The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, September 07, 1877, Image 3
ELLIJAY COU RIE R.* = ■" - t ; +*_ ELLIJAY, GA., dfePTEStUEIt 7, IS7T. - ' i rf ITEMS. A imi* child ffy a Mr. Garret* was i badly burned last wcelc. \\ e h*v* tjpfl learned any of the particulars. Tttfil parent* lira in Tieuneiiy district, arlr are closely related to the young mra wire was drowned on the same day. Mr. George Fox, of Fannin county, while working in a shaft or tunnel re eently far gold was crushed by falling •mb and badly injured. Wa Jtarn that be cannot survive many days. W# are sorry to announce that Prof. Hall was detained from liis school a day or two in consequence of getting his foot* kqit'by a falling bench at church last Sab bMI. Be ia getting all fight now, and amne of our boys will ust be “professor'l Mfc. Urn’ll j"t kne thairatara, Unit’s a)L Perhaps get a stripe or two*. ' , m Mr. It E. llok, with Siivey and Dougherty, Atlanta, (Med on us last Monday. Bob is looking well, and say* that be has fine health. He is selling cals ico. This accounts for bis popularity among the girls. In a’ trim# he is in every respect • ‘worthy and well qualified,” a rental and wgrny merits. .1)* diatrict bf the M. E. Church Has been in session here for a few*' days, and was well Htcmtod. On last Sabbath the funeral of Wm. Nelson, who died atone moatbs ago, was preached by 4 the Rev. Mr. Fowler. The meeting closed With a considerable revival spirit among the brethren. We hope that much good* will result from their labors. All persons indebted to me for profes sional services, will please come in and make settlements by the Ist day of Octo ber next, or Urey will find tlioir note* and uccounts in the h irnds man officer tor col lection. A word to the wise is sufficient. Sept t) 1877. . R. Johxson, M. D. Johnson’s militja ,spread,,their preU a expecting tdflKB l fn an other jail-bird, but the bird liad flown- He was roosting on another limb. But they were not without game. Tljey <Jip tqrf| **e pf j th| headless t>f a county we frequently call “our sis ter." They were for taking him, but be .put in a melancholy plea, that the Con Vention had took off hia Imad au<| that they* offght to Spare tlWftiA? IfMt inuigs inc liow ugly he looked that night ami how fast lie chewed liis tobacco. Old fribnd, nn explanation is in order. 1 •< ’ don’t live in our burg, wan passing . - V lylaP along one of our prtnepa! streets a few day s ago wheat of new, rich and rare, greeted his cars, lie turned in, and didn’t step until he was aqua rely in the midst of the circle fbtn which the music seemed to flow. He peeped over a beautiful yoUDg la - shoulder at the instrument until his soul was chock full of anew sensa tion. At last he broke forth: That’s the finest machine I ever seed. That’s a sewing machine—yes, and a singer too.” When he saw the treadle he could account for the music. And when a. lovely picoe was being per formed, he oried out in an exstacy of delight, ‘‘Now she’s a bobbin.” That mao wi|l make bis maik in the world by his inventive genius, and keen sense o f JHf fifthly lea fed ing that another blank leaf was filled up in his cqimnoa place Japok, and wondering bow the world gets along so fust. .i v ' ml w r < Service commenced last Saturday on the mail route from here to Carters e** a* v ' dQb iFw flfc *Jtfi W W# bopb the people will Bee to it that a good road is prepared over this line We have faith to believe that at no distant day this route will be very val liable to us, both as a connection with the railroad at Resacca and with the head Of Steamboat navigation at Car ters. We fully believe that the gov ernment wifi open up the Coo*a river and its tributaries as high as Carters, and.-aU dowf lb Mobile. s And it is not presumption to believe that in a few years the great Western and At lantic Canal yill tap this, and give us the cheapest transportation known to commerce. The completion of a good dirt road to Carters promises us more remuneration in the end than any other similar enterprise that Me know of, and we are satisfied that the peo ple are determined to have this road, It will give us a good route to Dalton. Rome Resacca, Calhoun and (ho west ern and northwestern part of the State generally. Let the work go on. