The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, May 12, 1938, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLM, GEORGIA, MAY 12, 1936. MEWS SUMMARY OF THE WEEK IN GEORGIA Police were investigating robbery •f the state-operated liquor ware house in Macon Friday night. Candy Sanders, 86, widely known retired farmer of Upson county, died 1 suddenly Saturday afternoon. Miss Irma Stewart, sister-in-law •f Editor Isador Gelders, Fitzgerald, died Monday. She was a native of Uncoln, Neb. Thos. Jackson Peeples, retired At lanta banker and member of a dis tinguished Georgia family, died Sat urday night. At least seventy persons died in week-esd accidents throughout the nation. Georgia contributed four to this number. Atlanta’s traffic death toll for May was raised to two Tuesday when Rob ert iMorgn, 3 year old negro boy, died at Grady hospital. More than half a million pounds of eabbage will be purchased in the_Val Floyd Searcy, manager of the Farmers Produce Co., has announced plans for establishment of a peanut shelling plant at Thomasville, to be ready for operation this fall. It is expected to furnish employment for about 60 workers. METHODISTS TO MEET NOV. 24 AT WAYCROSS Birmingham, Ala., May 7.—Bish- ops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, announced Saturday the South Georgia conference would be held at Waycross, Nov. 24. The 1938 annual conference for North Georgia is to be held Nov. 17, the site to be selected later. J. M. MALLORY TO RETIRE ON JUNE 1 FROM CENTRAL R.R. Genial Industrial Agent of Central Completes Forty-eight Years Active Service MARGARET MITCHELL IS HONORED BY COLLEGE. , n T M „ Savannah, May 9.—J. M. Mallory, ,, , ,, I general muustnal agent of the Cen- Athens, May 8.—-Margaret Mitchell, tra | ol - (j eor g la Hallway, will at his author of "Gone with the Wind, ac- own re q U est be retired on June first cepted honorary membership this a service oi more than 48 week in the University of Georgia y ears w ith the Central and affiliated chapter of Theta Sigma 1 hi, natural jj nes j n asking to be relieved from womens ternity. honorary journalism fra- Phil Campbell, Jr., of Watkinsville, a senior in the University of Geor gia College of Agriculture, is enroute to Denmark for a year’s study of farming. He was awarded a scnolar- ship by the Rotary educational foun dation of Atlanta. Federal Judge Deaver Friday con ducted a hearing of a motion for new trial of suit brought by Robert Tyre Jones, Jr., the famous Atlanta golfer against W. E. Page, former internal ' revenue collector, for recovery ot I .$53,000 in income taxes. | A woman listed as Mrs. W. D. Wil lis of Centersburg, Ohio, was killed and live other persons injured Mon- i day in a head-on automobile collision 1 on'the Dixie Highway near Rebecca. Mrs Willis and her husband were en Aiaoon, May 10—Mrs. Sabina Wes- , route from Florida to their home. ley, mother of 24 chldren, was .. , , awarded a prize at the special Motn- ngultural agent. W. 1. DerMott, lor Georgia postmasters Monday be-1 or , s Day pro( r ram G f local theatres. : the past 12 years industrial repre- ' gan swearing in-fifteen pilots who^on ^ oldegt mother W as Mrs. Inez sentative, will be promoted to indus- Long, of Lizella; the youngest, Mrs. trial agent. Myra Andrews, 15. More than 1,500 | Mr. Mallory is recognized in- rail- mothers were guests of the theatres, way and industrial circles throughout jthe country as an outstanding factor active service he said that having reached the retirement age, and be- LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN1 SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA—-Taylor County: By virtue of the power and thority contained in a certain de» secure debt executed bv m. , Bennett to J. P. Posey, dated vM 1930, and recorded in Deed Root-1 pages 509-510, records of T a ,1 Howell said Murdaugh, director of County, Georgia, also in Deed nl the state department of pu- iic wei- j 32, -Page 83, records of \i. I fare, drew a salary of $2,000 as di-' County, Georgia, the under-;- rector from March 16 through June, will sell at public outcry befor 30, 1937. | Court House door in Taylor Cm *1 “The next item (on a state audi- Georgia, to the highest bidder " 1 ’ tor's report) shows Lamar Murdaugh cash, within the legal hours of drew another salary of $2,846.40 cov- on the first Tuesday in June ering the same three and a half same being the 7th dav of j 1 No. 1 J£i 000 was not enough for this extrava gant administration?” he