist. REV. DAVID E. BUfLER, MANAGING TDITOB. Aided by n Corpse of the Mosi Eminent Writers of the Denomination. Dfc!ivt*r«'d by mail, to lit w snivel ibara, pontage paid, at $2.60 a yenr. with choice of either of three splendid premiums : Fotrait of lieorgin Ministers. Map of Palis* tiue. Map of the southern Nates, Bent in ad dition to The Index fur subscription price alone. f Hfi i i $ % ATT ACTIONS FOR 187*. The Index, under the careful direction of lev. D. E. BUTLER, Editor, as- isted by bis idle associates, rivals the best itligio'ib periodical* of the continent in the ai'.ety of its p»y-origiual mutter, the scape f itn religious nud secular intelligence, and !u* completeness of its several departments, is IfMtur-B uro unbraced iu this uinple ar- angemem. piuiT or THE ltKI. TAYLOR COUNTY SHERIFF'S SALE FOR A'UGUsT. Will I10 Hold before the Court House dour in the town of Duller, on tn». Fir.-i Tuesiiuy August utx». belv ten he 1--gal h urn of sale, tin: following du-u.lied 1 loperty •-•-wit : ot laud No 114, contiiining 2321 acres Misplaced. A largo, dark, split-bottom chair has been misplaced (luring tho recent District meeting at tlie new Methodist church. Any oue having such a chair in their pos session through mistake will Gou let* quite a favor to tho owner by having itseuito this ufiice, Llctr is Kino- The Liver is the imperial organ of tin whole human system, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man- 'Vlicu it is disturbed in its proper (fcctiuu, all kinds 01 ailments are the* natural result. Tho diges tion of food, the movements of the heart aud blood, the action ot the brain ami nemo us system, are all immediately connected with the workings 01 tlie Liver. It has be .•» suc cessfully proven that Green’s August Flow er is uueaquullod m curing nil persons at- fected with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and oil the numerous symptoms tbut result lrom an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try 10 cents. Positively sold iu all towns on tlie Western Continent Three doses will prove that it iB just what you want. For sale by Dr. John Walker, Bntler. Cln. Queby : “Why will men smoko common tobacco, when they cun buy Marburg Bros. 'Seal of North Carolina,' at the same price V" feb Oth-ly. « business ^ou can eugage in. $5 to $20 por day made by any worker ot either sex. right in their own localities. Particulars and samples worth $5 free. Im prove your spare time at this business. Ad dress Stinson A Co., Portland, Maine. ESAD MS. J WlL'.iOUlIN, J. T. J088EI. W. F. CANNON & CO DEALERS, IIT GROCERIES, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, By vrlaolssals or retail. EC. D crire to say to the citizens of Taylor and a I join tremendous stock of Bncou, Flour, Laid ->• d farm, in tbe eating line. Their plaou oi btnin s. Call on them early. MR. E. R. RICH ARDS, to welcjmeand serve his many friends. with this 1 and wi*l be pleased a week in yonr own town. Outfit free. No riHk. Readt you want 1 at which persons of either sex can make ail the time they work, write lor particulars to H. Hallett «fc Oo , Portland .uine. great pay pa " Mt PRESCMPTI01T w FREE! ^ ^■ ndlorphliahihltfiir»d. OPIUMlISSSS? & 2 Q> O . O O O - /N T1T1 fk mngm In order to clear out our stock of very superior \TXCJyA JL JCjSI JL Gold-plated Jewelry valued at over $200,000, we will send us below, 20 Pieces, nil warranted Gold-plated for $1.00. 1 pair Gold Stone Sleeve Buttons; 1 pair Engraved Sleeve Button.^;! sot Pointed Studs; 1 set Amethyst Studs; 1 Wedding Ring; 1 Engraved Bund Finger flint*: 1 Amethyst Stone lii ig, Inl-Ud /a -yrs /TV a T w ill Gold; 1 E.ogaut TMng, marked “ Friendship; K A A TM 1 Amethvt stone Scarf Pm, Inlaid with Gold; 1 BKOTitpInjfliffaay;jjt and Gold PL. and Drop,; 1W set Jet and Gold: 1 Collar Stud; 1 set Flaudsome Rosebud Car Drops; 1 Gents Elegant Dako tfoort. Diamond Stud; 1 Cardinal Roil Bead NV-; I pair Ladies Amethyst Stone Car Drops, ^?l , iTTC*‘03 Inlaid with Gold; 1 lauliea* Ornamented Jet Brooch; 1 I'nncy £ V XiK Scarf Rfhguudjllegant Watch Chain. _Tn!y your choice, toe 1 fraut t No Libel 1 lor Divorce. d\ iwoti. ia-i. usual from Taylor Anjio- CourU ouu in lav .r of *.V. S. James vs. iliu K. Lowe «k Joel E M-mf.a t .V ( o. - ruber one in tnvor ol Arehibid Mu h ws Joj! E. Monttort A (’r». .Sold i<r t ihd jertv of Jc>»] ri. M out fort. Property pointed out by E. B Wat Tins July 6th 1878. 