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COURIER Daath of WT F. M. Oroanwny. -W. V. M.'Gr. enwav wan Ihot and killed an \?.ckasday; Ht nit, at Lis 9e3M? . *our,(y.' A bitter ha3 existed between i|ime of liu neighbors for lame time, which has, at last, we tot, culminated m siris trag- dv. tkreecway was a revenue reporter, and f*v his neighbors a great deal -of trouble. Many of them, last winter, tfrrfi incarcerated in the jaßs aud draped through rand aud snow to Carreravilie and Atlanta, through his procurement. He has lime aud again branded by the public press as one of the unprincipled and willing tools that followed in the wake of the revenue officials, in their work of pro scription, incarceration and blank mail. These sets of his, dong with hia gen oMHbtd history, made him very con r *?t*bl ir. the eyes of the people, liut w# thought that an era of peace bad sat io among these people, until a shoft time ago Green way was shot in the bee), from which be shortly after IWjovered. He was flattering himself th*t the tremble was over, when as uu- P* rt J Bent # rifle ball through h ls bojfy. The party in ambush was only a few feet from the object of his hatred when the shot was fired. No snasaenaw disposed to venture an as scrliea as to who the guilty party was. Green way lived about) foul* hours after ■frq -ff XM \is m upd aidr Tie murdered man, with all his faults, did ta ? a x * . , - ‘ ~ aot merit such an end. It vras an un - - -i * w* t~r t wanted aud deliberate murder—coolly plotted and planned, and it betrays a wSfcked and abandoned heart. The pfdilty should be brought to justice, aud satisfy the vengeance of the law. Nothibg 'else will protect society, or security to us from the hands of gjbo'fMaqswr. The public should frown down such cold-blooded and unrelent ing acts, and use every means in its power to vindicate an outraged law. A young man. a sou of Mr. John Gartelt, of this county, whs drowned s few days ago in a millpond in this .ooimty.. He could not 6wim, but thought that by the aid ojT a plauk he could cross the pond. When about the middle of the pond the plank turned sod threw him under, and he never could regain his position. His bfbther made an effurt to save him but in vain. He sank to rise no more. He was finally taken out after be had lain in a watery grave for several hours. The bereaved family have our sympa thies. __ • J ..| %$ • "" Sohool Teaohepe. . A..- . " ■ ' M■ o | To entitle you to the benefit of the pubs lic a school fund you are required to sign a wyitjeu contract with the county Board of Education, and to entitle you to such a contract you are required to furnish the comity (School Commissioner a copy of your contract with patrons and a recom mendation from your trustcecs. But few teachers have complied with above requi sition, and I would say to others, if you expect your schools to be recognized as public schools, bring on your necessary paja-rs and sign up a contract with the county Board of Education, and if there are any persons teaching without lieeuse, you had better apply at once. If you merely teach a school, and do not comply with the requirements of the law and the instructions of the Btate School Commis sipUir, you w ill not be entitled to the bens efit of the public school fund. W. F. Hill, County School Commissioner ) , nrU ; ■ "‘w ‘■ Tlic following gives us an idea of the first settlors of Conneeticutt: ‘No food or lodging shall be offorded to a Quaker, -Adamite, or.otls;-lierotk. i ‘lt any person turus Quaker, he shall be banished, and not suffered to return but . upon pain of death. ‘No Priest shall abide in the Dominion : , he shall be banished and suffer death on his return. Priests may be seized by any one witiiout a warrant. ‘No one shall react Common'Prayer, keep Christmas or Saints-days, make minced pies, dance, play cards, or play on any instrument of music except the Drum,, Trumpet, and Jewsliap. ‘No one shall ran on the day, |or walk in his garden or eleecwbcrc, except reverently to and from meeting. ‘No one shall travel, cook victuals,make beds, sweep house, cut hair or shave on the fMthutla day. ‘No woman shall kiss her child on the Sabbath or fasting day. 5 ‘No man shall court a maid in person or by letter without first obtaining p**nt of her parelhs: sf. penalty for the first f offence ; 10L for the second; and, for the third, imprisonment during the pleasure of the court.