added. “It has spent not only the $7,000.,- 000, but $4,000,000 in excess of that amount, thus creating a $4,000,000 deficit which is on the bocks of the state today. “This -makes a total of more than $11,000,000 which this administration has spent more than was spent last year, or nearly one million a month increase," MOTHER OF 24 WINS PRIZE IN MACON in-g less active he felt that justice to i months ftfr investigating and draft- 1938, the following real 1.1 : 111,..... Ji in LimnnIF mi (rirnL+o inn 1/vmelofl’nn ** Hnwnll ctli/l ! . the railway and to himself suggests this step. The Central’s development depart ment will be under general super vision of J. F. Jackson, general ag- May 19 will have charge of the United States air mail on as many eaiDoagc win oe lumm.-w u"'— - - „ do sin section by the Federal- Surplus special routes as part of of the a - Commodity Corporation, it was learn niial observance^ o^^National ^Ail ed Tuesday. Ed Grant, 54, father of ten chil dren, who was njured in an automo- bilo accident Monday near Dawson- rille, die<l hi a hospital at Tate Tues day morning. Distribution of 160,000 pounds of dry skim milk was started Monday ky the Surplus Commodities Distn- fcntion of the state department of public welfare. A baby weighing two pounds and 14 ounces, the smallest on record at SUberton was bom Friday. The baby is the fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E Alfono. Funeral services for Mrs. M. J. Stone, sate historian for the United Daughters of the Confederacy, who died at her home Saturday, were at Columbus Sunday. J. L. Skehajn, 29, auto mechanic, of Atlanta, was fatally injured early Sunday when- he lost control of his Mail Week, which opens next day. I Changes of the closing time foi registrations in state primary elec- tions will be considered Monday at a meeting of the rules committee of the state democratic executive com mittee at the Ansley hotel, according to I. S. Peebles, chairman of the rules committee. i Matt McWhorter, member of the State Public Service commission qualified Friday as a candidate fot re-election in the state primary to w held in September. He paid his $256 entrance fee to the secretary of the secretary of the state democratic executive committee. Sam Hirschensohn sailed this week for Havere on his way to his for mer home in Rumania to see his | mother, two brothers, and sister. He has not seen any of them since leav ing Rumania 42 years ago. He served SUMTER COUNTY 4-H CLUBS TO STAGE WEEK’S FESTIVAL He had a prominent part in building of the textile industry ing legislation,” Howell said. I wit: Th j K ’ h . 6 i ?l d ’ amounts aPProxi-1 Lot of land N lfi3 d mately $1,400 per month for one acers in the south . eas ’ t of land No. 164; and one *te, (fiftl man’s work. “My friends,” Howell continued, qn i n on€ /r “he isn’t worth it and you know he side 0 / lot ( of ,> nd N * s off 1 isn’t worth it.” . XI _ NO. 2 Sone plant be provided in- Atlanta and all of hundrl the < l ot of land No. 30’except 3 tl, (20) acres in the north-west cond all lying and- being in the 12th ill district of Taylor County, Georgia] Also all of lot of land No 213! cept twenty (20) acres in the County 4-H. boys and girls will hold a week’s spring festival and rally here next week. in the development of the southeast. books be "crated and shipped there to west comer, in the third distriT the up- | be sterilized in a heating plant under Taylor County, Georgia. Ct _ ’rty j n ! your supervision-. The books would Also all- of lot of land No 919 . ■ r' 7T*,. c this territory, and more recently w , not h ave to be uncrated and could cept thirty (30) acres in Americus, Ga., May 6.—Sumter the marked progress of ceramics. |b e returned to the respective coun- east corner, in the third land r°i U ties in a very short time at a mini- of Marion County, Georgia and mum cost. of the east half of lot No 32 in Since the Health Department has 12th land district of Marion oi , unlimited authority, it would bring Georgia. ’ Counl pressure to bear on the Educational | Said sale is -being had in t Department to use these precautions County, Georgia bv vim, , 5 ’ before the fall term of school, even agreement by the maker of sa f,' of the plant has to be an improvised curity deed that all the land 1 braced in said security deed dj] be sold, in case of default, at time and at one progress A native of Mississippi, he began railway servico as a clerk at Natchez r, . . . , came to Georgia as agent in 1894, served