The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 13, 1918, Image 5

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Jelly Glasses Fruit Cans Strings Campbell’s Stains Fly Traps Brooms Fishing Tackle LePage’s Glue China Cement Cartridges Rifles IRA CHAMBERS BUTLER, GEORGIA Local Paragraphs Still hot and dry. No rain here for six weeks or longer. Mrs C F Fickling spent Monday at Macon. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Turner spent Monday in Macon. Both white ond yellow pickling vinegar at C M Bartletts. Dr. R. C. Montgomery spent Tuesday in Columbus on business. Who will be the first in Taylor county to exhibit a cotton bloom? Miss Alice Stewart, of Rupert, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. West. “Pledge Day” for war saving stamps, June 28th. Get ready for it. Our boys are giving splendid account of themselves “over there.” Mr. J. B. Ellis is spending the week with Butler relatives and friends. Mrs S A Murray, of Tazewell, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Edwards. Mrs. J. E. Fountain and chil dren will spend the week-end at Americus. Mrs. Mary Brooks, of Macon, was the week-end guest of Mrs. G. C. Smith. Three cents a mile passenger fares on all railroads became ef fective Monday. A marriage license was recently issued to Mr Milton Mathews and Miss Ethel Wynn. Mrs. Leonard Cross has re turned to Butler after a pleasant visit to Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hammonds are receiving the congratulations of their many friends in the gift of a son June 5th. Prof, and Mrs. Chas R. Brown, Mr. James Childs. Miss Atholine Childs and Mrs W A Childs were i improving, though very slowly. Atlanta visitors this week. Crops generally in the county- are on the verge 1 of decline on ac count of the drouth. Local show ers of rain in some sections have been very much appreciated but a general rain is badly needed. Airplanes from Southern Field, near Americus, may be seen oc casionally in this section, as in structions in the use of these ma chines have begun in earnest, and in the practice they cover a wide scope. Fickling Masonic Lodge will resume work tomorrow night in the Masters degree and that de gree conferred on several candi dates in waiting. All members of the lodge and visiting masons are invited to be present. ^ The County Sunday School Convention convenes next Satur day and Sunday at Howard. Ev ery Sunday school attendant in the county is urged to attend the sessions of the convention, which will be instructive as well as in teresting. Mrs Bertha Simmons Smith, of Barney, Ga., was brought to her father’s Mr. W. G. Simmons, of ner Garden Valley last week. She was accompanied home by her father and mother and attending physician, and is reported to be Linw.ood McGee, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Arthur McGee was painfully injured Monday by be ing thrown from a bicycie. Most of his injuries were about the face which was severaly bruised, including a fractured nose and the loss of several teeth. There were no witnesses to the unfortu nate accident and the little fellow lay unconscious for some time before being discovered. is the T. G. Miss Amzie Chapman guest of her sister, Mrs. Turk, at Reynolds. Mrs. Leigh Cook, of Geneva, is the attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bartlett. Butler needs a new school building. All who endorse this statement let us know. WANTED.—100 Fryers at 50 cents each. M. A. Chapman. Mrs. A. J. McGee has returned home after a pleasant visit to rela tives in Birmingham. Mr. A. J. Morse, of Byromville, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fountain Sunday. Mrs R. A. Jones and little daghter have been the guests of Mr E W Payne and family. Graham Wade, of Reynolds, will spend his school vacation with J A Wilson and family. Mr. J. E. Fountain and son, Morris, of Southern Field aviation camp, were home for the week end. Sheriff Beeland accompanied by Hon. J. A. Mathews, of Rey nolds, spent Friday at Thomaston on business. RUB-MY-TISM—Antiseptic, re lieves rheumatism, sprains, neu- Mrs. N. B.Plumer, of Anthoney, Fla., is visiting the family of Mr. H C Shealy and other relatives in the county. Saturday only, 6 -bars Clean Easy Soap for 25c. C. M. BARTLETT. Miss Ruth Adams, who is at tending a business college at Ma con is with home folks for the week-end. Mr. P. F. Vanlandingham, of Howard, another of the county’s best citizens, was mingling with friends in Butler yesterday. Mrs Minnie Weaver and chil dren, of Buena Vista, are expect ed tomorrow and will be the | guests of Mrs S A Peebles. For a limited time only we are ! pleased to offer The Delineator 12 months, for 95c. I. F. PEEBLES & CO. Mrs. A. J. Morse and children, who have been the guests the past week of Mrs. u. E. Foun tain, have returned to Byrom ville. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Lavfield, and their two sons, Martelle and Ralph, of Albany, are with their mother, Mrs J T Adams, for a few days. Mrs. J. T. Carson and Miss Lil Carson will go to Gainesville, Ala., where they will be the guests during several days of Mr. Forest Carson. The total number of young men in Taylor county to register for military service on June 5th was 77. This includes both whites and colored. ] attracted much attention, it being Hon. A. H. Sealy, of Howard, j the first complete eclipse the was a visitor to the city- Monday, j younger generation had seen. For He is one of the county’s bestJ nearly an hour it was almost dark, citizen? and has hundreds of j like at early twilight. Hundreds loyal friends. | viewed the spectacle through Just received shipment of Ceil- j snl0 ^ e ^ glasses, ing, Flooring and Weatherboard ing. J. T. MATHEWS Butler ‘citizens are likely to find themselves without sugar al most any day. The supply is get ting low almost impossible to be obtained, so the merchants say. A number of cities in the state al ready report the suply entirely exausted. Don’t overlook the fact that I am closing out my Cool Cloth and Palm Beach clothes, Straws and Panama Hats at cost. Buy now while you can get fitted. C. M. BARTLETT. Messrs T. J. Hart and F R Pur vis of Howard, and Hon R A Hin ton, of Reynolds, were in' Butlei Tuesday attending the regular monthly meeting of the directors of the Butler Banking Co. Each of these gentlemen are among the county’s most substantial busi ness men. I am pleased to announce to my friends that I am prepared to in flate your automobile tires with air free of charge. This applies not only to my customers of gasoline and oils, but those of my competitors as well. D. W. ROGERS. The eclipse of the sun Satur- Butler boys who are now in the thickest of the battle in France, being members of the 151st Ma chine Gun Battalion, Rainbow Division in which three Macon boys were killed in batttle Mon day, are Messrs Joe Rawls and O. P. Harris. The former is a son of Mr B B Rawls while the latter is a brother of Mr. E. L. Harris. They have the interest and prayers of their friends for their safety. FOR SALE—30 bushels extra good Spanish peanuts at 7c per pound. J. T. MATHEWS. Prominent visitors to Butler Tuesday included the following: Lieut C. Mulkey West, of Chatta nooga, Mrs. W. S. Hancock and son of St Louis; Misses Mamie and Dita Mae West and Mr. James McDonough, of Atlanta. They were spend-the-day guests of Mrs. J. J. West and family, and were en route to Atlanta from Buena Vista where they have been visiting for several days. Keen interest of all our people is directed now in the 82 Division of the U. S. army, which is soon to be placed on an important sec tion on the line against the ene my in France, for in this division there are not only hundreds of Georgia boys by a number, from this county, as in company K. 325 regiment, under CUpj. 0. Q. Mel ton, there are the following young men from Taylor county: J. J. Shealy, A. T. Aultman, Frank Slaughter, Henry Peacock and Sankie Trussed. Miss Mary L Simpson, who dur ing several days last week was the admired guest of Mrs. J. W. Edwards, left Monday for her home at Lumpkin. Miss Simpson is a musician or rare talent and ability both in piano and voice. Her solos as a part of the de lightful program, rendered at the Baptist church Friday night by pupils of Mrs Edwards’ class music and also at the preaching service at the Methodist church Sunday night, were greatly en joyed and appreciated. The food administration having Mr Tti68 McGee and Mi: Taliaferro Married Saturday Miss Rosa Fountain, who has her vacation to the delight of her many friends. Little Margarett Harrell, daugh ter of Rev and Mrs L A Harrell, has been quite sick this week, but we are pleased to learn of her im proved condition. Mr. E. L. Rawls has enlisted in the U. S. Navy and is spending some day's at home waiting for further instructions from gov ernment' authorities. Peach shipping continues on the rush. Owing to the scarcety of packers much of the fruit is packed in refrigerator cars in or dinary picking baskets. The Delineator, the greatest fashion publication, 12 months for only 95 cents. I. F. PEEBLES & CO. I day afternoon was a feature that