The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, February 22, 1881, Image 3

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Will be given in onr town on Mon day night the 28th by Prof. Wil loughby Ueude the moet irresista- ble hnmoriet in Ameriea Bead what they eay about him: Senator Beu Hill, of Georgia: “Prof. Beade'i entertainments are the best of the kind I ever at tended.” Louisville Courier-Journal: “His reading of Poe's Raven was a masterpiece of ornate elocution," Charlotte Observer: “His im personation of ‘Karl the Martyr," and his rendition of the ghost scene in Hamlet could scarcely have been excelled by Booth.” Rev. J. L. M. Court, of Rich mond, Va., says: “I would give one thousand dollars if I could read Karl, the Martyr' as Prut Beade does." We might add a hundred testimo nials as good as the above but the best thing to be done is to see and hear this gifted Elocutionist for yourself. Admission 50cts children 25c ts. Well. Io Taylor county, on the 3rd of February, little ira-Luu, infant daughter of Mrs. and Mr. J. T. Monk. Little Lou had beeu in deli- oate health for several months; was taken dangerously ill about two weeks before her denth, and for nine days suffered most excrucia tingly until the Father said it is enough It was heart-rending to witness the sufferings of the little infant; but God's ways are not onr ways, and though they appear I tenth of Hon. J'crnotido Wood. Mr. Wood wuspciliups the old- < st member in Congress; we mean i hat bis entry into that body anti dates that of auy other member, unless it may be Senators Hamlin and Simon Cameron. Mr. Kelly, of Pennsylvanjit has served we believe the longest time consecutively of any one now in Congress. Mr Wood was one of the ablest of the Democratic members and his abili ty was recognised in his appoint ment to the chairmanship ot the committee on Ways and Meuns, at -***■ mysterious He is nevertheless just the „. ni f the t Con „ —will render to every man hiB Professor of Music in Butler fe male College. We learn that the Board of Trus tees of our College last week elect ed Miss Lizzie Holsey to take charge of the department of Music. We learn further, that arrange ments have been made by the trus tees by which every female pupil in the College will be allowed to take lessons in this department free of charge. Howabd, Ga., Feb. 15th 1881. Editors Herald:—The Valentine party of which I notice you Bpeak in this week's Herald, came off last night. It surpassed the com mittee's most Banguine expectations. There was a good crowd out and all enjoyed it. Cupid’s darts were hurled thick and fast and if we are not mistaken they took ef fect in more than one young man's heart. We are in hopes we will have many suoh parties in the fm ture. Yours eto. Z. own reward. Who knows but a blighter crown bedecks the little sufferer, than if she hud been sud denly removed from all pain. May the bereaved little brothers feel that though sis Lou can never re turn to us we may go to her. May they finally form one uubroken family in that bright world. We believe the stricken parents have adopted the following senti ment : Farewell my darling little Lon, Why shed so many tears for yon? Thy joys are richer far than mine, For pure celestial joys are thine. Thou needest not a innthers’s car Thou needest not u fuller's praye For thy pure soul can lie're be harmed, While in the Saviour's loving arms. Then since it is my Father’s will, (Cease troubled thought, cease; he still) To bid me drink this bitter cup. Cherished one I give thee up. A Fim.KD. Butler, Ga., Fes., 7th 1881. Died. We regret to announce the dealh of a daughter of Mr. aod Mrs. T. L. Waters, which occurred at their residence on Friday last; aged about five years. The severe illness of Mrs. Waide announced in last week's issue ter minated in her death on Tuesday The fairest beauty is often mar- ed by unsightly evidence of a dis eased liver, but Portaline, or Tab- ler’s Negetable Liver Powder cures Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, and removes sullowness, mak ing the complexion clear and at tractive. Small bottle 25c, regular] size 50c. White’s Cream White Verm! fuge, the best Worm Killer. For] sale by Peed & Halley, Butler, Ga., An Excellent Mill. lu cotupuny with Mr. J. D. Peed, we