Newspaper Page Text
Henry Sheriff’s Sales.
WILL be Bold before the Court House door in the
town of McDonough on the first Tuesday in
June next, tho following property, to wit:
Two negroes: Willis a man about 55 years of age,
Aaron a man about twenty five years old and or.e sor
rel horse and one buggy and harness, all levied on
as the property of Stephen \\ . .Clements, to satisfy two
fTfas issued from the Inferior Court of Henry county,
in favor of Scott, Carhart Qa. vs Stephen W. Clem
ents. Negroes pointed out by defendant, and horse and
buggy pointed out by plantiif's attorney.
Also the interest of Martha Owens, it being an es
tate during her life or widowhood in a negro girl 14 or
15 years of age, by the name of Harriet, levied on as
the property of Martha Owens, to satisfy two fi fas is
sued from the Justices’ Court, 638th district,G. ill. Solo
mon Odell vs Martha Owens. Levied on. by a consta
ble, and-returned to me.
April 20, 1848.
Pike Sheriffs Sales for June.
THE north half of lot of land No. 168, in the 9th
district of Pike county, 10l£ acres, levied on
as the property of Beverly Daniel, in favor of Hugh
Porter. Also, square No 56, in the city of Griffin,
levied on as the property of the Monroe Rail Road
&. Banking Cos., to satisfy two fi fas issued from the
564th dist., G. M. Bibb county, in favor of Abraham
J. Moulder. Also one acre of land in the northeast
corner of square No. 54, in the city of Griffin, levied
on as the property of John G. Hill, in favor of Alex
ander Woodson. Also, a fraction of land, the east
part of lot No. 160, in the 3d dist., of Pike county,
50 acres, levied on as the property of John W. Cop
pedge, in favor of Lucy A. Coppedge.
ONE lot of land No. 27, in the 3d dist. of Pike
county, 202£ acres, levied on as the property of W. ‘
D. Duncan, in favor of John Neal. Also, lots No.
25 or 26, in square 7 in the city of Griffin, 1 acre
each, levied on as the property of Matthew Orr, in
favor of Absalom B. Beckam. Also, 1 brownjiorse
10 years old, levied on as the property of Edward
Mulligan, in favor of Catharine Mulligan.
May 3d, 1848.
Pike Mortgage Sale for June.
THREE negroes: one man 35 years old, one girl
30 years old, one girl 18 years old, levied on as the
property of Josiah Mimms, in favor of Charles Mc-
March, 28th 1848.
Fayette Sheriff’* Sales for June.
ONE lot of land, number 22, in the 7th dist., of ‘
Fayette county, levied on as the property of Allen 1
Thompson, fn favor of Allen Jennings. Also, two :
negro men, one about 27 years of age, the other 45
J rears of age, levied on as the property of Win. What
ey, in favor of Johnson Whatley.
Also, 1 horse 10 years old, levied on as the pro
perty of John C,Dearing, in favor of Allen & War
ren. Also, 202£ acres of land, No. 232, in the sth
dist. of Fayette county, levied on as the property of
John Harrison, in favor of Yelverton P. King. Also,
one bay mare 10 years old, leuied on as the proper
ty of Samuel Cox, in favor of John 11. Johnson.
Postponed sale.
TWO lots of land in the town of Jonesborough,
levied on as the property of F. M. Jones, numbers 7
and 8, in favor of Columbius D. Pace.
May 2nd, 1848- W. N. HILL, D. S.
Female Institute
IN a previous notice of the above Institution, the un
dersigned promised to give a more minute detail at
a subsequent date, which pledge he would now redeem.
In addition to lessons in Instrumental Music, Paint
ing and Drawing by Mrs. M. L. Brown, the subscriber
has secured the services of Miss Julia A. Rogers in the
Literary Department, who will also instruct in Vocal
Music., (and if ueeded, In Instrumental Music,) Calis
thenicks, &c.
Miss Mariaii Atwater, is also engaged, who will in
struct in the Sciences, French and Ornamental Brandi
ng FM,no the ftrc,goiil£, :t ftisy be -.ecu tlUi &U nrrw
oary facilities will be afforded’young ladies in their studies.
The subscriber intends to make Griffin his permanent
residence, and to perform his part in building up a
suited to the demands of the country, and all he re
quests of the community, is to furnish him the intellec
tual subjects, and then judge for themselves. lie also
pledges to impart to the pupils all the instruction that
can aid them in all the branches usually taught in Lite
rary Institutions. As to the health, moral character,
and religious privileges of Griffin, nothing need be added.
Rates of Tuition:
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, per quarter, $4,00
Grammar, Geography, and History, “ ■* 6,00
The various Sciences and Ancient Languages, 8.00
Griffin, Ga. March 9, 1848 J. ROSAMOND.
Dr. Church, Athens; Judge Briscoe, Monroe ; Judge
Longstreet, Oxford ; Rev. Mr. Crumley, Macon ; Rev.
Dr. Jones, Walthourville; Rev Mr Williams, Savan
nah ; Dr. J. Humphreys, Fla.
Look Here!
THE undersigned havingformed a partnership in busi
ness, may be found at all times in the building es the !
Masonic Hall, on Hill Street, with a good assortment of I
JDry Goods anil Groceries,
which they promise to sell as low as any house in the
city. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction
John E. Gillespie
Wesley Leak
Griffin, Aug. 12, 1847, 40tf
THE subscribers are now receiving and will keep
constantly on hand a general stock of
JDry Goods and Groceries .
suited to the Fall and Winter trade, carefully selected
by one of their house in the
which will be sold at the lowest market prices
They are also agents for the TROUP FACTORY,
and will always keep on hand a good supply of Cotton
Yarn and Osnaburgs, at wholesale and retail.