—Petcitf JSstory of Connect!* c ntt - _ A Chicago clergyman sayfGod never intended that one man should have one million dollars. Notwithstanding, we do not propose to divide with anybody. Notice. Margaret! £< J.'hnreu va. Jonathan John son. Divorce, tte , in Fannin Superior Court, May Term, 1877. It ap|K>*rin; to the court by the return of the -* he riff that the defendant is not to be touuit in said county, anil that he Joes not reside in aid State. It is on motion of counsel for pSaintitf ordcied l>v the court that the defendant appear person al ly or t>y attorney at the next term of said court and answer in said case, and that tlup order bo piik.isiied in the Killjoy t ourior onco a month lor four months, be fore the next term of this court. This X2d dav of Mar. 1577. ' GKO. X. LEStER. J. S. C. True copy by Horten Craw ford, clenk of said court. Catharine CVdlina, 1 Bill to set aside lease in vs. > Gilmer Superior Oomt Jas. 8. Williams. ) May Term, 1877. It appearing to the Court by the return of thi- alterin' that the defeudant, James 8. Williams, has uot been served, and It further appearing that said James S. Wil liams is not a resident of said county and State so that the process of rhe law can not be served on him. It is on motion of counsel for the plaintiff entered that said defendant appear aud answer at the next term of this Court, else the case be con. eidered in default and the plaintiff allow ed to proceed, and H Is further ordered that this inlt be published in the Ellijay Comic* once a month for tour months. GEO. N. LESTER, J. S. 0. Mariutha C.Colliu9 i Bill to set aside least* in vs. >• Gilmer Superior Court Jaa. S.Williams. > May Terra, 1877. It appearing to the Court bv the return of the Sheriff that the defendant, James S. Williams, has not been served, and it further appearing that said James S. Wib Itams Is hot a resident of said county and Stale so that the process of the law enn uet be served on him. It is on motion of odunsel for the plaintiff ordered thal said defendant appear and answer at tire next tertn-ei' this Court, else the ease be con sidered in default, and the plaintiff allow ed to proetwek and it is further ordered that this ritfe he published in the Ellijay Couriar oiiue a month for four months, GEO. N. LESTTR, J. ti C. Kesiah Jenkins, j Bill toset aside case in vs. > Gilmer Superior Court Jas. S. Williams.) May Term, 1877. It appear ng to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant, Janies S. Williams, has not been served, and it further appearing that said James S. Wil liams is not a resident of said county and State so that the process of the law can not be served on him. It Is on motion of counsel for the pluiutiff ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court, elss the case be con sidered in default and the plaintiff allow ed to proceed, and it is farther ordered that Uiis mio be published in the Ellijay Courier oneea mouth for four months. GEO. N. LESTER, J. B. 0. GEOHGIA, Gilmer county. WHEREAS, It is siiown to this court that Isaac Cantrell, deceased, late of said -county, died intestate, leaving a considera ble estate, bftth real and personal, and that it will bo necessary in securing the rights of creditors and heirs at law, to administer upon the same; and, whereas, Isaac Bur leson makes application to be appointed administratin' of the estate of the said de ceased. This is, therefore, to cite all pets sons concerned—the next of kin and cred itors—to show cause, if any they can, .at tiie next Term of this court, why letters of administration should not be granted the applicant,, on said estate, in conformity to law. W itness my hand and official signature, this September 