had occasion to visit the excel lent steam saw mill of Messrs. Wil lis & Dasher, on Thursday last, which we found located about four aud a half miles from Butler, near uu rv'er flowing stream ot water und ju the midst of an immense pine rarest whose lofty heads aud mighty bowers i eared above the hill-tops. On arriving we made ourselves familiarly known to the,, John Bolton, a Taylor county grees, which posit ion lie held at the time of his death, which latter event occurred at Hot .Springs Ark. on the night of 13th inst. The Chairman of the Committee of H ugs and Meuns. We see that the Atlanta Con stitution states that speaker Kan- dnll has appointed Beverly Tucker to the vacant chairmanship of the Ways and Means committee caused by the death ol the Hon. Fernando Wood. The Constitution must have been taking a Rip Van Win kle nap; there is no Beverly Tuck er in Congress and has uot been.for years. The name of the newchair- nriin is J Randolph Tucker, at one time Attorney Generulof the State of Vuginia. Piles cuii be ouied permanently by Tukh-r's Buikeye I'ile Oint ment, a sa'e and reliable remedy lor that disease. It will cost yon only 60c, und rid you of a serious annoyance and distressing hin drance to bussiH-SH und pleasure. Use only Tablet's Buckeye Pile Ointment. White’s Cream White Vermi fuge, the best Worm Killer. For sale by Peed & IIalley,Butler, Ga The Wesleyan Memorial Vol ume,or Wesley anil the Meth odist Movement Judged by marly oue hundred and fitly, living and dead. The jgrandest Book of the age ! The Bible only excepted. Every Meth- odiet should have a copy. Price 85.00 cash. JNO. W. DOZIER, Local Ag’t, Butler, Ga. February 14th. 1881, Mr. Charles Timlterluke, of Gainesville, wus in town lust week making arrangements for a hall lor a lecture from Willoughby Keude, who has drawn large houses in all parts of the South. Mr. Timber- luke is an ■ Id newspaper man, as sures us that Willoughby Reade's lectures Ere received everywhere with the greatest delight and enthu siasm. mm FEMALE CrLLEGE MALE INSTITUTE. Exercises for the Spring Term (six months'session) will begin on Monday, the 10th day of January 1881. Rates of Tuition per School month of four Weeks, Primary Clans $2.00 Intermediate Claes $3.00 Advanced Claes $4 00 French and German (each extra) $2.00 Incidental fee (due on entering) 75 Leeeone in Art Department (by Mrs. Barksdale) $2..50 Ample accommodations for Music. PROF. DOZIER, will have associated with him Mr. J. D. Duncan who comes highly recommended as a gentleman and a t-cholar; also, Miss $al)ie Hays, in the Primary Department. Tuition due monthly in advance; deductions made only in case of protracted sickness ot pupil, for two weeks or more. Our motto is thorough, practical work. Discipline mild, but firm. Monthly reports issued. Kodrones will be retained. Board in good families at from $8 to $10 per month. For further particulars apply to JNO. W. DuZIER, Pres. Or JAMES I). UU8S, Sec’y B’d of Trustees. | ROM A PERFECT STRENGTHENER. A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS sn highly qniring a certain and efficient tonic ; j recommended for all dUfeltaa r*> especially Indigestion, Dytpepdn, Btter- mttentFeoen, Wood of Appetite, Lot* of Strength, Lack of Energy, ete. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, ana gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tatting (As Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, ete. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Bold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, 82 pp. of useful and amusing reading—tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS ¥1¥, no CBSB.Xl'7 Street MACOIT, CA, S. NEW YORK STORE. POPPER & CO. SkuiOi, Champ? cn Monitor, Cambridge, Calumet, Cook Stoves Safety and Fairy Queen Kerosene Cook Stoves, Refrigerators, Wa ter Coolers, Ice Cream Freezer, Fo» ler s improved Ely E'anB, IXI. Fly trajis, and Feather Dusters. Full lines of French and American China, Loth (-Ism and decorated Cru-kery, ugiite silv.r plated ware, oct. 5th tf. Come and look, no ireoble to show goods. clever proprietors of the mill who treated us with much politeness. Everything we found in perfect op eration with a large number of bandB Btearlily employed. The ma chinery was the best we have ever seen, and