Griffin, Oct 14. 1847-49-ts New Orleans Stl
Southern utual Insurance Cos.
Office at the Counting Room of H. J. J. B. SAR
GENT, Griffin, Ga.
THIS Company has been organised by the elec
tion of the fallowing.
Board of Directorsm
JOHN G. HILL, Griffin,Presidential :/ *
James Clark, Esq. Lumpkin, V. President.
John U. Parsons, Griffin, Secretary
H. K. McCay, Americus, Actuary.
Littleton R. Brewer, Griffin, Treasurer.
Curtis Lewis, Griffin.
Harrison J. Sargent”
William H. White, “
Willard Boynton, Lumpkin.
John Dill, Gaines.
Charles F. Bemis, “
The principal office is located at Griffin, and agencies
established at various important points in the State.—
The company are now prepared to take risks on any
kind of property on the mutual principle
which saves to the insured more than half the expense
of insuring’ in common companies, as he has nothing to
pay but his proportion of actual losses ; while those in
sured in other companies have to pay their proportion of
the interest on from 1 to $500,000, capital stock of the
company. A full explanation of the plan can be ob
tained by sailing at the office, or addressing either of the
subscribers. J. U. PARSONS, Secretary.
H. J. SARGENT, Ass’t Sec.
Griffin, Feb. 3, 1848. 13tf
Powdered, Loaf and Crushed
SUGARS, just received and for sale by
Oct. 27 corner New Orleans st. &. Broadway
Fayetteville Academy.
THE second term will commence the first Monday
after the 4th of July and continue twenty weeks.
Board cau be had on reasonable terms. The flourishing
condition of the school the present term, encourages the
expectation of a full school,
A. D. PERRIN, Principal.
Fayetteville, April 20, 1848. 24 w6t
Georgia—Henry county.
Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1848.
UPON the application of Samuel Hanson, adminis
trate r on the estate of Georgianna and Alfred Tug
gle, deceased, lor Letters of Dismission—
It is ordered hy the Court, That the Clerk do issue a
citation in the premises, requiring all persons interested,
to show cause on or before the next November term of j
this Court, why. said administrator should not have let- :
tors of Dismission, and that this order be published in !
same public Gazette in this State according to law.
A true copy from.the minutes, this March 6th, 1848.
March 9—lß—m6m. JOHN H. LO W, c. c. o.
| GEORGIA—Henry County.
WHEREAS, John Lockheart applies to me for
letters of. Administration on the estate of Au
gusta A. Lockheart, late of Macon county, Alabama,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and |
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to j
be and appear at my office within the time prescribed (
by law, to show cause (if any they have) why said let
ters should not be granted.
Given under my haud at office, May Bth. 1848.
May 18—30ds JOHN H. LOW, c. c. o.
- -- . -i ,
Executor s Sale.
WILL be sold (according to the will of John Mays,
deceased,) cn the first Tuesday iu June next,
before the Court House door in the town of Zfbulon,
one large cheenut colored horse, about nine years old.
The property of tho esiate of John Mays, deceased,
april 6-tds FRANCES A. MAYS, Ex’rx.
Executor’s Sale.
PURSUANT to an order of the Honorable Infe
rior Court of Henry county when sitting for or
dinary purposes, will be sold before the courthouse
door in McDonough, on the first Tuesday in July next,
between the lawiul hours of sale, 280 acres of land in
11th district of Henry county, whereon Samuel Mc-
Lendon, late of said county, died. Also, eight negroes,
Pate a man, 35 years old ; Lany a woman, 24 years
old, and her four children, and Clarisa a woman 19
years old and her child
And on Wednasday thereafter, will bo sold at the
residence of Capel McLendon in said county, a part
of the household plunder and one road wagon, belong
ing to the estate of said deceased. All to be sold for the
pqrpose of making a division among the heirs of said ;
deceased. BENAIAH McLENDON, Ex’r.
April 27, 1848. 25 tds
Administrator’s Sale.
PURSUANT to an order of the honorable Inferior
Court of Coweta county, when sitting for ordina
ry purposes, will be sold before the Court House door,
\ in Canton, Cherokee county, on the first Tuesday in
| August next, between the usual hours of sale, lot of land
number 303, in the 4th district of the first section, -as a
part of the real estate Neal Moses, deceased. Terms 1
made known on the day of sale.
may 4th, 1848. 26 w6od
Administrator’s Sale.
PURSUANT to an order of the honorable Inferior
Court of Coweta county, when sitting for ordin- !
ry purposes, wiii be sold before the Court House door, I
iu Holmesville, Appling county, on the first Tuesday in
September next, between the usual hours of sale, frac- j
lion of land number 417, in the first district of Appling
county, as a part of the rea 1 estate of Neal Moses de
ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale.
may 4th, 1848. 26 w6od
Administrator’s Sale.
AGREEABLE to an order of the Honorable Infe
rior Court of Henry County, while silting as a
Court of Ordinary will be sold before the Court-House
Door in the town of McDonough, between the lawful
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July next, two
negroes, to wit: Eliza and Fanny, and one bed and bed
ding, belonging to the estate of Elizabeth McLendon, !
dece’d., sold for a division. Terms made known on
the day of sale.
april 27—25 w6od.