I taken over the ice manufacture and sale in Georgia as a conser vation program during the fruit season, soda fountains, restaur ants and hotels here are obeying orders by the curtailment of the use of cracked, shaved or crushed ice. Moreover ice dealers have been without ice for private family use for several days, which has caused some inconvenience to those who are dependent on this necessity. However, the situation may be relieved today as a car load has been promised for this point. Dr. Eli Garrett and family are spending the week in Atlanta while the former is attending the been attending G N & I College ! state convention of Georgia den- at Milledgeville, is at home for tists - They were accompanied as far as Forsyth, by Mrs. I. W. Garrett, who is spending the week with relatives and friends. Messrs Brooks & Trussed are expecting a car of ice today and on arrival will resume city delivery of same. They urgently request the co-operation of housekeepers by receiving ice promptly at their front doors. Hereafter Sunday hour for delivery at ice house only will be confined strictly' to one hour, from 8 to 9 o’clock. j Judge A. H. Riley, Mr. J. W Ri- j ley, Mrs. J. T. Gray and Mr. F. C.j Jarrell motored to Mountville, Ga., j Sunday where they spent the day: most pleasantly with Mrs. Nora M. 1 Woodward formerly of this city. For Rent, Two very desireabie rooms with connecting door, good neigh borhood. Further information furnished by calling at the Her ald office. FOR SALE—Thorough bred rat puppies. See me at once. D. F. CHAPMAN. Setter Pups For Sale, The numerous Taylor county friends of Mrs Woodward will be delighted to know that during the past several months she has been enjoying the best of health Thorough bred, entitled to reg istration. Come at once. R. C. MONTGOMERY. Prof, and Mrs. W. M. Pettis, of Rockmart, Ga., are expected^Sun-1 an d happiness day. They will be cordially re- j ceived by many friends here while | Letters received this week from the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Cameron. Col. and Mrs. W. E. Steed have returned from Greenville, S. C., where they have been visiting Mr. W. W. Steed, who is receiving in structions at the officers’ training school at Camp Sevier. Mrs Annie Montfort Taylor and little Miss Rosalie Taylor, who has been her guest for several weeks, arrived from Birmingham yester day and are at the home of Hon., and Mrs. O. T. Montfort. Mr. S. B. McDaniel, for many years a prominent citizen of the county, but now of Thomaston, was a business visitor to Butler Saturday. Friends of Mr McDan iel and his estimable family will be glad to know of their good health and prosperity. LOST Crank from an Overland car. Lost on the road from Reynolds and Eason’s store. I. B. VANN. Strayed. From Bartlett’s mill, Birkshire our boys "over there” by their home folks state that they are yet in land of the living and do ing their part towards extinguish ing the Huns who face them in! mostly b i acU with few white the lines of battle. Several o j ts Weight between 250 and our boys are now seeing actual: ds “ Reward . service in the trenches and wil , * W. W. EDWARDS, have many remarkable tales of j war to tell when they return i home crowned with the laurel i To the Farmers of Taylor wreaths of victory. The recital Friday night by Mrs. J. W. Edwards music pupils, as sisted by Mrs. Edwards and Miss Simpson was one of the most de lightful events of the season. Each pupil acquitted herself well and reflected thorough and care ful training received from their instructor. The audience was large and highly entertained throughout the program. County 1 want your chickens, ttpH&S*; eggs and butter, and will pay, ^qu in cash the best price the market affords. Phone me at Mosley & Neisler’s Mill. L. J. WAINWRIGHT. P. S. Daniel Rogers will re ceive and pay cash for all produce left with him, at Butler, for me. L. J. W. Numerous friends of Mr. Theo McGee and Miss Aylmer Taliferro will be interested to learn of their marriage which occurred Satur day morning at Columbus at the home of the bride's mother. Mr McGee is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McGee, of Butler, and resided here until quite recently when he went to Birmingham to make his home in the future. He is one of the most popular young men ever reared in Butler. His bride, who has visited Butler several times, is greatly admired by a large num ber of friends here. Following the marriage at Co lumbus Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs McGee paid a pleasant week end visit to Butler relatives