the amount of lumber th»t is now being furnished to the railroad and various other praties by this mill alone, is Bimply as tonishing. They have on band a large amount of first and second- class lumber which they are selling at greatly reduced prices. This furnishes another instance in which the pine forests of old Taylor is bound to furnish abundant wealth iu the near future. To the clever gentlemen wo wish abun dant success. Left for Texas. Such an immense crowd as is seldom witnessed by our people of ladies and gentlemen, gathered at the debot ii Butler on Sunday lust to bid a parting parewell to friends and relatives who were expecting to leave for a distant land. At the arrival of the train so many were present that there was searcely standing room upon the plat form, while upon the ground stood a large numder of anxious friends; to some there was a deep sadneSB of heart, but generally speaking the occasion passed off quite lively and pleasant, with many words of kindness to those so soon to be absent, and hearts fill, of affection. Among those who left for an Eastern portion of Texan, were Mrs. J. W. I.ipsey and two children, and Mr. J. L. Wallace, of Butler; Master Riley, Hammev Riley and Maloom Woodward, of Carsonvmt*. For Boston, Maati,, Mr. R. 8- brook. For Macon, Ga., Mr. J. Foun tain, Mr. W. H. Wright, Mr. B. M. Garrett, Mr. E. Bollock and others. To those who ere expected to re gain may a kind Providence guard man, was taken up by Marshal Lingo, Friday afternoon for viola ting the city ordinance by shooting on the streets. Mr Bolton had ptobaly become affected biC the corn-juice he had imbibed, to keep down the chill of wet clothes und rain water, aud unconciously drew his pistol, and fired. The following extract we find in the Weekly Sumter Republican, but if there exists such a man hy the name of Bolton in Taylor county we huve been unable to learn of him. The Kebubli- can must either be mistaken as to the name of the geutleman or the locality in which he lived. Godey'8 Lady’s Book for March Is one of the best issued in many years. The steel plate engraving is h scene from ‘‘David Copperfield,'’ aud like all of Mr. Darley’s drawings, is true to life. The Fashion Plates ar* superb and natural in color. Tin- complete novel by Robt. C. Meyers, entitled “St. Murphy’s Organ,” is well told, and will keep the reader’* interest from Chapter 1. to the end. There is also a good variety ot choice short stories, poems, ami sketches; a valuable chapter on Frugal Art, full of good, sensible di rections that anybody can follow; tin usual full array in the Work ano Fashion Departments, ot useful hints, direction)^ and reviews; an hi ray ol Recipes, tnat make hungry mouths Water, and amuserar-nts, puzzles, and grimes that will make the cnildren jubilant and happy; a drawing and TAYLOR COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. FOR MARCH. Will be sold before tbe Court Houm door the town ot lbitler in said county on thu tirst Tuesday iu Marob next 1881 within tbe legal boors ot salo to tbe bigbest and best bidder for cash tlio following named proje ly to wit. Lots of land No. 18 in the Agency serve, lots 321 and 128 acres of lui number 320, lying north of branch running through same; lot number 318, also fractimiH 314. 315, 310, 317, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, and 20 acres cut off by change of river bed; all of said lands lyitrg and being in the 1st dis trict of originally Muscogee now Tay lor county,except lot number 18. Als«> 05 acres of fraction number 220, iu tbe 14th district of Taylor county, be ing the north east corner of <-aid frac tion. Also 52 acres of lot number 7 in ageucy reserve, iu said county, bound ed by a line commencing at the south eaHt corner of said lot and running along the line south west to the lauds of J. T. Lucas, thence due north west to thu north west boundary line of said lot, thvnce due north east to the lauds of J W Wactor, thence south west to the line running north east between Lockett and Wactor, thence direct to north eust boundary line of said lot. Levied on ns the property ot Holoinon H. Lockett, to satisfy two ti issued out of Taylor Superior Court, one of said fi fa’s being a mort gage fi fa aud the other a common law ti fa iu favor of J P Glover, vs. said Lockett; said fi fas having been trans ferred and assigned to Mrs. Martha S, Maishall, .Notice of levy given 8 11 Lockett, tenant in possession. Also at the sunie time aud place one house and lot containing eight acii if laud more or less and bounded »t follows: north by street or public road, east by residence of W 3 Wallace, south by lands of W G Bateman and west by place of J H Holsey. Levied on as the property of Martha M bid wards, to satisfy three tax fi fa’s is sued by Josiuli Pyron, Tax Collector. Property pointed out by Tax Collector. 