FOUR months after date application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Fayette
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell all the negroes belonging to the estate of Francis
M. Carroll, late of said county, deceased.
april 13, 1848 ELI EDMONDSON. Adm’r. i
FOUR months after date, application will be made
to the honorable Inferior Court of Henry count}',
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
interest of the minor children of William Andrews, de
ceased. in tho dower which was laid off and assigned to
the widow, the same having been relinquished to the
heirs, for the purpose of a division. |
TIIOS. D. JOHNSON, Guard’n. !
april 6. 1848 22 4m
Fayette tilen Grove Seminary.
Situated on the Mclntosh Road, at Jas. E. May’s one
mile from Matthew’s Mills.
WILL be renewed on the Ist of January, under
the superintendance of Miss G. B. Ives.
Bates of Tuition Per Quarter.
For Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and EDglieh
Grammar, $3,00
For all other studies of the English Branches, 5,00
For Music, extra. 8,00
For Embroidery, extra, 3,00
For Wax Flowers and Fruit, extra, 10,00
No scholar is taken for less than a quarter, consisting
of eleven weeks, unless by special contract, and no de
duction made for absence, except in cases of protracted
Miss Ives takes this opportunity of returning thanks
to-her friends and the puhlic generally, for their liberal
patronage and solicits a continuation of the same.
The School is situated in a healthy section of country;
board cau be had quite convenient to the school by ap
plying to JAS. E. MAY,
Dec. 16, 1847. 6 tlmay
MRS. TRAVIS (late Miss Elizabeth Smith,) re
spectfully informs her former patrons and the
public generally, that she has taken charge of the Grif
fin Female Academy, and will resume the exercises of
that Institution on the third Monday in January next,
at which time the scholastic year will commence, and
will consist of four quarters of eleven weeks each.
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic (per quarter.) 4,00
The above with Geography, Grammar, History,
#o. do. 6,00
The above with Chemistry, Botany, Philosophy,
Rhetoric, Astronomy etc., with Composition, do. 8,00
Music on Piano, extra, per quarter. 10,00
Wax Lessons, per quarter, 5,00
No Student taken for less than one quarter.
Griffin, Dec. 23, 1847. 7 3m
A RE offer tor !?***“
JML 100 Bolts Heavy Kentucky Bagging,
5 Bales do Gunny do
50 Coils Kentucky Rope,
100 lbs. Bagging Twine.
Oct. 27 51
THE subscriber being desirous to close his business
in Griffin, is now offering his entire stock of goods
at cost for CASH, cons'sting of a geneial assortment
Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Boots <s• Shoes,
White Lead, Linseed Oil, Putty and Glass.
Bagging and Rope. Liquors and Wines. Sugar, Cof
fee, and Molasses. Blacksmiths’ Tools, and other arti-„
cles too numerous to detail. - S. W. CURTIS.
Griffin, Feb. 24 4 18#6. U ‘ ts
,N-B. All t! lose indebted to me by note or account,
are requested to make immediate payment, or they
will find the amounts diic in an officers hands for col
lection. s. w.c.
NEW <4ool**!
THE undersigned is now receiving a general stock ol
Hry Goods and, Groceries,
carefully selected by himself in New York ; and in con
sequence of the unfinished state of his Store House, will
open as many as he can find room for in his Cellar,
on Hill Street, next door to the Masonic Hall, where he
will be pleased to see his friends before they make their
purchases, as he is determined to sell at the
Lowest Possible Rates.
In a few weeks his Store House will bs completed,
when he will be enabled to open his entire stock, and
offer further inducements to the public.
Griffin, Sept. 30,1847-47-ts JJill Street.
Georgia—-Henry County*
To the Honorable Inferior Court of saidcour.ty , sitting
for ordinary purposes,
THE petition of Alexander Murray sjfewcth that Hen
ry N. Pope, late of paid county deceased, did,
while in life, to wit: on the 31st day of May, in the
, year eighteen hundred and thirty make and exe
; cute to Christopher No!eii,his certain writing obligato
i ry, palled a Bond for titles, a copy of which is hereto
attached, by which he bound himself it the sum of one
hundred dc lax- to make or cause to be made onto the
said Christopher Nolen, his heirs or aligns good and
sufficient warranty titles to lot of land number one hun
dred and fifty six, (156) in the six tee nt I^/Idistrict of
the third section of Cherokee county, at the time of sur
vey, that your petitioner is now the legal assignee of the
Bond, that the full consideration for the said lot of land
has been paid, and that the said Henry N. Pope, has
} departed this life without making titles in compliance
| with his said Bond, or making any provision therefor.—
! Wherefore your petitioner prays that Edward F. Knott,
! administrator of the estate of the said Henry F. Pope,
deceased, may be directed to execute to your petition
er, titles iu compliance with the Bond aforesaid. And
your petitioner will ever pray, &c.
Henry Inferior Court setting for ordinary purposes
March Term, 1848.
Upon the application of Alexander Murray for an or
der directing Edward F, Knott administrator of the es
tate of Henry N. Pope deceased, to execute to him ti
tles to lot of laud number one hundred and fifty six in
the sixteenth district of the third section of Cherokee
county, at the time of survey, in compliance with the
Bond in the above petition described: It is ordered that
all persons concerned show cause at the next July term
of this court why said administrator shall not be so di
rected. And that a copy of this order be published in
terms of the law.
A true copy from the minutes, this March 6th
1848. JOHN H. LOW, c. c. o.
18 mStat
GEORGIA, Henry County.
Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1848.
To the Honorable Inferior Court of said couuty, while
sitting for Ordinary Purposes :
THE petition of James Y. Baynes, respectfully
6heweth, that heretofore to wit, on l! tenth day
of July, eighteen hundred and forty-si:, John M.
Weems of said county, then in life, but nov deceased,
made and executed to your petitioner, indue form of
law his Bond, a copy of which is to this petition annex
ed, the original being in court to be shown, finding him
self in the sum of four hundred dollars, conditioned to
be null and void if the said John M. Weems siould make
or cause to be made to your petitioner, good and suffi
cient titles in fee simple to the undivided ha* of lot of
land, No. one hundred and ninety-five, in thd ninth dis
! trict of originally Troup now Meriwether osfunty, con
| taining two hundred two and a half acretv-lpre or less.
I Now. your petioner avers, that after thamakingof
said bond and before making of said titles, to vit, on the
second day of July, eighteen hundred and fort}-six,
said John M. Weems departed this life with#ut execu •
ting or causing or providing in any way for fitles to be
executed to your petitioner, and your petititner avers
that he is ready to pay the administrator of the estate
of the said John M. Weems,the amount of th purchase
money with the interest thereon, in conformity with his
part of the contract: Wherefore, your petitioner prays
that Jacob Bernhard, the administrator upon the estate
of John M Weems, deceased, may be ordered and
directed by this Honorable Court, to execute to yourpe
tioner for said undivided half lot of land, titles in com
pliance with said bond of said John M. Weems, deceas
ed, upon the payment of the purchase money and in
terest due thereon, and in duty bound your petitioner
will ever pray. JOHN H. McMATH.
May 1, 1848. Pl’ffs Attorney.
GEORGIA — Henry County.
Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1848.
Present, their Honors, Garry Grice, B. Pettit, John T.
Bentley, C. W. Smith and J. W. Langford, Justices:
It appearing to the Court by the petition of James Y.
Baynes, that John M. Weems, of said county, deceas
ed, did in his life time execute to said James Y. Baynes,
his Bond conditioned to execute titles in fee simple to
said James Y. Baynes, for the undivided half of lot of
land, number one hundred and ninety-five in the ninth
district of oigiually Troup now Meriwether county,
and it further appearing that the said John M- Weems
departed this life without executing titles to said undivi
ded half lot v.f land or in any way providing Aherefor,
and it appearing that said James Y. Baynes is ready to
pay the consideration money for said half lot. of land
and the said James Y. Baynes having petitioned this
Court to direct Jacob Bernhard, administrator upon tho
estate of the said John M Weems, deceased, to exe
cute to him titles to said undivided half lot of land in
compliance with said bond.
It is therefore, hereby ordered, That notice be giv
en in three or more public places in said county, and in
one or more of the newspapers of this State, as the law
directs of such application that all persons concerned
may file in the Clerk’s office objections, (if any they
have) why said Jacob Bernhard, administrator as afore
said, should not execute titles to said undivided half lot
of land in complicaue with said Bond .
A tme extract from the minutes, May Bth, 1848.
[Prs fee, sl7] JOHN H. LOW, c. c. o.
Georgia—Henry county.
Com t of Ordinary, January Term, 1847.
“H"TPON the application of Archibald Atlinson and
Mariah Garrett, administrators on thr estate of
Wm. Garrett, deceased, for Letters of Dismitsion from
said administration.
It is ordered by the Court, That the Clerk issue a
citaticn in the premises, requiring all persons interested,
to show cause on or before the next January term ‘of
this court (in 1849) why said administrators should not
have letters of Dismission, and that this order be pub
lished in some public Gazette of this State according to
A true extract from the minutes, May Bth, 1848.
May 18—6 m JOHN 11. LOW,c. c. 6.
Georgia---Henry County.
Court of Ordinary , January Term, lb4B.
I TPON the application of Woodward Joiupr, admin
istrator on the estate of Talitha Joyner f deceased,
lor Letters of Dismission:
It is ordered by the Court, that tire Clerk iaßue a cita
tion in Ihe premises, requiring all persons interested, to
show cause on or before the next September tern of this
court, why said administrator should not have letters
of dismission, and that this order be published it some
public Gazette in this State according to law.
A true copy from the minutes, this Jan. 13,1848.
JOHN H. LOW, c c.o.
Jan 20 11 <m
Georgia—Henry County.
Court of Ordinary, January Term, 1843.
UPON the application of Aaron S. SmilJj, Guardi
an of Major D. Smith, for Letters of Dismission:
It is ordered by the Court, that the Clerk do issue a
citation in the premises, requiring all persons interested,
to show cause on or before the next Marcb*4e*’m of this
court, why letters of dis
mis&ioti, amlithat this order be published in some public
Gazette of this State according to law.
A true copy from the minutes, this Jan. li, 1848.
JOHN 11. LOW, c c. o.
January 20 11 6t
Georgia—Henry County.
Court of Ordinary, January Term, 1848.
TTPON the application of William S. Bivins, admin
istrator on the estate of Ezra Phifer, deceased, for
Letters of Dismission:
It is ordered by the Court, that the Clerk do issue a
citation in the premises, requiring all persona interested
to show cause on or before the next September term of
this court,"why fluid should rM have let-r
ets of dismission, and that this order be published id
some public Gazette of this State according to law.
A true copy from the minutes, January 13, 1848.
JOHN 11. LOW, c. c. o.