at Madison, A.nens and Ma- con-, and at -Savannah since 1904. He demonstration of economical hog pro duction, old fiddlers’ convention 1 ws made Industrial 1 agent in 1906, amateur night, junior .beauty revue, d , industrial affent in 1922. bi£ apple contest and buck dancers , b n , contest will be features of the week Hi announcing Mr. Maloiys p- proaching retirement, H. D. Pollard, receiver of the Central, paid him a high tribute as friend, associate and officer. Mr. ’Mallory will continue to reside for a part of his time at least Savannah. Sunday wnen- ne tost co-mu- ui *••= as a volunteer in the S PGa motorcycle amd crashed into the side can war. His home is at Leesburg,Ga. •f a brick building . | Organization of a new Methodist Dr J. A. Durrenbcrgcr has been church 011 St. Simons Island has been appointed director of the summer completed with the election of the school of the Georgia State Woman’s board of stewards, who were assisted College in Valdosta, President F. K. n completing the organization by Rev Reade has amiounced. I F. M. Gaines, presiding elder of the i Waycross district, and Rev. A. Waite I of McKendree Methodist church of 1 Brunswick. Members of the senior class of Coi.~. senool will leave soon rfte, their | C . O., o( Milfcood, near »• O SU W. r „, A hv^ Eugene Nesmith was killed and his pete Pullman, road house op- chum, Frank Waller, sustained head ej* a tor, the night of April 16.. Return- injuries when the bicycle on which | j n j, a verdict of guilty, the jury rec- tliey both were riding was hit^y j an ' ommended mercy, and 1 Judge M. D. n Dickerson sentenced Bennett to hie imprisonment. A mistrial was declared by Judge J. L. Kent in the case of Miss Mar garet Pritchett, charged with arson, after the jury had been out from Tuesday until late Wednesday night. She was charged with to the home of Dr. and Mrs. I. G, Prim on November, 1937. The 'blaze was extinguished! without a great de-a-l of damage. State Highway Troopers Hender son and Harbin arrested a negro teacher from the Industrial school at Dawson, on charges of driving with a fictitious drivers’ license and op erating without a drivers’ -license. This is perhaps the first person in the state to be charged with faking a drivers' license. The troopers said the negro cut off the top part of the application blank and folded it back to resemble the license. automobile at Savannah Sunday night. Atlanta students at Georgia Tech were shown to be heavy on the hooks and brains this year as Registrar H. h. Cai-.well announced Saturday that 99 Atlanta boys are on the school’s honor roll. Dixon Willard of near Winder, was killed, and three others were injured Saturday night when a rear tire on the car they were riding blew out on a downhill curve. The car overturned several’ times. A youth was killed and anothei ^seriously injured wnen struck in Sa vannah Sunday night by ai car whose driver stopped, stepped from the au tomobile to examine the unconscious bodies, and then fled. Tom Gregory, Jr., editor of The Eateuton Aiessenger, has been ap pointed director 111 Putman county in the wildlife conservation essay con test being sponsored by the Bibb county game and fish club. James H. Nunally, founder of the Nunnally Company, pioneer Atlanta candy manufacturing firm, and a leader for years in the business, civic and- cultural life of Atlanta, died Monday at his home in Miami . The Commodity Credit Corporation announced last week cotton loans through Friday amounted- to $233,- 279,029 on 5,340,194 bales. The num ber of bales on which loans were made -by states: Georgia, 439,544. The Georgia state employment serv ice and the national re-employment service found jobs for 1,445 unem ployed Georgia residents during the week ending April 30, M. O. O'Con ner, state director, said Saturday. Roy Mercer, of Gray, was elected -president of the University of Die 1988-39 senior class of the Universi ty of Georgia, and Wilson Still, of Monroe, was chosen campus leader in elections in Athens Monday night. Capt. Fred Patterson was dis missed 1 from the Macon police de partment Tuesday after pleading guilty to charges of misconduct while serving as escort for a group of Ma nn schoolboy patrolmen to Washing ton. The night of Tuesday, May 24, has been set for the Muscogee County Singing Festival, which will precede l»y exactly one week the Chattahoo chee Valley Singing Festival, spon sored- by the two Columbus newspa pers. (Charles B. Lewis, for 25 years a resident of 'Macon, has been promot ed by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in Washington to as sistant chief in charge of new -busi ness loans, the Macon Telegraph •ays it learns. VINSON SEES MORE GEORGIA BUILDINGS Washington, May 9.