1'his January 31st 1881 C A J POPE, fehlids Sheriff. Greenwood,S. C., Jau. 27 1880 Dr. L. T. Hill: Dear Sir—Knowing th« consti tuent elements of your Hepatic Panace, 1 have used it in my practie with most gratifying re- Successors to S. Waxelbauni & Bro. Determined that alt maw Know our intention ol'Selling DRY ROODS umn:», Dotn |.iHin and decora tea Uro- kery, ugtiU- iron-ware, tin-waie. lor Less than they Can be bought anywhere wood-wure, baskets ate. I airips, Cliarideiieis aud Grass-ware. Ko ' " ° * I assortment of table aud pucker cutlery, new goods, new patterns we call your attention to the following: | ' AN ELEGANT LINE OF DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVETS, SATINS, BKAC’ADES, CASHMERES, MullAIR, CLOTH, ETC., ALL AT GREAT REDUCTION, AND WE MEAN REDUCTION WHEN WE SAY IT. DRESS GOODS FROM 10 CENTS TO ANY PRICE. Our 50 cents all wool Black Caslimere is superior to any other -or the same price iu color and qnulity. Our 50 cents colored Cushtneres can not be beaten. Our 50 cents Corset is the best sold for the mouey. Our 60 cents Three Button Kid Glove is a superior article. Our 50 cents Ladies und Gents Uuder-vost is a real bargain. We unly mention these prices but cau show all o her goods equally ub low, and only ask your careful attention when shopping in Macon. WttEcegateUitntl Commute Sioclc el HoBery, Laces, Fancy Goods, Novelties, House-Keeping Goods, BLANKETS, BLEA0H1NG8, SHIRTINGS, ETC, ETO. Out- Cloak aud Dolman stuck is the largest to be found UDy where and we will certainly please in style and pi ice when you want these goods—prices from $2.09 to $50.00 When visiting Macon don't (ail to give us a call, or if you cannot come send your crdeis aud we will see that you get what you want at the very lowest prices, aud the shortest time. ■ S. POPPER & CO. Triamhjlak Block, MADOX, GA plan of a picturesque suburban villa, I suits. 1 unhesitatingly recom- I tl.a Dl<l A wlll.niiui. A ...l * It. 1- I 1 ° V V I ■ and the genial Old Arm-Chair. And addition to all these there is a diagram pattern for a child’s dress and a beau tiful colored pattern for a lady’s dress shopping bag. We can recommend this old favorite magazine to oui readers, because of its pure aud elevated tone, as a safe companion. We will receive subscriptions at thb- office and furnish the Butler Herald and Godey»s Lady’s Book each for out year for the price of #3, per annum mend it as a reliable aud valuable alternative and gentle* cathartic. Its rapidly increasing popularity attests the value of its medicinal propei ties. Yours respectfully, M. 0. TAGGART, M. D. For sale to the trade by wTH. Babbitt, August a, Ga. and by Walker dr Gan. Ga., T. GUERNSEY* SUCCESSOR TO GUERNSEY & REYNOLDS, M icon, (ieorgia. Offers to the trade in Talbot, Tayl r counties, a new and varied stock of builders furnishing goods, Mich as Doors, Sash, Blinds, Win dow, Glass, Oils, Hardware, &c., marked down at the lowest prices tr* insure sale and perfect satisfaction Call or send orders to T. GUERN SEY, opposite W. W. Collins & Bro. Macon, Ga. oct. 5‘h tf. E. E. BROWN. FILMORE BROWN INPOUTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Agrleulural ImpleniMts Tin and Wooden Ware of Every Description. WE HAVE NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND WELL ASSORT ED STOCK OF POCKET AM TABLE CLTLEBV, FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. Merchants and others would do well to call and examine our Stock. RON FRONT STORE, CHERRY STREET, MACON. GEORGIA. t BROWN’S NATIONAL - - - HOTEL j Nearly opposite th« Passenger depot. %con, ‘ Georgia. Ifhe National Hotel has been recently removaled, refitted, and all of Yho modern improvements introduced which are necessary fora first cla*8 hotel. Among