January* 20 11 6m
Georgia—Henry County.
Court of Ordinary, January TermJ 1848.
UPON the application of Mathew Reade, adminis
trator on the estate of James deceased—
It is ordered by the Court, that the Clerk do issue a
citation in the premises, requiring all persous interested,
to show cause, on or before the next September term
of this court, why said administrator should not have
letters of dismission, and that this order be published in
some puplic Gazerlte of this State accordingto law.
A true copy from the minutes, January 13,1848.
JOHN H. LOW. c- c. o.
January 20 11 6m
Job Work,
Executed with neatness and despatch.
DRY-GOODS new and beautiful, for ssle bv
FOUR months after date, application will be made
to the Honorable Inferior Court of Pike county,
when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all
of the Land belonging to the estate of John Reid,
late Os Pike county, deceased, that has not been dispos
ed of for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.
JOVYN W. REID, Executor.
March 2,1848. 12 4m
FOUR months after date, application will be made
to the Honorable Inferior Court of Pike county,
when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all
the Lauds belonging to the estate of Solomon Lasseter,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased. WM. LASSETER, Adm’r.
Feb. 24,1848—4 m de bonis non.
FOUR months after date application will be made
to the Honorable Inferior Court of Henry county,
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
Negroes belonging to the estate of Elizabeth McLen
don, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credi
tors of said deceased.
January 13, 1848. 10 4ra
FOUR mouths after date application will bs made to
the honorable Inferior court of Henry county when
sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the lands
and negroes belonging to the estate of Abner Babb, late
of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors.* THOMAS JOHNSON, Ex’r.
Jan 12, 1848. 4mlo
FOUR months after date application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Pike coun
ty, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
the real estate belonging to John Mays, late of said
county deceased. FRANCIS A. M.\YS, Ad’m,
May 11,1848. 27 w4i
FOUR MONTHS after date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wal
ton county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave
to sell all the real estate of Elizabeth Davis, late of said
county deceased. JAMES J. DAVIS, Ex’r.
Jan.2o, 1848
FOUR mouths after date, application will be ihade
to the honorable Inferior court of Henry county,
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell part
of the personal and all the real estate of Samuel Mc-
Lendon, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit
of the heirs of said deceased.
Jan. 20, 1848. BENAIAH McLENDON, Ex’r.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1848.
IT PON the application of Peter Z. Ward and James
L. Lovejoy, administrators on the estate of Ann
Segur, deceased, for Letters of Dismission—
It is ordered by the Court, That the Clerk issue a
citation in the premises, requiring all persons interested
to show cause on or before the next November term of
this court, why said administrators should not have lct
'tersof dismission, and that this order be published in
some public Gazette in this State according to law.
A true copy from the minutes, this March 6th 1848.
March 9—lß—m6m JOHN H. LOW, c. c. o.
Georgia—Henry county.
Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1848.
UPON the application of Peter Z. Ward, Executor
of Janies Pool, deceased, for Letters of Dismis
It is ordered by the Court, That the Clerk issue a
citation in the premises requiring all persons interested,
to show cause on or before the next November term of
this Court, why said Executor should not have letters,
of Dismission and that this order be published in some’
public Gazette of this State according to law.
A true copy from the minutes, this March 6th, 1848.
March 9—lß—m6m JOHN H. LOW, c. c. o
GEORGIA—Henry County.
dourt of Ordinary, May Term, 1848.
UPON the application of Harbard & Mark Sims,
executors of George Sims, deceased, for letters
of Dismission—
It is ordered by the Court, That the Clerk do issue a
citation in the premises, requiring all persons interested,
to show cause on or before the next January Term of
this court, why said executors should not have letters of
Dismission, and that this order be published in some pub
lic Gazette of this State according to law.
A true copy from the minutes, May Bth, 1848.
May 18-6 in JOHN H. LOW, c. c. o.
Important to the Afflicted.
DR. R. C. McCULLOCH informs the public that
he continues to practice medicine on the princi
ple of “Dutch and Indian practice of Botanic Medicine,”
at, or near Liberty Hill, Pike Cos. Ga., and respectfully
tenders his thanks to his former friends for the liberal
patronage heretofore bestowed; and hopes by strict at
tention to business to (merit as well as to) receive a lib
eral share of the public patronage; being a regular stu
dent of the celebrated Dr. Williams, of Fayette Cos. Ga.
Terms favorable, as the times are hard :
T. S. M. Bloodworth, Ezekiel Garnder, Liberty Hill, Gu
Monroe Cos. Ga. Pike Cos. Ga.
W. H Gunn, Baily Welden,
G. M. liartsfield, Esq. Littleton Thornton, Esq.
Thomas B. Williams, Esq. Johnston Thornton Esq.
Floyd Whatley, John H. Akins,
John Poe, Joel C. McDowell,
Elisha Akins, J. P.
William Dismukes,
april—6—22 1 y Wiley Thornton.
Godey’s Lady’s Book
rgIHE oldest Magazine in the United States, contains
JL monthly sixty pages of reading matter, by the
first writers in the country.—twelve more than New
York magazines. Two splendid steel engravings, an
undeniable authentic colored monthly Fashion plate,
Model Cottages, and Churches, Crochet Work, and
other matters for the Ladies, all illustrated and well ex
plained, &c. Ac.