3, 1877: • 38-4 t v J* P* Alubn, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Gilmer county. Will be sold berore the Court House door, in the town of Ellijay, in said county, on Tuesday, the 2d day of October next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz : Lot of laud No. thirtysone, (31), in the twelvth (12), dis trict and second (2) section of said county. Levied on as the property of B. F. Grayitt, to satisfy a fbfa, issued from a justice court, in and for the 1035th district, G. M, in said county, in favoi of John Roe. Levy made by G. W. Watkins, L. V., and returned to G. H. Kandcll, former Sheriff. This September 1, 1877. t . J • li. Jonxsos, Sheriff. GEORGIA, Gilmer county. V. HEREAB, Jesse Burrell, of said county is the / taker up of an estray cow, and, wuereas, the said cow has been ap praised and described as follows, by J. F. M. 'Vest and Maxwell Chastain, two free holders of said comity, viz.: A red cow, with white on the belly; age ten or twelve years; car-marks; crop and onderbit ia the left, and slit and Onderbit in the right ear; horns a little crumpled and a little tipped; a small gimlet horn; wears a bell. Cow and bell v:tiued at ten dollars; and the said Burrell makes affidavit that lie has not ciiaugod the marks and that they sire Correct, This is, therefore, to no* tify all persons claiming sakl cow, to come forward, prove property, pay costs and Charges and fake said property away, or I shall direct the Sheriff of said county, or someone duly authorized, to sell said cow on the premises of the taker up at public outcry, ou Monday, the 10th of September. Witness my hand and seal of office, this August 28, 1877. .1. C. Allen, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Gilmer county. I will sell before the court house door, in the Eliijny, -in said county, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale, the following prop eity, to-wit: One light iron gray mare mule, levied on as the property of M M. Parks, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from the Sujierior court of said county, in favor of the officers of court, viz.: M. M. Parke Guardian of John Parks deceased. Levy mat!" and returned by me. Prop erty pointed out by defendant. This September 8, 1877. J. R. Johnson, Sheriff. H* R. FOOT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLIJAY, GA. PRACTICES IN THE BLUE IiIDGE 1 Circuit, (fives attention to claims against the United States Government. Also, Land Arjent, Dailies wishing to buy or sell land in any of the Cherokee Counties can address or call on Uni at Lllijav. Tm imm comin. ! " L ~ Issned Every T„e*dny 9 At $1.50 Per Annum,in Advance, AT ELLIJA F, GILMER COUNT GEO. BY -T. O. ALLEN. IN calling the attention of tho pabfio to the imp irtanoo of subioribing for the COURIER, wo do bo with the firm conviotion that its interests are the ;■ k t.O ■ **. f * f Interests of Every Man, Woman and Child in North Georgia, ITS LINE OF POLITICAL POLICY is not intended to be sectional, but * ts purposes are to VINDICATE TRUTH, UPHOLD RIGHT, AND EX- I OSE CORRUPTION AND CRIME in all the departments of governmon t Ihe organ of no particular oroed, suet or dogma, it will inoourage good morals * *■ . and higher education, and the useful arts. Our Agricultural, Minorol and Man- aoturing advantages will be a tert for labor and thought. North Georgia, with r. ,W| f " hor fertile Valleys, her Mountains of Iron, Marble and Slate, her Water Power Fine Timber, and her Railroad Interests, will come within the scope of our ed itorial labors, and be ewhibited to the practical minds of the country. To DEVELOP NORTH GEORGIA, and add to the material prosperity and wealth of tho whole State, will be tho inoentivc to our greatest oxertions. Our Kates of Advertising will be Liberal* And Special Arrangements Made on tho Best of Terms. 1" .u # . • *" u! \ j .