the improvements is a complete system of water works; which affords every convenience tor the guests, aud protection to the building against tire. The cuisine department is under the charge of tho nicstexperieaced cooks, and the tables, for varieties in the sufo-tiintials, and luxuries, i* not surpassed iu the South. miawA« xiTirtKAL iron:/;. under the proprietorship of E. E. Brown, the oldest hotel pioprietor in Macon, or the State of Georgia, aud his son Filmore Brown, who was reared in the hotel business. The seuior proprietor gives the hundreds of thousands of patrons- throughout tne United Slates, for the last quarter of a centuary, at* his references. Rates of charges: Fifty Cantu for a Meal, or lor a Meal, ot l*s lodging; or Two Dollurs per day. E. E. BROWN & SON, oct. 5th tf. Proprietors. GKOPGIA—Taylok Coukty : ! The Reviewers appointed having recommended a Public Road running n the direction of Carsouville via Lawton’* place, et. al Outfit sent fren to those who wish to engage in the most pleaaantaml profitable business kuown. Every thing new. Capital not required. , . - - , . will furnish you everything. $10 persons having objections to Hll( j upwards is easily made with- tlmo'pre- -t Lying'.way from boo,cover night libed by law, or said action ol said Bviows will be approved. IJ; order of the Board of Commis sioners Roads and llocutie. This February 10th 1881. JAMES 1>. RUSS, feb.l5-w4w. Clerk. FUK KENT The place one and a half mile* north of Butler, known as the Grien Jordan place. For informa tion apply at this office. January 30th, 1881. staying away from hoaieover nigh No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fort unes at the business. Ladies make at much as men,and young boys and girls make great pay No oue who is willing o work fails to make more money ry day than can bo made in a week at any oniiuary employment. Those engage at once will find a short road fortune. Address H. HALLETT -St Go., Portland, Maine. [feb.1-1 Administrator’s Sale GEORGIA—Taylok County : By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Talbot county, will he sold before the court house door ‘ HOI ICE! town of Butler, in said Taylor county, Mr. J. R. SteWart, lute of Ala- within the legal hours of sale, on the bniua, is IIOW connected with the first Tuesday in March next: sold us reliable firm ot Messrs. Peed &Jthe property of Marshall P. Brown, CARRY YOUR COTTON Opposite . W. BURKE & CO.’S Book 8tove, Ho* 345 A. 347 Hecsud Street MACOJT, €Ai Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. L. WILLINGHAM. GEOBGil W. BURR, CHERRY STREET, — ihh now in store, and constantly arriving, i — MACON, a A. j of the best selected stocks of Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, Silverplated-wara Mjaory, and Bohemian Class, Stoves, Tinwate And House -Furnishing Coods Cenerally I Which we offer as low as cau bj bought in this or any other murket. le agent for that justly CELEBRATED -FARMER CIRL” COOK STOVE t Every Ktuve warranted, and satistHctioo guaranteed in every instanco. Thanking tire public for its liberal patronage 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. nov.30lf. GEORGE W. BURK, 97 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. Halley, Butler, Ga., and reBpect- tu'ly solicits the patronage ot his many friends in Taylor and ad joining counties. TOR SALE1 I am prepared to offer to the late of B&irl Talbot county deceased, the following described property to- wit: Forty acres on tbe east side of lot of land Mo. 107 iu the 15th dis trict of said Taylor county; also the balance of said lot (tmbjoct to tbe ens cumbrance ot the widow’B dower | be ing one hundred and aixty acres more farmers ot Taylor and adjoining^, i w< f or the benefit of the counties, the best Tennersee corn in heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. This 31st day of January large quantities at 80 cents per bushel. If sold in small quantities 86 oeati per bushel Terms strict Iy«Mh, J. T. HATLEY. 1881. D. R. BROWN, Adiainiatra. tor on estate of M. F. Brown, de- fob. lwlw. FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC Fall and W inter Styles, Patterns Unsurpassed. Prices very Lw. LATEST STYLES OF CORJV1CE. SHADES. MUGS JETT OOHB MM LOOK. THOMAS WOOD. Next Door to Lanier House, MACON, GA.