Price for one year, which includes the Lady’s Dollar
Newspaper making three publications in one
month, $3 00
Two copies without the Lady’s Dollar Newspa
per, 5 00
Five copies with one to the person sending the
club, 10 00
Eight copies, ~ 15 00
Twelve copies, 20 00
A specimen of either the Lady’s Book, or the Lady’s
Dollar Newspaper sent to any person paying postage
on their request. Address,
/ No. 113 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
The Weekly Della,
Published every Monday morning by
112 Poydras St., New Orleans.
Price—s3 per annum in advance—Six Months, $2,
and if $1 more is remitted previous to the expira-"”
tion of the first six months, it will be payment for
the whole year.
. ..ner continued beyond the time for which
the subscription money has been paid. The price is
so low that therate*di|aaving, in all instances in ad
vance, must be absoluTe'.
Sept. 16,1847.—3 m. |
Virginia TtllkpiK. -
THE subscribers have on consignment ankwiJLcon
tinue to keep, a general assortment of’iUoVt-
CO, which they offer at wholesale and retail; put tqL
by J. S. &J. P. May, of Va., comprising all their di^ p
ferent brands, among which is a very superior article of
Aromatic Chewing Tobacco.
Those who buy Tobacco to retail, would do well to
ctall and examine the quality and prices, which they
will find cheaper than any offered in the market.
■ J. A. & J. C. BEEK3.
Griffin, Feb. 24,'T848. S, 16 6m
Notice to Dealers in Jtfarble.
PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned
at Greensboro’, Georgia, for erecting a Monument
to the late Dr. Few, in the College Square at Oxford,
The Monument is to be built of Georgia Marble, and
will consist of a solid base six feet square and six feet in
height, from which will rise a pyramidal shaft fifteen
feet long, two feet square at the base and tapering in a
sqare of six and two-third inches, in height. The shaft
will rest ijpon two blocks three feet four inches square
and four feet eight inches square respectively.
The proposals will state the price per letter of all the
requisite inscriptions. The whole work to be completed
by the 10th day of July, 1848.
PETER, SOLOMON, | Committee
AMOS BENTON, £of the Grand
W. L. MITCHELL, I Lodge.
Editors friendly to tfie object will please copy a few
times ’ ‘ april 13,1848. j
Ware House and Commission
ful to their friends and the public foi
past favors, respectfully announce to
the community that they will continue the above bu
siness the ensuing season. They have taken the Ware
House formerly occupied by Messrs. J. G. Hill & Cos.,
near the Rail Road Depot, iu addition to their large and
commodious Ware House on the corner of Hill and
Taylor streets, which is as secure from file as any in the
city. They trust that this arrangement will enable
them to afford increased facilities to their customers in
receiving, storing and forwarding cotton and other pro
duce, and the various branches of tlio commission bu
siness. They respectfully solicit a continuance of pub
lic patronage. GAULDING & FERRILL.
A. A. Gauldino,
B. W. Feriull.
Griffin, August 26, 1847. 42 ts
Factor and General Commission Jllcr*
% WILL give his personal at-
Mention to the selling of Cotton and
all other kinds of Country Produce
consigned to his care ; also filling orders for Bagging,
Bale Rope, Family and Plantation supplies. Having
been long and intimately acquainted with the habits
and wants of the farmers and others of the interior,
he flatters himselfhe will be able to give satisfaction
to those confiding their interests to his charge. *
Aug. 4, 1847. 8m
THE Directors of tlio Southern Mutual Insurance
Company, give notice that they are prepared thro’
their Agents to take Fire risks upon all descriptions of
Buildings, Merchandise, and other property upon as fa
vorable terms as any other Office, giving to the insured
the benefit arising from the mutual system.
The Secretaiy 0 f the Company, Rev. J. U. Parsons, I
is at present upon a tovr through the Stale, and will give
any desired information to applicants.
„ #JII „ JOHN c HILL, President.
Griffin, Feb. 17 15 t s
City Lots.
THE subscriber, (agent for John Rutherford) offers
for sale Lots, viz :
No. 5, 7 and 8, in square 26, £ acre,
“ 5, 74 3 and 1, “ 27, “
“ 2, “ 15, acre,
Purchasers can have warranty titles.
L. H. BECK, Agent.
Griffin, January 6,1848 9 3m
exchaFce! *
Exchange on New York, for sale at the
►3 Agency of the State Bank.
Griffin, Oct. 7. 48-ts L. H. BECK, Agent.
Ur. Johnson
1J EING thankful for past patronage and desiring to
retain his old patrons, would respectfully inform
| them and the citizens generally, that lie has moved his
lodgings to Cox’s Hotel, where he may be found at all
times when not at his office, (at tho old stand) or out on
professional business.
j Calls left at the office with the young gentlemen there,
will be promptly attended to.
Being desirous to extend his reputation as a Surgeon,
ls he would state for the information of the public, that he
is liberally supplied with Surgical Instruments, and lias
operated for Cataract, Club Foot, Ilairlip, Trepaning,
Embryotomy, a number of other operations of equal
importance, and most of the amputations all successful
ly—and is particularly anxious to be patronised in this
branch of his profession, aud pledges himself to give sat
isfaction or no remuneration will be required. lie would
also state that ho is prepared to administer Letheon
according to Dr. Morton’s lato and improved style, and
while the patient is under its influence (which is pleasant)
any of the ordinary Surgical operations may be per
formed without the least pain. He has been using it for
some time and is willing to recommend it to the public
under proper restrictions. Any one desirous ot trying
its virtues and wishing to know more of its effects, can
do so by calling on him. Any number of references
can be given in Griffin, as to its efficacy in the extract
ing of Teeth—as many as seven have been extracted
from a lady during its effect—drawn -in about a min
Griffin, Dec. 9, 1847. s—ts
ALWAYS on hand, a large assortment of Castl
ings, from the'Etowah Iron Works, Cass county
Ga. at wholesale and retail. Merchants can be suppli
ed at Factory prices, freight added. All orders prompt
ly filled. ‘ CHAPMAN & IIILL.