—Construction of at least one new federal- building in each Congressional District of Georgia is predicted by Representa tive Carl Vinson (D. Ga.), if Con gress approves a $60,000,000 public building fund asked by President R-oosevelt. Vinson said he had rec ommended construction of a new post office and agricultural buildv'g at Louisville, Ga. RIfERS AWAITS BIDS ON W. & NOTES Atlanta, May 10.—Gov. Rivers an nounled Monday that he will receive j bids for discounting $3,000,000 in W. and A. Railroad rental notes this week. , The governor is trying to arrange for the discount of these rental notes through local banks and the RFC but must go thru the formality of advertising for bids under the provisoin of the legislative act. VALDOSTA REVISES LIGHTING CONTRACT improvised curity deed that all the lands one until permanent arrangements . . auua can be made. Yours verv truly, L. R. DEAN. No. 3 OBSERVANCE OF GOOD WILL DAY IN GA. SET FOR MAY 18 Valdosta, Ga., May 6—The city council this week formally approved a new contract with the Georgia Power and Light company for street lighting over a period of years. Under the contract the company will receive the same monthly pay ment as under the old contract, but the city gets larger lights in many places and many additional ones, making the change a most desirable one for the city. GEORGIA BOY, 12, KILLED WHEN AUTO HITS BICYCLE Montrose, Ga., May 6.—Twelve- year-old Eugene Patisaul, was killed Friday when the bicycle on which he was riding was struck -by an auto mobile near Montrose, Sheriff L F. Coleman, of Laurens county, report ed. The sheriff said J. A. Cross, ot Savannah, driver of the car had been released after it was determined the accident was unavoidable. /-- . ,, — — sale, befov Georgia^° US€ d °° r ° f Tay ‘° r Co H From , The indebtedness secured by J Pa.e One j dS 0 e Ve and eS unpdd. 8eCUrity ^ is J National Air Mail Week from May | The above described property 15 to 21, inclusive, and be sold as the property of the Whereas, this isthe twentieth anni- Mary J. Bennett and the proceeds ! versary of air mail ervice in the said sale will be applied to the Ll United' States, and ment of said indebtedness and * Whereas, I believe the citizenry ol expenses of said sale and the Butler have a lively interest in the mainder, if any will be paid to til development of air mail in our na- party, or parties, legally entitled J tion, receive the same. Therefore, I, Owen-. D. Gorman, T _ Mayor of the City of Butler, do ■ ~ l ' HOtyEY, hereby designate the week of May 15 to 21 as Air Mail Week for Butler an-d urge all citizens to patronize liberally the air mail in evidence of our appreciation of the efforts of the Post Office Department to pro vide this valuable service. O. D. G-ORMAN, Mayor. Georgia, Taylor County: CITY OF REYNOLDS: Attorney in Fact for J. Bennett. Atlanta, May 7.—Good Will Day will ,be observed May 18 in commemo ration of the opening meeting of the first peace conference at The Hague, according to a proclamation issued Friday by -Governor Ripers. The proclamation designates May Buford, Ga., May 7- as “Good Will Month” and explains i vo passengers were that “troublous times facing tr,a . Buford Saturday when world demand that all peoples turn crashed into a field, their attention to ways of better preserving and promoting good will.” TWO PASSENGERS, PILOT HURT IN PLANE CRASI. -A pilot ami injured neat an airplane TWO GEORGIANS DIE IN GAS-FlL-LEU SHOP 69 DIE IN WEEK-ENI) CRASHES The nation’s week-end automobile accidents killed at least 69 persons according to an Associated Press dispatch. Deaths from this cause in Georgia were three according to the despatch. TWO ARE DEAD IN CRASH Mt. Holly, N. J., May 8.—Two Georgians were found asphyxiated Saturday in a bicycle shop in which they Had been sleeping. They were identified as C. C, Cherry, 35, and his wife, Edith, 24, of Gainesville, Ga. Coroner C. S. Roberts said Cherry Calhoun, Ga., May 10.—G. R. Wil lis, 74, of Setenburg, Ohio, died Tuesday of injuries suffered in an auto accident near Calhoun Monday. Mrs. W. D. Willis, his sister-in-law, died Monday of injuries she received in the wreck. His brother, W. D. Willis, 72, who was also in the car remained in a critical condition, the hospital reported. CORNELIA WOMAN SHOT Gainesville, Ga., May 6.