0. jnly-9-tds* Taylor Superior Court April Term, April 4th 1878. Maltha J. Kiley. | W. R, llTI.KV. f It appeunna to the Court (hat Libellant a citizau ot this c ounty, *md it uppeariug tho Comt from tlie return ot thr '.lieriff, that the Defendant is nit to be touud iu th ucuntv, mid it further appearing that aa Defendant is not a r^sid nt of this Stale, it therefore ordered by tlie * Court that service be perfected and tlie Defendant by public, tiou of this enter in the Butler Herald out a month for four months iiumediately pr« ceeding tho next term of thin Court. It fm tlier appearing to the Court that the Plaiutitl, wus unable ut tbr time of filing her putitii to attach a schedule of the property to the same; it is ordered by the Cruri that hii‘* Complaint be allowed muoty days from t adjournment of tbe court to attach wi schedule, it further appearing to the. col ut the time the Defendant filed her pelitii in this case that she was not prepare,! to 1 tacli a schedule of the property owned by Plaintiff and Defendant at the time ot - their separation. It i« tlier (tore ordered by thr court, thut ntm ty days be allowed Plaintiff from the adjournment of the court to make out and attach said schedule. W. S. Wallace «fc O. M. Colbert, Plaintiff’s Attorney. A true extract from tho minutes of Taylor Superior Court, at the ripril Term 1878. Tins Jun* \ 1878. >V. H, JENKINS, Clerk. News.-posting our reaUers on all n atters o? iutortst occuring in the secular world. •b’nNDAY-ScHnaLs.—containing expositions of the Jnt^rnarionul Lesson, and discussion ot e>unday* school topics. ibmciug many and in wiling ' ul n able r fireside r,adiug, you ohoo3e for 130 c-ui’p. Nov/ easily bo retailed ut f 3LUB PRSWHUWI. To any ATItimCin om orde.-iirj 12 Lois at SI.90 oaoh, we will \IJc X JUE&JCaU p-cent Fne, aa 0w Faci oin Silver Watch as Premium. WMCil AND JEVVELnY C1R-ULAR FREE. • WOTIOEa OF THU Our eptomporarjj. ibe Ko 'tonGt*'ft"??*** X!ir?ii U n '’."lit 'oh wi* laiartily'''cmi-jrac.— A’L ety. —V. F. Day Book, Dry* e iu liu gui Hng.'ajid TiboraIiry l^mcuunlcu by nny u GEORGIA—Taylor County : To whom it may concern : Whereas L. Q. C. McCrary Executor on the estate ol Burtloti McCrary, Sr., deceased, Los filud iu my tifiiee, his finul return, show lug that he ims fu ly administered said estate, and up- pljing for letters of DismiRsiou l'r»m said Administration. ‘I tu*se are therefore to re quire all parties concerned, creditors and next oi kin, to show cmne if any they can, cn or before the lirst Monday in August nc*xt, why f'aid letters should not be granted said applicant dismissed prayed. Given under ivy hand and Official. Signa- This Muy is>t i8 7 8. JAMES D. RUSS, Mayl-ro3m Ordinary. old nud young. Jt®-For sample copies, address 4 Jas. P. Harrison 4c Co. Dnnver 24 Atlnuta, Ga. THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY SEWS Iu the ism- of July 6th 1878. will bo coal men ed a new serial story by tho popular Georgia authoress, MRS. OPHELIA NISBET REID, ENTITLED MRS* DARE I The Weekly Newh is not only THE LARGEST BUT THE BEST WEEKLY Published in the Southern State is well ed : ted, and contains au immense unt of reading matter,and its typograph. execution is unsurpassed. Printed on type, with a clear, clean impression, it is a pleasure to read The Wecklv New*. It is a Newspaper ta every sense of th* word, aud contains the latest Telegraphic and State News, Markets, etc., a Lit-, erary. an Agricultural and a Military Department, and is suited to the taste of all who desire to keep up with what is go ing on in the busy world, at home or abroad. Its news is always fresh and entertaining. Subscription, one year $2,C0; six months SI.00. Specimeu copies seut free. Address J. II. ESTILL, bavuunah, Ga. F. 8TOCK.y..'-.N, 27 street, New Yo.Kj GEORGIA—Taylor County : To whom to may concern : Whereas L. Q (’. McCrary, Administrator, tie bonis non. on th** estate of Mrs. Lou. J, Wiichar, ot buid enuuty deceased, has filed in my office his final return showing tliat lie has fully administered «aid estate aud praying for let- h-iK of Dismission from said Administration. These are thtreloro to require ail persouK concerned, creditors and next of kin, io show cause il any they can, on or beloiu the firsi Monday In August, next, why sa d let ten- should not be granted and said applicant dis missed os prayed. Given under my hand and Ofl] iul Signa ture '1 his 1st May 1878. JAMES D. BUSS. Msyl lu’Jm. OrUimi.y. gold; Great chanceto muks money, If l get gold you can get Hrcesbittks. Wc need a person iu evf ry town to take subscriptions for the 'argi et, cheapest aud best Illustrated family publica tion in the world. Any one can becom e a successlul agent. The most elegant work ot art given free to scribers. The price i so low that almost everybodv subscribes. Oue agent reports making over $150 in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscri bers in ten duvs. All wnn engage make mou*-y fast You oan devote nil your time to the buduws, or only yonr spare time. Vou need not he away from home overnight You can do it. as .veil as others. Full par- rienlurx, directions aud terras free. ElegAnt • nd exrensive Outfit tree. It you want pro- k-send im your address at once, g 'o try tbe bueiness. No oue i fails to make great pay. Ad- TcopL's Journal," Portland tit il) <* I tacos' no* nl