* Oct. 22.
Tlic Western Continent,
A family newspaper of the largest size at Two Dol
lars per annum in advance.
In order not to be behind any of our contempora
ries in the bestowal of premiums on such cf our
frienus as rnay feel interested in increasing the cir
culation of the Continent, we offer the following
extraordinary inducements.
Three copies Western Continent, 1 year, or
one copy 3 years, $5 00
Seven copies Western Continent, 1 year 10 00
Twelve “ “ 1’ “ 15 00
Seventeen “ “ 1 “ 20 00
O’ Any person makingnp a club of Ten Subscri
bers and sending us the money, will be entitled to
an extra.copy of the Continent, besides the Premi
O'Subscribers commencing with the New Vol
ume will be furnished with the Thkeb FineT Pjirts
of Dombey and Son (being all of the work publish
ed up to that time) gratis.
All communications to be addressed, post paid to
Baltimore, Md.
ARE Respectfully invited to call and examine our
stock of Hr CSS Goods , consisting, in part;
of new style Cashmeres, plain and fancy Alpacas Or
lenn Plaids, Mous’ de Laines, CEliennrs, fancy Dress
Silks, Plaid Ginghams and Prints of all qualities and
—also —
Black and Fancy Silk Shawls and Dress Handkerchiefs
wool Shawls of all descriptions, Lady’s Cloaks, Dress
Trimmings, Fancy Articles &c. &c.
_ 51 corner Broad &. N. Orleans st.
Land for Sale.
THE undersigned offers for sale all his lands ad
joining McDonough, in Henry county, contain
ing about 250 acres and including the place whereon
Wm. M. W Rivers now lives. Those wishing to pur
chase can apply to William Beck Esq , who is author
ized to close a contract. A. G. MURRAY,
upril 13, 1848.
IJAVK taken into their firm Bradford T. Chap-
TMlman Esq. of Monroe county, and in future the
style or our firm will bo CHAPMAN, HILL & Cos.
Griffin, Oct. 21st, 1847.
A Cos.
Have removed from their to their large new
fire-proof brick store on the cornejbpf Hill and Solomon
streets, and have now on hand afidl&n)
Cotton Yarns and Castings always on hand,
sale, at Factory prices, freight added.
Feeling grateful for past favors, we invite our
and the public generally to call and examine our
Wm. W. Chapman,
John G. Hill,
Bradford T. Chapman
Ready Made Clothing,
OF the latest styles and superior workmanship, con
sisting, in part, of Fine Sack Overcoats, Business
Coats, Pants and Vests of all descriptions, Gent’s Fur
nishing Goods, &c. &c. just received and for sale, where
all should patronise MERRITT.
Oct. 27. !
Os every o iription, for sale at this Office,
THE undersigned has removed to the large new
proof building on the corner of Broad and Hilf
Streets (the corner occupied by C. Lewis, Esq., before
the fire,) and has taken into partnership hie brother,
James A. Beeks. The firm is now J. A. &. J. C. 3eeka.
Griffin, Oct. 28th, 1847. J. C. BEEKS,
J. A. & jTc. beeks
HAVE received, and are now receiving from New
York aud Boston, a general and well selected
stock of fancy and staple
n fir goods,
and all descriptions of
which they can and will sell as low, as can be bought
in the market.
We feel thankful for the patronage heretofore exten
ded to J. C. Beeks, and solicit our friends and the public
generally to give us a call.
Griffin, Oct. 20th, 1847. 51—3 m
- .... . -
Prize in a Lottery of Literature ! !
The Great Philadelphia Comic Weekly,
IS decidedly superior to all cotemporaries in point of
celebrity, universal popularity and genuine mirth-
provoking humorous merits; aud though it cannot boast
tlio “India Rubber Expansiveness” of the blanket
sheets, yet as “good articles generally come in small
packages,” and little people are oftfn possessed of tho
most spirit, tho Gallaxy may be presumed to be wor
thy of the attention and generous patronage of the most
discerning public. Concentration, condensation and bre
vity are the grand characteristics of this age of steam
and the Galaxy, partaking largely of these peculiarities,
condenses a large quantity of matter into the least
possible space. Thus those who may make the size of
the Galaxy an objection are short sighted, and look not
to its real intrinsic excellence. Were the Galaxy tho
size of a cellar door, we might be as dull and prosy as
numberless compilations of the present day yclept news
Look at our colums week after week. Are they not
filled with sparkling, racy, spicy, witty, and humorous
articles, in larger proportion than may be found in any
of our competitors. The choice spirits of this goodly
Quaker City, are our ever ready contributors, and we
are gratified to perceive that their efforts meet with a
generous approval.
Efferescent with the spirit of the age. stored with a
spice of good humored anecdote, every ready at a hit,
relieved by a dash of sentiment and sweet posy and ro
mance, we look upon the Galaxy as bound to become
in time, one of the leading Journals of the country.
Lovers of genuine unforced fun, wit and humor, you
cannot subscribe for a better paper than Paul’s W eek
ly Galaxy. It will assist digestion, drive away th®
gloomy hovering shadows of care, dispel the illusions of
sadness, and clear away the cobwebs of the brain.