and friends. They left Sunday after noon for Birmingham. The announcement of their marriage which appeared in a Columbus paper Sunday is as fol lows: A marriage of intense interest which will come as a great sur prise to their many friends is that of Miss Aylmer Taliaferro and Mr. Theo McGee, of Birmingham, which took place yesterday morning at 11 o’clock at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. C. F. Taliaferro, on Rose Hill. A party of friends had been in vited to luncheon by the brides brother in honor of Miss Emily Taliaferro, whose marriage was to occur at 1:30 o’clock, and while there, Miss Aylmer Taliaferro and Mr. McGee were married. Mrs. McGee has many friends in Columbus, where she was well known as a very charming and talented young woman. She is a musician of rare accomplishments, having been a member of the fac ulty of the Critchon School of Music, and her many friends re gret that she has gone to a dis tant city to make her home. Mr. McGee is a promising young 1 usiness man of Birming ham, and he is being sincerely congratulated upon his so recent good fortune in winning such a charming bride. The many friends of the con- I trading parties will be interested! in learning of the marriage, lust Saturday evening in Oglethoi&e of Miss Effie Poole, of Ideal, aid Mr. R. M. Johnson, of Fort Valkov The bride is the daughter of and Mrs. G W Poole, of Ideal, kfc. Poole being a prominent farmer of that section. She has been a frequent visitor in Fort Valley and has many friends here. The groom is well and favorably known in Fort Valley, where he has made his home for Ithe past two years, during which time he has been a faithful and trusted attache of the post office depart ment, and has many friends among the patrons of the service. Fort Valley Leader-Tribune. Celebration of The Birthday ot Jetterson Davis MoMichael-West, Sunday’s papers contained the following announcement, which will be read with pleasurable in terest by countless friends of both parties in this section: "Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. McMi- chael, of Buena Vista, Ga., an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Stewart, to Lieu tenant Carroll Mulkey West, Unit ed States reserve medical corps, the date of the wedding to be an nounced later.” Mr. West is the son of Col. and Mrs C C West, formerly of this city, as well as the grand son of Mrs J. J. West of Butler. Miss McMichael is well known and greatly admired by many friends here. On the afternoon of the third of June, the Wallace-Edwards Chapter U. D. C. met at the home of Mrs. T. C. Russ to celebrate the birthday of Jefferson Davis—the only president the Southern Con federacy ever had. Davis was born in Kentucky June 3, 1308. Mrs. Lucile Bateman, v'ho had charge of the program, had pre pared quite an interesting and in structive one. Mrs. H. P. Wallace read a sketch of the life of Davis, Miss Mary Neisler a sketch of his boyhood, Miss Nannie Joiner a description of the Memorial to be erected to him, and Mrs. A. S. Wallace read a memorial of him delivered by Col. Tyson in a memorial address on the birthdays of Lee and Jackson. One Cross of Honor was de livered, the cross of Major Fick ling, to his oldest child, Mrs. T. C. Russ. Major Fickling died before Crosses of Honor w r ere given to brave old veterans by the Daugh ters of the Confederacy. Our chapter has received six new members since the beginning of the New Year, and more to come. We are trying to enlist the interest of the young women and girls who are eligible to member ship in our organization. Corresponding Secretary. POULTRY PRICES. Hens, per pound 20c Roosters, each 50c Fryers, 1 'i to 2 lbs., each 50c Hams, per pound 25c Shoulders, per pound 20c Sides 22J^c Eggs, per dozen 27j4c M. A. CHAPMAN, Butler, Georgia. Lost or Stolen, One hound dog about eighteen months old, last seen June 7, col or black and tan with w'hite ring almost around neck, some white on feet and end of tail. A liberal reward for any information as to his whereabouts. ASA PETERMAN, Butler, Ga. Phone 992 on D; Route 1, FROM THE GROUND UP Bodily vigor must be from theground up. The most buoyant health and vitality are at a great discount if the feet are impaird. Perfect Fitting Shoes afb an absolute necesity if you are to have freedom of action. This you will alwayh find in our Shoes for men and wo men. They give the maximum of COMFORT and SERVICE . —without which your daily tasks are a burden. You won’t know what solid foot comfort means till you wear a pair of our Shoes. I. F. PEEBLES & COMPANY