<i \ A' Only Paper in tbe 41st Senatorial District, And in the counties of Gilmer, Towns, Union, Fannin, Pickens, Dawson and Murray, which lie in our immediate vicinity. Merchants, Factors and Business 1 . Men generally will find it to their interest to Advertise in our columns Make up Clubs. Sample Numbers Free, I Subscribe at once, and this useful, instructive and live-spirited paper will prove a welcome visitor to every roader in North Georgia, and throughout the State. Every family should have a copy. ONLY $1.50 PER ANNUM Send Subscriptions and Advertisement Address all communications to JT. O. ALLEN, Ellijay, Ou, WBMTITfIEJIT! SHIP YOUR WHEAT TO HORN & McGHEES, ROME, GA., ffillEY will furnishlyou seamless sacks, and sell your wheat on commission for tie* A idghest market price. If you want to get the highest prices, shi.j early. Corres* pondeuce solicited. All communications will be answered promptly. HORN A McGHEES, CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, WIIIGU THEY ARE SELLING AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. X V TH HW MUM! WE Inform the citiaeua of OOaier and adjoining countlan, that we are now Wated at Kll(jny, where we ora prepared to manufacture BUGGIES**’ WAGONS, ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. REi AlftlXii doiiL witli DORtncN Aid dispatch. Out Glncksmith Shop ta now in good order, and we can make anything in our line. HORSE-SHOEING IS MADE A SPECIALTY. GOOD 2-HORSE WAGON $75, And BUGOTB3 fruinSKVEHTT-FIVI I>UI.LaUS and upwarda. all kinds of Farming Itnplnmento made to order or repaired. Coffins constantly band. NOBLE * CO. m7-ly ILUJtr SHOUT The exercises of this Institution will open August, 13, 1877, for the nobateatle year, under ihe professsrship of J. H. Hutsell, A. 8., and J W, Davenport and Miss Mattie E. Miraiii, associate*. The sebob astir year will consist of TWO TERMS of TWENTY WEEKS EACH. TUITION: Primary Department, per term, - SO.OO Intermediate “ “ • . _ Iligli School *' “ •> _ _ 10.00 Academic “ “ _ _ isioo Contingent Fee •* _ _ ()o THE MUSICAL DEPARTMEMT will be in ohorge ol Miss Gertrude Hut sell. All pupils entitled will RECEIVE THE BENEFITS OF THE I'UBLIC SCHOOL FIJNI) during the lirsl scaaion. Every effort will l;e made to reach the Peabody fund, which, If secured, will be deducted from the tuition. The course of liistructien will lie thor ough and complete in every deimrtmet. Thu facilities of this institutfen and the advantages offered by it are uot excelled by any similar institution in the country. A high standard of discipline in thl* school will be rigidly adhered to, and impartially enforced. This section, en account of the salubri ous atmosphere its flue water and b*au titul scenery, with Its freedom from vices, so common to towns and cities, may justly he rogarded as offering very supe rior moral and educational advantage*. No umrituous liquors being sold In the vicinity. Text-books wm he uniform and se* lectod item the best authors. Students will be charged frtna time at entrance to close of session, Special Notice —to— OFFICERS, LAWYERS —and other — BUSINESS XEN OF OIEMEB COOITT Alhin Omberg, the Bookseller, Station* er and Binder, of Home, (la., is selling alt kinds of Legal Blanks at BEVENTY KIV K OFNtS per Quire. FIRST-CLASS JOURNALS. ssssss READ THIS I Only One Dollar! For on-; dollar the SAVANNAH WEEK* LY NEWS will be sent, postage paid to uny address for six montlrn. It is one of the Cheapest papers published, and is • welcome visitor to the counting room, fire ide or farm. It is a neatly printed' four page sheet, compactly made up, slid contains the political and current news the wcek;a comprehensive summary of the telegraphic dispatches and local news, and interesting sketches and stories- It also contains full reports of the markets. Thus, those who have not the advantage of a. tlaily mail can get tbe news for six months by sending Ons Dollar. It is jtst tub I*APBB FOR EVURTBOnv INTKIfSSTBO IK GeohOia and Florida. It will be well invested, and will educate your children and make home happy. Money for either paper can be sent by Post Office order reg*> istered letter or Express, at publisher’s risk. Address J. H. E3TILL, Savannah, Ga. mexa' amsE. Oartorsville, Goer;*?. JOSHUA SUMNER, Tkopkietok THE accommodations and fare at this liouse aie unsurpassed in this section, and the t atc as low as the lowest.