Hypochondriacs, if you would enjoy true health and
unalloyd pleasuro, take the Galaxy. It is better than
the postrum of any cmpiricc, and promotes health by
inspiring wholesome laughter, good humor and mirth.
Throw away your bottles and pill boxes, persue the Gal
axy every week, aud you will be wiser and better m n.
Heads of Females! If you would subscribe for a
cheap and valable and popular weekly, look at the Gal
axy. It is just what you want. Its contents are inno
cent, humorous and entertaining ; and of a quiet even
ing, when sitting by your fireside, surrounded by all
you hold most dear you can enjoy the pleasentness chit
chat of the city, with a wholesome gusto that knows uo
People of all classes —From the merchant to tho
laborer, the Galaxy is a neutral ground where you can
all meet with pleasure unalloyed with anything that
can annoy or give you pain. Merchants, as you em
erge from the shadowy gloom of your counting house—■
where can you look for an hours entertainment with
more certainty of enjoyment than in the persual of tho
Galaxy. Lovely belle as you sit in your boudoir, sur
rounded by beautiful boquets, fine books and sweet sing
ing birds, can yon look upon any of them with more de
light than you look upon the pages of the Galaxy.—
Politicians, when you grow tired of .the vexation and
trouble of political affaire, and seek a biief relaxation,
where do you look with more certainty than to th®
Galaxy. Mechanics, when your daily toil is over, do
you not hunt up the Galaxy with eager delight.
Every ycarfi subscriber to the Galaxy will be pre
sented with a copy of “The Village Somnambulist.”
a thrilling romance, by one of our most admired authors.
It will be forwarded by mail immediately on the sub
scription money being received.
In order to accommodate all those who may desire
to form clubs, the publishers have fixed as tho basis for
clubbing, the following low rates.
One copy. SI,OO Twenty copies, $13.00
Five copies, 4.00 Thirty copies, 19,00
Ten copies, 7,00 Forty copies, 26,00
Specimen numbers of the “Galaxy will be sent to any
one on application by letter (post paid)
All letters and communications must be addressed
(post paid) to Henry H. Paul &. Cos.
Publishers, Philad’a Pa.
Editors copying the above two months, and noticing
the “Galaxy” editorially, will be entitled to the paper
one year, and a copy of the following works;
The wandering Jew, by Eugene Sue.
Mary Morris and other Tales, by 11. N. Moore.
Legends of the Revolution, by Geo. Lippard.
Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nicholby. by Chas. Dickens.
Those editors who copy our advertisement will be so
kind as to forward us their paper regularly, and th®
above works will be sent (neatly enveloped, and free of
postage) by mail. The above works are valued at $5,
cash price.
A At*w I'apur—Haiiiinolll Size
HetluLL and p.-ico f Increased R*nuty / / and aug
mented Interest J ! !
THE undersigned having purchased the disputed
claim on th® old “Saturday Courier,” and being
determined not to be surpassed in the competition among
the press, for popularity, beauty aud excellence, will now
combine the uurivalied material of the old paper, with
the renewed enteprise novelty and spirit of anew on®
and on the 11th day of March, 1848, will issue, anew
weekly newspaper, of the first and largest class; enti
M'Muhin's Model American Courier,
Published and Edited by Andrew M’Makin, now Editor
of the Saturday Courier, assisted by a gentleman uni
versally acknowledged as one of the most talented and
popular writers of the age.
The “Farmer’s Department’ will be edited by th®
most distinguished Agriculturists in the U. S., whose
name will be announced when the pending negotiations
are completed;
The American Courier will contain the amount of
eight more columns of matter than the “ Saturday Cou
rier,” and as it will be conducted strictly on the cash
system, will, with all its Aristic and Literary improve
ments, be offered at a much reduced price to “ clubs.”
TERMS.—Two Dollars per annum ; but in order to
raise at once an immence circulation, the Publisher pro
poses to clubs or companies at the following terms never
offered before.—Payment invariably iu advance.
Four copies, (andoue for the Agent,) $ 5
Eight copies, “ “ 10
Thirteen copies, “ ‘ “ 15
Twenty copies, “ ls 20
Over Twenty copies at the same rate as the last.
Two copies of Am. Courier aud Sear’s Mag., $ 4. Three
copies of the Am. Courier, and one N. Y. Union, Colum
bian, Sear’s Pictorial Mag., Am. Revolution or Gt.
Britain, $6. Six copies Am. Courier and two copies of
Sear’s Mag. Am. Revolution or, Gt. Briiain, $ 10
All communications must be addressed, post-paid to
141 Chestnut, st, opp osite Bank. Phila.
• ict ion Colton Mins*
lr <3T<iD©oTplia 3Lo
JTp ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Griffin
r-and the surrounding country, that he has remov
ed his shop to Griffin, where he may at all times be
gjbund ready to execute any joh in making new Gins
old ones. He makes to order in the best
manner the Anti-Frietion Gin, or those on any other
plafihat may be preferred- He has engaged the services
of NORMAN BRADLEY, formerly of Ncwnan, u
celebrated Gin maker, who will always be in the shop in
his absence, and none will be employed by him except
first rate workmen.
A Gin either Anti-Friction or any other plan, wifi b®
delivered any where in the State at $2,00 per saw.
All orders addressed to him at Griffin, will be prompt*
lv attended to. .
’ Griffin, Oct <, 1547; 48 ts