—Her left arm broken by ai rifle shot fired- un der mysterious circumstances, Mr J. W. Moore of Cornelia, was brought here Friday and then transferred ia an Atlanta hospital. Mrs. Moore said that she was shot thru the door ot residence’ iby an unidentiled person MAN SENTENCED FOR USING U. S. MAIL TO DEFRAUD Leesburg, Ga., May 7.—H. B Parker of Crossland, Ga., who ope rated thru the Leesburg postoffice using the alias W. H. Snow has E. D. Haymore, of Decatur, the pilot, regained consciousness in a Gainesville hospital late Saturday night and physicians expressed hope for his life. The crash was -blamed on motor failure. GEORGIA COURTHOUSE IS RAZED BY FLAMES SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA—Taylor County: ifiere will be sold at public ou to too lug'lie&t bukler ior cash tween the legal nours oi sale -beta the court house door in Butaer T al l County, Georgia, on the ft 1 Whereas: The Twentieth Anni- | ue sday jn June, 1938, being the il versary of regular air mail in the aa y June 1988, the followinii United States of America is -being scri bed property, to-wit: celebrated throughout the nation dur- j One hundred; one an-d one-fourti, in- gthe week from May 15 to 21 in- acres of land-, more or less, lot .No elusive, and 209, a-iso 101 1-4 acres, more or lea Whereas: His Excellency, E. D. y<)t No. 201, both tracts of land 1 Rivers, Governor of the State of 1U, E and being in the 16th land disl Georgia, has designated said week as * rJ rt of Taylor County, and mod Air Mail Week for the entire state, Imly described as follows: BoundcL Now, therefore, I, W. E. Marshall, on north by lands of John Parkel Mayor of the City of Reynolds, do „ “Y * a nd of J. T. Willis and hereby request and urge the citizens • ^ a ^> south by lands of D. of said City to make proper observ- England, west by Bill Heath ance of that week by a liberal pa tronage of the air mail service. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand affixed my seal, this 9th day of May, 1938. W. E. MARSHALL, Mayor, City of Reynolds. A f fae-f • H. C. Whatley, Clerk. Watkinsville, Ga., May 6.—Fire early Friday destroyed the 52-year- - old Oconee county court house at a had accidentally knocked a hose from , loss of more than thirty thousand small gas stove. The bodies were ] dollars, partially covered by insur- discovered by J. W. Pickard, owner | ance. of the shop. MAJOR BARNE'Fl’ HEADS GUARD BODY Macon, May 9.—Major J. W. Bar nett, of Macon, 121st Infantry, is president of the National Guard As sociation of Georgia. He was elected at an organization meeting here Sun day. Other officers are Capt. Sterling B Howard, of Atlanta, 122nd Infantry vice president, and Lieut. P. W. Mar tin of Macon, 121st Infantry, secre tary-treasurer. The new organization plans a meeting Sept. 4. MISTAKEN FOR BURGLAR OFFICER, WATCHMAN, SHOi 1 Efforts to fight the flames were ! impaired as Watkinsville has no city water system. Last week citizens vot ed a bond issue to build a municipal water works plant. FALL FROM MULE KILLS PAVO BOY Moultrie, Ga., May 8.—Thrown from a mule as he was returning to his work after his noonday meal, Zuba O. Thompson, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thompson, Pavo, was almost instantly killed. The ani mal he was riding became frightened and as the boy was thrown he was entangled in the harness and dragged some distance. His skull was fractur ed and he was otherwise injured. Atlanta, May 7.—-A night watch man was kille-t and a city detective was wounded -Saturday night when each was mistaken for a burglar. Police Captain S. J. Butler said the detective, R. T. Denny, 47, was wounded in the right th'gih with a charge of buckshot when he investi gated an anonymous report that a lunch room was being robbed. The watchman, listed as Charles Knight, 52, was shot down * few minutes later by police reserves after they had battered their way into the rear of the restaurant. He was struck by several bullets, one of which pleaded guilty to the charge of penetrated’ his abdomen. fraudulent use of the mails and was sentenced to serve two years in -a Federal penitentiary according to reports. Parker was arrested in Tif- ton early in February and has since been held in Camilla jail. In addi tion to fraudulent use of the mad. Parker also received two bicycles by expreess. Capt. Butler said the watchman saw Denny moving about and opened fire with a shotgun. Knight was to( bewildered to come out of lh‘- build ing and pistol fire followed. Knight died shortly after l/'-ir-g ad mitted to a hospital. Itermy was de scribed as painfully, but not seriously hurt. Levied 1 upon and to be sold as property of Mrs. Carrie Ewing satisfy a tax execution for state ai county taxes for the years 1934, 19l 1936 and 1937. Levy made and n turned to me by J. M. Downs, L. | Also at the same time and plau Three acres of land, more or less, I the Town of Butler, Taylor Count! Ga., and more fully described as l| , ru ,„ M „ xt >°ws: -Bounded on- the north by TWO MEN DROWN alley, south by lands of Mrs. R. NEAR GAINESVILLE Scandrett, west by lot of Jack — - ard. and east by pUblic road. Situal Gainesville, Ga., -May 6.—Two men jP the morth-east section of drowned Thursday when their boat A own- Levied upon- and to be s-_._ sank barely ten feet from shore in . ® property of Wiley Walker to : Terrell’s lake, on the Lula highway, a ^ ax execution for state 1 Sheriff A. W. ‘Bell reported. , c S unty taxes f °r the years 1934,19 The victims were Barney Small- : J® 3 ® and 1937. Levy made and ' wood, 32, Gainesville textile woi’ker, - turned 1 to me by J M. Downs, L. and A. B. Edge, 30, of Gainesville. | Also at the same time and- plaJ Sheriff' Bell said the men appar- 1 Three and one-half acres of la ently were well out near the middle more or less, lot No. 107 in the 13r of the lake before they realized the land' district of Taylor County, 6| boat was leaking dangerously. They and more fully described as folloi then headed for shore, one paddling bounded on the north and east while tlje other bailed, and had but a lands of Mrs. Harmon, south by lai few feet to go when the boat sank in of O. M. Wiliams, west by lands deep water. Neither cculd swim. The David' Peterman. Levied upon and bodies were found by Gainesville be sold as the property of Jack r< 'ivers after a search of several cock and wife to satisfy a tax exi hours. SCHOOL TRUSTEES’ ELECTION BILLION DOLLAR FARM BILL GETS APPROVAL Washington, May 9.—The senate approved Monday expenditure ol more than $1,100,(XX),000 next year for agriculture. It sent the agriculture department appropriations bill back to the house for consideration of nearly$60,(XK),(KK) in items added by the senate. The measure was approved without a record vote. The senate designated $500,000,000 to be used in paying benefits to farmers who comply with the new crop control act. This was $16/100,000 larger than the amount voted by the house. Before the vote Hen, Vandenberg (ft. Mich ) charged that government farm exoi-nditures had Increased six fold n I.),/. )ast decade without ap pro' abb- imorovement In the fioanrial condition of farmers. GEORGIA—Taylor County: An election will be held in Butler, Reynolds, Rupert, Mauk, Cross Roads, Crowells, Central, Wesley and Turner School Districts June 17, 1938, for the purpose of electing trustees to fill all vacancies that have occurred on the boards of trus tees, by expiration of terms, or other wise. The election will be held at the place and in the same manner that tion- for state and county taxes the years 1934, 1935, 1936 and 191 Levy made and returned to me by| M. Downs, L. C. This the 11th day of May, JOHN M. BONE, Sheriff! Taylor County, Georgf SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA—Taylor County: There wiE be sold at public ou^ to tihe highest bidder for cash, tween the legal hours if sale the court house door in Butiler, Rj , , , ., tor County, Georgia, on the " other elections are held in the said , Tuesday in- June, 1938, being 1 school districts. seventh day of June, 1938, the foll°| Only qualified voters will partici pate in the election. All returns will be properly sealed with names of managers writ-, 12th land district of said 1 State ten across the seal, and filed with i County. Said' land levied upon as’ the County School Superintendent to ' property of Eugene Adams, defel he consolidated by the -County Board ant in fi fa, to satisfy an execut-l of l-M-ic-twin | n their regular meeting •' issued from the Superior Court 1 lug described property, to-wit: One-half undivided- remainder terest i n lot of land No. 123 in 1 to lie held July 5, 1938. Done by order of the Taylor Coun ty Hoard of Education in regular meeting this third day of May, 1938. W. T. RUSTIN, C. S. S'., Taylor County, Georgia. said County, in- favor of Mrs. Garrett against Eugene Adams- Property pointed out by plain 1 This 11th day of May, 1938 J. M. BONE, She riff- Taylor County, Geon